



Submitted to Fulfill the Partial Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

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Registration Number : 2112121021







Except where appropriately acknowledged, this thesis is my own work, has been expressed in my own words and has not previously been submitted for assessment.

I understand that this paper may be screebed electronically or otherwise for plagiarism.

Medan, Februari 2016

Melita Sari Purba Reg. No. 2112121021







Purba, Melita Sari. 2112121021. The Effect of Inquiry Method on Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text. A Thesis. English Department. Faculty of Languages and Art, State University of Medan. 2016.

This study was focused on the investigation of the effect of Inquiry method on students’ achievement in writing descriptive text. It was conducted by using experimental research design. The population of this research was grade X students of SMA St. Thomas 3 Medan in the academic year 2015/2016, there were 5 parallel classes and there were two classes were selected as the sample by applying random sampling. The sample was divided into two groups, namely experimental (X-5) and control group (X-1). The experimental was taught by using Inquiry Method, while the control group was taught by using Lecture method. The instrument used to collect the data was essay test. To determine the reability of the test, the researcher used Pearson Moment Product formula. The data calculation showed that the coefficient of reliability of the test was 0.88. It showed that the test was reliable and the test was categorized as the test which has high to very high reliability. There were two data used in this study. They were pre-test and post-test. The data were analyzed by using t-test formula. After the data were analyzed, it was found that the value of t-observed was 4,95 with the degree of freedom (df)= 58 at the level of significance 0,05. It means that t-observed was higher than t-table (4,95 > 2.000). The result of this study shows that teaching writing by using Inquiry method was higher than by using Lecture method. Therefore, the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the hypothesis alternative (Ha) is accepted. It implies that Inquiry Method is appropriate to be applied for writing.




First the writer would like to thank to the Gracious God, Jesus Christ and Holy Mary for the amazing power, grace and love so the writer can finally finished her thesis.

During the process of completing this thesis, the writer realized that she could not accomplish it without The Blessing of God and supporting from people around her. Therefore, the writer would like to express her sincere gratitude to:

1. Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., as Rector of State University of Medan.

2. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., as the Dean of Languages and Arts Faculty, State University of Medan.

3. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., as the Head of English Department and as her Thesis Examiner,

4. Nora Ronita Dewi, S.Pd., S.S., M.Hum., as Head of English Education Study Program.

5. Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., as her First Thesis Advisor and Rafika Dewi Nasution, S. Pd., M. Hum., as her Second Thesis Advisor. 6. Drs. Willem Saragih, Dipl. Appl., M. Pd., and Drs. Lidiman Sahat

Martua Sinaga, M. Hum., her Thesis Examiners.

7. All Lecturers who have taught her in this English Department.

8. Muda Mikael Ginting, S. Pd, M. Si., as the Headmaster of SMA St. Thomas 3 Medan for giving me chance to conduct the research

9. Ibam Manalu S.Pd., and Harlen Lumbanraja, S.S., as the English Teachers of SMA St. Thomas 3 Medan for helping me to collecting the data of the research

10.Her beloved parents, Herdinus Purba for giving me the greatest love, affection and pray and Sarma Sitohang for giving birth of me, for wonderful love and pray.

11.Her adopted father, Parulian Purba and adopted mother, Nursanti Damanik for receiving me as part of your life, your big love, support, encouragement and advice.

12.Her six beloved siblings, Tomming Ariawa Gustinus Purba, Jupriadi Purba, Elvaria Purba, Leonardus Purba, Endek Damio Purba, and Alponsius Purba who always supported and pray for her. Moreover, Her beloved brother, Rolan Purba, Abdon Purba and beloved sisters, Arnita A. Purba, Desvi R. Purba and Sri Lovena Purba. This is for all of you Guys.



13.Her Best friends Aryadi Manuel Gultom, Norita Purba, Sari M. Siregar, Yessi V.C Simbolon, Kak Khatarina F. Sitompul, Bg Dera Menra Sijabat who cared and supported her.

14.Her fantastic friends of UK-KMK St. Martinus State University of Medan, thanks a lot for the unforgettable experiences for several years.

15.Her woderful classmates, Martina Silalahi, Dora M. Barus, Jetti L. Napitupulu, Evelyn Siahaan, Fitryani Siregar, Roslinda Sidabutar, Arnita Sembiring, Devi Sihotang, Harni Gultom, Permadi Pasaribu, Roberto ect.

16.Her nice friends at the boarding house, Tulus Siahaan, Aleysia, Deselvia, Ernita, Grace, Jelita Sitorus, K’Lamria, Marta Bancin, Marta Sinaga, Senni, Sofia and Winda Gurning,. Thank you for being part of my life.

17.Her PPL Team-mates, special for Delismawati, Dewi Cantik, Ira Cute, Ranida, Saudur, Tio Cantik and Gunawan for all wonderful memorial in our internship at SMA Katolik 1 Kabanjahe.

18.All people that can not be mentioned one by one for being care, support and love

The researcher realizes that her thesis is still far from being perfect. Hence, she warmly accept any constructive suggestion from anyone in order to improve the quality of this thesis. She hopes that the thesis will be uuseful for those who read it.

Medan, Februari 2016 The Writer,

Melita Sari Purba Reg. No. 2112121021











A. The Backgroung of the Study ... 1

B. The Problem of the Study ... 4

C. The Objective of the Study ... 4

D. The Scope of the Study ... 4

E. The Significance of the Study ... 4


A. Theoretical Framework ... 5

1. Writing ... 5

a. The Nature of the Writing ... 5

b. The Process of Writing... 8

c. Differences between Spoken and Written Language ... 11

d. Genre ... 13

2. Descriptive Text ... 13

a. Social Function ... 14

b. Generic Structure ... 14

c. Grammatical Features ... 15

d. The Example of the Descriptive Text ... 16

3. Measuring Writing ... 17

4. Students’ Achievement ... 18

5. Inquiry Method ... 19

a. The Nature of the Inquiry Method ... 19



c. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Inquiry Method ... 23

B. The Relevant Study ... 25

C. Conceptual Framework ... 26

D. Hypothesis ... 28


A. Research Design ... 29

B. Population and Sample ... 30

C. The Instrument of Collecting Data and the Source of the Data ... 30

D. The Criteria of Scoring Writing Text ... 31

E. The Procedure of the Research ... 32

F. The Validity and Reliability of the Test ... 34

G. The Technique of Analyzing Data ... 37


A. Data ... 38

B. Data Analysis ... 39

C. Testing Reability of the Test ... 41

D. Testing Hypothesis ... 41

E. Research Findings ... 42

F. Discussion ... 42


A. Conclusion ... 44

B. Suggestions ... 44




APPENDIX A. Pre – Test for Experimental and Control Group... 49

APPENDIX B. Post – Test for Experimental and Control Group ... 50

APPENDIX C. The Test Score of Experimental and Control Group ... 51

APPENDIX D. The Calculation of the Test ... 53

APPENDIX E. The Reliability of the Test ... 58

APPENDIX F. T-table Distribution ... 60

APPENDIX G. Lesson Plan ... 61






A.The Background of the Study

Language highly plays an important role in the process of social interaction. It is proved by using language, we can deliver our ideas, thoughts, feelings and messages to other people. In other words, language has function as means of communication.

English as an international language are used by most countries in the world. Richards and Rodger (2001:3) state that five hundreds years ago, Latin was the dominant language of education, commerse, religion and goverment in the most of countries in the world, however, today English is the world’s most widely studied foreign language. In addition, English becomes important since it has been the key to the international currencies of technology and commerse.

Recently Indonesian goverment has given the free-visa policy for several countries in the world. It aims at interesting tourists from abroad to come in to Indonesia. It means that many foreigners will come easily and do cooperation with Indonesian. In line with this, we need to increase our competences especially in mastering English so we can communicate with people from other countries. Furthermore, communicating clearly in English has became essensial due to the expansion of global trade and bussiness.

In Indonesia, English becomes a foreign language and in curriculum, English also has been one of compulsory subjects. There are four skills in English; they are listening, reading, speaking and writing. Listening and reading are receptive skills. Speaking and writing are productive skills. According to Swick


39 (2009), writing in any language is a difficult skill to acquire. Morover, Fauziati (2011:45), cited in Sunarni (2012) writing is the most difficult skill to master for foreign language learner. Students have difficulty in writing their ideas from their native language (Indonesian) into the target language (English). Dirgayasa (2012) also states that most of people agree that writing well is really difficult to do, especially for the low level students’ language proficiency.

Writing is very important in academic and everyday life. At school, students might write to answer a test question, take notes and even produce a reseach report. At home, many people send a letter or an e-mail, fill the aplication or order form and make shopping lists. National Commission on Writing (2003:47) states that if students are to learn, they must write. Meanwhile, Gallagher (2009:170) observed a school that teaching children the curriculum without concurrently teaching them how to write well is a school that has failed. Therefore, every students must be able to state their ideas into written form

Based on curriculum 2006-Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) in basic competence 8.1, student in senior high school grade X should have competence in writing descriptive text. As stated by Pardiono (2007), descriptive text is a type of written text, which has the speech function to give description about an object (human non-human). Descriptive text is often used in everyday life. People need description form to describe about the place they visit or admire, their closefriend or even their loosing pets. Moreover, people use descriptions all time in the business and academic writing ( Winkler and Metherell:2003)

Based on the researcher’s experience when she had an internship at SMA Katolik Kabanjahe, many students had low ability to write their ideas especially to write descriptive text. When the writer asked them to describe something, they


40 were panic because they had difficulties in writing like starting to compose, expressing the ideas, organizing ideas and developing good paragraphs. Moreover, some of them have no ideas to write. They also had neither interest nor motivation in writing what in their mind are. It occured due to their difficulties in putting their ideas based on the generic structure of descriptive text and the teaching method which is so ineffective that tended make them passive while they were learning.

An old adage states: "Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I understand" (Confusius, 450 BC). The last part of this statement describes the core of inquiry-based learning. It means that students who involve in learning process will influence their understanding about materials. Inquiry-based learning is a process where students are involved in their learning, formulate questions, investigate widely, and then build new understandings, meanings and knowledge (Ginting: 2013). Further, inquiry based learning is a student centered approach that encourages participants to draw on prior knowledge and experience in exploring their inquiries (Kahn and O’Rourke : 2004). This is the learning method which can stimulate students to think scientifically like, developing creativity in solving the problem.

The process of inquiring includes gathering information and data through applying the human senses; seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and smelling. Inquiry is also a process to answer questions and try to solve it in a logical way or the facts and using research. Because of all the reasons above, the researcher had decided to conduct a research by using Inquiry based learning method on students’ achievement in writing descriptive text.


41 B.The Problem of the Study

The Problem of the study is formulated as the following :

“Is there any significant effect of inquiry method on the students’achievement in writing descriptive text?”

C.The Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to find out the effect of inquiry method on students’ achievement in writing descriptive text.

D.The Scope of the Study

This study focuses on the effect of inquiry method on students’ achievement in writing descriptive text.

E.The Significance of the Study

The findings of the study are expected to be useful for : 1. Theoretically

a. The teachers as source of learning to teach students in writing; not only for descriptive text material but also the other materials

b. The other researchers as reference to conduct research related to this study

2. Practically

a. The teachers who want to teach descriptive writing through inquiry method.

b. The researchers who want to develop their knowledge and for those who have interest in doing research related to this study.

c. The students in developing their writing achievement, especially in writing descriptive text.




Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded that teaching writing skill by inquiry method significantly affects students’ achievement in writing descriptive text. It can be seen from the data obtained in post-test of experimental group that the total score was 2294 and the mean score 76,4 while the data in control were the total score was 2048 and the mean score 68,2. Thus, the students’ score in experimental group was higher than the students’ score in control group. The calculation of the data in the testing hypothesis shows that t-observed (4,95) was higher than t-table (2,000). In other words, alternative hypothesis (Ha) is acceptable.

B. Suggestions

In relation with the result of the study, some points are suggested as follows : 1. Teachers of English at Senior High School can use inquiry method as an

alternative method of teaching English writing in order to improve

students’ achievement in writing descriptive text by asking them to

observe their surroundings to enable students to have meaningful ideas to write.

2. The students can use inquiry method because this method allows students to write their ideas based on what they see and feel or based on their experiences in order to improve their achievement in writing descriptive text.


3. The other researcher who are interested in this study can read this research in order to do further research about Inquiry method on students’ achievement in writing descriptive text.





Arends, Richard I. And Ann Kilcher.2010. Teaching for Student Learning:Becoming

and Accomplished Teacher. New york:Routledge.

Ary, Donald et al.2002.Introduction to Research in Education.USA 6 th edition: USA:Wadsworth Group

.2010.Introduction to Research in Education.USA 8 th Ed:Wadsworth Best, J. W and Kahn, James V.2006.Research in Education 10th Ed.Boston:Pearson

Education Inc.

Brown, H. D. 2000. Teaching by Principles:An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy 2th ed.New York:Longman Pearson.

Carroll, Joice A.2001.Writing and Grammar:Communication in nAction.NeW Jersey:Prentice Hall

Dirgayasa, Dr.I Wayan, M.Hum.2012.Maritime English Writing:A Genre Based Approach.Medan:Unimed Press

Garton, Alison and Chris Pratt.2000.Learning to be Literate:the Development of

Spoken and Written Language.Oxford:Balckwell Publisher Ltd

Gerot, Linda and Peter Wignell.1994.Making Sense of Functional

Grammar.Sydney:Gerd Stabler

Ginting, Gigin S.2013.Improving the Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension by Using Inquiry Technique.Medan:Unpublished

Harmer, Jeremy.2003.The Practice of English Langueage Teaching 3th Ed.England:Pearson Education Limited

Heaton, J. B.1990.Writing English Language Testing.New York.:Longman Inc

Hess, Natalia.2001.Teaching Large Multilevel Classes.UK.Cambridge University Press

Hornby, As.1987.Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary of Current English.Great Britain:Oxford University Press




Hughes, Arthur.2003.Testing for Language Teacher.Great Britain: Cambridge University Press

Istarani.2012.58 Model Pembelajaran Inovatif.Medan:Media Persada

Knapp, Peter and Megan Watkins.2005.Genre,Text,Grammar:Technologies for Teaching and Assessing Writing.Sydney:University of New South Wales Press Ltd.

Lubis, Khairunnisya.2014.The Effect of Applying Web-Based Learning Media on the Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text.

National Boars for Professional Teaching Standards.2009.Student Learning, Student Achievement: How Do Teacher Measure Up?.Arlington

Nunan,David.1999. Second Language Teaching and Learning.Boston, Massachusetts:An International Thomson Publishing Company.

1991.Language Teaching Methodology Series:A Textbook for Teacher.Sydney:Prentice Hall International English Lnaguage Teaching Opara, Jacinta A., et al.2011.Inquiry Instructional Method ans the School Science

Curriculum:Current Research Journal of Social Sciences 3(3):188-198. Pardiono.2007.Pasti Bisa!Teaching Genre-Based Writing.Yogyakarta:Andi

Peha, Steve.2002. What is Good Writing?:Teaching That Makes Sense, Inc.(

Patel and Jain.2008.English Language Teaching:Method, Tools & Techniques.Jaipur:Sunrise Publishers

Richard, Jack C. And Theodore S. Redgers.2001.Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching 2th Ed.UK:Cambridge University Press

Roestiyah, Dra.2012.Strategi Belajar Mengajar.Jakarta:PT Rineka Cipta Sani, Ridwan A..2013.Inovasi Pembelajaran.Jakarta: Penerbit PT Bumi Aksara Shaheen et al. 2015.Academic Research International Vol. 6(2) March 2015 .Effects

of Inquiry Based Learning on the Performance of students’ At Elementary Level in Rawalpindi City: An Experimental Study.Pakistan.




Swick, Ed.2009.Writing Better English for ESL Learners 2th Ed.USA:Mc Graw Hall. Taylor, Gordon.2009.A Student’s Writing Guide:How to Plan and Write Succesfull

Essay.New York: Cambridge University Press

Wilhelm. Jeffrey D. 2007.A Study Guide for Engaging Readers & Writers with Inquiry. Scholactic

William, Jessica and Jacqueline R. Evans.2000.Getting There: Task for Academic Writing.Orlando:Harcourt College Publisher.

Winkler, Anthoni C. Dan McCuen-Metherell, Jo Ray.2003.Writing Talk:Paragraphs and Short Essays with Reading.New Jersey:Prentice Hall


41 B.The Problem of the Study

The Problem of the study is formulated as the following :

“Is there any significant effect of inquiry method on the students’achievement in writing descriptive text?”

C.The Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to find out the effect of inquiry method on students’ achievement in writing descriptive text.

D.The Scope of the Study

This study focuses on the effect of inquiry method on students’ achievement in writing descriptive text.

E.The Significance of the Study

The findings of the study are expected to be useful for : 1. Theoretically

a. The teachers as source of learning to teach students in writing; not only for descriptive text material but also the other materials

b. The other researchers as reference to conduct research related to this study

2. Practically

a. The teachers who want to teach descriptive writing through inquiry method.

b. The researchers who want to develop their knowledge and for those who have interest in doing research related to this study.

c. The students in developing their writing achievement, especially in writing descriptive text.




Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded that teaching writing skill by inquiry method significantly affects students’ achievement in writing descriptive text. It can be seen from the data obtained in post-test of experimental group that the total score was 2294 and the mean score 76,4 while the data in control were the total score was 2048 and the mean score 68,2. Thus, the students’ score in experimental group was higher than the students’ score in control group. The calculation of the data in the testing hypothesis shows that t-observed (4,95) was higher than t-table (2,000). In other words, alternative hypothesis (Ha) is acceptable.

B. Suggestions

In relation with the result of the study, some points are suggested as follows : 1. Teachers of English at Senior High School can use inquiry method as an

alternative method of teaching English writing in order to improve students’ achievement in writing descriptive text by asking them to observe their surroundings to enable students to have meaningful ideas to write.

2. The students can use inquiry method because this method allows students to write their ideas based on what they see and feel or based on their experiences in order to improve their achievement in writing descriptive text.


3. The other researcher who are interested in this study can read this research in order to do further research about Inquiry method on students’ achievement in writing descriptive text.





Arends, Richard I. And Ann Kilcher.2010. Teaching for Student Learning:Becoming and Accomplished Teacher. New york:Routledge.

Ary, Donald et al.2002.Introduction to Research in Education.USA 6 th edition: USA:Wadsworth Group

.2010.Introduction to Research in Education.USA 8 th Ed:Wadsworth Best, J. W and Kahn, James V.2006.Research in Education 10th Ed.Boston:Pearson

Education Inc.

Brown, H. D. 2000. Teaching by Principles:An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy 2th ed.New York:Longman Pearson.

Carroll, Joice A.2001.Writing and Grammar:Communication in nAction.NeW Jersey:Prentice Hall

Dirgayasa, Dr.I Wayan, M.Hum.2012.Maritime English Writing:A Genre Based Approach.Medan:Unimed Press

Garton, Alison and Chris Pratt.2000.Learning to be Literate:the Development of Spoken and Written Language.Oxford:Balckwell Publisher Ltd

Gerot, Linda and Peter Wignell.1994.Making Sense of Functional Grammar.Sydney:Gerd Stabler

Ginting, Gigin S.2013.Improving the Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension by Using Inquiry Technique.Medan:Unpublished

Harmer, Jeremy.2003.The Practice of English Langueage Teaching 3th Ed.England:Pearson Education Limited

Heaton, J. B.1990.Writing English Language Testing.New York.:Longman Inc

Hess, Natalia.2001.Teaching Large Multilevel Classes.UK.Cambridge University Press

Hornby, As.1987.Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary of Current English.Great Britain:Oxford University Press




Hughes, Arthur.2003.Testing for Language Teacher.Great Britain: Cambridge University Press

Istarani.2012.58 Model Pembelajaran Inovatif.Medan:Media Persada

Knapp, Peter and Megan Watkins.2005.Genre,Text,Grammar:Technologies for Teaching and Assessing Writing.Sydney:University of New South Wales Press Ltd.

Lubis, Khairunnisya.2014.The Effect of Applying Web-Based Learning Media on the

Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text.

National Boars for Professional Teaching Standards.2009.Student Learning, Student Achievement: How Do Teacher Measure Up?.Arlington

Nunan,David.1999. Second Language Teaching and Learning.Boston, Massachusetts:An International Thomson Publishing Company.

1991.Language Teaching Methodology Series:A Textbook for Teacher.Sydney:Prentice Hall International English Lnaguage Teaching Opara, Jacinta A., et al.2011.Inquiry Instructional Method ans the School Science

Curriculum:Current Research Journal of Social Sciences 3(3):188-198. Pardiono.2007.Pasti Bisa!Teaching Genre-Based Writing.Yogyakarta:Andi

Peha, Steve.2002. What is Good Writing?:Teaching That Makes Sense, Inc.(

Patel and Jain.2008.English Language Teaching:Method, Tools & Techniques.Jaipur:Sunrise Publishers

Richard, Jack C. And Theodore S. Redgers.2001.Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching 2th Ed.UK:Cambridge University Press

Roestiyah, Dra.2012.Strategi Belajar Mengajar.Jakarta:PT Rineka Cipta Sani, Ridwan A..2013.Inovasi Pembelajaran.Jakarta: Penerbit PT Bumi Aksara Shaheen et al. 2015.Academic Research International Vol. 6(2) March 2015 .Effects

of Inquiry Based Learning on the Performance of students’ At Elementary




Swick, Ed.2009.Writing Better English for ESL Learners 2th Ed.USA:Mc Graw Hall. Taylor, Gordon.2009.A Student’s Writing Guide:How to Plan and Write Succesfull

Essay.New York: Cambridge University Press

Wilhelm. Jeffrey D. 2007.A Study Guide for Engaging Readers & Writers with Inquiry. Scholactic

William, Jessica and Jacqueline R. Evans.2000.Getting There: Task for Academic Writing.Orlando:Harcourt College Publisher.

Winkler, Anthoni C. Dan McCuen-Metherell, Jo Ray.2003.Writing Talk:Paragraphs and Short Essays with Reading.New Jersey:Prentice Hall