Kajian elongasi dan aklimatisasi pada kultur in vitro Aquilaria beccariana van Tiegh
Aquilaria beccarinrza van Tiegli WITH IN VITRO CULTURE
Y. Sigit, E. Sandra, and D. Mulyono
The world's demand of eagleivood and its derivate product since 1970's. Based on
BPS (2000) in Asgarin (2002), indonesian export have reached a peak in 2000 in a number of
456 tons. with the production value is US$, then in the 2000-2002 have decreased
significantly until 30 tons with the total ofproduction US $600.000
With a decrease of export capacity of eaglewood bring a new fact that in Indonesia for
its density only ustainaule effort to keep gaharu with ex situ method
have been done, but there are some obstacles on implementation. In vitro kulture is one ofthe
alternative method for fastcn the recovey of Gaharu population in nature. This research is
aim to gct the elongation method and optimal acclimatization for in vitro kulture with adding
combination of auksin and sitokinin.
The time and location of this research is in Agroindostrial Technology and
Biotech~lologyLaboratory, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi since September
2006- September 2007. The tool and material is tissue culture equipment. And for the
research metodology have divided into 2 categories; elogation and acclitnatization.
For the basic arrangeinent on elogasi research is using Factorial Arrangement with a
basic arrangement for random complicated arrangement. Beside acclimatization is using
Factorial Arrangement with basic arrangement of random group arrangement. The making
decision with variation analysis and continued with Duncan's trial.
The result research of elongation with some step method : choose basic materialsterilization-inisiasi-elongasi. The combination of IBA 0.1 mgll and BAP 0.05 mg/l is the
best combinztion on increasing high and a number of segment A . beccariarza on the 8th
week with the average result of Duncan's is 1.70 cm and the average amount is 6.4 segments.
The combination and stage is predicted for the mechanism of lBA and BAP is more effective
than the other sample. Whereas the combination of IBA 0 mg/l and BAP 0.03 mg/l gives a
good response for the shoot increasing A. beccariana in 8th week with the average of
Duncan's is 1.9091. it predicted that the mechanism of TBA and kinetin is not effective for
the growing or increasing segment. Santosa et a1 (1993) in Maulida (2004) stated that BAP is
consider to push mutiplication than kinetin. While kinetin is consider to be more fasten for
the induction, where as for the appropriate usage is the ZPT is a border factor for the plant
species, wattimena (1992).
The result of acclimatization have gotten by these method such as : hardening-planlet
sterilization- give the ZPT-planting-incubation. Using 55% of shadding is better than using
shadding for 75%,.
Using shelter with 55% of intensity can produce the average temperature 33.640 C,
with the humidity is about 42.80% and sunlight intensity is about 3582,96 lux. Using 55%
cover also can give live percentage and high root precentage each; 98.13% and 91.66% and
also the best produce on Duncan's on increasing high, total of leaves, also root increment of
A. beccariana on the week-8 with the height average is 3.5105 cm and the total of leaves is
9.7879, root is 3.3533 and the length root is about 3. 3027 cm. The external factors especially
Aquilaria beccarinrza van Tiegli WITH IN VITRO CULTURE
Y. Sigit, E. Sandra, and D. Mulyono
The world's demand of eagleivood and its derivate product since 1970's. Based on
BPS (2000) in Asgarin (2002), indonesian export have reached a peak in 2000 in a number of
456 tons. with the production value is US$, then in the 2000-2002 have decreased
significantly until 30 tons with the total ofproduction US $600.000
With a decrease of export capacity of eaglewood bring a new fact that in Indonesia for
its density only ustainaule effort to keep gaharu with ex situ method
have been done, but there are some obstacles on implementation. In vitro kulture is one ofthe
alternative method for fastcn the recovey of Gaharu population in nature. This research is
aim to gct the elongation method and optimal acclimatization for in vitro kulture with adding
combination of auksin and sitokinin.
The time and location of this research is in Agroindostrial Technology and
Biotech~lologyLaboratory, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi since September
2006- September 2007. The tool and material is tissue culture equipment. And for the
research metodology have divided into 2 categories; elogation and acclitnatization.
For the basic arrangeinent on elogasi research is using Factorial Arrangement with a
basic arrangement for random complicated arrangement. Beside acclimatization is using
Factorial Arrangement with basic arrangement of random group arrangement. The making
decision with variation analysis and continued with Duncan's trial.
The result research of elongation with some step method : choose basic materialsterilization-inisiasi-elongasi. The combination of IBA 0.1 mgll and BAP 0.05 mg/l is the
best combinztion on increasing high and a number of segment A . beccariarza on the 8th
week with the average result of Duncan's is 1.70 cm and the average amount is 6.4 segments.
The combination and stage is predicted for the mechanism of lBA and BAP is more effective
than the other sample. Whereas the combination of IBA 0 mg/l and BAP 0.03 mg/l gives a
good response for the shoot increasing A. beccariana in 8th week with the average of
Duncan's is 1.9091. it predicted that the mechanism of TBA and kinetin is not effective for
the growing or increasing segment. Santosa et a1 (1993) in Maulida (2004) stated that BAP is
consider to push mutiplication than kinetin. While kinetin is consider to be more fasten for
the induction, where as for the appropriate usage is the ZPT is a border factor for the plant
species, wattimena (1992).
The result of acclimatization have gotten by these method such as : hardening-planlet
sterilization- give the ZPT-planting-incubation. Using 55% of shadding is better than using
shadding for 75%,.
Using shelter with 55% of intensity can produce the average temperature 33.640 C,
with the humidity is about 42.80% and sunlight intensity is about 3582,96 lux. Using 55%
cover also can give live percentage and high root precentage each; 98.13% and 91.66% and
also the best produce on Duncan's on increasing high, total of leaves, also root increment of
A. beccariana on the week-8 with the height average is 3.5105 cm and the total of leaves is
9.7879, root is 3.3533 and the length root is about 3. 3027 cm. The external factors especially