





Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in Teaching English

By Khoirun Nisa NIM D05212040






This thesis by Khoirun Nisa entitled "The Effectiveness


"GIST" Strategy to Imprc,we Student Reading Comprehension in Exploring Descriptive Text in Second Grade cf SMPN 4

Surabaya" has been approved by the thesis advisors for further approval by the Boards of


Surabaya, August lgth, 2016




Dr.Phil. Khoirun Niam NIP. I 97 00725199603 I 004



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"GIST" Strategt to Increase Studant Reuding Contprehen.sictn in

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Comprehension 1n Exploring Descriftive Text in Second Grade of SMPN 4


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Nisa, Khoirun. 2016. The Effectiveness of “GIST” Strategy to Increase Student Reading Comprehension in Exploring Descriptive Text in Second Grade of SMPN 4 Surabaya. A Thesis. English Teacher Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya. Advisor: Dr. Phil. Khoirun Niam.

Key Words : GIST Strategy, Student Reading Comprehension

Reading is the only one of common obstacle in education success. There are many reading learning that still not maximal. In addition, either student health wise, the classroom atmosphere, teacher’s mood, student’s feeling and readiness to get the lesson, and an appropriate strategy in teaching reading is also factor that effects the process of learning. This research focuses on effectiveness of GIST strategy in increasing student reading comprehension. The research was conducted on second grade of SMPN 4 Surabaya in academic year of 2015/2016. The researcher determines this study as quantitative approach in form of quasi-experimental design.

Population in this research was second grade of SMPN 4 Surabaya. The determination of sample is done through equal-test. The sample consists of 80 students which are divided into two classes, 8G consisting 40 students as a control class and 8E consisting 40 students as an experimental class. The text type and teacher is same between experimental and control group to ensure the effectiveness of GIST Strategy. The instument used to collect the data were reading test to get the score of reading skill. Before the instruments were used, the tryout was done to know the validity and reliability of instrument. Data is taken by instrument in form of multiple choice test to know the comprehension of text content. Validity in this research is content validity and item validity. Content validity is reached through expert judgement. Consideration of item validity in multiple choice text used Taxonomi Barret. Data analisis technique in pre-post test used is test of Mann Whitney U with significance value 0,05. Before conducting data analysis, researcher ensures data based on assumptions which are test of normality data and variance homogeneity.

Based on the result of the analysis, there are some research findings that can be taken: Firstly, student reading comprehension in exploring descriptive text in all classes is 65,54 by the description of average score of each class as 8D with average score 63,41 , 8E with 77,80 , 8F with 78,51 , and 8G with 77,80. And the average of all classes is 65,54. Secondly, the result of significance value based on test of Mann Whitney U in post-test was 0,000 < 0,05.


be concluded that GIST is an effective strategy to teach reading in exploring descriptive text for the second grade students of SMPN 4 Surabaya.

Therefore, it is recommended that (1) English teacher in second grade of SMPN 4 Surabaya can implement GIST strategy in teaching reading of exploring descriptive text and another variant technique in order students can be motivated; (2) Other researcher can use this research as an additional reference to carry out the similar research but in different kind of text and different student level.






MOTTO ... iii


PREFACE ... vi

ABSTRACT ... vii







A. Research Background ... 1

B. Research Question ... 5

C. Objective of The Research ... 5

D. Hypothesis ... 5

E. Significance of The Research ... 6

F. Scope and Limits of The Research ... 6

G. Definitions of Key Terms ... 7


1. Theoretical Foundation ... 9

a. Learning Strategy ... 9

b. GIST ... 11

c. Reading Comprehension ... 18

d. Student Reading Comprehension ... 22

e. Text ... 25

f. Effectiveness ... 29

2. Operational Framework ... 34

B. Review of Previous Studies ... 35


A. Research Design ... 42

B. Variable of Research ... 45

C. Setting of Research ... 45

D. Population and Sample ... 46

E. Research Procedure ... 47

F. Data and Source of Data ... 51

G. Data Collection Technique and Instrument ... 52

H. Data Analysis Technique ... 61


A. Research Findings ... 66

1. Analysis Data of Equal-test ... 66

2. Analysis Data of Pre-Post test of Experimental and Control Group ... 72

B. Result of Test Hypothesis ... 83

C. Discussion ... 84

1. Discussion of Research Result ... 84



A. Conclusion ... 87

B. Suggestion ... 88

Bibliography ... 88




Reading is one of skill in English learning that need sources to get informations and processed to be new knowledges for the reader. Different from researcher, Erick Abraham simplifies to define reading is reviewing note.1

Beside, other experts as Paul E. Dennison and N√SW (New South Wales) Department of School Education Sydney define reading in other views. Paul states reading is a guess game eruditely mind anticipates what happen then waiting for ensuring the guess is right. He adds that reading is not an introduction of letter and word. He defines it as rewriting text actively where reader collectively analyze words and

listen her/him self to tell.2 Whereas NSW Department of School Education

Sydney defines reading as the process of constructing meaning from written text.3

This is supported by other expert, Clay M, the author of book entitled Becoming

Literate The Construction of Inner Control-. Clay states:

I define reading as a message-getting, problem-solving activity which increases in power and flexibility the more it is practised. My definition states that within the directional constraints of the printer’s code, language and visual perception responses are purposefully directed by the reader in some integrated way to the problem of extracting meaning from


Erick Abraham. 3 Minutes Update! For Your Words!. (Yogyakarta:Pelangi Edukasi, 2012), 279. 2

Paul E. Dennison, 2008 “Brain Gym dan Aku: Merasakan Kembali Kenikmatan Belajar”. Translated, (Jakarta: PT GramediaWidiasarana Indonesia, 2008), 29. See also: Brain Gym and Me: Reclaiming The Pleasure of Learning, (Jakarta: PT Grasindo, 2006)


NSW Department of School Education, Curriculum Directorate, Teaching Reading:A K-6 Framework (Sydney: Curriculum Directorate, 1997), 6.



cues in a text, in sequence, so that the reader brings a maximum of understanding to the author’s message.”4

NSW Departement of School Education also defines reading as an essential part of literacy. NSW also shows a diagram that explains clearly the model of reading, and how context, language, information also the role of reader can relate each other. (see picture 1.1)

Picture 1.1 Elements of Reading in Social Context

Picture 1.1 NSW states that in any discussion of reading, it must take place

in the context of what it means to be literate in today’ s society.5

NSW Departement of School Education also explains more that the model of reading is actually a complex process that involves interaction between the reader, the language and ideas of the text. Reading involves readers in drawing upon their existing knowledge of the world, language and the written code in order to attend



to the visual information of the text. In using and integrating these four

complementary sources of information in learning reading, the role of teacher in succeding is the most important. According to Jeremy, he assumes that getting students to read English texts is an important role of teacher’s job.Teacher’s main functions when training students to read is not only to persuade them of skimming and scanning but also to make them see that the way they read is vitally important.6

Based on reality, researcher can assume that teaching is not quiet easy because teacher also has problems in teaching,7 especially teaching reading. Moreover, LouAnne Johnson asserts that reading is the only one of common obstacle in education success.8 There are not still maximal reading learning yet. Researcher often finds, teacher gives a text for students to read, they show their laziness and sleepiness. Among of students read and answer the question in the text without using dictionary at all. Teacher also does not give a list of difficult words to the students, teacher informs when students asked about it. Teacher just


Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English: An Introduction to the Practice of English Language Teaching. (England: Pearson Education Longman Limited, 1998), 68-69.


As Baharuddin stated according to Zuhairini that teacher’s problems in teaching are: the difference of student’s IQ, characteristics and background. Then, determining exact material for students, determining appropriate method or strategy and the difficulty in evaluation either in most of time or less time. See: Prof Dr. H. Baharuddin. M.Pd.I., Pendidikan dan Psikologi Perkembangan. (Jogjakarta: Ar-Ruzz Media, 2010), 198. It is quoted from Zuhairini, for further explanation see also: Zuhairini,, Metodik Khusus Agama Islam. (Surabaya: Usaha Nasional, 1983).


LouAnne Johnson, Teaching Outside The Box: How To Grab Your Students By Their Brain. (PT.Indeks, 2009), 263-264.



goes around controlling students not to chcek student’s work but to ensure students do not cheating each other. The classroom situation becomes silent and there is no form of communication between teacher and students. After the time of doing the task finished, teacher appoints one of students to read their answer alternately and teacher corrects it only, she or he does not discuss how the process to know the correct answer. Beside, another factors effect the process of learning strategy, some are: in student health wise, the classroom atmosphere, teacher’s mood, student’s feeling and readiness to get the lesson. The matters above indicate that teacher as an influential one for students, teacher can start to turn opportunities into success by preparing an appropriate strategy in teaching reading.

In learning process, there are some effective strategy in teaching reading for example: Cue the “ABCs” strategy, the 3-2-1 Strategy, Precis Strategy and GIST Strategy. But, based on consideration of descriptions above, researcher plans to implement GIST (Generating Interaction between Schemata and Text) Strategy in increasing student reading comprehension in exploring descriptive text in second grade of SMPN 4 Surabaya.



by 5W 1H question to get informations. In addition, GIST Strategy is especially helpful when students are required to read long texts containing a significant amount of new information. Therefore, to increase students reading comprehension in exploring descriptive text, researcher intends to implement GIST Strategy in reading skill learning in second grade of SMPN 4 Surabaya. B.Reseach Question

1. How is student reading comprehension in exploring descriptive text? 2. How effective is the implementation of GIST Strategy on student reading

comprehension in exploring descriptive text in second grade of SMPN 4 Surabaya?

C.Objective of the Research

1. To know student reading comprehension in exploring descriptive text. 2. To know the effectiveness of GIST Strategy for reading learning on student

reading comprehension in exploring descriptive text in second grade of SMPN 4 Surabaya.


H a : Implementation of GIST Strategy is effective to increase student reading comprehension in exploring descriptive text.

E.Significance of the Research



1. Theoritically, this study result hoped to develop teaching and learning process especially in teaching reading skill.

2. Practically, this study result hoped to be contribution:

a. The advantage for the students: they enjoy the process of increasing their reading comprehension in exploring descriptive text and it is hoped helping students to understand and to intent whole text well.

b. The advantage for the teachers:they can implement GIST Strategy in increasing student reading comprehension.

c. The advantage for the reader: they can get informations about

implementing GIST Strategy and its effectiveness to increase student reading comprehension.

F. Scope and Limits of The Research

This study focuses on the implementation of GIST Strategy on student reading comprehension in exploring descriptive text. Reading comprehension that tested is a reading achievement which related to student’s mean score in exploring descriptive text. This study also answers only how far the effectiveness of GIST Strategy implementation using SPSS result.



a. Effectiveness: as Sharon Friesen stated that effective teaching practice begins with the thoughtful and intentional design of learning that engages students intellectually and academically.9 This research meant for effectiveness as an achievement of action or treatment goal.

b. Increasing student reading comprehension: In making improvement of student reading comprehension, Trelease Jim supports that is important to consider side factors in reading comprehension. He adds there are really only two efficient ways to get words into a person’s brain: either through the eye or through the ear. It needs to give attention to : (1) condition the child’s brain, (2) create background knowledge, (3) build vocabulary, (4) provide a reading role model.10 Then increasing reading comprehension in this case is to make better or improvement in students reading comprehension.

c. Reading Comprehension: According to Dr. Richard Paul and Dr. Linda Elder, it is better for a reader to connect each sentence with the purpose of the written piece in understanding a text. They beleieve, in reading section, reader must be careful, because such as finding key paragraphs consists of fiding the ideas or questions that are the driving force within the text. They also add that structural reading is an important means by which we locate key paragraphs. All


Sharon Friesen. What Did You Do In School Today? Teaching Effectiveness: A Framework and Rubric. Canada: CEA, 2009. 4-6


Trelease Jim, The Read-Aloud Handbook. (America: Penguin Books, 2006), 4.



paragraphs within a written piece should connect to every other paragraph so that reader can see logical connections between ideas. It means what teacher can do is to prepare appropriate strategy to teach reading, because student reading comprehension is a teacher’s main goal in teaching reading.11 Reading comprehension measured is reading achievement to get information, understand and analyze the content of the text.




REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A.Review of Related Literature

1. Theoretical Foundation a. Learning Strategy

Learning strategies, according to Yvonne Kesseli, are specific actions, steps, or techniques used by students to enhance their own learning. He believes that strategy can be beneficial for students when it fits the particular student’s learning style preference to one degree or another.1 Learning strategy is an important aspect in teaching and learning proces. Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D assumes that no matter the way teacher to teach, will face the challenge of bringing students from point A — what students currently know—to point B— the learning goals of a course. In many cases, the distance between points A and B is huge, and the path is not obvious. In this case, students must not only acquire new skills and information, but they also radically transform their approach to thinking and learning. Therefore, the content of teaching process


Yvonne Kesseli, PHZH, “Primary English Community”,

(, retrieved on January 08th, 2016). Additional information, adopted from Oxford, R. L. (1990) Language Learning Strategies: What Every Teacher Should Know. Harper and Row, New York. retrieved December 2006.



can be necessarily make some strategies more suitable than others.2 The strategies determined teacher in bringing students in point A to point B. Rae L. Lan, a Doctor of Philosophy in University of Maryland states3 which cited from Oxford that provides one of the most comprehensive definitions, thus is:

“[Language learning strategies are] operations employed by the learner to aid the acquisition, storage, retrieval, and use of information…; specific actions taken by the learners to make learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-directed, more

effective, and more transferable to new situations”4.

Beside, other expert assumes to agreed descriptions above that when reading text, student often feels nervous. It is possible, they may find difficult words or stuctural problems. Hence, in this case teacher has to have great technique or appropriate strategy in presenting text.5


Kelly McGonigal,Ph.D, “Speaking of Teaching. Teaching for Transformation: From Learning theory to Teaching Strategies”. The center of Teaching and Learning. Stanford University. Vol.14 No.2, 2005, retrieved on December, 30th 2015 07:30., 3

RaeL. Lan, Dissertation: ”Language Learning Strategies Profiles of EFL Elementary School Students in Taiwan”. (Oxford: University of Maryland, College Park, 2005), 15.;jsessionid=D718936A3BE 672204D28479C1A15EA13?sequence=1, retrieved on December 30th, 2015 07:3. An additional information directed by: Professor Rebecca L. Oxford Departement of Curriculum and Instruction. 4

Ibid. This cited by Rae L, see: Oxford, R. L, Language Learning Strategies: What Teacher Should Know (Boston: Heinle&Heinle,1990),8.




GIST as Herel and Jordan states is a strategy for supporting comprehension of informational text. Both of them recognize GIST Strategy at first time is acquinted by Cunningham. Besides, they add that GIST Strategy is especially helpful when students are required to read long texts containing a significant amount of new information. They explain clear that in GIST atrategy implementation, students work in cooperative groups and read sections of the text silently. After each short section is read silently, the member of group work collaboratively to generate one sentence that summarizing the GIST of the passage, this summary sentence is generated paragraph by paragraph. Member of the group write one generated sentence on their own papers so that each group member ends up with a brief summary of the text. Then, the teacher circulates among the groups to facilitate and give support. The group of members have a chance to discuss and clarify meaning as they decide on the best summary sentence for the section or paragraph. At the end, teacher corrects the answer, gets down to the GIST of passage and gives feedback.6 NBSS also supports and assumes according to Cunningham, NBSS states:

GIST is an acronym for Generating Interactions between Schemata and Texts. It is summarising strategy. Effective summarising leads to an increase in student learning. Summarising requires students to focus on the main ideas of a text and to decide what is


Adrienne L. Herrel - Michael Jordan, 50 Strategies for Teaching English Language Learner, Third Edition (Columbus: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall, 2008), 272.



important without omitting key ideas. The ability to summarise has significant benefits for comprehending and ultimately retaining and recalling information. Teaching students summarising strategies, like ‘Get the Gist’, helps them learn to synthesise information, a higherorder thinking skill which includes analysing information and identifying key concept.7

The implementation of GIST Strategy its self is according to Adrienne L. Herrel and Michael Jordan, there are seven steps in implementing GIST Strategy in reading skill learning8:

1) Identifying appropriate text for GIST.

In identifying text sometimes may cause some difficulty for the students. So, it is important for teacher to decide wether the text must be read and summarized paragraph by paragraph or section by section and to determine logical stopping or summarizing points.

2) Making group

Making group the students by dividing the class into cooperative groups and identifying a leader for each group. Beside, teacher should make sure that each group contains a strong English speaker and reader.


National Behaviour Support Service, Get The GIST Reading and Learning Strategy, retrieved on June, 03 2016 10:00


Adrienne L. Herrel - Michael Jordan, 50 Strategies for Teaching English Language Learner, Third



3) Demonstrating the strategy

Teacher must demonstrate the strategy by discussing background knowledge and informing the students that they worked in groups to create a summary of the material to be read. Then, posting the summary points, the points here means points in the reading at which each group is to stop, then discuss and summarize. In addition, teacher also should instruct the students to read the passage silently to the first summary point then stop and write a one-sentence summary of what they read.

4) Discussing summary sentences

After the students have completed their summary sentence, teacher discusses summary sentences by asking one of the students to share his/hers with the class and adding details that the class thinks enhance the sentence. It is important also to instruct students to write the summary sentence on their papers. Here, the teacher serves as facilitator and quality controller, teacher make sure that the summary sentences capture the gist of the paragraphs. The author adds to attend that the quality control be done in a supportive manner through questioning and supporting of the students’ understanding of the text. 5) Discussing summary paragraph

In this step, teacher reads and summarizes paragraph by paragraph then explains to the class that they read the entire selection in this step. They read all to each summary point. Students in this step should be thinking of the main



points in the section and formulating a summary sentence in their minds, may be by writing it on a scrap piece of paper. At that time, the group should discuss the section and negotiate the best summary sentence they can write. Once the group has decided on a summary sentence, each member of the group writes the sentence on his/her own paper and the process begins again.

6) Comparing the summary

While comparing summary sentences; once the selection has been completed, the groups read and compare their summary sentences. The authors state this step provides an effective review of the passage read and give an opportunity to correct any misconceptions.

7) Assessing student progress and understanding

The authors believe in the group work time of this strategy is a perfect opportunity for the teacher to circulate around the room and listen then taking anecdotal records, documenting student interactions and writing language sample for inclusion in the student portfolios. Beside, teacher can create a checklists for documenting specific behaviors exhibited by the students.

Different with Adrienne L. Herrel and Michael Jordan, NBSS (National Behaviour Support Service) simplifies to get the GIST or implementation GIST



Strategy9, NBSS also states clear that GIST Strategy is different with summing text up.

Based on NBSS, to get the GIST, readers must do these four steps: 1. Previewing the text by looking at headings, subheading, pictures, etc. 2. Readers must read the selection carefully.

3. Readers also should highlight the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the text as a main idea.

4. The last step is by writing a 20 words “GIST” summary using the information, in this section is the best way to dig student critical thinking or comprehension about text through the anwer sheet.

In reading learning process, it is indeed that student not only read a text to increase their reading skill, but also do several activities to develop critical reading ability. According to Salisbury University academics, there are seven critical reading strategies to encourage and develop student critical reading ability, these are:

1) Previewing, in this activity student identify the text before reading it closely by reading the title, abstract, heading, subheading even skim-reading the introduction or conclusion.


National Behaviour Support Service, Get The GIST Reading and Learning Strategy, retrieved on June, 03 2016 10:00



2) Contextualizing or placing a text in its historical, biographical, and cultural contexts. In other word, when reading a text, student relate it to their own experience or compare what student have already known with the text and guess the author’s background process of writing the text .

3) Questioning to understand and remember, teacher asks questions about the content of text.

4) Reflecting on challenges to beliefs and values is the fourth one, it means students examine their personal responses by asking themselves which is intersting or confusing, still do not understand, and also the challenging one in the text. This exercise is a great combination of reading, thinking and writing, and it helps students learn how to write in their own words about their own learning journey.

5) Outlining and Summarizing, where students identify the main ideas and restate in their own words. Those are especially helpful strategies for understanding the content and structure of a reading selection. The key to both outlining and summarizing is being able to distinguish between the main ideas and the supporting ideas also the examples. Summarizing begins with outlining, but instead of merely listing the main ideas, a summary recomposes them to form a new text. It showed how reading critically can lead to deeper understanding of any text.



6) Evaluating an argument by testing the logic of a text as well as its credibility and emotional impact.

7) Comparing and contrasting related reading: such as exploring likenesses and differences between texts to understand them better.10

Explanation above proves that reading is a skill which not only reading text but also comprehending in varying ways. In some conditions, to ensure students in comprehending text, teacher can dig student reading comprehension through answering question, fill the blank question, or quiz. Therefore, to know student reading ability, teacher does not only test them to read but also to write. This because reading and writing is skill which relate each other. As Jeremy states that writing as one of four skills; listening, speaking, reading, writing, always become part of syllabus in English learning.11 Hence, it is possible what students write can show their reading ability. It applies equally to implementation of GIST strategy.

GIST is one of a way of developing critical reading and GIST is included an activity in kind of summary and outline. It is similar, but not exactly the same, as summarizing. This because summarizing finds the most important ideas and put them together into a short statement, but GIST has systematic


Salisbury University Academics.2009. 7 Critical Reading Strategies and Activities to do with Students to Encourage and Develop Critical Reading Ability, 1-5. For further information; retrieved on June 03rd 2016 10:43


Slamet Riyanto. 2015. The Practice of Teaching English: Pandun Praktis Terampil Mengajar Bahasa Inggris Dengan Kreatif di Sekolah. (Yogyakarta: C.V Andi Offset), 34. for further information, see also: How to Teach Writing by Jeremy Harmer.



check of understanding through list the main idea with generating text through WH question to comprehend the text. In other word, GIST Strategy is not an evaluative filter but it is monitoring comprehension in small chunks of text. Based on descriptions before, teacher scores students with rubric writing because what they generate is what they understand. And the GIST Strategy that implemented by researcher is according to NBSS, because researcher wants to be focus on individual work not group work.

c. Reading Comprehension

Based on Jeremy Harmer in book entitled ‘How to Teach English’, He states that in teaching reading there are some principles that we have to pay attention. Those are:

1) Reading is not a passive skill but it is an active skill. This is because, in reading activities, students need to be more active in the process of understanding the text. Students must understand each important part in the text. Students should be familiar with the words, pictures, bold print or italics words in the texts. It helps students to understand the whole purpose of the text and get what they want.

2) Students need to be engaged with what they are reading. In this case, students should be involved with what they read. So, they can explore contents of text. Then the teachers demand to use an interesting strategy in



teaching reading, in order they are motivated to read and try to understand the text.

3) Students should try to respond content of the text. It means students do not only know the structure of the language but students should understand the important part in every paragraph.

4) Prediction is a major factor in reading. Because, prior knowledge of students is important to explore the contents of the text that they read. Students estimated the content of text with regard to relevant guidance by paying attention to the title, subtitle and synopsis of the story. In this case, role of teachers is to help students by providing appropriate instructions, so they can predict content of the text easily.

5) Matching the task with suitable topic. Selection of interesting text and more imaginative tasks can help students to improve student’s motivation in comprehending the text. The task that given to the students must be related to the text they are reading.

6) Teachers exploit reading texts to the full. In each text, there is usually a sentence that implied or unimplied, the word, an idea that in pointed out by the author in writing. For this matter, teacher should pose an interesting activity for students to understand the important part of the text12


Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English. (Malaysia: Addison Wesley Longman Limited, 1998 ), 70-71.



Different from Jeremy Harmer, Davies and Pearse recommended these three steps to make reading more realistic and interesting:

First step is Pre-reading. In this first step or before reading activity, is to prepare students for what they are going to read. Teacher here can give brainstorming to let students think about content of the texts. It means that teacher here can invite students to imagine the story that presented by the writer through some questions that given by teacher. Therefore students can explore their mind before reading the text. It is a warm-up in reading section.

Second step is While-reading. This step is the core activities that the teacher here presents a text learned by students and it helps students to comprehend the text. Teachers also guide students to understand about the content of text. Then teacher can apply appropriate strategy to make students comprehend the text easier.

The last step is Post-reading. Post reading step can help students to connect what they have read with their own idea and experience. So, from those steps, teachers can give test for students to check students' understanding of the text by asking students, comprehending by using relevant question. And in teaching reading, the teachers can give best strategy for students to enable



students in analyzing what they read then collect and combine the important points from the texts so the students can find meaning of the text correctly.13

In other hand, reading is not easy, students must be careful to get the main idea even the detail informations. According to Dr. Richard Paul and Dr. Linda Elderfrom The Foundation for Critical Thinking, they inspire people to connect each sentence with the purpose of the written piece in understanding a text. They believe that by taking a sentence out of context can pose problems because sentences read in isolation from the sentences that precede or follow them often overstate a point. The sentences that precede or follow usually clarify the author’s true meaning, or bring it in line with supporting facts.

From descriptions above, the reader can continue to read a paragraph. The reader must be careful in reading a paragraph, because finding key paragraphs consists of fiding the ideas or questions that are the driving force within the text. They also add that structural reading is an important means by which we locate key paragraphs. All paragraphs within a written piece should connect to every other paragraph so that reader can see logical connections between ideas. They have a great suggest how all ideas should form a system of meanings, when the reader move from paragraph to paragraph, reader can ask by themselves: What is the most important idea in this paragraph? How do


Davies and Eric Pearese, Success in English Teaching. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000), 92-93.



the ideas in this paragraph relate to the ideas in previous paragraphs? How are the important ideas in the text connected?, then reader can look for paragraphs that focus on signifiant ideas or questions by connecting those ideas, to situations and experiences that are meaningful in life.14 Explanations above can be concluded that teacher has to prepare appropriate strategy to teach reading, because student reading comprehension is a teacher’s main goal in teaching reading.

d. Student Reading Comprehension

In making improvement of student reading comprehension, it is important to consider side factors in reading comprehension. Brain, condition, mood, are some. Lumber is the primary support for building a house, words are the primary structure for learning. There are really only two efficient ways to get words into a person’s brain: either through the eye or through the ear. It needs to give attention to : (1) condition the child’s brain, (2) create background knowledge, (3) build vocabulary, (4) provide a reading role model. There are two basic reading facts of life according to Jim; Firstly, Human beings are pleasure centered and Secondly, Reading is an accrued skill.15It supports by Jim that:


Richard Paul - Linda Elder, Howto Read a Paragraph; The Art of Close Reading (The Foundation



The more you read, the better you get at it, the better you get at it, the more you like it; and the more you like it, the more you do it. The more you read, the more you know; and the more you know,the smarter you grow.”16

Unfortunately, outboard of descriptions above, students study to read fast when they are ready.17 Because, there are some student’s (about 6-51 years old) reason to be anti-reading: Firstly, reading makes them headache and blood shot. Secondly, they believe that they feel embarrassed because teacher likes to force them to read aloud and other students laugh and wretchedly teacher joins in laughing. Thirdly, the material that students read is not interesting for them. Fourthly, students finish the text to read in the class, it is long, difficult, and boring. Fifthly, reading is a burden that tested students on the subject of what they read. It is not an effort to get informations or entertainment. Beside, students are often misguided in reading because of the unequal basic reading. After that, catching up in reading is wasted away eventhough they try again. Also, lastly, students are asked their opinion about the book they read and they pretend enjoying it.18

It is relieving to know that LouAanne calms down by giving suggestions about problems above. She states clear that to make a means reading section, teacher can do these: LouAnne suggest teacher to search interesting article or


Ibid., 3. 17

LouAnne Johnson, Teaching Outside The Box: How To Grab Your Students By Their Brain. (PT.Indeks,2009), 265.


Ibid., 271.



magazine, and essay about controversial subject as the reading material in nonfiction such as; bumblebee, dinosaur, car race, computer, dragon, outer-space craft, romance.19 She also proposes to ask students, why do they loathe reading the text? Is there any difficult words? Is it too complex and long? Do they loathe the characters of story? Is a plot of story not realistic? Do they agree with the ending?20 In addition, it is better for teacher to mention three adjectives to describe the actor. Meanwhile, teacher can explain that when reading, a reader creates a mental image of what to read. The more reader adds details, the image is clearer or changing as new or different information. If reader feels confusing, reader can stop over until getting the image again.21 In this case, LouAnne assumes explicitly that rehearsal can be success and more than a matter of asking to know student reading comprehension after reading a chosen text. In addition, rehearsal does not make perfect but it is obvious to make an upgraded training.22


Johnson. Teaching Outside The Box: How To Grab Your Students By Their Brain, 276-277. See also Ibid., p.304 about references to get theme learning such as;

(general library internet access of Michigan University), (song), (anthology and drama), (magazine). 20

Ibid.,278. 21

Ibid.,282-283. 22

Ibid.,285. The mentioned training is a way to make students enjoy reading and make them happy to read. Making students happy means teacher gives a fresh multivitamin that can give positive energy



e. Text

According to experts; Halliday and R. Hasan states text is language that is functional, means language that is doing job in some context.23 BBC adds that a text can come in any form and be any kind of writing. Letters, adverts, user-guides, emails, postcards, notes and magazine articles are all different types of text. When reading something, it helps to know what type of text it is. It also helps to know why it has been written.24 In addition, any instance of living language that is playing some parts in context of situation, it is called a text. It may be either spoken or written. Based on the participant there are spoken and written texts.

a) Spoken refers to language interaction, including a conversation orally, between two persons or more which their text has a purpose.

b) Moreover, the written text refers to language text, including abstract reflection on causes and effects of distance events.

is a tool to turn up your own method, uniqueness and strength. For further information about RST, see also, Agung Webe, Smart Teaching: 5 Metode Efektif Lejitkan Prestasi Anak Didik (Yogyakarta: Jogja Bangkit Publisher, 2010), 21.


Halliday, M. A. K., and Hasan, R. Language, Context, and Text: Aspects of Language in Social-Semiotic Perspective. (London: Oxford University Press, 1985),6.


BBC. Skillswise. Rt/E3.2. 2011., retrieved on April, 21st 2016 08.55



Hammond reassumes;

“There is no clear deviding the between spoken and written language.”25

In addition, about the text, as stated by JoAnne Schudt Caldwell, PhD, a Professor at Cardinal Stritch University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, that many factors make a text easy or difficult. Familiarity with the topic of the text is closely allied to the vocabulary load of the selection. Vocabulary difficulty is a powerful predictor of text comprehension. Another factor that can increase text difficulty is the syntax of the text or how phrases are organized into sentences. Sentence with complex syntax may present comprehension problems or a high load on working memory. For example, sentences with clauses and phrases that occur before the main verb tend to be more difficult. Sentences that contain many clauses and numerous adjectives and adverbs modifying the main noun and verb can also pose difficulty. That is only a few view of how syntax can impede comprehension.26 Text has several types, there are some genres texts: Spoof/Recount text, Report text, Analytical Exposition text, Narrative text, Procedure text, Descriptive text, Hortatory Exposition text and so on.27 Distinctive generic structure and major grammatical pattern through social


Hammond, Jenny. English for Social Purposes, A Handbook for Teachers of Adults Literacy. (Sydney: Australian Print Group,1992),5.


Schudt JoAnne.Comprehension Assessment A Classroom Guide. (New York: The Guilford Press, 2008),16-17.



function of the genre is realized characterization in each type. In this study, the researcher discuss about descriptive text because it is the text used in this study.

According to BBC, a descriptive text tells what something is like. BBC adds that the writer is trying to help the reader imagine or ‘see’ a person, place or thing.28 it is supported by Hammond that the social function of descriptive text is “to describe a particular person, place, or thing.”29 Gerot and Wignell also say that its social function is “to describe a particular person, person, or things.” 30 Descriptive text is characterized by the steps of rhetorical development which presents identification and description. It identifies a person, place, or thing and also describes parts, qualities, and characteristics. The processes types usually use verbs of being and having. The verbs are in present tense. Frequently, it uses some descriptive adjectives to build up long nominal group. NSW Departement of Education and Communities breaks down descriptive text in the tabel below31:


BBC. Skillswise. Rt/E3.2. 2011. retrieved on April, 21st 2016 08.55


Hammond, Jenny. English for Social Purposes, A Handbook for Teachers of Adults Literacy. (Sidney: Australian Print Group,1992),78.


Gerot, L. and Wignell, P. Making Sense of Functional Grammar. (Sydney: Antipodian Educational Enterprise Inc (AEE),1994),208.


State of NSW through the Department of Education and Communities 2011, retrieved on April, 21st 2016 08.50 NSW



Tabel 2.1 Descriptive Text Type Factual text


Purpose Features Example

factual description

describes a place or thing using facts

begins with an introductory statement Landscape description systematically describes different aspects of the subject

may end with a concluding statement

Literary text type

Purpose Features Examples

literary description

describes people, characters, places, events and things in an imaginative way

describes characteristic features of the subject, eg physical appearance,


Description of a character or setting within a story

often forms part of other pieces of writing

Discussing about GIST, it is a certain kind of strategy to generate text by 5W 1H question, but this strategy has specific steps to get the gist. It means at least the text should be able to be generated. From those texts, researcher



chooses text to be generated is a descriptive text. The reasons of mentioned texts is that the text believed to make easy for students to get the GIST from this text and it can be an effective and attractive text for Junior High School exactly for second grade in GIST Strategy implementation, because descriptive text has been learnt before by the students and it is a simple and well-enable text.

f. Effectiveness

Based on Sharon Friesen, there are five principles of effective teaching practice : Principle 1 – Teachers are designers of learning. Effective teaching practice begins with the thoughtful and intentional design of learning engaging students intellectually and academically. To design learning for academic and intellectual engagement, there are three particularly important considerations when: starting with students’ prior knowledge, organizing and using knowledge conceptually, and building assessment into the fabric of study. Principle 2 – Work students are asked to undertake is worth their time and attention. It means, the work that students are asked to undertake is precious of their time and attention, or personally relevant which connected to the world in which they live. To develop competence in an area of inquiry or study, students must: firstly, have a deep foundation of factual knowledge. Then, understand facts and ideas in the context of a conceptual framework. And organize knowledge in ways that facilitate retrieval and application.



Principle 3 – Assessment practices improve students learning and guide teaching. Assessment practices are focused on improving student learning and guiding teaching decisions and actions. As identified by British Assessment Reform Group, Sharon has explained seven characteristics of assessment that promote learning: firstly, assessment is embedded in the design of the teaching and learning, then students know the learning goals, students recognize the standards of aim, students are involved in self-assessment, fifth, feedback provided enables students to take their next steps, teachers hold the belief that every student can improve and the last, assessment involves both teacher and students reviewing and reflecting on the assessment data.

Principle 4 – Teachers foster a variety of interdependent relationships. Teachers foster a variety of interdependent relationships in classroom that promote learning and create a strong culture around learning. The importance of relationships of various kinds cannot be overlooked in considering contemporary ideas about effective teaching practices. Relationships are critical in educating students not only for skills needed in the work place, but also in building social combination and producing minds that thirst to build knowledge throughout the course of their lives. Principle 5 – Teachers improve their practice in the company of their peers. Teachers also need to improve their practice. It is critical for teachers to have a familiarity with one another’s work that comes with frequent



classrooms, and collaborative planning time. It is also very clear that as self-reflective as a teacher may be, receiving constructive feedback from one’s peers is a must in order to improve teaching.32

Point to highlighting a number of broad principles from an extensive research review on successful professional learning and much of advice which translated to observation and feedback routines or programmes in general. Robert Coe simplifies the effective, strategies: (1) Must focus on and be measured against student outcomes. (2) Encourage ‘self-regulation’ among teachers who need to embrace the experience as independent learners and sustain the techniques. (3) Require some input from school leaders. (4) Involve, ideally, collaboration with peers. (5) Be a genuine challenge.33

Different with Robert Coe, Watkins recognises that effective learning today is likely to be different from what it would have been a century ago, or in another era of the history of classrooms. He states the connections between effective learning and effective learner as tabel below34,


Sharon Friesen. What Did You Do In School Today? Teaching Effectiveness: A Framework and Rubric. Canada: CEA, 2009. 4-6


Coe, Robert, What Makes Great Teaching? Durham University, 2014. 40-41.


Watkins, Chirs Effective Learning In Classroom. London: Paul Chapman, 2007. 18-19.



Tabel 2.2 Effective learning and learners

Effective learning is ... An effective learner An activity of construction Is active and strategic

Handled with (or in the context of) others driven by the learner

Is skilled in collaboration

The monitoring and review of the effectiveness of approaches and strategies for the goals and context

Understands her/his learning and plans, monitors and reflects on their learning

Takes responsibility for their learning

Some experts suggest variations in teaching and learning as a testimony of effective strategy. There is a variety of tasks that operated to promote learning in classrooms (reading, writing, listening and so on) for exaample in active reading category. To be an effective learner when reading, a learner might need to go much further than the dominant idea that reading is ‘getting this text in my head’. A richer experience with the text, generating richer meaning as a result, is likely if someone engages actively with a text through strategies such as:

a. Scanning (before reading identify what’s the theme, how is the text structured?) b. Questioning (what do I already know, what do I want to know more about?) c. Reading (small steps at a time, stopping at regular intervals)



Such strategies are mentioned as possibilities, but some readers will be active and effective without necessarily using these: the main strategy of an active reader is the monitoring of how their reading is going, so that they never meet the situation of reaching the end of a page and saying to themselves “nothing has gone in.”35 To make clearly, the tabel below confers learning modalities which strategies best support for reading or writing learning preference.36

Tabel 2.3 Reading Learning Preference

Reading/ Writing In class Use lists, headings

Write out lists and definitions Use handouts and textbooks When studying Write out the words

Reread notes silently

Rewrite ideas in other words Use lecture notes/read

For exams / test practice with multiple choice questions write paragraphs, beginnings, endings organize diagrams into statements


Watkins, Chirs Effective Learning In Classroom. London: Paul Chapman, 2007. 74.


Martha J. Bradshaw, Effective Learning: What Teachers Need To Know. Barlett Learning. 15



2. Operational Framework

This research is conducted to know the effectiveness of GIST Strategy to improve student reading comprehension. G.I.S.T. is an acronym that stands for Generating Interactions Between Schemata and Text. The name of the strategy is a useful reminder of its purpose. GIST is often related to summarizing, but actually the case that GIST Strategy is a systematic check of understanding and monitoring comprehension in small chunks of text. it is similar, but not exactly the same, as summarizing. Summarizing is finding the most important ideas and putting them together into a short statement, but GIST Strategy does not require an evaluative filter. GIST Strategy used in this research is as NBSS way to get the GIST. This is because NBSS focus on individual work and Adrienne Herrel more on group work. The researcher maximises time and student attention to increase student reading comprehension.

Reading comprehension in this case is an achievement attained in exploring descriptive text. Certainly this matter is related to scores got in exploring descriptive text. Whereas the effectiveness is measured by the test. This method is also compared with control group where both groups are tested that the first ability result is same through equal-test. The design is quasi-experimental design. This design is chosen because all populations or subject taken in this study to be chosen as a contol group and an experimental group.



similar achievement in exploring descritive text), pre-test (to know control and experimental group achievement before getting treatment), and post-test (to know the difference of control and experimental group achievement after getting treatment and to know wether the GIST Strategy is effective to increase student reading comprehension in exploring descriptive text or not). Beside, each classes is taught by same teacher and got the same text type to reinforce the result of this research.

B.Review of Previous Studies

The first previous study is where researcher found research journal that focus on reading comprehension, but this research journal attention is titled “The Effects of Jigsaw and GTM on The Reading Comprehension Achievement on The Second Grade of Senior High School Students”. The study is to compare the effectiveness of Jigsaw and GTM on the second grade of senior high school student’s reading achievement.37 Meanwhile, researcher focus on reading skill strategy through implementation of GIST Strategy to deep student reading comprehension in exploring descriptive text in second grade of SMPN 4 Surabaya. So, the strategy is different to deep reading comprehension.

The second previous study is presented by Putu Ayu Paramita Dharmayanti and Dewa Ayu Ari Wiryadi Joni in English Education Program


Magister Scientiae. Ed, No.27 Maret. UK Petra Library Collection, 2010.



University Mahasaraswati Denpasar which focus on improving the students’ reading comprehension by implementing Modified Collaborative Strategic Reading (MCSR) technique. The subject was grade eleven students of SMA (SLUA) Saraswati 1 Denpasar38, in which the subject is in different level with researcher and besides, the technique used is also different although same in reading comprehension.

The third previous study is about a reciprocal teaching technique in improving reading comprehension on narrative text that presented by Widyati, Bambang Wijaya and Eni Rosnija. The author wants to know how well Reciprocal Teaching technique in improving reading comprehension (word meaning, reference and information) on narrative text to the students grade XI of SMA Negeri 5 Pontianak. The method of this research is Classroom Action Research.39 It seems clear the differences are in the technique and the research design. In other words, researcher used descriptive text but this study used narative text.

The fourth previous study has a same focus with the third previous study. The title is “Improving Reading Comprehension through Reciprocal Teaching TechniqueA Classroom Action Research at First Year of Mts. Hidayatul


Prof.Dr.Sang Putu Kaler Surata, MS. Jurnal SANTI AJI Pendidikan (JSP). Vol.2 No.2, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar 2014. 81-87.


Bambang Wijaya Widyati - Eni Rosnija. Improving Readiing Comprehension Narative Text



Ummam, Cinere, Depok.”40 This research has same technique that is reciprocal technique in improving student reading comprehension and although conducted for Junior High School, but the author used descriptive text in this research.

The fifth previous study is adopted from research journal entitled “The Effectiveness of FRESH Technique to Teach Descriptive Paragraph” which presented by Faisal41 and Krisna Suwandita.42 This research was aimed to know the effectiveness of FRESH technique in teaching descriptive paragraph. The method of this study was quasi-experimental method that conducted at one of the state madrasah aliyah in academic year 2012/2013.43 The researcher has a different technique with this research, researcher uses GIST Strategy but this research used Fresh Technique. The reseach design is same to use quasi-experimental method, but researcher conducts on SMPN 4 Surabaya. Beside, the researcher does not only plan to use descriptive paragraph but as GIST


Nurulia Dwi Pebriani, Undergraduated Thesis: “Improving Reading Comprehension Through Reciprocal Teaching Technique: A Classroom Action Research at First Year of MTs. Hidayatul Ummam, Cinere, Depok)”, (Jakarta: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Fakutas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, 2011), retrieved on, retrieved on December 30, 2015 07:49.


He is English Education Departement student, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto. His e-mail is . Additional information, Faisal - Krisna Suwandita,”The Effectiveness of FRESH Technique to Teach Descriptive

Paragraph”, Journal of Education Learning. Vol.7 No.4, 2013. 239-248. 42

Ibid. He is English Education Departement, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education student, Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto. His e-mail is





instruction, researcher uses form of GIST in WH questions, form to summarize each passage of descriptive text but also a form of GIST in whole text.

The sixth previous study has same strategy with researcher, but this research focuses on GIST which oriented learning experiences in reading comprehension. The design is quantitative in form of quasi-experimental method with pretest-posttest study design control group to second grade of SMPN 9 Bandung in academic year 2012/2013). The writer is Raswati, Faculty of Indonesian Education and Literature in UPI. The writer wants to determine the effectiveness of GIST oriented learning experiences in reading comprehension, unfortunately, the text type is not mentioned by the writer.44 Whereas the researcher wants to dig the effectiveness of GIST Strategy in descriptive text type.

The seventh previous study is about “The Effect of Generating Interaction Between Schemata And Text (GIST) Strategy and Motivation on Students’ Reading Comprehension of Hortatory Exposition Text At SMA 3 PADANG”. The author are Indra Johari, Mukhaiyar, and Yenni Rozimela, Postgraduated students of University Negeri Padang. This study is a quasy-experimental design in form of factorial 2x2, either to know the effect of GIST


Retrieved on June 03rd 2016 10:48



Strategy and student’s motivation, author also wants to dig whether there is a reaction or not between learning strategy and learning motivation of SMAN 3 Padang students. This study used cluster random sampling to determine sample.45 Different with researcher, that used descriptive text to implement GIST Strategy, and researcher does not fasten upon student’s motivation in reading comprehension and effect of GIST Strategy.

The author of eighth previous study is Rizka Rizkia, Permana Zaski Sulianta, and Laili Hibatin Wafiroh, students of STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo. This study entitled “Know-Want-Learn Strategy in teaching reading descriptive text” which attempted to describe Know-Want-Learn Strategy (What I Know, What I Want to know, What I learn) in teaching reading comprehension descriptive text in second F Grade students in the first semester of 2012/2013 academic year. The design used is descriptive qualitative included observation, field note and checklist guide.46 In this study used the same text type with researcher, that is descriptive text. but the difference with researcher is either from the used strategy implementation and also the design.


Retrieved on June 03rd 2016 10:50


Retrieved on June 03rd 2016 10:49, for further explanation: It is adopted from: JournE Volume 1 Number 2, English Education Departement LEARN-STRATEGY-IN-TEACHING-READING-DESCRIPTIVE-TEXT--%28KNOW-WANT-LEARN-DALAM-PELAJARAN-MEMBACA-TEKS-DESKRIPTIF%29.pdf



The next previous study is adopted from e-journal of UNESA by Danny Dwi Arianto, Fauris Zuhri, and Esti Kurniasih entitledThe Implementation of Gist Strategy to Comprehend Analytical Exposition Text for Eleventh Graders of SMA Wachid Hasyim 2 Tama”. This study was descriptive qualitative which described how the eleventh graders of SMA Wachid Hasyim 2 Taman implemented GIST strategy to comprehend analytical exposition text. This study also was carried out on first semester of XI language class in SMA Wachid Hasyim 2 Taman. Based on the writers, they assume that GIST strategy had good effect in teaching learning process. It seems after the implementation the strategy, students’ reading task showed good progress from the first task to the second one.47

The last previous study is conducted by Nuri Ati Ningsih and Arri Kurniawan. The title of this study is “Teaching Reading by Using GIST Strategy Viewed from The Students’ Cognitive Aspect on The Extensive Level of English Department Students IKIP PGRI Madiun”. Based on writers state, this study aimed at (1) describing the implementation of GIST strategy in the process of teaching reading viewed from the cognitif aspect having by the students; (2) finding the positif aspects of the implementation of GIST strategy; (3) knowing the weaknesses of the implementation of GIST strategy in the



process of teaching reading viewed from the cognitive aspect. The method used in this study was descriptive qualitative. Although the strategy is same with researcher, the view and students level is different, beside the design and how to conduct the research is different.48


Adopted from e-journal of ETJ IKIP PGRI Madiun Vol 3, No 2 (2015) retrieved on June, 01st 2016 14:22.




Research Method is a set of knowledge about sistematic and logic steps of searching data related to certained problems to process, to analyze and to summarize and to search fission measure.1 Research methodology consist of: A.Research Design

Basically, a study is held to find out the answer from remanded question to observed object. Therefore, it is important for researcher to determine a proper strategy to answer and reach purpose worked out before. The most popular approaches are qualitative approach and quantitative approach. According to James Dean Brown and Theodore S.Rodgers, both states that qualitative research approach is typically the label for non-numerical research and quantitative research approach is a numerical research or there is conversion data in the research. In other side, based on Grotjahn’s analysis that experimental or non-experimental is data collection method, qualitative or quantitative is type of data that resulted, statistical or interpretive is type of analysis conducted on the data2 This study analyzed the effectiveness of GIST strategy in increasing student reading comprehension in exploring descriptive


Bahtiar Wahdi, Metode Penelitian Ilmu Dakwah (Jakarta: Logos, 2001), 16.



text. In this case, the researcher used quantitative method that concern on experimental approach. The research design used in this study is quasi-experimental design.

The reasons are firstly researcher wants to dig implementation GIST stategy in reading skill has or has not effect for increasing student reading comprehension inexploring descriptive text. Secondly, searching there is any changes or not to the experimental group after implementation of GIST strategy is a kind of experimental research. This matches with Jasa Ungguh Muliawan who states that experimental research intents to prove the truth of hyphothesis or argument in concrete plain.3 Beside, Quasi-experimental is all populations or subject taken in this study to be chosen as a contol group and an experimental group. The clear explanation of quasi-experimental design stated by Donald Ary and friends, Donald regards quasi-experimental design4 is similar to randomized experimental designs. He explains in quasi-experimental design, it involve manipulation of an independent variable but the difference is the subjects are not randomly assigned to treatment groups, because quasi-experimental design does not provide full control. He also adds that quasi-experimental designs are considered worthwhile because it permits


Jasa Ungguh Muliawan, PTK (Classroom Action Research) (Yoryakarta: Gavamedia, 2010), 72. 4

Donald Ary,, Introduction to Research in Education, Part Five: Research Method: Eighth

Edition. (Canada: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2010), 316.



researchers to reach reasonable conclusions even though full control is not possible.

Researcher chose two classes which equal in reading skill abilty through equal test, then researcher gave treatment to experimental group in periodic measurement. In exact words, the researcher held test for two groups (control group and experimental group) to examine the treatment effects. Because this study collect data of student reading skill scores, the data of the test is numeric. The researcher analyzed the data of test with SPSS statistics, this statistic started with finding and comparing the mean of each scores, proving the true hypothesis, and drawing conclusions to answer the research questions.

Tabel 3.1 Research Design

Group Pre-test Independent



E Y1 X Y2

C Y1 - Y2


E : experimental group C : control group Y1 : pre-test Y2 : post-test



B. Variable of Research

1. Independent variable of this study is “ the implementation of GIST Strategy” in exploring descriptive text in second grade of SMPN 4 Surabaya.

2. Dependent variable of this study is “ student reading comprehension" in exploring descriptive text in second grade of SMPN 4 Surabaya.

C.Setting of Research

The setting of this study is in second grade 2015/2016 of SMPN 4 Surabaya in round semester on April and May. In second grade of SMPN 4, there are seven classes; 8A, 8B, 8C, 8D, 8E, 8F, 8G. Researcher took four classes 8D, 8E, 8F, 8G as the sample, three classes that not taken are 8A, 8B, 8C because in these classes contains some of inclusy students. Among 8D, 8E, 8F, 8G, researcher held a test to take two classes that equal in reading skill ability. The two equal classes became a control group and an experimental group. A control group is the group that does not receive the experimental treatment. It receives a different treatment or no treatment at all.5 Whereas, an experimental group is the group that is given the independent variable treatment.6


Ibid., 302. 6




The location of SMPN 4 Surabaya is on street TanjungAnom 12 Surabaya. Phone number that can be called is (031) 5341431 and the website is on In addition, the time setting consists of allocation time for pretest, treatment that given to examine the treatment effect and post test. This research is held fourteen times meeting; one meeting for equal test in each four classes (class D, E, F, G), one meeting for pre-test in two groups, experimental group (E class) and control group (G class), three meetings for experiment implementation in experimental group, and three meetings for conventional learning in control group, then one meeting in both group to conduct post-test. Each meeting has duration 2x40 minutes. Day and time were available with the schedule of English lesson in each class.

D.Population and Sample

Population in this research is second grade students in SMPN 4 Surabaya. The overall population of second grade students in SMPN 4 amounts 287 students (seven classes), but in taking the sample researcher eliminated 3 classes included inclusy students amounts 123 students in class A, B, and C. Two of four classes other were chosen also through equal test. Equal-test is conducted to 164 students (four classes) class D, E, F, and G. Those four classes were eliminated two classes to get other two classes that have equal ability in reading skill, based on equal-test score result. Then the sample of this



experimental group and the other is as control group. Researcher hopes the chosen sample can be representative sample for all second grade students in SMPN 4 Surabaya in observing student reading comprehension in exploring descriptive text

E. Research Procedure

1. Measurement before experiment

Conducting this study started from test to determine two classes which have equal ability in reading skill from four classes. After knowing those two classes, researcher divided into two groups; one class as experimental group -which got treatment in form of implementing GIST Strategy in improving student reading comprehension and one class as control group -which accepting no treatment in reading skill learning-. The measurement held before experiment was pre-test. This test was conducted to control group and experimental group. The purpose of this test was to know student reading comprehension in exploring descriptive text before treatment and make the same of the beginning condition between control group and experimental group. The result of pre-test between control group and experimental group was tested with statistical pattern to know the differences of both group comprehension.



2. Experiment implementation

After ensuring that control group and experimental group have same comprehension, experiment implementation was held by giving treatment through GIST strategy. GIST strategy only was held to experimental group, control group accept no treatment at all. During experimental group get the treatment in GIST Strategy form, control group had a conventional learning. a. Experimental group

The experimental group got the treatment in learning process of exploring descriptive text through GIST Strategy implementation. The steps of GIST strategy implementation in planning of descriptive text learning are:

1) Before beginning the classroomwork;

a) first, teacher discussed with students what a GIST Strategy is and why it is a useful strategy.

b) then modelling the GIST process using a descriptive text. Teacher might use an overhead projector to allow the whole class to read and discuss sample text together.

c) having students read the article along with teacher, using the overhead projector, together fill in the "5Ws and H"-who, what, where, when, why, and how-on the GIST Template.



e) next, sharing teacher’s GIST with the class and asking students to share theirs.

If students need additional time to master the concept, researcher repeated GIST session discussing with a new descriptive text before moving on to classroom work session.

2) Beginning the classroom work, teacher reviewed how GIST works and the explanation more about it.

3) Students identified and explored the descriptive text of the first paragraph and get the important information in the first paragraph

4) Students wrote with their own words the important information as the main point of first paragraph

5) Henceforth, students read the next paragraph, identifying the important information in that paragraph and writing it in their own words 6) This continued till the end of paragraph.

7) Teacher and students discussed the content of text. In this session, teacher could point some of students to share their own GIST, teacher controleds and provided to right and check the answer,

8) Students wrote the learning experience today 9) Teacher evaluate the learning process



b. Control group

This control group did not get any treatment and the learning process was held in a conventional learning without GIST strategy implementation. The planned learning of control group are:

1) Teacher explained the lesson in form of conventional learning style 2) Teacher gave the descriptive text to students

3) Students did the task of exploring descriptive text 4) Students collected the work

Researcher in this control group, was as a teacher and controller. The documentations were expropriated by co-observer.

3. Measurement after experiment

After that, researcher continued to hold post-test to control group and experimental group. This test held to know the achievement of both group after getting the treatment. Then, from the test result became ascertainable the difference score before treatment (pre-test) and after treatment (post-test). From those scores, it became ascertainable wether there was a raising, constant, or even lowering. The result was as consideration to prove the effectiveness of GIST strategy.



F. Data and Source of Data

The term of data collection task began after defining a research problem and ensuring research design. The researcher should decide from two types of data collection method used in this study, either primary or secondary. C. R. Kothari a Former Principal, a College of Commerce in University of Rajasthan, Jaipur (India) defines that primary data are data collected individually and for the first time, and it happens to be original in character whereas, he defines that secondary data, are data which have already been collected by someone else and have already been passed through the statistical process. He adds that the researcher should decide which sort of data that used for the study and select one or the other method of data collection.7 Data in this study are:

1. Primary Data

The primary data of this study is the data forms of student reading comprehension either the class used GIST Strategy in reading learning or not in second grade of SMPN 4 Surabaya.

2. Secondary Data

The secondary data is the forms of supporting data gotten from some sources, they were attendance lists of students from two classes at second


C. R. Kothari, Research Methodology: Methods & Techniques (New Dhelhi: New Age International,2004), 95. retrieved on January, 06th 2016 07:50.



grade of SMPN 4, sylabus and schedule. Furthermore, the researcher took pictures as proof of student documentation occurred in classroom. Some theories were also taken by the researcher to support the data obtained. The sources of both primary and secondary data are from teachers, students, and the research presence at SMPN 4 Surabaya. The primary data were obtained by implementing GIST strategy in teaching reading also conducting classroom documentation in two classes which the first group were taught by using GIST strategy and the other group without GIST strategy. The secondary data were obtained by asking the copies of attendance list to the teachers in two classes and academic office in SMPN 4 Surabaya. Furthermore, the researcher was assisted by co observer to take pictures in classroom for documentation.

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