Types of Symbols Theory of Symbols

15 generally countable and divisible ” p.21. Whereas, the relationship-oriented conflict is more complex because it concerns about emotional issues. It focuses on “immaterial resources, such as relational transgressions e.g., lying or lack of respect, failure to follow through with commitments, or distrust” p. 42 On the other hand, Allwood 1993 classifies the conflict based on modality of the conflict. There are three types of conflict in this category. There are the latent conflict, overt conflict, and covert conflict. The latent conflict is a possible and expected conflict but there is no conflictual action done. Overt conflict is when two agents experience the conflictual action and action is taken. Lastly, the covert conflict is can be either an “actual two-party conflict which is concealed from another interested party” or “a case where conflictual action is taken by one agent against another agent” p.3. Somehow, in the covert conflict, agent is unaware of the action, but will experience a conflict if the action is exposed. In the covert conflict, there is also a possibility that the agent who is unaware will take countermeasure.

B. Theoretical Framework

This study uses the theory of critical approach that concentrates on the formalist approach, the theory of symbols, and the theory of conflicts. Theory of formalist approach is applied as the support to analyze the literary work. This study focuses on the form of the text as the text itself. Using formalist approach theory means the writer analyzes the novel without concerning the historical background, cultural background, or the author’s background. 16 The second theory is the theory of symbols. A symbol becomes a major discussion in this study. Considering this, the writer takes a lot of definitions, explanation, and statement made by the experts. As a result, the writer is supposed to concentrate on the similar perception of the theories that connected to one and another. Hence, the theories will not be overlap. In the first step of identifying the symbols in the novel, the writer uses the theories of symbol taken from Kennedy and Gioia 2007, Stanton 1965, Barnet, Berman, and Bruto 2010, Barnet, Burto, and Cain 2011, and Arp and Johnson 2008. The last theory is the theory of conflict. The writer uses opinions, beliefs, and statements taken from Kellerman 1996, Rahim 2011, Bercovith 1983, Fink 1983, Zhang 2012, Cahn and Abigail 2007, and , Allwood 1993. By all those theories, the writer establishes the conflicts happened in Of Bees and Mist.