Communication Pattern on the Diffusion of Transgenic Potato Seed at Garut and Pangalengan













I hereby declare the thesis entitled “Communication Pattern on the Diffusion of Transgenic Potato Seed at Garut and Pangalengan” is the result of my own work under supervision of Supervisory Committee and has not been submitted in any forms to any universities to obtain a degree.

Sources of information derived or quoted from works published or unpublished from other writers have mentioned in the text and listed in the References at the end of this thesis.

I hereby assign the copyright of my thesis to the Bogor Agricultural University.

Bogor, December 2014 Tika Tresnawati




TIKA TRESNAWATI. Communication Pattern on the Diffusion of Transgenic Potato Seed at Garut and Pangalengan. Supervised by DJUARA P LUBIS and KRISHNARINI MATINDAS.

Resilience and self-sufficiency are very important global concerns at this time. The advent of biotechnology as one of alternative technologies for increasing agriculture production has been succesful in developing transgenic potato seed resistant to the fungus attack of Phytopthora infestans (late blight) without pesticide use. Transgenic potato seed as one biotechnology product is in the final stages of multi-location field trials that have received permission to be disseminated. Dissemination of transgenic potato seed has been done since 2009 to 2014 to several stakeholders such as potato farmers at Garut and Pangalengan in West Java, Indonesia as one of the beneficiaries of such technology. The purposes of this study were to (1) describe communication patterns used in the diffusion process of transgenic potato seed to the farmers in the study sites in correlation with related

factors such as farmers’ personal characteristics (in terms of age, education level, income level, farm size, cosmopolites level) and facilitators’ credibility (in terms of attraction, skill, honesty, familiarity), (2) describe farmers’ assessment on the transgenic potato seed in correlation with related factors such as the farmers’ personal characteristics, socio-environment factors (in terms of religious value, need for innovation), and the communication patterns (in terms of communication approach, message content, frequency of communication) for diffusion; and (3)

describe farmer’s intention to adopt the transgenic potato seed after dissemination in

correlation with related factors such as farmers’ assessment of transgenic potato seed (in terms of relative advantages, compatibility, observability, trialability, less-complexity).

This research was designed as a descriptive survey which was conducted at Pangalengan District and Garut Regency, West Java. Data were collected using census method from all the 45 farmers who joined the field testing of the the transgenic potato seed. Twenty-three of the respondents were from Garut Regency, while 22 of them were from the Pangalengan District. The relationship between variables was analyzed by the rank Spearman correlation coefficient (rs).

From the survey results, the respondents were found to have an average age of 45 years old, been through compulsory education up to senior secondary level, own 1-2 ha of land, receive an income of <12 million rupiahs and have a medium cosmopolites level. As regards the diffusion of transgenic potato seed, majority of the respondents scored the entire facilitators’ credibility element in the medium category.

Communication patterns used for the transgenic potato seed dissemination was through training or workshop. Resource persons were the researchers who directly involved in the genetic engineering of transgenic potato seed resistant to late blight. Communication approaches used were face-to-face communication, field visit, and print media. The study revealed that majority of the respondents prefered the face-to-face communication approach and regarded pocket book as the easiest to understand print media. Majority of the respondents also assessed the message content as clear enough with the rare frequency of the communication. The most easily understood message content in general is that the seeds are beneficial to farmers because it resistant to leaf blight disease. While the most remembered message content is the illustration of biotechnology used by facilitators in describing


the essence of biotechnology. Trust in the source of information is closely related to the perception of the risks and benefits of using biotechnology innovation. Based on

the research result on the relationship between farmers’ characteristics

communication pattern, revealed that education level was significantly correlated with communication approach preference. All aspects of facilitators’ credibility were significantly correlated with the respondents’ understanding level of the delivered message contents.

Majority of the respondents regarded their religious affiliation as a consideration in their acceptance of transgenic or genetically modified products. Majority (55.56 percent) of them also rated their level of need for transgenic potato seed in the medium category. The survey also confirmed farmers’ assessment of the transgenic potato seed as quite economically profitable; compatible enough with the prevailing values in their environment; quite understandably; can be easily used; and quite easy to observe its superiority to be further communicated to other farmers.

Relationship between farmer’s characteristics, socio-environmental factors,

communication pattern and farmers’ assessment of transgenic potato seed were as follows: a) Relative advantage was significantly negative correlated with education level and significantly positive correlated with income level. Compatibility was significantly negative correlated with age. Observability was significantly positive correlated with the education level. Trialability was significantly negative correlated with education level and significantly positive correlated with income level. Less complexity was very significantly negative correlated with age. b) Relative advantage was significantly positive correlated with communication approaches. Less complexity was very significantly negative correlated with message content. c) Relative advantage was significantly positive correlated with the need for inovation. Compatibility was significantly negative correlated with religious value and significantly positive correlated with the need for inovation. Less complexity was very significantly negative correlated with religious value and very significantly positive correlated with the need for inovation.

Majority of the respondents agreed to adopt transgenic potato seed not only by considering its economic benefit but also as a form of support for the technology, although they knew that GM products have not been proven safe for human consumption and for the the environment, and have difficulty being accepted by consumers who are aware of the GM issues. Farmers disagreed to adopt transgenic seed if it is not compatible with their religious belief and if the price is expensive. Significantly and very significantly positive correlation was obtained between relative advantage, trialability, less complexity and observability with the respondents’ decision to adopt transgenic potato seed.

The study recommends the following: 1) Diffusion of biotechnology information and products must consider the education level and religious affiliation of target audience and the cost of the technology preferably through face-to-face communication approach to ensure better adoption. 2) Packaging of communication messages and materials should be more accurate, clear, and easy to understand especially regarding food, feed and environment safety so that there is no doubt in the adoption decision made by the target audience. 3) Dissemination of halal status of transgenic products to consumers is needed.

Key words: communication pattern, farmer’s assessment, GM potato, religious value, diffusion of innovation



TIKA TRESNAWATI. Pola Komunikasi dalam Difusi Bibit Kentang Transgenik di Garut dan Pangalengan. Dibimbing oleh DJUARA P LUBIS sebagai Ketua dan KRISHNARINI MATINDAS sebagai Anggota Komisi Pembimbing.

Ketahanan dan kemandirian pangan menjadi isu global yang sangat penting saat ini. Penemuan bioteknologi sebagai salah satu teknologi alternatif telah berhasil mengembangkan kentang transgenik yang memiliki keunggulan tahan terhadap serangan cendawan Phytopthora infestans (hawar daun/late blight) tanpa penggunaan pestisida. Bibit kentang transgenik sebagai bentuk inovasi yang sedang berada di tahap akhir percobaan multi-lokasi lapangan telah mendapatkan izin untuk diperkenalkan kepada calon adopter potensial. Diseminasi bibit kentang transgenik telah dilakukan sejak tahun 2009 hingga 2014 kepada beberapa stakeholder di antaranya petani kentang di Garut dan Pangalengan sebagai calon pengguna utama dari bibit ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan (1) deskripsi pola komunikasi dalam diseminasi bibit kentang transgenik dan analisis hubungannya dengan faktor-faktor seperti karakteristik petani dan kredibilitas fasilitator, (2) deskripsi penilaian petani terhadap bibit kentang transgenik dan analisis hubungannya dengan faktor-faktor seperti karakteristik petani, pola komunikasi dan faktor lingkungan; serta (3) deskripsi keputusan adopsi bibit kentang transgenik dan analisis hubungannya dengan penilaian petani terhadap bibit tersebut.

Penelitian didesain sebagai survei deskriptif eksplanatori yang berkaitan dengan korelasional yang dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Pangalengan dan Kabupaten Garut, Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sensus kepada 45 petani yang terdiri dari 23 petani Garut dan 22 petani pangalengan. Analisis data rank Spearman (rs) digunakan untuk mengetahui hubungan antar peubah.

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa petani kentang Garut dan Pangalengan berumur 45 tahun, telah melalui pendidikan wajib belajar hingga ke jenjang SLTA dan memiliki penghasilan sebesar <12 juta rupiah. Mereka mengusahakan lahan yang cukup luas, yakni sebesar 1-2 ha. Petani kentang Garut dan Pangalengan termasuk petani yang memiliki tingkat kosmopolitan yang rendah. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 35.56 persen responden menilai tingkat keahlian fasilitator diseminasi pada kategori tinggi, sementara 64.44 persen responden menilai pada kategori sedang. Pada komponen daya tarik, sebanyak 48.89 persen responden menilai tingkat daya tarik pada kategori tinggi, dan 51 persen responden menilai pada kategori sedang. Pada komponen kejujuran, sebanyak 13.33 persen responden menilai tingkat kejujuran fasilitator pada kategori tinggi, 75.56 persen dari responden menilai pada kategori sedang dan 11.11 persen responden menilai pada kategori rendah. Sebanyak 33.33 persen responden menilai tingkat keakraban fasilitator pada kategori tinggi, dan 66.67 persen responden menilai pada kategori sedang.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola komunikasi diseminasi bibit kentang transgenik adalah dengan mengadakan seminar dan pelatihan, disampaikan oleh peneliti yang terlibat langsung dalam perakitan bibit kentang transgenik tahan hawar daun. Pendekatan komunikasi yang digunakan adalah interpesonal dengan peneliti sebagai sumber informasi. Berdasarkan penilaian responden, media interpersonal yang dilakukan didalam forum adalah yang paling baik untuk diseminasi, sedangkan media cetak yang paling dipahami oleh petani adalah pocket book kentang. Pesan komunikasi dinilai cukup jelas dengan frekuensi berkomunikasi


jarang. Tingkat pendidikan berhubungan dengan preferensi pendekatan komunikasi. Keahlian, daya tarik dan keakraban berhubungan dengan preferensi pendekatan komunikasi. Kredibilitas fasilitator berhubungan dengan isi pesan komunikasi yang disampaikan.

Sebanyak 24.44 persen responden menilai agama menjadi pertimbangan dalam penerimaan produk transgenik pada kategori tinggi, 51.11 persen responden menilai sedang dan 24.44 persen menilai rendah. Sebanyak 33.33 persen responden menilai tingkat kebutuhan mereka terhadap bibit kentang transgenik pada kategori tinggi, 55.56 persen menilai pada kategori sedang dan 11.11 persen rendah. Petani responden menilai bibit kentang transgenik cukup menguntungkan secara sosial ekonomi, cukup sesuai dengan nilai-nilai yang berlaku di lingkungan petani, cukup mudah untuk dapat dimengerti, cukup mudah untuk digunakan dan cukup mudah untuk dapat diamati keunggulannya. Hubungan antara karakteristik petani, faktor lingkungan sosial dan kebutuhan inovasi dengan penilaian petani terhadap bibit kentang transgenik adalah sebagai berikut: a) Keuntungan relatif berhubungan sangat nyata negatif dengan tingkat pendidikan dan nyata positif dengan tingkat pendapatan. Kesesuaian berhubungan sangat nyata negatif dengan usia. Kemudahan bibit transgenik untuk dapat diamati berhubungan sangat nyata positif dengan tingkat pendidikan. Kemudahan bibit transgenik untuk dicoba berhubungan sangat nyata negatif dengan tingkat pendidikan dan berhubungan sangat nyata positif dengan tingkat pendapatan. Ketidakrumitan berhubungan sangat nyata negatif dengan usia. b) Keuntungan relatif berhubungan nyata positif dengan preferensi pendekatan komunikasi. Ketidakrumitan berhubungan sangat nyata negatif dengan isi pesan komunikasi. c) Keuntungan relatif berhubungan nyata positif dengan kebutuhan petani terhadap inovasi. Kesesuaian berhubungan sangat nyata negatif dengan nilai agama dan sangat nyata positif dengan kebutuhan inovasi. Ketidakrumitan berhubungan sangat nyata negatif dengan nilai agama dan sangat nyata positif dengan kebutuhan inovasi. Petani setuju untuk mengadopsi bibit kentang transgenik berdasarkan keuntungan secara ekonomi walaupun belum terbukti aman pangan, aman lingkungan, belum tentu diterima konsumen serta sebagai bentuk dukungan terhadap teknologi. Petani tidak setuju untuk mengadopsi bibit kentang transgenik jika tidak sesuai dengan norma agama dan jika harganya mahal. Penilaian terhadap inovasi yang berhubungan dengan keputusan adopsi adalah keuntungan relatif, kemungkinan dicoba, kemungkinan diamati dan ketidakrumitan.

Hasil penelitian menyarankan: 1) Diseminasi produk transgenik sangat diperlukan mengingat hal ini masih belum secara optimal dilakukan kepada petani dan konsumen sebagai pengguna akhir, padahal produk transgenik sudah banyak beredar di pasaran terutama bahan pangan dan bibit impor. 2) Fasilitator lebih banyak melakukan kajian efektivitas diseminasi bibit kentang transgenik maupun produk transgenik lainnya agar khalayak sasaran lebih paham lagi mengenai produk transgenik. Strategi komunikasi yang tepat sangat diperlukan untuk mengatasi adanya distorsi pesan dan perdebatan. Pengemasan pesan komunikasi tentunya diharapkan lebih transparan terutama mengenai keamanan pangan, pakan dan lingkungan agar tidak ada keraguan didalam pengambilan keputusan adopsi yang dilakukan oleh khalayak sasaran. 3) Menyoroti nilai agama yang dijunjung tinggi oleh masyarakat Indonesia, tentunya diperlukan diseminasi status kehalalan dari produk transgenik kepada konsumen.

Kata kunci: pola komunikasi, penilaian petani, kentang transgenik, nilai agama, difusi inovasi


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as one of the requirements to obtain degree of Magister of Science


Study Program of Communication for Rural and Agriculture Development










Thesis Title : Communication Pattern on the Diffusion of Transgenic Potato Seed at Garut and Pangalengan

Name : Tika Tresnawati

NIM : I352120041

Approved by Supervisory Committee

Dr Ir Djuara P Lubis, MS Chairman

Dr Krishnarini Matindas, MS Member

Known by

Head of Study Program of Communication for Rural and Agriculture


Dr Ir Djuara P Lubis, MS

Dean of Post Graduate School

Dr Ir Dahrul Syah, MScAgr





Alhamdulillah, all praise and gratitude to Allah SWT the Merciful for the gifts and abundance of blessings, so that I can finish the thesis entitled Communication Patterns on the Diffusion of Transgenic Potato Seed at Garut and Pangalengan.

I realize that this study will not be finished without the help of various parties. Accordingly, with all humility, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr Djuara P Lubis as chairman of the supervisory committee and Dr Krishnarini Matindas as member of the supervisory committee who have supported and helped me finishing the write-up of this research as well as for patiently and sincerely providing guidance and knowledge to me. Thanks to Dr Jesus C Fernandez as an external examiner of the thesis defense who has provided and contributed a very great input and suggestions that enrich the scientific value of this thesis.

A big thank you also goes to SEAMEO SEARCA, Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture, for the financial support of lectures and thesis which has been granted for two years through Graduate Scholarship Program.

I would like also to thanks to all persons who has been helpful in providing the necessary information including the Indonesian Biotechnology Information Centre (IndoBIC), Mr. Oji, Mr. Chudori, Mr. Yadi, and all potato farmers of Garut and Pangalengan. Deep thanks goes to Mama Heni Suyeni and Bapak Supaman who always pray for the success of your daughter. Especially, I would like to say thank you and appreciation to my dear husband Riza Firmansyah, SSi, MSi who patiently let go and pray for the success of me. Dearest daughter Freya Zareswa Mahestri thank you for your understanding and sacrifice that has been given so far.

Thanks also to all lecturers of Study Program of Communication for Rural and Agriculture Development to share their knowledge and the best available information about agricultural communication science, Ms. Lia and all of KMPers 2012 friends for their cooperation and support so that this research can be finished.

I realize that there are many shortcomings for this writing; therefore, with all the openness I humbly expected the constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement in the future for the perfection of this writing. Finally, I hope that this work will benefit all parties. Aaamiiinnn ...

Bogor, December 2014







Background 1

Research Problems 3

Objectives 6

Benefits of Research 6


Communication 8

Definition of Communication 8

Effectiveness of Communication 9

Communication Pattern 10

Actor of Communication 11

Messages 12

Media 12

Communication of Innovation 13

Definition of Communication of Innovation 13

Communication of Innovation Channel 14

Difussion of Inovation and Decision Making Process on Agriculture

Adoption 14

Farmers Characteristics 16

Communicators Credibilities 16

Environmental Factors 18

State of The Art of Biotechnology Communication 18

Logical Framework 21

Research Hypotheses 24


Research Design 25

Location and Time of Research 25

Population and Sample 25

Data and Instrument of the Research 26

Operational Definition and Variable Measurement 27

Validity and Reliability 31

Data Analysis 33


Pangalengan District 34

Garut Regency 35

Potato Farming and Problem Faced by Farmers 35

Transgenic Potato Seed Development Program under ABSP II Project 38 The Status of Transgenic Seeds Development in Indonesia 40

Definition of Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) 40



Transgenic Seed Development in Indonesia 42

Respondents Characteristics 45

Credibility of Facilitator 49

Socio-Environmental Factors 52



Communication Process and Diffusion Processes of Transgenic Potato Seed

among Farmers at Pangalengan and Garut 55

Communication Pattern of the Transgenic Potato Seed Dissemination 56

Communication Approach Preferences 57

Message Content 58

Frequency of Communication 59

Factors Related to the Communication Pattern of Transgenic Potato Seed

Dissemination 60

Correlation between Farmer’s Characteristics and Communication Pattern

of the Transgenic Potato Seed Dissemination 60

The correlation between Credibility of Facilitator with the Communication

Pattern of the Transgenic Potato Seed Dissemination 61



Factors Correlated with the Farmer’s Assessment towards Transgenic Potato

Seed 71

The Relationship between Farmer’s Characteristics with the Farmer’s

Assessment 71

The Relationship between Communication Pattern with Farmer’s

Assessment 72

The Correlation between the Socio-Environmental Factors with the

Farmer’s Assessment of Transgenic Potato Seed 73



Adoption of Innnovation of Transgenic Potato Seed 75

The Correlation between the Farmer’s Assessment of Transgenic Potato Seed

with the Adoption Decision 76


Conclusions 78

Recommendations 80



1 Table 1 Variables, indicators and parameter in this research 27 2 Table 2 Distribution of respondents based on the characteristics of

potato farmers in Garut and Pangalengan as of 2014 45 3 Table 3 Farmer’s assessment to the facilitator’s credibility of

transgenic potato seed dissemination 49

4 Table 4 Farmer’s assessment to the socio-environmental factors

influenced the acceptance of transgenic potato seed 52 5 Table 5 Communication pattern of transgenic potato seed

dissemination 57

6 Table 6 Rank Spearman correlation coefficient between the

farmer’s characteristics with communication pattern 60 7 Table 7 Rank Spearman correlation coefficient between the

credibility of facilitator with communication pattern 61 8 Table 8 Farmer’s assessment to the transgenic potato seed 63 9 Table 9 Rank Spearman correlation coefficient between the

farmer characteristics with the assessment of transgenic potato

seed 72

10 Table 10 Rank Spearman Correlation Coefficient between the Communication Pattern and Farmer’s Assessment to Transgenic

Potato Seed 73

11 Table 11 Rank Spearman correlation coefficient between the socio-environment factors with the Farmer’s Assessment to

Transgenic Potato Seed 74

12 Table 12 Percentage of respondents who agree and disagree

towards statements related to adoption of transgenic potato seed 75 13 Table 13 Rank Spearman Correlation Coefficient between the

Farmer’s Assessment of Transgenic Potato Seed with Adoption

Decision 77


1 Figure 1 Logical Framework of Communication Pattern on the

Diffusion of Transgenic Potato Seed 23

2 Figure 2 Potato plant attacked by late blight disease 37 3 Figure 3 Illustration of the diffusion process of the transgenic

potato seed at Garut and Pangalengan 56






Resilience and self-sufficiency become a very important global issue at this time. Thomas R. Malthus, in his theory said that population growth will be increased geometrically, while food supply increased arithmetically. So, it means that the food production should exceed the population growth. Based on this theory, it can be predicted that the current agricultural land will be lost due to the rapid development and use of land clearing for human settlements (Walker 2012). But Malthusian theory is not always true, because there are some weaknesses of this theory. Malthus emphasized the limited availability of land, but he was not aware of the great advantages of high population growth i.e the increasing of technological methods, particularly in the field of agricultural technology. Technology in agriculture can increase agricultural output with a limited land.

One of the agricultural technologies to meet the need of food was by implementing the Green Revolution. Green Revolution was based on four important pillars include provision of water through irrigation systems, optimal use of chemical fertilizers, pesticide application in accordance with the level of pest attack, and use of high yielding varieties as a superior planting material. Green Revolution movement in Indonesia was not able to deliver Indonesia into a self-sufficient country in food, but only capable within five years, i.e between the years of 1984-1989 (Esje and Daniel 1998). Additionally, the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers showed a level that exceeds the threshold, causing environmental pollution. Besides, there are many marginalized land occurs as a result of forest clearing or deforestation, causing a negative impact on the ecosystem. Finally, the key to improving the world's food production can not be done simply by increasing the productivity of agricultural areas. In other words,

Green Revolution was expressly stated “failed” in an attempt to feed the growing

world population (Holt - Gimenez et al. 2006).

These conditions encourage the scientists to find alternative technologies that can help people in managing natural resources with a better and a more efficient way. The discovery of biotechnology, especially in agriculture to create resilience and self-sufficiency is now available. Biotechnology is one of subject field that studies technology, utilization, as well as the engineering of living organisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc.) or its product (such as enzymes, alcohol) in the process of generating better products with high value (Navarro et al. 2013).

Food biotechnology can utilize the genes of animals or plants as living beings for further genetic engineering process resulting in a desired kind of seed or organism. The application of biotechnology in agriculture is intended to find one or more desired genes to produce high yielding varieties (Adlhiyati 2009). According to the data in 2012, a total of 170.3 million hectares in 30 countries in the world are planted with biotech crops, it shows an increase in biotech crop area for two decades, i.e from 1996 to 2012 (James 2012). Biotech crops are currently grown in many parts of the world including potatoes, corn, soy, cotton, canola, sugar beets, papaya, tomatoes, and peppers. Agricultural biotechnology in Indonesia play an important role in increasing the resilience and self-sufficiency



through breeding crops to get the varieties which are resistant to pests and able to grow on marginal land. Biotech products disseminated to the public are transgenic crops such as sugar cane, potato, corn and rice.

One of the products developed in Indonesian agricultural biotechnology is a transgenic potato. Transgenic potato has been developed since local potato production is low. This condition made Indonesia imports potato from Canada and China. Based on data from the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency (BPS 2013), the volume of imports of potatoes in January 2013 was 4,019 tons (approximately U.S. $ 2.4 million). The low production of local potato is caused by one of the fungus attacks namely Phytopthora infestans (Late Blight) which are very destructive and very difficult to be controlled. Phytopthora infestans is the most important fungus in the potato that can reduce the potato production up to 40-80 % (Kusmana 2013). Transgenic potato seedlings obtained from genetic engineering are expected to be tolerant to this fungus attack. It is estimated that, in early 2014, this anti-late blight GMO potato has been able to be commercially grown to reduce food imports (Politik Indonesia 2013). In other words, the transgenic potato can be a solution to the declining productivity due to pests of potato.

Seed of transgenic potato, commonly called Genetic Modified Organism (GMO), are one means of innovation (Stewart et al. 2002). Communication is needed in the process of dissemination of an innovation either in the form of products or information. Communication plays an important role in the process of innovation dissemination. Communication can spread an innovation to members of a social system. Communication role in the dissemination of innovation is that it will broadly change the society through diffusion of new ideas and things. According to Rogers, the spread of an innovation termed the diffusion process. Innovation must go through the process of diffusion to be accepted and adopted by the public. The classic model of Rogers' about diffusion of innovations in technology have successfully passed through a series of time trials and has been applied to a variety of technologies, including hybrid corn. This model describes five factors that must be owned by an innovation namely relative advantage compared to other products, the compatibility of the innovation with the values prevailing in the user environment, the less complexity of an innovation can be understood, and whether the innovation can be used easily by the user and communicated to other users (Rogers 2003).

Effective communication and dissemination of information about GM products for the public, especially those interested parties (stakeholders) can create conducive environment for the diffusion until adoption of transgenic product. Adoption takes place by convincing farmers to use transgenic seed, while

diffusion producing external effects such as increased levels of the farmer’s

economy. Effective diffusion process will create a high adoption rate (Scandizzo and Savastano 2010). The diffusion process of biotechnology involves stakeholders as a social system. Resources information are researchers who conduct research using biotechnology or genetic engineering to obtain superior food products. After having through a series of tests, the results of biotechnology will be communicated by the researcher to the media and Non - Research Organization (NRO). Researchers together with the media and NRO will forward this information to the public stakeholders. Public stakeholders comprised


3 legislators, governments, policy makers, consumers, farmers and food producers. Communication carried out by researchers, media and the NRO is intended for persuading the public stakeholders to adopt transgenic product. Adoption activities of transgenic product can be planting transgenic seed, importing transgenic food, developing of technology and infrastructure related with transgenic.

According to General Policy of Food Security (KUKP) of 2010-2014, biotechnology declared as a priority by the Indonesian government and will be intensively implemented by all stakeholders, especially farmers. So an effective and efficient strategy to disseminate these transgenic products to all stakeholders is needed. Therefore, the study of communication patterns such as what best for the diffusion process of transgenic seed is important to do to address these challenges.

Research Problems

Transgenic potato seed as a form of innovation has received permission to be disseminated and tested on a limited basis in the field. Dissemination of transgenic potato seed has been done since 2009 to 2014 to several stakeholders i.e the extension, department of agriculture, ministry-related policy-making, the Commission on Biosafety (CBD), the media, researchers, students and general consumers.

However, the introduction of genetically modified or biotechnology (GM/biotech) crops already faced skepticism among certain sectors of society in various parts of the world (James 2012). Its promise to provide better harvest and a better quality of life among small-scale and resource-poor farmers was doubted. The level of skepticism was even higher in developing countries where the growth in science and technology lags behind those in developed countries. This situation has also happened in Indonesia. Research conducted by Mardiana (2006) stated that there is a debate about GMOs in the Indonesian academic/scientists and creates two different perspectives. Each perspective has a contradictory attitude and perception and they are both trying to convince the public and the government that their perspective is most appropriate. Even there is an NRO named “March Against Monsanto” who has the vision and mission of disseminating information that GMO food products are very risky and dangerous for consumption ( But regardless of the pros and cons of GM crops, there is no evidence of a negative impact of the crops, so that the restrictions of genetically modified crops would hinder the biotech research. The debate over the safety of transgenic products makes Indonesia lags behind other countries in the use of biotechnology. Not only hampered research, diffusion and adoption of innovation are still not available to the wider community.

According to France and Gilbert (2006), the main cause of the debate is that no useful model for the communication process between the parties exists, and hence effective means of communication can not readily be developed. The debate is said to be naturally happened. It has been suggested that public discussion about any new technology passes through three stages. First, the



product. Second, the spaghetti stage, in which the technology and in applications are modified by producers and consumers to make it generally more capable of adoption by the public at large. Third, the black box stage, in which the technology is adopted, culturally accepted, and has become socially invisible. Traditional biotechnologies, for example bread-making, yoghurt-making and waste disposal, have long since passed into the black box stage. However, most of the biotechnologies based on genetic engineering that represent some sectors of the modern biotechnology industry are currently at the spaghetti stage and are experiencing a situation where there is intense debate.

Debate can result in the emergence of risk communication (distortion) of information about GMO products diffused to the people/farmers. This distorsion of information about biotech products caused the massive action of demonstrations conducted by cotton farmers in Bulukumba, South Sulawesi around 2002. Hundreds of cotton farmers from Gowa, Sidrap and Bulukumba demonstrated in order to reject insect-resistant transgenic cotton of Monsanto that are ready to commercialization. They set fire to the harvest of transgenic cotton because it was not in line with the promise of Monsanto since there were emerging caterpillar pests. Several Non Research Organizations (NGOs) was accused of becoming parties to a communication provocation against the farmers by saying that the transgenic cotton endangers ecosystems and human health.

In the communication process, distortion of the message occurs because the understanding of innovator and communication target is different. Communication of innovation through the diffusion until adoption becomes very crucial to acceptance of innovation. Not much research conducted on how the innovation diffusion of GMO products already made in Indonesia. Diffusion process of transgenic involves communication between stakeholders. Farmers are an important audience in the diffusion of transgenic products. The success process of diffusion and adoption of innovation at the farm level can be seen with the transgenic seedlings simultaneously. The expected result is an increase in the productivity of harvest yield so that food self-sufficiency can be achieved and the level of dependence on food imports can be reduced.

Communication imply for the formation of a positive attitude of the target audience especially farmers in creating a view on the transgenic benefit. Communication process that occurs in the diffusion of innovation transgenic products will generate various forms of communication. This form of communication, if used repeatedly, will create a pattern that suitable and easy to use in communicating. Communication patterns can not be separated from the systematic structure of messages receipt and delivery behavior between members of the group, who is talking to whom by certain level of frequency which form a habit (Goldberg and Larson 1985). Then how communication patterns of innovation used in the diffusion process of GMO products in the farmer social system so far?

Communication patterns are formed starting from the introduction of transgenic potato seed until the innovation decision is taken. The introduction of GMO products in Indonesia is carried out in cooperation of several NRO such as Indonesian Biotechnology Information Centre (IndoBIC) and others in the form of seminars, training and workshops to stakeholders, including farmers. Based on research conducted by Retnowati (2007), entitled Communication Pattern of


5 Single Parents in the Formation of Independence in Children, found that there is a significant correlation between the personal characteristics and the communication pattern. Also according to the study of Surbakti and Silalahi (2008), the credibility of information resources also affects the communication pattern formation. This study is intended to determine how far the personal characteristics of farmers and facilitators credibility as a source of information related with the communication patterns of transgenic potato seed diffusion to farmers?

Classical model of Roger’s on the diffusion of innovation has been applied to a variety of technologies. The model describes five factors that must be owned by an innovation namely relative advantage of innovation compared to other products, the compatibility of the innovation with existing values in the user environment, the less complexity of an innovation can be understood, and whether these innovations can be used easily by users and easy to be observed its superiority to be further communicated to other parties. Rogers said these five factors as characteristic of innovations which are closely related to the assessment of individuals in a social system to the communicated innovation. How are the farmer’s assessment as the target audience towards transgenic potato seed?

The debate in the acceptance of transgenic raised the issue of GMOs discrepancy with the value of religion as a social norm, saying that religion does not allow a man to change God's creatures. Results of previous studies suggested there are several factors influenced the adoption of biotechnology products, among others individual characteristics possessed by the adopter and innovation compatibility with social norms, especially the norms of religion. The value of religion as one of the factors influence the GMO products adoption in Indonesia is interesting to be studied, given the population of Indonesia upholds religious values. According to Rogers (2003) another factors that influence the adoption is the need for innovation. How far is the relationship between these factors with farmer’s assessment to transgenic potato seed?

Communication of innovations to stakeholders generally produces three major domains, namely: whether stakeholders receive benefits communication, whether the stakeholders accept the loss of communication, and what the obstacles found in the communication (Nelson et al. 2009). Communication is done for a particular effect in accordance with the goals to be achieved. Effects of communication in the diffusion of transgenic seed is if the communicant, in this case farmers as decision makers unit, have their assessment towards the innovation which in accordance to the goal of communication. How far is communication patterns associated with farmer’s assessment towards transgenic potato seed?

Farmer’s assessment of transgenic potato seed will be followed by the acceptance or rejection of the innovation, also known as adoption. Transgenic potato seed is still in the testing to be launched to the public, so that the stage of adoption is still in the ‘intention stage’ or ‘will adopt’. How far is the farmer’s assessment correlated to the farmer adoption of transgenic potato seed?



Based on the explanation above, the research problems of this study were as follows:

1. What kind of communication patterns used in the diffusion process of transgenic potato seed in the farmer social system so far?

2. How far the personal characteristics of farmers and facilitators credibility as a source of information related with the communication patterns of transgenic potato seed diffusion to farmers?

3. How are the farmer’s assessment as the target audience towards transgenic potato seed?

4. How far is the relationship between personal characteristics of farmers, socio-environment factors and communication pattern with farmer’s assessment to transgenic potato seed?

5. How far the farmer’s intention to adopt the transgenic potato seed after dissemination?

6. How far is the relationship between farmer’s assessment to transgenic potato seed with the adoption?

Objectives The objectives of this study were to obtain:

1. The description of communication patterns used in the diffusion process of transgenic potato seed in the farmer social system so far 2. The correlation analysis between farmers personal characteristics and

facilitators credibility as a source of information related with the communication patterns of transgenic potato seed diffusion to farmers 3. The description of the farmer’s assessment as the target audience

towards transgenic potato seed

4. The correlation analysis between personal characteristics of farmers, socio-environment factors and communication pattern with farmer’s assessment to transgenic potato seed

5. The description of farmer’s intention to adopt the transgenic potato seed after dissemination

6. The correlation analysis between farmer’s assessment to transgenic potato seed with the adoption

Benefits of Research

The benefits of this research are:

1. The results of this study are expected to provide input for the partiers involved in the communication strategy in a transgenic product information dissemination activities carried out by the Research Institute and the Non Research Organization. Therefore, this study will try to explore how far the existing communication patterns can be developed for this purpose.


7 2. For innovation communicators, the results of this research can be input in compiling information needs, establish training in relation to adoption among adopters and to the spread (diffusion) of innovation , as well as 3. As a reference for policy makers and decision makers (government,

academia/scientists and producer/entrepreneur) in the risk analysis (risk assessment) and risk management from the use of transgenic product. 4. For the development of communication science, the results of this study

can be used as a source of information and reference materials for further research.





Definition of Communication

Theodorson and Theodorson cited by Littlejohn and Foss (2009) defines communication as a process of delivering information, ideas, attitudes or emotions from one person or group to another person or group. Theodore Clavenger Jr. cited by Littlejohn and Foss (2009) noted that the problems inherent in defining for the purposes of scientific research was derived from the fact that the verb 'communicate' has a strong position in the general vocabulary and therefore not can be easily defined for scientific purposes. Another definition of communications presented by Harold Lasswell cited by Effendy (2007), stated that the best way to explain the process of communication is to answer the question: who says what in which channel to whom with what effect. The answer

to the Laswell’s question is the elements of the communication process, ie the communicator, message, media, communicant / receiver, and the effect.

Hovland, Janis and Kelly (1981) cited by Effendy (2007) defines communication as a process where individuals send a stimulus in the form of verbal and aims to change the behavior of others. This communication theory is known as the stimulus-organism-response. The effects are specific reactions to specific stimuli, so that one can expect and predict compatibility between the message and the reaction of communicant. Stimulus or the message delivered to the communicant may be accepted or rejected. Communication will occur if there is a concern of the communicant. The next process is communicant will understand. This ability of communicant will continue the next process. After the message was process and accepted by communicant, then there will be a willingness to change their attitudes. There are three important variables in examining attitudes, namely attention, understanding and acceptance.

Other communication theory is a mathematical theory model of Shannon and Weaver (Effendy 2007). This communication model shows that the resource of information produces a message to be communicated. The message may consist of words spoken or written, music, pictures, and others. Transmitter converts the message into signal corresponding to the channel that will be used. Channel is a media that channeling cues from the transmitter to the receiver. In conversation, the source of information is the mind (brain), the transmitter is the sound mechanism that produces cues with air as channel. Recipients do the reverse operation conducted by transmitter, which reconstructs the message of cues. Destination is a person or object to whom or to what the message is intended.

Frank Dance cited by Littlejohn and Foss (2009) highlighted a number of elements that are used to distinguish communications. Three points of important conceptual differences form the dimensions of communication. The first dimension is the level of observation or brevity. Communication is a system (eg, telephone or telegraph) to convey information and commands (eg in the Navy), which is restrictive. The second difference is the goal. Definition of communication is situation as a source that sends a message to the recipient with a


9 specific purpose to influence the behavior of the recipient. While a definition that does not require objectives are as follows: Communication is a process of equating two or a few things about the power of a person or many persons. The third dimension used to distinguish the definition of communication is a normative assessment. Some definitions include a statement about the success, effectiveness, or accuracy. Other definitions do not contain such a complete assessment. For example, the following definitions assume that communication is successful if the communication is an exchange of thoughts or ideas. The assumption of this definition is that a thought or idea is successful to be redeemed. On the other hand, a definition that does not assess whether the results are successful or not, communication is the delivery of information. Here, the information presented, but it is not important whether the information is received and is understood or not.

Effectiveness of Communication

In general, communication is considered effective when the stimuli presented and intended by the sender or source, are closely related to the stimuli captured and understood by the recipient. The greater the relation between what was intended by the communicator with what was understood by the communicant, the more effective the communication conducted. Communication effectiveness is closely related to the purpose, which usually results in the understanding, enjoyment, affect attitudes, improve relationships, and action (Tubbs and Moss 2005).

Communication will be effective if there is mutual understanding. Mutual understanding which become the purpose and primary function of communication is a process of joint decision-making based on uncertainty. Mutual understanding and agreement about the symbolic information created and shared is a prerequisite for social and other collective activities (Rogers and Kincaid 1981).

The mutual understanding results can be described with two or more overlapping circles that represent each participant perception to other meaning as overlapping with other actual meaning. In accordance with the concept of overlapping of interests, the equation is a sort of framework in which communication occurs. In order to make the parties involved in the communication process able to understand each other, so that they can communicate effectively, they must have more or less similar background and

experience. The term “homofili” is commonly used to describe the same situation

between the parties involved in communication. According to Rogers (2003), homophily is the degree of a pair or more individuals who communicate in the same way. This similarity could have occured on certain attributes, such as beliefs, education, socioeconomic status, and their favorite.

According to Berlo (1960), the communication will be effective if its accuracy can be improved and the distortion can be minimized. Therefore, improving accuracy and reducing interference should occur at each element of communication. This can occur if:

1. A communicator must have communication skills, a broad knowledge of what was discussed, honest and friendly attitude, and able to adapt to the social and cultural systems.



2. A communicant must have the ability to communicate, be positive to the communicator and the message, understand the message delivered, as well as habitual behavior in receiving and interpreting messages.

3. The message must meet the requirements of the code or language messages, messages conformity with the purpose of communication, and the selection and arrangement of language and message.

4. The media of communication must comply with the objectives to be achieved, according to the message according to the situation and condition of the community, as well as efficient in selecting the media. The principle of the media is that the media should be able to be seen, heard, touched, smelled and tasted.

Communication can be considered effective if the listener or reader follow the viewpoint of a communicator, because he has an appeal in terms of similarity, is well known (familiarity), preferably (liking) and physically interesting (physics). Similarity meant that people could interest to communicator because of the demographic similarities, such as language, religion, tribe, place of origin, party or ideology. Well known communicator will be readily accepted by audiences than those who are not. Communicators who already known his/her ability will be readily accepted, because the audience will no doubt on the ability and honesty. In addition, communicators must also be liked by the audience. Physical appearance and posture of the body is considered important because physical disabilities can lead to ridicule thus disrupting communication process (Cangara 2004).

Communication Pattern

Communication pattern is a model of communication which repeatedly used by individual or group. Communication patterns can be formed from the communication between individuals or groups. Communication patterns of groups can not be separated from the systematic structure of the receiving and sending messages behaviour between members of the group, who is talking to whom at a certain frequency level that form a habit (Goldberg and Larson 1985).

According to Bintarti (2003), which examined the relationship between communication pattern with learning achievement of the Open University students, communication patterns are not formed by itself, but is the result of interaction between the characteristics of the communicators, the communication media used, results and objectives to be achieved by the target. While Retnowati (2007) defines the communication patterns of parents and children as an interpersonal communication between parents and children, where each can choose function either as a communicator or as a communicant who has a steady and clear relationship, it means that there is always a relationship between the two people. Communicators brings a certain experience, belief, value and attitude acquired and learned from their interactions with other people and the environment (Retnowati 2007).

Arif (2004) in his study on communication patterns of National Park management in raising conservation awareness of visitors stated that the media access, the availability of information resources, ease of access to sources of information, way to communicate with other visitors, and frequency of verbal and nonverbal communication influenced the communication pattern in the National Park.


11 Research conducted by Jufri (2009) in the Islamic and Christian communities in the District of New Labuh, Pekanbaru showed that the communication pattern is formed of a relationship of cooperation, competition, conflict, dominance of a particular religion, the role of religious leaders, and the role of government. The process of social communication between Christian and Muslim communities involved diverse social processes, which make dynamic elements of society, namely the mind, self, society, related to perceptions, attitudes, actions, processes behavior and social structure. Communication patterns that occur in the different religious communities are interactional communication patterns. Blumer (cited by Jufri 2009) suggested three premises based into this model. First, humans act based on the meanings given by individual to the social environment (verbal, nonverbal symbols, physical environment). Second, the meaning is obtained and is directly related to social interaction of individuals with their social environment. Third, the meaning is created, maintained, modified and developed through the process of interpretation by the individual in dealing with their social environment. Therefore, the individual is constantly changing, so does society, through interaction. Based on the four previous researches on communication patterns, it was concluded that the elements affecting the pattern were characteristic of the individual, actor of communication, channel, the message, and the frequency of communication. Actor of Communication

Communicator by Littlejohn and Foss (2009) is an independent, unique individual with specific characteristics which are partially determined by genetics. Individuals have complex thoughts that organize information into attitudes, beliefs, and values which in turn influence behavior. Communicators bring personal identification in communication, which is a person with a sense of identity, self-developed through interaction. Individuals positioned in the social composition of the culture and power relations.

Communication is a tool to establish the identity and also change mechanism. An identity, both in view of its own as well as others, are formed when socially interact with others in life. Someone get the views and reactions of others in social interaction and vice versa, showing a sense of identity in a way to express themselves and respond to others (Littlejohn and Foss 2009).

As the main actors in the process of communication, communicator plays a very important role, especially in controlling the process of communication. For that, a communicator must be able and skillful to communicate, rich in ideas, and alsofull of creativity. Cangara (2004) stated that in order to achieve a striking communication, a communicator must have a confidence (credibility), attractiveness (attractive), and strength (power). James McCroskey (1966) cited by Cangara (2004) explains that the credibility of a communicator can be sourced from competence, character, intention, personality and dynamism.

According to Berlo (1960), there are four factors that determine the ability of communicators so that the accuracy of communication can be improved, namely:

1. Communication skills, namely speaking and writing skills so that the receiver is able to hear and read the message clearly and well.



2. Attitude, the trend of positive or negative attitude, both to himself, to the message sent, and to the message receiver.

3. The level of knowledge, the knowledge of the perception of the message. 4. The socio-cultural system, which is associated with the communicator position

in the socio-cultural system. Messages

Message is a text or an organized set of signs that have meaning in communication. Messages produced by individuals, which processes messages strategically to obtain a particular purpose. Message resolves social functions that bring people together in a diverse relationship. Message forms the conversation consisted of individual social behavior. Conversation is a process in which the communication actors coordinate or organize interaction in a way that creates a corresponding meaning. Cultural formation is happened through the conversation. Power of relationship is carried out through the use of language in communication (Littlejohn and Foss 2009).

Messages can be composed from signs and symbols, language, and nonverbal signs. Prominent theory of symbols was created by Susanne Langer. Symbolism underlies all human knowledge and understanding. According to Langer cited by Littlejohn and Foss (2009), sign is a stimulus that indicates the presence of a thing. A sign is closely related to the meaning of the actual incident. Symbols used in a way that is more complex to make someone to think about anything apart from his presence. A symbol is an instrument of thought. Symbols are human conceptualization of a thing; there is a symbol for something.

Language according to Sassaure cited by Littlejohn and Foss (2009) is a standard system that can be analyzed separately from its usefulness in everyday life. The pronunciation is the actual usefulness of the language to achieve the goal. Language and behavior do not often work together, so that the nonverbal signs are important in the interaction. Nonverbal Signs is a collection of behaviors that are used to convey meaning. Judee Burgon cited by Littlejohn and Foss (2009) classified the nonverbal system in several properties. First, nonverbal signs tend to analog rather than digital. Digital signal has its own characteristics, such as letters and numbers, while the continuous analog, forming a spectrum level or as volume and intensity of light. Therefore, nonverbal signs, such as facial expressions and tone of voice can not be simply classified into categories that have these characteristics. Nonverbal coding system is often classified according to the type of activity that is used in the code. Burgoon cited by Littlejohn and Foss (2009) proposed seven types of kenesis (body activity), paralanguange (vocal or voice), haptics, or touch (physical appearance), proxemics (time) and artifacts (objects). Media

Media was created from the shape culture and influence the social structure. The media and the public responded to each other, leading to results that are responsible for the media, individuals and society. Media effects on individual behavior. Modern communication media allows millions of people around the world connected and be a tool to disseminate information. The media has the ability to create community, explain the problem, provide a general reference and move the attention and power (Littlejohn and Foss 2009).


13 Laswell cited by Littlejohn and Foss (2009) developed parts of the mass communication system. The main function of communication media including observation (surveillance), provide information about the environment, giving the option to solve the problem, or the relationship (correlation), and socialization, and education known as transmission. Therefore, the important thing for mass communication is the media itself. Media organizations spread the message that greatly affect and describe the culture, and the media provide information to a heterogeneous audience, making the media as part of the power of public institutions.

Denis McQuail cited by Littlejohn and Foss (2009) refers to the eight metaphors to interpret aspects of the media. First, the media is a window which allows us to see our environment even further. Second, as an interpreter which helps us to understand the experience. Third, the foundation (platform) or the carrier that conveys information. Fourth, interactive communication that includes audience opinion. Fifth marker (signpost) which gave us instructions and guidelines. Sixth as a filter which share experiences and focus on others. Seventh as a mirror that reflects ourselves. Finally, the eighth is a barrier which cover the truth.

Communication of Innovation

Definition of Communication of Innovation

In agricultural development communication, the message must be agricultural technology. Agricultural technology is everything that is produced through agricultural research and assessment activities to support the development of agriculture in general (Dilla 2007). In general, technology (innovation) can be agricultural products (seed varieties), knowledge as well as tools and agricultural machinery. The three types of agricultural technology have different characteristics, thus requiring delivery strategies to farmers with different stages and techniques (IRRI 1998 cited by Dilla 2007).

According to Rogers (2003), innovation is an idea, action, or stuff that's new to someone. In this case, the novelty of innovation measured subjectively according to the views of individuals who receive it. If an idea is considered new by someone, then the idea is innovative for that person. The concept of ‘new’ in the innovative ideas does not have to be new at all. In general, in the concept of diffusion of innovation theory, there are five characteristics of innovation that can affect a person's individual level of adoption, namely: (1) Relative advantage, (2) Compatibility, (3) Complexity, (4) Trialability, and (5) observability (possibly observed). The lack of steadily in measuring the complexity of an innovation was criticized by Leeuwiss (2004) by replacing the indicator with less complexity. A detailed review of the five characteristics of the innovation were as follows.

Relative advantage is the degree to which the innovation is felt better than any other idea to be replaced. The degree of such benefits can be measured economically, but the factor of social prestige, comfort and satisfaction is also an important factor. The greater the relative advantage of innovation that can be felt, the level of adoption of innovation will also be faster.



Compatibility is the degree to which the innovation is perceived as something that is common or consistent with prevailing values, past experiences and needs of adopters (adopters). Ideas that are inconsistent with the values and norms of social systems will not be adopted as quickly as appropriate innovation.

Less complexity is the degree of innovation to be used and understood. New ideas which are simpler to be understood would be quickly to be adopted than the innovations which require the adopters to develop new skills and understanding.

Trialability is the degree of innovation to be tried in a state of limited resources. New ideas that can be tried in some cropping sequences will generally be more easily and quickly adopted rather than innovation that can not be tested-piloted on a smaller scale.

Observability is the degree of innovation to be seen and witnessed the results by others. Ease in observation of innovation by somebody will make it easier to be adopted.

Communication of Innovation Channel

It is difficult for an individual to characterize the source of the message and the channels that carry the message. Source is an individual or an institution where the message originated. Channel is what brings the message from the source to the receiver. Rogers (2003) categorizes communication channels into two, namely, (1) interpersonal channels versus mass media; (2) Localite versus cosmopolite. These channels have a difference in shaping the knowledge and persuasion someone to change their behavior based on existing innovation. Communication channels will be different for every individual, for early adopters and late adopters.

Mass media channel is important at the level of knowledge whereas interpersonal channel is considered important at the level of persuasion. Mass media channels are emerging in developing countries. While interpersonal channels carried by a two-way approach and to get feedback quickly. Possible effects on interpersonal channels are attitude formation and change of attitude, whereas the mass media channels are limited to changes in knowledge.

Cosmopolite channel has an important impact on the stages of increasing knowledge and local channels have important implications on the stages of persuasion. Cosmopolite communication channel connects an individual with a source outside the social system. In developing countries, the cosmopolite channel is more important at the stage of increasing knowledge, and little impact on persuasion stage. Cosmopolite interpersonal channels aided by the presence of an agent of change, the visits to or from other areas. Research on twenty-three different innovations in ten countries indicates if cosmopolite interpersonal channels and the mass media are combined to form a cosmopolite channel category.

Difussion of Inovation and Decision Making Process on Agriculture Adoption The main theory underlying this survey research is the theory of diffusion of innovation of Rogers (2003) concerning the decision-making process of agricultural adoption, which has been used in Indonesia in some cases. This is a concept and a social phenomenon so that the relationship between the established


15 concepts is necessary to be defined. It is also required to do research on communication channels of knowledge stage, persuation, decision, implementation, until confirmation.

According to Rogers (2003) on the initial conditions, there are four variables that influence, namely the practice of previous activities, perceived needs / problems encountered, novelty/new ideas, and norms of social systems.

This study was more emphasis on the social system of norms that according to the preliminary observations have strong influence. Social systems have an important influence in the diffusion of new ideas. Innovation can be adopted or rejected by a person as a member of a system or social system, in which the adoption decision determined by a joint decision or by power. From these two things, Rogers (2003) divides the innovation decisions into three types, namely: 1. Optional innovation made by someone independently against the decisions of

other members in a social system. In this case, the individual decision is likely influenced by the norms and networks of communication between individuals. 2. Collective innovation of an innovation made by consensus among the members

of a social system / groups. The entire unit in social systems usually has to confirm to the decision made by the social system.

3. Authority innovation an innovation made by some people who are relatively few of a system that has the power, status or technical expertise.

Innovation decision process is a process that is performed by a person or other decision making units starting from initial information retrieval of an innovation, determination of attitudes towards innovation, decision to adopt or reject, the application of new ideas, and confirmation of the decision that has been taken. Rogers (2003) illustrates that the innovation decision process occurs in five stages.

The five stages of the innovation decision process have special characteristics. The first stage, knowledge occurs when a person or other decision makers hit by information regarding the existence of an innovation and gain an understanding of the function of the innovation. The second phase, persuasion occurs when a person or other decision-makers feel the comfort or discomfort towards innovation. The third stage, the decisions occurs when a person or other decision makers engage in activities that lead to a choice to adopt or reject the innovation. The fourth stage, the implementation occurs when a person or other decision-makers determine to use new ideas. The fifth stage, confirmation occurs when a person or decision makers are looking for a reaffirmation of the made decission that could possibly change if expose by any conflicting information on innovation.

The review results of the Roger’s innovation diffusion theory states that in the process of introduction of technology, innovation diffusion theory in particular can influence the three processes. First, considering the adoption is complex, then the process of social development is the first thing to be done. Secondly, every individual has a different perception with regard to technology that can affect the adoption process. The third / final, successful implementation of technology adoption must consider the various issues related to cognitive, emotional and context seriously.



Farmers Characteristics

According to Subagio (2008), high quality farmers will be able to take advantage of the availability of innovation and will get better access to information. Indicators of the farmer individual quality which will influence the adoption process can be shown by the personal characteristics of the farmers consisting of: level of education, age, gender, income, number of family members, cosmopolites level, business experience, willing to take risks (Torres et al. 2013). The quality of the individual farmer can increase the capacity and is a source of strength in conducting a successful farming business. The characteristics of the farmers in this study are characteristics inherent to the individual farmer who distinguish themselves with others. In accordance with the research objectives, indicators of the characteristics of the farmer are the level of education, age, income, and cosmopolites level.

Communicators Credibilities

Rakhmat (1999) reported that credibility is a set of communication perceptions about the nature of the communicator. There are two implicit meanings in this definition namely that credibility is the perception of communication, so it is not inherent in the communicator themselves and credibility is the characters of communicators or the components of credibility, so it can be defined as the ability to be trusted on the question, attitude or a source and the ability to examine attitudes. While Susanto (2004) argued that credibility is the assumption of the people to none or lack of interest to a thing which was said, making people more confident sincerity and purity of his statement, it will then show whether there is an increase or decrease in the value of its stated beliefs.

Facilitator’s (communicator) credibility theory by Hovland and Weiss

(cited by Hamidi 2007) showed expertise and trustworthiness creating a climate of communication effectiveness.

1. Expertise

Defined as proficiency in the science and the field of employment. Every individual should have the basic capital for working in the form of knowledge, information, work ability, mastery to his field so that he can perform a given task well and is considered competent and professional by superiors, clients, work environment and community. This assumption is a measure of an expertise.

2. Trustworthiness

Defined as a sense of trust given to others arising from their expertise, diligence, honesty, loyalty, and high capability of individuals in the work so that their boss/work environment believes that they can do their job properly as expected and desired.

Both of these factors are interrelated by building a credible perception so that it can be interpreted how expert and trustworty the communicator so that he can be said to be credible.


17 Communication will be effective when the communicant undergone a process of internalization, if the communicant receives the message corresponding to the value system embraced. Communicant feels of getting something useful if the message has an acceptable rationality. Hamidi (2007) states, the identification happened to the communicant, if communicant satisfied with imitating or taking the mind or behavior of another person or group (communicator) and if the communicator has an appeal (attractiveness). Adherence to communicant themselves would happen, if the communicant sure that they will experience satisfaction, experiencing unpleasant reaction, gain reward and avoid punishment from the communicator if the receiving or using the message.

Credibility is defined as the degree to which the source of the message can be trusted by the recipient. The level of trust is important because in fact, people will notice first who brought the message before receive it. If the credibility of the source is low, how good the message are, the recipient will not receive it. DeVito (1997) understand the communicator's credibility as very important to make others (communicant) believes or not to believe in what the communicator said.

Credibility is important for communicators because it will affect community members to run empowerment programs. There is no situation in which the credibility of communication has no effect for the communicant. Furthermore DeVito (1997) identified three main quality aspects of credibility. (1) Competence refers to the knowledge and expertise which, according the audience is owned by the communicator; (2) The character refers to willingness and attention from communicator to the audience and (3) Charisma refers to the personality and dynamism of communicator. Belch and Belch (2001) said that a credible communicator or source is very important when the audience has a negative attitude towards a product, service, company or central issue raised. This is because the credible communicator or source can inhibit the counter-arguments from the audience.

1. Expertise

Someone who has the knowledge, skills and experience is described as having expertise. According to Belch and Belch (2001), expertise is the degree to which a communicator considered as people who can give a true and firm valuation.

2. Honesty

Honesty is the level of trust in the intentions of communicators in communicating assessment considered the most correct. The source considered honest or not is depend on the audience's perception on what are the source’s motivation in conveying information. According to Belch and Belch (2001) if the audience feels that the source is bias or has a personal interest or money when delivering a product or institution, then it becomes less persuasive than those who are considered not to have any personal motive.

3. The attractiveness

The attraction is not seen from the physical beauty but also the various properties and characters owned by the endorser, eg intellectual ability, personality, lifestyle and so on. An endorser has added value in the form of admiration from many people. The appearance of a person to communicate will affect the communication process. In regard to the credibility of the source of


Frequency of Communication Correlation



Correlation Value

Probability Correlation [sig.(2-tailed)]

R table value

(n=10, α=10%) Conclusions

P1 with Ptot 0,935 0,000 0,549 Valid

P2 with Ptot 0,493 0,147 Not Valid

P3 with Ptot 0,659 0,038 Valid

P4 with Ptot 0,659 0,038 Valid

P5 with Ptot -0,320 0,368 Not Valid

P6 with Ptot 0,852 0,002 Valid

P7 with Ptot 0,935 0,000 Valid

P8 with Ptot 0,935 0,000 Valid

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

,918 6

D. Farmers’ Assessment towards Innovation Relative Advantage

Correlation between


Correlation Value

Probability Correlation [sig.(2-tailed)]

R table value

(n=10, α=10%) Conclusions

P1 with Ptot 0,882 0,001 0,549 Valid

P2 with Ptot 0,560 0,092 Valid

P3 with Ptot 0,882 0,001 Valid

P4 with Ptot 0,882 0,001 Valid

P5 with Ptot 0,882 0,001 Valid

P6 with Ptot 0,768 0,009 Valid

P7 with Ptot 0,643 0,045 Valid

P8 with Ptot 0,616 0,058 Valid

P9 with Ptot -0,120 0,742 Not Valid

P10 with Ptot 0,476 0,165 Not Valid


Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

,890 8

Trialability Correlation between


Correlation Value

Probability Correlation [sig.(2-tailed)]

R table value

(n=10, α=10%) Conclusions

P1 with Ptot 0,707 0,022 0,549 Valid

P2 with Ptot 0,707 0,022 Valid

P3 with Ptot 0,882 0,001 Valid

P4 with Ptot 0,549 0,101 Valid

P5 with Ptot 0,577 0,081 Valid

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

,692 5

Observability Correlation between


Correlation Value

Probability Correlation [sig.(2-tailed)]

R table value

(n=10, α=10%) Conclusions

P1 with Ptot 0,900 0,000 0,549 Valid

P2 with Ptot 0,905 0,000 Valid

P3 with Ptot 0,805 0,005 Valid

P4 with Ptot 0,872 0,001 Valid

P5 with Ptot 0,840 0,002 Valid

P6 with Ptot 0,900 0,000 Valid

P7 with Ptot 0,701 0,024 Valid

P8 with Ptot 0,521 0,123 Not Valid

P9 with Ptot 0,191 0,597 Not Valid

P10 with Ptot 0,348 0,325 Not Valid

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items


P2 with Ptot 0,552 0,098 Valid

P3 with Ptot 0,282 0,430 Not Valid

P4 with Ptot -0,175 0,629 Not Valid

P5 with Ptot 0,287 0,422 Not Valid

P6 with Ptot -0,251 0,484 Not Valid

P7 with Ptot 0,943 0,000 Valid

P8 with Ptot 0,943 0,000 Valid

P9 with Ptot 0,943 0,000 Valid

P10 with Ptot 0,943 0,000 Valid

P11 with Ptot 0,943 0,000 Valid

P12 with Ptot 0,943 0,000 Valid

P13 with Ptot 0,943 0,000 Valid

P14 with Ptot 0,868 0,001 Valid

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

,976 10

Complexity Correlation between


Correlation Value

Probability Correlation [sig.(2-tailed)]

R table value

(n=10, α=10%) Conclusions

P1 with Ptot 0,835 0,003 0,549 Valid

P2 with Ptot 0,820 0,004 Valid

P3 with Ptot 0,820 0,004 Valid

P4 with Ptot 0,254 0,478 Not Valid

P5 with Ptot 0,946 0,000 Valid


Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

,903 5

E. Decision of Innovation Correlation



Correlation Value

Probability Correlation [sig.(2-tailed)]

R table value

(n=10, α=10%) Conclusions

P1 with Ptot 0,963 0,000 0,549 Valid

P2 with Ptot 0,963 0,000 Valid

P3 with Ptot 0,852 0,002 Valid

P4 with Ptot 0,750 0,013 Not Valid

P5 with Ptot 0,781 0,008 Valid

P6 with Ptot 0,963 0,000 Valid

P7 with Ptot 0,963 0,000 Valid

P8 with Ptot 0,719 0,019 Valid

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

,958 7

Total Questions

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items



Will you consume transgenic food product as that of developed countries, even

though it has not been declared safe and Indonesia is a country with a Muslim

majority population?


What is the role of your agencies in the frame of diffusion of transgenic product,

especially transgenic potato seed?



The author was born in Bandung, 01 November 1984 as the first child of two sisters from Bapak Suparman and Ibu Heni Suyeni.

She completed elementary school education in 1996 at SD Negeri Tajur 1, Bogor and on 1999 finished the junior high school at SMP Negeri 1, Bogor. In 2002 the author graduated from SMU Negeri 3 Bogor and in the same year she was received as a college student at the Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) through Selection Admissions (SPMBs).

The author graduated and got her Bachelor Degree in 2007 and was hired at SEAMEO BIOTROP, Regional Centre for Tropical Biology in March 2007 as a staff of Knowledge Management Department. Author are responsible as the editor of the BIOTROPIA journal, one of the Indonesian journals indexed in SciVerse Scopus starting from 2012.

In 2012, the author obtained a scholarship from SEAMEO SEARCA, based in the Philippines through the Graduate Development Scholarships (GDS) as part of the partnership between SEARCA and DAAD Annual Scholarships Program to continue her study to pursue the Masters Degree on Communication for Agriculture and Rural Development (KMP), Post Graduate School of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB).