

Desy Agustina Situngkir IDN 4123312004

Bilingual Mathematics Education


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for The Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


MEDAN 2016




The greatest thankfulness to Almighty God for His blessing, carring, and mercying so that writer can finish this thesis. The title of this thesis is “Efforts to Improve Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving Ability Through Contextual Teaching and Learning at SMP Negeri 1 Binjai”. This thesis was arranged to satisfy the requirement to obtain the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan from Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science in State University of Medan.

In this chance, writer want to say big thanks for Mr. Dr. E. Elvis Napitupulu, M.S., as thesis supervisior who has provided guidences, directions, and advices to complete of this thesis. Thanks are also due to Prof. Dr. Bornok Sinaga M.Pd., Dr. Edy Surya, M.Si., Prof. Dr. Edi Syahputra, M.Pd., as examiners who have provided inputs and suggestions from the planning to the completion of the preparation of the research of this thesis. Thanks are also extended to Prof. Drs. Dian Armanto, M.Pd., MA., M.Sc., Ph.D, as academic supervisor and then thank you so much for all lecturers and staffs in FMIPA that already helped writer.

Writer wants to say thanks to Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd, as rector of State University of Medan and employee staff in office of university head, Dr. Asrin Lubis, M.Pd, as Dean Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and to coordinator of bilingual, Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si., Dr. Edy Surya, M. Si., as Chief of Mathematics Department, Zul Amry, M. Si., as Chief of Mathematics Education Study Program, Drs. Yasifati Hia, M. Si., as Secretary of Mathematics Education, and all of employee staff who have helped writer to complete this research.

Thanks to Mr. Hanafiah. I. S.Pd., as principle of SMP Negeri 1 Binjai who has given permission to writer do research, Mam. Serli Marlita, S.Pd., as mathematics teacher and all teacher, staffs and also the students in grade VIII-9 SMP Negeri 1 Binjai who have helped writer conducting the research.


Special thanks writer says for lovely father Mr. Masden Situngkir and lovely mother Mrs. Sumarli Naibaho, who give advices, prays and motivations to complete this research.

Thanks for all my lovely family in Bilingual Mathematics 2012, who gave support and motivation during completion of thesis. Also thanks for my friends in PPLT SMA Negeri 1 Sidikalang who gave loves and cheers through completing this thesis. The last thanks for my lovely edak, Friska Simbolon, who already be with me in sadness and happiness, sharing and discovering many unique things together from first semester until end semester.

The writer should give a big effort to prepare this thesis, and writer knows this thesis has weakness. So that, writer needs some suggestions to make this thesis better. And big wishes, it can be improve our knowledge.

Medan, Juni 2016 Writer,

Desy Agustina Situngkir ID. 4123312004




LEARNING AT SMP NEGERI 1 BINJAI Desy Agustina Situngkir (IDN 4123312004)


The purpose of this research was to know whether contextual teaching and learning (CTL) approach could improve students’ mathematical problem solving ability (SMPSA) in eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Binjai. The type of this research was Classroom Action Research.

The subject of this research was students in class VIII-9 which consisted of 20 students. The object was SMPSA on cube and cuboid topic in eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Binjai Academic Year 2015/2016.

This study consisted of two cycles. Each cycle had two meetings. SMPSA was tested in the end of cycle. Instrument used to collect data in this research were test and observation sheet.

After giving a treatment to students, in the first cycle, the average score of their mathematical problem solving ability was 2.30. Ten of 20 students (50%) obtained score  2.67. The average score of teacher’s activities in observation sheet was 2.66, which classified as good category. The average score of students’ activities in observation sheet was 2.55, which classified as good category. In the second cycle, the average score of mathematical problem solving ability was increased became 3.05 with 18 students (90%) obtained score  2.67. The average score of teacher’s activities in observation sheet was 3.44, which classified as very good category. The average score of students’ activities in observation sheet was 3.22, which classified as very good category.

From the result of research, it can be concluded that the implementation of contextual teaching and learning (CTL) approach can improve students’ problem solving ability. The suggestion that given for teachers is to be able to implement contextual teaching and learning (CTL) approach as an alternative in learning process that can improve problem solving ability.




Sheet of Agreement i

Biography ii

Abstract iii

Preface iv

Contents vi

List of Figure ix

List of Table x

List of Appendix xi


1.1. Background 1

1.2. Problem Identification 8

1.3. Problem Limitation 9

1.4. Problem Formulation 9

1.5. Research Objectives 10

1.6. Research Benefits 10

1.7. Operational Definitions 11


2.1. Theoretical Framework 12

2.1.1. Mathematical Problems 12

2.1.2. Mathematical Problem Solving 13

2.1.3. Mathematical Problem Solving Ability 15

2.2. Learning Approach 16

2.3. Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) Approach 17 2.3.1. The Syntax of Contextual Teaching and Learning 18 2.3.2. The Advantage and Disadvantage of Contextual Teaching 20

and Learning

2.4. Classroom Action Research (CAR) 21

2.4.1. The Roles of Classroom Action Research for Teacher 21 2.4.2. Characteristic of Classroom Action Research 22 2.4.3. The Purpose of Classroom Action Research 22 2.4.4. The Benefit of Classroom Action Research 23

2.5. Learning Theory Support 23

2.6. Virtual Manipulative 24

2.7. Content Materials 25



2.9. Conceptual Framework 30

2.10. Hypothesis 31


3.1. Type of Research 32

3.2. Location and Time of Research 32

3.3. Subject and Object of Research 32

3.3.1. Subject of Research 32

3.3.2. Object of Research 32

3.4. Research Procedure 32

3.4.1 CYCLE I 33 Problem I 33 Action Plan I 34 I 34 Observation I 35 Data Analysis I 35 I 35

3.4.2 CYCLE II 38 Plan II 38 II 39 II 39 Analysis II 40 II 40

3.5. Data Collection Instruments 43

3.5.1. Test 43 Initial test of Problem Solving Ability 43 Mathematics Problem Solving Ability 44

3.5.2. Non Test 47

3.6. Data Resources 48

3.7. Data Analysis Technique 48

3.7.1. Data Reduction 49

3.7.2. Data Interpretation 49

3.7.3. Conclusion 52



4.1 Result of Research 53

4.1.1 Description of Initial Test Result 53

4.1.2 Description of Action Research Cycle I 55

4.1.3 Description of Action Research Cycle II 67

4.2 Research Findings 78

4.3 Discussion of Research 78


5.1 Conclusion 80

5.2 Suggestion 81







Page Table 1.1 Table of Preliminary Diagnostic Test

Table 2.1 The Syntax of Contextual Teaching and Learning Table 3.1 Table of Reflection I

Table 3.2 Table of Reflection II

Table 3.3 Blueprint of Initial Test of Problem Solving Ability Table 3.4 Blueprint of Problem Solving Test I

Table 3.5 Blueprint of Problem Solving Test II

Table 3.6 Guidance Scoring Mathematical Problem Solving Ability 6 18 36 40 44 45 45 46

Table 3.7 List of Interval Score and Predicate Table 3.8 Interpretation of Gain Normalization Table 3.9 Criteria of Average Assessment Table 4.1 Initial Test Result

Table 4.2 The Result of Problem Solving Ability Test I

Table 4.3 Description of Observation Teacher’s Activity in First Cycle

Table 4.4 Description of Observation Student’s Activity in First Cycle

Table 4.5 The Result of Cycle I

Table 4.6 Result Test of Problem Solving Ability II

Table 4.7 Description of Observation Teacher’s Activity in Second Cycle

Table 4.8 Description of Observation Student’s Activity in Second Cycle

Table 4.9 Increasing Criteria of Students’ Problem Solving Ability Table 4.10 The Result of Cycle II

50 51 51 54 57 59 60 65 70 72 73 75 76



Mathematics is one of the most important subjects that very close and can be found around us. When we walk away, many things that we look related to mathematics. Something that we look, can be formed into a problem. Then, from the problem we try to solve (called problem solving). As a framework, a problem as a developmentally appropriate challenge for which the participant has a goal but the means for achieving it is not immediately apparent (Polya, 2004; Schoenfeld, 1992). Problem solving requires making sense of the problem situation and the means necessary for making decisions, which direct an individual’s understanding (Schoenfeld, 1992)

Education process implemented in order to be able to develop the potential of learning to confront and solve life problem that it face and to support future development. Understanding, knowledge and skills that students need to be held covered in standard process which includes: problem solving, reasoning, comunication, conection and representation. In addition the learning objectives of mathematics according to Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BNSP)(2006) are: (1) Memahami konsep matematika , menjelaskan keterkaian antarkonsep dan mengaplikasikan konsep atau algoritma, secara luwes, akurat, efisien, dan tepat, dalam pemecahan masalah; (2) Menggunakan penalaran pada pola dan sifat, melakukan manipulasi matematika dalam membuat generalisasi, menyusun bukti, atau menjelaskan gagasan dan pernyataan matematika; (3) Memecahkan masalah yang meliputi kemampuan memahami masalah, merancang model matematika, menyelesaikan model dan menafsirkan solusi yang diperoleh; (4) Mengkomunikasikan gagasan dengan simbol, tabel, diagram atau media lain untuk memperjelas keadaaan atau masalah; (5) Memiliki sikap menghargai kegunaan matematika dalam kehidupan, yaitu memiliki rasa ingin tahu, perhatian dan minat dalam mempelajari matematika, serta sikap ulet dan percaya diri dalam pemecahan masalah.



This means that mathematical problem solving ability is a component of process standard that trains high order of thinking ability. Mathematical problem solving ability is an ability made by an idividual or group to find the solution of a problem with the knowledge, understanding and skills that people posses. In solving the mathematical problems of students in training to determine what is known, what is asked in the problem and what kind of solution that suit to that problems. Because in solving mathematical problems do not just want to get the answer or outcome but rather on how students solve the mathematical problem.

To solve the problem is needed some starategies named problem solving. Mathematical problem solving is a process which involved the method solution is unknown in advance. To find the solution, students should map their knowledge about mathematics. There are four important phases to solve mathematics problem. In this research, problem solving ability according to Polya (2004) will be measured through students’ ability to complete a problem by using problem solving steps as follows:

1. Understanding the problem

From this step, students should understand the problem that can be looked from being able to point out what the data, what the condition, and also what the problem showed.

2. Devising a plan

From this step, students make plan how to solve the problem, which solution that corresponds to the problem. Finding the connection between the data and the unknown.

3. Carring out the plan

From this step, students implement the plan of what they have planned before.


4. Looking back

Students able to derive the result diffrently and use method for some other problem.

Unachieving goal of learning mathematics, especially mathematical problem solving occurs in SMP Negeri 1 Binjai. Low Mathematical problem solving ability is founded in the eighth grade through diagnostic test. Diagnostic tests conducted by researcher by giving the problem to see students’ problem solving ability. The test is contextual problem to know the initial mathematical problem solving ability of students. Actually, all topics in mathematics can be tested to measure students’ mathematical problem solving ability. But in this research, researcher choosed one topic of mathematics which still fresh and perhaps students still remind it. The topic was algebra. Giving diagnostic tests carried out on January 6th 2016. There are 20 students answer the diagnostic test in class VIII- 9. The problem tested to students as follow:

Pak Idris mempunyai kebun apel berbentuk persegi dan Pak Halim mempunyai kebun semangka. Ukuran panjang kebun semangka Pak Halim 10 meter lebihnya dari panjang sisi kebun apel Pak Idris. Sedangkan, lebarnya 3 meter lebih dari panjang sisi kebun apel Pak Idris. Jika diketahui luas kebun Pak Halim adalah 450 m2, tentukan luas kebun apel Pak Idris.



From the answers given by students obtained: 1. Students could not understand the problem

Figure 1.1 Student’s sheet in understanding the problem step From Figure 1.1, Students were able to identify what is asked but they did not able to identify what is known. Student did not know clearly what is known, and did not write what is known in student’s sheet. In this step, there are 8 of 20 students could not understand the problem.

2. Students could not devise a plan in problem solving strategies

Figure 1.2 Student’s sheet in devising a plan

From interviewing some of students about how they devise a plan, reseacher got that most of them did not know which formula that suitable to the problem and which formula can be used. It happened because they did not understand the problem clearly, so that they could not make a formula which matched and believed that can solve the problem. Here, Figure 1.2, we can clearly see how student devised the plan. In this step, there are 7 of 20 students which could not able to find the connection between data and unknown.


3. Students could not carry out the plan in problem solving strategies

Figure 1.3 Student’s sheet in carring out the plan

Students could not find an appropriate stategy to solve the problem. From Figure 1.3, we can see that the students could not do the completion based on the plan that has been made and also they did not check each step clearly and carefully. In this step, there are 19 of 20 could not implement problem solving strategy.

4. Students did not look back the solution carefully and they could not derive the solution differently



Most of students did not check back or look back their task carefully. They also could not derive the solution differently. Based on Figure 1.4, students could not derive the solution. Most of them have the same solution, mostly still have same mistakes to solve the solution. In this step, there are 19 of 20 students did not look back the solution carefully and could not derive the result diffrently.

From the diagnostic test of problem solving ability above, many students still can not understand the problem, make the question into mathematics model and formulate the problem. For this first indicators, namely understanding the problem, 60 % of students have been understood the problem and 40% of students have not been understood the problem. For the second indicators, devising a plan, there are 65 % of students have been devised a plan and 35% of students have not been devised a plan. For the third indicators, namely carrying out the plan, there are 5 % of students have been carried out the plan and 95 % of students have not been carried the plan. And the last indicators, look back, 5 % of students have been looked back carefully, and 95 % of students have not been looked back carefully. The graphic will be shown in Table 1.1:

Table 1.1 Table of Preliminary Diagnostic Test

Aspect Categorized Not Categorized

1. Understanding the problem 60% 40%

2. Devising a plan 65% 35%

3. Carrying out the plan 5% 95%

4. Looking back 5% 95%

From Table 1.1, shows that students still have low ability in problem solving. Fourth aspects of problem solving through the diagnostic test, were still not reached yet as well by students. This is happen because students were not able to figure out the problem in their mind and could not make the problem into the mathematics model and also formulated the problem.


Recognizing the reality on the ground that the problem solving ability of students is still low. We need a model of learning that make the students become active. It required a learning approach that can support successful learning. The new paradigm in education today is to create meaningful learning process, the learning process that takes place in schools let students actively involved in learning (students-oriented) and most of activity are not dominated by teacher. As a manager of student learning, teacher are obliged to improve attention and efforts in providing school mathematics learning, so the lesson material can be understood by students. Students are required to be better to use the ability of thinking to be skilled in problem solving in daily life related to mathematics.

Problem solving ability will be improved when the teacher use innovative and contextual learning approach. Through contextual approach, the concept of thinking and understanding of students will be more opened to mathematics, and not only focuss on a specific topic being studied, so it will lead to a positive attitude towards mathematics itself. The need for capabilities and skills to be able to solve the problem and develop thinking that study would be more meaningful if the students directly experience for themselves of what is learned.

Because we expect students actively in learning, the learning students must construct their own knowledge , that knowledge can be gained from their own experience or from other social interaction. One approach of learning that makes students active and interested in learning mathematics is Contextual Teaching and Learning. Contextual Teaching and Learning is a concept of learning that help teacher to connect between what is taught with students’ real -world situation and encourage students make connections between knowledge possessed and its application in daily life, that involve seven main components, they are: constructivism, questioning, inquiry, learning community, modeling and authentic assessment (Trianto, 2009). Guiding lesson contextually in students’ life in Contextual Teaching and Learning will produce basic knowledge that students will obviously see and understand the problem from their real situation so that they are encouranged to solve its problem. The problem can not be solved



using routine procedure, so that the students percieve the problem as a challenge. Mathematics teacher have a duty to help students to improve student’s problem solving ability. Teacher should strive harder encourage students to solve problems that given. One focus of learning mathematics is problem solving, so that basic competencies that should be owned by every student is minimum standard of knowledge, skill, attitude, and value which is reflected in learning of mathematics of throught and action to solve the problem. Then, students not only memorize the concept and less able to use these concept but encourage them to use concept of what they have learned to real life problem. Contextual teaching and learning approach believed can improve students’ problem solving ability that require students to seek their own solution problem independently that give a concrete experience, the experience can be used also to solve the similar problem will give meaning itself for the learners. Students solve mathematical problem until students’ mathematical problem solving ability increase. So, contextual teaching and learning provides the oppotunity for students to solve mathematics problem and improve students’ mathematics problem solving ability.

Based on above background, the researcher interested in conducting research entitled: “Efforts To Improve Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving Ability Through Contextual Teaching And Learning at SMP Negeri 1 Binjai”.

1.2. Problem Identification

Based on the background on the issues that have been mentioned above, some problems can be identified as follows:

1. Students still consider that mathematics is a difficult subject.

2. Most of activities in learning activities are still dominated by teacher. 3. Students’ mathematical problem solving ability is low.

4. Students have difficulties to solve mathematical problems.

5. Unsuitable learning approach so that the objective of learning can not be achieved.


1.3. Problem Limitation

Because of extent problem and limited ability, time and costs, so researcher need to make a limitation problem in this research. As for the limitation problem in this research are:

1. Research subject was eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Binjai Academic Year 2015/2016.

2. Learning Approach used is Contextual Teaching and Learning.

3. Problem solving ability in eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Binjai Academic Year 2015/2016.

1.4. Problem Formulation

In accordance with extent problem describe above, the research problem formulation in this study are:

1. How does contextual teaching and learning approach improve students’ mathematical problem solving ability in learning and teaching cube and cuboid topic in eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Binjai?

2. How does learning management conducted by teacher in implementing contextual teaching and learning approach in learning and teaching cube and cuboid topic in eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Binjai?

3. How does learning activity of students by implementing contextual teaching and learning approach in learning and teaching cube and cuboid topic in eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Binjai?



1.5. Research Objective

Based on the problem formulation, then objectives of this research are as follows:

1. Improving students’ mathematical problem solving ability through contextual teaching and learning approach in learning and teaching cube and cuboid topic in eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Binjai.

2. Knowing the learning management conducted by teacher in implementing contextual teaching and learning approach in learning and teaching cube and cuboid topic in eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Binjai.

3. Knowing the learning activity of students by implementing contextual teaching and learning approach in learning and teaching cube and cuboid topic in eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Binjai.

1.6. Research Benefits

This research is expected will give the benefits as follows:

1. For students, helping them to increase their problem solving ability of mathematics and also encourage them to able to solve real problem around them.

2. For teachers, opening their insight about developing the learning process well.

3. For school, increasing quality of school caused by implementing of students’ learning outcomes and teacher activities.

4. For researcher or advanced researcher, improving the insight, ability, information and experience in increasing the competency as teacher student.


1.7. Operational Definition

The operational definition of this study is described as follows: a. Contextual Teaching and Learning

Contextual Teaching and Learning is a conception of teaching and learning that helps teachers relate subject matter content to real world situations.

Contextual Teaching and Learning approach has 7 main components, they are:

 Constructivism

 Inquiry

 Questioning

 Learning comunity

 Modeling

 Reflection

 Authentic assessment.

b. Problem Solving Ability

Problem solving ability is the ability which gained by students to understand and complete the problems which are faced by using their skills and abilities to determine the concept they should use to be applied in solving the problem. To measure students’ problem solving ability, there are 4 stage that have to be considered, namely:

 Understanding the problem

 Planning problem solving strategy

 Implementing problem solving strategy





5.1 Conclusion

Based on the results of research and discussion can be concluded that:

1. Improving students’ mathematical problem solving ability by implementing

contextual teaching and learning approach in learning and teaching Cube and Cuboid topic in eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Binjai academic year 2015/2016 was categorized in medium category.

2. Learning management conducted by teacher in implementing Contextual

Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach in learning and teaching Cube and Cuboid topic in eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Binjai academic year 2015/2016 is very good category.



earning activities of students by implementing Contextual Teaching and

Learning (CTL) approach in learning and teaching Cube and Cuboid topic in eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Binjai academic year 2015/2016 is very good category.

5.2 Suggestions

The suggestions in this research are as follows:

1. For teacher and school practitioner is equitable to change the learning custom which is dominated by teacher and starting to involve students more actively in the learning process, as well as give more attention to students’ problem solving ability. For this case, the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach can be one of learning alternative to improve student’s problem solving ability.


2. For school, properly can use the learning by implementing Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) as one of learning approach which is needed to support improvement of learning in order to improve the quality of

learning, in this case an effort to improve students’ mathematical problem

solving ability.

3. For the further researcher is recommended to improve continuously the

learning scenario by implementation of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) especially in modelling and reflection.


using routine procedure, so that the students percieve the problem as a challenge. Mathematics teacher have a duty to help students to improve student’s problem solving ability. Teacher should strive harder encourage students to solve problems that given. One focus of learning mathematics is problem solving, so that basic competencies that should be owned by every student is minimum standard of knowledge, skill, attitude, and value which is reflected in learning of mathematics of throught and action to solve the problem. Then, students not only memorize the concept and less able to use these concept but encourage them to use concept of what they have learned to real life problem. Contextual teaching and learning approach believed can improve students’ problem solving ability that require students to seek their own solution problem independently that give a concrete experience, the experience can be used also to solve the similar problem will give meaning itself for the learners. Students solve mathematical problem until students’ mathematical problem solving ability increase. So, contextual teaching and learning provides the oppotunity for students to solve mathematics problem and improve students’ mathematics problem solving ability.

Based on above background, the researcher interested in conducting research entitled: “Efforts To Improve Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving Ability Through Contextual Teaching And Learning at SMP Negeri 1 Binjai”.

1.2. Problem Identification

Based on the background on the issues that have been mentioned above, some problems can be identified as follows:

1. Students still consider that mathematics is a difficult subject.

2. Most of activities in learning activities are still dominated by teacher. 3. Students’ mathematical problem solving ability is low.

4. Students have difficulties to solve mathematical problems.

5. Unsuitable learning approach so that the objective of learning can not be achieved.


1.3. Problem Limitation

Because of extent problem and limited ability, time and costs, so researcher need to make a limitation problem in this research. As for the limitation problem in this research are:

1. Research subject was eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Binjai Academic Year 2015/2016.

2. Learning Approach used is Contextual Teaching and Learning.

3. Problem solving ability in eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Binjai Academic Year 2015/2016.

1.4. Problem Formulation

In accordance with extent problem describe above, the research problem formulation in this study are:

1. How does contextual teaching and learning approach improve students’ mathematical problem solving ability in learning and teaching cube and cuboid topic in eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Binjai?

2. How does learning management conducted by teacher in implementing contextual teaching and learning approach in learning and teaching cube and cuboid topic in eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Binjai?

3. How does learning activity of students by implementing contextual teaching and learning approach in learning and teaching cube and cuboid topic in eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Binjai?


1.5. Research Objective

Based on the problem formulation, then objectives of this research are as follows:

1. Improving students’ mathematical problem solving ability through contextual teaching and learning approach in learning and teaching cube and cuboid topic in eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Binjai.

2. Knowing the learning management conducted by teacher in implementing contextual teaching and learning approach in learning and teaching cube and cuboid topic in eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Binjai.

3. Knowing the learning activity of students by implementing contextual teaching and learning approach in learning and teaching cube and cuboid topic in eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Binjai.

1.6. Research Benefits

This research is expected will give the benefits as follows:

1. For students, helping them to increase their problem solving ability of mathematics and also encourage them to able to solve real problem around them.

2. For teachers, opening their insight about developing the learning process well.

3. For school, increasing quality of school caused by implementing of students’ learning outcomes and teacher activities.

4. For researcher or advanced researcher, improving the insight, ability, information and experience in increasing the competency as teacher student.


1.7. Operational Definition

The operational definition of this study is described as follows: a. Contextual Teaching and Learning

Contextual Teaching and Learning is a conception of teaching and learning that helps teachers relate subject matter content to real world situations.

Contextual Teaching and Learning approach has 7 main components, they are:

 Constructivism  Inquiry

 Questioning  Learning comunity  Modeling

 Reflection

 Authentic assessment. b. Problem Solving Ability

Problem solving ability is the ability which gained by students to understand and complete the problems which are faced by using their skills and abilities to determine the concept they should use to be applied in solving the problem. To measure students’ problem solving ability, there are 4 stage that have to be considered, namely:

 Understanding the problem

 Planning problem solving strategy  Implementing problem solving strategy




5.1 Conclusion

Based on the results of research and discussion can be concluded that: 1. Improving students’ mathematical problem solving ability by implementing

contextual teaching and learning approach in learning and teaching Cube and Cuboid topic in eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Binjai academic year 2015/2016 was categorized in medium category.

2. Learning management conducted by teacher in implementing Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach in learning and teaching Cube and Cuboid topic in eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Binjai academic year 2015/2016 is very good category.



earning activities of students by implementing Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach in learning and teaching Cube and Cuboid topic in eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Binjai academic year 2015/2016 is very good category.

5.2 Suggestions

The suggestions in this research are as follows:

1. For teacher and school practitioner is equitable to change the learning custom which is dominated by teacher and starting to involve students more actively in the learning process, as well as give more attention to students’ problem solving ability. For this case, the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach can be one of learning alternative to improve student’s problem solving ability.



2. For school, properly can use the learning by implementing Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) as one of learning approach which is needed to support improvement of learning in order to improve the quality of learning, in this case an effort to improve students’ mathematical problem solving ability.

3. For the further researcher is recommended to improve continuously the learning scenario by implementation of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) especially in modelling and reflection.