The Problem of Study The Objective of Study The Scope of the Study The Significance of the Study Conclusion Suggestion

B. The Problem of Study

Based on the background of the study, the problem is formulated as follow: “Is Reciprocal Teaching Strategy significantly able to improve the students’ reading comprehension achievement?”

C. The Objective of Study

The objective of the study is to investigate whether or not the applying of Reciprocal Teaching Strategy can improve the students’ reading comprehension achievement.

D. The Scope of the Study

The study is restricted on improving students achievement reading comprehension in narrative text through Reciprocal Teaching Strategy.

E. The Significance of the Study

The Findings of the study are expected to be useful and relevant both theoritically and practically. Theoritically the findings are expected to: 1 The horizons on theories of language learning, 2 apply theories on the second language learning, and 3 be the reference for those who want to conduct a further research in English teaching learning process. Practically the findings are relevant and useful for: 1 English teachers to provide the information in their attempt to decide the using of Reciprocal Teaching Strategy in teaching reading comprehension, 2 To improve students’ ability in reading comprehension and to motivate them to be active in reading. CHAVTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION

A. Conclusion

This reseached finally brought a finding that the score of the students increased in every test administered to the students. The students’ score mean of the orientation test was 57.48, the mean of the post test cycle I was 69.75 and the mean of the test cycle II was 81.28 . the students’ score increased continuously from the first meeting until the last meeting in cycle II.

B. Suggestion

In relation to the conclusion, there are some suggestions offered as follows: 1 The English teacher is better to apply Reciprocal Teaching Strategy in teaching reading especially narrative text because by applying Reciprocal Teaching Strategy, the teacher is able to make the students comprehend better in reading narrative text by predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarizing the text both in group and individually. 2 Other university students is suggusted to use Reciprocal Teaching Strategy in conducting further reseach as it is effective in improving students’ reading comprehension. 3 The students is suggested to apply the Reciprocal Teaching Strategy in learning English especially in reading narrative text so the students can comprehend the text better and improve their score. APPENDIX A LESSON PLAN Scholl : SMA NEGERI 1 SIABU MADINA Subject : English Classsemester : XI IPA Skill : Reading Time allocated : 2 x 45 minutes Meeting : 1 st

A. Standard Competence