



As the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


Registration Number: 2111521001








The greatest gratitude is expressed to Allah SWT, the Almighty and Most Beneficial for His Grace, Guidance, Praise, Honor, and Mercy that has been given to the writer so that he finally accomplishes his thesis entitled:“The Effect of Quantum Learning on Students’ Achievement in writing Descriptive text”.

In completing this thesis, the writer realized that he faced some problems and he had received the academic guidance, suggestions, and comments and got a lot of assistance and moral support from many people. Therefore, the writer would like to express hergratitude and special thanks to:

Prof. Dr.Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. IsdaPramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd.,the Head of English and Literature Department,Dra. Meisuri, M.A. the Secretary of English and Literature Department, andNora Ronita Dewi, S.S., S.Pd., M.Hum. the Head of English Departement Program, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

Dra. Masitowarni Siregar M.Ed.hisThesis consultant, Prof.Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd,,his Academic Adviser and also Thesis Examiner, Drs. Lidiman Sahat Martua Sinaga, hisThesis Examinerswho have given their precious time, guidance, suggestions, and comments.

 His special sincere gratitude goes to his wonderful beloed parents (Allah Swt. Blesses them), his lovely father Ponijo, S.Pd. and his mother Aisyah Tiradiyah, his beloved brother and sisterMas kiki, Alpin, Ravi, Riduan, Najwa,for their endless love, understanding,spirit,motivation, and the main part, prayers, during the writer’s whole life.


 His thankfulness is also directed to his seniors in students’s council of English and Literature Departement ( HMJ BSI UNIMED), Dedi Sanjaya, Azhar Azis Lubis, Budiyanto, Benny Ichsanda, Faisal Hakim, M.Yusuf, Rahmad Hussein, Irwan, Ali, for their guidance, spirit, and motivation in the organization and campus daily life. He thanks you all so much.

 All his best friend, Yudhi A.K, Hasbi, Rezeki Sofian, Hasannul, Dessy, Irfan, Widya, Yuni, Rafika, Isma, Tyas and also His dear brothers and sistersin HMJ BSI UNIMED, thank you so much for every single smile, laugh, tear, help, struggle that we have passed and for sweet and happy memories we shared together.

 All his classmates in Extension A 2011 who cannot be mentioned one by one that conquered the lectures and shared knowledge, ideas, and bitter-sweet of campus life together and have been cooperatively supporting the writer in completing this thesis.

 His special girl, Febria Haryunianda, for special care, kindness, love and patience in accompanying the writer time by time.

The writer realizes that this thesis still has the paucity, sheconveniently welcomes anysuggestions, comments, and advices that will improve the quality of this thesis. He hopes that this thesis would be useful for those who are read and interested in the field of this study.

Medan, July 2015 The writer,

Ahmad Ary Alkautsar Reg.No. 2111521001




Alkautsar, Ahmad Ary. 2111521001. The Effect of Quantum Learning on Students’ Achievement in writing Descriptive Text. A thesis, English Departement, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan 2015.

This study aims to find out wheter students’ achievement taught by using Quantum Learning is higher than taught Mind Mapping Method in writing Descriptive Text. The research was conducted by Experimental research using two groups; experimental using Quantum Learning and Control using Conventional method. The subject of this study were the students of SMAN 6 Medan class X-A and X-B consisted of 30 students for each class. The data was taken by using writing test. After analyzing the data, it was found that the value of t-obs was 5.44 with degree of freedom (df) 45 at the level of significance p (0.05) = 2,000. It means that t-obs is higher than t-table. It was found that students achievement in Descriptive Text taught by Quantum Learning is higher than Conventional Method. So, Hyphothesis stating that there is a significant effect of applying Quantum Learning on Students’ achievement in writing descriptive text. Is accepted.





ABSTRACT ... iii


A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. The Problem of the Study ... 4

C. The Objective of the Study ... 5

D. The Scope of the Study ... 5

E. The Significance of the Study ... 5


A. Theoritical Framework ... 6

1. Students’ Achievemen... 6

2. Writing ... 7

a. Desrivtive Text ... 8

1). The Procedure of Writing Descriptive Text ... 10

2). The Grammatical Features of Descriptive Text ... 11

3. Model Of Teaching ... 13

4. Quantum Learning... 14

a. The Design Frame of Quantum Learning ... 18

B. Conceptual Framework ... 21

C. Hypothesis ... 22


A. Research Design ... 23

B. Population and Sample ... 24

1. Population ... 24

2.Sample ... 24

C. The Instrument of Collecting Data ... 25

D. The Testing Of Writing ... 25

E. The Procedure of Treatment... 30



2. Teaching Presentation ... 30

a. Teaching Presentation in Experimental Group... 30

b. Teaching Presentation in Control Group ... 33

3. Procedure of Post- Test ... 34

F. The Validity and Reliability of the Test ... 34

1.Validity of the Test... 34

2.Reliabilty of the Test ... 34

G. The Technique for Analyzing Data ... 35

H. The statistical Hypothesis ... 35


A. The Data ... 36

B. Data Analysis ... 36

C. Reliability of the Writing Test ... 36

D. Testing Hyphothesis ... 38

E. Research Finding ... 39

F. Discussion ... 39


A. Conclusion ... 40

B. Suggestion ... 40



Page Table 1.1 Accumulated score ...3 Table 3.1 Research Design ...24




Page Appendix A. Descriptive Writing Test ... 43

Appendix B. Statistical Analysis for Realiability Coefficient ... 44 Appendix C. The Result of pre-test and post-test of the experimental group .... 46 Appendix D. The Calculation of t-Test ... 48 Appendix E. Lesson plan ... 52





A. The Background of The Study

Language is a terms to extend information. It is used to express feelings, thoughts, purposes, and opinion in the spoken or in the written way. Through language we can conduct knowledge, transmit messages from one person to another person and from one generation to another. In sum, all human activities are conducted by use of language.

English is an international language. In Indonesia, English considered as first foreign language and though formally from elementary school up to the university level. It is realized that studying English is not easy for Indonesian students because the fact that English and Indonesian language are very different in term of spelling, sound, and pronouncation, vocabulary or lexical meaning and grammar. In learning the English language, English contains four basic language skills: receptive skills, listening ( understanding spoken language) and reading ( understanding the written language) and the productive skills, speaking and writing. In practice, learning the lessons taught writing after speaking, listening and reading. But this does not state that learning writing is not important. In fact, writing is a very important lesson learning that is why writing is taught after the third important element is taught and writing also is the very difficult subject for the students.



Fegerson and Nickerson ( 1992: 7) state that writing is a skill that is acquired through study. Writting is one of english skills that should be taught integratedly, but it is regarded as the most difficult language skill to learn for learners. It is often perceived as the most difficult language skill since it requires a higher level of productive language control than the other skill. In fact, the students are not capable to make a good writting. The reason that they cannot make a good writing is caused by poor vocabulary, difficulty in generating their idea, poor grammar, and so on.

After the writer’s doing his observation on preliminary observation in SMA Negeri 6 Medan, there is using (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan ) which still be able implement that curriculum as a united for education in that school. I also have been interviewed the English teacher about the ability of students in English subject that still have many problem, especially in writing descriptive text. Students often failed in writing because they faced some difficulties such as poor structure, technique, lack of vocabulary, literature, and information. They did not give attention and enthusiasm on writing specially writing descriptive text. They maight have some ideas on their mind, but they did not know how to express themselves in writing. They had trouble to presenting their ideas. They thought that it was very difficult to write descriptive text.

English Teacher states that there are many students cannot achieve 75 points as the minimal completeness criteria on (KKM).



Tabel 1.1 Accumulated Score

Semester Score Students Percentage

1st Semester

2013/2014 < 75 ≥ 75 21 Students 3 Students 87.05 % 12.05 % 2nd Semester

2013/2014 < 75 ≥ 75 18 Students 6 Students 75.00 % 25.00 %

Source: Students’ Accumulated Score of Grade X SMAN 6 Medan academic year 2014/2015

This problem can be resulted from the teacher’s technique and strategy as they still applies traditional method, by which they fail to motivate the students. As a result, in learning process, students have poor cognition, defecient concentration, and limited knowledge in writing. Learning is affected by the total situation ( Aggarwal , 2001: 46). It depends on a number of factors, external and internal factors. External factors affecting learning are (1) goals, purposes (2) motivation (3) interest (4) attention (5) drill or practice (6) bore or fatigue (7) aptitude(8) attitude (9) emotional factors (10) speed, accuracy, and retention (11) age (12) learning activities. The relation with learning, motivation has big factor towards students learning process. In concept learning, motivation means the art of supporting the students to be supported to do learning activities, so the pupose of learning process should design a good concept to encourage students into a good writing.

Based on the situation, the writer thinks that it is important to find ways to overcome the problem. One of the ways to solve the problem is by proposing a teaching model that is suitable, easy, effective, fun, interesting, and helpful to the students.



Therefore, Quantum Learning is proposed to be one model, which might be able to solve the writing problem.

Quantum Learning is an integrated model of teaching and learning that creates passionate teachers, engaging classroom and meaningful content resulting in accelerated student achievment. Quantum Leraning is about bringing joy to teaching and learning in order to develop students’ interest and motivate them to write. It helps teachers to present their content in a way that engages and energizes students.


It is an effective strategy for classroom management, focusing attention, and motivating students to increase participation in learning. The situation will motivate the students concentrate and make them easier to learn. The realaxed situation and good motivation was engage the students to think the idea and present it into their writing. It may stimulate students’ imagination and creation in learning espcially in writing descriptive text. By knowing the problem faced by the students in learning writing especially descriptive text, the writer think that teaching descriptive text by applying Quantum Learning was be more effective to develoip their writing achievement.

B. The Problems of the Study

Based on the background of the study above, the problem of the study is formulated as the following:



“Is there any significant affect of applying Quantum Learning on students’ achievement in writing descriptive text?”

C. The Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is how to find out significantly if there is any significant affect of applying Quantum Learning on students’ achievement in writing descriptive text.

D. The Scope of tha Study

The scope of the study is to apply a teaching model strategy namely Quantum Learning in teaching writing descriptive text.

E. The Significances of the Study

Finding of this study are expexted to be useful for

1). The students to improve their writing, especially in writing descriptive text,

2). The teachers in applying a better way in teaching espcially teaching writing descriptive text and





A. Conclusion

Having anaylzed the data, it was found that Quantum Learning significantly affect the students’ ability in writing descriptive text, since t-obs > t-table (p=0.05) df= 45 , or, 5.44 > 2.00 (p= 0.05) df= 45. The using of Quantum Learning in teaching writing descriptive text in the classroom enables the students’ to write systematically and guided to write the text of description, to gather all the information about the subject, process the information they have in mind and develop it into good writing.

The students who were taught by using Quantum Learning have a higher achievement than the students who were taught by using Lecturing Methods. In other words, the Quantum Learning given significants effect to the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text as they become more systematic in writing the text.

B. Suggestion

In line with the conclusion and the result of the study, some suggestion are staged as the following:

1. In order to improve the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text,

teacher suggested to encourage the students by using Quantum Learning to solve their writing problem.



2. It is suggested for the english teacher to use Quantum Learning as alternative




Arikunto, Suharsini. 2010. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: Bineka Cipta.

Aggarwal. J. G. 2001. Pria111nciples, Methods and Technique of Teaching. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing

Aruan, D. 2002. Penafsiran Skor Tes. Unpublished.

Bram, B. 1995. Write Well Improving Writing skills. Yogyakarta: Kanisius

Brown, H. Douglas. 2001. Teaching by Principle : An Imperative Approach to Laguage Pedagogy,2nd Ed. New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

Deporter, Bobbie & Hernacki, Mike. 2003. Quantum Learning Membiasakan Belajar dan Menyenangkan. Bandung: Kaifa.

Fegerson, Laraine and Nickerson, Marie-louse. 1992. All in one. New jesey: Marie Louse Prentice Hall.

Heaton, J. 1998. Writing English Language Test. London: Longman

Hatch, Farhady. 1982. Research Design and Statistic for Applied Linguistics. Rewley: Newbury House.

Joyce, Bruce, Marsha Weil and Emily Calhoun. 2002. Models of Teaching. New York:

Allyn and Bacon a Pearson Education Company.

MIND TOOLS. 2010. Mind Maps. A Powerful Approach to Note Taking. Unpublished.

Mill, et. Al. 1978. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. London: Longman

Nasrum, et. Al. 2004. Belajar dan Pembelajaran. Unpublished

Nunan, David. 1998. Desiigning Task for the Communicate Classroom. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press

Pardiyono, Bambang Yudi. 2007. Technique in Teaching EFL Writing. Malang: State University of Malang Press.



Pardiyono, M.Pd. 2007. Pasti Bisa! Teaching Genre-Based Writing. Yogyakarta: Andi Offset Publishing.

Reid, Gavin. 2005.Learning Styles and Inclusion. London: Paul Chapman Publishing. Widiyani, Erlik. The Effectiveness Of Clustering Technique to Teach Writing Skill Viewed From Students’ Linguistic Intelligence for the second Semester Of English Departement of IKIP PGRI Madiun. (Accessed February 08th, 2015 @01.00 p.m). ( Retrieved December 20 th, 2014 @09.00 p.m) (Accessed January 15th,2015 @09.50 a.m) (AccessedDecember 21th,2014 @10.00 p.m)


Therefore, Quantum Learning is proposed to be one model, which might be able to solve the writing problem.

Quantum Learning is an integrated model of teaching and learning that creates passionate teachers, engaging classroom and meaningful content resulting in accelerated student achievment. Quantum Leraning is about bringing joy to teaching and learning in order to develop students’ interest and motivate them to write. It helps teachers to present their content in a way that engages and energizes students.


It is an effective strategy for classroom management, focusing attention, and motivating students to increase participation in learning. The situation will motivate the students concentrate and make them easier to learn. The realaxed situation and good motivation was engage the students to think the idea and present it into their writing. It may stimulate students’ imagination and creation in learning espcially in writing descriptive text. By knowing the problem faced by the students in learning writing especially descriptive text, the writer think that teaching descriptive text by applying Quantum Learning was be more effective to develoip their writing achievement.

B. The Problems of the Study

Based on the background of the study above, the problem of the study is formulated as the following:


“Is there any significant affect of applying Quantum Learning on students’ achievement in writing descriptive text?”

C. The Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is how to find out significantly if there is any significant affect of applying Quantum Learning on students’ achievement in writing descriptive text.

D. The Scope of tha Study

The scope of the study is to apply a teaching model strategy namely Quantum Learning in teaching writing descriptive text.

E. The Significances of the Study

Finding of this study are expexted to be useful for

1). The students to improve their writing, especially in writing descriptive text,

2). The teachers in applying a better way in teaching espcially teaching writing descriptive text and




A. Conclusion

Having anaylzed the data, it was found that Quantum Learning significantly affect the students’ ability in writing descriptive text, since t-obs > t-table (p=0.05) df= 45 , or, 5.44 > 2.00 (p= 0.05) df= 45. The using of Quantum Learning in teaching writing descriptive text in the classroom enables the students’ to write systematically and guided to write the text of description, to gather all the information about the subject, process the information they have in mind and develop it into good writing.

The students who were taught by using Quantum Learning have a higher achievement than the students who were taught by using Lecturing Methods. In other words, the Quantum Learning given significants effect to the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text as they become more systematic in writing the text.

B. Suggestion

In line with the conclusion and the result of the study, some suggestion are staged as the following:

1. In order to improve the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text, teacher suggested to encourage the students by using Quantum Learning to solve their writing problem.


2. It is suggested for the english teacher to use Quantum Learning as alternative way in teaching writing skills and other type of writing.


Arikunto, Suharsini. 2010. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: Bineka Cipta.

Aggarwal. J. G. 2001. Pria111nciples, Methods and Technique of Teaching. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing

Aruan, D. 2002. Penafsiran Skor Tes. Unpublished.

Bram, B. 1995. Write Well Improving Writing skills. Yogyakarta: Kanisius

Brown, H. Douglas. 2001. Teaching by Principle : An Imperative Approach to Laguage

Pedagogy,2nd Ed. New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

Deporter, Bobbie & Hernacki, Mike. 2003. Quantum Learning Membiasakan Belajar

dan Menyenangkan. Bandung: Kaifa.

Fegerson, Laraine and Nickerson, Marie-louse. 1992. All in one. New jesey: Marie Louse Prentice Hall.

Heaton, J. 1998. Writing English Language Test. London: Longman

Hatch, Farhady. 1982. Research Design and Statistic for Applied Linguistics. Rewley: Newbury House.

Joyce, Bruce, Marsha Weil and Emily Calhoun. 2002. Models of Teaching. New York: Allyn and Bacon a Pearson Education Company.

MIND TOOLS. 2010. Mind Maps. A Powerful Approach to Note Taking. Unpublished. Mill, et. Al. 1978. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. London:


Nasrum, et. Al. 2004. Belajar dan Pembelajaran. Unpublished

Nunan, David. 1998. Desiigning Task for the Communicate Classroom. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press

Pardiyono, Bambang Yudi. 2007. Technique in Teaching EFL Writing. Malang: State University of Malang Press.


Pardiyono, M.Pd. 2007. Pasti Bisa! Teaching Genre-Based Writing. Yogyakarta: Andi Offset Publishing.

Reid, Gavin. 2005.Learning Styles and Inclusion. London: Paul Chapman Publishing. Widiyani, Erlik. The Effectiveness Of Clustering Technique to Teach Writing Skill Viewed From Students’ Linguistic Intelligence for the second Semester Of English Departement of IKIP PGRI Madiun. (Accessed February 08th, 2015 @01.00 p.m). ( Retrieved December 20 th, 2014 @09.00 p.m) (Accessed January 15th,2015 @09.50 a.m) (AccessedDecember 21th,2014 @10.00 p.m)