Characterization Time and Place Research

4. Characterization

A characterization is the creation of fictitious character it means, the writer brings a character to life. A characterization in a literature is presentation of the attitudes and behavior of imaginary persons in order to make them credible to the author’s audience. A good idea of characterization, the art, craft, and method of presentation or creation of fictional personages involves similar process. In presenting and establishing character, characterization has two a basic method or techniques at its disposal. One method is telling, the reliability of exposition and direct commentary. The other method is the indirect, which involves the writer’s stepping aside to allow the characters to reveal themselves directly through their dialogue and use of name. In showing many burden of character, analysis that is changed to the reader and need to infer character based on the evidence provided in the narrative. Characterization can be depicted using name. Names are often providing essential clues that aid in characterization. Names can also contain literary historical allusions that aid in characterization by means of association. 18 Some characters are given names that suggest their dominant or controlling traits. 18 James H. Pickering, Concise Companion to Literature. Macmillan State University Publishing ed., inc Newyork 1981. p. 28 Characterization can be depicted trough the dialogue. Dialogue can reveal the moods and personalities of the characters. The task of establishing character trough dialogue is not a simple one, some characters are careful and guarded in what they say, they speak only by indirection, and it must be inferred from their words what they actually mean 19 . In other choice that the writer of fiction called to make is the choice of a method of characterization depends on a number of different circumstances. Including the author’s temperament in the particular literary conventions of the period in which he or she is writing, the size and scope of work, and the degree of distance and objectivity. All these factors heavily influence the technique of characterization. 20 Characterization is the use of literary techniques to reveal the nature of a character. Characterization broadly refers to the description and development of character. 19 Ibid. p. 28 20 Ibid. p. 28


A. The characteristic of Jane Austen as the main Character in Miss Austen

Regret’s film. As the writer explained before, in the theoretical framework, analyzed theory of feminism is liberal feminism related with a women character as the main character. In this chapter, the writer discussed the character of Jane Austen as the main character in Miss Austen Regrets film viewed from liberal feminism theory. Jane Austen came from a small family and lived in outskirts of city in noble area. She got education from her father and brother, besides reading books. Her family helped her and supported her to be a professional writer. She achieved success as the writer, but not in love. However, as any proper female of the time, she knew to hide her writing under blotting paper, as it was considered indecent to be a female novelist. Jane Austen was a novelist; brilliant witty, elegant, structured satirical fiction marks the transition. She began writing novels partially earn her way. She has received both praise and censure for her works from other writers. Her studies 19