Coherence Ties Theoretical Description

sentence. The word everyday presupposes the seven days and the word she to presuppose the cat.

1. Coherence

Kies 1995 on http:papyr.comhypertextbookscomp1coherent.html states that coherence is a product which is combined to produce the meaning of every phrase, sentence, and paragraph as a whole piece of information. Accordingly, writers have to provide an explicit and well-planned pattern of coherence. Kies states that coherence itself is the product of two factors. Those are paragraph unity and sentence cohesion. Lee 2002: 33 views coherence in three ways. They are 1 connectedness between sentences, 2 use of explicit cohesive devices at the paragraph level, and 3 use of connective devices such as pronouns, repetitive structure, and transitional markers. However, He also admits that even though coherence is important in writing, it is sometimes not easy to be taught and to be learned since it is considered an abstract, hard to be defined, and controversial concept. The connection of ideas from sentence to sentences can be obtained by the use of cohesive devices.

2. Ties

According to Halliday and Hasan 1976: 329, a tie is a relation between the cohesive element and what is presupposed by it. The existence of a tie can be used in analyzing a text in terms of its cohesive properties. Here is one of the examples of the existence of tie in sentence. A little provoked, she drew back and, after looking everywhere for the queen, she thought she would try the plan, this time, of walking in the opposite direction. It succeeded beautifully. Example above contains two ties. The first is the reference it in which it presupposes the plan. Secondly, the word succeeded which presupposes try. There are two types of tie. They are immediate tie in which the presupposition relates the sentence that is immediately precedes it and non- immediate tie in verse. There are two types of non-immediate tie, namely mediated and remote ties. Here is the example of these terms. The last word ended in a long bleat, so like a sheep that Alice quite started 1. She looked at the queen, who seemed to have suddenly wrapped herself up in wool 2. Alice rubbed her eyes, and looked again 3. She couldn’t make out what had happened at all 4. Was she in a shop 5? And was that really- was it really a sheep that was sitting on the other side of the counter 6? Rub as she would, she could make nothing more of it 7. In sentence 2, the word she refers to Alice in sentence 1. It is the same as she in sentence 4 which refers to Alice in sentence 3. This phenomenon is called immediate tie. Whereas, the presupposition of she in sentence 5 is the she in sentence 4 and in order to find the presupposition of she in sentence 4, one should follow through the sentence 3 then it will be found that she in sentence 5 refers to Alice. This kind of phenomenon is called mediated tie. Then, rub as she would in sentence 7, has to cohere with Alice rubbed her eyes in sentence 3. This case is called remote tie in which the distance between the two sentences can be long. Nevertheless, there can be a mediated and remote tie in one case. For example, the word she in sentence 7 do not presuppose something on sentence 6 but it refers to she in sentence 5 hence the tie is called mediated. At the same time the word she in sentence 5 presupposes she in sentence 4 and it should be followed through sentence 3 to find Alice as the presupposition, hence it is also called remote.

3. Cohesion