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EBRUARY 2015 LITERATURE REVIEW Classification of Stakeholders in Tourism Management Partridge et al. 2005 stated stakeholders as a group or individual who can affect or is affected by the company in its activity. Stakeholders are groups or individuals who define the value proposition for the company and which therefore must be considered as part of a sound commercial approach to build loyalty with customers, employees and investors. In operation of groups of individuals that exist in different containers have different viewpoints on the services to tourists. Partridgeetal. 2005 divides the stakeholders become into primary stakeholders and secondary stakeholders. Primary stakeholders are those who have a direct stake the company and determine the success of the organization. Secondary stakeholders are those who are very influential, especially in the companys reputation, they also can be a substitute for the representatives of the interests that can not represent themselves, the natural environment or the younger generation. Figure 1.1 shows the classification of stakeholders based on primary and secondary categories. Figure 1.1 shows that the government, investors, general managers, suppliers, customers, local communities and the competitors included in the category of primary stakeholders that act directly as shareholders of the company and determine the success of the organization. Classification of Stakeholders Source: Partridge etal. 2005 www.ijmer.in 4 NTERNATIO NAL O URNAL O F ULTIDISC IPLINARY DUC ATIO NAL ESEARC H ISSN : 2277- 7881; I MPAC T F AC TO R - 2.972; IC V ALUE :5.16 V O LUME

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2.2 Stakeholders in Tourism Management Approach and Its Implications

Saftic et al. 2011 in a study in Croatia found that the stakeholder approach is a concept that relates to management, especially those referring to the organization. This approach is based on the assumption that an organization characterized by relationships with various groups and individuals. The new trend in tourism included employees, customers, suppliers, and government stakeholders. This approach applies not only to the major sectors, but also entered into the micro sector and community-managed tourist destination. Although many studies dealing with this issue, stakeholder approach may not be fully applied in Croatia. Research Safticet al. 2011 also examines stakeholder approach in the micro- level shift to the destination management. Destination Management Organization DMO carry out the functions of destination management and acts as a firm or company. Many found that the phase determination increasingly diverse stakeholders in tourism. Generally, stakeholder was classified into primary and secondary. Interaction with different stakeholders can contribute to better understanding the needs of the community Caffyn, 2003 . This interaction can be obtained in the structure of the organization and is responsible for managing the development of tourist destinations. Models and organizational structure, coordination line distinguished by the willingness and habit of stakeholders at the destination, the existing models described in the following elements Magas, 2008: 1 the public function, 2 representation of the entire sector, 3 coordination and carry out all the activities and services, 4 focuses on the wishes and interests of the public and private sector as a provider offering access and defense professions Tkaczynskiet al. 2009 underlines the various research conducted by scientists in order to explore the stakeholders involved in tourism. The conclusions put government, competitors, DMO, hotel, travel, restaurants, event organizers and tourists as primary stakeholders and the media, advisory bodies, gas suppliers, retail outlets and universities as secondary stakeholders www.ijmer.in 5 NTERNATIO NAL O URNAL O F ULTIDISC IPLINARY DUC ATIO NAL ESEARC H ISSN : 2277- 7881; I MPAC T F AC TO R - 2.972; IC V ALUE :5.16 V O LUME

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EBRUARY 2015 Pomeroy and Katon 2000, suggested a joint management or co- management or partnership is required in order to divide the authority and responsibility of the government, local communities, stakeholders, private NGO and academics. Collaboration all elements in a destination accelerate the achievement of the development goals of the destination. Kathiresan 2010, describes the types of stakeholders involved in the management of local destinations including the user community, the local community and government agencies. Agents and associations involved in destination management in Indonesia include PHRA Union of Hotel and restaurant Indonesia, ASITA Association of Indonesian Travel Agents, BHA Bali Hotels Association, BVA Bali Villa Association, HPI Indonesian Guides Association , GIPI Tourism Industry Association of Indonesia. This association is interested in the promotion of tourist destinations, destination planning and development as well as contributing to the increase in the number of tourists visiting Bali, Agustini and Suarthana, 2013 . METHODOLOGY Research at Kintamani destination is a descriptive qualitative. This method is applied to explore the role of all stakeholders in increasing the number of tourist visits to Kintamani. Interviews were conducted with 11 key informants who were determined by purposive sampling. The whole informant and representative were involved in tourism management activities in the area of Kintamani. The informants consisted of three government representatives Bangli, Bali ASITA representatives, representatives of HPI, GM Lake View Hotel, GM Devasya Hotel Toya, Toya Bungkah Manager Hot Spring Water, tracking your coordinator Batur, coordinator LWG Local Working Group Village Buahan, Traditional Grave Trunyan managers and local farmers Songan Village. After the interviews; all the informants were also invited to a focus group discussion FGD in order to unify the paradigms and perceptions of the role of stakeholders in the management of Kintamani. The results of these discussions are expected to be capable of providing a meeting point of the role of each stakeholder in the number of tourists to improve its efforts to Kintamani www.ijmer.in 6 NTERNATIO NAL