Submitted to English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts,
State University of Medan, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the
Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


Registration Number: 2103121038


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February 2015

Rawiyah Damanik
Reg. No. 2103121038

Damanik, Rawiyah. 2103121038. The Effect of Using Video on Students’
Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text. A Thesis. English Department.
Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan. 2014.
This study is an attempt to discover the effect of using video on students’
achievement in writing descriptive text. It was conducted by using experimental

research design. The Population of this research was the tenth (X) grade students
of SMAN 2 Pematangsiantar which consists of eleven parallel classes with the
total number of students is 389. The samples of this research were taken by
random sampling through lottery technique. The result was class X PMIA 2
consisted of 30 students became the experimental group and class X PMIA 7
consisted of 30 students became the control group. The experimental group was
taught by using Video while the control group was taught without using Video.
The instrument for collecting the data was writing test. The data were analyzed by
using t-test formula. The result shows that the value of t-observed (5.078) is
higher than the value of t-table (2.000) (α = 0.05) with the degree of freedom (df)
= 58. It means that there is a significant effect of using Video on students’
achievement in writing descriptive text. So, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is

Keywords: Video, Writing, Descriptive Text


Firstly, praise and great gratitude to the almighty God Allah SWT for the

blessing, mercy, opportunity and help given to the writer to complete this Thesis
entitled “The Effect of Using Video on Students’ Achievement in Writing
Descriptive Text” as one of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan
(S1) at English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of
During the process of writing and conducting the research, the writer was
assisted and supported by many people. This thesis cannot be accomplished
without guidance, suggestion, and comment from them, for which the writer
would like to express her sincere appreciation which directed to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., the Rector of State University of

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Language and Arts Faculty,
Vice Dean I, II, III, and all the administrative staff.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English and Literature
Department as well as her Academic Consultant and Reviewer.

Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English Department.

Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., the Head of English Education Study

Drs. Bachtiar, M.Pd., her Thesis Consultant.

Prof. Dr. Berlin Sibarani, M.Pd., Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S., and

Mahmud Layan Hutasuhut, S.Pd., M.Hum., her Reviewers.

Rudol Barmen Manurung, M.Pd., the Headmaster of SMA Negeri 2
Pematangsiantar, Restar Revolita Tambunan, M.Pd., the Vice
Headmaster of SMA Negeri 2 Pematangsiantar.

Ika Hafni Lubis, S.S., the English teacher who give permission to
conduct the research in the class.


Alm. Rahmad Damanik and Siti N. Sijabat, her beloved parents. Syahril
Damanik, Irwansyah Damanik and Anggi Damanik, her younger
brothers and sister for their support.

Sr. M. Emanuela Sijabat, OSF, her beloved aunt for supporting her
financially during her college years.

Fitri Rumahorbo, S.Pd., Detha Sinulingga, S.Pd., Desy Hutabarat,
S.Pd., and Poppy Marbun), her best friends.

Santika Silalahi, S.Pd., Theresia and Misida, her closed friends who
support and help her, and also for other English Education Regular B
2010 students.

Overall, the researcher hopes this thesis can give contribution to the English
Education students and further pedagogical research. And also it can be useful for
the readers.


February 2015

The Writer,

Rawiyah Damanik
NIM. 2103121038


ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. ii
TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................. iv
LIST OF TABLE ........................................................................................... vii
LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................... viii
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ................................................................. 1

A. The Background of The Study ............................................................. 1
B. The Problem of The Study ................................................................... 3
C. The Scope of The Study ....................................................................... 4
D. The Objective of The Study ................................................................. 4
E. The Significance of The Study............................................................. 4
CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ............................................. 5
A. Theoretical Framework ........................................................................ 5
1. Writing ........................................................................................... 5
2. Writing Process .............................................................................. 6
3. The Assessment in Writing ............................................................ 7
4. Genres of Writing........................................................................... 7
5. Descriptive Text ............................................................................. 9
a. The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text .............................. 10
b. The Language Features of Descriptive Text ............................ 10
c. The Example of Descriptive Text ............................................ 11
6. Media in Language Teaching ......................................................... 12
a. The Functions of Media ........................................................... 12
b. Kinds of Media ......................................................................... 13

7. Video .............................................................................................. 13
8. Types of Video ............................................................................... 15
9. The Applying of Video in Writing Descriptive Text ..................... 17
10. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Video ............................... 18
B. Relevant Studies ................................................................................... 20
C. Conceptual Framework ........................................................................ 21
D. Hypothesis ............................................................................................ 25
CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHOD ..................................................... 26
A. Research Design ................................................................................... 26
B. Population and Sample......................................................................... 26
C. Instrument of Collecting Data .............................................................. 27
D. Procedure of The Research .................................................................. 27
1. Pre-Test .......................................................................................... 27
2. Treatment ....................................................................................... 27
a. Experimental Group ................................................................. 28
b. Control Group .......................................................................... 29
3. Post-Test......................................................................................... 30
E. The Scoring of Writing Test ................................................................ 31
F. The Validity and Reliability of the Test ............................................... 31
1. The Validity ................................................................................... 31

2. The Reliability................................................................................ 32
G. Technique of Analyzing Data .............................................................. 33
A. Data ...................................................................................................... 34
B. The Data Analysis ................................................................................ 35
C. Testing Hypothesis ............................................................................... 37
D. Research Findings ................................................................................ 37
CHAPTER V: CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ........................... 39


A. Conclusions .......................................................................................... 39
B. Suggestions .......................................................................................... 39
REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 41
APPENDICES ................................................................................................ 43



Table 3.1 Experimental Research Design .................................................... 26
Table 3.2 Teaching Descriptive Text in Experimental Group ................... 28
Table 3.3 Teaching Descriptive Text in Control Group ............................. 29
Table 3.4 Scoring Aspect in writing Descriptive Text ................................ 31



APPENDIX A Pre and Post Test for Experimental and Control Group.. 43
APPENDIX B The Scores of Pre-Test and Post Test ................................. 44
APPENDIX C Testing the Reliability of the Test ....................................... 46
APPENDIX D The Calculation of T-Test .................................................... 50
APPENDIX E Percentage Points of the T-Distribution ............................. 55
APPENDIX F Lesson Plan ............................................................................ 57



A. Background of the Study
Language plays an important role in human’s daily life. Nobody around the
world can be separated from language. There will be no communication without
any language. People talk, send a message and even do business by using
language. From a number of languages exist around the world, it is English that
becomes one of the most important languages to be learnt. Besides, it is
internationally used, English is one of main requirements for people both in
academic and occupational purpose.
English is the first foreign language taught in Indonesia from Kindergarten up
to University level. In learning English, there are four basic skills that should be
mastered by students, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. Even
students in Indonesia have learned English since they were young, in fact there are
still many students find difficulty in using English especially in written form.
Writing is one of productive skills should be well-mastered by students. Through
writing, it is expected that students are able to express their ideas, thoughts and
opinions to the reader.
The syllabus of English for X year students demands students to master some
kinds of genre in writing, they are: recount, narrative, descriptive and explanation
text. From those four kinds of genre, this study focuses on descriptive text.
Descriptive text is a text which is used to describe a particular person, place and

thing. Knapp and Watkins (2005:100) state that descriptive text is a genre of
describing which orders things into various ways of knowing. First, it generally
names the thing, then classifies it and deals with its attributes, behaviors,
functions and so on.
Based on the writer’s experience in Teaching Practice Program (PPL) in
Senior High School, it is found that most of students were lack in writing skill,
especially in writing descriptive text. They did not enjoy writing at all. Most
students found that writing is complex and complicated because they must pay
attention to several items, such as ideas, vocabulary, grammar and the
organizational of the text itself. In short, students were not able to express their
ideas because they did not know what grammar that they should use, which words
are the most appropriate and how to arrange them into good sentences and
Considering the condition above, the writer offers to use video as a media in
teaching to overcome the problems. This media is chosen in order to increase the
students’ motivation in writing because it has a close connection to their real life.
In order to be able to write a descriptive text which aims to produce a clear
description of a particular person, place or thing, the writer offers to use video to
help them gaining some ideas by watching it. Through video, the students’ senses
are involved. They can see the motion pictures in the video that will be helpful for
them creating a descriptive text which aims to show rather than tell the readers
what something or someone looks, so that the readers can have a picture in their

mind about subject being described. As stated by Harmer (2003: 282) that by
using video in classroom, most students show an increased level of interest when
they have a chance to see such things as valuable meaning clues.
The previous research done by Kuntum which titled “Using an Infotainment
Video as a Medium in Teaching Writing of a Discussion Text at Senior High
Schools” found that video was helpful for students in writing. The video was both
simple and close to the students’ real life. The students enjoyed their learning
activity by watching the video. Since the video chosen in an infotainment video
which mostly told about celebrities’ lives that are often idolized by students
encouraged them in writing.
The use of video was also conducted in a research done by Febri (2013) on the
first grade of Junior High School. It was found that the students’ score progressed.
It means that there was an improvement on the students’ achievement in writing
procedure text by using video as the media in the teaching and learning activity.
This study is intended to improve students’ ability in writing a descriptive
text. So, it is expected that by choosing an interesting media such as a video can
motivate and develop their ability in writing.
B. The Problem of the Study
Based on the background of the study, the problem is formulated as follows:
“Is there any significant effect of using video on students’ achievement in writing
a descriptive text?”

C. The Scope of the Study
In order to give the best result, the scope of the study is limited on
investigating the students’ achievement of X grade students of SMA Negeri 2
Pematangsiantar in writing descriptive text through video.

D. The Objective of the Study
The objective of the study is to find out if there is a significant effect of using
video on students’ achievement in writing a descriptive text.

E. The Significance of the Study
The results of the study are expected to be useful both theoretically and
practically for:
1. The students who want to improve their ability in writing descriptive text
through video.
2. English teachers who consider the implementation of video as a media to
improve their students’ achievement in writing descriptive text.
3. Other researchers who are interested in using video to conduct further
research with different participants.

A. Conclusion
After analyzing the data, it was found that the students’ score in experimental
group was higher than the students in control group. The total score and the mean
score in experimental group showed that there was a significant improvement of
the students’ score between the pre-test and the post-test score.
Since the value of tobserved was 5.078 with df (58) at the level significance
(0.05) = 2.000, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. So, from the
calculation of the data, it can be concluded that video significantly affect students’
achievement in writing descriptive text.

B. Suggestion
Related to the conclusion mentioned previously, the writer suggests that video
can be used as one of media in teaching writing, especially writing a descriptive
text. So, the writer points out some suggestions as in the following:
1. Teachers are suggested to use an interesting media for learning activities
in classroom. In this case, it is a video.
2. Video is helpful both for teachers and students. By using video, teachers
can attract students’ attention and motivate them in learning English in
which students have a chance to see the concrete and memorable materials
through the video.


3. By using video in the classroom, it can inspire the students in gaining
some ideas to be expressed in their writing
4. Other researcher can develop the related study to improve learning