The Nature of Learning

complex procedures that individuals apply to tasks. Consequently, they may be presented as procedural knowledge that may be acquired through cognitive, associative, and autonomous stages of learning. The condition needs teachers who teach effectively. Being an effective teachers today involves skills that it did in the past. The teacher – centered role is becoming ineffective. Effective teachers have much in common with effective learners. They also build theories, make guesses based on these theories, reflect on the results, and so learn. Teachers are also encountering different attitudes among their students, and are also being indirectly influenced by the power within their own families. In terms of his relationship with the students, a teacher has roles as controller, facilitators, motivator, and reflective practitioners.

b. The Nature of Learning

According to contemporary dictionary in Brown 2000: 7 learning is acquiring or getting of knowledge of subject or a skill by study, experience, or instruction. According to Finocchiaro Brumfit in Brown 2000: 45 language learning is learning structures, sounds, or words in Audio-lingual Method. Therefore, language learning is learning to communicate in Communicative Language Teaching. Learning process is a process between learners and their environment. Therefore, there would be behavior interchange through better situation. The language acquisition and language teaching pointed through the one effort for developing and creating proper communication. The acquisition, basically, is a process of student k o i g o u i atio ith thei e i o e t e all O Malle , 1990:16- 9 . The stude t s la guage a uisitio is e o d thei consciousness, means that their language acquisition is not always under consciousnesses. It reflected through language users. Moreover, the language acquisition has accidentally beginning, secondly, the language acquisition has gradually beginning which rise from social motorist and paralinguistic cognitive Freeman,, 1991: 40-41. The other definitions of learning are stated by some experts. They defined learning are as follows: 1 Learning as a quantitative increase in knowledge. Learning is acquiring information Amri, 2010: 205; 2 Learning is storing information that can be reproduced Trianto, 2009:15-21; 3 Learning is acquiring facts, skills, and methods that can be retained and used as necessary Trianto, 2009:15-21; 4 Learning is making sense or abstracting meaning. Learning involves relating parts of the subject matter to each other to the real world Trianto, 2009:15-21; 5 Learning is comprehending the world by reinterpreting knowledge Amri, 2010:205. From the explanation above, it can be concluded that learning is a process. There is a concern with what happens when the learning takes place. In this way, learning could be thought as a process by which behavior changes as a result of experience Maples in Jager, 2002:12. People need to learn language because they want to communicate with others. They want to be understood and also able to understand others. This view is in accordance with Larsen and Freeman : 9 ho stated that stude ts a e, a o e all, o u i ato s . They are actively engaged in negotiating meaning, in trying to make them understood and understanding others, even when their knowledge is incomplete. Furthermore, the learners are more responsible in to manage their own learning than the teacher. From the explanation above it can be concluded that language learning is getting of knowledge of subject or skill by study, experience, or instruction and the purpose is learning to communicate.

2. The Objective of Learning