The Influence of Questioning Strategy on Students' Achievement in Reading


Education, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta)











Jakarta). Skripsi of English Education at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Trainining of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2014.

Key Words : Reading comprehension strategy, questioning, reading achievement.

The objective of this study is to see whether there is any influence between questioning strategy and students’ achievement in reading at the First Semester Students of Department of English Education, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The sample of this study is 40 students from the first semester of department of English Education which consists of three classes.

The method used in this study was a quantitative method and the design used in this study was ex post facto. In collecting the data, the writer administered questionnaire which consists of 20 questions describing the characteristics of questioning strategy. After administering the questionnaire to the sample of study, then the writer documented the students’ score of Reading 1 subject which is gathered from the lecturer of Reading 1. Then the writer calculated it with the score of reading strategy. In analyzing the data, the writer used linear regression in SPSS 16.0.

The result of the study shows that there is an influence between questioning strategy and students’ achievement in reading. Based on the table of calculation linear regression, the gain of F ratio is 6.707 which is greater from F table (4.08) or (6.707>4.08). Then, the p value is 0.01 which is less than 0.05 (0.01< 0.05). From this result, it can be concluded that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. It

means that questioning strategy influence students’ achievement in reading. Therefore, questioning strategy influences on students’ achievement in reading. The conclusion of this research is, students who have questioning as a reading comprehension strategy are having better reading achievement than those who have not.


Prestasi Membaca Siswa; Studi Ex post facto pada Mahasiswa Semester Satu Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh antara questioning (bertanya) sebagai strategi membaca dan prestasi membaca siswa. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 40 mahasiswa dari semester satu Pendididakan Bahasa Inggris, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Kata Kunci : Strategy membaca, Bertanya, Prestasi Membaca.

Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif dan menggunakan desain ex post facto. Dalam pengumpulan data penulis memberikan kuesioner yang terdiri dari 20 pertanyaan yang menggambarkan karakteristik questioning (bertanya) sebagai strategi membaca . setelah memberikan kuesioner, peneliti mendokumentasikan nilai mata kuliah Reading 1 yang didapat dari dosen Reading 1 dan kemudian menghitungnya dengan skor strategi membaca. Dalam menganalisis data, penulis menggunakan regresi linear pada SPSS 16.0.

Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa adanya pengaruh antara questioning sebagai strategi membaca dan prestatsi membaca siswa. Berdasarkan table perhitunganh regresi linear, bahwa F ratio yang didapat adalah 6.707 yang berarti lebih besar dari F table (4.08) atau (6.707>4.08). kemudian, p value adalah 0.01 yang lebih kecil dari 0.05 atau (0.01< 0.05). Melalui hasil ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ha diterima and Ho ditolak. Yang berarti dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat

pengaruh antara questioning (bertanya) sebagai strategi membaca dan prestasi membaca siswa. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu siswa yang memiliki questioning (bertanya) sebagai strategi membaca akan mendapatkan prestasi membaca yang lebih baik daripada siswa yang tidak memiliki strategi membaca.


Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini,


Tempat / Tgl. Lahir : Rembang, 23 Mei 1991

NIM : 109014000035

Jurusan / Prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : The Influence of Questioning Strategy on Students’ Achievement in Reading

Dosen Pembimbing : 1. Drs. A.M. Zaenuri, M.Pd. 2. Siti Nurul Azkiyah, M.Sc, Ph.D.

dengan ini menyatakan bahwa skripsi yang saya buat benar-benar hasil karya sendiri dan saya bertanggung jawab secara akademis atas apa yang saya tulis.

Pernyataan ini dibuat sebagai salah satu syarat Ujian Munaqasah.


Mahasiswa Ybs.



Praised be to Allah, the Lord of the Universe, who has blessed the writer

in completing this “skripsi”. Peace and salutation be upon the prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his companion as well as his followers.

This „skripsi’ is presented to fulfill one of the requirements to obtain

Degree (S-1) at the Department of English Education of the Faculty of Tarbiyah

and Teacher’s Training Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

In this opportunity, the writer would like to express her greatest gratitude and honor to all of the people who have contribution on completing this Skripsi. The writer realized that without support and motivation from people around her,

she could not finish this “skripsi”. Therefore, she would like to give her deepest

appreciation to:

1. Ahmad Sumani and Sri Wahyuni; her sister, Siti Mujahidah; her two brothers, Rohmat Said and Khoirul Naam who always never stop giving

the greatest love, prayer and support to her in finishing this “skripsi”.

2. Greatest honor and deepest gratitude to her advisors Drs. A.M. Zaenuri, M. Pd. and Siti Nurul Azkiyah, M.Sc, Ph.D. who have given their consultations with full of patience, help, and guidance as valuable advice

during completing this “skripsi”.

3. All lecturers in English Education Department who always give their motivation and valuable knowledge during her study at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

4. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd, as the Head of English Education Department.

5. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum, as the Secretary of English Education Department. 6. Atiq Susilo, Dr. MA as her Academic Advisor in English Education Department who always give his great motivation and time consultation during her study at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.


especially A class for the great friendship, support, love, togetherness and knowledge they have shared.

Finally, the writer admits that her writing is still far from being perfect. Therefore she hopes some suggestions and criticism from the reader for this paper. Hopefully it will have some values for her and the reader.

Jakarta, April16th 2014



ABSTRACT ………. ii




CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study……… 1

B. Limitation of the Study ………...... 5

C. Formulation of the Problem……… 6

D. Purpose of the Study………... 6

E. Significance of the Study ………... 6


1. Definition of Reading…….………... 7

2. Purpose of Reading ………..…… 8

B. Reading Comprehension Strategy………. 9

1. Definition of Strategy ……….………. 9

2. Kinds of reading Strategy ………..………….. 10

3. Characteristics of Questioning Reader ………. 17

C. Reading Achievement………..…………. 18


A. Research Methodology and Design ……….. 22

B. Place and Time of the Research ……..……… 22

C. Instrument and Technique of Data Collection……….23

D. Population and Sample of the Research ………... 25

E. Technique of Data Analysis …………...………. 25

F. Statistical Hypothesis………..………. 26


1. Students’ Reading Strategy……… 30

2. Students’ Reading Achievement………. 35

B. The Assumption Test……… 39

1. Normality Test ……… 39

2. Homogeneity Test……… 40

C. The Analysis of Data ……… 40

1. Testing of Hypothesis ………. 40

D. Data Interpretation……… 41


B. Suggestion ……….. 42 BIBLIOGRAPHY





Background of the Study

English is widely used by people around the world. Most people claim that English is an important language that has to be mastered in order to make them engaged in the modern life. Nowadays English is also used in some aspects of life such as education, entertainment, sport, technology, and so on. Therefore, mastering English is important. Considering the importance of English, most people attempt to get the information through receptive skill namely listening and reading and also productive skill namely speaking and writing.

Reading is one of the activities to get the information from the text. Reading is defined as an activity between the readers and the text. When readers look at the text and able to interpret the meaning of that written symbol, therefore it is a true reading activity. 1 In other words, reading is an activity that does not only pick up the words from the text but requires the reader to interpret what happen in the text. In addition, Rumelhart states, reading is an activity which involves the interaction between the reader, the text, and the interaction of both the reader and the text which has the goal of obtaining the message in the text.2 In short, a good reader should build an interaction with text by understanding the issues stated in the text.

Reading is very important aspect in our lives. Without reading we would never be informed. Reading is helpful for the students to overcome the problems in their job, cope their problems in household, help them to be good citizen, and have capability to overcome their personal lives.3 In addition, reading is also emphasized


Jo A. Aebersold and Mary L. Field, From Reader to Reading Teacher, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997), p. 15.


Ibid., p. 5. 3

Susan Lenski, Jill Lewis (ed.), Reading success for struggling adolescence learners, (The Guilford Press, Inc., 2008), p. 177


in Indonesian curriculum (KTSP) Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan . The standard competence for reading skill for the fourth grade of primary school for instance, Memahami tulisan bahasa Inggris sangat sederhana dalam konteks kelas.4(to understand short simple written English in classroom context).It can be concluded that reading is beneficial for the students to make them more advanced and knowledgeable. As consequence, it is important to build students willingness in reading.5

However, many students consider that reading is not easy. To read an English text they should know vocabularies in the text. Based on the writer’s observation, students claim that they face some problems regarding the unfamiliarity of the topic discussed in the texts, complicated language used in the text, and lack of vocabulary mastery. Those problems then make the students avoid reading. Furthermore,

students’ unwillingness in reading would make some problems. They may not engage

in learning, may lack of knowledge, and will not get good scores. According to Kylene Beers, students who have unwillingness of reading consider that comprehending the text is difficult, unable to recognize the words, and have less fluency to read the text. Hence, they have the negative attitude toward reading; they believe they cannot read and have no enjoyment in reading. 6

Considering the above problems, it is important to find ways or strategies to make students interested in reading. According to Thom Hudson, reading comprehension strategy involves an interactive process between the readers and the text which has the goal of obtaining meaning through connected text.7 A strategy may minimize students’ unwillingness of reading and also it may help students to


Kurikulum KTSP Indonesia, Reading Skill for Fourth Grade Elementary School.


Council of Minister of Education, Key Factors to Support Literacy Success in School-Aged Population, (Canadian Education Statistics Council, 2009), p. 9.


Kylene Beers, When Kids Can’t Read, What Teachers Can Do, Current Education Book Summaries, p. 1.


Thom Hudson, Teaching Second Language Reading, (Oxford University Press, 2007), p. 107.


encounter their problems in reading. Therefore, the students need to build a reading strategy to help them getting the best way to read effectively.8

According to Winograd and Hare, a strategy is a conscious action that students have to reach their goals.9 In addition, strategy is beneficial as a procedure used in learning, thinking, etc to help students reaching a goal of learning. Moreover, the strategy itself is helpful for language learners in learning and using a language in both conscious and unconscious processes.10 It is true that a strategy can help the students to achieve their goals especially in the goals of reading. Furthermore, it may be very useful to help them when reading does not give them understanding about the main idea of a text.

Students who have reading comprehension strategy are different from those who do not. As the evidence, Pressley finds that students who have had comprehension strategies instruction (1) have more willingness to try challenging text, (2) are more active while reading, (3) interact with peers more effectively, (4) are able to interpret text better, and (5) perform well on standardized tests. 11 In short, there are a lot of benefits that students can gain from having reading strategies.

There is a lot of reading comprehension strategies that students can choose as their strategy in reading. Zimmermann and Hutchin offer seven reading comprehension strategies, namely; (1) activating or building background knowledge; which enables learners to connect their background knowledge, feelings, personalities, and experiences to the text; (2) using sensory images; which enable learners to create images about the topic of the text by making use their senses to gather the comprehension of a text; (3) questioning; which enables learners to engage


Judi Moreillon, Collaborative Strategies for Teaching Reading Comprehension, Maximizing Your Impact (American Library Association, 2007),p. 18.


Neil J Anderson, Exploring second language reading: Issues and Strategy. (Heinle & Heinle Publishers, 1999), p. 70.


Thom Hudson, Teaching Second Language Reading.(Oxford University Press, 2007), p. 105.



their curiosity in reading by questioning to the text before, during, and after reading; (4) Making predictions and inferences; which enables learners to predict what happen next in the text and also they can make a conclusion about what they read; (5) Determining main ideas; which enables learners to decide the main idea of a text; (6) Using fix-up option; which enables learners to help them in fixing the loss of comprehension by rereading, reading ahead, etc; (7) Synthesizing; which enables learners to analyze the gathering information in reading and filters it through their own interpretation.12All of those strategies can be useful as reading comprehension strategies.

Concerning questioning as a reading comprehension strategy, the previous study on the use of questioning as a strategy in reading is limited. One previous studywhich is closer to this research is A Comparison of the Metacognitive Reading Strategies Used by EFL and ESL Readerswritten by Alireza Karbalaei. This study shows that the students who have reading strategy are more successful in reading than those who have not; the students who get higher score in test performance are the students who have cognitive and metacognitive strategy in reading.13 The second previous study comes from a study entitled “Awareness of reading strategy use and reading comprehension among poor and good readers” written by Dimitris Anastasiou and Eleni Griva. This study describes that good readers who have cognitive and metacognitive strategy are more successful in reading test. The study also finds that both cognitive and metacognitive strategy extremely effect good

readers’ reading accuracy and reading speed. Therefore it can be interpreted that a reading strategy is very essential to affect students’ reading achievement.14


Judi Moreillon, op. cit., p. 18. 13

Karbalaei, “A Comparison of the Metacognitive Reading Strategies Used by EFL and ESL Readers” The Reading Matrix, 2 September 2010, p. 165.


DimitrisAnastasiou and EleniGriva, Awareness of Reading Strategy Use and Reading Comprehension among Poor and Good Readers, 2009, p. 283, (


Considering the importance of reading comprehension strategy and the problems faced by students in reading, this study is aimed at finding out the influence of questioning strategy and students’ achievement in reading. The study will be conducted at the first semester students of Department of English Education, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta based on the assumption that college students have comprehended a lot of English texts.


Limitation of the problem

There is a lot of reading comprehension strategies in Educational field. Therefore, to present a comprehensive study of the topic, the writer limits the scope of the study. The writer uses „questioning’ as a reading comprehension strategy based on the assumption that questioning is an effective reading comprehension strategy to help students’ problem in facing English text. By questioning, students will increase their curiosity in reading. Moreover, an importance of reading comprehension is questioning, and then questioning needed to conduct the research, and also an essential component of critical thinking. In short, questioning is a key to learning.15 In addition, Questioning is the strategy that encourages the students,because when the students ask questions, they begin to clarify their understanding and make meaning of what they comprehend. 16

Based on the explanation above, the study will be conducted based on the aim of the study, entitled THE INFLUENCE OF QUESTIONING STRATEGY ON



Judi Moreillon, op. cit., p. 64 16

Stephanie Harvey and Anne Goudvis, Strategies That Work . (Stenhouse Publishers 2000), p. 11



Problems formulation

Based on the background above, the formulation of the research questions can be seen as follows:

Does Questioning strategy influence students’ achievement in reading?


Purpose of the study

The purpose of the study is to know whether questioning strategy influences

students’ achievement in reading.


Significance of the study

The result of the study is expected to give information for all English learners about the importance of reading comprehension strategy to help them to be effective readers. It is also beneficial for the teacher especially in teaching reading. The teacher will be informed that questioning is very essential as a reading comprehension strategy. Furthermore, the teachers can develop teaching reading technique by using questioning as a reading comprehension strategy.






1. Definition of reading

Reading is a connection between our eyes and the text to obtain the information in the written sources. Furthermore, Rumelhart states that reading is an interaction which involves the reader, the text, and the interaction between the reader and the text.1It can be said that between reader and text is a significant relationship which happens in reading. When readers understand a message in a text, there will be an interaction between the reader and the text.However reading activity does not only to involve between eyes and text, but also how the readers can comprehend the written message in the text. Furthermore, the essential activity in reading is, the readers should be able to interpret what happens in a text.

In addition, Reading is defined as an activity when people look at the text and able to interpret the meaning of that written symbol. Essentially between the text and the reader is an association how the reading process begun.2 It could be said that,

reading involves the reader‟s attention to the written symbol in a text. The reader and

text are both two aspects that should relate each other to gain a message which was found in a text.In addition, the readers should build a connection between what they have seen and the text itself. Moreover, to build a well connection between readers‟ eyes and text, it is important for readers to have full attention in the written symbol in the text.

Furthermore, reading is a complicated activity to get a lot of information from various written sources.As stated by (Colin) Harrison and (Terry) Salinger, “reading is a complex activity and accomplished readers operate at a number of levels


Jo A. Aebersold, and Mary L. Field, From Reader to Reading Teacher, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997), p. 5.




The reader should decode and interpret the meaning of the information they have read at the same time.4 Therefore, reading determined to be a complex activity because readers should be able to transfer the message in the text and interpret it through their own interpretation spontaneously.

In summary, reading is an activity that involves the reader and the text. However, reading is not only the activity how to pronounce the written symbol in the text but how we can comprehend the message well in the text. Therefore the relationship between the reader and text should be built in order to obtain a comprehension. In order to get the essential of reading activity, the readers have to construct meaning from text and interpret it through the idea.

2. The Purpose of Reading

Each reader has different purposes for reading. They are depending on the engagement of readers.As stated by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Commission on Reading, “A reader‟s competence continues to grow through engagement with various types of texts and wide reading for various purposes over a

life time.”5

Therefore, the need of reading for one reader and others is different according to their purpose of reading. Rivers and Temperley show several points of common purpose of readingas follows:

- To obtain information for some purpose or because we are curious about some topic;

- To obtain instructions on how to perform some task for our work or daily life; - To keep in touch with friends by correspondence or to understand business


- To know when or where something will take place or what is available;

- To know what is happening or has happened (as reported in newspaper, magazine , reports);


Colin Harrison and Terry Salinger, Assessing Reading 1: Theory and Practice, (Routledge, 1998), p. 89.

4 Ibid. 5

National Council of Teachers of English Commission on Reading.“On Reading, Learning to read, and effective reading instruction: An Overview of What We Know and How We Know It”. 2004, April.p. 1.


- For enjoyment or excitement.6

As the discussion above, we can say that the purposes of reading are various; they are depending on the aim of reading which the readers want to achieve. It could beconcluded that people read many texts in order to get the actual information which can support them to be advanced and informed people.


Reading Comprehension Strategies

1. Definition of strategies

According to Winograd and Hare, a strategy is a conscious action that students have to reach their goals or objectives.7 It could be said that, a strategy can be useful to control students‟ goals of reading. By controlling the objective of reading, it can maintain students reading activity.

In addition, (David) Pearson states a "strategy" is a plan developed by a reader to assist in comprehending and thinking about texts, when reading the words alone does not give the reader a sense of the meaning of a text. 8 It is clear that a strategy defined as an alternative when reader cannot catch the idea of the text. It is an ultimate action to help students become good readers.

Furthermore, “A reading strategy can be described as any interactive process that has the goal of obtaining meaning from connected text, and reading skills operate within the context of such reading strategies”.9

In short, strategy is a process of obtaining the importance of the goal message in a text.

In most general terms, strategy is a plan and an action that readers have in order to help them obtaining their objective in reading. In addition, the strategy itself is very helpful for students to face their problems in reading.


Ibid., p. 90. 7

Neil J Anderson, Exploring second language reading: Issues and Strategy. (Heinle&Heinle Publishers, 1999), p. 70


David. P, Pearson, L.R. Roehler, J.A. Dole, and G.G. Duffy. 1992. "Developing Expertise in Reading Comprehension." In S. Jay Samuels and Alan Farstrup, eds. What Research Has to Say About Reading Instruction, 2nd Edition. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.



2. Kinds of Reading Comprehension Strategy

Zimmermann and Hutchins provide comprehension strategies that can help students to read more quickly and effectively. Reading comprehension are varies. Those are; (1) activating or building background knowledge (2) using sensory images (3) questioning (4) Making predictions and inferences (5) Determining main ideas (6) Using fix-up option, and (7) Synthesizing.10 All of those reading comprehension have different activities within.

Several kinds of reading comprehension strategy: 1. Activating or building background knowledge.

This strategy enables learners to make a connection before, during, and after reading to obtain meaning. There are three types of connection in this strategy; a connection is text to self, text to text, and text to world. These activities also support readers to build a schema about what they are going to read. Before beginning of reading, readers should be able to know the idea which comes to their mind. Then in during reading, the reader should share their background knowledge. In addition after reading, readers still have to share connection about the message and theme that was found in the text. In conclusion, this strategy enables learners to build schemas by using their own background knowledge about text which they read.

2. Using sensory images

Marzano states that “sensory imaginary is an important part of our schemas. When we think about our sensory experiences, we are creating representation of those experiences in our memories”.11 However, sensory images have a strong role to build the images of what we are reading. This strategy enables learners to develop reading activity by sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. All of those


Judi Moreillon, Collaborative Strategies for Teaching Reading Comprehension, Maximizing Your Impact, (AmericanLibrary Association, 2007),p. 11



aspects are related in reading activities to make meaning when readers are reading a text. By applying those sensory images, students are hoped to be effective readers.

3. Questioning

Questioning is a kind of strategy that enables learners to make question in reading. This activity is done before, during, and after reading. In those certain activities, students should keep questioning about the text. In this part, students are required to be active readers.Questioning builds students‟ curiosity in reading. Then, when they are curious about the text, they want to know more about text by keep reading a lot in the reading process.In addition, Questioning is the strategy that encourages the students, because when the students ask questions, they begin to clarify their understanding and make meaning of what they comprehend. 12In conclusion, questioning is a strategy which actively involves learners in reading text by asking questions before, during, and after reading. At this case, the learners are not passive readers because they always keep questioning and attempt to find the answers about their questions.13

4. Making predictions and inferences

This strategy enables learners to make prediction and inference about the text. Predictions can also involve readers‟ background knowledge. Readers used the print and illustration plus their prior knowledge and experience to interpret the text. This strategy is done before, during and after reading. For this reason, making prediction and inference before, during, and after reading are actively engaged readers in the meaning making-process. Hence, this strategy enables learner to predict what will happen next in the text they are reading. In addition, inference requires readers to construct a meaning that makes the text as a reflection of their experience.


Stephanie Harvey and Anne Goudvis, Strategies That Work. (Stenhouse Publishers 2000), p. 11.



5. Determining main ideas

This strategy enables learners to make a judgment about the text they are reading. The students should consider which ideas are most important and which one is less important. In this strategy, the students should determine the main idea. By determining the main idea, the students will ultimately comprehend the text. However, the importance of this strategy is to require students to obtain the main idea of a text. For this reason, students should be given an opportunity to engage their strategy in determining main idea by giving them more reading practice.

6. Using fix-up options

This strategy enables learners to monitor their comprehension and fixes when their comprehension is unexpectedly lost, and then how to choose and fix-up option when it is lost. At this strategy, monitoring comprehension must be continuous throughout the reading. Loss of comprehension can be solved by rereading, reading ahead, or pausing the reading in the first place. In this part, visualizing, posing questions, and predicting are ultimate activities that can make direct connections to the reading comprehension. However, as a strategic reader, they can monitor their own comprehension by applying all of those strategy when they loss of comprehension in reading.

7. Synthesizing

This strategy enables learner to use the strategy to evaluate what already read from the text. In addition, synthesizing requires a depth comprehension and learning. Hence, learners should develop all of the reading comprehension discussed in the book and then use them to make meaning. They must show the information found in various resources, interpret it, and put it back together into a well form. In conclusion, this strategy is a complex one, because students need to be more comprehensive in reading a text.


In conclusion, reading comprehension strategy is various and students can freely choose which one the strategy that fits to their needs of reading. Those reading comprehension strategy are helpful for the students to obtain their goals of reading. As consequences, those strategies are aimed to help them in facing their reading problems and also to make them become good readers by applying one of the reading comprehension strategies above.

Based on limit of the study, the writer emphasizes only at questioning as a reading comprehension strategy. For this reason, the description of questioning is much more than any other strategies exist in the explanation above. In the writer‟s point of view, questioning is one of reading comprehension strategy that the students can use effectively. Hence, questioning strategy is applicable at any level of education. For this reason, secondary and high school students also can use this strategy because questioning is a simple activity as always happens in their daily lives. In addition, questioning also maintains reading comprehension. It‟s something that students always keep before, while, and after reading. As Harvey and Goudvis states, Questioning is the strategy that keeps readers to be active reader because when they ask questions, they confirm their understanding through make meaning.14 In conclusion, questioning can make the readers be involved in a text and it would be easier for them to obtain a comprehension about text.

The following question below are frequently used by readers in using questioning as a reading comprehension strategy, those are:

(1) I wonder…….

(2) Who… ? What….? Where…..? When…. ? (3) How come…..?

(4) Why…….?

(5) What does that mean?


Stephanie Harvey and Anne Goudvis, Strategies That Work , (Stenhouse Publishers 2000), p. 11.


(6) What does that make you think of in our own life experience, in another text, or in the world?

(7) Does that question make you think of another question?15

Those questions above are frequently used as a strategy in questioning before, during, and after reading. Those questions including who, what, where, when, why,are ultimately help students to maintain their attention to the text. Then, those questions also keep students‟ curiosity in reading activity before, during, and after reading. Furthermore, all of those questions can be applied well for questioning as a reading comprehension strategy. When the students keep starting to question about the text they are reading, it will help them to be involved in reading process. Hence when they have been involved in reading activity, it will be easier for them to comprehend the message in the text. In conclusion, questioning as a reading comprehension strategy should be applied by the students in reading because it can make them to get started to maintain questioning as their reading comprehension strategy. Hence in this part, the students have to be able to find the answers of what they are question before, during, and after reading.

Question Matrix: Questioning Before, During, and After Reading

The table below will show an activity of students who have questioning as a reading comprehension strategy. The illustration in the following table will reveal the description of activity before, during, and after reading.

Text: An Angel for Solomon singer, by Cyntia Rylant, illustrated by Peter Catalanotto



Before Reading: Questions related to the cover, the Frontispiece, and the Title Page

One teacher reads the title of the book and the author‟s and illustrator‟s names.

The other teacher asks himself questions aloud. After the questioner has shared his thinking about the cover (A), the reader turns to the frontispiece (B), and then to title page (C).

A: I‟m thinking about the title of the book. Is the main character named

Salomon singer? Is the man on the cover in the foreground the main

character? I wonder who his “angel” why does he need an angel?

When I look at the cover, I wonder about the tall, yellow- brown grass that the illustrator painted in front of the largest character. Why is the man standing in the grass? It seems odd to me that gras is growing right up to the window of the Westway Café. Where is the café? The man in the café probably works there. Is he a cook or a waiter? What is the relationship between the two men on the cover?

B: I can see a part of word „hotel” I think the main character from the

cover lives in a hotel. I wonder why his face is donwncast. The illustrations are watery and sad in tone. Is the man sad to live in a hotel? Why does he live instead of in a house or in an apartment? What is the red writing under the window?

C: The main is going up the stairs, probably to his room in the hotel. His face is shadow. I wonder if he lives alone. I wonder if the illustrator wants us to feel sad when we look at this page in the book. This man does not seem happy


After Reading: Reflection and Further questions

I think the author wants to tell us that friends are like angels. I think that‟s

true. Friends keep us from feeling too sad. They help us feel at home wherever we are.

Asking and sometimes answering my questions as I read helped me become part of the story. I was there with Solomon and Angel at the Westway café. Now that Solomon has a smile on his face and a friend names Angel, I wonder if Solomon will make other friends.

I think the author and illustrator worked together to create a beautiful story about the importance of friendship. Have CyntiaRylant and Peter Catalonotto worked together on the books?16


Ibid., p. 63.

The reader begins and stops at the end of each double-page spread so the listener can answer and ask questions. Before resuming reading, the reader ask the listener why or how posing questions supports his understanding of the text.

I was correct. His name is Solomon Singer, and he does live in a hotel. The

hotel is in New York City. The author wrote, “The hotel had none of the things he loves.” I wonder what Solomon Singer loves. I notice he‟s eating

his canned soup from a skillet and that his cup has a broken handle. Is he going to eat alone? I wonder if Solomon Singer is poor.

Now I know what he would love to have: a balcony, a fireplace, a porch swing, a picture window, a cat or a dog, and a wall painted yellow or purple. The illustrator paints in the man‟s favorite things. Does this page

show Solomon Singer‟s imagination? Does it show him dreaming about his favorite things? I wonder if it‟s difficult to have these things because he

lives in a hotel in New York City.

I answered my question from the title page. Solomon Singer is

unhappy about where he lives. He wanders on the streets. I wonder what it‟s

like to wander at night on the streets in New York City. I can see the red

writing from the frontispiece is on the hotel door and that there‟s some

writing on the walls outside the hotel. Is this graffiti?

The listener continues to provide this think aloud dialogue with the text as the reader continues reading and questioning the listener about the benefits of this process.


The illustration above shows us how questioning strategy works before, during, and after reading. Questioning makes the readers be involved in a story. In addition, questioning also beneficial to create a relationship between activities before, during, and after reading. Finally the readers would be engaged in reading activity because they keep questioning about text. However, students have some reason to question in reading activity, namely (1) to make clear the meaning, (2) predict the text to be read, (3) consider the Author‟s component, (4) focus on the importance part of text, and (5) place a specific answer in the text.17 In conclusion, questioning in reading has significant purpose which helps the readers to achieve their goals of reading.

3.The Characteristics of Questioning Strategy Reader

Students who have questioning as their reading comprehension strategy have some characteristics. All of them can be indicated from their activity in using questioning activity, before, during, and after reading. Here are some characteristics of students who have questioning as their reading comprehension strategy, as follows:

1. Before reading, I concern with the author of books which I want to read. 2. I concern on the words in the cover of books which I want to read. 3. I attempt to relate the pictures with the atmosphere in the book cover. 4. I attempt to relate the words with the picture in the book cover.

5. I ask question what will happen next in the text or books which I am going to read.

6. Before reading, I ask question where the story in the text or book will happen. 7. Before reading, I ask question when the story in the text or book will happen. 8. Before reading, I always ask question how the story in the text or book will


9. Answering questions while I am reading ease me to comprehend the text.


Debbie Miller, Reading with Meaning; Teaching Comprehension in the Primary Grades, (Stenhouse Publisher, Portland, Maine., 2002), p. 126


10. I often find the answer of my questions when I am reading a text or book. 11. In my opinion, there is a relationship between the title and the content of the

books which I am reading.

12. I can explain the content of the book if I ask question when I am reading. 13. I attempt to relate what I was read with my own knowledge before.

14. After reading, I attempt to relate the message which the author wants to deliver with my own opinion.

15. I attempt to answer the questions which I can‟t find the answers with my own opinion.

16. After reading, I make a conclusion about my reading.

17. After reading, I attempt to conclude the author‟s message well.

18. Asking and answering questions make me be involved in the story of text or book which I have read.

19. In my opinion, the author of book has a significant message that I have to comprehend well.

20. In my opinion, reading strategy is very important for all the readers.18

Based on the characteristics which has been mentioned above, there are some activities that readers do in this strategy; before, while, and after reading. The activities in questioning strategy give a contribution for students to be involved in reading activity. Hence, the characteristics above are helpful to give a brief description about questioning strategy for all of the readers. It could be concluded that those characteristics can be differentiated between questioning strategy and other strategies.

C. Reading Achievement

Reading Achievement is an achievement that students gather in comprehending text whether it is interpreted by written or spokenand usually it can be scored



numerically. In addition, achievement also defined as a change which students gathered through formal instruction.19 When someone has done a certain thing successfully, it can be said an achievement. Hence, the achievement which discussed here is an achievement which students obtained in Reading 1 subject.


Previous Study

The previous studies used by the writer as guidance to make prediction of the study. For this reason, the writer attempts to find the previous study that has a close relationship with the study. Those previous studies are:

1. The first previous study was from a research entitled “A closer look at the relationship of cognitive and metacognitive strategy use to EFL reading achievement test performance ”was written by Alireza Karbalaei, Mysore University. This article examines about students‟ cognitive and metacognitive strategy and their reading achievement. The participants in this study consist of 89 college students. The methodology to gather the data in this study by conducting questionnaire to the participants then administered reading test. The results of the study shows that (1) the use of cognitive and metacognitive strategies had a positive relationship to the reading test performance; and (2) highly test taker who have metacognitive strategy have a good performance test than those who have not.20

2. The second previous study comes from an article entitled Awareness of reading strategy use and reading comprehension among poor and good readers by Dimitris Anastasiou and Eleni Griva The study was aimed to

explore the primary school students‟ awareness of reading strategies and to

identify the differences between poor and good readers, in terms of frequency and efficiency. Furthermore, it was aimed at exploring the


Peter Airasian, Classroom Assessment, Concepts and Applications., p. 85.


AlirezaKarbalaei, “A Comparison of the Metacognitive Reading Strategies Used by EFL and ESL Readers” The Reading Matrix, 2 September 2010, p. 165.


relation between reading strategy awareness and reading comprehension. The study was conducted by using interviews as the instrument to see the difference between students who have cognitive and metacognitive strategy with those who have not. Then it was confirmed with reading test scores. Both groups show a variety of cognitive strategies, it was showed that poor readers, on the one hand, were less aware of cognitive strategies, and on the other hand they reported a limited number of metacognitive strategies in comparison with good readers. In addition, both cognitive and metacognitive strategy awareness give an effect to reading comprehension, the research findings show that cognitive and metacognitive strategy have a

contribution to students‟ reading accuracy and reading speed.21

Considering some previous studies above, the writer can conclude that the finding all of the previous study are all have the positive relationship. These can be the guidance and prediction for the writer to conduct this research.


Conceptual Framework

Nowadays English is important to be mastered. English is used in some aspects of life such as education, entertainment, sports, politic and so on. Mastering English is a must to make people engaged and knowledgeable in the modern life. People attempt to get exposure through reading, listening, writing, and speaking

Reading is a receptive skill that only can be mastered by reading a lot. However, students claim that reading is difficult regard to the unfamiliarity of the topic discussed in the texts, complicated language used in the text, and lack of vocabulary mastery. Those problems then lead to the students‟ unwillingness in reading. Because reading is very essential to make students engaged and knowledgeable, therefore it is important to build students‟ willingness in reading.


Dimitris Anastasiou and Eleni Griva, Awareness of Reading Strategy Use and Reading Comprehension among Poor and Good Readers, 2009, p. 283, (


Reading comprehension strategy enables students to cope with reading difficulty. It makes students be easier in comprehending text by applying some kinds of reading comprehension strategy. Questioning is one of reading comprehension strategies that keep students‟ curiosity in reading. By maintaining curiosity, it is hoped that students will be more interested in reading.

Questioning as a reading comprehension strategy makes students be more interested in reading. Then it is also aimed to question themselves whether they have comprehended the text before, during, and after reading. In addition, questioning as a reading comprehension strategy is aimed to helpful for teachers. By knowing how important a reading comprehension strategy is, teachers have to introduce reading strategy in advance before teaching reading. In this case, Questioning could be introduced by teachers as a strategy to better comprehend the texts.


The Theoretical Hypothesis

Based on the theories were explained above, it can be posed a theoretical hypothesis as follows:

1. The questioning strategy would be well applied for students to improve their reading achievement.



RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A.Place and Time of the Research

This research was conducted at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. It is located at Jl.Ir. H. Juanda Number. 95 Ciputat, South Tangerang. Hence, this research was conducted at 27th December 2013 by administering questionnaires to the sample of the study which are the first semester students of department of English Education, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

B.Research Methodology and Design

The research method used in this research is a quantitative research. This research is aimed to know the influence of questioning strategy on students’ achievement in reading. Here the dependent variable is students’ achievement in reading while the independent variable is questioning strategy.

In addition, this research design is an ex post facto. It is Non experimental

designs that are used to investigate causal relationships without the treatments. Hence, it examines the possible changes of an effect, phenomena, and behavior caused by one event.1 It is belief that there are some factors that influence

students’ achievement in reading, one of them is questioning strategy. As

consequences, this study is aimed at finding out whether questioning strategy influences on students’ achievement in reading.

Then, the method used to obtain the data is by using survey approach which

consists of administering questionnaires. “The questionnaires are written instrument to represent respondents’ characteristics with several question or


Muhammad Mubasir, “Pengaruh Penggunaan Panel Peraga dan Wiring Sistem Penerangan Mobil Terhadap Hasil Belajar Kelistrikan Otomotif”, Skripsi from IKIP Semarang, Semarang, p. 16, Published.



In addition, the questionnaires were administered to collect the data about questioning strategy used by the students.

C. Instrument and Technique of Data Collection

The writer used the instrument of the research to gather the data as follow: 1. Questionnaire

The writer administered questionnaire to the sample of the study which are first semester students of English Education Department to know how far students used questioning as a reading comprehension strategy. Before distributing the questionnaire to the sample of the study, the questionnaire has been tested by using software of SPSS 16.0 to check the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. The validity test which has been used by the writer is construct validity.

In addition, the validity test is aimed to measure how far the instrument is appropriate to test what will be tested.3 In consequences, before distributing the questionnaire to sample of the study, the writer has to test the validity to measure whether the instrument is appropriate to be distributed. Beside, the writer also tests the reliability of instrument. Reliability is aimed to measure the consistency of instrument if it is conducted twice or more. 4 It means that reliability test should be conducted in order to make the instrument reliable and appropriate to be distributed to the sample of the study.

To see the validity and reliability test of instrument, the writer has distributed questionnaire which consisted of 33 items to 36 students of XI IPA I grades of SMAN 29 Jakarta. The result of questionnaires was calculated by using software of SPSS 16.0.The writer used the level of significance 0.05 to find the valid items.


James Dean Brown, Using Survey in Language Program (University of Hawaii at ManoaHonohulu, Hawaii , 2001), p. 6.


Masri Singarimbun and Sofian Effendi, Metode Penelitian Survai, (penerbit LP3ES Indonesia , 2006), p. 124.

4 Ibid.


Based on the result of reliability test, the writer gained Cronbach's Alpha 0. 838. Hence the criteria of the data can be determined if the reliability coefficient (r1) >0.6.5 The result of reliability test was 0.838, or

(0.838 > 0.6) therefore, it can be concluded that the questionnaire is reliable.

The validity test was also tested the questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of 33 items. The items of questionnaire can be considered valid if r- value is higher than r- table. R table is 0.34. Hence, the result shows that 21 items are valid and 12 items are invalid. Then they were dropped from the questionnaire.

In addition, the questionnaire has been distributed to the sample of the study at the first semester students of Department of English Education, UIN syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The questionnaire consists of 20 items which describes the characteristics of questioning as a reading comprehension strategy. The questionnaire consists of three parts; before reading, during reading, and after reading. Due to the questionnaire is aimed to test the positive statement; therefore the answer can be scored in likert scale as follows:

a. Absolutely agree = 5 b. Agree = 4 c. Neutral = 3 d. Disagree = 2 e. Absolutely disagree = 1.6

Hence, after distributing the questionnaire to the sample of the study, the writer calculated the students’ entire questionnaire by using SPSS 16.0 to know the sum score of questioning as a reading strategy used by the students. Based on the likert scale above, it is possible the highest score of questionnaire gains 100. Due to the total of questionnaire are 20 items, therefore 20 X 5 (the highest response of statement) = 100. The gained


Sofian Siregar, Statistika Deskriptif untuk Penelitian. (Jakarta: Rajawali Press, 2011). 6


questionnaire will be summed based on their response from score 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in each item.

2. Documentation

The writer gathered students’ reading achievement based on the final score of their reading 1 subject. The writer did not administer reading

test to know the students’ achievement. The writer documented students’

reading achievement based on students’ reading achievement of Reading 1

subject which obtained from the lecture of Reading 1 subject. Then the

students’ final score consists of students’ formative score including novel

presentation, middle test score which is including of theory of Reading I, and final test score which is including of application of theory Reading I. Those scores then calculated to be their final score of Reading I subject.

D.Population and Sample

The population of the study is the first semester students of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta which consist of three classes, namely IA, IB, and IC. The total number of population was 75 students. In selecting the sample, the writer used purposive sampling technique. This technique is used to determine the sample with certain consideration.7 There were 40 students were taken from each class as the representative because the students almost have same ability in middle test of reading achievement. It can be seen from their middle test in reading 1 achievement.

E.Technique of Data Analysis

This research used software of SPSS 16.0 to analyze the data. After getting the data from questionnaire and documentation, furthermore it is important to analyze the data to examine the hypothesis. This research used linear regression to investigate between the influence of questioning strategy and students’ achievement in reading. Hence, linear regression is regression analysis which is


Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian , Pendidikan,Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D, (Alfabeta Bandung, 2013), p. 85.


used to learn the functional relationship between the variables.8 Therefore, linear regression is appropriate to be used to test the causal relationship between two variables. Basically, linear regression is different with linear correlation; linear correlation is used to test between the relationship of two variables and the degree of variable X and Y can be changed their position or it can be said it is a vice versa relationship. While the linear regression, the degree of the variables X and Y cannot be changed or it can be said it is a causal relationship.9 Furthermore, this study used F-test to test the hypothesis. F-test is used to examine the influence of independent variable and dependent variable.10

After obtaining the questionnaire and documentation, then the writer will analyze data of questionnaire score and students’ reading achievement score into some steps:

a. Analyze the score of students’ reading strategy and then input them in the SPSS 16.0

b. Input the score of students’ reading achievement into SPSS 16.0. c. Decide the Mean value from variable 1 (questioning strategy)

d. Decide the Mean value from variable 2 (students’ achievement in reading) d. Decide the maximum and minimum score of reading strategy and reading


e. Decide the mode, median and the sum of reading strategy and reading


f. Decide the interval, frequency, and percentage of students’ reading comprehension strategy


Budi, Susetyo, Statistika Untuk Analisis Data Penelitian (PT Refika Aditama Bandung,2010), p. 125.





g. Decide the interval, frequency, and percentage of students’ reading achievement

h. Examine the normality test of reading comprehension strategy

i. Examine the homogeneity of both variables: reading comprehension

strategy and reading achievement.

j. Examine linear regression to test the hypothesis at SPSS 16.0

F. Statistical Hypothesis

Statistically, research hypothesis is expressed as follow:

H0 =

ρ = 0

H1 =



1. Null Hypothesis (Ho)

Ho = “Questioning strategy does not influences students’ achievement in

reading “. Or,

2. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)

Ha= “Questioning Strategy influences students’ achievement in reading”

The assumption if the hypothesis as follows:

If F-ratio (Fo) < F-table (Ft), the Null Hypothesis (Ho) is accepted and

alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected. It means that questioning strategy does not

influence students’ achievement in reading.

If F- ratio (Fo) > F-table (Ft), the Null Hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and

alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. It means that questioning strategy


In this chapter, the writer will discuss the research findings about students’

questioning strategy and students’ reading achievement. The first step, the writer

will discuss the description of students’ questionnaires scores which is regarded as

students’ reading comprehension strategy. Then the writer will show the students’

score of Reading I subject. Hence the writer will describe the data analysis which consists of the normality and homogeneity test. Furthermore, the writer will report the result of linear regression which examines the hypothesis of the study.


Data Description

The research data consists of questioning as a reading comprehension strategy as an independent variable and reading achievement as a dependent variable. The data had been collected through questionnaire to know the students reading strategy used

and documentation about students’ reading achievement which was obtained based

on students’ final score of reading 1 subject. The data description shows mean,

median mode, the minimum and maximum score of reading comprehension strategy and reading achievement. All of those data description will be discussed in the following discussion comprehensively.



Reading Strategy

Students’ reading strategy is questioning strategy used by students specifically

in questioning. To know the students’ reading strategy, the writer distributed questionnaire to students of English Education Department academic year 2013/2014 of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta as the object of the study. After

collecting the data of students’ reading strategy, the writer calculated the questionnaire by using SPSS 16.0 to know the students’ total score of their reading


comprehension strategy. To see whether students used reading comprehension strategy, it could be claimed based on their lowest or highest score of questionnaire

score. In addition, the students’ reading comprehension strategy described in the

following table.

Table 4.1

The Score of Students’ Reading Comprehension Strategy

Student Reading Strategy

1 66 2 59 3 94 4 81 5 65 6 77 7 81 8 78 9 76 10 84 11 81 12 80 13 77 14 65 15 75 16 81 17 80 18 82 19 75 20 79

Student Reading Strategy

21 76 22 76 23 70 24 85 25 78 26 81 27 72 28 68 29 70 30 65 31 89 32 84 33 71 34 72 35 62 36 86 37 88 38 93 39 74 40 83


Reading strategy

N Valid 40

Missing 21

Mean 76.98

Median 77.50

Mode 81

Range 35

Minimum 59

Maximum 94

Sum 3079

Table 4.1 which represent students’ reading strategy shows that the highest

score of reading comprehension strategy is 94 and the lowest score of reading comprehension strategy is 59. It can be concluded that there is significant difference between the highest and the lowest score of reading strategy with the range 35. Then the sum score of reading comprehension strategy is 3079. Meanwhile the mean score

of students’ reading comprehension strategy is 76.98; it means that the mean score of

students’ reading achievement are good. Table 4.1 also shows that the median score

of students’ reading comprehension strategy is 77.50. In addition, the mode scores are

81. In the mode score, most students get 81 scores; it means that there are a lot of students who are frequently use questioning as a reading comprehension strategy. All of the data descriptions above were calculated by using descriptive statistic SPSS 16.0.


After calculating the descriptive data, the writer will show interval, frequency, and percentage of reading comprehension strategy. The data below was calculated by using Microsoft Excel 2007. The following table describes in details about students reading comprehension strategy.

Table 4.2

Relative frequency distribution of students’ reading comprehension strategy

Number Interval Frequency Percentage

1 59-64 2 5%

2 65-70 7 17.5%

3 71-76 9 22.5%

4 77-82 13 32.5%

5 83-88 6 15%

6 89-94 3 7.5%

∑f = 40

From the table above, it can be seen frequency and percentage of reading comprehension strategy from 40 students. There are 5% students who get the score between 59-64, in this percentage; there are only two students who get the score between 59-64. Then 17.5% students get score 65-70. Then there are 22.5% of students who get score between 71-76. Mostly, students gain score between 77-82; it can be proved with the biggest percentage 32.5%. It means that it is the score which students gained most. Meanwhile, there are 15% students who get score 83-88.Hence; there are 7.5% students who get the score between 89-94. These are the biggest score which are obtained from students’ reading achievement.


After calculating the frequency distribution of students’ reading comprehension strategy, the data can be described in details on the chart below:

Figure 4.1

Frequency Distribution of Students’ Reading Strategy


Students’ Reading Achievement

Students’ reading achievement is the final score of Reading I subject which

is obtained based on the documentation of the score of the First Semester students of Department of English Education, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Academic year 2013/2014. The score of Reading I subject can be seen in the table 4.2 as follows:

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

59-64 65-70 71-76 77-82 83-88 89-94

Frequency of Reading Strategy


Table 4.3

The Score of Students’ Reading Achievement

Student Reading Achievement









































Student Reading Achievement










































Reading achievement

N Valid 40

Missing 21

Mean 75.25

Median 75.00

Mode 72a

Range 21

Minimum 62

Maximum 83

Sum 3010

Table 4.3 shows that the maximum score of students’ reading achievement is 83, and the minimum score is 62. There is a significant range between the maximum and the minimum score of reading achievement with the range 21. Then the sum score of reading achievement is 3010. Meanwhile the mean score of

students’ reading comprehension strategy is 75; it means that the mean score of

students’ reading achievement is quite good because it is bigger than the mode

score72. Hence, the table 4.3 also shows that the median score of students’ reading comprehension strategy is 75. The mean and mode score of students’ reading achievement is same in this case. In addition, the mode score is 72; it means that there are a lot of students who get 72. In addition, all of the data descriptions above were calculated by using descriptive statistic SPSS 16.0.


After calculating the descriptive data, the writer will show interval, frequency, and percentage of reading comprehension strategy. The data below was calculated by using Microsoft Excel 2007. The following table describes in details about students reading comprehension strategy.

Table 4.4

Relative frequency distribution of students’ reading achievement

Number Interval Frequency Percentage

1 62-67 2 5 %

2 68-73 13 32.5 %

3 74-79 15 37.5 %

4 80-85 10 25 %

∑f = 40

From the table above, it can be seen frequency and percentage of reading achievement from 40 students. There are 5 % student who get the score between 62– 67, in this percentage; there are only two students who get the score between 62– 67. Then 8.20% students get score between 68-73. In addition, mostly, 37.5% students get score between 74-79; it means that it is the score which students gained most. Hence, there are 25 % students who get score between 80-85.

After calculating the frequency distribution of students’ reading achievement, the data can be described in details on the chart below to give a visual description of frequency of reading achievement:


Figure 4.2

Frequency Distribution of Students’ Reading Achievement


The Assumption Test


Normality Test

Before examining the hypothesis of the study, there are some steps that have to be examined before; they are normality and homogeneity test. Hence, in this part, the writer will show the result of normality test Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and it was analyzed by using SPSS 16.0 with α = 0.05. The aim of this analysis was used to see whether the data in the research was normally distributed. The result of the normality test can be seen as follows:

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

62-67 68-73 74-79 80-85

Frequency of Reading Achievement


Table 4.5

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. Reading Strategy .080 40 .200* .985 40 .866 Reading Achievement

.094 40 .200* .959 40 .157

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

Hypothesis :1

Ho : Data of X is normally distributed.

Ha : Data of X is not normally distributed (random).

Criteria of the test:

Ho is accepted if probability (sig.) > 0.05

Ha is accepted if probability (sig.) < 0.05

The result of calculation shows that both of the sig. (2-tailed) = 0.20 or (0.20> 0.05). Based on the criteria of the test above, it can be determined that 0.20 is greater than 0, 05. It means that Ho is accepted. Therefore, the reading comprehension

strategy data are normally distributed.


Homogeneity Test

Besides testing the normality, the study also tested the homogeneity of the data. It is conducted to know whether the variance of the data is homogenous. If the data is homogenous, it shows that the data has same characteristics. This test uses Levene statistic as the technique of the homogeneity test. The result from the test of homogeneity of variances by using SPSS 16.0 is presented as follows:



Table 4.6

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Reading strategy Levene

Statistic df1 df2 Sig. 2.052 10 25 .071


Ho : The variance of the data is homogenous.

Ha : The variance of the data is not homogenous.

Criteria of the test :

Ho is accepted if p value (sig.) > 0.05

Ha is accepted if p value (sig.) < 0.05

The result of homogeneity test from table 4.4 shows that p value > 0.05 in which the p value, 0.71 is greater than 0.05 or (0.05>0.71). Based on the criteria of test above, it means that Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. In conclusion, the variance

of the data is homogenous.


The Analysis of the Data

1. The Testing of Hypothesis

The testing of hypothesis is aimed to examine between two variables which are questioning strategy as an independent variable and reading achievement as a dependent variable. Then based on the test of normality and homogeneity tests, the results show that the data are normally distributed and the variance of the data is homogenous. Hence, the writer analyzed the data between two variables by using



linear regression and F-test ANOVA in SPSS 16.0 to see whether questioning strategy influences students’ achievement in reading. Furthermore, based on the calculation of SPSS 16.00, the data gathered as follow:

Table 4.7



Sum of

Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 390.818 1 390.818 6.707 .014a

Residual 2214.157 38 58.267 Total 2604.975 39

a. Predictors: (Constant), reading achievement b. Dependent Variable: reading strategy


Ho : Questioning strategy does not influence students’ achievement in reading

Ha : Questioning strategy influences students’ achievement in reading

Criteria of the test:

Ho is accepted if F-ratio (Fo) < F-table (Ft) and probability (sig.) > 0.05

Ha is accepted if F- ratio (Fo) > F-table (Ft) and probability (sig.) < 0.05

Based on the table above, the gain of F ratio is 6.707 which is greater from F

table (4.08) that can be found in appendix (6.707>4.08). Then, the p value is 0.01 which is less than 0.05 (0.01< 0.05). From this result, it can be concluded that Ha is

accepted and Ho is rejected. It means that questioning strategy influence students’

achievement in reading.




Data Interpretation

Reading comprehension strategy is the strategy which specifically concern in questioning as a reading strategy which is beneficial for students to help them in facing reading difficulty. In addition, it is also profitable for students to be an effective reader because during reading activity, students are encouraged to maintain their curiosity in reading by asking question before, during, and after reading. According to Anne Harvey and Goudvis, “asking questions is at the heart of

thoughtful reading”.4

Therefore, it is important to investigate the correlation between

reading comprehension strategy and students’ achievement in reading.

Furthermore, some analysis of this research also shows that the test of normality reveals the data are normally distributed. Then the result of homogeneity test also shows that the data is homogenous. In other words, there are the same characteristics between two variables which are questioning strategy as an independent variable and reading achievement as a dependent variable. In addition, according to the criteria of hypothesis above, it indicates that the result of F-test or (6.707>4.08) It can be concluded that questioning strategy influence students’ reading achievement.

Based on the interpretation of the data above, it indicates that questioning strategy

influences students’ achievement in reading. In other words, the students who have questioning strategy will influence their reading achievement. Hence, this study is similar with an article entitled Awareness of reading strategy use and reading comprehension among poor and good readers by Dimitris Anastasiou and Eleni Griva. It describes that good readers who have cognitive and metacognitive strategy are more successful in reading test than those who have not.


Stephanie Harvey and Anne Goudvis, Strategies That Work. (Stenhouse Publishers 2000), p. 8.


In summary, the results shows that the hypothesis of H0 is rejected and Ha is

accepted. It can be concluded that questioning strategy influences students’ achievement in reading.




Based on the interpretation of the data in the previous chapter, the gain of F

ratio is 6.707 which is greater from F table (4.08) or (6.707>4.08). Then, the p value is 0.01 which is less than 0.05 (0.01< 0.05). From this result, it can be concluded that Ha is accepted and Hois rejected. It means that questioning strategy

influence students' achievement in reading.

In addition, there is an influence between questioning strategy and students’ achievement in reading. It can be concluded that the study of the influence of questioning strategy and students’ reading achievement has a significant influence for the first semester students of Department of English Education academic year 2013/2014 UIN syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Therefore, questioning strategy is beneficial for students to gain their achievement in reading.



According to the results of the study, it can be delivered to:

- Teachers: It is hoped that the teacher can teach the students reading comprehension strategy specifically in questioning before teaching reading.

- Students: It is hoped that the students want to learn more about reading comprehension strategy specifically in questioning.

- Curriculum: It is better if questioning strategy can be included in Indonesian curriculum due to the disability faced by the students in reading English Text.


Reading 1 Final Test

3 | P a g e 30. a playful child with cheerful face. Insomnia is much more common in the geriatric population than with the

younger set.

A. teenage B. newborn C. childhood D. elderly

31. Moderate exercise earlier in the evening could help, but over-extending yourself physically will never induce sleep A. interfere with B. interrupt C. bring on D. prevent

32. Philologists were once interested only in studying ancient texts to discover which were authentic

A. Explorers C. Teachers

B. Dictionary makers D. Language historians

33. Religion has arisen from people’s need to ponder their origins.

A. deny B. justify C. ignore D. think about

34. For many years people feared that it would be proven that humans evolved from monkeys.

A. gave birth to C. came from

B. were the same as D. were related to

35. The scientist unenthusiastically publicized that the experimental results were ambiguous. A. modestly successful

B. completely negative

C. unable to be measured D. open to interpretation

V. Write a summary of the passage below!

There are differing beliefs about individual responsibility for poverty. Some people believe that poverty is a symptom of societal structure and that some proportion of any society inevitably will be poor. Others feel that poverty results from a failure of social institutions, such as the labor market and schools. These people feel that poverty is beyond the control of those who experience it, but might be remedied if appropriate policies were enacted. Other people feel that the poor intentionally behave in ways that cause or perpetuate their poverty. For instance, if people voluntarily choose to use drugs and this leads them to poverty, it can be argued that they are to blame for their situation. However, such an argument cannot completely explain cases in which poverty leads to drug dependence.

In addition, many people in developed countries blame cycles of poverty, or the tendency for the poor to remain poor, on overly generous welfare programs. Supporters of this position, including some politicians, argue against government spending and initiatives to help the poor. They believe that these programs provide incentives for people to stay poor in order to continue receiving payments and other support. This argument also suggests that welfare discourages work and marriage. In the United States and other developed countries, getting a job results in reduced welfare support; the same is true when a single parent gets married. However, cash welfare benefits for the typical poor U.S. family with children fell in value by half between the early 1970s and the mid-1990s, taking inflation into account. Such benefits may have been too meager to motivate people to stay on welfare or to avoid work or marriage.

In the United States, the belief that cash welfare assistance actually encouraged personal decisions leading to poverty dominated policy discussions of the 1990s. In response, in 1996 the U.S. Congress created a new welfare program called Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF). This program ended the guarantee of cash benefits for poor families with children, shifted more control to the states, and established stricter work requirements for recipients. The numbers of poor families with children receiving cash welfare fell dramatically, from 4.6 million in 1996 to 2.1 million at the end of 2001. The poverty rate for children also fell during the 1990s, from more than 20 percent in the early part of the decade to about 16 percent by the end of the decade. Experts disagree, however, on what drove the reductions in both welfare caseloads and poverty: changes in welfare policy or the dynamic economy that prevailed during most of this period.

Reviewed By: Thomas J. Corbett


4 | P a g e

******** Good Luck ********



KODE MK : BHS 3079




STUDENT Formatif

30.0% 30.0%UTS 40.0%UAS



1 78,00 65,00 70,00 70,90 B


3 77,00 94,00 90,00 87,30 A

4 77,00 70,00 70,00 72,10 B

5 81,00 68,00 57,00 67,50 C


7 81,00 70,00 85,00 79,30 B

8 78,00 68,00 60,00 67,80 C


10 78,00 72,00 75,00 75,00 B


12 79,00 78,00 60,00 71,70 B

13 79,00 84,00 60,00 72,90 B

14 82,00 68,00 70,00 73,00 B

15 78,00 84,00 81,00 81,00 A

16 77,00 84,00 76,00 78,70 B

17 7900 82,00 62,00 73,10 B

18 78,00 70,00 75,00 74,40 B

19 79,00 86,00 77,00 80,30 A

20 76,00 52,00 72,00 67,20 C

21 76,00 86,00 73,00 77,80 B

22 82,00 84,00 76,00 80,20 A

23 76,00 78,00 65,00 72,70 B

24 74,00 68,00 82,00 74,20 B

25 76,00 40,00 66,00 61,20 C

26 79,00 42,00 77,00 67,10 C

27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

82,00 80,00 62,00 73,40 B

79,00 64,00 72,00 71,70 B

82,00 78,00 83,00 81,20 A

79,00 70,00 70,00 72,70 B



KODE MK : BHS 3079


STUDENT Formatif

30.0% 30.0%UTS 40.0%UAS


1 79,00 80,00 75,00 77,70 B

2 72,00 90,00 65,00

3 79,00 95,00 67,00 79,00 B

4 78,00 79,00 72,00 75,90 B

5 79,00 80,00 77,00 78,50 B


7 76,00 80,00 78,00 78,00 B

8 75,00 51,00 64,00 63,40 C


10 81,00 80,00 72,00 77,10 B


12 79,00 80,00 90,00 83,70 A

13 76,00 50,00 62,00 62,60 C

14 77,00 74,00 70,00 73,30 B

15 76,00 58,00 77,00 71,00 B

16 80,00 62,00 69,00 70,20 B

17 81,00 79,00 82,00 80,80 A

18 75,00 30,00 55,00 53,50 D

19 76,00 48,00 67,00 64,00 C

20 78,00 72,00 72,00 73,80 B

21 79,00 56,00 75,00 70,50 B

22 79,00 62,00 72,00 70,10 B

23 77,00 72,00 70,00 72,70 A

24 81,00 76,00 72,00 75,90 B

25 79,00 80,00 77,00 78,50 B

26 80,00 78,00 77,00 78,20 B


28 79,00 90,00 83,00 83,90 A

29 79,00 79,00 82,00 80,20 A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

77,00 80,00 70,00 75,10 B 30

74,60 B

76,00 58,00 80,00 72,20 B

31 81,00 82,00 90,00 87,90 A

32 81,00 84,00 85,00 83,50 A

76,00 83,00 71,00 76,10 B 33

76,00 76,00 72,00 74,40 B

79,00 70,00 75,00 74,70 B




KODE MK : BHS 3079




STUDENT Formatif

30.0% 30.0%UTS 40.0%UAS



1 78,00 79,00 85,00 81,10 A

2 0,00 0,00 0,00

3 79,00 80,00 81,00 80,10 A

4 78,00 79,00 72,00 75,90 B

5 75,00 67,00 69,00 70,20 B

6 0,00 0,00 0,00

7 77,00 64,00 63,00 67,50 C

8 77,00 72,00 75,00 74,70 B

9 0,00 0,00 0,00

10 77,00 68,00 70,00 71,50 B

11 0,00 0,00 0,00

12 75,00 36,00 55,00 55,30 D

13 76,00 78,00 70,00 74,20 B

14 76,00 66,00 60,00 66,60 C

15 78,00 82,00 75,00 78,00 B

16 74,00 54,00 72,00 67,20 C

17 76,00 68,00 67,00 70,00 B

18 78,00 68,00 82,00 76,60 B

19 79,00 48,00 57,00 60,90 C

20 77,00 68,00 58,00 66,70 C

21 77,00 85,00 79,00 80,20 A

22 78,00 78,00 60,00 70,80 B

23 80,00 72,00 86,00 80,00 A

24 80,00 48,00 54,00 60,00 C

25 78,00 81,00 56,00 70,10 B

26 19,00 36,00 0,00 16,50 E

27 0,00 0,00 0,00

28 78,00 70,00 68,00 71,60 B

29 81,00 83,00 75,00 79,20 B

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

77,00 70,00 47,00 62,90 C
