Scope of Problem Research Question Significance of the Research Methodology of Research

15 result will be reported in a “skripsi” which has title “Juno’s Character in “JUNO” movie viewed from Adolescence Psychology Theory”.

B. Scope of Problem

According to the background of the study above and to limit the research, the writer focuses the problem on the main character in this movie, Juno, who faces her pregnancy in her young age and getting her decisions through the certain events which are seen through the psychology of adolescence theory and the characterization of Juno as the central character.

C. Research Question

Based on the background of study and scope of problem, the writer tries to identify the problem by the following questions: 1. How is Juno described as an adolescent in the JUNO movie? 2. Which factors influence her in making decisions regarding her pregnancy?

D. Significance of the Research

Generally, the writer hopes the result of the research has benefit for the readers who are interested in literature and know further how does the main character’s reacts through the situation around her that reflect in this movie.

E. Methodology of Research

1. The Objective of Research The objectives of research are intended to: 16 - Describe Juno as a main character and her characterization as a main character in the JUNO movie. - Reveal the Juno’s steps in getting her decisions that implied in movie. 2. Research Method The method of research that is used is descriptive-qualitative by the use of contain analysis that the writer will try to analyze how are the process of making decisions reflected in JUNO movie. 3. Data Analysis The data will be analyzed with qualitative data analysis. 4. Research Instrument Instrument that is used in this research is the writer herself by watching, understanding, identifying, and analyzing the related data. 5. Unit Analysis Unit analysis of this research is movie JUNO which is published by Fox Searchlight Pictures in 2007. 6. Time and Place This research will be process at the academic year of 2009-2010 in English Department UIN and all related references and places. 17 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Psychological study of literature, exploring its structure, function, and psychological value. 6 Literature and Psychology is one of the literature’s extrinsic approaches out of the other two, which are: Literature and Biography, and Literature and Society. Psychology of literature means the psychological study of the writer, as type and as individual, or the study of the creative process, or study of the psychological types and laws presents within works of literature, or, finally, the effects of literature upon its readers audience psychology. Psychological literature, according to Rene Wellek and Austin Warren has four definitions. The first is psychological study of the author as the type or private. The second is as the creative process. The third is a study of type and psychological laws which is used in the literature masterpiece. And the fourth is study of literature effect to the reader. The first and the second of its psychology literature are sub-visions of the psychology of art. The third belongs, in the strictest sense, to the literature study. The fourth shall be considered under ‘Literature and Society.’ 7 6 http:fac.hsu.edulangletsyllabi2007Psy_Lit_syllabus.htm accessed on February 17th, 2010. p. 1. 7 Rene Wellek and Austin Warren, Teori kesusastraan. Penerjemah, Budianta Jakarta: Gramedia, 1993, p. 90. 7 18 From those definitions, the third definition is suitable for the research that uses theory of psychology to analyze character in literature. “Psychology is the study about human’s behavior in their connection with the environment.” 8 By using psychological theory, the writer can analyze deeply about the behavior of character.

A. Adolescence Psychology Theory