INTRODUCTION An Interactive Web based Application as Educational Tool for SCM Course by Using FOSS

55 An Interactive Web-based Application as Educational Tool for SCM Course by Using FOSS Wahyudi Sutopo Department of Industrial Engineering Sebelas Maret University Jalan Ir. Sutami No. 36A, Kentingan, Surakarta 57126 Bayu Putra Programmer of Belugerin Studios Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia Didiek Sri Wiyono Department of Informatics Engineering Sebelas Maret University Jalan Ir. Sutami No. 36A, Kentingan, Surakarta 57126 ABSTRACT This paper presents the application of freeopen source software FOSS for teaching and learning one specific topic in Supply Chain Management SCM course. In the last few years, there is abundant FOSS for educational tools. However, educator still faces problems to implement such an education FOSS for improving the quality of education i.e. customizing of software function, developing of a specific educational media, and illustrating of a course content. The purpose of this research is to design an educational tool for increasing efficiency in conveying subject matter especially distribution problem. It has a module of real distribution problem in commodity paddy was captured. We crated an interactive Web-based application by using WSDL, PHP and My SQL, and SOAP. The result of the research will be able to improve the pedagogic approach for learning of SCM course. Keywords: Educational tool, FOSS, interactive media, SCM course.


FreeOpen Source Software FOSS is application that is made available along with source code as a distinctive feature [1]. There are some reasons why FOSS implemented in a majority of the higher education as follow. With limited budgets, FOSS applications can be used for making ICTs as educational tools [1],[2]. Based on survey conducted by [2] , FOSS is gaining mindshare from four directions: spill over from commercial initiatives such as Linux, Apache, Open Office, grant-funded open source initiatives course management, portal, financial systems, student portfolios, market-driven initiatives in specific application areas course management, and open source compatible higher education specific applications course management, portal. The higher educational institutions can use FOSS in front-line curriculum for the reason of possibility of localization [3]. Learning tool or educational tool is a tool to deliver the message of learning [4]. Recent advances in internet technologies have transformed the World-Wide-Web from delivering static text to providing an easily accessible multimedia channel for dynamic and interactive communication [5], [16], [17]. Furthermore, the development of Information and Communication Technology ICTs devices, such as Personal Digital Assistant PDAs, Server, Modems, Laptops and Tablet PCs, reform the development of an interactive learning media become easier, faster, and cheaper. Web-based media offers an effective alternative to deliver the message of a course and involves a fusion of sounds, images, and texts that enable students to interact with complex system. A good educational tool can activate learner in analytical, computational, and experimental practices of a course. In the last few years, there is plentiful of web-based application as educational tool which made by FOSS. Some applications are described below. A LearNet is learning and experimenting on real technical plants can be used in manufacturing education [6]. The EDICS created by [7] is FOSS application for learning the course of engineering design instructional computer program. An open source educational software for basic photogram metric tasks is dedicated by [8]. Also, there are many free e-Learning tools, for instant: 3D modeling software tool Google Sketch Up, ; an advanced online assessment management system TOIA,; an alternative browser for young children KidRocket, ; the open source portfolio and flash quiz creator HotPotatoes, The development of ICTs encourages Supply Chain SC entities from supplier’s supplier to customer’s customer changes to improve the competitiveness of the company; from efforts of internal efficiency towards inter-entities collaboration for leveraging benefits to achieve [9]. Therefore, for the learning process of SC course needs innovative teaching and learning methods to improve the ability of our students to solve complex problems. We still have not the application of FOSS for teaching and learning one specific topic in SCM course in the Department of Industrial EngineeringDepartment of Informatics Engineering, Sebelas Maret University. In conclude, we still have some problems to implement such an education FOSS for improving the quality of education i.e. customizing of software function, developing of a specific educational media, and illustrating of a course content. This study aimed to design an interactive web- based application as educational tool for SCM course, so that teaching objectives can be explained effectively to the students. 56 This paper is organized as follows. In Section 1, we propose the background of our research. Then, we resume several special cases of the web-based educational tools. In Section 2, we provide the methodology for solving the problem. In Section 3, we design the web-based application for blending face-to-face and distance learning model. We introduce the guidance for learning in Section 4. Section 5 is summarizes and future research.