Social Problems Classification Social Problems

times. An occurrence that was considered as a social problem at one time may not be considered a problem during another time and place and social ideal. From the above description of the social problems, it can be concluded that not all of the problems in the society can be categorized as social problems. To be defined as a social problem, a problem in society needs certain term and condition.

2.3.1 Social Problems Classification

On this matter, Robert Merton quoted by Sabran, January 20, 2009 has classified social problems into two segments. He makes distinction between manifest social problems and latent social problems. 1 Manifest Social Problem Merton defines manifest social problems as social problems that are objective in nature and society as a whole is aware and knew the danger and effects of the problem. Examples of manifest social problems are robberies, drug addiction, murders, abuses and kidnapping. 2 Latent Social Problem Latent social problems are social problems that are objective in nature, but the society has not considered the matter as a social problem because it is not against the value, culture and the norms of a particular society. The examples are illegal loggings in forest reserves, weight cheating by traders and oil spill in our water from tankers which are owned by the world oil giants. Despite these problems are against the values and norms of the societies involved, it is not seen as a social problem. Sabran states that not all issues that cause adverse effects on the society will be labeled as social problems. There are various occurrences that are beyond the power and control of humans such as famine caused by whatever conditions, such as; floods and earthquakes. These problems are not considered social problems but as a fate from the Almighty. There are also problems caused by changes in the human bodies and personalities. Wandering mentally sick people often caused various problems in a society; however, actions are rarely taken to resolve the problem as the society feels that such behavior by a mentally ill person is normal. Social problem is a problem which affects the entire society, the country. In America, it is the ardent hatred for the dark skinned persons. The rehabilitation of juvenile offenders, sex workers, aids victims, prevention of cruelty to orphaned children, and many such other causes, which becomes a general question for the countrys government and the public at large, keep on being a problem for the society, January 20, 2009. From the elaboration above, it can be summarized that there are two kinds of social problems; they are latent and manifest social problems. The major difference of those kinds of social problems is the perspective of the society towards the existence of both of the problems. In manifest social problems, the society is aware of the danger and impacts of the social problems happening in the society. In contrast, in latent social problem, although there is social problem, the society is not aware because it is not against the value, culture and the norms of a certain society.

2.3.2 Social Chaos or Uncertainty Theory