Scope of the Research

of this research was 47 of students of tenth grade of SMA Bina Muda Cicalengka. The sample was the entire population. The data of this research were collected by using the pretest and posttest to the students’ sample. The results of the data analysis showed that: the mean of pretest score was 53.51, the mean of posttest score was 75.74, and t-observed was 10.10. The t-critical value with degree of freedom df = 46 and significance level at 0.05 was 2.3. Based on the analysis above, the alternative hypothesis of this research was accepted, because the t- observed was bigger than t-critical value 10.10 2.3. It could also be concluded that teaching speaking skill using problem-solving increased the students’ speaking skill. In the other hand, Beverly talking about thingking aloud pair on problem solving in Science Education journal to make an effective technique better than individual problem solving. Reviews research is relevant to the problem of unsatisfactory student problem-solving abilities and suggests a teaching strategy that addresses the issue. Author explains how she uses teaching aloud problem solving TAPS in college chemistry and presents evaluation data. Among the findings are that the TAPS class got fewer problems completely right, but they also got fewer problems completely wrong. Donald tried to describes the problem hapened in problem solving in his research. He describes problems in teaching problem solving and summarizes research in this area. He Presents Guided Design or Guided Decision Making as a problem- solving approach in which groups of students work their way through a model of the problem-solving process as they wrestle with a discipline-specific situation. 2.2 Review of Related Literature 2.2.1 Concept of Speaking According to Bryne 1984, speaking is an oral communication, the two way process between speaker and listener and involves productive and receptive skills of understanding. According to Welty 1976, speaking is the main skill in communication. In same lines, According to Irawati 2003, speaking is one of the central elements of communication of an interactive process in which an individual alternately takes the roles of speakers and listeners used to communicate an information, ideas, and emotions to other using oral language. Meanwhile according to Brown 2001:250, speaking is an interactive process of construction meaning that involves producting, receiving, and processing in formation. Based on this idea, there are three important points that must occured to the participants of communication speaker and listener to construct the meaning during the interaction among them. According to Chaney 1998:13, speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non verbal symbol, in a variety of context. Therefore, speaking can take place if the speaker uses verbal symbol like word and non verbal symbol like gesture and body language to convey the intention. In speaking process, especially in dialogue, it needs at least two people. One becomes the speaker who produces information and other become the listener who receives information. Therefore, they can interact socially with each other.