Umum Struktur Pasar Premi Bruto General Based on Central of Statistics Bureau Data, Market Structure

1 MAIPARK, Statistik, 062015

A. Umum

Berdasarkan data Badan Pusat Statistik, Perekonomian Indonesia pada triwulan II-2015 sebagaimana diukur dari Produk Domestik Bruto PDB, tumbuh sebesar 3,78 dibandingkan triwulan I-2015 q-to-q. Nilai Produk Domestik Bruto PDB Indonesia atas dasar harga konstan 2010 pada triwulan II-2015 mencapai Rp. 2.239,3 triliun sedangkan pada triwulan I-2015 sebesar Rp.2.157,8 triliun. Bila dilihat berdasarkan harga berlaku, PDB triwulan II-2015 adalah sebesar Rp. 2.866,9 triliun sedangkan triwulan I-2015 adalah Rp. 2.728,8 triliun.

B. Struktur Pasar

Berdasarkan data Otoritas Jasa Keuangan pada buku Direktori Perasuransian Indonesia 2014: Industri Keuangan Non Bank Perasuransian, terdapat 82 perusahaan asuransi umum yang memiliki izin beroperasi di Indonesia.

C. Premi Bruto

Sampai dengan 30 Juni 2015, premi bruto asuransi gempa bumi Underwriting Year 2011 adalah sebesar Rp. 2.821,3 miliar. Premi bruto untuk Underwriting Year 2012 tercatat

A. General Based on Central of Statistics Bureau Data,

Indonesian economic in second quarter 2015 as measured by Gross Domestic Product GDP increased by 3.78 compared with first quarter 2015 q-to-q. Gross Domestic Product GDP based on Constant Price 2010 in second quarter 2015 reached the amount of Rp. 2,239.3 trillion while in first quarter 2015 was Rp. 2,157.8 trillion. If it is based on Current Market Price, GDP in second quarter 2015 was Rp. 2,866.9 trillion while in first quarter 2015 was Rp. 2,728.8 trillion.

B. Market Structure

Based on Financial Services Authority data in the book of Indonesian Insurance Directory 2014: Non Bank Financial Institution Insurance, there are 82 general insurers having operating licenses in Indonesia. C. Gross Premium As at 30 June 2015, earthquake gross premium for Underwriting Year 2011 was Rp. 2,821.3 billion. Gross premium for Underwriting Year 2012 was recorded Ikhtisar Statistik Asuransi Gempa Bumi Indonesia Juni 2015 Statistic Overview of Indonesia Earthquake Insurance June 2015 2 MAIPARK, Statistik, 062015 Rp. 2.645,4 miliar, sedangkan untuk Underwriting Year 2013 adalah Rp. 4.251,8 miliar. Untuk Underwriting Year 2014 dan 2015 adalah Rp. 4.242,6 miliar dan Rp. 749,7 miliar. Angka – angka ini akan terus bergerak naik terutama untuk Underwriting Year 2014 dan 2015. Tabel 1.1 di bawah ini menyajikan rincian premi bruto berdasarkan jenis okupasi dari Underwriting Year 2011 hingga Underwriting Year 2015. Prosentase okupasi Industrial selalu berada pada posisi pendapatan tertinggi dibanding 3 tiga okupasi lainnya Agrikultural, Komersial, Residensial, yaitu di atas 47 dari total premi. Meskipun okupasi Komersial, Residensial dan Agrikultural tidak memberikan kontribusi premi sebesar okupasi Industrial, namun ketiga okupasi tersebut memperlihatkan pertumbuhan premi yang cukup signifikan. Hal ini terlihat terutama pada premi okupasi Komersial pada Underwriting Year 2013 yang meningkat sebesar 165,3 dari Rp. 646.139,75 juta di Underwriting Year 2012 menjadi Rp. 1.714.074,27 juta. Rp. 2,645.4 billion, while for Underwriting Year 2013 was Rp. 4,251.8 billion. For Underwriting Year 2014 and 2015 were Rp. 4,242.6 billion and Rp. 749.7 billion. These figures would certainly increase especially for Underwriting Year 2014 and 2015. The table 1.1 below shows the details of gross premium based on occupation from Underwriting Year 2011 to Underwriting Year 2015. Industrial occupation always has the biggest percentage income compared to 3 three remaining occupations Agricultural, Commercial, Residential, that is above 47 from premium total. Although occupation of Commercial, Residential and Agricultural do not contribute premium as much as Industrial occupation, those three occupation show significant premium growth. In this case, the premium under Commercial occupation in Underwriting Year 2013 increased by 165.3 from Rp. 646,139.75 million in Underwriting Year 2012 to Rp. 1,714,074.27 million. Dalam Jutaan Rupiah In Million Rupiah 2011 23,897.32 0.85 758,200.03 26.87 1,696,811.05 60.14 342,414.01 12.14 2,821,322.40 2012 29,419.23 1.11 646,139.75 24.43 1,623,908.96 61.39 345,921.69 13.08 2,645,389.64 2013 34,917.83 0.82 1,714,074.27 40.31 2,028,735.96 47.71 474,108.51 11.15 4,251,836.57 2014 24,913.07 0.59 918,279.91 21.64 2,679,945.46 63.17 619,512.25 14.60 4,242,650.69 2015 2,213.84 0.30 211,342.54 28.19 409,408.22 54.61 126,734.87 16.90 749,699.47 T O T A L 115,361.29 4,248,036.51 8,438,809.64 1,908,691.33 14,710,898.77 Tabel 1.1 Premi Bruto dan Rasio Berdasarkan Okupasi per 30 Juni 2015 Table 1.1 Gross Premium and Ratio By Occupation as at 30 June 2015 Underwriting Year Okupasi Total Agrikultural Agricultural Komersial Commercial Industri Industrial Residensial Residential 3 MAIPARK, Statistik, 062015

D. Jumlah Risiko