Validity and Reliability of Questionnaire


3.8.1 Research Question 1

1. The score of students’ vocabulary achievement before and after the treatment in the experimental class are analyzed to find out the mean score. 2. The researcher analyzed the score of students’ vocabulary achievement before and after the treatment in the control class to find out the mean score. 3. The mean score of each vocabulary achievement are compared by using paired t-test to know the differences of vocabulary achievement before and after the treatment given. The significant level α which is used is 0.05.

3.8.2 Research Question 2

1. The score of vocabulary achievement from pre test and post test in the experimental class are analyzed to find the mean score. 2. The score of vocabulary achievement from pre test and post test in the control class are analyzed to find out the mean score. 3. The score of vocabulary achievement from pre test and post test are compared by using independent t-test to know the differences before and after the treatment given. The significant level α which is used is 0.05. The hypothesis are tested as follows. H o1 = there is no significant difference of vocabulary achievement before and after treatment. H A1 = there is a significant difference of the vocabulary achievement before and after treatment. 44 H o3 = there is no significant difference of students’ vocabulary achievement who are taught by Word Mapping and conventional technique. H A3 = there is a significant difference of students’ vocabulary achievement who are taught by Word Mapping and conventional technique. The criteria for hypothesis acceptances is that if the significant p value obtained through SPSS program is less than the significant level 0.05 it means that Ho is rejected. However, if the significant p value which is gained from SPSS program is greater than the significant level 0.05 it means that Ho is accepted. To analyze the data of students’ perception toward the implementation of word mapping, the researcher analyzed the result of questionaire descriptively then described it clearly. The description is based on the mean score of students’ response.

3.9 Hypothesis Testing

The hypothesis is statistically tested by using Statistical Package for Social Science SPSS program version 20 for windows., in which the significance is determined by p 0.05. Therefore, the hypothesis which can be cited as follows: 1. H : There is no significant difference in vocabulary achievement between students who are taught by using Word Mapping and those who are taught through conventional technique. H 1 : There is a significant difference in vocabulary achievement between students who are taught by using Word Mapping and those who are taught through conventional technique.