Applied ARV Combination ARV combination used for patients

4 Data collection is done retrospective one by collecting medical record data in term of cohort patient at VCT Voluntary Counselling and Testing clinic in Sanglah Hospital from January 2009 to December 2009.


This research is conducted at VCT Sanglah Hospital Denpasar from May to August 2011. C. Research Tools and Materials 1. Research Tools The tools used is a computer as data processing to make easy in research implementation, work sheet in term of table for data collection so it will be obtained information of ARV usage pattern for new patients of adult HIVAIDS-TB and the increase of CD4 + patient for the period of January-December 2009.


The materials used in this research is medical record data for adult HIVAIDS-TB cohort patients in clinic VCT RSUP Sanglah Denpasar who were entering since January 2009-December 2009. In the meanwhile, the increase of CD4 + data is examined every 6 months, and observed for twice examinations, so period of result data collection of CD4 + improvement is from June 2009 – December 2010.

D. Inclusion Criteria

Inclusion criteria is a general characteristic of research subject toward targeted and reachable populations. Inclusion criteria in this research is all adult HIVAIDS- TB patients for the first time using ARV. E. Samples Samples in this research are taken by applying consecutive sampling method for verifying the increase percentage of CD4 + from ARV combination of new adult HIVAIDS-TB patients.

F. Permission

In sample collection, the first thing to do is to have prior permission to Director Sanglah Hospital, and staff at Clinic VCT Sanglah Hospital Denpasar. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Data collected retrospective and samples obtained by applying consecutive sampling method. Total initial data obtained by the researcher is at 62 HIVAIDS-TB patients who were the first time to use ARV at Clinic VCT Sanglah Hospital since January to December 2009. From this total initial data is then conducted inclusion so it is obtained 22 patients. 1. Patient Demography HIVAIDS-TB a. Sex From 22 patients as samples, there are 16 male patients and 6 female ones.

b. Patient Age

From 22 patients, 4 patients are among 21-29 years old, 12 patients are among 30-39 years old and 6 patients are among 40-59 years old. The youngest patients as samples are 21 years old for total 1 patient only, while the oldest one is 49 years old for total 1 patient only. c. Patient of origin As referred hospital, so patients at Clinic VCT Sanglah Hospital are from some areas in Bali, such as from Denpasar at 10 patients, Sanur 1 patient, Gianyar 3 patients, Karangasem 2 patients, Mengwi 1 patient, Jembrana 1 patient, Tabanan 2 patients, Abiansemal 1 patient, and Batubulan 1 patient. 2. Type of TB Opportunistic Infection toward HIVAIDS patients From 22 samples of HIVAIDS patients with TB opportunistic infection diagnose, it was found 2 types of TB, namely TB Pulmonary and Duplex KP. At 20 patients suffered from TB pulmonary, while 2 patients suffered from Duplex TB.

3. Applied ARV Combination

From patients data obtained, there are 3 combination of ARV applied, namely AZT+3TC+EFV, AZT+3TC+NVP, and d4T+3TC+EFV, where the three are first line combination for HIVAIDS-TB patients Dekpes RI, 2007. 5 Figure 1. The pattern of the First Line ARV Therapy for HIVAIDS-TB Patients in VCT Clinic Sanglah Hospital during January- December 2009 From 22 patients as samples, there are 14 patients or 64 applying AZT+3TC-EFV combination. Further, there are 7 patients or 32 applying AZT+3TC+NVP combination. Only 1 patient or 4 applying d4T+3TC+EV combination where it is the first line combination for HIVAIDS-TB patients that has low Hb level Depkes RI, 2007a.

4. ARV combination used for patients

with opportunistic pulmonary infections tuberculosis and KP duplex First-line combination for pulmonary TB patients and KP Duplex is similar, namely AZT +3TC + NVP, but the use of Anti Tuberculosis Drugs and ARV combination can simultaneously cause drug interactions. One of ARV given namely nevirapine when it is used in conjunction with anti tuberculosis drug, that may result in interactions, namely Rifampicin reduces blood levels of nevirapine at 30- 555micro liter and also lowers the blood levels of most protease inhibitors Alcorn, 2010. Thus, if patients with HIVAIDS with TB opportunistic infection taking Rifampicin and ARV simultaneously, the combination of first-line antiretroviral Efavirenz is used AZT +3 TC + EFV. Whereas if the HIVAIDS patients with TB opportunistic infections does not use Rifampicin, it can still be given a combination of AZT +3 TC + NVP Depkes RI, 2007a. Selection of antiretroviral combination for patients with TB opportunistic infections are also based on the specific circumstances of each patient such as anemia and allergic reactions. A total of 7 patients who are allergic to rifampin, they can be replaced with other OAT namely streptomycin, so that nevirapine can be administered to the patient without interaction. And if the patients hemoglobin level examination is known to have anemia N.K.N.S, then the provision of Zidovudine AZT is replaced with Stavudine d4T, because AZT has side effects such as anemia. So the appropriate combination given to the patient is d4T +3TC + EFV. Overview types of TB and ARV combinations used can be seen in the figure below. Figure 2. ARV Combination used for patients with opportunistic pulmonary infections tuberculosis and KP duplex In this study, as shown in Figure 2, there are 2 patients who suffer from KP Duplex given the combination of AZT +3TC + EFV. For total of 12 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis use combination of AZT +3TC + EFV, 7 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis using a combination AZT +3TC + NVP, and 1 pulmonary TB patient using the combination of d4T +3 TC + EFV. Patient N.K.N.S get therapy combination d4T +3 TC + EFV as having a low hemoglobin level, namely 10 g dl, whereas normal Hb levels in adult women is 12-16 g dl Depkes, 2007a. 5. The increase of CD4 + toward ARV Combination of HIVAIDS-TB Patient 14 7 1 Applied ARV Combina0on AZT+3TC+EFV AZT+3TC+NVP d4T+3TC+EFV 2 4 6 8 10 12 12 7 1 2 A mou n t of P ati en t ARV Combination TB Pulmonary KP Duplex 6 From changing of total CD4 + for 1 year of using ARV, it can be monitored an increase or decrease in CD4 + patients. The increase and decrease of CD4 + according to ΔCD4 + can be seen in the table below. Figure 3. Increase and decrease of CD4 + HIVAIDS-TB in VCT clinic Sanglah Hospital during January-December 2009 based on ΔCD4 + From the results obtained, the combination of AZT +3 TC + EFV was given to 14 patients whom 12 patients having increased value CD4 + and 2 patients with a decline value of CD4 + after the usage of 12 months, whilst the combination of d4T +3TC + NVP given to 7 patients with 6 patients had a increased value of CD4 + and 1 patient with CD4 + values decreased after 12 months of use, while d4T +3 TC + EFV combination given to 1 new patient showed improvement.

6. The increased of CD4