Research Design Subject of the research Instruments of this Study

CHAPTER 3 METHODS OF INVESTIGATION This chapter presents a description of the methods of investigation. It is divided into several parts. They are research design, population and sample, insruments of this study, techniques of data collection, tehcnique of data analysis type of data.

3.1 Research Design

In this action research, I conducted two cycles: cycle 1, cycle 2, and cycle 3. A cycle consists of four phases. According to Kemmis 1990 cited in Mills 2000, the phases are planning, action, observing, and reflecting. The design is presented as follows: Figure 3.1 Diagram of Action Research Mills, 2000 : 97 Problem Planning of cycles 1 Action of cycle 1 Observing of cycle 1 Reflecting of cycles 1 Unsolved problem Planning of cycles 2 Action of cycles 2 Observing of cycles 2 Reflecting of cycles 2 Solved problem Planning of cycles 3 Observing of cycles 3 29

3.2 Subject of the research

In this study, I conducted an action research at SMA N 1 NGADIROJO PACITAN. The subjects of the study were the tenth grade students in the academic year of 20102011.

3.2.1 Population

Based on the encyclopedia of educational evaluation as quoted by Arikunto 1996:115, a population is a set or collection of all elements possesing one or more attributes. In this case, the subjects of this study were the tenth grade students of SMA N 1 NGADIROJO PACITAN in academic year of 20102011.

3.2.2 Sample

According to Arikunto 1996:20, a sample is a limited number of elements selected from the population to be representatives of that population.

3.3 Instruments of this Study

1 Instrument plays an important role in research which is used to collect data. The data to be analyzed in this study are the data of the teacher-learners interaction the classroom. In this study, I will observe the students‟s speaking skill using interaction activity. During the observation I will make lists about students‟ speaking skill that mostly were used in the teaching and learning process. 2 In this study, I use action research method. So the instrument used here is observation checklist and recording conducted by the students. Afterwords I make a list of identified problem. Then the students discussed to choose the problems that are very urgent and manageable to overcome.

3.3.1 Observation Checklist

In this study, an Observation checklist was used to observe the subject of the study in some aspects. The aspects that were observed were the students attendance, the students‟ pronounciation, the students‟ using grammar, the students‟ vocabulary, the students‟ speech, the students‟ comprehension.

3.3.2 Recording

The whole data in the form of verbal speech produced by the whole speakers during the conversation are recorded. The conversation recordings are transcribed. After being transcribed, the data are put on the table by clause to clause.The ultimate step in this study is drawing conclusion and suggestion. This step has been accomplished based on the description, evaluation, and interpretation on the findings and prior identification.

3.4 Type of Data