The Implementation of Get the Gist Strategy in Improving Students' Reading comprehension Achievement of Recount Text at the Second Grade of SMPN 13 Bandar Lampung






Yulia Agustiara Putri

Reading means understanding the ideas conveyed in a text. Theoretically, inteaching and learning English, reading isvery complex because reading skills involve many aspects to be learned (e.g. identifying main idea, identifying specific information, making inference, reference, and understanding vocabulary).In other word, reading is one of language skills that use the critical thinking of the learners. The learners should have wide ability to connect the writer and the teacher.

This research was aimed at finding out whether there is a significant difference on students’ reading achievement after being taught through get- the- gist strategy, finding out whether there is an improvement on students’ reading achievement after being taught through get- the- gist strategy, investigating the problems the students face in learning macro skills of reading comprehension through Get- the- Gist Strategy. Twenty six students of SMPN 13 Bandar Lampung were selected as sample of this research by using purposive sample. Reading tests and questionnaire were used in this research. The researcher uses One Group Pre-test-post-test. Then, the t-test was used to reach the significant value.

The result showed that the students’ mean score of the pre-test was 62.88 and their mean score of the post-test after being taught through Get- the Gist Strategy was in which their gain score was 76.92. Specifically, Get- the- Gist Strategy improved the students’ reading comprehension. Moreover, Get- the- Gist Strategy mostly improved the students’ reading comprehension in main idea .In line with the questionnaire, the problems the students faced in learning macro skills of reading comprehension through Get- the- Gist Strategyare they disliked reading, reading was difficult, and not interesting for them. In addition, the students still faced some difficulties in answering the questions in English especially in reading comprehension. However, after practicing through Get- the- Gist Strategy, the students gradually started to comprehend the materials and were able to overcome those problems.






ABSTRACT….. ... i



MOTTO ... vi






I. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background of the Problem ... 1

1.2. Identification of the Problems ... 5

1.3. Limitation of the Problems ... 5

1.4. Formulation of the Problems ... 6

1.5. Objectives of the Research ... 6

1.6. Significance of the Research ... 7

1.7. Definition of Terms ……….. 7

II. THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK 2.1. Review of Previous Research ... 9

2.2. Review of Related Research ... 11

2.2.1. Notion of Reading Comprehension ... 11

2.2.2. Concept of Teaching Reading Comprehension ... 19

2.2.3. Reading Strategy ... 25

2.2.4. Recount Text ... 27

2.2.5. Get the Gist Strategy ... 29

2.2.6. Get the Gist Startegy in Teaching Reading... 31

2.2.7. Procedures of Teaching Reading Comprehension through Get the Gist Strategy………... 32

2.2.8. The Applicability of Learning Procedures ………... 34

2.2.9. Advantages and Disadvantages of Get the Gist Strategy ………. 37

2.2.10 Theoretical Assumption ……… 38

2.2.11 Hypothesis ……… 38



3.1. Setting of the Research ... 40

3.2. Population and Sample ... 40

3.3. Research Design ... 41

3.4. Data Collecting Techniques ... 42

3.5. Research Procedures ... 45

3.6. Scoring System of Reading Test ... 47

3.7. Try Out of Research Instrument...48

3.8. Data Analysis...56

3.9. Hypothesis Testing ... 57

3.10. Research Schedule ... 58

IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.1. Result of the Research.. ... 60

4.1.1. Result of the Try-out test.. ... 60 Result of Pre-test... ... 62 Result of Post-test... ... 63 Random Test.. ... 65 Normality Test.. ... 65 Hypothesis Testing.. ... 65

4.2.8. Result of Questionnaire.. ... 68

4.2. Discussion.. ... 70

V. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 5.1. Conclusions.. ... 84

5.2. Suggestions... ... 87





The writer’s name is Yulia Agustiara Putri. She was born on August 12th, 1992 in Bandar Lampung. She is the second daughter of Nasrullah Intizam, S.E. and Ermily.

She began his formal educational institution for the first time at TK Dwi Tunggal in 1997 and graduated in 1998. She continued her study at SDN 1 Beringin Raya, Kemiling, Bandar Lampung and graduated in 2004. Then, she continued his study at SMPN 14 Bandar Lampung and graduated in 2007. After that, she pursued her study at SMAN 7 Bandar Lampung and graduated in 2010. At the same year, in 2010 she was registered as a students of English Education Study Program, in Language and Art Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty at Lampung University.

From July 3rd to September 17th 2013, she carried on Teaching Training Program (PPL) at SMPN 3 Lambu Kibang, West Tulang Bawang.




This script is dedicated to:

My beloved parents Nasrullah Intizam, S.E. and Ermily. Myeldest sister Dina Sri Mawaddah, S.ST. My younger brother M. Wildhan Khaidar Bachtiar. My fabulous friends of English Education Study Program.




Figure Page




Page Appendix

1. The Examples of Lesson Plan ...80

2. Try Out Test ...97

3. Pretest ...104

4. Posttest... ...109

5. The Result of Try Out Test ...114

6. The Distributionof Students’ Score of Try Out Test ...115

7. Realibility Analysis of Try Out Test ...117

8. Level of difficulty and discrimination power of the try-out test ...118

9. The result of students’ score of pretest-posttest in experimental class ....119

10.Distribution of the Students’ Pre-test Achievement in Reading Comprehension Aspects ...120

11.Distribution of the Students’ Post-test Achievement in Reading Comprehension Aspects ...122

12.Random Test of the pre-test and post-test in experimental class ...124

13.The normality of the pre-test and the post-test in experimental class...126

14.T-table...….…………...……... 128

15.Answer Keys ...129

16.The Examples of Sheet ...130




Figure Page




Table Page

1. Table of Specification of Questionnaire ... 43

2. Table of Specification of Try-out test (Multiple Choices)... 50

3. Table of Specification of Try-out test (True False) ... 51

4. Table of Specification of Pre-test (Multiple Choices) ... 51

5. Table of Specification of Pre-test (True False) ... 51

6. Table of Specification of Post-test (Multiple Choices)... 52

7. Table of Specification of Post- test (True False) ... 52

8. Research schedule ... 58

9. Distribution of the Students’ Scores of the Pre-test in theExperimental Class ... 62

10.Distribution of the Students’ Scores of the Post-test in theExperimental Class ... 63

11.Mean score of the pre-test and post-test ... 64

12.Distribution of the Students’ Pre-test Achievement in Each Aspect in reading Comprehension ... 67





Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has

genius, power, and magic in it.






(A Script)


Yulia Agustiara Putri





This chapter describes the background of the problem which includes the reason for conducting the research, the problems in teaching reading comprehension, and suitable teaching technique which is needed in improving the students’ reading achievement. This chapter also describes the formulation of the problem, limitation of the problems, objectives of the research, significancesof the research, and definition of terms.

1.1. Background of the Problems

Language is a system of communication that enables humans to cooperate. Peitro (1990) said that language is one of the most useful tools we have as human. It can be deduced that without language we can not express our feeling clearly to other people even engaging in their activities.

Reading means understanding the ideas conveyed in a text. In teaching and learning English, reading is very important skill beside listening, speaking, and writing. Reading is one of language skills that use the critical thinking of the learners. The learners should have wide ability to connect the writer and the teacher.


According to the pre-observation in SMP Negeri 13 Bandar Lampung on 2nd December 2013, it was found that some students have low ability in reading. It can be seen from students’ result test. The result of observation was consolidated by the statement one of English teachers of SMP Negeri 13 Bandar Lampung saying that the the students have difficulty in comprehending an English reading text. In accordance with the the score data which the researcher get from him, it was found that some students gainedthe minimum standard score in the test and examination.

The students sometimes felt shy when they were asked to read the text in front of the class because they did not know to pronounce the word well. They never have heard and learned how to spell the words from the their teacher. They just asked to do the exercises in the textbooks in written. It can be seen from their final examination scores. The scoreswere still under minimum achievement. The students just study English to get the score. The students felt bored, because they have to read and read again to understand and answer the question from the passage. Finally, they tended to belazy and just guess. If there was no examination or evaluation, they would not study.

Moreover, related to the previous research which was conducted by Azhar and Hartanto (2009), it was found that the main factors that make the students having difficulty and low motivation in reading are their limited knowledge of English vocabulary, and their lack understanding of reading skills such as: skimming, making inferences, finding topic sentence and finding main idea.



Get the Gist Strategy was a strategy that can be used to improve students’

reading comprehension and they made summary from their understanding of the main idea of the text. One of the goals the students read the English text is to get information from the text. To know the information, the students have to find out the main idea of a paragraph which tells the topic. Identifying main idea is also found in reading test.

But, in the fact, the teacher still used conventional technique whereas the teacher can be more creative. The teacher only focused on giving many texts to the students and asked them to answer the questions without seeing that whether the students were really able to do it or not. The teacher focused on grammar drills, vocabulary and the meaning of word by word. Thus, it was not enough for the students to grasp and understand the content of text. The students know most of the words in a paragraph but still have difficulty to catch its main idea.

That method makes the students who are taught through this method was boring. The students tended to be passive in reading class because the activitywas dominated by the teacher (teacher-centered).

In line with the fact, there should be a learning strategy suitable in teaching reading in order to motivate and help the students enjoy reading the textsso they can get the information fully and easily. It related to Oxford (1990: 8) as quoted by Sutarsyah (2013: 24) says a learning strategy is any attempt used by a learner to make learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-directed, more effective, and more transferable to new situations. Reading strategies


indicated how readers conceive a task, what textual cues they attend to, how they make sense of what they read, and what they do when they do not understand (Block, 1986) as quoted by Song (1998: 1).

The Get the Gist Strategy is intended to be used in improving students’

comprehension achievement. Get the Gist Strategy was a strategy that can be used to improve students’ reading comprehension and they make summary from their understanding of the main idea of the text. The researcher usesGet

the Gist Strategy because this technique focusesthis technique focused to help

the students pull the most important information from a piece of text. Doing this help students sift through details to find key points in a paragraph which improved comprehension. During this time especially in reading learning process, the students difficult to determine the main idea of the text.

Therefore, based on the explanation above, the researcher wants to apply the

Get the Gist Strategy in teaching reading. By using this Get the Gist Strategy, it

was hoped that teaching reading through Get the Gist Strategy not only will increase students’ achievement but also in this research. To analyze the improvement of the students’ reading comprehension achievement through Get the Gist Strategy and to find out the problems the students faced in learning macro skills of reading comprehension achievement through Get the Gist Strategy which were the main focus of this research.



1.2.Identifications of the Problems

The identifications of the problems in this research are;

a. The students felt bored when they are studying reading because they have to read and read again to understand the text from the passage.

b. The students have difficulty in interpreting new vocabulary. c. The students’ score were still under minimum achievement.

d. The teacher only focused on giving many texts to the students and asked them to answer the question without seeing that whether the students are really able to do it or not.

e. There were still conventional method and technique which are used by the teacher.

f. The students have difficulty and low motivation in reading were their limited knowledge of English vocabulary, and their lack understanding of reading skills such as: skimming, making inferences, finding topic sentence and finding main idea.

1.3. Limitation of the Problems

According to the identification of the problems above, the focus of the research wasteaching reading comprehension using Get the Gist Strategy. The decision was taken by considering the importance of Get the Gist Strategywas one of learning strategieswhich isGet the Gist Strategy was an appropriate technique for the teacher in teaching reading and it wasuseful to increase students’ reading comprehension achievement, and knowing the problems that most of


second grade students at SMP Negeri 13 Bandar Lampung still got lowscores for reading test and low motivation in reading.

1.4.Formulation of the Problems

Based on background of the problems mentioned previously, the formulation of the problems was as follows:

1. Is there any significant difference of students’ reading comprehension achievement before being taught throughGet the GistStrategyand afterbeing taught through Get the GistStrategy in teaching reading ofrecount text at the second year students of SMPN 13 Bandar Lampung?

2. Is there any significant improvement of students’ reading comprehension achievementafterimplementingGet the GistStrategy in teaching reading ofrecount text at the second year students of SMPN 13 Bandar Lampung?

3. Specifically, what problems do the students face in terms of learning macro skills of reading comprehension through Get the Gist Strategy?

1.5. Research Objectives

The objectives of this research are:

1) To find out whether there is difference of the students’ reading comprehension achievement before being taught throughGet the



2) To find out whether there isan improvement of the students’ reading comprehension achievement after being taught through Get the Gist Strategy.

3) To investigate the problems the students face in learning macro skills of reading comprehension through Get the Gist Strategy.

1.6. Significance of the Research

The significances of this research are:

1) Theoretically, the results of this research are expected to support the existing theory of reading strategy.

2) Practically, the result of this research can be used as an alternative consideration for next researcher who will choose the appropriate teaching reading techniquein teaching reading activity and can give information to the readers, English teachers, textbooks writers, other practitioners that this technique in this research more effective in improving of the students’ reading comprehension achievement.

1.7.Definition of Terms

Definition of terms presented basically at avoiding misunderstanding about the terms in the research. The definitions of terms are:

Reading is the ability to understand and comprehend the written texts, or read the texts to get information and to able answer the question from the content of texts in terms of macro and micro skills.


Get the Gist Strategy is one of reading strategies in which the students to be able to summarize a text into one sentence no more 20 words without omitting key ideas.

Reading Comprehension is the ability to grasp and to comprehend the content and information from the texts in terms of identifying main idea, identifying specific information, making inferences, and author’s tone attitude.

Achievement is the result of study which is achieved by the students in achieving learning objectives after comprehending the materials.

Recount Text is a text which tells about story, action, or activity in the past.

In this chapter, the following issues have the describing: background of the problems, formulation of the problems, objectives of the research, significances of the research, and definition of terms.



This chapter deals with the followings points: Review of Previous Research and Review of Related Literature.

2.1. Review of Previous Research

Get the Gist Strategy is one of the strategies which used in cooperative learning

and some researcher conduct that. First, Zainotalia (2012) implements Get the Gist Strategy in teaching reading using descriptive text at the second year of junior high school. Based on the her result, Get the Gist Strategy is an innovative way the students’ reading comprehension. She found that Get the Gist Strategy

can improve students’ reading comprehension and a good strategy which can

applied in junior high school because the students can summary and understanding the main idea from the text with their own words.

Second, Luh (2012) conducted the research in English education of UndikshaSingaraja which he investegated about the effect GIST strategy and the beliefs about language learning on reading comprehension of English Education Department students. The result of his research was the students’ reading comprehension test showed that the students who were taught by GIST (A1) showed better achievement in reading comprehension than the students who were


taught by conventional reading technique (A2). While the students who had positive beliefs about language learning (B1) showed better achievement than the students who had negative beliefs about language learning (B2). For the students who holdpositive beliefs about language learning,GIST group showed higher mean score ofreading comprehension than theconventional reading technique. On theother hand, for those who had negative beliefs about language learning, there wasno significant difference between the students who were taught by GIST andtaught by conventional reading technique.

The last, PutriAyu (2012) conducted the research at third grade of SMA DwijendraBualu which studied the effect of GIST and learning style on the reading comprehension. The results of her research are in general, students who were taught by Gist showed best achievement in reading comprehension and the researcher found that there was significant interaction between kind of strategy and learning style in improving in reading comprehension. The students’ learning style has contribution on the kind of strategies.

Owing to the findings of the previous research above, the following can be synthesized:

1) Get the Gist Strategy could improve to students’ reading comprehension

achievement significantly.

2) Get the Gist Strategy maybe a good strategy which can be applied in



3) Get the Gist Strategy maygive better achievement in reading

comprehension than other reading technique especially for the students who have the positive beliefs about language learning.

4) Get the Gist Strategy may help the students who are taught by Gist showed

best achievement in reading comprehension.

5) The students enable to comprehend the meaning of the text easier and they can revised and refined the vocabulary as well by implementing GIST. However, there was not has the research about Gist strategy which investigated the students’ opinions and the teacher’s opinion on learning process especially in

students’ problems in terms of macro skills of reading. Therefore, this researcher

carried out to study that issue.

2.2. Review of Related Literature

This section described notion of reading comprehension, concept of teaching reading comprehension, recount text, get the gist strategy, get the gist strategy in teaching reading, procedures of teaching reading comprehension through get the gist strategy, the applicability of learning procedures, advantages and disadvantages of get the gist strategy, theoretical assumption, and hypothesis.

2.2.1. Notion of Reading Comprehension

Before discussing the concept of reading comprehension, it was better to know what reading is.Reading was a process of comprehending the content of the text. Readingwas important because from read the text, the readers got information and knowlegde. The readers can read the text silently or loudly.


Hittleman (2003) defined reading is a verbal process interrelated with thinking and with all other communication abilities listening, speaking, and writing. According to the opinion, reading was one of the most important skills in learning English. It was important because this skill became bridge for students to understand the text that they have to read. It was begun by the students listened the teacher said then the students read the text or utterances that the teacher given, after that they applied what they have known in orally (speaking) or written (writing). Reading is a complex information processing skill in which the reader interacts with text in order to (re) create meaningful discourse (Silberstein, 2004: 12). It mean that reading was a way for students to know and get the meaning from a passage or text. Not only get the meaning from the passage but also the students can re-create the meaning by their own words. In other words, if the students have a good ability in reading learning process, so they can understand about the meaning of the text. But, if they have a poor ability in reading learning process, so they would get difficulty to understand and finding the meaning of the text. It is relates to Nunan (2003:68) stated that reading is a fluent process of readers combining information from a text and their own background knowledge to build.

Apparently, reading was the important skill in which the learner needed the information from the texts, then comprehended and constructed the meaning of the text. In other words, reading was the process which the learner tried to understood the meaning from the passage by using his background knowledege.



Comprehension was one of most important should be mastered by the readers. Reading just was not transferring the symbol printed from page to the thinking but the readers have to comprehend the content of the reader’s read. Comprehension in reading became important because it made the readers have meaningful in their reading. In other word, their reading was not useless. Smith (1971) in Mackay et al (1979: 6) pointed out that letter-by-letter or word-by-word reading will prove extremely detrimental because the meaning of one word will be forgotten before the next word is built and thus no meeaningful relationships will be established between the words. No comprehension will be possible.

Klinger et al (2007: 8) pointed out reading comprehension is a multicomponent, highly complex that involves many interactions between readers and what they bring to the text. In other words, the reader can read the text through background knowledge, the strategy which they use in reading passage so the readers canundestand what they read. Casper, Cation, and Westfall (1988:1) as quoted byHelwana (2011) asserted that comprehending the content of reading text is the goal of reading. Without comprehension, reading would be empty and meaningless. Thus, comprehension was the most important part of reading. Without comprehension, it was useless and meaningless if readers or students only wanted to look at each letter of alphabet in written texts.

Brown and Johnson (1978:65) as quoted byHelwana (2011) argued that comprehension as product and process. Process is what happens to the readers


as they read and product involves measuring, in some objective ways, the net result of the process.

There were two real elements of reading comprehension and these elements were part of intellectual skills. Intellectual skills are very important for the reader to comprehend a text.

According to Troschitz (2005:4-6), the intellectual skills were divided into two terms and classified as follows:

1. Macro Skills

Macro skills are not only skills, but much more do they define strategies a reader is supposed to develop for reading in the foreign language as well as in the mother tongue. They are including as follows:

a. Scanning; it is the ability to extract specific information out of a text. In this case, the readers roughly know what they are looking for. They search for details in a text and pay no attention to any kind of other information given. For example, the relevant times on a timetable, items in a directory, or key points in a academic text (Hedge, 2000:195).

b. Skimming; it is the ability to read quickly through a text and get a general picture of it. This includes being able to determine the main idea of the text, its target group (general public, professional, etc.), type (letter, report, etc.) and purpose (to inform, instruct, persuade, etc.). An example would be previewing a long magazine article by reading rapidly, skipping large chunks of information, and focusing on headings and first line of paragraphs (Hedge, 2000:195).



c. Deep understanding of the text; it is the ability to detect the construction of the discourse or argumentation. The reader concentrates on details concerning structure and content which form the basis for a critical evaluation or interpretation of the text. For example, the readers read a difficult text a second and a third time, considering first readings as approximations or rough . They interact with the text by asking questions, expressing disagreements, linking the text with other readings or with personal experience (Roberts & Roberts: 2008).

d. Recognising the tone of the text and the author’s attitude. This

incorporates the readers’ ability to detect stylistic devices such as irony or sarcasm as well as to understand their function in the text.

According to Hughes (1989:116-117)as quoted byDewi (2013:19), macro skills directly relate either to needs or to course objectives: (1) scanning text to locate specific information, (2) skimming text to obtain the gist, (3) identifying stages of an argument and (4) identifying examples presented in support of an argument while the underlying of micro skills are: (1) identifying referents of pronouns, etc., (2) using context to guess meaning of unfamiliar words and (3) understanding relations between parts of text by recognising indicators in discourse, especially for the introduction, development, transition and conclusion of ideas.


2. Micro Skills

Micro skills are in contrast to low level skills intellectual operations. They can be subdivision into two groups (Troschitz (2005:4-6), word recognition and syntactical elements:

a. Word recognition; it is an essential part of reading comprehension since it includes all processes which are necessary to give a word of meaning in its context. Word recognition means the ability to understand the meaning of the langauge items context.

b. The understanding of syntax; includes the identification of syntactical key element such as subject, predicate, etc, the determination of antecedent, which means to find referents of pronouns or to identify the subject of participle constructions.

Macro skillsarethe ability to obtain several aspects, namely specific information. For example, facts, comparison, anlogy cause effect, statistic, gist, amin idea, inference, etc. Micro skills are the ability to recognize factions, cohesive devices, mechanics, etc.

Brown (2004:187-188) as quoted by Turi (2013: 10) dividedthe intellectual skills into two terms that are macro skills and micro skills and they are explained as follows:

1. Macro skills, the skills are as follows:

a. Recognizing the rhetorical forms of written discourse and their significance for interpretation.

b. Recognizing the communicative functions of written texts, according to form and purpose.



c. Inferring context that is not explicit by using background knowledge. d. From described events, ideas, etc. Infer links and connections between

events, deduce causes and effects, and detect such relations as main idea, supporting idea, new information, given information, generalization, and exemplification.

e. Distinguishing between literal and implied meanings.

f. Detecting culturally specific references and interpret them in a context of the appropriate cultural schemata.

g. Developing and use a battery of reading strategies such as scanning and skimming, detecting discourse markers, guessing the meaning of words from context, and activating schemata for the interpretation of texts

2. Micro skills, the skills are used to:

a. Discriminate of among distinctive graphemes and orthographic patterns of English. Grapheme is a letter or letter pattern that spells aa phoneme (speech sound). English has a complex code in which 1-4 letter graphemes can represent 1 sound.For example,2 letter grapheme: l ea f. The sound /ee/ is represented by the letters „ea’. Then, orthographic is the set of symbols used and the rules about how to write these symbols. The example the word cat/฀kæt/ consists of three letters ۦcۧ, ۦaۧ, and ۦtۧ, in which ۦcۧ represents the sound /k/, ۦaۧ the sound /æ/, and ۦtۧ the sound /t/. b. Retain chunks of language of different lengths in short term memory.In

studies of language acquisition, chunks of language is several words that are customarily used together in a fixed expression, such as "in my


opinion," "to make a long story short," "How are you?" or "Know what I mean?"

c. Recognize a core of words, and interpret word order patterns and their significance. A core word is a set of words that a student is expected to be able to read and spell. The example of cord words are: big, blue, can, come, down, find, for, funny, go, help, here, I, in, is, it, jump, little, look, make, me, my, not, one, play, red, run, said, see, the, three, to, two, up, we, where, yellow, you

d. Recognize grammatical word classes (nouns, verb etc.), systems (e.g. tense, agreement, pluralization), patterns, rules, and elliptical forms. e. Recognize that a particular meaning may be expressed in different

grammatical forms.For example, word forms child, children, childs’,

children's have the same lexical meaning and have different grammatical

meanings. They constitute a lexeme (About this sound pronunciation).Word-forms children, boys, men, bookshave the same grammatical meaning and have different lexical meanings. They constitute a grammeme (a categorial form, a form class)

f. Recognize cohesive devices in written discourse and their role in signaling the relationship between and among clauses.Here are of cohesive device in synonym, Myths narrate sacred histories and explain sacred origins.

These traditional narratives are, in short, a set of beliefs that are a very

real force in the lives of the people who tell them. In pronouns, this, that,

these, those, he, she, it, they, and we are useful pronouns for referring back



experiments do not work out as expected, they are often considered

failures until some other scientist tries them again. Those that work out better the second time around are the ones that promise the most rewards.

In accordance withexplanation above, although in intellectual skill of reading into two terms that are macro skill and micro skill but this research will befocused on macro skills which cover finding main idea, finding specific information, finding inference meaning and author’s tone attitude .

2.2.2. Concept of Teaching Reading Comprehension

In the light of insights into the reading process and into how successful readers interact with texts. Hedge (2000: 205) states that any reading component of English language teaching may include a set of learning goals for:

1. The ability to read a range of text in English because one of the goals of reading is to know and get the meaning the content of the text especially in English.

2. Building knowledge of language (e.g. vocabulary, structure) which facilitatedevelopment of greater reading ability.

3. Building schematic knowledge in order to interpret texts meaningfully. 4. The ability to adapt the reading technique according to reading purpose

bythe teacher help the student by applying selecting or creating appropriate texts.

5. Developing an awareness of the structure of written text in Englishby set up effective classroom procedures.


6. Taking a critical stance to the contents of the texts such as giving a detailed set of questions for the pre-reading phase with students tackling academic texts

It is important to build up the students’ ability to adapt the reading technique according to reading purpose as a goal in teaching reading. Alyousef (2005: 1430) as quoted byHelwana (2011) says that in teaching reading, contemporary reading task, unlike traditional materials involves three phase procedures; pre-, while, and post reading stages.

The aim of teaching reading is to develop students’ skill that thay can read English text efficiently and effectively. To be able to do so the reader should have particular purposes in their mind before they interact with the texts based on their own choice. Therefore, the application of reading silently may be can be a solution to get the effective and efficient reading especially which it makes the readers or students more understand the content of the texts and so it makes they enjoy in reading activity.

Silberstein (1994: 15) states that throughout the subsequent class hour, the teacher have to decide whether and how to repeat or rephrase questions, when to supply further information or summary, and whether and how to respond to students queries.



Harmer (2004:70) states the principles behind the teaching reading: a. Reading is not Passive Skill

Reading is an incredibly active skill, to do reading successfully. The students have to understand the argument what the words means. As an active skill, reading should be taught in creative ways to make the students comprehend entire the text and be able to respond the text by giving the argument based on the text after they read the text.

Solahudin (2008: 19) states “Reading is not only ability in read, but ability in

comprehend the text.” it means that reading is not only read the text word by

word but reading is activity where the reader has the purpose in reading to comprehend about the text that they read.

b. Students need to be engaged in what they are reading as with everything in lesson.

Students who are not engaged in reading text assume that reading texts are not beneficial for them. They are really fired up by the topic or the task. Here, the teacher needs to give motivation to the student to reading the text, by telling them about the topic, and the purpose of reading so the student will be interested in the text, and eager to read the text. Robertson and Acklam (2000: 19) state thatit is necessary to give students a reason to read. There is little point in asking the students just to read a text.

From the explanation above it can be concluded that before teaching reading the student must be given some motivation to make them interested in the


text. So they will not disturbed by what they are doing but they all focus in reading.

c. Student should be encouraged to respond to the content of the reading textnot the language

It is important for students to study reading text not just they use language. The members of paragraph, they contain and how many times they use relative clause but just as important if the student must give a chance to respond the massage. The student should allow expressing their felling about the topic.

One of the purposes of reading is to comprehend the text and respond to the text after the readers have read by giving opinion, telling the text material to the other or answer some of question based the topic of the text.Dallman (1982:23) in Turi (2013: 19) states that reading is more than knowing what each alphabet stands for; reading involves more than word recognition; that comprehension is an essential of reading, without comprehension no reading takes place.

d. Predicting is a major factor in reading

A reader involved in making predictions is focused on the text at hand, constantly thinking ahead and also refining, revising, and verifying his or her predictions. This strategy also helps students make connections between their prior knowledge and the text (Gaither, 2011).When the students read the text they frequently have a good idea of content, book covers give them a hunt of



what article are about, and the brain start up to predict what are going to read and the article process of reading is ready to begin. The teacher should give student “hunt” so that they can predict what is coming too.

Harmer as quoted by Turi (2013: 19) states in real life, whenever readers read anything, they know what the context is, they are aware of the situation, the location, the kind of conversation, and example. These factors affect our ability to understand and make sense of what they read. In class, it is necessary to introduce the students to the context before they read. The context can be elicited or prompted from earlier work, the course book, pictures, and discussions and so on. Without “setting the scene‟ like this, the tasks can become unnecessarily difficult.

e. The teacher should match the task to the topic

The teacher could give students what reading text the student are going to read and need to choose good reading task. The right kinds of question, engaging and useful puzzle etc. the most interesting text can be under mind by asking boring and appropriate questions. The most common place can be made really exciting with imaginative and challenging task.

As Martinez (2002:2) in Turi (2013: 20) notes that they can encourage reading for pleasure, because they are likely to contain topics of interest to learners, especially if students are given the chance to have a say about the topics or kinds of materials to be used in the class.


f. Good teachers exploit reading text to the full

Any reading of text is full of sentences, words, ideas, descriptions etc. good teachers integrate the reading text into interesting class sequences, using the topic for discussion and further task using the language for study and later activities. Authentic material should be prepared by good teacher to exploit reading text to the full. In addition, according to Lee (1995) as quoted by Turi (2013: 20), authentic texts are often regarded as more interesting than textbook materials because they can be more up-to-date, and relate to everyday issues and activities.Martinez (2002: 1) views that authentic materials keep students informed about what is happening in the world, so they have an intrisic educational value. It means that authentic texts have value for students. Besides containing a lot of information needed by students to increase their language knowledge, these reading texts also helps students in increasing their background knowledge.

Concerning the statement above, it is assumed that in teaching learning activity, the learner must be a critical and active reader. In teaching reading the teacher has to provide the effective reading technique to the students without always giving many materials that make students are bored and lazy. The teacher can give the students a chance to read the text step by step then let the students to improve their comprehending in their own word, so that the students will be interested and motivated in reading.



2.2.3. Reading Strategy

Reading strategies were the mental processes that readers consciously choose to use in accomplishing reading task (Cohen, 1987:133 as quoted by Sutarsyah, 2013:24). These strategies have some characteristics, i.e., planning, competition, conscious manipulation and movement toward a goal. Wenden and Rubin (1987:52-54) as quoted by Sutarsyah, 2013:24)identified seven reading strategies that were used by good readers. The summary of these strategies was presented below:

1) Flow-charts and hierarchical summaries. When reading, a learner

make a summary by making a chart that can explain the structure of ideas in the text with its components such as topics of the text, supporting evidence, and concluding statement.

2) Titles. Before reading a learner is a given the title of the text and thinks about the title as a means of building schemata.

3) Embedded headings. The role of embedded heading is used to build

advance organizer which is helpful for a learner before he starts reading. It can also improve a delayed recall because when the learners miss the content they will remember by looking embedded headings.

4) Pre-reading questions. This effective strategy is very common and

mostly recommended because this strategy can focus a learner’s attention towards the topic of the text. The learners make some


questions related to the topic of the text and he tries to find the answers to the questions while reading.

5) Story specific schema from general schema. In this strategy, alearner

brainstorms a general problem solving schema for a short story and sets general questions derived from this schemata.

6) Imagery. The ability to use image is needed in reading because the

learners who have high imagery are able to recall and recognize more items of information from a text than low imagery.

7) Perspective. A learner reads a story from a particular perspective

which is important to that perspective. This can also build related schemata that can help him read a text.

Sutarsyah (2013: 25) points out also based on some research, these seven reading strategies have proved effective. It is believed that these good strategies can be taught to second language learners in reading a text.

According to the theories above, Get the Gist Strategy which is used by the researcher include in Flow-charts and hierarchical summaries. It relate to the theory from Tierney and Readence (2005) said that Informative text(s) using GIST at their instructional level that can be broken down and summarized in chunks,chart paper or white board. Sentence strips or index cards or worksheet with lines for 15 words.



2.2.4. Recount Text

Recount text wasa text that telling the reader about one story, action or activity. It was important because a recount text has the goal to entertaining or informing the reader. Usually, this text told about someone’s experience in the past. The readers could read the recount text from the books, magazine, etc. It was relates Hartono (2005) who pointed out recount text is categorized as “the story genre which functions to retell events for the purpose of

informing or entertaining”. Anderson & Anderson (2003) as cited by

International Education Week (2010) stated that “a recount text is a piece of text retelling past events, usually in the order in which they happened. The purpose of a recount text is to give the audience a description of what

occurred and when it occurred”. Knapp and Watkins (2005) in International

Education Week (2010) emphasized that text such as recount text has a basic form of sequencing units of information.

Meanwhile, Mukartoet al (2007) stated that the generic structure or rhetorical features of a recount text consist of three parts, namely:

a) orientation, it gives reader background information of the story. As the opening paragraph, it should answer the questions: who, what, where, when, and how;

b) list/series of events, it tells a series of events in a chronological order and describes what happened.


c) reorientation, it consists of a type of conclusion with a comment or a summary and evaluation about the topic of the story.

Beside the generic structure or rhetorical features of a recount text, as Anderson & Anderson (2003) statedthere are also the language features which are usually found in a recount text, they are: a) proper nouns to identify those involved in the text; b) descriptive words to give details about who, what, when, where, and how; c) the use of the past tense to retell the events, and 4) words that show the order of events or connectors (for example, first, next, then, etc).

Here is the example of recount text for second grade of SMP.

My Holiday in Bali

After that, we went to Sukowati market for shopping. That was my lovely time. I bought some Bali T-Shirt and souvenirs.

When I was second grade of senior high school, my friends and I went to Bali. We were there for three days. I had many impressive experiences during the vacation.

First day, we visited Sanur Beach in the morning. We saw the beautiful sunrise together. It was a great scenery. Then, we checked in to the hotel. After prepared our selves, we went to Tanah Lot. We met so many other tourists there. They were not only domestic but also foreign tourists.

Second day, we enjoyed the day on TanjungBenoa beach. We played so many water sports such as banana boat, jetsky, speedboat etc. We also went to Penyuisland to see many unique animals. They were turtles, snakes, and sea birds. We were very happy. In the afternoon, we went to Kuta Beach to see the amazing sunset and enjoyed the beautiful wave. The last day, we spent our time in Sangeh. We could enjoy the green and shady forest. There were so many monkies. They were so tame but sometimes they could be naughty. We could make a close interaction with them.


List/series of events



2.2.5. Get the Gist Strategy

Get the Gist Strategy isone of reading strategies in which the students

summarize the text become one sentence that is 20 words or less. It was important because using Get the Gist Strategy helped the students to find out the main idea in each paragraph of the text. Finding main idea in a text was one of the important aspects because when the readers read and found main idea or key concept of a text, automatically they would be easier to know about the content of the passage. They could identify key concept or main idea in a text and summarize it in a sentence. Cunningham 1982 (Cecil and Gipe, 2003) proposed one of the strategy that is considered useful to improve students’ reading comperehension and involves students’ prior knowledge, synthesizing, and generalizing operation is Generating Interaction Between Schemata and Text (GIST) strategy. This strategy is said useful to identify or generate main ideas, eliminate redundant and unnecessary information, help students remember what they read, and record a summary of material they just read.

Cunningham (1982: 42-47)stated that a summary is a synthesis of important ideas on a text. Summarizing requires determining what is important in what they are reading, to condense this information, and to put it into their own words. The summary is usually limited to no more than fifteen or twenty words. Therefore, the students need to delete non-essential information and use their own words to summarize the main idea or „the gist’ of the selection.


Wright (2011:1) noticed that the word "gist" is defined as "the main oressential part of a matter," according toWebster's Dictionary.This activity forces students to squeezemeaning into a tight, precise summary. She said that the goal of GIST is to have students conveythe "gist" of what they have read bysummarizing the text in 20 words. Extraneous details must be discarded as aclearly defined focus is found. It is best torequire a sentence format. Gist was used in teaching reading because Gist was a good strategy for any level reader and the students develop skills in identifying mainideas and key concepts in the text.

Get the Gist Strategy was a teaching reading technique in which the teacher

made their students to summarize the content of the text based on the finding out main idea in the text. He encouraged his students to take delight in reading the written texts through applying the Get the Gist Strategy in the teaching reading activity in the class. By applying this teaching reading strategy in the class, the teacher could stimulate the students who were lazy to read to be students who were contented to read. As Siddiqui (2007:119) in cited Zainotalia (2012) argued that Get the Gist Strategy that is can improve

students’ understanding and memory of what they have learned so they could

get the most important point or the main idea of the passage.

Get the Gist Strategy is an activity which helps the students and the teachers

to identify key concept. It means that after identifying key concept and then finding main idea, automatically the students understand and comprehend the meaning of the content of the text. It relates to Klinger (2012: 33) which said that the purpose of the Get the Gist Strategy is to determine the most



important ideas about what is read. It means that after the students comprehend about the text, they can make summary with their own words.

2.2.6. Get the Gist Strategy in Teaching Reading

Get the Gist Strategy was a strategy reading in which this strategy can

improve the students in reading comprehension especially in summarizing the text. Get the Gist Strategy could help the students to find main idea and key concept of the text. Besides that this strategy could help the students and teacher learn the vocabulary as well. It according to Klinger, Vaughn, and Schumm (2010: 110) inZainotalia (2012) said that that Get the Gist Strategy can help students to understand the concept of main idea of the text.

Cunningham (1982) suggested when using Gist it is best to conduct it first as whole class, then in small groups, and finally on an individual basis. It means that the implementation of Get the Gist Strategywasstarted when the teacher models the entire process for the class. Then the teacher divided in small group and asked the students in each group to read the passage silently or loud. Next, the teacher asked each student to get the main idea from the passage. After that, the students asked to summarize the content of the passage based on their own words with some word that have giventhat are 20 or less. When the students as a group become adept at producing gist statements presented as wholes, they have the students individually produce GIST statements for paragraphs presented as wholes.


Wright (2011:2) explained how gist work is first having the students read the entire first paragraph. Answer the 5Ws and H (Who What When Where Why How), then read the first three paragraphs and completethe G.I.S.T. After that answer the 5Ws and H, the students have to write a 20 word GIST summary. Finally, make sure you only use 20 words and make sure there is no “fluff” in the GIST.

In this teaching reading, the researcher tried to improve students’ reading comprehension not only by summarizing the main idea but also answering the questions which are contain aspects of reading such as finding main idea especially, understanding specific information and understanding the implied meaning of the texts.

2.2.7. Procedures of Teaching Reading Comprehension through Get the Gist Strategy

In the teaching and learning process, the teacher should have the procedures in order to learning process occur properly and effectively. Based on the theory, the reseacher gave the treatment to the students by understanding the teaching reading recount text through Get the Gist Strategy using recount text as the materials. The procedures are as follows:

A.Pre reading activity

Pre-activity facilities students to build up their schemata before coming to the topic of the lesson. According to Markstein and Hirasawa (1981: 183) said that if the teacher spends more time in introducing the reading, the result will be better. Careful reading preparation really helped the intermediate level



students which give them benefit to be more receptive to the content. In general, pre-reading activities was conductedin a class as follows: brainstorming, showing picture, and asking question based on the topic.

 Apperception: Greeting, the teacher checked the students’ attendance list.

 Brainstorming Ideas: questions and answer rselated to the theme the theme they just have already heard

Ask the each student about thier activities during holiday.

 Motivation: Explained about what the important the materials were and the competence one the students have.

B. While reading activity

1) First of all, the teacher explained about the generic of recount text. 2) Then, the teacher asked the students to make several groups and

gives each them a short recount text.

3) Next, the teacher asked to read article and the students have to make a list of new vocabulary from the text.

4) Overview of how to use Get the Gist Strategy, consist of; identified the most important who or what in the passage, identified the most important information about who or what, wrote a short complete sentence containing the most important information.

5) The teacher gave the text for students to practice Get the Gist


6) After that, the teacher gave some questions abut the text what they have learned (about the main idea, specific information, and inference from the text).

C.Post reading activity

a. The teacher gave feedback to the students about the materials whether the students have something did not understand.

b. Closing the activities by giving students the motivation and homework.

c. At last, the teacher closes the class by greeting.

2.2.8. The Applicability of Learning Procedures

To be clearer, here is the practical of the learning procedures with lesson material of recount text entitle My Holiday Was Fantastic.

My Holiday Was Fantastic

Last summer I got a fantastic holiday. I visited some great places. I went to an airport and was going to fly to Cleveland. I was spending there two days. I liked to see some Cleveland Cavaliers basketball matches.

Then I went to Hollywood. Hollywood is a famous district in Los Angeles, California, United States. It had become world-famous as the center of the

film industry. Four major film companies – Paramount, Warner Bros., RKO

and Columbia – had studios in Hollywood. I did not want to leave but I had


After that, I went to New York city. I visited the Statue of Liberty. I went from the bottom of Manhattan to the top of the crown. That was very amazing. The places made me feel at home but I have to go home. Next time I would return to them.



Pre activities

Teacher : Good morning, class.How are you today? Students : We are fine, thank you. How are you, Miss?

Teacher : I am fine, thanks. Well, I will check your attendance list. Who is absent today?

Students : There is no one, Miss.

Teacher :Good… Well, we will start our lesson but before that can I ask you

something? What did you do in holiday last month?Do you have a story? I mean such an experience about you or experience about other people that you know?

Students : Yes, we have, miss.

Teacher : Well, What about you!! How is that? Can you tell us about your story, please?

Student 1 :Yes, I can. I have an experience when my family and I went to the beach. I almost disappeared when I was swimming.

Student 2 :I have an experience with my sister when we do travelling using plane. We are very happy.

Student3 :I have a story about my friend, Ali must have hospitalized in hospital by car accident.

Teacher : Ouch, I’m sorry to hear that for your friend. But, your story and

experience are very amazing. That’s very Good. Thank you.

While activities

Teacher : Fine, let’s continue our lesson.

I have a story here on my hand that will be discussed. The title is My Holiday was Fantastic.

Students : No, We haven’t, Miss..

Teacher : Well, these groups called gist groups. Now, I give piece of The My Holiday was Fantastic’s story to every member in a group (teacher give material). Ok, now you read the part that you get. Students : (Reading)

Teacher : Alright. Now, read again the story carefully and discuss the main idea, difficult vocabulary and tell what the story talking about.


After that, each member in group must remember important ideas from the text.

Students : (start discussion) 25 minutes later…..

Teacher : Class, Have you done your discussion? Students : Yes, We have, Miss.

Teacher : Alright, after reading the text I’m sure that you know what the

story talking about. Now, I ask you to each member in group important ideas from the text and list the word in the paper.

Students :All Right, Miss.(each member from start to write the words). Teacher :Okay, after making list in the paper.We will discuss and find out

the meaning about the difficult words in advance which they have found in the text. (The teacher and the students start to discuss). Teacher : Now you have found about the meaning of difficult words from

the text and automatically, you have found important ideas from each paragraph in the text.Now I ask you to write a summary from each paragraph in the text in which you have to summarize more than 15 words and less 20 words in your own word. Understand, Class?

Students : AlRight, Miss. (start summarize the story) Teacher : If you have finished, Collect here.

Students : Alright, Miss (collect their work)

Teacher : Now, back to your own seat. I have some questions for you to

answer related to story that we have discussed. I’ll give 20 minutes

answer them. (Theteacher ask the students about the main idea of the text, specific information about the content of the text, inference of the text, and about the author’s tone in the text).

Students : (answer the question. after 20 minutes, they disscus the quiz together with the teacher)

Post activities

Teacher : Allright, this is the end of our lesson today. Please, ask your difficulties in this lesson. Just raise your hand.

Teacher : If there is no any question, I think it has been clear for you. As you homework, every group should find out other story, your story more better, and bring it at the next meeting. I’ll choose one of



thatstories to be discussed in the next meeting. Thank you for your attention today and don’t forget to study at home. Good bye, class. Students : Thank you very much, Miss.

2.2.9. Advantages and Disadvantages of Get the Gist Strategy

There were some main advantages that could be obtained from Get the Gist Strategy in the class:

1. By using Get the Gist Strategy, it could improve reading comprehension as well as summary writing. When using Gist, students must delete trivial information, select key ideas and generalize in their own words, which are three major strategies necessary for comprehension and retention (Richarson& Morgan:2000) .

2. Get the Gist Strategy could active students’ prior knowledge (Zainotalia:

2012). Thus, it was a benefit for each student to comprehend the meaning of the text.

3. This Strategy could help the students in final examination, in which in final examination they have to answer the question based on the text and before they must answer they have to comprehend with the meaning of the text.

4. Get the Gist Strategy could revise and refine vocabulary as well.

Besides having some advantages, this teaching reading technique also has one main disadvantage. For the first time the students would not understand what a summary is. So, the teacher must effort to give information as much as it is for information read.


Not only the advantages, but also Get the Gist Strategy has disadvantages was the students do not know all of the content of meaning of the text that they read because the students were taught to limit their response to ten words or less, so that their gist conveyed the most important idea(s), but not unnecessary details.

2.2.10. Theoretical Assumption

Reffering to the frame of theories, it was assumed that Get the Gist Strategy was a good strategy to be used teaching reading because Get the Gist Strategy could be one of the reading strategies for improving text comprehension especially in identifying main idea. The students have to be able to identify main idea in various types of the texts. After finding main idea, indirectly the reader or the students knew what the contents of texts were and other aspects reading in the text.

Therefore, it was Get the Gist Strategythat has been applied in teaching

learning process and the students’ reading comprehension achievement, it

could be a way for the students to be interested and their skills were better before especially in reading activity. By expressing their ideas, automatically they tried to think creative and got the deep meaning of the story on the text. And also could help to improve the students’ ability in reading such as in note taking and summarizing the crucial for better understanding and memorizing.



2.2.11. Hypothesis

In relation to the theoretical assumption; therefore, the hypothesis could be formulated that by usingGet the Gist Strategycould improve the students’ reading comprehension better and significantly.

Those are the content of this chapter, from the description of review of previous research and review of related research.



This chapter describes setting of the research, population and sample, research design, data collecting technique, scoring system of reading test, try out of the research, data analysis, hypothesis testing and schedule of the research.

3.1.Setting of the Research

This research took place at SMPN 13 Bandar Lampung for one month. The researcher chose SMPN 13 Bandar Lampung as the setting of this research because no one has yet to do the research using GIST in advance and that school was not far from the researcher’s house, so it could facilitate her to do the research.

3.2. Population and Sample

The population of this research was the students in the second grade of SMPN 13 Bandar Lampung which was grouped into nine classes. The sample of this research was one class of the second grade students which consisted26 students and has the same level of abilitybecause in this school has no special class.The researcher knew students’ ability were same from the result of pre-observation which she has done. The researcher knew the data from their English teacher. The class has both pretest and posttest, and there were3 times treatments. The



researcher usedpurposive sampling for tryout class to get sample. Purposive sampling were used if description rather than generalization is the goal. In this type of sample it is not possible to specify the possibility of one person being included in the sample (Dawson, 2002:49).

3.3. Research Design

This quantitative research which usedone group pretest-posttest design (Hatch and Farhady, 1982:20). Hatch and Farhady stated that this design was an improvement over the one-shot case study because you have measured the gains that the subjects have made rather than just looking at how well everyone did at the end. This type of design was also open to the question of internal validity. For example, the students’ history teacher might have assigned weekly written homework which contributed substantially to the gains. The researcher chose this design to find out whether if there is the improvement of students’ reading comprehension achievement after being taught through Get the Gist Strategy at the second grade of SMPN 13 Bandar Lampung. There was one class as the sample of the research. The research design is as follows;

T1 X T2

T1: Pre-test X: Treatment T2: Post-test


The sample of the research was given the treatment of teaching reading comprehension through Get the Gist Strategy (see chapter 2). The pre-test was administrated before the treatment of teaching reading comprehension through

Get the Gist Strategy was implemented, to see the students’ basic reading

comprehension. Then, the treatment of teaching reading comprehension through Get the Gist Strategy. The posttest was administrated afterward, to find out the

improvement of the students’ reading comprehension through Get the Gist

Strategy. Next, the questionnaire was conducted in this research to find out the improvement students reading comprehension through Get the Gist Strategy in terms of macro skills in reading learning.

3.4. Data Collecting Techniques

In collecting the data the writer used the following technique: 1. Test of Reading Comprehension

In collecting the data, the writer usedtest of reading comprehension which consisted of pretest and posttest. The pretest was administered in order to find

out the students’ reading comprehension achievement before treatment. The

posttest was administered at the end of treatments in order to find out the

results of students’ reading comprehension achievement after the 3time

treatments. Using the test of reading comprehension in this research is to answer the formulation of the problem of number one and two.



2. Questionnaire

The questionnaire was conducted to obtain data of information about the students’ problem in learning macro skills of reading comprehension to answer the third research question through Get the Gist Strategy. It consisted of 14 items which covered 2 aspects; they were students’ feelings toward the reading English in teaching learning and the implementation of Get the Gist Strategy to their knowledge improvement and reading skill.

Table below showed the specification of questionnaire; Table 1. Specification of Questionnaire

No Aspects Number of Items Percentage

1 Teaching Learning in Reading

1,2,4,5,7,14 40%

2 Get the Gist Strategy in reading activity

3,6,8,9,10,11,12,13 60%

Total 14 Items 100%

The questionnaire consisted of 14 statements. The statements covered two issues: the first issue was on the students’ problems toward reading English in teaching learning (statement number 1-7) and the second issue was on the

students’ feeling to the implementation of the technique (statements number

8-13). Those issues were taken based on the theories in which explained that the students had problems in reading English such as the students dislike reading, vocabulary limitation, difficulty guess meaning, hard to understand content, difficulty in reading text without unknown topic, etc (Sutarsyah, 2013: 101). Then, to overcome the problems in reading English, reading strategy was needed. It is said that reading strategy is actuallythe part of reading activity. In this study, the strategies here mean that those are used by the readers when


they encounter problems when they read English texts (Sutarsyah, 2013: 26). Thus, in line with the theory, the researcher want to know the students’ feeling when they a reading strategy was implemented for the students in reading activity.

In addition, an open-ended questionnaire asked the students to give suggestion or opinion about the implementation of the technique.Thepercentage was used to analyze the answer of the questionnaire. The data was interpreted based on

the frequency of students’ answer. At the end of the questionnaire, an

open-ended questionnaire was also provided for the students to write about their comments on the technique which were not covered by the close-ended questionnaire.

The closequestions data from questionnaire were analyzed by calculating it in percentage using frequency base with following formula. The formula was described as follow:

P : percentage

Fo : number of students choosing certain option N : number of samples

The data from open-ended questions were analyzed qualitatively. They were transcribed and summarized based on the classification.

However, before interpreting the data, the researcher should analyze the validity and reliability of the questionnaire given as long as the questionnaire



given was in form of scale. In addition, the results of any research project depend on the appropriateness of the instrument or test items used to measure the variables (Hatch and Farhady, 1982: 243).

According to Hatch and Farhady (1982: 250- 251), validity is a degree matter of the results of the test. It indicates that validity is dependent on the use of the result. Moreover, the test in this case refers to the questionnaire given. This study applied Pearson correlation coefficient to calculate the validity of each item using SPSS 16.0 program. If there are some items that did not correlation

in any level of α then the questionnaire item should be revised.

3.5. Research Procedures

In collecting the data, the writer carried out the following procedures which could be described as follows:

1. Determining the research problems

The problem of the research was intendedto find out the difference students’ achievement before being taught through Get the Gist Strategy and after being taught through Get the Gist Strategy, to find out the improvement of the

students’ reading comprehension achievement through Get the Gist Strategy,

andto find out the problems the students face in learning macro skills of reading comprehension through Get the Gist Strategy.


to understand their function in the text. There is the students’ increase score is only about 7 points (see table 14).

3. There were some problems thatthe students faced in learning macro skills of reading comprehension through Get the Gist Strategy that arethe students faced the problems of difficult to understanding the content of textdifficult to guess the meaning of words or lack of vocabulary, and difficult to identify making inference.

5.2. Suggestions

In reference to the conclusions above, some suggestions are given as follows:

1. Suggestions to the teacher

a) In this research, Get the Gist Strategy less affected the students’ reading comprehension in identifying specific information. Because it is very similar to reading for main idea, so this can be done by making a list of points which would like to locate in a text. The teacher may ask the students to do some reading practice to find out the word which are relevant part in seconds.

b) Based on the questionnaire, the students still have lack in vocabulary, hard to understand the meaning of words, and understanding making inferences. So, the teacher may adjust the students to note and list new words or difficult word and find out the meaning of those words. Asking the students to open dictionary it can distract the process of comprehension. Besides that, the teacher has



toactivate schemata or background knowledge to help the students’ understanding in making inference with giving the students a text which has familiar and interesting topic.

2. Suggestions to other researcher

a. SinceGet the Gist Strategy in teaching reading comprehension is applied at the second grade of Junior High School,other researchers can conduct this technique on different levels of students, e.g.Senior High School or in different skills, e.g. writing.

b. Since the researcher has applied questionnaire in order to see the students’ problems during the application of Get the Gist Strategy, further researchers are suggested to apply other techniques in collecting the data, for example, interview or observation. By using other techniques,better resultsmaybefound out because they will not only be obtained from one point of view.



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