Persuasive discourse in language style in You C 1000 advertisements.



Wicaksana, Yosua Adi (2016). Persuasive Discourse in Language Style in You C 1000 Advertisements. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University

Advertisements are one of persuasive discourses that are extensively used in our daily lives. Those are found in magazines, newspapers, leaflets, billboards, televisions, and radios, offering various products, services, or ideas. As a branch of stylistics, advertisements have two characteristics which differentiate them from other discourses, such as the typical linguistic features and the persuasion techniques.

This research studied two research problems. The first was to classify and analyze the linguistic features which were used in advertisements. The second one was to identify the persuasion techniques used by the copywriter to advertise the products in advertisements.

This research used content analysis and was categorized as a qualitative research. To answer the first research problem, the researcher used theory which was proposed by Grey (2008) to categorize the words or the sentences into some linguistic features of advertising language. The second research problem was answered by classifying the persuasion techniques proposed by Kleppner (1986).

Based on the data, the researcher found that the copywriter did not use all of the linguistic features to advertise the You C 1000 product. The simplicity which was made in those advertisements was clearly understood based on the persuasion techniques which were used. Furthermore, this research could be used as an authentic example of teaching and learning English advertisement and gave more information about the use of linguistic features and persuasion techniques in advertisements.




Wicaksana, Yosua Adi (2016). Persuasive Discourse in Language Style in You C 1000 Advertisements. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma

Iklan merupakan salah satu dari wacana persuasi yang digunakan secara luas di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Iklan banyak ditemukan dalam majalah, koran, leaflet, papan iklan, televisi, bahkan radio, serta menawarkan bermacam-macam produk, jasa, atau ide. Sebagai salah satu dari variasi bahasa, iklan mempunyai dua ciri yang membedakannya dari wacana lain, yaitu tipe aspek linguistik dan teknik persuasi.

Penelitian ini mempelajari tentang dua permasalahan penelitian. Yang pertama adalah untuk mengklasifikasikan dan menganalisa aspek-aspek linguistik yang digunakan dalam iklan. Yang kedua adalah untuk mengidentifikasi teknik-teknik persuasi yang digunakan oleh penulis naskah iklan untuk mengiklankan produk –produk iklan.

Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis isi dan termasuk dalam kategori penelitian kualitatif. Untuk menjawab permasalahan yang pertama, peneliti menggunakan teori yang diusung oleh Grey (2008) untuk mengategorikan kata-kata atau kalimat-kalimat ke dalam aspek linguistik bahasa iklan. Permasalahan yang kedua dijawab dengan mengklasifikasikan teknik persuasi yang diusung oleh Kleppner (1986).

Berdasar pada data yang didapat, peneliti menemukan bahwa penulis naskah iklan tidak menggunakan semua aspek linguistik untuk mengiklankan produk You C 1000. Tujuan iklan yang dibuat dimengerti dengan jelas berdasarkan teknik persuasi yang digunakan. Selanjutnya, penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai bukti nyata dari kegiatan belajar mengajar tentang materi-materi bahasa iklan, dan memberi informasi tentang penggunaan aspek linguistik dan teknik persuasi pada iklan.

Kata kunci: advertisements, You C 1000, linguistic features, persuasion techniques





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Yosua Adi Wicaksana Student Number: 111214176







Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Yosua Adi Wicaksana Student Number: 111214176






When the obstacles come, don’t forget to smile!

Keep on Fighting!!





Wicaksana, Yosua Adi (2016). Persuasive Discourse in Language Style in You C 1000 Advertisements. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University

Advertisements are one of persuasive discourses that are extensively used in our daily lives. Those are found in magazines, newspapers, leaflets, billboards, televisions, and radios, offering various products, services, or ideas. As a branch of stylistics, advertisements have two characteristics which differentiate them from other discourses, such as the typical linguistic features and the persuasion techniques.

This research studied two research problems. The first was to classify and analyze the linguistic features which were used in advertisements. The second one was to identify the persuasion techniques used by the copywriter to advertise the products in advertisements.

This research used content analysis and was categorized as a qualitative research. To answer the first research problem, the researcher used theory which was proposed by Grey (2008) to categorize the words or the sentences into some linguistic features of advertising language. The second research problem was answered by classifying the persuasion techniques proposed by Kleppner (1986).

Based on the data, the researcher found that the copywriter did not use all of the linguistic features to advertise the You C 1000 product. The simplicity which was made in those advertisements was clearly understood based on the persuasion techniques which were used. Furthermore, this research could be used as an authentic example of teaching and learning English advertisement and gave more information about the use of linguistic features and persuasion techniques in advertisements.



Wicaksana, Yosua Adi (2016). Persuasive Discourse in Language Style in You C 1000 Advertisements. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma

Iklan merupakan salah satu dari wacana persuasi yang digunakan secara luas di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Iklan banyak ditemukan dalam majalah, koran, leaflet, papan iklan, televisi, bahkan radio, serta menawarkan bermacam-macam produk, jasa, atau ide. Sebagai salah satu dari variasi bahasa, iklan mempunyai dua ciri yang membedakannya dari wacana lain, yaitu tipe aspek linguistik dan teknik persuasi.

Penelitian ini mempelajari tentang dua permasalahan penelitian. Yang pertama adalah untuk mengklasifikasikan dan menganalisa aspek-aspek linguistik yang digunakan dalam iklan. Yang kedua adalah untuk mengidentifikasi teknik-teknik persuasi yang digunakan oleh penulis naskah iklan untuk mengiklankan produk –produk iklan.

Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis isi dan termasuk dalam kategori penelitian kualitatif. Untuk menjawab permasalahan yang pertama, peneliti menggunakan teori yang diusung oleh Grey (2008) untuk mengategorikan kata-kata atau kalimat-kalimat ke dalam aspek linguistik bahasa iklan. Permasalahan yang kedua dijawab dengan mengklasifikasikan teknik persuasi yang diusung oleh Kleppner (1986).

Berdasar pada data yang didapat, peneliti menemukan bahwa penulis naskah iklan tidak menggunakan semua aspek linguistik untuk mengiklankan produk You C 1000. Tujuan iklan yang dibuat dimengerti dengan jelas berdasarkan teknik persuasi yang digunakan. Selanjutnya, penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai bukti nyata dari kegiatan belajar mengajar tentang materi-materi bahasa iklan, dan memberi informasi tentang penggunaan aspek linguistik dan teknik persuasi pada iklan.

Kata kunci: advertisements, You C 1000, linguistic features, persuasion techniques



It has been a long-winded journey I went through to finish my thesis. Fortunately, there were many people who walked beside me to strengthen and encourage me in facing every single obstacle during the process of finishing this thesis as one of the steps I had to take. I would like to sincerely express my gratitude to those kind-hearted people.

First of all, I thank the Almighty Jesus Christ for His never ending blessing to me so finally I can reach the edge of my years in the ELESP of Sanata Dharma University by finishing this thesis. I would have never done it vigorously without His grace.

Profound appreciation is addressed to my thesis advisor, F.X. Ouda Teda Ena, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ed.D., for being very patient in guiding me. I thank him for spending his valuable time to critically read my writing and to give comments to improve my thesis.

Besides my advisor, I would like to thank Miss Yuseva Ariyani Iswandari, S.Pd., M.Ed., my academic advisor, who has always supported and motivated me with her teasing.

My sincere gratitude also goes to all ELESP batch 2011 mates, especially Cabbage Hair Crew, Opek, Kimcil, Gembel, Gege, Hanung, Alex, Yoga, Malik, and Eka for having the same struggle, sharing with each other, and for our dynamic togetherness.

Special thanks go to my family. Words cannot express how grateful I am for my father, Bartholomeus Budi Windarto and my mother, Purwati Rahayu


Vinsensia for all of the sacrifices that they have made on my behalf. I thank my elder sister and her husband Mbak Tia and Mas Fanny, my younger sister, Teti, my grandmother, Emak, and also my special girlfriend, Ega. Their prayers for me were what sustained me thus far.

Finally, I give indebtedness to everyone I could not mention here for their support, prayers, and help throughout the entire process. Nothing can express my gratitude. God counts them among His belongings.




TITLE PAGE…..………...………i





ABSTRACT ... vii

ABSTRAK ... viii







A. Research Background ... 1

B. Research Problems ... 4

C. Problem Limitation ... 4

D. Research Objectives ... 5

E. Research Benefits ... 5

F. Definition of Terms ... 6


A. Theoretical Description ... 8



A. Research Methods... 23

B. Research Setting ... 24

C. Research Subjects ... 25

D. Research Instrument and Data Gathering Technique ... 25

E. Data Analysis Technique ... 26

F. Research Procedures ... 28


A. The Linguistic Features of You C 1000 Advertisements ... 30

1. The Lexical Features of You C 1000 Advertisements ... 30

2. The Syntactic Features of You C 1000 Advertisements ... 36

B. The Persuasion Technique of You C 1000 Advertisements ... 41


A. Conclusions ... 45

B. Recommendations ... 47




Page Table 3.1 The Hyperbole of Miss Universe‟s Version of

You C 1000 Advertisements ………...…… 27 Table 3.2 The Checklist of Persuasion Techniques in



Page Figure 4.1.1 The Lexical Features of You C 1000 Advertisements………. 31 Figure 4.1.2 The Syntactic Features of You C 1000 Advertisements…….. 37 Figure 4.2 The Persuasion Techniques of You C 1000 Advertisements… 41



Page Appendix A. The Transcript of Miss Universe‟s Version of

You C 1000 Advertisements ……... 53 Appendix B. The Data Analysis of Miss Universe‟s Version of




In this chapter, the researcher discusses the background of the research. Background of the research contains the reason why the researcher chose this topic and a brief introduction of theories of advertisement language. The next parts of this chapter are the research problems in which the questions are formulated, the problem limitation which limits the scope of this research, the research objectives which contain expected outcomes from this research, the research benefits which identify the contribution from this research, and the definition of terms which contains useful terms used in this research. Each of them will be described and presented in this chapter.

A. Research Background

As social being, people cannot live without others. People live in togetherness for fulfilling each other. Therefore, people need a language as a tool and medium of communication to interact with others. The role of language has become very important in the world. Through language, people are able to express their feelings. By using language, people deliver their feelings whether they feel good or bad, other people are be able to catch the messages from the senders. As what Whardaugh (1997, p. 7) says that language allows people to say things to each other and express their communicative needs. The needs appear in many terms, including social, education, politics, entertainments, and advertisements.


However, people can be rude and mad because of the misinterpretation and misunderstanding on what the other people actually say. In this case, people must have a deeper knowledge about language and its function.

Nowadays, mass media hold an important role to meet companies‟

needs. Every company needs media to introduce their products to the consumers. Mass media can be in the form of pamphlets, brochures, advertisements, and many more. How companies present their products through mass media is considered as an important thing. It is because the consumers often judge certain products from what they understand by seeing the mass media first before using the products. Kertajaya (1997) also adds that consumers are basically familiar with the brand instead of the product itself. Consumers will comment spontaneously on the advertised products of companies whether the products are good or not. Mostly, consumers give some judgments based on what other people

say without trying to use the products first. Automatically, the consumers‟

judgments can affect the image of the companies themselves.

One of the mass media which becomes most well-known is advertisement. Many companies use advertisements for particular aims. As what Taylor, Anita, Rosegrant, Meyer, & Samples (1990) say that the functions of advertisements are to create consumers‟ awareness and product differentiation, to

create consumers‟ good will, to reinforce existing behavior, and to make sales. To

achieve their profits, many companies use broadcast advertisements because people are already familiar with many kinds of advertisements in television, internet, and radio.


Since Keegan (2003) mentions that advertisement is defined as any sponsored paid communication placed in mass medium vehicle (p. 153), there are many kinds of advertisements which are made in creative forms. For example, there are advertisements of cosmetics, cigarettes, food, and many more. It is assumed that language plays its role as the predominant means of communication in advertisements.

Based on the aim of advertisement to persuade people to buy the product, an advertisement must imply persuasive power. According to Grey (2008), advertisers often use some linguistic features, such as hyperbole, repetition, neologism, glamorization, and some syntactic features, such as short sentence, long noun phrase, use of imperative, and ambiguity to convey the persuasive message of advertisement. Besides, advertisers also need to use some

strategies in order to steal the audiences‟ attention as the consumers‟ target. The

use of certain strategies in making advertisements can influence consumers‟ point of view on the product itself. Choosing the right persuasion techniques is a must for the advertisers if they want the audiences buy the advertised products. Not only for the advertisers, but this knowledge is also important for the audiences to know the language used and the techniques of persuasion in order to choose the better one to consume. It is why the researcher is interested in choosing this topic because the researcher observed the use of language in advertisement of a product

can affect the consumers‟ perception to buy the product. This research focuses on the linguistic features and the persuasion techniques which are used in vitamin drink advertisements.


B. Research Problems

The researcher has formulated two problems for this research. The problems of this research are formulated as follows:

1. What are the linguistic features of Miss Universe‟s version of You C 1000 advertisements?

2. What kinds of persuasion techniques were used by the Miss Universe‟s version of You C 1000 advertisements?

C. Problem Limitation

The limitation of this research is to discover the answers to the two research problems. This research mainly discusses and analyzes the characteristics of advertisement language such as the linguistic features and the persuasion techniques which are used. The researcher analyzes the linguistic features based on the theory proposed by Grey (2008) in his Language in Use. The linguistic features of vitamin drink advertisements are specified into two parts; those are the lexical features and syntactic features. Then, to discuss about persuasion

technique types, the researcher uses Kleppner‟s theory (1986). The analysis is directed towards the English utterances or spoken words in vitamin drink advertisement namely You C 1000. This brand is chosen because You C 1000 is one of local vitamin drink products which are able to compete in global market. Since the speaker is also important for the advertisement, You C 1000 is the first vitamin drink which endorses Miss Universe as the icon of this product. Besides, they are native speakers, the script of You C 1000 advertisements which were also delivered in English. Furthermore, it is rarely found that the advertisements which


describe the whole information of their product using English. The advertisements mostly use English only in their tag lines.

D. Research Objectives

Based on the research problems above, this research is expected to come with two objectives. Those are stated as follows:

1. To classify and analyze the linguistic features of Miss Universe‟s version of You C 1000 advertisements.

2. To identify the persuasion techniques used by the Miss Universe‟s version of You C 1000 advertisements.

E. Research Benefits

Considering the problems and the objectives of this research, the researcher expected that this research might be able to give some benefits to: 1. Readers

The readers have deeper knowledge about language features and the techniques of persuasion in advertisements. It helps the readers to get the point of the advertisers when the readers are watching even in hearing some advertisements.

2. Students of English Department

This research is useful for the study of English linguistics or literature. The ELESP students are expected to understand the features of language and the persuasion techniques in advertisements. This research may appear as an idea to study stylistics using advertisements or to give the students some references to study the language deeper.


3. The English lectures, teachers, and educators

The results of this research are expected to be a contribution or additional data for teaching linguistics or other related subjects. Particularly, it is hoped to be an outline to teach the language elements of functional texts, especially advertisements. It can be a learning medium to give a good example of alternative interesting learning, because learning is not only from books.

4. Other or future researchers

The researcher hopes that the results of this research can give sufficient information for future linguistic researchers who want to conduct the same topic about advertisements. This research is able to be an additional reference to comprehend more about language styles, features and the techniques of persuasion which are used in advertisements.

F. Definition of Terms

To avoid misinterpretation and to have better understanding of this research, some terms will be defined. In this part, the researcher also provides the explanation of special terms used. The following definitions aim to help the readers to comprehend the contents of this research:

1. Persuasive Discourse

Persuasion is defined as human communication designed to influence others by modifying their beliefs, values, or attitudes (Simons, 1976: 21). From this definition it is noticed that there are three crucial points. First, persuasion is one of human communication forms in which there are exchanges of messages between human beings; which involves acts, whether verbal or non-verbal,


spoken or written, explicit or implicit, face to face or via indirect media such as televisions, magazines, newspapers, pamphlets, and the like. Second, it involves attempted influence. From psychological point of view, to influence another means to alter his or her behavior in preferred ways (Simons, 1976: 20). Third, persuasion is aimed at modifying not only overt behavior in preferred ways, but also beliefs, values, and/ or attitudes. Attitudes are judgments about how to act; beliefs are judgments about what is true or probable; values are abstract judgments about such matter as what is moral, important, beautiful, and the like.

From the explanations above, it can be concluded that persuasion means a type of discourse that attempts to influence others by modifying their beliefs, ideas, and attitudes. The examples of persuasive discourse are debates, political campaigns, and advertisements.

2. Language Style

According to Verdonk (2002), style in language is a set of conscious or unconscious choices of expression, inspired or induced by particular context. In this research, language style is a general term which refers to the linguistic features. Those linguistic features are lexical features and syntactic features, such as hyperbole, weasel words, imperative, and long noun phrase.

3. Persuasion Technique

According to Ross (1994), persuasion is a process of skillfully and ethnically using logical thoughts, effective appeals, credibility and ethnical proof to influence and motivate others to responds as you wish them to (p. 68). Besides, a persuasion technique is a strategy that is used to persuade people.




This chapter is to review some theories of terms related to the problem and to formulate the theoretical framework. Therefore, this chapter is divided into two subtopics namely theoretical description and theoretical framework. Theoretical description is to describe the theoretical issues related to the problem and theoretical framework is to explain the thread of the theories to formulate the orientation of the research.

A. Theoretical Description

In this part, the theories which are used for analyzing this research will be delivered. And the theories which are going to be used are sociolinguistics, advertisement, language style of advertisement, and persuasion technique.

1. Sociolinguistics

According to Yule (2010, p. 254), sociolinguistics is a part of linguistic study which focuses on language which is dealing with social and cultural phenomenon in one society. It usually explores the field of language, society, and things which are related to social sciences, especially psychology, anthropology, and sociology. Trudgill (2000, p. 32) also adds that the study of sociolinguistics is related to cultural phenomenon so that it can affect the way people speak or talk since it is determined by the social context. The idea is strengthened by Holmes


(2013) which states that people who study linguistics will probably concern on

describing people‟s different ways of speaking in different social contexts. The sociolinguists also try to investigate the use of language to convey messages.

As language functions to convey messages, there must be social interactions between the members of community. Those social interactions can indicate the relationship of the people who are involved. In other words, since communication uses language as its main means, of course it will involve the distinctive personality, attitudes, and beliefs, and emotions of the speakers in the society. Therefore, there are two important objects to be identified in sociolinguistics. Those are the use of language and the society that uses the language. Since sociolinguistics contains two objects of study, this research focuses on the language used in advertisement; the language used which is related to the linguistic study and advertisement which is related to the social study. 2. Advertisement

This section provides theories related to advertisement, namely definition of advertisement, types of advertisement, and the functions of advertisement.

a. Definition of Advertisement

Wodak (2007) states that advertisement is referred to a form of discourse in the sense that is influenced not only structure of language and the modality of lifestyle, but also the content of routine daily acts of communicative exchanges. People are familiar with advertisement as in newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, and brochures. The advertisements which fill the pages of those media known by


printed advertisements. Besides, commercials interrupt television and radio program constantly. As Beasley and Danesi (2002) pointed out those brand names, logos, trademark, jingles, and slogans or taglines have become part of the

“mental encyclopedia” of virtually everyone who lives in modern society (p. 1). It implies that the language of advertisement and people‟s lifestyle are related to each other by of communication.

b. Types of Advertisement

Cook (2001) categorizes advertisements according to several criteria. First, advertisement is categorized by its medium, for instance newspaper, magazines, radio, television, and internet. Second, advertisement is categorized by product or service, for instance luxuries versus household necessities, product advertisements versus non-product advertisements. Third, it is categorized by technique, for instance, the hard-sell advertisement that makes a direct appeal to the prospective buyer and the soft-sell advertisement that works through indirectness and implication. Fourth, advertisement is categorized by consumer that is considered as the most important factor for an advertisement to succeed. c. Functions of Advertisement

Taylor (1986) states there are some functions of advertisements. Those functions are to create consumer awareness and product differentiation, to create consumer good-will, to reinforce the existing behavior, and to make sales. An advertisement, as a marketing tool, has the main role of persuading people to encourage purchasing. Encouraging people to purchase goods and services is the main role of advertising. Some industries rely on advertising more than others. A


cereal company, for instance must advertise more aggressively, due to the wide array of competing products, than a power company that faces little competition. Advertisers often influence members of society to purchase products based on instilling a feeling of scarcity or lack. Rodgers (2012) adds that advertisement is a brand building which means it creates and beliefs about brands in consumers‟ minds (p. 5).

3. Language Style of Advertisement

Stylistics is a branch of applied linguistics concerned with the study of style in texts. According to Wales (2001), the goal of most stylistics is not simply to describe the formal features of texts for their own sake, but in order to show their functional significance for the interpretation of the text; or in order to relate

literary effects to linguistic „causes‟ where these are felt to be relevant. Moreover,

Simpson (2004) states that stylistics has two caveats. The first is that creativity and innovation in language use should not be seen as the exclusively preserve of literary writing. Many forms of discourse (advertising, journalism, popular music-even casual conversation) often display a high degree of stylistic dexterity, such that it would be wrong to view dexterity in language use as exclusively to canonical literature. The second caveat is that the techniques of stylistic analysis are as much about deriving insights about linguistic structure and function as they are about understanding literary texts. Short (1995) also adds that the main aim of stylistic analysis is to explicate how our understanding of a text is achieved, by examining in detail the linguistic organization of the text and how a reader needs to interact with that linguistic organization to make sense of it. Often, such a


detailed examination of a text reveals new aspects of interpretation or helps us to see more clearly how a text achieves what it does.

An advertisement has its own particular language style. The style of advertisement deals with the stylistics, especially linguistic features. As written in the book Language in Use, Grey (2008) differentiates the linguistic features of advertisement language style into two parts. Those are lexical features and syntactic features.

a. Lexical Features

Lexical features, especially the use of certain words, present advertisements to be more unique. Lexical features make advertisers reconsider

the diction of advertisements to grab consumers‟ attention and willingness.

1) Hyperbole

Leech (1972) states that hyperbole is often concerned with personal values and sentiments. It is used to vary the expression of personal feelings and opinion. Frequently, hyperbole uses adjectives and adverbs. In general, people use hyperbole to exaggerate something, especially in describing something in exaggerating manner, for instance, the use of more, new, great, slim, real, fresh, and improved in some advertisement slogans.

2) Neologism

Grey (2008) defines a neologism as a new word or an expression which is created by joining two or more word parts together to create an entirely new word. Neologism may also have novelty impact. For example, Volvocracy is a neologism of people in the government who deal with democracy and drive


Volvos. The sother examples are Beanz Meanz Heinz, Cookability, Schweppervescence, Tangoed, Wonderfuel.

3) Weasel Word

Weasel word is a modifier that practically negates the claim that follows. According to Grey (2008), a weasel word suggests a meaning without actually being specific. These are some words which are used as weasel words, such as helps, like, up to, part of, virtually, enriched, worth, fresh, tested, traditional, guaranteed, organic and scientific. For example, totally different makes the

consumers raise a question „different from what?‟ but there is no exact

explanation of that question. 4) Familiar Language

The pronoun you is often used in advertisements to show more friendly attitudes toward consumers. Grey (2008) says that the use of that pronoun makes the audience feel to be involved within the advertisement. For instances, the slogan of Nissan, SHIFT_the way you move and Microsoft‟s slogan Your potential. Our passion. show that the use of pronoun you, your, and our give friendly attitude to the consumers.

5) Simple Vocabulary

Grey (2008) also states that the language of advertisements should enable the audience to always remember the words. It can be said that advertisement must be simple, brief, and clear. This simplicity has also to be attractive to make the consumers can easily understand what the advertiser


means. The goal of the advertisement will be smoothly received when the consumers understand what they are reading or hearing the slogan at once. 6) Repetition

According to Grey (2008) repetition is usually used to make the brand‟s name or brand‟s slogan more interesting. Repetition also mostly appears in

written parts. There are three types of repetition. They are alliteration, rhyme, and rhythm. Alliteration is the repetition in the initial consonant sound of a word to produce rhythmical and musical effect. Rhyme is a pattern of identity of sound between words extending from the end to the last fully accented vowel. Rhythm is a regular pattern produced by varying the stressed and unstressed syllables of the words.

7) Euphemism

Based on Grey‟s explanation (2008), euphemism is a type of figurative

language which carries connotative meaning. For example, to say that somebody is a smelly person, people can use the euphemism body odor. The other example is clean round the bend for a toilet cleaner. Body odor and clean round the bend sound better because those can avoid saying an unpleasant word.

8) Humor

Humor is a quality in something that makes it funny. Humor is useful to attract and to entertain the audience. Grey (2008) also states that humor can be verbal or visual, but aims to show the product positively. Humor can gain


instead of something serious. The product also becomes more interesting because of the use of humor.

9) Glamorization

The words employed in advertisements are modified in such a way by combining the words which are uncommonly used in daily speaking is one way to give glamorization touch in advertisements. Grey (2008) gives an example of glamorization, like old house becomes charming, characterful, olde worlde, or unique. Like small house becomes compact, bijou, snug or manageable. The use of those words will make the house become more interesting. It will be interesting to say charming house instead of old house and compact house instead of small house.

10) Potency

Grey (2008) suggests that potential words are those which are able to give new value, novelty or immediacy. Potential words are able to influence the audience. Ogilvy as is quotes by Grey (2008) identifies the words free, now, how to, suddenly, announcing, introducing, it’s here, just arrived, important development, improvement, amazing, sensational, remarkable, revolutionary, startling, miracle, magic, offer, quick, easy, wanted, challenge, compare, bargain, hurry, and last chance as the potential words.

b. Syntactic Features

Syntactic features deal with the categories of words having the same grammatical properties. Grey (2008) classifies syntactic features of advertisement based on the emergence of similar grammatical structure in the form of phrase.


The simplicity of advertising language can be easily seen from the syntactic features of advertisement.

1) Short Sentence

A short sentence gives a clearness impact for the audience when they hear the utterances in advertisements. The impact is usually at beginning of text, often using bold or large type for the headline, tagline, and slogan. The purpose of

this is to capture the audience‟s attention. For example, a tagline of insurance

company is Arrange your insurance with NFU. That tagline uses short sentence but it has clear and complete information as the consumers want to know.

2) Long Noun Phrase

Grey (2008) says that a long noun phrase describes the advertised products in three or more words or two or more independent phrases to impress the audience. Long noun phrases frequent use pre and post modifiers for descriptions. It can make consumers feel that the advertised product has many special qualities if it is compared to other similar types of product. For the

examples, the slogan of BMW “The ultimate driving machine” and Mercedes‟ slogan “Engineered like no other car in the world” indicate the use of long noun phrase.

3) Ambiguity

There is a phrase or a sentence which has more than one cognitive meaning. It is called an ambiguous phrase or sentence. Leech (1972) differentiates between lexical ambiguity which consists of grammatical homonymy and grammatical polysemy. Grey (2008) adds that ambiguity may be syntactic or


semantic (puns for example). The use of ambiguity may make a phrase memorable and re-readable. For instance, the product which has the ambiguity

features is the Apple‟s slogan “Think Different”. Apple‟s slogan avoids using the word “differently”, even though the adverb might have been more grammatically correct, because its intended message is to make the audience think about


4) Use of Imperative

An imperative can be used to make an order. Advertisers use an imperative to make the audience act or do something, including buy or use the advertised product. For example, the imperative used in a poster of newly launched cassette album, Grab it now! Buy it now! That imperative suggests the audience to buy the cassette album.

5) Simple and Colloquial Language

This kind of language is only used in informal expressions. Grey (2008) assumes that colloquial expressions do not bear the meaning they normally have. For example, it ain’t half good. That sentence looks very informal because of the use of ain’t which can indicate the presence of simple and colloquial language. In fact, it is often complex and it is impressed ambiguous.

6) Present Tense

A present tense gives as if the condition is real whenever the audience sees or hears the advertisements. Grey (2008) says that a present tense implies a universal timelessness. It makes the audience will see or hear that sentence like in the real time.


7) Syntactic Parallelism

Leech (1972) defines parallelism as a repetition of formal patterns of two or more similar ideas in similar structural forms. For example, stay dry, stay happy. The word stay is repeated to make the sentence more interesting for the audience because the similar pattern.

8) Association

Advertisements should associate the positive side of the product to something else. It is sometimes indicated by the words like and as. For example fresh as a mountain stream. The freshness is associated with a mountain stream although those are two different things.

9) Ellipsis

Goddard (2002, p. 123) defines ellipsis as “the omission of part of a

structure.” This definition also strengthened by Cook (1996) which says one of

aims of the use ellipsis is to create the sense of informality. Automatically, the use of ellipsis makes the complete sentence becomes to be an incomplete sentence. As long as it is used in the right track, for example it is used in advertising or in other an informal language, it is helpful for the advertiser or the audiences.

10) Incomplete Sentence

Grey (2008) identifies an incomplete sentence as one of the linguistic features of advertisements. Using an incomplete sentence helps the audience to catch the main point of advertisements. Incomplete sentence or more familiar called fragments totally help the advertiser to send the message because it can save space and emphasize the points; it can be more conversational and a better


idea to call an action. For example, when there is a company gives a customer a

call of action like “Visit our Website!” It is more effective instead of its complete

sentence “We want you to visit our website for more information.”

4. Persuasion Techniques

Kleppner (1986) proposes an idea of the classification of persuasion techniques based on the marketing situation and human characteristics. The main consideration of those three techniques is the product existence in the marketing

area and how people‟s attitude towards the product. These are three techniques of persuasion: pioneering stage, competitive stage, and retentive stage.

a. Pioneering Stage

This technique is used to introduce a product which has been just released. Typically, advertisers will show consumers that they can meet their needs by using the advertised product. Besides, advertisers convince consumers that the product will give satisfaction in an efficient way. In 2011, Lane, King, and Reichert conclude that pioneering advertising generally stresses what the product can do, offer, or provide that could not have been done, offered, or provided by any product before. It is important for advertiser to remember what determines the stage of the advertising is consumer perception of the product (p. 95).

b. Competitive Stage

The advertisers direct people to choose the products which have existed in the market. Lane, King, and Reichert (2011) state that once consumers accept a pioneering product, there is going to be competition. At this point, the main


question the consumer asks is, “Which brand shall I buy?” (p. 98). Many

advertisements need to compete with others to win people‟s interest towards the advertised products. It is usually done by showing the uniqueness of the product which makes it different from other brands. Advertisers should emphasize why consumers should choose the advertised product instead of other similar products from other brands. For examples, it can be seen from the slogan of some fast food brands which competing each other. The slogan of KFC, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Jagonya Ayam!, Texas Fried Chicken‟s slogan says, Texas Chicken, Renyahnya Nomor Satu!, and McDonald‟s slogan says, McDonald’s, I’m Lovin It! Then, the consumers can freely select the products which they consider best to consume. c. Retentive Stage

The purpose of retentive stage is to maintain the existence of the advertised product. By using this technique, advertisers give reminder to consumers that a product still exists in markets. Advertisers use this technique when the advertised product has been marketed for a long time. Retentive stage is also known as reminder stage because it can be a reminder for the audience about the existence of the advertised product, (Lane, King & Reichert, 2011, p. 100). B. Theoretical Frameworks

As described previously, it can be noticed that an advertisement is a form of communication that has a purpose to persuade. It is also directed to a group of people and not a face to face communication. The source of communication is the advertiser, whereas the receiver/audience is the consumer.


Thus, most advertisements try to be persuasive, although some advertisements are intended merely to inform, not to persuade. Therefore, the brief explanation of some related theories of this research have been mentioned in this chapter.

Based on the theoretical description, the researcher wraps up the appropriate theories to accomplish the objectives of this research. There are two major theories which are used to answer the formulated research questions. Those are the language style of advertisements and the persuasion techniques.

To answer the first research question, related to the use of certain linguistic features of advertisements, the researcher analyzes the language style of

advertising based on Grey‟s theory (2008). There are two parts of language style in advertisements. The first part is the lexical features that deal with the lexical items or the use of words. They consist of hyperbole, neologism, weasel word, familiar language, simple vocabulary, repetition, euphemism, humor, glamorization, and potency. The other part is the syntactic features which deal with the grammatical properties. Those consist of short sentence, long noun phrase, and ambiguity, use of imperative, simple and colloquial language, present tense, syntactic parallelism, association, ellipsis, and incomplete sentence. The researcher analyzes the utterances of vitamin drink advertisements and then classifies them to the characteristics of advertisement linguistic features proposed by Grey (2008). The main reason why researcher chooses the theory of Grey is because there is specific description on the characteristics of advertisement


(2008) provides the classification on the lexical features and the syntactic features.

The second research question which is related to the use of persuasion techniques is answered by identifying each vitamin drink advertisement based on the theory of three persuasion techniques proposed by Kleppner (1986). They are pioneering stage, competitive stage, and retentive stage. The main reason why the

researcher uses Kleppner‟s theory (1986) is because it has clearer types of

persuasion techniques to be used to classify vitamin drink advertisements. Kleppner (1986) distinguishes the persuasion techniques clearly based on the marketing situation and human characteristics. Therefore, the researcher is clearly able to categorize vitamin drink advertisements into the types of persuasion techniques by using checklist which is used in vitamin drink advertisements based




This chapter presents the methodology used to obtain data of the research. There are six parts in this section, namely the research method, the research setting, the research participants, the research instruments and data gathering technique, the data analysis techniques, and the research procedure. The research method contains the definition of the research type chosen by the researcher as well as the problem formulation. The research setting inform about when the research is conducted. The research subject section aims to elaborate on the subjects of the research as well as the methods of sampling. The instruments and data gathering technique include the explanation of the instruments used by the researcher in the research. The data analysis technique is in regard to the data analysis. The last one, the research procedure, is the steps taken in the research.

A. Research Methods

This research has two questions to be answered. Those are (1) what are the linguistic features in Miss Universe‟s version of You C 1000 advertisements? and (2) what kinds of persuasion techniques were used by the Miss Universe‟s version of You C 1000 advertisements?

To answer those two questions, the researcher conducted research which was categorized into qualitative research. Brown and Rodgers (2002) state that


data reveals that it can be subdivided into various different non-numerical qualitative research techniques for gathering data, for example observations/field

notes, case studies, diaries, etc” (p. 12). This research did not deal with any

numerical data because it would focus on the descriptive research which is defined by Best and Kahn (1989) as a type of research that describes what is describing, recording, analyzing, interpreting conditions that exist.

Since this research studied the content of certain issues, in this case You C 1000 advertisements which were found in television‟s commercial break in local television stations in Indonesia was categorized as a content or document analysis. Ary, Jacob, and Razavieh (2002: 442) define content or document

analysis as “research method applied to written or visual materials for the purpose

of identifying specified characteristics of the materials”. The materials were usually in the form of newspapers, scripts, textbooks, advertisement, and any other types of documents. In brief, the materials used in content analysis represent forms of human communication (Leedy & Omrod, 2005: p. 142).

B. Research Setting

This research began in May 2015. This research was conducted at the English Language Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University by using library study and analyzing the television advertisements of You C 1000. The advertisements which were selected were Miss Universe‟s version of You C 1000 advertisements. However, to get the data more accurately the researcher downloaded You C 1000 advertisement videos in


C. Research Subjects

Concerning the subjects of the research, there were 9 advertisements of Miss Universe‟s version of You C 1000 (Miss Universe 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and the combination of Miss Universe 2008, 2012, and 2014). You C 1000 is a vitamin drink which is produced by PT. Djojonegoro. You C 1000 vitamin drinks themselves have three variants such as vitamin lemon, vitamin orange, and vitamin apple.

D. Research Instrument and Data Gathering Technique

This research was a qualitative reseach. According to Domegan and

Fleming (2007), “Qualitative research aims to explore and to discover issues about the problem on hand, because very little is known about the problem. There is usually uncertainty about dimensions and characteristics of problem (p. 24). Myers (2009) added that qualitative research is designed to help researchers understand people, and the social and cultural contexts within which they live. Qualitative data sources included observation and participant observation (fieldwork), interviews, and questionnaires, documents and texts, and the

researcher‟s impressions and reactions within. Then, there were two instruments used in this research:

1. The Researcher as a Human Instrument

The researcher collected the data by analyzing the narrators‟ utterances from the vitamin drink advertisements‟ scripts. More information from books, journals, and internet regarding language styles were assembled as well. Lincoln


flexible enough to capture the complexity, subtlety, and constantly changing

situation which is the human experience, as expressed in stories”. In the same

paradigm, Lincoln and Guba (1985: 76) say,” human-as-an-instrument in the research is to underline the very unique role played by qualitative research in their

inquiries”. In addition, Merriam (1998: 7) reveals that there are several aspects which differentiate the human instrument from other instruments by saying that,

“the researcher is responsive to the context; he or she can adapt techniques to the

circumstances; the total context can be considered; what is known about the situation can be expanded through sensitivity to non-verbal aspects”. As a final point, the researcher as human instrument involves significantly to collect the data needed for his own research because it captured the complexity of his point of views.

2. The Advertisement Script as Document

According to Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh (2002), the analyzed materials can be in the form of public records, textbooks, letters, films, tapes, and many more especially in content analysis. In this research, the document is in the form of transcript of 9 You C 1000 advertisements. The researcher transcribed the recorded You C 1000 advertisements from to be analyzed. Those transcripts belonged to the research instruments because they were used to answer the research questions.

E. Data Analysis Technique

The researcher prepared two types of tables to categorize the language style and persuasion techniques of You C 1000 advertisements. The researcher


made twenty tables like the first type and divided them into ten tables of lexical features and ten tables of syntactic features. Those ten lexical features were hyperbole, neologism, weasel word, familiar language, simple vocabulary, repetition, euphemism, humor, glamorization, and potency. The other 10 features included in syntactic features were short sentence, long noun phrase, ambiguity, use of imperative, simple and colloquial language, present tense, syntactic parallelism, association, ellipsis, and incomplete sentence. Those features were based on the theory proposed by Grey (2008) about the linguistic features of advertisements as shown in Table 3.1 below.

Table 3.1 The Hyperbole of Miss Universe’s Version of You C 1000


No Video Hyperbole

1 Natalie Glebova‟s Version More work less time

2 Zuleyka Rivera‟s Version Stay healthy and fresh

3 Dayana Mendoza‟s Version -

4 Stefania Fernandez‟s Version -

5 Ximena Navarette‟s Version More important

6 Leila Lopes‟ Version More work less


7 Olivia Culpo‟s Version Stay healthy and


8 Gabriela Isler‟s Version -

9 Paulina Vega, Dayana Mendoza, and Olivia Culpo‟s Version -

The second question which was related to the use of persuasion techniques was answered by making checklist. The checklist of You C 1000


advertisements was made based on the persuasion techniques proposed by Kleppner (1986) which consists of pioneering stage, competitive stage, and retentive stage as shown in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 The Checklist of Persuasion Techniques in Miss Universe’s Version of You C 1000 Advertisements

No Video

Persuasion Techniques Pioneering Stage Competitive Stage Retentive Stage 1 Natalie Glebova‟s Version

2 Zuleyka Rivera‟s Version

3 Dayana Mendoza‟s Version 4 Stefania Fernandez‟s Version 5 Ximena Navarette‟s Version 6 Leila Lopes‟ Version

7 Olivia Culpo‟s Version

8 Gabriela Isler‟s Version 


Paulina Vega, Dayana Mendoza, and Olivia Culpo‟s


F. Research Procedures

To answer the research question, there were several steps as the procedures used in this research. The steps were:

1. Gathering Data

In this step the researcher gathered the data that would be analyzed. The data were taken from commercial breaks in Indonesia local television stations. However, to ease the researcher in collecting and gathering the data, the researcher downloaded the You C 1000: Miss Universe version from


2. Classifying Data

After the data were gathered, the researcher classified the data based on the theory of linguistic features which consisted of lexical features and syntactic features by Grey (2008) and the theory of persuasion techniques by Kleppner (1986). After that, the researcher made twenty tables and one checklist based on those theories. Those tables and checklist were very helpful to analyze the presence of the language styles, whether those were lexical features or syntactic features, and the persuasion techniques used in You C 1000 advertisements.

3. Analyzing Data

In this step, the researcher analyzed the data by filling in the tables and the checklist prepared previously. The researcher identified the data to find out which linguistic features were used in each datum. According to Patton (2002), if the findings from the different evaluators arrived at the same conclusion, then the

researcher‟s confidence in the findings would be heighted. To accomplish this research to be a masterpiece, the researcher was also supervised by expert-evaluator, namely F.X. Ouda Teda Ena, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ed.D.

4. Writing up the Report

The researcher started to write the report up on this research after compiling all the data. The researcher provided explanations as well in each linguistic feature and kind of the persuasive techniques used in the data. The report was mostly delivered by words other than number. Yet, numerical data were also included to make the result more understandable.




This chapter consists of the elaboration on the research findings and discussion. That elaboration answers the research questions. There are two sections in this chapter. The first section discusses the linguistic features of You C 1000 advertisements. The second which is the last section explains and deals with the kind of persuasion technique in You C 1000 advertisements.

A. The Linguistic Features of You C 1000 Advertisements

According to Grey (2008), there are two major features of the advertisement language style. Those are lexical features and syntactic features. From the conducted research, You C 1000 advertisements had some parts of those elements in the language which used to grab the attention of the consumers. 1. The Lexical Features of You C 1000 Advertisements

The lexical features of You C 1000 advertisements are pertaining to the diction used in advertisements. In this case, the words were spoken by the actresses and the narrators of You C 1000 advertisements. The words were able to represent what the company wants to deliver in order to persuade the consumers. The diction can empower people to believe what the speakers say in the advertisements upon the advertised products. The result which was dealing with the lexical features of You C 1000 advertisements could be seen in Figure 4.1.1.


Figure 4.1.1 The Lexical Features of You C 1000 Advertisements

The researcher found that You C 1000 advertisements contained some lexical features of advertising language. There were no neologism, weasel word, euphemism, and humor.

a. Hyperbole

One way to exaggerate the product is hyperbole. It aims to attract the attention of the consumer to the product. Leech (1972) argues that hyperbole is often concerned with personal values and sentiments. It is used to vary the expression of personal feelings and opinion. There were six You C 1000 advertisements which used hyperbole, such as Natalie Glebova‟s version, Zuleyka Rivera‟s version, Ximena Navarette‟s version, Leila Lopes‟ version, Olivia Culpo‟s version, and Gabriela Isler‟s version. The other three did not use this kind

of feature within. The use of „more‟ dominated the hyperbole feature in You C 0

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


1000 advertisements. For examples, the use of „more‟ could be found in three

advertisements of You C 1000, such as more work less time as seen in Natalia Glebova‟s version, more important as seen in Ximena Navarette‟s version, and more attracted and more important as seen in Leila Lopes‟ version. It showed that the copywriter wanted to emphasize the product by using the word „more‟.

The other words which indicated the use of hyperbole feature in You C 1000 advertisements were stay healthy and fresh, never easy, diver, alluring, and beautiful, and real. As seen in Gabriela Isler‟s version of You C 1000 advertisement, the copywriter emerged the Indonesian dance element. Then, the dance here was represented as something differs, alluring, and beautiful. Besides,

the word „real‟ in real beauty was meant to give the audience a paradigm that beauty was not what we have seen from the outside, but from the inside by taking care of the health with the product.

b. Neologism

The copywriter of You C 1000 did not use neologism to advertise the product. In these advertisements, there was no new word formed by combining two or more word parts. As what Grey‟s (2008) definition that a neologism as a new word or an expression which is created by joining two or more word parts together to create an entirely new word. The copywriter of You C 1000 used simple diction and did not use too many language features.

c. Weasel Word

According to Grey (2008), a weasel word suggests a meaning without


attention by stealing their curiosity. However, the weasel word was difficult to find in Miss Universe‟s version of You C 1000 advertisements. The copywriter preferred to explore the other features in order to advertise the product.

d. Familiar Language

In this research, the researcher found that all of the advertisements of You C 1000 used this kind of lexical feature as a prove about the simplicity. The familiar language feature appeared in most of all sentences in the advertisements. For example, the sentence which found in Natalia Glebova‟s version of You 1000

advertisement said, “How many mg of you had today?” This sentence was

familiar for the consumers‟ ears because it used pronoun “you”, so what the copywriter was expected to the product of You C 1000 could be familiar for the audiences, was reached. As what Grey (2008) says that the use of that pronoun makes the audience feel to be involved within the advertisement. The copywriter really understood that something familiar as pronoun would ease them to steal the

audiences‟ attention.

e. Simple Vocabulary

Based on Grey‟s explanation (2008), an advertisement should be in the simple language form, especially in using diction. Simple diction helped the audience to remember the product itself. All of Miss Universe‟s versions of You C 1000 advertisements used the simple vocabulary features because the researcher did not find any difficulties to understand the content of those advertisements. The simple vocabulary helped the message to be delivered smoothly. Besides, the simplicity of the advertisements seen in the slogan of You C 1000, healthy inside


fresh outside. That slogan meant that by drinking the product the consumers could get the two advantages which were healthy inside the body and look fresh on the outside of the body.

f. Repetition

As stated by Grey (2008), repetition is usually used to make the brand‟s

name or the brand‟s slogan more interesting. The kind of repetition which mostly

appeared in You C 1000 advertisements was rhyme. Rhyme is a pattern of identitiy of sound between words extending from the end to the last fully accented vowel. The rhyme which was almost found in all of Miss Universe‟s versions of You C 1000 advertisements seen in the brand‟s slogan, healthy inside fresh outside. The one and only of Miss Universe‟s version of You C 1000 advertisement which did not use that slogan was Natalie Glebova‟s version. g. Euphemism

Based on Grey‟s explanation (2008), euphemism is a type of figurative

language which carries connotative meaning. However, the researcher did not find the example of euphemism in every single Miss Universe‟s version of You C 1000 advertisement. The diction used in these advertisements was very simple. The copywriter tended to use diction which was very familiar to the target of consumers.

h. Humor

As what researcher said above that the copywriter tended to use familiar diction, You C 1000 advertisements had a simple way to deliver the message from the company to the target of consumers. Moreover, Grey (2008) also states that


humor can gain consumers‟ attention to the advertised product because most people love humor instead of something serious. However, the way of conveying message done by the advertiser did not provide sense of humor to make the advertisements more attractive because they focused on the description of the product including the slogan and tagline.

i. Glamorization

According to Grey (2008), glamorization used in order to make the language of an advertisement more interesting because it creates exaggeration to the product which is advertised. By using glamorization, the point of view of the audience can be affected. Glamorization could also be found in You C 1000 advertisements. There were three You C 1000 advertisements which used the glamorization feature, such as Dayana Mendoza‟s version, Ximena Navarette‟s version, and Gabriela Isler‟s version. In Dayana Mendoza‟s version, there was sentence I believe health is wealth. The word „wealth‟ was used to indicate that health is too important and valuable for people more than anything. The same case was seen in Ximena Navarette‟s version which said what is more important is a healthy. It was meant that there was no more important than health. The researcher found that the copywriter was so smart in playing words, so they could play with the audience‟s mind, especially women audiences. It was seen in Gabriela Isler‟s version by saying after all, what is beauty without health? The copywriter wanted to attract the audiences, women audiences, by letting them know that it was useless if they had good look, but did not have good health.


j. Potency

Basically, the copywriter used potential words to tell the value of the product to the consumers. Grey (2008) suggests that potential words are those which are able to give new value, novelty or immediacy. Potency feature appeared in two You C 1000 advertisements, such as Natalie Glebova‟s version and the three Miss Universe‟s (Paulina Vega, Dayana Mendoza, and Olivia Culpo) version. In Natalie Glebova version, the word „need‟ in we need vitamin C to stay healthy became a potency because it pointed that vitamin C was a must for the body if people wanted to keep their health. To stay healthy, the audience was brought to the paradigm that they needed the product because the product could

filled the audience‟s need as the consumers‟ target. Similar to it, the word „valuable‟ in good health is valuable to Indonesia and her people also told that Indonesian needed to be healthy and they could get it by consuming the product. This message will be completely and succesfully delivered if the audience buy and drink the product.

2. The Syntactic Features of You C 1000 Miss Universe’s Version Advertisements

In addition to the lexical features, there are also some features of advertisement language style which deal with the grammar. Those features called syntactic features. The syntactic features are able to indicate how simple the advertisement language style should be. The result of the analysis of syntactic features of You C 1000 could be displayed in Figure 4.1.2.


Figure 4.1.2 The Syntactic Features of You C 1000 Advertisements

Based on the Figure 4.1.2 the researcher was able to say that You C 1000 advertisements lacked of some syntactic features, such as simple and colloquial language and ellipsis.

a. Short Sentence

The use of short sentence is practically helpful for the audience because it is easier to understand. The audience sometimes only hear or do not really listen carefully to the utterances spoken by the speaker in an advertisement. A short sentence usually indicates the use of simple sentence and helps the copywriter in delivering the message.

Based on this research, the researcher found that the copywriter put short sentence feature in all of You C 1000 advertisements. For the example, in Natalie Glebova‟s version, the speaker said, “We need vitamin C to stay healthy. That

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


sentence could be included in short sentence feature because the sentence just consist of subject, verb, object, and preposition.

b. Long Noun Phrase

According to Grey (2008), long noun phrase requires at least three words or two independent phrases. A long noun phrase aims to convince the audience that the advertised product has many specialties which are offered. There were four advertisements which used long noun phrase feature. One of the example which came from Natalie Glebova‟s version was with 1000 mg of vitamin C. This phrase described that the advertised product had 1000 mg of vitamin C inside.

c. Ambiguity

Ambiguity appeared in only four You C 1000 advertisements. There were some ambiguities found in You C 1000 advertisements. For instance, in Stefania Fernandez‟s version the speaker said, “Rice three times to favor energy. Hearing that sentence could make the audience confused and then ask themselves,

“what we have to do with rice?” Another point of view would state that eating rice was not only one way to favor the energy. The copywriter should understand, to whom the advertisement was aimed. Knowing the target of consumers would help the copywriter to reduce the feature of ambiguity in their advertisements. d. Use of Imperative

The use of imperative is a common language feature in an advertisement. By using this imperative language, the advertiser ask the audience to do something dealing with the advertised product. There were six


advertisements of You C 1000 used imperative. Four of them used the word

„drink‟ as the function of You C 1000 as vitamin drink. The other two

advertisements used word „stay‟ and „take‟. Based on the word used, the copywriter suggested the audience to consume You C 1000.

e. Simple and Colloquial Language

The feature of simple and colloquial language did not appear in You C 1000 advertisements. The language was very simple but did not use informal expression. The utterances in You C 1000 advertisements commonly found and used in daily conversation.

f. Present Tense

Grey (2008) says that a present tense could give a pictorial of the real situation whenever the audience hears the advertisements. The researcher found that all of You C 1000 advertisements used present tenses. The use of present tense here aimed to let the audience had a feeling like in the real present time, not yesterday or tomorrow, but right now.

g. Syntactic Parallelism

According to Leech (1972) parallelism is a repetition of formal patterns of two or more similar ideas in similar structural forms. For instance, stay dry, stay happy. The word stay is repeated to make the sentence more interesting for the audience because of the similar pattern. The researcher did not found any syntactic parallelism features in You C 1000 advertisements.


h. Association

A good advertisement should associate the positive side of the product to something else and sometimes indicated by the words like and as. It seen on the Olivia Culpo‟s version of You C 1000 advertisement which said, “That is why I visit places like the Borobudur for spiritual health. The pursuit of beauty can be just as hard before you focus on the outside start from the inside”.

i. Ellipsis

Goddard (2002) defines ellipsis as “the omission of part of a structure (p. 123)”. Ellipsis is usually used to create informality in a conversation by omitting certain parts of a structure without affecting the meaning. Since Cook (2001) says one of its aims is to create the sense of informality, the feature of ellipsis did not appear in every single You C 1000 advertisement.

j. Incomplete Sentence

Grey (2008) identifies an incomplete sentence as one of linguistic sentence of advertisements. Using incomplete sentence could help the audience to catch the main point of the advertisements. The copywriter really knew that the audience rarely pays attention to the sentences of advertisements very carefully because the audience will pay attention more to the visualization of the advertisements. As in Dayana Mendoza‟sversion, the speaker said, “You C 1000,

vitamin lemon and vitamin orange”. This was not a complete sentence because did not have a verb there. It should be, “There are two variants of You C 1000,


B. The Persuasion Technique of You C 1000 Advertisements

The advertiser usually uses some persuasion techniques in order to predetermined goals of advertising. It aims surely to persuade the target of consumers. Kleppner (1986) classifies three kinds of persuasion techniques based on marketing situation and human characteristics. In this research, each You C 1000 advertisement could be categorized into Kleppner‟s classification by analyzing diction and sentences uttered by the speakers. Based on the data analysis, the researcher found that You C 1000 advertisements used different persuasion techniques to distinguish the advertising purposes. The analysis result of persuasion techniques which were used in You C 1000 advertisements could be seen in Figure 4.2.

Table 4.2 The Persuasion Techniques in You C 1000 Advertisements

No Video

Persuasion Techniques Pioneering Stage Competitive Stage Retentive Stage 1 Natalie Glebova‟s Version

2 Zuleyka Rivera‟s Version  3 Dayana Mendoza‟s Version  4 Stefania Fernandez‟s


5 Ximena Navarette‟s Version

6 Leila Lopes‟ Version

7 Olivia Culpo‟s Version

8 Gabriela Isler‟s Version 


Paulina Vega, Dayana Mendoza, and Olivia

Culpo‟s Version


a. Pioneering Stage

Pioneering stage is aimed to introduce a new product to consumers. According to Kleppner (1986), the characteristic of the pioneering stage is the statement of how the product will make the consumers satisfied. Based on the checklist, there were three advertisements or 33.33% of You C 1000 advertisements which applied the pioneering stage to advertise the product. They were Natalie Glebova‟s version, Zuleyka Rivera‟s version, and Dayana Mendoza‟s version.

Another characteristic of the pioneering stage came from the description related to the benefit which the consumers got when consuming the advertised product. It was strengthened by the statement of Lane, King, and Reichert (2011) which conclude that pioneering advertising generally stresses what the product can do, offer, or provide that could not have been done, offered, or provided by any product before. It is important for advertiser to remember what determines the stage of the advertising is consumer perception of the product (p. 95). Basically, it was suitable with the slogan of You C 1000 which said “Healthy inside, fresh

outside”. Based on that slogan, the advertiser told and explained the consumers

that there was no more important than healthy inside the body. By consuming You C 1000 product, the consumers would be helped to strengthen their immune system, so they could stay healthy.

b. Competitive Stage

The persuasion technique of the competitive stage sometimes indirectly contrast the advertised product with similar products from different brands.


Olivia Culpo Version Achieving peace of mind is never easy.

Gabriela Isler‟s Version After all, what is beauty without health?

Paulina Vega, Dayana Mendoza, and Olivia Culpo‟s Version

Good health is valuable to Indonesia and her people.

b. Long Noun Phrase

Video Long Noun Phrase

Natalie Glebova‟s Version 1000 mg of vitamin C Zuleyka Rivera‟s Version -

Dayana Mendoza‟s Version -

Stefania Fernandez‟s Version Good healthiest wealth Ximena Navarette‟s Version Your immune system

Leila Lopes‟ Version -

Olivia Culpo‟s Version For spiritual health Your immune system Gabriela Isler‟s Version -

Paulina Vega, Dayana Mendoza, and Olivia Culpo‟s Version -

c. Ambiguity

Video Ambiguity

Natalie Glebova‟s Version - Zuleyka Rivera‟s Version -

Dayana Mendoza‟s Version What looks good from the outside starts from the inside.

Stefania Fernandez‟s Version Rice three times to favor energy. Ximena Navarette‟s Version -

Leila Lopes‟s Version - Olivia Culpo‟s Version -


Gabriela Isler‟s Version What looks good in the outside begins with healthy in the inside. Paulina Vega, Dayana Mendoza, and

Olivia Culpo‟s Version

We believe healthy Indonesians help make beautiful Indonesia.

d. Use of Imperative

Video Use of Imperative

Natalie Glebova‟s Version -

Zuleyka Rivera‟s Version Stay healthy and fresh with You C 1000.

Dayana Mendoza‟s Version -

Stefania Fernandez‟s Version Take 1000 mg of vitamin C to help strengthen your immune system. Ximena Navarette‟s Version Drink You C 1000 vitamin to help

strengthen your immune system. Leila Lopes‟ Version

Drink You C 1000 vitamin with 1000 mg of vitamin C to help strengthen your immune system. Olivia Culpo‟s Version -

Gabriela Isler‟s Version

Drink You C 1000 vitamin with 1000 mg of vitamin C to help strengthen your immune system and keep you healthy.

Paulina Vega, Dayana Mendoza, and Olivia Culpo‟s Version

Drink You C 1000 vitamin with 1000 mg of vitamin C to help strengthen your immune system and to keep you healthy.

e. Simple and Colloquial Language


f. Present Tense

Video Present Tense

Natalie Glebova‟s Version We need vitamin C to stay healthy. Zuleyka Rivera‟s Version Stay healthy and fresh with You C


Dayana Mendoza‟s Version

I believe health is wealth.

What looks good from the outside starts from the inside.

I drink You C 1000 vitamin lemon and vitamin orange with 1000 mg of vitamin C to keep my immune system.

Stefania Fernandez‟s Version

Rice has been driving Indonesia forward for centuries and the center to her culture and tradition.

To keep yourself going, you are not only need rice for energy, but good healthiest wealth.

Take 1000 mg of vitamin C to help strengthen your immune system.

Ximena Navarette‟s Version

What is more important is a healthy. It is better to be healthy in the inside before we focus on the outside. I drink 1000 mg of vitamin C for my health.

Drink You C 1000 vitamin to help strengthen your immune system.

Leila Lopes‟ Version

Color makes the world more attracted.

No matter color we are, through beauty comes from within.

It is more important to be health in the inside before we focus on the outside.

Drink You C 1000 vitamin with 1000 mg f vitamin C to help strengthen your immune system.

Olivia Culpo‟s Version

Achieving peace of mind is never easy.

That is why I visit places like the Borobudur for spiritual health. The pursuit of beauty can be just as hard before you focus on the outside starts from the inside

Gabriela Isler‟s Version

Dance in Indonesia is differs, alluring, and beautiful.

In live racing dance what is within us is more important than what we see on the outside.



What looks good on the outside begins with healthy in the inside. Drink You C 1000 vitamin with 1000 mg of vitamin C to help tramping immune system and keep you healthy.

Paulina Vega, Dayana Mendoza, and Olivia Culpo‟s Version

Good health is valuable to Indonesia and her people.

For wealth over decade, we have been helping Indonesia to stay healthy.

We believe healthy Indonesians help make beautiful Indonesia.

Drink You C 1000 vitamin with 1000 mg of vitamin C to help strengthen your immune system and to keep you healthy.

g. Syntactic Parallelism


h. Association

Video Association

Natalie Glebova‟s Version - Zuleyka Rivera‟s Version - Dayana Mendoza‟s Version - Stefania Fernandez‟s Version - Ximena Navarette‟s Version - Leila Lopes‟ Version -

Olivia Culpo‟s Version

That is why I visit places like Borobudur for spiritual health. The pursuit of beauty can be just as hard before you focus on the outside starts from the inside.


Paulina Vega, Dayana Mendoza, and Olivia Culpo‟s Version -

i. Ellipsis


j. Incomplete Sentence

Video Incomplete Sentence

Natalie Glebova‟s Version

Life today more work less time, pollution.

You C 1000, 1000 mg of vitamin C. Zuleyka Rivera‟s Version Stay healthy and fresh with You C


Dayana Mendoza‟s Version You C 1000 vitamin lemon and vitamin orange.

Stefania Fernandez‟s Version

Take 1000 mg of vitamin C to help strengthen your immune system. Rice three times to favor energy. You C 1000 vitamin lemon or vitamin orange once a day to improve your health.

Ximena Navarette‟s Version Drink You C 1000 vitamin to help strengthen your immune system. Leila Lopes‟ Version

Drink You C 1000 vitamin with 1000 mg of vitamin C to help strengthen your immune system. Olivia Culpo‟s Version -

Gabriela Isler‟s Version

Drink You C 1000 vitamin with 1000 mg of vitamin C to strengthen your immune system and keep you healthy.

Paulina Vega, Dayana Mendoza, and Olivia Culpo‟s Version

Drink You C 1000 vitamin with 1000 mg of vitamin C to help strengthen immune system and to keep you healthy.


B. Persuasion Techniques


Persuasion Techniques Pioneering


Competitive Stage

Retentive Stage

Natalie Glebova‟s


Zuleyka Rivera‟s Version  Dayana Mendoza‟s


Stefania Fernandez‟s


Ximena Navarette‟s


Leila Lopes‟ Version

Olivia Culpo‟s Version

Gabriela Isler‟s Version 

Paulina Vega, Dayana Mendoza, and Olivia

Culpo‟s Version