Firm value Investment in Capital Market

Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis JAB|Vol. 13 No. 1 Agustus 2014| 4 According to Frank and Bernanke 2001:124, GDP is the market value of the final goods and services produced in a country during a given period. GDP is probably the single most used economic measurement Colander, 2001:161. GDP means the total market value of all final goods and services produced in a given year McConell and Brue, 2002:117. There are some components of GDP. Mankiw 2007:208-210 stated that the components of GDP are consumption C, investment I, government purchases G, and net exports NX. The formula of GDP is: Y = C + I + G + NX

2. Firm value

Firm value is very important to maximize shareholders’ wealth and to achieve overall firm goals and objectives Gill and Obradovich, 2012:2. Value of the firm or enterprise value is the value of the payoffs a firm is expected to yield for all its claimants Penman, 2010:23. There are some indicators of firm value, such as stock price, price to book value, and price earning ratio. In this research the indicator used to measure firm value is stock price. The reason is because stock price is the simplest way to measure the firm value, without calculating anything, and investors do not have to wait for the financial report of company to know about it. Martono and Harjito 2005:13 stated that for the go public companies, the firm value is reflected from the market value of their stocks. The higher of stock price will make the higher of firm value. Tandelilin 2010: 301 explained, in the appraisal of stock; it is known there are three kinds of stock value: book value, market value, and intrinsic value. Book value is a value which calculated based on the company’s bookkeeping. Market value is the value of stock in the market, shown in the market price in that time, usually the closing price is used to appraise market value. Intrinsic value is the real value of the stock. In this research, the stock price is the closing price. a The Influence of Inflation on Firm Value The relationship between inflation and firm value is when the inflation occurs, the prices of goods would increase including price of raw material used by company, also the operational cost of company. It would lead to the decreasing of profits that cause the return of investment would also decrease. When the profit of company is decreasing it leads to cause investors want to sell their stocks because the stocks have little potential to make profits. When they sell their stock the price will decrease and the decreasing price of the stock makes the decreasing firm value. b The Influence of Interest on Firm Value The relationship between interest and firm value is that when the Indonesia Central Bank rate or BI rate is increasing, it would causes investor attracted to invest in the risk free asset such as deposit. Because of that, investor would pull their money in the capital market by selling their stocks and invest that money into risk free assets. When a lot of investors sell their stocks, it causes the stock prices decrease and automatically causes the firm value decrease. This opinion is supported by Alam and Uddin 2009:43, if the rate of interest paid by banks to depositors increases, people switch their capital from share market to bank. This will lead to decrease the demand of share and to decrease the price of share and vice versa. c The Influence of GDP on Firm Value GDP is the measurement of goods and services production in a country. If the economy growth is good, it means that the purchasing ability of society is increasing, it causes the increase of profits for the company. The increasing of the company’s profit causes the investors want to buy its stock and causes the stock price of company is increasing when there are a lot of investors want to buy it, thus the firm value will also increase Tandelilin, 2010:342. Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis JAB|Vol. 13 No. 1 Agustus 2014| 5 Inflation Figure 1. Hypothesis Model Notes: Partial influence Simultaneous influence 1. Hypothesis 1: Inflation, interest, and GDP influence the firm value simultaneously. 2. Hypothesis 2: Inflation, interest, and GDP influence the firm value partially. Aroni, 2011, Pilinkus and Boguslauskas, 2009, Gunu and Idris, 2009. RESEARCH METHODS The type of research used is explanatory research with quantitative approach. Sites of this research are to obtain data of stock prices and financial reports of sampled companies, to obtain the data of inflation and interest, and to obtain the data of GDP. Population used in this research are 86 companies which ever been listed in the LQ45 index during 2008-2012. By using purposive sampling, it is obtained that there are 14 companies as the sample of this research. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1. Classical Assumption Test a Normality Test Table 1. Normality Test Result One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Unstandardiz ed Residual N 70 Normal Parameters a Mean .0000000 Std. Deviation .77293275 Most Absolute .110 Extreme Differences Positive .110 Negative -.097 Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .922 Asymp. Sig. 2-tailed .364 a. Test distribution is Normal. Source: processed data From the Table 1 above, the value of asymptotic significance is 0.364, 0.364 0.05, this value shows that the residual is normally distributed. b Multicollinearity Test Table 2. Multicollinearity Test Result Independent Variables Tolerance VIF Inflation 0.053 18.784 Interest 0.020 50.978 GDP 0.069 14.596 Source: processed data Based on the Table 2 above, the VIF value of all independent variables are greater than 10, it means that the regression model has multicollinearity problem. The mulcollinearity problem occurs because the three independent variables have a relationship. The relationship of the three independent variables is if the GDP is high it indicates that the purchasing ability of society is increasing. Buying products and services the society needs the addition of money supply, along with the increasing of demand of money it will cause the increasing of the prices inflation. When the inflation increases continuously and makes a high inflation, Government will adjust it by increase the interest rate , accessed on May 3 rd 2014. The way to solve the multicollinearity problem is by removing a variable with highest VIF value. According to Hasan 2010:295, the multicollinearity problem can be solved by removing one or more independent variables which have high correlation in the regression model. From the Table 1.2 above, interest is the variable with highest VIF value. Thus, it is needed to remove the interest variable from the model in order to solve the multicollinearity problem. Interest GDP Firm Value Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis JAB|Vol. 13 No. 1 Agustus 2014| 6 Table 3. Multicollinearity Test Result after Removing Interest Variable Independent Variables Tolerance VIF Inflation 0.495 2.022 GDP 0.495 2.022 Source: processed data Based on the Table 3 above, it can be seen that the VIF value of the two independent variables are below 10. It means that there is no multicollinearity problem. c Autocorrelation Test Table 4. Autocorrelation Test Result dL dU 4-dU DW Value 1.5542 1.6715 2.3285 2.277 Source: processed data Based on the Table 4 above, the DW value is between dL and 4-dU, 1.5542 2.277 2.3285. It can be concluded that the regression model has no autocorrelation problem. d Heteroskedasticity Test Source: processed data Figure 2. Scatterplot Chart Based on the figure 2 above, the dots do not spread randomly, form any pattern, also it is spread in the below and above 0 in the Y wagon. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a heteroskedasticity problem, since data in the regression model has a homoskedasticity. The assumption of homoskedasticity stated that the dependent variable has the same variant in all the variant of the independent variables. The infraction of homoskedasticity assumption is heteroskedasticity Uthami, et al, 2013:7. But in this case, the variant of independent variables are all constant or have the same variant for all dependent variable’s variant. 2. Multiple Linear Regressions Analysis Since the interest variable is no longer Figure 3. New Hypothesis Model Notes: Simultaneous influence Partial influence Hypothesis 1: Inflation and GDP influence the firm value simultaneously. Hypothesis 2: Inflation and GDP influence the firm value partially. Aroni, 2011, Pilinkus and Boguslauskas, 2009, Gunu and Idris, 2009. The result of multiple linear regression analysis is, based on the value of standardized coefficient, it is obtained that the equation of the regression model is: Firm value = 4.920 – 0.151 + 0.309 + e This equation means that if the inflation and GDP are constant then the firm value will be 4.920. The regression coefficient of inflation is – 0.151 it means that inflation has negative influence on firm value. If the inflation increases for 1 unit, the firm value will decreases for 0.151 and if the inflation decreases for 1 unit, then the firm value will increases for 0.151. The regression coefficient of GDP is 0.309 it means that GDP has positive influence on firm value. If GDP increases for 1 unit then firm value will also increases for 0.309 and if GDP decreases for 1 unit, then the firm value will decreases for 0.309. 3. Hypothesis Test 1. F Test Simultaneous Influence Table 5. F Test Result N df1 df2 Calculated F F Table Sig 70 2 67 6.897 3.13 0.002 Source: processed data Inflation GDP Firm Value Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis JAB|Vol. 13 No. 1 Agustus 2014| 7 level of significance is lesser than the standardized level of significance, 0.002 0.05 and the value of calculated F is greater than the value of F table 6.897 3.13, thereby H is rejected means that there is a significant influence among all the independent variables on firm value. 2. t Test Partial Influence Table 6. t Test Result Variable s N df Calculate d t t Table Sig Inflation 7 6 7 2.473 1.9960 1 0.01 6 GDP 7 6 7 0.190 1.9960 1 0.85 Source: processed data Based on the Table 6, it can be concluded that the inflation’s level of significance is lesser than the standardize level of significance 0.016 0.05 and the value of calculated t is greater than the value of t table 2.473 1.99601, thereby H is rejected, means that there is a significant influence of inflation on firm value. The GDP’s level of significance is greater than the standardize level of significance 0.850 0.05 and the value of calculated t is lesser than the value of t table 0.190 1.99601 thereby H is accepted, means that there is no significant influence of GDP on firm value. 4. Determination Coefficient Table 7 Determination Coefficient Model R R square Adjusted R Square 1 0.413 0.171 0.146 Source: processed data Based on the Table 7, it is obtained that the firm value is influenced by inflation and GDP as much 14.6. The rest of it, as much 85.4, is influenced by other variables that are not mentioned in this research. 5. Discussion of The Results a Hypothesis 1 Based on the statistical result in Table 5, the level of significance of F is lesser than the standardize level of significance, 0.002 0.05 and the value of calculated F is greater than the value of F table 6.897 3.13, thereby H is rejected means that there is a significant influence among all b Hypothesis 2 The result of t-test can be seen in the Table 6. The result of statistical calculation shows that inflation has negative significant influence on firm value. Thus, the second hypothesis stating that inflation influences the firm value partially is accepted. This study predicts that the reason of inflation has negative significant influence on firm value is because when the inflation is high, investor tends to pull their money in the capital market and invest it in the risk free asset such as deposit or treasury bill for example: Indonesia Central Bank Certificate. It may happen because when the inflation is high the price of all goods will also become high, then it makes the operational cost of company will be increase. The increasing of the operational cost would cause the decreasing of profit because the product price of the company would also increase. This situation may lead to the decreasing of society’s purchasing ability. Also, when the inflation is high, the government will try to adjust the condition by increasing the interest rate.Thus, the stock price may decrease when the inflation increase. The significant influence reflects that inflation is very considered by the investors in making investment decision. This result supports the studies conducted by Atfi 2009 and Chandrawati 2010. Their results show that inflation has significant influence on stock price as the indicator of firm value. The result of the statistical calculation shows that GDP has positive insignificant influence on firm value. Thus, the second hypothesis stating that GDP has partial influence on firm value is rejected. GDP Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis JAB|Vol. 13 No. 1 Agustus 2014| 8 the society’s economy condition is good. Thus, investors thought that although the GDP is high or increase it does not mean that all or a lot of society are able to buy the products of companies. Thereby, it makes GDP has insignificant influence on firm value. This result supports the result of the research conducted by Chostanti 2011. The result shows that GDP has insignificant influence on Jakarta Islamic Index. Based on the beta standardized value, it is obtained that among these two independent variables, inflation is the most dominant variable in influencing the firm value. It can be seen from the beta standardize value of inflation as much 0.391. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS

A. Conclusions