Student Number: 084214012

  By Aluysia Vicka Tunjung Sari


Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters





Student Number: 084214012

  By Aluysia Vicka Tunjung Sari


Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters





Student Number: 084214012

  By Aluysia Vicka Tunjung Sari


Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters






Aesop, in The Lion and the Mouse, says no act of kindness is ever

wasted. Hence, thanking for this little blessing to many people around helping and

supporting the writing process of my undergraduate thesis is a precious


  At the beginning, my wholehearted thanks go to my parents and

brother for the priceless love and support. For every red and blue I lay on you, my

Choky and Uro.

  My heartfelt thanks are expressed to my advisor, Harris Hermansyah

Setiajid, S.S., M.Hum., without whose guidance I might have not be able to finish

this paper. Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd., M.A. deserves forever thanks for giving

invaluable suggestions. My gratitude also goes to Adventina Putranti, S.S.,

M.Hum., who grilled me in the the thesis defense, for showing me how to

improve my thesis.

  For my fair-haired man whose fondness and love are hotter than the sun, never is it enough to say thanks for everything.

  My greatest thanks present to, my best friends for all the time we have

shared these ten years and my All Plus Purikids friends, my beloved relatives for

the companion and support. Last but not least, my deep thanks for everyone I

cannot mention here.

  Aluysia Vicka Tunjung Sari



TITLE PAGE ……………………………………………………………... i

APPROVAL PAGE ………………………………………………………. ii

ACCEPTANCE PAGE …………………………………………………… iii

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ………………………………………. iv

PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN ……………………………………….. v

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ………………………………………………… vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………. vii

LIST OF TABLES ………………………………………………………... viii

LIST OF ABBREVIATION ……………………………………………… ix

ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………………. x

ABSTRAK ………………………………………………………………... xi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ………………………………………...

  5. Translation Accuracy Indicator …………………………

  24 5. Data Analysis …………………………………………...

  23 4. Data Triangulation ……………………………………...

  22 3. Population and Sample ………………………………….

  20 2. Data Collection ………………………………………….

  20 1. Types of Data …………………………………………...

  19 C. Research Procedure ...….……………………………………….

  19 B. Method of the Study ……………………………………………

  19 A. Object of the Study ……………………………………………..

  17 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY ……………………………………..

  17 C. Theoretical Framework ………………………………………...

  16 7. Classification of Tools ………………………………….

  15 6. Translation Readability Indicator ……………………….


  1 A. Background of the Study ……………………………………….

  4. Foreignized and Domesticated Translation ……………


  3. Translation Readability …………………………………


  8 2. Translation Accuracy …………………………………...

  8 1. Theories of Translation ……………………………….

  6 B. Review of Related Theories ……………………………………

  6 A. Review of Related Studies ……………………………………..


  3 D. Definition of Terms …………………………………………….

  3 C. Objectives of the Study ………………………………………...

  1 B. Problem Formulation …………………………………………...


CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS ………………………………………………

  27 A. The accuracy of the domesticated translation of the terms related to ‘Tool’ in Toer’s This Earth of Mankind …………….

  28 B. The readability of the domesticated translation of the terms

  43 related to ‘Tools’ in Toer’s This Earth of Mankind …………..

C. The advantages of the domesticated translation of the terms related to ‘Tools’ in Toer’s This Earth of Mankind …………..

  47 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION …………………………………………..

  49 BIBLIOGRAPHY ………………………………………………………..




  74 APPENDIX COMPLETE DATA ……………………………………….


  LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Nababan’s Accuracy-Rating Instrument Table 2. The Accuracy Score and Its Category Table 3. Nababan’s Readability-Rating Instrument Table 4. The Readibility Score and Its Category Table 5. Name of tools and number of data


  ST Source Text TT Target Text SL Source Language TL Target Language R

  Respondent PT Professional Translator LA Language Scholar LE Literary Expert MT Moving Tool PhyT Physics Tool AT Accessing Tool CT Cutting Tool LT Lighting Tool CovT Covering Tool HT

  Household Tool MuT Music Tool DT Dining Tool DFT Defense/Fighting Tool ST Sharpening Tool AcT

  Accessories Tool FT Fastening Tool

  IT Information Tool DcT Dance Tool MesT Measurement Tool



ALUYSIA VICKA TUNJUNG SARI. The Domesticated Translation of the

Terms Related to ‘Tools’ in Toer’s This Earth of Mankind: A Study of Accuracy

and Readability. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters,

Sanata Dharma University, 2013.

This undergraduate paper explores the domesticated translation of the terms

related to ‘tools’ found in the English version of Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s novel

The Earth of Mankind. The domesticated translation is assessed by its accuracy

and readability in order to find its advantages.


There are three problems raised in this research. The first is to measure the

accuracy of the translation of the terms related to ‘tools’, the second is to find out

the readability of the terms related to ‘tools’, and the third is to discover the

advantages of domesticated translation.


The methods applied in this study are field research and library research. The field

research was conducted by distributing questionnaires to respondents to find the

accuracy and readability. The library research was conducted by content analysis.

The finding of the research is that the domestication strategy has the following

result: of 108 data, 60 data are accurate (55%), 38 data are quite accurate (35%),

and only 10 data are not accurate (10%). Meanwhile from the readability aspect,

92 data are readable (85%), 15 data are quite readable (14%), and only 1 datum is

not readable (1%). The result shows that the domestication strategy sometimes is

not quite successful in conveying the translation of ‘tools’ accurately (55%). This

can be understood that sometimes the replacement of source material with target

material is considered not accurate since the materials are not exactly the same.

From the readability aspects, a different result is achieved. Domesticated

translation enables the terms to be undertsood easily (85%), and some 14% data

are considered not readable because some foreign elements are still found. An

insignificant percentage (1%) accounts for unreadability. The domesticated

translation applied in This Earth of Mankind gives some advantages: they are

enabling the readers to comprehend the text easily and minimizing the strangeness

of foreign text.



ALUYSIA VICKA TUNJUNG SARI. The Domesticated Translation of the

Terms Related to ‘Tools’ in Toer’s This Earth of Mankind: A Study of Accuracy

and Readability. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra,

Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2013.

Skripsi ini membahas terjemahan gaya domestikasi istilah-istilah yang terkait

dengan ‘Tool’ yang terdapat dalam novel This Earth of Mankind, yang merupakan

hasil terjehamahan dari novel Bumi Manusia tulisan Pramoedya Ananta Toer.

Gaya domestikasi tersebut dikaji berdasarkan tingkat akurasi dan keterbacaannya

untuk menemukan manfaatanya.

Ada tiga masalah yang diajukan dalam skripsi ini, yaitu pertama, mengukur

tingkat keakuratan kata-kata yang terkait dengan ‘tool’, kedua, mencari seberapa

jauh kata-kata yang terkait dengan ‘tool’ tersebut bisa dipahami dengan mudah

oleh pembaca, dan ketiga, menganalisis keuntungan yang didapat ketika

menerapkan gaya domestikasi dalam terjemahan.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gaya domestikasi yang diterapkan dalam

terjemahan kata-kata yang terkait dengan ‘tools’ dalam novel This Earth of

Mankind adalah sebagai berikut: dari 108 data, 60 data dinyatakan akurat (55%),

38 data tidak begitu akurat (35%) dan hanya 10 data dinyatakan tidak akurat

(10%). Sementara itu, dari segi keterbacaan, 89 data memiliki tingkat keterbacaan

tinggi (85%), 15 data tidak begitu terbaca (14%) dan hanya 1 data yang memiliki

tingkat keterbacaan yang rendah (1%) atau tidak terbaca. Hasil tersebut

menunjukkan bahwa gaya domestikasi tidak begitu berhasil dalam hal keakuratan,

terbukti hanya memiliki prosentase 54%. Hal tersebut dapat dipahami karena

penggantian materi sumber dengan materi sasaran terkadang tidak benar-benar

tepat. Dari segi keterbacaan, diperoleh hasil yang berbeda. Gaya domestikasi

ternyata membuat terjemahan bisa dipahami dengan mudah oleh pembaca sasaran

(85%) dan hanya 14% data yang tidak begitu dipahami karena masih terdapat

elemen asing dalam terjemahan. Sementara itu, hanya 1% data yang memiliki

tingkat keterbacaan terendah. Gaya domestikasi yang diterapkan dalam

terjemahan This Earth of Mankind ternyata membawa manfaat, antara lain

memudahkan pembaca memahami teks dan mengurangi elemen asing dalam teks


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study Indonesian culture keeps blooming. More and more foreigners come to Indonesia to enjoy Indonesian’s culture. Interestingly, they do not only see Indonesian cultural heritage, but also learn it. Many foreigners learn how to dance,


to play traditional music instrument, and to read and study Indonesian literary

works eagerly. Since most literary works are written in Bahasa Indonesia,

foreigners face a stumbling block to know more about Indonesian literature. This

language difference hinders them from understanding the Indonesian literary

works. Only few Indonesian literary works are translated into foreign languages,

especially English.

  Larson states that language plays an important role in a culture (1984:

162). It means that language and culture have a pivotal relation. Hence, it is not

easy to find the equivalence of a cultural word of the source language and the

target language. Nida and Taber say that translation is reproducing the closest

natural equivalent in the Target Language (TL) from the Source Language (SL) in

term of meaning and then style (1969: 56). Therefore, translators should prioritize

the meaning in order to make readers easily understand the message delivered

rather than the style. As written by Larson, a difficult problem faced by translators

is cultural differences which exist in the source and the target language because of


that cause some SL terms to have no lexical equivalence in the TL (1984:163).

Those things cause dilemma for translators because they have to produce the

closest natural equivalent of the cultural terms from SL into TL, causing loss of

SL meaning, or not to translate the terms to keep the cultural meaning of SL.

Choices, therefore, are the things that a translator has to face.

  Some translators choose to replace a source material with a target material

(domesticating) and others choose to maintain the source material (foreignizing).


This choice consequently will affect the readability of the translation. The readers

usually find more difficulties in understanding the text if the translator puts too

many foreign elements.

  The title of the thesis “The Domesticated Translation of the Terms Related

to ‘Tool’ in Toer’s Bumi Manusia into This Earth of Mankind” is inspired by

Jamil Nur Ardiansah’s study entitled “The Effects of Using Translation Strategy

to Overcome Cultural Problems in Translating Words Related to Tools in Bumi

Manusia by Pramoedya Ananta Toer into This Earth of Mankind Translated by

Max Lane”. Despites some resemblances with Ardiansah’s study, this thesis

focuses more on the accuracy and readability of the domesticated translation of

the terms related to tools in This Earth of Mankind.

  This study can be a useful reference for other studies related to the

domestication strategy applied in translation work. The result of this study can be

learned further and compared to the other studies related to the domestication

strategy applied in terms related tools in Toer’s Bumi Manusia to This Earth of


translators to apply domesticated translation in order to contribute to the target

language development.

B. Problem Formulation

  To narrow this study, the writer focuses on three problems as follows:


1. How accurate is the translation of the terms related to ‘tool’ in This Earth of



2. How readable is the translation of the terms related to ‘tool’ in This Earth of



3. What is the advantage of applying domesticated translation in This Earth of


C. Objectives of the Study

  From the above problems, there are three objectives of this study. First is

to measure the accuracy of the translation by scoring the translation using

Nababan’s indicators and on the later stage the translations are compared using

semantic properties. Second is to measure the readability of the translation in

order to find the advantages of domesticated translation related to tools in This

Earth of Mankind. Third is to discover the advantages of domesticated translation

in This Earth of Mankind.

D. Definitions of Terms

  There are many terms used in this study. The definitions of the terms are explained in the following page.

  Accuracy is the correctness of the information transfered. For example, a

translation is translated correctly when the readers of TL can understand the

translation of SL and get the message stated by the author. As stated by Munday,

  Accuracy is the correct transfer of information and evidence of complete comprehension; the appropriate choice of vocabulary, idiom, terminology and register; cohesion, coherence and organization; accuracy in technical aspects of punctuation, etc (2001:30).

  Readability is defined as “…how a translation can be easily understood by a target community without arousing questions.” (Munday, 2001: 36).

  Domesticated translation, “…entails translating in a transparent, fluent,

‘invisible’ style in order to minimize the foreignness of the TT” (Venuti,

1995:20). Here, domestication means that the translation is fluent by using TL at

work although there are many terms that have no equivalence, the translator

should find out the translation. In domestication, there is no term that remains the

same as the SL.

  Tool, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English defines ‘tool’ as

something such as a piece of equipment or skill that is useful for doing your job


CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW This chapter elaborates the studies done by other researchers on similar topics and


reviews some theories applied in this thesis. The studies similar to this thesis are

taken from Ardiansah’s, Rianantang’s and Widiastuti’s ones. Each study is

reviewed somewhat at length to find the similarities and the different point of

views in order to avoid topics duplication. Some theories applied are also

reviewed and discussed to find a solid ground on which this thesis is carried on.

A. Review of Related Studies


1. Ardiansah’s thesis “The Effects of Using Translation Strategy to

Overcome Problems in Translating Words Related to Tools in Bumi Manusia

by Pramudya Ananta Toer into This Earth of Mankind Translated by Max


  This undergraduate thesis discusses the translation strategies used in This

Earth of Mankind, the English translation of Bumi Manusia by Pramoedya Ananta

Toer. This work is related tightly to some Indonesian traditional cultures, such as

Javanese, Madurese, and Acehnese cultures. There are many expressions that have

no English equivalence that were translated by using particular translation

strategies. It is important that they should be translated accurately so that the


the source language readers. The data of this undergraduate thesis are focused on

words classified as tools. The translation strategies used must be examined further

in order to find out if the strategies have done in transferring the message of the

data or not because the translation stategies still bring effects on the results.

  Ardiansah’s analysis is to find out the translation strategies used in

translating the data and to find out the effects after using those translation

strategies. Although Ardiansah’s thesis is interesting, it stops only at finding

general strategies and their effects to the accuracy. It does not probe deep into

finding a translation ideology done by the translator and how it affects the

acceptability of the translation to the target text readers. Moreover, Ardiansiah’s

thesis does not take all population of the words related to tools in Bumi Manusia.

  This present thesis develops Ardiansah’s thesis and answers questions not

elaborated in his thesis. It uses some data from Ardiansah’s tesis as secondary

data to complete all data concerning the terms related to tools. Besides, the thesis

focuses on domesticated translation to find whether it is able to cater not only an

accurate translation but also a readable one.


2. Rianantang’s thesis “Classification of Translation Strategies of Pure

Idioms in the Translation of Pramoedya’s Rumah Kaca into House of Glass

by Max Lane”

  This undergraduate thesis discusses the equivalents of the applied

strategies of pure idiom translations in House of Glass, the English translation of


Tetralogy Pulau Buru. This work is related with the idiom usages as a part of

cultural language expression, especially in the Indonesian language. The data of

this undergraduate thesis are concerned on pure idioms.

  Rianantang’s study is to find out the applied strategies of pure idiom

translations in House of Glass and the equivalents of applied strategies are

classified into figurative and nonfigurative usages.

  The focus of Rianantang’s thesis is different from this thesis in a way that

it only observes the general translation strategies, not examining a specific

strategy. Besides, it only finds the translation equivalence, not going further into

pursuing other aspects of translation quality, namely readability and accuracy.


3. Widiastuti’s thesis “The accuracy and readability of domesticated and

foreignized translation of specific words in Stephenie Meyer`S Twilight into

Indonesian translation twilight by Devita Sari”

  In her thesis, Widiastuti discusses the accuracy and the readability of some

specific terms, such as terms used in fashion, culinary, instrumentation, etc, when

translated into Bahasa Indonesia. Widiastuti measured the accuracy and the

readability of the translated terms using Nababan’s indicator which is helpful in

guiding the respondents when scoring the questionnaires of accuracy and


  This present thesis is different from Widiastuti’s thesis in several aspects,

although it is similar in dealing with translation choice of domesticating and


Widiastuti’s thesis explores both choices, this present thesis emphasizes on the

advantages and benefits of one particular choice, that is, domestication. The

domestication choice applied in the English translation of Toer’s This Earh of

Mankind is elaborated to a point where the advantages and benefits of the choice

are extracted.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theories of Translation

  The first definition is according to Nida and Taber, who state that

“Translating consists of reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural

equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly

in terms of style.” (1974:14).

  Here, according Nida and Taber, translation is concerned in the closest

natural equivalent meaning of the SL message, rather than the style. The TL

readers should have the same response to the text like the SL readers.

  Next, the supporting definition is from Larson who states that Translation is basically a change of form. When we speak of the form of a language, we are referring to the actual words, phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, etc., which are spoken or written. … In translation the form of the source language is replaced by the form of the receptor (target) language. (1984: 64).

  According to Larson (1998: 7), translation is the replacement of the form

of the SL to the receptor (TL). Hence, translation should be done naturally in

order to get the same form as the SL.

  Meanwhile, Bell in his book Translation and Translating states that

translation is “the expression in another language (or target language) of what has

been expressed in another, source language, preserving semantic and stylistic

equivalences.” (1991: 5).

  From those definitions, it can be concluded that translation is the

replacement form of the SL to TL which has closest natural equivalent meaning of

the SL, rather than style, and it makes the TL readers have the same response to

the text like the SL readers. In addition, when dealing with the translation, two

aspects should be taken into consideration: meaning and style. Although Nida

prioritizes the meaning, the style can never be ignored altogether, as stated by

Bell. Arguing that stylistic is important, Bell also emphazises “the semantic

equivalences”, whose accuracy can be traced via semantic properties shared by

both source and target language.

  Moreover, as pointed out by Nida, a good translation should receive

similar response from readers as that of the source language. This is emphasized

by Larson who says that translation should be done naturally in order that the

target readers can feel the same way the source readers can.

2. Translation Accuracy

  As stated by Munday in Introducing Translation Studies, Accuracy is the correct transfer of information and evidence of complete comprehension; the appropriate choice of vocabulary, idiom, terminology and register; cohesion, coherence and organization; accuracy in technical aspects of punctuation, etc. (2001:30)

  Munday further elaborates that accuracy is related to “’faithfulness’,

‘spirit’ and ‘truth’” (2001: 30). The aspects stated by Munday, i.e. faithfulness,

spirit, and truth, represent the theories forwarded by the three translation theorists

previously discussed. An accurate translation should be ‘faithful’ in terms of its

content (not necessarily style, according to Nida), contain the ‘spirit’ (the target

readers should feel the same way the source readers should, pointed by Larson),

and convey the ‘truth’, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth (in semantic

terms, it should share similar semantic properties, according to Bell).

  In somewhat a loose definition, a text is called accurate when it gives the

target readers the same response, like what is contained in the SL, to the text so

the target readers can get the ‘true’ message delivered.

  On the other side, the accuracy can be measured by finding the semantic

properties of the terms in question. This is possible since accuracy is “again ‘the

very first requirement’…the translator should put this meaning into English [or

other target language] which will, so far as possible, produce the same impression

(in this case) English language reader as the original would have done on the

appropriate foreign-language reader.” (Munday, 2001: 31)

  In conclusion, comparing semantic properties can be a way to measure translation accuracy.

3. Translation Readability Elkins says that “readability is simply how easy a piece is to comprehend.

  Tytler as quoted in Bell says that I would therefore describe a good translation to be, that in which the merit of the original work is so completely transfused into another language, as to be as distinctly apprehended, and as strongly felt by a native of the country to which that language belongs, as it is by those who speak the language of the original work (1991: 11). A readable translation, still according to Tytler (in Bell, 1991: 11), has to

deliver the source text message and that the target text should gain the similar

response of the target readers as it does to source text readers.

  It can be concluded that the translation text can be easily comprehended by

the target readers, so that when the readers read the text, they feel like reading the

original text, not the translation one.

  What is so called readability of translation is introduced by Nord who says

that “it is as a form of meditated intercultural communication which is done

intentionally and interpersonally” (1997: 81). A good translation is the one that

“functions” well and thus it “must be intended for a specific purpose and for

specific readers” (Nord, 1997: 20).

  Although Nord is rather emphasizing on the ‘function’ of the translation,

we cannot readily refuse the idea that the primary ‘function’ of a translation is to

deliver the source text message, and consequently in order that the message can be

understood by the target readers, the translation should be readable. In that case,

the translation is said to be able to cater its so-called ‘function’.

  In assessing a translation work, a translation assessor should also consider

the existence of the target language culture. It is not merely on the consideration


readability value is suitable to the function or purpose of the translation text in its

role as interlingual and intercommunity bridge.

4. Foreignized and Domesticated Translation

  In his book Translation Invisibility, Venuti states that “foreignization

entails choosing a foreign text and developing a translation method along lines

which are excluded by dominant cultural values in the target language.” (1995:

20) This is in line with what Hervey and Higgins call “exotic method”, whose

characteristics, among others, are closest to source culture, giving ‘exotic’ nuance

to the target text, and leaving source culture untranslated (1992: 5).

  In further discussion, Venuti pursues that the foreignized translation can

also be used as a political strategy by some authorities to “brainwash the target

culture mind” with foreign cultures and terms, which in turn is internalized in the

target readers. Although in the positive side, the foreignized translation can be

seen as a bridge to further mutual undertanding between two different cultures,

such a hidden agenda should not be ignored.

  Schleimercher in Venuti states that “foreignizing method is an

ethnodeviant pressures on those values to register the linguistic and cultural

differences of the foreign text, sending the readers abroad” (1995: 20). This means

that the target readers upon reading the ‘foreignized element’ in the translation

feel they are ‘abroad’, introduced with terms, cultures, aspects alien to their own.

  Examples of the foreignized method in the translation books can be found


some terms are deliberately not translated into Bahasa Indonesia, such as

‘sandwich’, ‘ham’, ‘bacon’ ‘uncle’, ‘aunt’, and some others. Those terms are not

translated into roti isi, daging babi, babi asap, paman, bibi. While the reason for

leaving the terms ‘sandwich’, ‘uncle’, ‘aunt’ untranslated is to “send the

Indonesian children abroad” (to familiarize them with English common terms),

the reason for not translating the terms ‘ham’ and ‘bacon’, in my opinion, is

somewhat political (and economic). Political reason, in the sense that if translated

into daging babi and babi asap, it will offend a certain religion community;

economic, to reach wider audience, which means greater profit.

  Different from the previous discussion on foreignization, the

domestication method “entails translating in a transparent, fluent, ‘invisible’ style

in order to minimize the foreignness of the TT.” (Venuti, 1995: 20). A

domesticated translation means that the translation is fluent by using target

language at work. There is no term that remains the same as the SL.

  Schlemeicher in Venuti states that “Translation can never be completely

adequate to the foreign text, the translator is allowed to choose between a

domesticataing method, an ethnocentric reduction of the foreign text to target

language cultural values, bringing the author back home.” (1995: 20).

  Domesticating method emphasizes on the equivalence of some culturally-

loaded terms. In the translation continuum, the extreme domestication is placed on

farthest right, meaning that the translators are permitted to some extent replace

even the material cultural non-existent in the target culture. Although some


material is no longer called ‘translation’ but ‘adaptation’, some others argue that

even an extreme domestication can still be categorized as a translation. I will not,

however, further discuss the all-century debate about the fine line between

translation and adaptation.

  What I emphasize here is what Schlemercher says that domestication

method “send the author back home”. It means that the translator is no longer

visible in the translation. The target readers assume that the translation is an

original piece of work, not a product of translation, since all foreign elements are

transferred into home culture. The target readers are unaware that what they are

reading is a product of translation. A good domesticated method does not leave a

trace of being a translation product.