FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS Teacher`s belief about English language exposure.



A . Introduction This is the chapter where the data gathered with the methods mentioned in previous chapter is processed to provide the answer for the research problem in this research, “What beliefs does the teacher hold about English language exposure?” Before going to the presentation about the description and interpretation further, it is necessary to provide some English pedagogical condition in the setting of the research to strengthen the analysis following . After that, the discussion about the analysis begins with the explanation about teacher’s beliefs about English language exposure as represented from the input in the classroom that covers materials, teacher talk, and classroom interaction and also from another significant aspect that influences the exposure to English which is the use of first language . B . English teaching and learning in the setting of the study As already mentioned previously, the school where the research was conducted was once designated international standard junior high school and was the first in its area . Its distinctiveness lies on how the restoration of the curriculum after the banning of international standard status did not bring any meaningful effect in the English language learning process in this school . Its competence with 51 the other junior high schools with competing rank in such field also does not change a bit . How every grade has its own concentration in English language learning as described by the participant in the background interview where it forms her strong opinion about it . “As I experienced, English learning for 7 th grader is merely about the new experience in getting to know English. So, it’s more to speaking, more to its’ application. The textual aspect is not much. Therefore, the vocabulary building follows to be not too much as well.” Q4b From her experience, the purpose of English learning in 7 th grade is to introduce English to the students . This introductory period sees how the English learning in the elementary school as previous education stage is not the same . The curriculum in such level of education does not oblige the institution to make it as a mandatory course . Consequently, the students’ English competence varies one another, even extremely . English in 7 th grade then functions as the provider of basic competence for the students . What is given is the foundation of basic English as the stepping stone before they can learn further in the higher grade . “In the 8 th grader, it seems like I am given more freedom to develop the materials, methods, and also the evaluation technique. I can explore all of them further.” Q4b Although she does not plainly explain the progress of the English learning in 8 th grade, her freedom in choosing the material and teaching method shows how English is more explorable in the 8 th grade, implicitly portraying that English in 52 this period is richly taught with the widest array of materials and contains heaps of knowledge as explained in the curriculum and as in the factual situation . In the 9 th grade, the limitation again comes but in another form as reported by the participant’s affirmation below . “In the 9 th grade, our focus is narrowed for the national exam. Only the first semester that can be developed for learning and the second semester is concentrated to the material for national exam. It makes the first semester to cover all the materials for 9 th grade and leaves the second semester for material reviews.” Q4b In this testimony, the participant shows the difference of teaching English in this final stage of junior high school . All learning will eventually be prepared for the final exam . As a result, the learning process is not as extensive as the previous stage . The difference of these three levels in the setting of the research portrayed above then is expected to provide strong, understandable motive about the focus of this study . C . Teacher’s beliefs about English language exposure Based on the theoretical background discussed in the second chapter and the data taken based on the methodology approved in the third chapter, the teacher’s beliefs about English language exposure can be viewed from several angles related to the input the students receive from the classroom covering the materials, teacher talk, classroom interaction, and the affecting aspect to the exposure as the use of first language . 53 1 . Material Material is one significant attribute in the English language learning . Its quality determines several aspects related to it such as teaching methods and the most important one is the output quality . From the interview with the teacher, the discussion about material is divided into three sub-discussions . They are the characteristics, the teaching method, and the focus of material . a . The characteristics of the material For Teacher E, exposing English to her students can be by utilizing materials . However, the materials of her selection have to fulfill some characteristics . The most significant one for the material to fit the characteristics is its coverage on the demand of the curriculum stated in the learning outcome SKL . “Good materials are those that suit the demand of the learning outcome but can also be understood by the students easily. From the language, there should be a standard of vocabulary mastery. Therefore, a good material is based on the learning outcome and the vocabulary coverage is appropriate for their level of comprehension.” Q16 “I think the available materials are already suitable with the students’ level.” Q17 The qualification of the outcome, covering their knowledge and skill, are stated in the learning outcome . These qualifications then define the materials for every level of education . Teacher E notes that the materials provided are already consistent with the learning outcome . By then, she thinks that such material is already suitable for the students in the grade she teaches . 54 The material used in the English teaching learning process in this educational institution has also been selected from various sources and that that fits the criterion settled by the school is the one used for the lesson as represented by the Teacher E’s statement below . “…There is one book, it’s like primary workbook, but I also add from supporting sources” Q20 “…Nowadays, there is no bundled book like previous system we had….. School has decided one book which is regarded contemporary in language. So, it is not the one that is reprinted annually. But it is always renewed every year. There is always new material every year…… The language is also good….” Q29 It is noted that the material choice system has changed from the former system where the library lends a bundle of books provided by the government to the students for every subject and in the end of the semester or year, they must return it to the library and those book will be lent again to their juniors and it loops . Although the system has changed where students are not obliged to have bundled books anymore, Teacher E still requires the students to still have the handbook with them . The difference is that the handbook content must always be recent, mainly the freshness of the language . The content’s newness becomes the target of the study that the teacher wants to provide for the students . Therefore, the selection of material follows the nature of the language itself, which always changes over the time . Following above principle, Teacher E’s consideration in agreeing with school’s choice is that she can cultivate the resources from previous years 55 materials because from such kind of language novelty, their variety will provide the teacher to teach similar concept but with different content . “…If, let’s say, we have the book in the next two or three years, at that time, we can use the book from that year plus the materials that we already have from the previous editions. Because although the concept is the same, the text is always different…” Q29 She trusts the material to be fit for the future references as well . She believes that she can enrich the students with various type of text, for instance, since the 8 th grade has more text types compared to the 7 th or 9 th grade . Although the material is already decided by the school, what Teacher E believes about the materials is that it is not sufficient to depend on the selected textbook only to break the limitation present in such book . Therefore, self- compiled material as an additional one is considered necessary. “…The student book also has limitation. For example, one chapter might only have 10 to 12 text. We need to add more” Q32 “Every material comes from the teacher’s creativity…………All materials are up to teacher’s choice” Q29 Teacher E argues that the material from the students’ handbook is enough . Based on that belief, she always makes supportive material available by employing her creativity . By this effort, the boundary coming from the limitation in the main material can be minimized . Teacher E realizes that she has the freedom to control the material she gives to her students, after previously admitting that she can explore the materials more in the 8 th grade Q4 . She is also aware about the material limitation in the 56 book which makes sense for her to add more material accordingly . However, all those autonomous calls still have restrictions in its applications . The restriction she enfolds in expanding the material is the syllabus . “The source of materials comes from the syllabus, from there we can develop the material. The most important thing is that the syllabus says that 8 th graders must be capable to understand these kinds of text. Text A, text B, text C. Then I can develop it based on the main source. Other than using the main book, I usually develop my own material” Q20 She believes that the syllabus is the primary guide to make, collect, and provide suitable materials . Then, as a form of the obedience to the syllabus, she decides to make the main material as the main reference to develop other companion material by herself . For Teacher E, what is also important besides the material is that the students can master the text they have to deal with in their stage of education . It means that Teacher E’s other concern reflected from the interview about material is the learning outcome SKL . Starting from there, she can then define what kinds of materials she should provide and give to her students but still syllabus-oriented . Primary, secondary, and high school educational level in Indonesia will eventually end with test as a kind of evaluation for them to be able to graduate and continue to higher degree . This awareness makes Teacher E to consider what the material will be like . “…It’s not like any other text books. It has summaries, exercises, then…. well because our goal is for Unas Ujian Nasionalnational exam, it is also supplied with several exercises and examples of national exam that are related to the text being learnt. So, the material will not only support teacher’s needs but also provide the materials that focus on the process 57 as well as result. There are good textbooks chosen to maximize the process and focus to students’ learning. But sometimes they do not provide exercises that focus on result, for example for the Unas. This book covers both. So it’s good for the process, and is for Unas too” Q29 “National exam items are important since recount and narrative will always be in national exam. Grade 7 will cover only descriptive and procedure. 9 th grade is only the review for narrative, procedure, and report. So if they are not intense in learning recount and narrative, the review will be harder for them in 9 th grade.” Q30 The completeness of the material becomes one requirement for Teacher E to consider . It must have not only what will be given to the students as the reflection of the process of learning but exercises too to attest the students’ comprehension and indicate how far their understanding is and how well they have gone so far as the representation of the result . Meanwhile, she also mentions that the exercise about text is significant in the material . Specifically, Teacher E here tries to show how text comprehension is the essence of English learning in 8 th grade . Therefore, she would prefer to choose the type of material that contains such part inside . The type of material that Teacher E prefers to use should be the one that can assist students to deal with national exam . Since national exam contains materials from the 7 th grade to 9 th grade, Teacher E emphasizes that the material for his teaching should consist at least samples of national exam exercises to prepare them for such ultimate test . Another consideration about the materials suitable to maximize English in the classroom for Teacher E is the topic students are fond of . “Sometimes, I choose the material that will relatively be liked by the students or maybe I could emphasize on the delivery of material. But to be 58 honest, I am not a teacher who can deliver material in an interesting way. So they have to accept my way of teaching.” Q47 “As this far, recount and descriptive are not a problem. I can look them up for them, for example, their favorite places. They already have interest on it. Or maybe their favorite characters. Or for the recount, maybe the time when they got their first motorbike. So, I give them down-to-earth materials.” Q48 By taking material content that are preferable for the students, Teacher E feels that it would allow her to present the concept of the material, mainly about text, efficiently . The materials that have connections to the students will likely ease material delivery process . Such materials can be in the form of students’ real experience especially for the text comprehension . Moreover, students’ basic knowledge is an important attribute as a consideration for teacher E to continue the learning process they need to acquire and go through . She has a faith that this basic knowledge is the key for further learning . Therefore, the material she presents takes such basic knowledge as the starting point for further understanding . “Usually I give topics or things they understand first. So they have something… a thought like ‘O, yeah, I know that.’ It is necessary because if they don’t have that, they will think that English is a difficult subject. But if in the daily life, I could facilitate or encourage them to use English, I would escort them. For example, the dialogue would be about things they ever learnt previously. So they already have the basic for that. Then, we can add more from there.” Q87 Teacher E believes that by delivering such material that way, it can help growing students’ self-confidence that they can understand further material from things they already know . In broader idea, such a way would encourage students to learn 59 English further because it would establish or implant a preliminary thought in their mind that English is not that difficult . b . The teaching method of the material Teacher E has her own way in the teaching process . However, one thing that is not quite different with any other teaching method performed in almost all educational institutions in Indonesia is that the material delivery is done teacher- centered . “According to the curriculum that I’ve learned, teachers should be a facilitator. So they should give little input and then the students do the exploration, elaboration, and then the teacher confirms their understanding… but because of the language comprehension factor, there isn’t much exploration…. so for my classes, it’s still teacher centered…. An ideal teacher has little role in the classroom. Students must be the ones to be more active. But if I as a teacher make it that way, I would face the trouble myself in pushing them to get to the minimum standard” Q12 “Yes it is teacher-centered. So there are students that need further clarification. They haven’t got to the point why they must seek for the answer by themselves…” Q24b Teacher E notes the role of teacher proposed by the curriculum . Ideally, teacher would better be the one who is less active in the classroom . However, she is also concerned that there are several conditions that back her up in implementing contradictory method with the curriculum such as teacher-centered method . The first is the language comprehension factor she mentions in the background interview above . The gap of the subject matter between students and the teacher supports the material teaching method to be teacher centered . Mascolo 2009 defines the reasons behind teacher-centered learning and one of them is that 60 “teachers command greater expertise about the subject matter” p . 4 . It’s blatantly true especially in the lower level of education such as junior high school . Such fact also makes teachers “in the best position to decide the structure and content of any given classroom experience” Mascolo, 2009: 4 . Other than that, the purpose of the learning is also already set by the teacher based on the curriculum . This appears to be the true situation based on the direct classroom observation and those conditions strengthen the reason of the use of teacher- centered technique by Teacher E . Another reason why Teacher E applies teacher-centered teaching method is the students’ characteristics . “Yes it is teacher-centered. So there are students that need further clarification. They haven’t got to the point why they must seek for the answer by themselves” Q24b “Most students consider it as things that need no further explanation. The important thing for them is that they understand what they have just got. They do not feel intrigued to find out more….” Q25 “….The students are used to low achievement. They do not feel challenged for more because of that” Q27 “From my point of view, it’s like there is a character degradation of students or their lack of appeal to learn….” Q28 Teacher E notes that there exists students’ typical characteristic which leads her to make herself as the center of the learning process . She feels the students are not autonomous enough to learn the materials by themselves . They need to be pushed forward so that they can meet the learning outcomeSKL Q12 . Teacher E also feels that the students have a thought that they need to be fed with the knowledge 61 instead searching for the knowledge by themselves . Everything that is taught is important for them to know, but it works the other way as well . Everything that is not taught is regarded not important for them to know Q25 . As a supportive finding to such circumstance, whenever they understand something, most of the students consider that it is enough . There is little urge to know beyond the point and it does not encourage the students to ask as the form of constructivist point of view where the student-centered education can be initiated . Teacher E admits that their custom to accomplish low achievement result in their low intention to grasp more comprehension Q27 . She also describes recent students’ characteristics as degrading in characteristics and lacking of learning motivation . Such students’ behavior and characteristics drives Teacher E to provide the education method that suits them . Therefore, material delivery based on teacher-centered learning is deployed . c . Focus of the material The focus of the material becomes the depending factor for Teacher E in articulating the material . Vocabulary building is the most observable one since it becomes the emphasis of English learning in the junior high school . “…..Usually the supplement for the textbook is taken to enrich the vocabulary building. So I add more text to support their comprehension….” Q32 “Yes the focus of the material is for vocabulary building because vocabulary building is the basic of understanding in genre-based curriculum. It’s all about text here. If they do not understand the meaning of words, it will relatively be more difficult for them.” Q33 62 “….The point of the material is for the students to understand text. It would refer to the vocabulary building….” Q43 Teacher E understands very well that the material for the 8 th grade must focus on the students’ skill in enriching and knowing the meaning of the words and utterances they are given . By exposing the students with multiple texts, Teacher E believes that their encounter with new and repeated words from the material, both main and supporting, will deepen their ability in understanding word meaning which will later be useful in understanding the whole text . Focus on text comprehension is indeed the main purpose of the vocabulary building in its process orientation . Aside from that, Teacher E points out that it also helps students in dealing with the test as the result orientation . “….Then the word meaning. They must rely on their vocabulary building. If their vocabulary is not rich, they would not be able to answer questions about synonym and antonym. Those who have rich vocabulary wouldn’t have problem with that. But those who don’t will definitely do.” Q39 Semester, mid-semester, or even insertive test almost always contains some items that are intended to check their comprehension about synonym or antonym of certain words in the text . It becomes another focus of vocabulary building as well as Teacher E in materials preparation . Another theme about the focus of the material also appears . Teacher E confidently emphasizes as well criticizes the stance and importance of grammar in the English learning of the junior high school level that is still blurred in the curriculum . 63 “English learning in junior high school now is confusing because I cannot…umm…I mean grammar is not the main reference in learning English. So it seems as if I am not there to teach or emphasize on grammar. Whereas, if students do not learn grammar, they will find difficulties. For example, if in the 8 th grade I do not teach simple past tense until the fully understand, and then they encounter passive sentences or simple present tense in details, they will definitely find the problem in understanding the content of the text…. However, I still give the material about grammar so that they can understand the text, although the portion is not much.” Q6b “Grammar is significant. It must be given at least 30 of the entire material” Q7 “Grammar must be presented clearly in the curriculum as the completion material. It can be a requirement so that students can comprehend the materials better.” Q8 “….Students’ problem is usually in the jumbled sentences and jumbled words. That’s why I said that grammar is important. If there is no sufficient time for grammar to teach, how can they produce grammatical sentence although it is only in the form of multiple test?....” Q39 For her, grammar existence in the material for 8 th grade is very essential even in this text-based curriculum . Not only as a tool to complete students’ text understanding accompanying vocabulary building, grammar would be considered worth it for the students to learn because their comprehension about grammar is also tested mainly in the section of jumbled words . Because of that, Teacher E believes that grammar must be taught and she does teach that even though it is not stated in the curriculum . For this matter, she insists that grammar must have clear portion in English subject since it is a necessary companion in text-based curriculum . 64 2 . Teacher talk In general, as explained in the theoretical review, teacher talk is basically everything that is spoken by the teacher in the classroom when the language learning occurs and not limited to the language being spoken . Related to the topic of discussion, the focus about teacher talk will be centered to the English only since the language exposure is specific about English . The other language will be described in the next discussion under the heading of the use of first language . a . The use of teacher talk Teacher E declares that she does not use English in the classroom all the time when teaching English . She uses it for several uses only . The first one is as the medium of instruction . “I am speaking English in the class to begin the presentation of the material. I do that in order to make sure that students can understand the material….” Q51 “Firstly, I usually explain any material using English….” Q57 “….Usually, I always try to use English in delivering any material….” Q96 Her strong belief ensures her to always use English as the language to present or introduce the material . However, she has to choose what kind of English she would preferably use for this kind of purpose . “…If I am having difficulties in using English to present the material, and the students still do not understand even after it is paraphrased, usually I will switch to using Indonesian, sometimes also Javanese.” Q51 “Usually I use simpler language so that the students can understand what I am saying….” Q49 65 “I explain vocabulary mostly by paraphrasing” Q56b “…I always try to paraphrase at first. If that doesn’t work, then I will apply the use of gesture or visualization….” Q57 Altering the words into simplified and understandable form for students is considered effective for Teacher E in presenting the material in the classroom . Paraphrasing becomes the second best way for her to keep exposing English without having to translate what she has said to preserve the use of English . This way is also effective in involving the students in the learning process itself . “I always try to paraphrase at first. If that doesn’t work, then I will apply the use of gesture or visualization. If there is no response at all… but usually they rarely reach that point. There must be some trying to guess ‘Is it this?’ ‘Is it that’ and then I would say ‘Close. Close. Close’” Q57 “Using steps in explaining something before leaving it end in translating the meaning is usually fun. So if there is a difficult language and then I directly translate it to Indonesia, there is no students’ involvement to get the meaning. But if I provoke them ‘the meaning is like this’ and then they would likely reply ‘what is it, Miss?’ and then I continue with the visualization with pictures. They need more explanation again. The more they don’t know, the more they are eager to know” Q58 As she explains, her way in paraphrasing becomes a means to more than commencing students’ comprehension but to initiate their eagerness in finding meaning for their own understanding by either wild guess or guided with the clues given . By that manner, it is not only fun but can also be used to lower the tension and raise their enthusiasm in learning English . Teacher talk using English can also be in the form of classroom language . Teacher E feels that she can maximize the use of classroom language in order to familiarize the students with English words and terms . 66 “In the classes with advanced students, the usually understand when I use English as the medium of instruction. I also keep using classroom language….” Q53 “I usually use simple English. Then I use more classroom language, deploying body language, gestures, or something like that….” Q55a “Yes students do learn what I say in English. At least they understand the classroom language. They know how to respond. For example is asking permission to go to the bathroom. Something that is considered daily use.” Q61 “I rarely interact with students using English because their comprehension is still in the development stage. But I always try to keep using English as the classroom language.” Q66 “….In the classroom, I usually improve and maximize classroom language. I emphasize more on that….” Q74 “They can learn from teacher talk because they hear often and do often” Q62 This part is where Krashen’s comprehensible input is reflected in one of Teacher E’s methods of teaching . She accepts the fact that she could not use English all the time because of the students’ level of comprehension . Because of that, she then takes advantage from the list of words or sentences that students may hear or receive very often as they are in the English class . When students are demonstrated English every day in long period of time, they can understand that . This routine is the representation of Teacher E’s way to keep exposing English to the students other than from the primary materials or texts . Teacher E proposes the importance of using English in the classroom although in fact she could not do it all the time and even less than the use of the first language . However, the idea about using English in class is carried out in the 67 moment that she often calls as situational . These situations she speaks of mostly refer to the students’ comprehension . “I am speaking English in the class to begin the presentation of the material. I do that in order to make sure that students can understand the material. However, I will look at the situation. If I am having difficulties in using English to present the material, and the students still do not understand even after it is paraphrased, usually I will switch to using Indonesian, sometimes also Javanese.” Q51 “It’s relative. In the classes with advanced students, they usually understand when I use English as the medium of instruction. I also keep using classroom language. But for material delivery, it would depend on the situation.” Q53 “It relies on the situation. I mean, if the students can understand me speaking English, then I would use it….” Q60b “….Sometimes, I am in the situation where students need longer time to understand my saying when I use foreign language in the class….” Q92b Teacher E concerns that she could not treat the students in every class the same regarding to the teacher talk using English . She understands that the classes she handles have students with various ranks in English comprehension . Therefore, she needs to adjust when and how she communicates with them especially with the use of English . However, she would preferably use English more in the classes with students having above average English comprehension . b . The limitation of teacher talk Teacher talk using English influences students in learning a language in some manners . There are several limitations that Teacher E believes influencing her in using English in class . Firstly, Teacher E considers the effects of using 68 English in the classroom as the consideration for her to keep using English there or not . These effects are based on her experiences in teaching with such kind of fashion . “….It would refer back to the students’ characteristics. In the old times, students had the anxiety to understand me when I was speaking in English. So the more I spoke English, the more they would pay attention. But now, if I apply similar method, the more I speak English, the more their concentration is crumbled….” Q52 “When I am speaking using English In some advanced classes, students will try to understand. But in the other classes…there is no verbal protest, but I can see in their eyes that they do not understand. They then prefer to just be silent or doing other things.” Q54 “….I always try to paraphrase at first. If that doesn’t work, then I will apply the use of gesture or visualization. If there is no response at all… but usually they rarely reach that point. There must be some trying to guess ‘Is it this?’ ‘Is it that’ and then I would say ‘Close. Close. Close’….” Q51 Teacher E sees that using English without noticing students’ comprehension about the utterance spoken have various effects . These effects are strongly connected to the students’ characteristics . Students with lower proficiency and perseverance will influence Teacher E to use less English in the classroom . Meanwhile, classes with students having higher English aptitude and exertion in learning language will likely ignite her to articulate more English in the classroom . Based on this contradictory students’ response, Teacher E then differentiates how and when she speaks English during the lesson . Other than the typical of the students, time constraint becomes another deliberation for Teacher E to apply English whenever she teaches in the classroom . 69 “Ideally, in my opinion and according to what I have ever read, when students are exposed the language constantly, they would eventually learn from that. However, from what I experienced, well, it’s not something impossible. But for current type of students, it will take a lot of time. I mean, when realizing that we only have such amount of contact hours, then considering the possibility that those times are not purely effective, if I force myself to use English most of the time in the classroom, students’ comprehension would be only in the surface only.” Q50b “Sometimes, I am in the situation where students need longer time to understand my saying when I use foreign language in the class.” Q92b “….If I maximize the language of instruction using English, it can be. I am sure it is possible and it would be good for comprehension. But it will require longer time. Meanwhile, we in fact have limited time. It’s dilemmatic.” Q93 Teacher E has a strong belief that using English all the time as the language of instruction in the classroom can be possible . She does not deny that although she cannot do it by herself considering the administrative factor mainly about the time allocation . The contact hours for every subject has been determined and calculated in the beginning of every semester . She also meets the fact that those defined contact hours are not used all of them effectively for delivering the lesson because of some contingencies . However, she feels that catching up with students’ comprehension is the most important thing to achieve the target of the curriculum stated in the learning outcome . Moreover, according to her teaching experience, students’ capacity in learning English with English all the time demands her to provide longer time to make such education process possible and works with expected result . By that kind of notion, Teacher E then makes the decision to use English accordingly by looking at students’ comprehension level in every classroom . 70 3 . Classroom interaction Interaction in the classroom can become another means for students to learn English more intensively . Such interaction would count only when the interaction done in English so that the students will be exposed more on the target language and it will initiate further language learning . Interaction for the purpose of language exposure here will be divided into two sections; interaction between teacher and students and interaction among students . a . Teacher-student interaction Interaction between teacher and students as seen in the observation promotes more chance for students to learn English more because teacher would likely begin the conversation using English to encourage the students to use English as well . However, Teacher E admits that she rarely uses English to interact with her students in the classroom . Several factors and reasons appear behind her action . “I rarely use English to communicate with students using English because of their comprehension….” Q66 “Maybe for the class with basically higher motivation and sufficient background knowledge, they are prepared for that. However, it still needs process. But for the other classes without those, it would be harder” Q68 Teacher E believes in her action that she needs to restrict her use of English when communicating with the students in the classroom mainly because the reason of students’ knowledge . She thinks that they do not have sufficient ability to keep in touch with the teacher using English . The fact is that students have been classified 71 and put into classes according to their competence . Teacher E is aware that she could keep the communication using English in certain classes where students with higher competence belong . However, she still prefers to limit the interaction using English speech as shown in the classroom observation . As practiced in the class with more competent students, the use of English for communicating between students and teacher is more intense . Another factor that becomes the determination for Teacher E in using less English for communication with students is the demand of the school . “….So if I said from the beginning that English is an obligatory language in the class, they would have to use it no matter what. But for this year, I did not make that as the class rule and I should have. Previously I did. It was still RSBI….” Q67a “Since there is no demand, so I do not make it the class rule. I am some kind of lowering the tension in the English class” Q67b Teacher E mentions indirectly about how the status of the school as RSBI Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf InternasionalDesignated International Standard School was quite influential for her in teaching English, including setting the class rule of using English for interaction in the classroom . As she experienced previously, she could manage the class to use English when she taught RSBI classes . After the status was banned and the curriculum changed, the learning outcome then changed as well . By that condition, she thinks that she must follow the direction . The curriculums underlying those two different school statuses previously and after contain quite dissimilarity especially in English teaching and learning outcomes where the latter is less constricting . This administrative 72 demand then affects Teacher E to hold the education process according to it . Therefore, she loosens the obligation of using English as a communication tool in the classroom . Although Teacher E considers that interaction using English is based on the aim of the learning, she believes that she can still expose English to the students through classroom language . With such instrument, the interaction with English can still be carried out in the classroom . “Yes students do learn what I say in English. At least they understand the classroom language. They know how to respond. For example is asking permission to go to the bathroom. Something that is considered daily use.” Q61 “I rarely interact with students using English because their comprehension is still in the development stage. But I always try to keep using English as the classroom language.” Q66 “….In the classroom, I usually improve and maximize classroom language. I emphasize more on that….” Q74 Teacher E sees classroom language is her crucial tool to initiate interaction using English in her relationship with the students . By familiarizing students with some instructions or any saying that can be delivered repeatedly, their respond to it is her objective since it clarifies that they understand the teacher . This is noticeable from the classroom observation where Teacher E employed classroom language quite often, especially in the class with advanced students . Classroom language here also may refer to the teacher talk as discussed previously . However, the classroom language in the teacher talk refers to the way teacher exposes or familiarizes students with the language . Meanwhile, classroom language in the 73 context of classroom interaction refers to the focus of English as the tool for interaction, mainly between the teacher and the students . b . Student-student interaction Similarly, English for interaction among students is rarely used and even considered never in Teacher E’s classes . However, there is a certain amount of learning time where Teacher E obliges her students to speak using English mainly when the material comes to expressions . “Well, for example if they learn about expressions, I always compel them to use English.” Q79a “It would not always be maximum. But when it comes to the expressions material, we can push students to speak English since the vocabulary is not as much as text.” Q79b “….If the students learn about expressions, they are required to speak English. So if they speak Indonesian, it is improper….” Q94 “Yes. I make the most of the use of target language in the material about expression.…” Q95 For Teacher E, interaction using English among students can, must, and will be obliged only in the discussion of expressions material since the focus of expressions is speaking . Therefore, students are necessitated to speak English in this occasion . Even so, Teacher E’s orientation on the result makes her giving less priority to the speaking . “So usually I refer to the result. We have listening, speaking, reading, and writing. I purposively present listening first. Then speaking follows since I do not focus on speaking” Q35 “I have a concern about time consideration. I emphasize more on reading. Speaking and writing get the portion around 20 percent….” Q36 74 Students learn English at school so that they can later succeed in doing the test . The test is always written and therefore speaking and listening are not taught as intensive as reading and writing . Since speaking skill is a minor consideration, she then necessitates her students to speak English in the required circumstance only represented by the material about expressions . Students’ encouragement dealing with using English for interaction among students is also believed to be one way for Teacher E to make their students to speak English more especially with their friends at least in the classroom . “There are positive and negative feedback if I suggest them to use English to interact with their friends in the classroom. It would refer back to their motivation. My task is to motivate them to speak English. But sometimes my concern has not reached that part yet.” Q84 “The students’ motivation is important. The teacher can also take part in growing their motivation so that they want to communicate using English. Or maybe by using challenge. For example by offering point bonus for those who always use English. Or they are forced to do it. They are obliged to use English during the lesson and there is a consequence waiting for those who do not do that….” Q88 “So far, there are only several students who are consistent using English without having to be told or reminded. When they are being motivated, their responds vary. Some prefer being silence to having to speak, some speak English willingly, some are forced to speak English.” Q89 Teacher E considers that such encouragement comes from the motivation . This motivation comes in two forms . Internal motivation is the one coming from inside the students . This kind of motivation is usually stronger since it will drive them to strive their learning further . The second one is external motivation where they get the motivation from other people . In this case, the teacher is the one closest to 75 them who can provide that . In fact, Teacher E always motivates their students so that they can and want to speak English in the classroom though their reactions differ one another . This, however, is related again to the students’ characteristic . Teacher E provides illustration of how the condition when the school was still using the designated International standard label in relation with this matter . “When it was still RSBI, they could speak with their friends with English. They got the negotiation of meaning, even though they are not fluent enough. The important thing is they wanted to speak English.” Q85 By referring to RSBI, Teacher E would like to emphasize the difference of the students when it was still in the RSBI and present day . How their characteristics differ also describe how their performances diverge as well related to the use of English in the classroom mainly to communicate between students . 4 . First language It is common and even unavoidable for teachers, as well as students, in the area of ESL and EFL to apply their first language in language learning . The result of interview and classroom observation shows how Teacher E uses the first language in the classroom in teaching . However, her occasion in operating first language represents her belief in practicing first language in the teaching process . Teacher E thinks that first language is useful especially for delivering material during the lesson in some circumstances . First of all, Teacher E feels the need to deploy first language when she needs to catch up the students’ understanding about some materials . 76 “Ideally, in my opinion and according to what I have ever read, when students are exposed the language constantly, they would eventually learn from that. However, from what I experienced, well, it’s not something impossible. But for current type of students, it will take a lot of time. I mean, when realizing that we only have such amount of contact hours, then considering the possibility that those times are not purely effective, if I force myself to use English most of the time in the classroom, students’ comprehension would be only in the surface only. So I would choose to use local language.” Q50b “If the purpose is for communication using English, first language would disrupt the learning,….For the productive skill, it would disturb the learning process. But for receptive, it does not.” Q92b “…If the comprehension is not about expressions, but more about the text, or around it like vocabulary, reading, or tenses, I tolerate the use of first language…. So for textual comprehension, I do not demand nor impose the use of foreign language.” Q94 “Yes. I make the most of the use of target language in the material about expression. For anything else, you can say I have an exception for that.” Q95 Teacher E considers that it is more important for students to reach the comprehension about receptive skill mostly the reading part . She thinks that as long as students’ comprehension about the material is fulfilled, the instructional language is not really a matter for her . She realizes that first language can advance students’ understanding mainly in reading comprehension . Therefore, she prefers to implement the first language to catch up their understanding in such specified materials . First language is indeed beneficial to ignite students’ immediate understanding in some parts of language learning . However, Teacher E thinks that first language should function as the last alternative after all efforts using the target language to explain materials fail . 77 “I am speaking English in the class to begin the presentation of the material. I do that in order to make sure that students can understand the material. However, I will look at the situation. If I am having difficulties in using English to present the material, and the students still do not understand even after it is paraphrased, usually I will switch to using Indonesian, sometimes also Javanese.” Q51 “It relies on the situation. I mean, if the students can understand me speaking English, then I would use it. If not, then I can directly use Javanese.” Q60b “….There are always some students who don’t understand what I say when I am speaking with them using English. In such situation, I would consider using gesture. If they still don’t understand, then I will use Indonesian.” Q71 “….Usually, I always try to use English in delivering any material. If they still have problem with that, then it’s the time for me to use the first language” Q96 Making an allowance for first language to take this position, Teacher E sees the fact that English language learning would be maximized with such way . Exposure of English as the instructional language would eventually be all-out when the first language is finally decided to be used after that . By making Indonesian or Javanese as the last option to use in teaching, it does not only clarify the stance of first language for Teacher E but also signifies how she would like to use English as far as possible before eventually having to alter her verbal sign to a language the students understand the most . Students’ characteristic becomes another consideration for Teacher E to implement first language . “It would refer back to the students’ characteristics. In the old times RSBI, students had the anxiety to understand me when I was speaking in English. So the more I spoke English, the more they would pay attention. But now, if I apply similar method, the more I speak English, the more their concentration is crumbled. So I just have to face the reality. A reality 78 that they still need the language they understand for the instructional language.” Q52 “I don’t think it’s easy for now. Recent students would prefer the easy way referring to the use of English to explain” Q68 Students’ characteristic in this matter seems like a call for Teacher E in using first language . Her comparison about students’ characteristics then and now influence her decision to use English for students with certain characteristics, as mentioned in the previous sub chapter, as well as first language for students with particular quality . She considers that the cause and the use of first language would depend on students’ characteristics . She believes that for recent kind of students, first language will be needed more in facilitating students in learning the language . In the case of interaction, Teacher E notices that students will not likely use it for interaction either with the teacher or among the students . “The students would ask ‘maksudnya apa sih, Miss?’ It’s like they are striving for a shortcut. They want me to just use Indonesian so they can understand.” Q73 “I always recommend them to communicate with English. But practically, rather than having to make their friends thinking about the meaning, they apply the first language. From my review, there is not much discussion in my classes. So interaction in the context of task is almost unnecessary. However, for personal interaction, they will not use English. ” Q81 “They do not use English for interaction. Maybe because they want others to understand them quickly. So they do not want to go through the process.” Q82 The main reason behind their action in not using English for interaction is that they need to understand the meaning quickly . With first language, they would not have to think several times to catch the meaning of the utterance spoken by others . 79 In the other hand, they do not want others to feel complicated by them using English as communicating language . Teacher E is aware of the students’ necessity of the transfer speed of meaning . However, Teacher E assumes that she still needs to provide encouragement to her students to use English for their interaction although the fact is always contradictory . Furthermore, the purpose of employing first language in the class can operate beyond communicating meaning and content as Nation 2001: 1 proposes . Teacher E tries to take the benefit and role of the first language as the motivator to learn English . “….I will confirm students whether they comprehend the material or not. I do that mainly to the students that do not seem like they understand yet. If only they are given certain amount of time for question and answer, it is noticeable that they really haven’t understood about the materials. Usually I firstly apply English. If they still do not understand, it means that it is too hard for them. By so, they would think that English is difficult to learn. I don’t want that. So I will make them comfortable to begin with by using first language until they reach their comprehension….” Q64 “…In my classes, If the comprehension is not about expressions, but more about the text, or around it like vocabulary, reading, or tenses, I tolerate the use of first language. Because sometimes, if I impose myself to use foreign language, first, the comprehension would be harder. Second, students would feel as if English is a difficult language. Those are what I avoid. So for textual comprehension, I do not demand nor impose the use of foreign language.” Q94 Although English always becomes the vital language by being used as the primary language to teach, Teacher E sees that implementing English all the time does not always result in positive feedback by students in language learning . Her experiences show how her imposing the target language to the students often has 80 effect in students’ negative feedback mainly in their mental state . Ryan and Patrick 2001, in Charvat, 2012 finds that “students perceptions of teacher support and the teacher as promoting interaction and mutual respect are related to positive changes in the students’ academic motivation and engagement” . Such condition is then avoided by Teacher E since the treatment would affect their perception about English which will later on impact their learning . For that, by utilizing the students’ first language, she thinks that it is an agent that can mediate students in learning the target language more comfortably . Therefore, the function as a motivator is one value that Teacher E believes to exist from her experience using first language to teach . D . Discussion This part represents how the findings in the previous sub-chapter are interpreted to see the teacher’s belief about language exposure from the materials, teacher talk, classroom interaction, and the use of first language that form the bracket for this study . 1 . Material Kitao 1997 mentions how material is one of five significant components in teaching other than students, teachers, teaching methods, and evaluation . Teacher E seems to trust the school with the material it provides as do the other teachers there who also use similar resources supplied by the school board . How 81 she confidently assesses the material to be exactly suitable for the students of her own demonstrates that the school has supported her in delivering appropriate material for the education level she teaches . From the findings about the material as well, it can be inferred that Teacher E has established a good faith about the curriculum as she has set a belief that the curriculum is a guidance that directs everything she needs to have in teaching English accordingly, including how and what she should teach . However, the freedom for developing material as the curriculum suggests is taken into account that it is necessary for her to add or modify the material appropriately . As the result, a belief about what students need and want appears from her when constructing materials that she considers attractive from the students’ point of view . It is the reason behind his action in selecting the topics of the materials that students are expected to like more than what are already present in the textbook or workbook . As the matter of fact, the degree of the contents being continually updated Teacher E considers can also be concluded to be born from this notion . These ideas coming from her experience in teaching open an opportunity for her in the way of exposing English for the students . Therefore, this kind of material selection requires her to make the best use of modified or simplified material instead of authentic material so that the students feel more facilitated in understanding English . Apart from accepting as true that students’ characteristics and comprehension can decide the kind of material she uses in the classroom, Teacher E believes that simplified material will help her more in 82 providing sufficient amount of English for her students . This is acceptable as Oh 2001 agrees that simplification may increase the comprehensibility for non- native learners . As a matter of fact, the root of simplified material comes from Krashen’s 1985 theoretical value about comprehensible input where the material, functioning as the input, can be not only understood by the learners but correspondingly facilitate the learning process as well . The curriculum applied suggests indirectly that the learning process is done on a student-centered basis by the concept of elaboration, exploration, and confirmation . By this model, the task of the teachers is minimal because they will function as a guide in the learning process and the students become the party that participates and are more active in the learning process . However, Teacher E admits that students’ characteristics become the culprit on this . Students’ low autonomy affects her in teaching . Exley 2005: 11 concludes how ‘Asian’, including Indonesian, learners are known to possess the dominance of passivity, shyness, and quietness . As the matter of fact, these kinds of characteristics are still present up to now as seen from the observation in the setting of the study . Although student-centered learning can help eliminating them and promote the most of the learners and their active participation, the observation implies that teacher-centered learning is still considered appropriate in the setting of the place . Celik and Ozbay 2010 affirm that teacher-centered learning style in EFL areas emphasizes curriculum and the role of the teacher in the classroom, stressing the significance of exposing the students to all of the required material in an allotted 83 time frame . It seems to be fine for Teacher E to perform this method seeing how she views the curriculum as the bible of her profession . The way of her exposing the language in the classroom is then influenced by this approach as well, which puts the teacher as the figure who knows everything and has the obligation and authority to transfer the knowledge to them based on the curriculum as the guidance in teaching . The reflection of her devotion to the curriculum is also reflected from the focus of her teaching which aims students’ comprehension on vocabulary building and text understanding . However, she reflects that the curriculum is still defective since she needs to teach grammar but there is no direction to teach this kind of material in it whereas grammar is necessary to be the basic of text comprehension . Celce-Murcia 1991 agrees too that grammar instruction should become a part of language teaching in second or foreign language teaching because it interacts with meaning, social function, or discourse or combination of these rather than standing alone as an autonomous system . Other than for understanding text, it will help students in writing too as it can guide the students to compose well-formed text . 2 . Teacher talk Teacher E is approved to always prioritize English to be used to teach in the classroom or communicate with her students . The teacher has the independence and freedom as well as responsibility in using any language she wants in teaching the language to the students . As Johnson 1995 proposes 84 related to the teacher talk, there is a tendency for the teacher to control the pattern of communication to decide how, when, where, and with whom language is used in the classroom . Seeing how the teacher talk using English is practiced as a medium of instruction and her own communication pattern, there is a significant effort here to expose more English to the students as much and as often as possible . The teaching language hierarchy puts English always the first to be used before paraphrasing, deploying gesture, and performing the first language as the last effort . Ellis 1985 views the teacher talk as a special language that teachers use when addressing L2 learners in the classroom . How Teacher E positions English language as a special language by putting it as the top priority shows that she is aware that exposure to that language is very important for the students to at least familiarize them with words and utterances in English . How the exposure of English is rated significant is not only seen in the teacher’s view and use of English in the classroom . The operation of classroom language also signifies the same consideration . Not only maximizing it in daily routine, Teacher E also updates the expressions and statements to be repeated as classroom language . By this way, the students will be more accustomed to more new English terms since what they hear more often will become their source of learning language as Krashen 1985 believes that more exposure to a second language will eventually result in increased proficiency . This way will also help the students’ mastery in vocabulary since they belong in the level of education where vocabulary mastery is of essence . By such means, the strategy in 85 amplifying the classroom language becomes a suitable one to help the teacher in promoting English in the classroom for students’ language aptitude . Krashen 2002, taking the grammar correction as the center of discussion, points out how learners with different characteristics respond or address their language learning . Sophisticated learners with a belief that conscious learning is important will have a contradictory motivation compared to the students with the opposite mind . This opposing side of students connected to the view and use of English by the students living in this distinctive socio-geographical area becomes the basic reason of the teacher’s limitation that prevents her in using more English in the classroom . The time allocation by the curriculum also performs as a boundary for the teacher to do so . Since receptive skill is more important to achieve by the students in this educational level, it becomes reasonable for the teacher to limit English as the teacher talk to pursue that goal . 3 . Classroom interaction Classroom interaction is viewed by Allwright 1984 as important in language learning as “it is inherent in the very notion of classroom pedagogy itself” p . 158 . However, students’ comprehension and characteristics again take a role in the use of English for interaction between teacher and students, therefore limiting the exposure of English to the students . How such diversity influences the interaction is often met in EFL language classroom . Jobo 2013 concurs that “EFL teachinglearning in diversely populated classrooms is affected by the challenges of the classroom interaction” p . 17 . He refers those challenges to 86 “students’ incapability to accomplish interactive English tasks due to their incompetence in communicative English ability, impediments in their cooperative learning situations, their loss of confidence in using English, and decrements in students’ overall academic achievements” p . 17 . Talking about the interaction using English, these drawbacks coming from the students’ standpoint will not only impact the interaction among students but their interaction between them with the teacher as well . The teacher must adjust her language in interacting with her students without eliminating the purpose in learning English . As Teacher E believes that receptive skill is more important than productive language, it is acceptable for her not to impose English for interaction in the classroom whether what is called by challenges above is present or not as long as students can understand the material she delivers . Consolo 2006 defines the factors that influence classroom interaction in foreign language lessons as described in the diagram quoted . 87 Figure 4 . 1 . Classroom interaction in foreign language lessons Consolo, 2006: 47 From the diagram above, foreign language use leads to foreign language development . However, there are several points that refer to students’ side that affects the use of English for interaction in the classroom . Based on the observation, Students’ needs and element of motivation are those that have the impact for Teacher E to limit the use of English for interaction as one of multiple source of English exposure in the classroom . Students’ need refers to what students expect from English . In the classes with higher proficiency, the teacher can use more English to communicate orally with the students . On the contrary, classes with lower proficiency students drive the teacher to use less English to 88 interact with them . The observation shows that the motivation in higher proficiency classes is higher than the lower proficiency ones based on the students’ response on the teacher’s initiative to have verbal interaction using English . As a matter of fact, it becomes the motive for the teacher to open conversation using less or no English . However, her observed performance in two opposite classes suggests that she preserves the material to be presented equally with the difference in the language of instruction so that the learning outcome can be achieved . By this way, her action related to the classroom interaction as one source of English exposure is done in some basis, or in other words limited or even not present, yet does not interfere with the purpose of the language learning in the stage of educational institutional she belongs to as stated in the curriculum . 4 . The use of the first language Two opposing sides emerge related to the use of the first language especially in EFL classrooms; those who agree to use it because they find it helpful for English learning and those who do not because they believe that keeping English all the time in the classroom will help students acquire English eventually . However, none of those parties can be justified nor accused to be untrue since the discussion about this has been around and ongoing without any exact and definitive answer between the two . Teacher E positions herself between those contrasting views by declaring that using English all the time is possible but its time consuming happens to be a factor that she has to consider because of the designed time allotment in her 89 administrative responsibility . Even so, she has admitted that first language is deployed as the last alternative of language to use in the classroom . In its relationship with students’ characteristics she mentioned, the observation shows that she prefers to use it dominantly in the class with low proficiency students where the class with higher proficiency students is more manageable to use more English as the language of instruction . The purpose of this action is based on how she sees first language as a psychological tool for the students to get these students’ interest in English . In the future, not only the students can understand and learn English in a more proper way that suits them, the teacher can later on use English more to expose them with that language further . A strategy like this has put it into what Nation 2001: 7 recommends as a balanced approach which sees a role for the first language but also recognizes the importance of maximizing English use in the classroom after considering the defining factors that influence her in utilizing first language . The necessity of first language as Teacher E encounters in teaching is viewed to be representative in her professional coursework, as consistently projected by Swan 1985: 85 who articulates that “if we did not keep making correspondences between foreign language items and mother tongue items, we would never learn foreign languages at all”, thus suggesting the significance of first language for teacher in EFL classrooms . 90