





By Septi Hartati

A Script

Submitted in a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for S-1 Degree


The Language and Arts Education Department Teacher Training and Education Faculty




“Intelligent plus character that is the goal of true education” (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr)



1. Examination Committee

Chairperson : Drs. Hery Yufrizal, M.A., Ph.D.

Examiner : Dr. Muhammad Sukirlan, M.A.

Secretary : Drs. Huzairin, M.Pd.

2. The Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Dr. H. Bujang Rahman, M.Si. NIP 19600315 198503 1 003



This script is fully dedicated to:

My beloved parents: Haryadi and Lela Dwi Antika My beloved sister: Yunita Dwi Andayani

My great English ‘08: Anugerah, Devina, Milah, Nisa, Siska, Susi, Eni and Kiki My Almamater, Lampung University



Student’s Name : SEPTI HARTATI

Student’s Number : 0813042046

Department : Language and Arts Education Study Program : English Education

Faculty : Teacher Training and Education

APPROVED BY Advisor Committee

Advisor I Co-Advisor

Drs. Hery Yufrizal, M.A., Ph.D. Drs. Huzairin, M.Pd. NIP 19600719 198511 1 001 NIP 19580704 198503 1 006

The Chairperson of

Language and Education Department

Drs. Imam Rejana, M.Si. NIP 19480421 1978031 004



Praise is for Allah SWT, The Almighty God, for Blessing the writer with health and determination to finish this script. This script, entitled “Improving Students’ Speaking Ability through Role Play Technique at the First Grade of Smk Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung”, is presented to the Language and Arts of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Lampung University as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for S-1 degree.

Among many individuals who gave generously suggestion for improving this script, first of all the writer would like to express her sincere gratitude and respect to first advisor, Drs. Hery Yufrizal, M.A., Ph.D., and also to her second advisor, Drs. Huzairin, M.Pd., who had contributed and given their evaluations, comments, suggestion during the completion of this script. The writer also would like to express her deepest gratitude and respect to Dr. Muhammad Sukirlan, M.A., for his encouragement and contribution during the seminar until this script is finished. The writer also wants to express her gratitude and respect to Budi Kadaryanto, S.Pd., M.A. as her academic advisor along the writer’s college time.

Besides, the writer would like to extend her deep appreciation to Dra. Hj. Mike Elly Rose, M.Pd. as the headmaster of SMK Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung, Puji Supriyatin, S.Pd. as the English Teacher of SMK Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung, and to the students of SMK Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung, for their nice cooperation during the research.

Most importantly her special gratitude should go to her beloved father, Haryadi and her beloved mother, Lela Dwi Antika, who always give their prayer, love, and support for every path the writer chose. Her thankfulness is also due to her sister, Yunita Dwi Andayani, for her encouragement. The writer also would like to thank for love and supports to her beloved friends: Anggun Sendi Ranti, Erna Budiarti, Anugerah, Devina, Milah, Nisa, Siska, Susi, Eny, Kiki, Kak Hari, Kak Alvin, Mbak Mei, and Mbak Lidia.

Hopefully, this script would give a positive contribution to the educational development or to those who want to carry out further research.

Bandar Lampung, Oktober 2012





Septi Hartati

There are two main objectives of this research (1) to find out whether role play technique can improve the students’ speaking ability (2)to find out which one is the most effective topic for utterance production in teaching speaking. The material of the teaching learning was about understanding and using transactional dialogue in short conversation in the different situation, such as, at the restaurant, at the office, and at bus station. The material was given based on the school curriculum that concern in secretary skill.

This research was conducted at SMK Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung. The sample of this research was students of tenth grade (X Secretary 2). The study employed times series design by giving pre-test, three treatments and post-test. To collect data, the speaking test applied speaking performance. There were two raters to judge students’ speaking performance.

The result showed that Role play technique is applicable to improve the students’ speaking ability. The result of students’ mean score pre-test I was 64.95, pre-test II was 65.78 (gain of 0.83), and pre-test III was 66.10 (gain of 0.32). Furthermore, the result of mean score post-test I was 69.27(gain of 3.17), post-test II was 72.77 (gain of 3.5), and post-test III was 77.46 (gain of 4.76). Furthermore, from the mean students’ scores from pre-test I (64.95) to the post-test I (69.27) improved about 4.31 point, from the pre-test II (65.78) to post-test II (72.77) improved 6.99 point, from the pre-test III (66.10) to post-test III (77.46) improved 11.36 point. Moreover, the researcher used Repeated Measure Test by using SPSS to know which one is the most effective topic for utterance production. The result of the mean score in every topic was; the first pair was (1st topic and 2nd topic). Mean score in 1st topic was 69.27 and in 2nd topic, students’ mean score was 72.77 (gain of 3.5) showed its significant value that is 0.000 (p< 0.05). The second pair was (2st topic and 3rd topic). Mean score in 2nd topic, students’ mean score was 72.77 and in 3rd topic, students’ mean score was 77.46 (gain of 4.76) showed its significant value that is 0.000 (p< 0.05).


topics given, the third topic is the most effective topic for utterance production in teaching speaking.



This chapter introduces the background of the research. In this section, the writer states how speaking is more important than the other skills. The writer also formulates the background of the problem, research question, objective of the problem, the uses of the research, scope of the research and definition of the terms.

1.1Background of the Problem

English is one of the subjects matter learned by students in every educational level in Indonesia, such as, in elementary school, junior high school and senior high school. It covers four language skills that must be mastered; they are, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Speaking skill is measured in term of ability to carry out a conversation to express ideas in the language. According to Bryne (1984) speaking is oral communication. It is an activity conducted by people to communicate and interact with other people in an appropriate and correct situation.

One of the objectives of teaching English is to make the learners able to communicate in the language. The students are expected to be able to express, communicate and give information in short conversation orally. Besides, they are


expected to use the target language in daily conversation as main goal of the learning English. The students are expected to be able to use English as a form of conversation in our daily activity. For example, if a person speaks English orally, he/she is able to react, respond, express his/her ideas, and feeling to other people and he/she also will share the information to other people through communication.

Speaking skill is measured in terms of the ability to carry out the conversation in the language. This requirement should be fullfield through speaking ability that should be mastered by the students. Unfortunately, the aim of using English has not been satisfied yet although the students have learnt English since elementary school. It can be seen from on the writer’s experience during her PPL in SMP N 2 Pakuan Ratu class VIII from July until September 2011. The fact that English has been taught for many years but the capabillity of the students in the school is still unsatisfactory. Parallel to the condition above, previous study done by “Lovira” (2010). She found that the students in junior high school had difficulties in their speaking ability.

When the writer did pre-observation in SMK N 1 Bandar Lampung, especially in X Secretary 2 class, she found that the students’ speaking ability was

unsatisfactory. In addition, based on the interview with one of the teachers in SMK Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung, it was found of that the students could not pass KKM at the school. There were thirty four student (85%) who fail in the



could pass the examination that held by the teacher. Furthermore, Standard score in SMK N 1 is 66.70.

Some problems in speaking are still experienced by the students in Senior High School. They often get difficulties in using English when they are trying to

interact with others. They also look reluctant in teaching learning-learning process to use English as the mean of communication. They feel uncomfortable in using English because of their lack of vocabulary and their confidence. Most of them are also feel nervous and reluctant to express their ideas with their partner. They do not want to practice and communicate in English to their partner because they are afraid of making mistakes. Many students are afraid if they made mistakes their friends will laugh at them. The students lacked of confidence to speak English. Students also lacked of the vocabulary and grammar in English. They also did not comprehend the sentences in English. They still made mistakes to arrange words by words into the sentences in English.

Considering of the problem, it seems necessary to take an action by using appropriate technique which gives opportunity to the students to practice their English in the classroom. An interesting technique can give the challenges and opportunities for students to practice English in the classroom. By giving the appropriate technique, the students are expected to have the opportunity to use English among themselves in the classroom during teaching-learning process. Role play is one of technique that can be applied in the teaching.


Role play is one of the way to make the students interact with their group oraly. Role play technique can create the real situation and chance for students to speak, act, and work together with their group. Role play can help students become more interested and involved in classroom learning by addressing problems, and

exploring alternatives and creative solutions in terms of not only material

learning, but also in terms of integrating the knowledge learned in action (Brown and Yule:1995). Role play creates their confidence to speak English. They will practice speaking English with their group directly in the classroom. The students can express their feelings, minds and opinions with their partner. Role Play also

can create students’ confidence to communicate in English at the classroom. This technique provides the opportunity for the students to develop and revise their understanding and perspective by exploring thought and feeling of character in the certain situation. It means that, role play is an enjoynable task for the students that stimulate the students to speak English directly in doing the activities in the class.

This research was conducted in SMK Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung. This school has four skill classes, such as, accounting, secretary, business and marketing, and the last is computer and network. The secretary skill class are divided into two classes, Secretary 1 and Secretary 2. Furthermore, the researcher conducted the research in X Secretary 2. Meanwhile, the context material of the teaching

learning was understanding and using transactional dialogue in short conversation. The material was focused on ordering menu, asking someone and asking

information in public places, such as, at restaurant, at office, and at bus station. The material was focused on the formal place situation because based on their



secretary skill. Material was taken from the students text-book which relevant to Schoool Based Curriculum. The material was relevant to the KTSP (School Based Curriculum) for Senior High School.

Considering the statement above, the researcher expects that role play technique can bring the improvement in students’ speaking ability and tries to find out which one is the most effective topic for utterance production in teaching speaking.

1.2 Research Problem

Based on the explanation above, the researcher formulates the problems in following the questions are:

 Can role play technique improve the students’ speaking ability at the first year of SMK Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung?

 Regarding the three topics given, which one is the most effective topic for

utterance production in teaching speaking?

1.3 Objectives of the Research

Concerning the research problems, the objectives of this research are:  To find out whether role play technique can improve the students’

speaking ability at the first year of SMK Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung.  To find out which one is the most effective topic for utterance production


1.4 Uses of the Research The uses of this research are:

1. Practically, the result of this research can be used as consideration as one of the technique to solve the problem of teaching speaking at senior high school and can be used as alternative to improve students’ speaking ability.

This research can be useful for:  The Teachers

Through this research, the teachers can be used as consideration as one of the technique to improve the students’ ability in speaking and their performance.

 The Students

The implementation of role play in this research gives the chance for students to communicate with somone by their ideas, thougt, and feeling to other people directly and actively.

 The School

The result of this research can be used as consideration whether the school will implement role play for all grades of senior high school students. It improves speaking ability of the students. And they also can communicate with other people directly.

2. Theoretically

The result of this research is used to support the previous theory in teaching learning English.



1.5 Scope of the Research

This research used time series design. This research deals with improving

students’ speaking ability through role play technique conducted at SMK Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung. The sample of this research was the students of class X

secretary 2.

The material of the teaching learning was ordering menu, asking someone, and asking something in short conversation at public places, such as, at restaurant,at office, and at bus station. The material was choosen because SMK focused on its skill aspects needed as secretary. The material was taken from the student’s text-book which was relevant to Schoool Based Curriculum. The score of the test was based on three aspects; they are pronunciation, fluency, and comprehensibility.

1.6 Definition of Term

In order to make the same perceptions dealing with the research, the researcher lists the terms which important to know:


Speaking is oral communication that happen at least two people, speaker and listener that used to delivery or express their idea, message, information or opinion.

Role Play

Role play is one of the types of drama activities that not only can help the students to speak up but also create the confidently the students activity by acting someone in certain situation.



This chapter discusses about concept of speaking, type of speaking, concept of teaching speaking, concept of role play, advantages and disadvantages of role play, procedure of teaching speaking through role play, theoretical assumption and hypothesis.

2.1 Concept of Speaking

Speaking is oral communication that is used to express ideas, feeling, and thought among the people. According to Bryne (1984) speaking is oral communication. It is a way process between speaker and listener and involve productive and

receptive skill of understanding. It means that at least two people in speaking process, they are speaker and listener. The speaker gives the information or message to the listener and listener tries to understand the speaker’s ideas.

Meanwhile according to Doff (1987: 2) in all of communication or conversation two people are exchanging information or they have a communication or

conversation need. There are some reasons for people to communicate with each other, one of which is to tell people things they do or to find things out from other people.



Furthermore, speaking is one of the central elements of communication of an interactive process in which an individual alternately takes the roles of speakers and listeners to communicate information, ideas, and emotions to others using oral language (Sister, 2004:7). So, the situation of the students’ emotion affected the quality of speaking. The main goal of speaking is to communicate. So, to deliver the ideas effectively the speaker has to understand the meaning of all things that will be delivered.

Brown (2001:250) states that speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving, and processing information.

Moreover, the form and the meaning of speaking depend on the context in which the conversation occurs, including the participant themselves and the purpose for speaking. According to Chaney (1998:31), speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbol, in a variety of contexts. So, based on this definition, speaking can take place if the speaker uses verbal symbol like words and non-verbal symbol like gesture to convey his intention.

Based on the theory above, it can be concluded that speaking is the process of interaction between speaker and listener in which the speaker sends the message, while the listener receives and process it in his mind, his feeling or opinion to express the ideas in order to understand the intention of that message for the purpose of responding to the speakers’ message.


Generally, there are five components of speaking skill, i.e. Comprehension, pronunciation, fluency, grammar, and vocabulary (Syakur, 1987:3):


According to Heaton (1991) comprehension is the ability of understanding

the speakers’ intention and general meaning. It means that comprehensibility focuses on the students’ understanding of the conversation. Comprehensibility measures how much interpretation is

required to understand students’ responses.


It refers to the ability to produce easily comprehensible articulation (Syakur: 1987). It means that, pronunciation is the way for students to produce clearer language when they are speaking.


Fluency is the ease and speed of the low of the speech (Haris, 1978:81). Fluency refers the smootnes of flow which sounds, syllables, words, and phrases are joined together when speaking. So, fluency can be defined as the ability to speak fluently.


It is needed for students to arrange a correct sentence in conversation. When we speak to other people it means that we express some of our ideas and thought orally, both listener and speaker should be understand each other.




Vocabulary refers to the selection of the words those are appropriate to the topic and occasion.

However in this research, the components of speaking that are observed were pronunciation, fluency, and comprehension. According to Heaton (1991), there are some criteria for analyzing oral ability as follow:

Table 2.1 Rubric of Scoring System

Range Pronunciation Fluency Comprehensibility



Pronunciation only very slightly influenced by mother tongue. Two or three minor

grammatical and lexical errors.

Speaks without too great an effort with a wide range of

expression. Searches for words

occasionally but only one or two unnatural pauses.

Easy for the listener to understand the speaker intention and general

meaning. Very few interruption or classification required. 89-70 (Very good) Pronunciation is slightly influenced by mother tongue. A few minor grammatical and lexical errors but most utterances are correct.

Has to make effort at times to search for words. Nevertheless, smooth very delivery on the whole and only a few unnatural pauses.

The speaker’s

intention and general meaning are clear. A few interruption by the listener for the sake of clarification.



Pronunciation is still moderately influenced by mother tongue but no serious phonological errors. A few

Although she/he has made an effort and search for words, there are unnatural pauses. Fairly

Most of what the speakers say is easy to follow. Their intention is clear but several interruptions


grammatical and lexical errors but only one or two major errors causing confusion. smooth delivery mostly. Occasionally fragmentary but succeeds in conveying the

general meaning. For range of expression.

are necessary to help him to convey the message or to seek clarification.



Pronunciation is influenced by mother tongue but only serious phonological errors. Several grammatical and lexical errors, some of cause confusion.

Has to make an effort for much of the tome often has to search to desire meaning rather hating delivery and fragmentary. Range of expression often limited.

The listener can understand a lot of what he said, but he must constantly seek clarification. Cannot understand many of

the speaker’s more

complex or longer sentences.



Pronunciation seriously influenced by mother tongue with the errors causing a breakdown in communication. Many basic grammatical and lexical errors.

Long pauses while searches for desired meaning. Frequently and fragmentary halting delivery. Almost gives up making the effort at the times. Limited range of expression.

Only small bits can be understood and then considerable effort by someone who is used to listening to the speakers.


(Very poor)

Serious Pronunciation errors as well as basic grammatical and lexical errors. No evidence of having mastered any of the language skills areas practice in the

Full of long unnatural pauses. Very halting and fragmentary delivery. At times gives up making the effort very limited.

Hardly anything of what is said can be understood. Even when the listener makes a great efforts or interrupts, the speaker is unable to



course. clarify anything he

seems to have said.

2.2 Type of Speaking

Brown (2001:251) classifies the type of oral language as the figure below:

In monologue, when a speaker uses spoken language, the hearer has to process long strengtches of speech without interruption. The streams of speech go on whether or not hearer comprehend. Examples of monolugue are speech, lecturer, reading, news broadcast etc. Monolugue can be devided into planned and

unplanned. While in dialogues, there are two or more speakers involved. It can be subdivided into the promote social relationship (interpersonal). And those for which the purpose is to convey factual information (transactional). Brown also provides types of classroom speaking performance, they are:

1. Imitiative

Practicing an intonation contour or try pinpoint a certain vowel sound is an example of imitative speaking. The imitiative is caried out not for the purpose of meaningful interaction, but for focusing on some particular element of language form.

Type of Speaking

Dialogue Monolugue


2. Intensive

Intensive speaking includes any speaking performance that is designed to practice some phonological or grammatical aspect of language. It is goes one-step beyond imitiative speaking.

3. Responsive

A good deal of students speech in the classroom is responsive short replies to teacher or students-initiated questions or comment. These replies are usually sufficient and do not extend into dialogues. Such as, speech can be meaningful and authentic.

4. Transactional (dialogue)

Transactional dialogue carries out for the purpose of conveying or

exchanging specific information or idea is an extended from of responsive language.

5. Interpersonal (dialogue)

Interpersonal dialogue carries out more for mainting social relationship than for the transmition of facts and information. The conversation are little trickier for the learners because they can involve some or all the following factors; a casual register, colloquial language, emotionally, charged language, slag, and convert agenda.

6. Extensive (monologue)

Extensive monologue is extended monologues in form of oral reports, summaries or perhaps short speeches. In this, the register is more formal and deliberate.



2.3 Concept of Teaching Speaking

Teaching speaking means teaching how to use language for communication, for transferring ideas, thought or even feeling to other people. One of the success in teaching learning process may depend on technique or starategy the teacher employs in the classroom.

Rivers (1978:6) states that speaking is developed from the first context with the language. Thus, we have to introduce speaking with the language that we learn, because speaking is the way process for students to express their emotions, communicative needs, interaction to other people in any situation and influence the others.

Speaking lesson is one of the bridge for the learners between a classroom and the world outside. The teacher must give the learners practice opportunities for purposeful communication in meaningful situation. It means that, if the students do not learn how to speak or do not get any opportunity to speak in the language classroom they may soon lose their motivation and not interest in learning. On the other hand, if the right activities are taught in the right way, speaking in class can be a lot of fun, raise general learner motivation and make the English language classroom a fun and dynamic place.

From the explanation above, the researcher can conclude that the teacher must be give real situation and opportunity for the students to practice in many context and applied in the classroom.


2.4 Concept of Role Play

Role Play is one of the types of drama activities. Harmer (1983) states that role play activities are those whose students are asked to imagine that they are in different situation and act accordingly. Furthermore, speaking role-play involves being an imaginary person usually in a hypothetical situation and sometimes in a real one (Venugopal, 1986). In addition, Gillian Porter Ladoussc (1995) illustrate that when the students assume a Role, they play a part (either their own or

somebody else) in specific situation.

It means that role play in the classroom consist of the acting out by the students of the situation and the idea. Furthermore, the students can illustrate and imagine or act as the other people or their selves based on the common situation in produce the speaking skill in certain communication. So, it is clear that role play is the role based on the situation that given.

Role Play is one of the techniques that give the opportunity for students to

practice the language.The writer expects that role play is an enjoyable task for the students; it is assumes that it can encourage the students to speak English.

Moreover, according to Brown and Yule (1995), constructive role play can help students becomemore interested and involved in classroom learning by addressing problems, and exploring alternatives and creative solutions in terms of not only material learning, but also in terms of integrating the knowledge learned in action.



It means that Role Play is a one of the kind techniques that not only focus in material but also act to give chance for students to speak English actively in teaching-learning process. The students give the one situation based on the role card to more active to speak and act or pretend that one is another person or just as themselves involves a realistic situation. In this situation, the students attempt to think, act, speak, react and by exploring thoughts and feelings of character in given situation as they think that the people would.

Brown (2001:183) states that role play minimally involves (a) giving a role to one or more members of a group (b) assigning an objective or purpose that participant must accomplish. He also suggested that role play can be conducted with a single person, in pairs or in a group, with each person assigned a role to accomplish an objective. Furthermore, Role playing activities can be divided into four stages:

“1. Preparation and explanation of the activity by the teacher. 2. Student preparation of the activity.

3. The role-playing.

4. The discussion or debriefing after the role-play activity. (Cherif & Somervill, 1998)”

Therefore, in designing role play, the teacher lets the students practice in pairs or small groups, every student can be involved in the role play exercises and enjoy the benefit of role play. In role play activity, the teacher gives explanation of the material and opportunity for students to interact. She/he also gives the students to prepare the activity in pairs or their group that have divided before. In times, the students can work and discuss together with their friends at the group. So, this situation can build the enjoyable situation for the students to communicate with the other people.


Based on the explanation above, role play is really a worthwhile learning experience for both the students and the teachers. Not only can students have

more opportunities to “act” and “interact” with their group to use English

language, but also students’ English speaking, listening and understanding will be

improved. Role play can brings the liveliness atmosphere in the class. Students learn to use the language in more realistic and more practical way.

There are some both advantages and disadvantages role play that the teacher should pay attention to in order to achieve more effective during teaching learning process.

1. Advantages of Role Play

a. Role Play is one of the best technique in teaching speaking. It consists of more than two persons that can develop teamwork to communicate and share their idea.

b. Role Play is the technique that gives chance for the students get some practice speaking English in the class.

c. Role play can create the students’ creativity in their learning process. The students do not only sit as passive learners because they can actively involve in the learning process and create the students to speak more in doing the activities and motivate them to speak.

d. Under the roles, the students can role and act as someone or themselves to communicate with other people fluently.



2. Disadvantages of Role Play

a. The using of student’s native language in monolingual group, sometimes teacher finds the groups talking in their native language in discussion while they are require to use English.

b. Indiscipline and noisy

If the teacher goes and concentrate on one group excluding the others, the rest of the students will become noisy.

2.5 Procedure of Teaching Speaking through Role Play

Procedure of playing role play in the class is devided into three terms. They are; pre-activity, while-activity, and post-activity. Here are the procedure of teaching speaking through role play:

1. Pre Activities

 Teacher greets the students.

For example: Good morning students, how are you feeling ok today?  Teacher gives the questions or brainstorming to the students related to

the topic that they are going to learn.

For example: Teacher : “Have you ever visited restaurant”. Students : “Yes, I have”.

Teacher : “Do you know how to order the menu at the

restaurant”. Students : “Yes, I do”.


2. While Activities

 Teacher introduces how to order the menu at the restaurant.

For example: “Now, we would like to learn how to order the menu at

restaurant by using role play technique”.

 Teacher explains the material and introduces the role play technique.  Teacher teaches them how to order the menu and gives the material in a

paper which contents table of how to order the menu and how to pronounce some difficult words accurately and fluently.

For example: “ Now here i have the paper that contain table of order

menu. Listen to me carefully and repeat after me”.  Teacher asks their comprehension and new difficult vocabularies.

For example: “ Do you understand?”

“ Is there any difficult vocabulary?”

 Teacher asks randomly the students whether they have got the answer or not by asking them.

For example: “ Do you have any idea how to order the menu?”  Teacher devides the class in-group that consisted of three or four


 Then, teacher asks the students to move on their group and gives the

students for five minutes to role play making dialogue with their group related to the topic and work out the dialogue.

For example: “Now, move on to your group and i will give you ten minutes to make dialogue and then you may work out your dialogue in front or the class”.



 Teacher moves from one group to another and help the students, such

as, in vocabulary, pronunciation, and comprehensibility. The teacher also monitors the class.

 Teacher asks the students to perform their role play in front of the class.

For example: “ OK, time is up and it’s time for each group performs your dialogue in front of the class”.

 Teacher makes the situation conductive to make the play run smoothly

and asks the students to make note about miss spelling pronunciation, difficult vocabulary, comprehension, and the possible wrong grammar that students made. The teacher makes a note of common mistakes and ensure that the students do not lose motivation by being corrected directly or straight after the role play.

 Teacher evaluates students’ speaking ability, such as, pronunciation, fluency, and comprehensibility by using oral test sheet consists of

students’ score based on their oral production. 3. Post Activity

 Teacher gives comment and explains necessary things, such as, wrong

pronunciation, fluency, and comprehensibility.

 Teacher provides a chance for students to ask question and try to

answer them.

For example: “Ok students, is there any questions”.

 Teacher asks the students randomly to conclude the lesson that she has


For example: “ OK class, is there someone can conclude about our

lesson today?”

 Teacher closes the class by greeting.

For example: “ All right students, that is the end of our meeting today. Thank you very much and good bye”.

2.6 Explanation of Each Topic

This is secretary class consist female students in the class and skill based as secretary. So, the topics of the research related to secretary skill that included in public formal situation, they are at restaurant, at office, and at bus station. And each topic would be explained as follow:

1. Restaurant Formal Situation Topic

This topic focuses on how to order and offer menu at formal situation in restaurant. The expression of this topic explained as follows:

Offer Order

Do you want to order something? Is there anything I can do for you? How can I help you?

What can I do for you? What would you like to drink? What would you like for dessert?

Yes, I want.

Yes, please. I'd like ….. Ok. I would like to …. You can take me order... Of Course, I would like. …. Ok, I would dessert is….

2. Office Formal Situation Topic

This topic focuses on the conversation that is happened both a secretary and a guest at the office formal situation. This topic concerns how to ask



someone and how to make a memo/ message. The expression of this topic explained as follows:

Questions Responses

Could I help you? Can I help you? May I help you? What can I do for you? Can I see Mr. John, please?

Is there Mr. John at the office at this now?

Can I take a message?

Yes, you can. Yes, you can. Yes, you may.

Yes, of course. I want to see.... No, you can not.

No, there is not him at the office now.

Yes, you can. Please tell him that I would come in this office at ….

Yes, of course. Please tell him that he/she should call me because…..

3. Bus Station Formal Situation Topic

This topic focuses conversation at bus station formal situation which happen both an officer and a traveler. This topic concerns how to ask information based on the time table at the bus station. Some expressions you can use the conversation as follows:

Questions Responses

How do we go to Bali?

Which one the buses will go to Bandung?

When will the bus leave? What is the ticket price? How much is the cost?

You can go there by bus or car travel.

Bus 76 will go to Bandung.

It will leave at 7.00 pm.

The ticket price is 250,000 rupiahs. The cost is 100,000 rupiahs.


2.7 Theoretical Assumption

From the literature review above, firstly, the researcher assumes that Role Play

Technique can improve the students’ speaking ability. The reason why the

researcher assumes like that is because role play technique can give opportunities the students to develop their speaking ability. Moreover, role play technique will create the students more active during teaching-learning process. In additional, role play technique also can give positive influence in improving speaking ability because it gives attempts to think, act, speak, and react as they think that person would and a opportunity to practice communication in different social contexts.

Secondly, the researcher assumes of three different topics, there is one topic that is the most effective for utterance production. Furthermore, the researcher assumes that the last topic is the most effective than others in teaching speaking through role play technique. The researcher assumes like that is because the students are expected to feel enjoyable. The students who are feeling afraid and not active in teaching-learning will adapt with this technique. In addition, the students can motivate to follow the topic because they are encouraged through role play. This topic also relates to their daily life so that the students have

background knowledge about this topic. Furthermore at the last topic, the students can be more active and more enjoyable to interact and communicate English in teaching-learning process.

Based on the previous explanation in the theories, the researcher assumes that teaching speaking through role play technique can bring an improvement in



students’ speaking ability and there is the most effective topic for utterance production in teaching speaking.

2.8 Hypothesis

Regarding the theories and assumption above, the writer would like to formulate hypothesis as follows:

 Role play technique can improve the students’ speaking ability at the first year of SMK Negeri 1 Bandar Lampung.

 There is the most effective topic for utterance production in teaching



To answers the formulation of the problems and refers to the results draws the following conclusions:

5.1 Conclusion

1. Role play technique is applicable to improve the speaking ability. It can be seen from the finding of the research. Total gain score of students’

speaking achievement from pre-test to post-test was; the result of students’ mean score in pre-test I was 64.95, pre-test II was 65.78 (gain of 0.83), and pre-test III was 66.10 (gain of 0.32). Furthermore, the result of mean score in post-test I was 69.27 (gain of 3.17), post-test II was 72.77 (gain of 3.5), and post-test III was 77.46 (gain of 4.76). Furthermore, from the

mean students’ scores from pre-test I (64.95) to the post-test I (69.27) improved about 4.31 point, from the pre-test II (65.78) to post-test II (72.77) improved 6.99 point , from the pre-test III (66.10) to post-test III (77.46) improved 11.36 point. The result of this research showed that there was improvement of students’ speaking ability by comparing the mean scores both pre test and post test.

2. Regarding the three topics given, there is the most effective topic for utterance production. Those topics are; restaurant formal situation, office formal situation, and bus station formal situation. It can be seen from the



finding of the research. The mean score of topic I was 69.27 and was up to 72.77 and the mean score at last topic was up 77.46. The first pair that was 1st topic and 2nd topic. Mean score in 1st topic was 69.27 and in 2nd

topic, students’ mean score was 72.77 (gain of 3.5) that showed its significant value that is 0.000 (p<0.05). The second pair was 2st topic and 3rd topic. Mean score in 2ndtopic, students’ mean score was 72.77 and in 3rdtopic, students’ mean score was 77.46 (gain of 4.76) that showed its significant value that is 0.000 (p<0.05). The result of this research shows that the third topic is the most effective topic for utterance production in teaching speaking by giving the three different topics.

5.2 Suggestion

Based on the finding, the researcher will state the suggestion as follows: 1. After having the research especially role play technique in helping the

students to enhance their speaking ability, the researcher suggests to the English teachers to apply the technique in the classroom for teaching implication particularly teaching speaking.

2. Since it is quite difficult to handle big class in applying this technique, the teacher should be able to manage the class by giving more attention to the students. It can be done by monitoring the students’ activity frequently, whether they are active or not during the teaching learning process and when they have group or pair working. The teacher should move around the class and then pay more attention to the group or pairs activities.



Figure page

4.1 Frequencies of Students’ Speaking Score in Pre-test ... 45

4.2 Average Students’ Score of each Aspect in Pre-test ... 45

4.3 Frequencies of Students’ Speaking Score in Post-test ... 48

4.4 Average Students’ Score of each Aspect in Post-test ... 48



Table page

2.1 Rubric of Scoring System ... 11

4.1 Result of Students’ Speaking Score in Pre-test ... 43

4.2 Result of Students’ Speaking Score in Post-test ... 47

4.3 Pair Sample I (Topic I and Topic II) ... 50



Angelo, Cr. 1993. Teaching English as a Second Foreign Language. Newburry: Newburry House Publisher.

Borg, W. (1981). Applying Educational Research: A practical Guide for

Teachers. New York: Longman.

Brown, H. Douglas. 2001. Teaching by Principle: An Interactive Approach to

Language Pedagogy. New York: Longman.

Brown, G., & Yule, G. (1995). Teaching the Spoken Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Bryne, Don. 1984. Teaching Oral English. New Jersey: Longman Group Ltd. Chaney, Elena. 1985. A Practical Handbook in Language Testing for the Second

Language Teacher. Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv University.

Doff, Andrian. 1998. Teaching English Trainer’s Handbook. Great Britain: Cambridge University Press.

Doff, Adrian. 1991. Teach English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Gillian, Poster Ladusse. 1995. Role Plays Resources Books for Teacher Series.

New York: Oxford University Press.

Dewi, Greacia. 2010. The Application of Finding Missing Information Technique for Speaking Class at the Seventh Year Students of SMP Satya Dharma

Sudjana. (A Script). Lampung University.

Haris, David. 1974. English as Second Language. New York: Mc. Graw Mill. Heaton, J.B. 1991. Writing English Language Testing. New York: Longman.


65 Ladousse, Gillian Porter. 1995. Resources Book for the Teacher Series. New

York: Oxford University Press.

Larsen-Freeman, D. 1986. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

O’Connor, J.D. 1989. Better English Pronunciation. Melbourne: Cambridge University Press.

Rivers, Wilga, M. 1978. A Practical Guide to the Teaching of English as Second

or Foreign Language. New York: Cambridge Language Teaching Library.

Syakur. 1987. Language Testing and Evaluation. Surakarta: Sebelas Maret University press.

Setiadi, Ag. Bambang. 2004. Metode Penelitian Untuk Pengajaran Bahasa Asing.

Jogjakarta: Graha Ilmu.

Shohamy, E. 1985. Practical Handbook in Language Testing for the Second

Language Teacher. Tel Aviv University.

Silbert, Kenneth. 1987. The Education Technology a Glossary of Terms.

Association for Education Communication & Technology. Washington Dc.

Susan, Imelda. 2010. Improving Students’ Speaking Ability Through Information

Gap at the First Year of SMU YP Unila. (A Script). Lampung University.

Universitas Lampung. 2008. Pedoman Penulisan Karya Ilmiah. Bandar Lampung: Penerbit Universitas Lampung.

Yulitasari, Feni. 2010. The Use of Role Play Technique in Improving Students’ Speaking Achievement at the Eight Grade of SMP N 6 Bandar Lampung



To answers the formulation of the problems and refers to the results draws the following conclusions:

5.1 Conclusion

1. Role play technique is applicable to improve the speaking ability. It can be seen from the finding of the research. Total gain score of students’

speaking achievement from pre-test to post-test was; the result of students’ mean score in pre-test I was 64.95, pre-test II was 65.78 (gain of 0.83), and pre-test III was 66.10 (gain of 0.32). Furthermore, the result of mean score in post-test I was 69.27 (gain of 3.17), post-test II was 72.77 (gain of 3.5), and post-test III was 77.46 (gain of 4.76). Furthermore, from the mean students’ scores from pre-test I (64.95) to the post-test I (69.27) improved about 4.31 point, from the pre-test II (65.78) to post-test II (72.77) improved 6.99 point , from the pre-test III (66.10) to post-test III (77.46) improved 11.36 point. The result of this research showed that there was improvement of students’ speaking ability by comparing the mean scores both pre test and post test.

2. Regarding the three topics given, there is the most effective topic for utterance production. Those topics are; restaurant formal situation, office formal situation, and bus station formal situation. It can be seen from the



finding of the research. The mean score of topic I was 69.27 and was up to 72.77 and the mean score at last topic was up 77.46. The first pair that was 1st topic and 2nd topic. Mean score in 1st topic was 69.27 and in 2nd topic, students’ mean score was 72.77 (gain of 3.5) that showed its significant value that is 0.000 (p<0.05). The second pair was 2st topic and 3rd topic. Mean score in 2ndtopic, students’ mean score was 72.77 and in 3rdtopic, students’ mean score was 77.46 (gain of 4.76) that showed its significant value that is 0.000 (p<0.05). The result of this research shows that the third topic is the most effective topic for utterance production in teaching speaking by giving the three different topics.

5.2 Suggestion

Based on the finding, the researcher will state the suggestion as follows: 1. After having the research especially role play technique in helping the

students to enhance their speaking ability, the researcher suggests to the English teachers to apply the technique in the classroom for teaching implication particularly teaching speaking.

2. Since it is quite difficult to handle big class in applying this technique, the teacher should be able to manage the class by giving more attention to the students. It can be done by monitoring the students’ activity frequently, whether they are active or not during the teaching learning process and when they have group or pair working. The teacher should move around the class and then pay more attention to the group or pairs activities.



Figure page

4.1 Frequencies of Students’ Speaking Score in Pre-test ... 45

4.2 Average Students’ Score of each Aspect in Pre-test ... 45

4.3 Frequencies of Students’ Speaking Score in Post-test ... 48

4.4 Average Students’ Score of each Aspect in Post-test ... 48



Table page

2.1 Rubric of Scoring System ... 11

4.1 Result of Students’ Speaking Score in Pre-test ... 43

4.2 Result of Students’ Speaking Score in Post-test ... 47

4.3 Pair Sample I (Topic I and Topic II) ... 50



Angelo, Cr. 1993. Teaching English as a Second Foreign Language. Newburry: Newburry House Publisher.

Borg, W. (1981). Applying Educational Research: A practical Guide for Teachers. New York: Longman.

Brown, H. Douglas. 2001. Teaching by Principle: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. New York: Longman.

Brown, G., & Yule, G. (1995). Teaching the Spoken Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Bryne, Don. 1984. Teaching Oral English. New Jersey: Longman Group Ltd. Chaney, Elena. 1985. A Practical Handbook in Language Testing for the Second

Language Teacher. Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv University.

Doff, Andrian. 1998. Teaching English Trainer’s Handbook. Great Britain: Cambridge University Press.

Doff, Adrian. 1991. Teach English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Gillian, Poster Ladusse. 1995. Role Plays Resources Books for Teacher Series.

New York: Oxford University Press.

Dewi, Greacia. 2010. The Application of Finding Missing Information Technique for Speaking Class at the Seventh Year Students of SMP Satya Dharma Sudjana. (A Script). Lampung University.

Haris, David. 1974. English as Second Language. New York: Mc. Graw Mill. Heaton, J.B. 1991. Writing English Language Testing. New York: Longman.


65 Ladousse, Gillian Porter. 1995. Resources Book for the Teacher Series. New

York: Oxford University Press.

Larsen-Freeman, D. 1986. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

O’Connor, J.D. 1989. Better English Pronunciation. Melbourne: Cambridge University Press.

Rivers, Wilga, M. 1978. A Practical Guide to the Teaching of English as Second or Foreign Language. New York: Cambridge Language Teaching Library. Syakur. 1987. Language Testing and Evaluation. Surakarta: Sebelas Maret

University press.

Setiadi, Ag. Bambang. 2004. Metode Penelitian Untuk Pengajaran Bahasa Asing. Jogjakarta: Graha Ilmu.

Shohamy, E. 1985. Practical Handbook in Language Testing for the Second Language Teacher. Tel Aviv University.

Silbert, Kenneth. 1987. The Education Technology a Glossary of Terms.

Association for Education Communication & Technology. Washington Dc. Susan, Imelda. 2010. Improving Students’ Speaking Ability Through Information

Gap at the First Year of SMU YP Unila. (A Script). Lampung University. Universitas Lampung. 2008. Pedoman Penulisan Karya Ilmiah. Bandar Lampung:

Penerbit Universitas Lampung.

Yulitasari, Feni. 2010. The Use of Role Play Technique in Improving Students’ Speaking Achievement at the Eight Grade of SMP N 6 Bandar Lampung (A Script). Lampung University.