Identification of the Problems


This chapter discusses about review of the previous research, review of related literature, theoretical assumption and hypothesis. The review of related literature consists of concept of vocabulary, concept of teaching learning vocabulary, concept of projected picture and procedures of teaching using projected picture.

2.1 Review of the Previous Research

The mastery of English vocabulary is required in order to be skillful in English. However, there are some problems in vocabulary mastery itself. One of the problems is the teaching medium which is used by the teacher. There are some researches which have been conducted as follow: First, Chalawiyah 2011 has investigated the using of flashcard to increase the students’ achievement on vocabulary dealing with noun, verb and adjective. She had found that the students of Madrasah Ibtidayah Matla’ul Anwar SG Bandar Lampung were incapable to mastery the vocabulary. Based on the problem above, she had found that flashcard could be used to increase the students’ vocabulary achievement concerning noun, verb and adjective. It could be seen from the result of pretest and post test that there was an improvement from the students’ average score in pretest 54.27 the highest score was 88 and the lowest score was 20 to the post test 76.86 the highest score was 100 and the lowest score was 60. It was 22.59 points or increased about 41.6. It meant that flashcard can be used to improve the students’ achievement of vocabulary concerning noun, verb and adjective. Second, Putri 2011 has investigated the using of popup pictures to improve vocabulary mastery of the second year students of state elementary school Gempol 3 at Pasuruan regency. Based on the problem above, she had found that the application of popup pictures and clue cards were appropriate to use in learning English vocabulary and improving students vocabulary mastery because the forms and the colors of popup pictures were interesting and the clues stated in the clue cards could make the students easier to learn the new vocabulary by memorizing the characteristics of an object. This finding could be seen from the scores of the students ’ vocabulary test which improved. The mean of score was increasing from 77.34 became 95.84. Third, Ariyanto 2011 has investigated the using of picture in improving students’ vocabulary mastery. Based on the problem above, he had found improvement of the students’ achievement before and after the research. The students’ mean score in the pre-test was 47.6. The students’ mean score in the post-test 1 was 63.5 and the mean score in post-test 2 was 77.5. It meant that there was a difference between the students’ vocabulary mastery before and after the research. It could be concluded that teaching English vocabulary by using picture as a medium had improved the students’ vocabulary mastery.