As food resource. CASSAVA 1.

2003. After legalizing this factory he hoped that the people will change their way of thinking from traditional farmers to be industrial farmers. In Gunungkidul cassava is the highest product so it is very easy to find the main material for instant tiwul Sugiarto, 2003 . This tiwul is made of cassava with maizena and green peanut flour. According to Mrs. Maria Dora Triyogyatini, a nutrient expert from Panti Rapih Hospital in Yogyakarta by adding maizena and mung bean flour into instant tiwul it will have higher nutrients. There are two kinds of products. First, is Sari Tiwul, which is tasteless. It is packed in 250 grams and 500 grams. The price is 6,850pack. It can be used as an alternative food beside rice. Beside it there is Nutriwul with three choice flavors, chicken, potato and salty fish fried rice. It is packed 50 grams and the price is Rp 1,450pack. The following products are Srikandi and Dewi Ratih with various flavors like strawberry, ,durian, pandanus, vanilla, chocolate and jackfruit, they are sweet and tasteless.

4.1.4. As food resource.

The use of cassava as food resource has been known since Maya people in South America 2000 years ago. According to the facts cassava had grown in Peru, Venezuela, and Columbia many years ago. The way how to make flour used by Maya people is still used by the people in modern age. In Indonesia we can eat cassava after it is steamed, baked, fried or made to be many kinds of food like ”tiwul”, “gatot” and many other kinds of food. “Farinha Flour” that is used as the main food by Indian people in South America is different from “gari” in Nigeria, “lemang ubi” in Malaysia and “tepung gaplek” in Indonesia. The food made of “tepung gaplek” is more delicious compared with the food made of original flour that can be found in international market. In North America and Europe, tapioca can be cooked be “poding” that is the material to make something thick for :gravies” and “frozen pre-packed food”, as “gelling agent” for certain food or as material for making “sweet” and “candies”. Cassava flour can also be processed to be sugar liquid or “high fructose syrup”. Cassava is rich of C vitamin and carbohydrate but it has small amount of protein and fat. Cassava is easy to find and to grow. It product is very high so it can be food source especially for people who live in villages that cannot find the food which has more nutrient and the price is very expensive. Cassava has poison that can cause “tropical ataxit neuropathy” keracunan. In a big amount of “tiosianat” in the blood can disturb thyroid gland so someone can have “goiter” or “cretinism”. But in a small amount it can kill or avoid “sickle cells anemia” and also “cancer”. According to Koch, 1933; Bolhuis, 1954 and de Bruijn, 1971 cassava can be classified depends on the poison it has : a. HCN 50 mgkg peeled wet cassava → no poison b. HCN between 50 – 100 mgkg peeled wet cassava → ½ poison c. HCN 100 mgkg peeled wet cassava → full of poison Based on FAO Food Balance Sheets 1964 – 1968 cassava can fulfill the need of calorie 90 of calorie needed by people in Central Africa. In Indonesia it happens in Gunungkidul and Pegunungan Kapur Utara.

4.1.5. As food material.