Turn taking system Turn taking

4.5.1 Turn taking system

1. The turns changed by giving nomination. The turn change when O finished giving a question or opinion to M and O giving a clues or direction then wishes that M want to answer or giving response to O and M took his turn by providing answers O question or opinion. In excerpt below, is the example of how the turn changed from one speaker O to the other speaker M; O : “Some people, undoubtedly will be criticizing the timing of Marks announcement cause we know there is an unauthorized movie that‘s coming out about Mark and Facebook. So, what did you wanna say about that?” M: ―Oh, well, I mean, its a movie, its fun, you know I mean, its um, you know, a lot of it is fiction, but even the film makers will say that. You know, they are trying to build a good story. You know, I‘m not gonna promise you – I – this is my life, so, I know its not that dramatic.‖ From the example above, O ended his turn by asking and giving a clue with saying, “ So, what did you wanna say about that?” O hopes that M want to giving response about O question. So M started his turn by answering O‟s question. 2. The turns changed without nomination. The turn change when O finished giving a statement to M without giving a clue or direction to answer the question or opinion and M took his turn by providing opinion to O statement. In excerpt below, is the example of how the turn changed from one speaker O to the other speaker M; O: ―Today, one out of 14 people on the planet has a Facebook account.‖ M: ―Move fast, take risks, its okay to try big things, you‘re better off trying something and having it not work and learning from that, than having not done anything at all. So, that philosophy is very deeply ingrained here.‖ From the excerpt above, O ended his turn by giving her statement without giving another clues or direct answer to M. Afterward M started his turn by giving response and makes an opinion to O‟s statement. 69 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS

5.1 Conclusion