Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Sarjana Sastra


Registration Number : 2123220001


Kusuma, Adi. 2123220001. The Optimistic Symbolisms In Ernest Hemingway’s
The Old Man and The Sea. A Thesis : English Department. Faculty of

Languages and Arts. State University of Medan. 2017.
This study aims at explaining the symbols used in the novel and describing
the values of optimistic reflected in the symbols used in Hemingway’s The Old man
and The Sea. This research is classified as a descriptive qualitative method. The
primary data source of this study is the novel The Old Man and the sea by Ernest
Hemingway. The collecting data process is note-taking technique. This study is also
categorized as library research. Based on the findings and discussion, the researcher
draws the conclusion such follow. First, it is found that there are eight symbols used
in this novel. They are classified into Individual symbol and Universal symbol. The
selected symbols taken from the novel that the researcher consider individual symbol
is a symbol which is originally created by authors for the moment of work so
interpretating it requires greater attention to context, for their meaning come almost
entirely from ontext. In the novel the Old Man and the Sea the symbols which the
researcher considers as individual symbols. Individual symbols are the old man as a
symbol of someone who has optimistic, Manolin as a symbol of hope, Marlin as a
symbol Struggle of life, Shark as a symbol of Destruction and problem, joe Di
Maggio as a symbol Strong desire, bird as a symbol of help. The second category is
Universal symbol. universal symbol are Sea as symbol of universe, Lion as symbol of
strength. there are two elements or values which characterize someone as the one who
has optimistic life which is reflected in the symbols used in this novel. They are the

values of struggle and positive thinking, Second, Those symbols reflect the values of
optimistic life which is to be the theme of the novel.
Keywords: optimistic, symbol



First of all, the writer would like to thanks to Allah SWT and the Prophet
Muhammad SAW for the blessings during her academic year at English and
Literature Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS), the State University
of Medan, in completing the thesis. The writer also wants to thank to the
following people:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd, the Rector of State University of

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum, the Dean of Faculty of Languages and
Arts (FBS) State University of Medan for her advice and encouragement
to complete the study.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd, the Head of English and Literature
Department as well as Dra. Meisuri, M.A, the Secretary of English and
Literature Department for their encouragement and motivation during the
writing of the Thesis. Syamsul Bahri, S.S, M.Hum the Head of English
Literature Program and Academic Advisor, who had already motivated her
to finish the Thesis by giving advices, supervising, giving comments and
correction during completing this Thesis and also for Citra Anggia Putri,
S.S, M.Hum, as her Consultant and Academic Advisor for giving advices
and supervising during her academic year.

Nora Ronita, S.Pd, S.S, M.Hum, the Head of English Education Program
for their encouragement to complete the Thesis.

Eis Sri Wahyuni, M.Pd, the administration staff of English Department,
who helped her to fulfill this Thesis.

All the Lecturers of English and Literature Department during her
academic year at State University of Medan, who have taught and given
knowledge to complete this Thesis.


My beloved parents, Suwardi and Tukiatik, who have patiently given her
encouragement, financial support, their love and prayers.

Her beloved Girlfriend, Evi Sundari, who have patiently given her
encouragement, financial support, love, prayers so that made the writer
spirit to finished the academic.

His beloved friends, Feisal Muhammad, Dede Syaifudin, and
Muhammad Ridho Wibowo, for the four years and still counting
friendship and the support in the very sad and happy situations.

His all her friends and classmates in English Literature A 2012 for the
support and time in motivated and accompanied her during the academic

Medan, February 2017
The writer

Adi Kusuma



ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...........................................................................


TABLE OF CONTENT ...............................................................................


CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION................................................................


A. The Background of Study ..............................................................


B. The Problem of Study ....................................................................


C. The Objective of Study ..................................................................


D. The Scope of Study .......................................................................


E. The Significance of Study .............................................................


CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...........................................


A. Theoretical Framework..................................................................


B. Symbol ...........................................................................................


C. Semantic ........................................................................................


D. Semiotic ........................................................................................


E. Novel ............................................................................................


F. Element of Novel ..........................................................................


1. Characterization .......................................................................


2. Plot ...........................................................................................


3. Setting ......................................................................................


4. Theme ......................................................................................


5. Point of View ...........................................................................


G. Optimistic ......................................................................................


H. Synopsis of The Novel ..................................................................



Relevant of Studies .......................................................................



Conceptual Framework .................................................................



CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHOD ...................................................


A. Research Design ...................................................................................


B. The Source of Data ........................................................................


C. The Techniques of Collecting Data ...............................................


D. The Techniques of Analyzing Data ...............................................


CHAPTER IV. DATA AND DATA ANALYSIS ......................................


A. The Data ........................................................................................


B. The Data Analysis .........................................................................



Characterization Analysis ......................................................


a. Individual Symbol ...........................................................


1) The old man as a symbol of optimism .......................


2) Manolin as a symbol of hope ....................................


3) Di Maggio as a symbol of strong desire ....................


4) Bird as a symbol of help ............................................


5) Marlin as a symbol of struggle ..................................


6) Shark as a symbol of destructor ................................


b. Universal Symbol ............................................................


1) Sea as symbol of universe .........................................


2) Lion as symbol of strength ........................................


Optimistic Life Reflected in Selected Symbol ......................


CHAPTER V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ..............................


A. Conclusion ...................................................................................


B. Suggestion ....................................................................................


REFERENCES ............................................................................................


APPENDICES .............................................................................................





A. Background of Study
This thesis talks about Ernest Hemingway’s novel, The Old man and The
Sea. This novel is American literature that is very popular and rich in symbolism
and moral values especially optimistic. This novel tells more about the struggle of
the old man Santiago. He tries to survive when the marlin tows him with his skiff
in the sea for days. The story shows the patience, hard work, persistence,
optimistic of the old man in conguering the marlin and the sharks that come after
the marlin dies, The Old Man and The Sea is one of the literary work that was
written by Ernest Hemingway. He wrote a novel which is simple and yet so
profound that it is perhaps one of the greatest stories ever told. He was also
awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1954 shortly after publication of The Old
man and The Sea.
Before we get started with the discussion, it is worth talking about what
literature is. According to W.H. Hudson ( 2003 : 10 ) states that literature vital
record of what men have seen in life, what they have thought and felt about those
aspect of it which have the most immediate and enduring interest for all of us, it
deals with the life of man and his destines on earth. It express, thought feeling,
emotions, and attitudes towards life, which are permanent and universal, which, in
other words do not change with the change of time and place. Literature is big
Result of human civilization, in this life human and literature are living side by



side. We realize that most events in our life are reflected in literature. As one of
human’s creations, literature depicts what human’s life is like. Culture and its
values give form of literature. Carter ( 2006:41 ) states that a literary work
expresses an author’s mind and personality and that it also tells some essential
truth about human life. Literature is divided into three parts; they are poem, novel,
and drama. A poem is the word are arranged in separate lines, usually with
repeated rhythm. A drama is a play considered as a form of literature. A novel is a
story which is written in a book which the character and event are usually
A novel is one the literary genres. In the novel contains intrinsic elements
such as, themes, characterizations, plot, setting, and the message. By reading the
novel, we will find the message, and pick the good values. Novel is an interesting
narration of literary work that reveals thoughts, feelings and experience of human
being. An interesting novel usually uses symbol and the researcher interesting
with Hemingway’s novel The Old Man and The Sea because this novel contains
of essential values of human life. With its simple language style but this novel a
deep meaning, so many readers either the beginners or the linguist are attracted to
read and analyze this novel. This novel is full of symbols, values to rise
motivation, natural aspects and human values. This Research study about the
optimistic symbolisms in Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and The Sea, has not
been analyzed yet by the previous researchers, start from this point, the research
on this novel is conducted Entitled “ The Optimistic Symbolisms in Ernest
Hemingway’s The Old Man and The Sea ”. This research is significant because


Indonesia’s young generation nowadays is experiencing moral degradation. Many
young generation are trapped in drugs, fighting, and free sex and if it isn’t soon
overcome, they will be disastrous. To overcome this such kind of situation,
government through education department creates a new curriculum of 2013
which points on building students will be easily to understand the values that
Hemingway want to deliver. There are many moral values that can be applied to
the real world especially optimistic. The values are needed very much to build a
good character and these values are described in the symbols used in novel. The
research objectives are to describe symbols used the novel The Old Man The Sea
to analyze optimistic life which are reflected I those symbols. Optimistic life is
one of the theme among other theme which the readers interpret the content of
Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea.

B. The Problems of Study
In line with the background the problems of the study are formulated as
the follows :
1. What symbols are used in Ernest Hemingway’s novel The Old Man and
the Sea ?
2. What are the meanings of the symbols used in Ernest Hemingway’s novel
The Old Man and The Sea
3. How is Optimistic life reflected in symbols used in Ernest Hemingway’s
novel The Old Man and the Sea ?


C. The Objectives of Study
Related to the problems the objectives are :
1. to describe symbols used in Ernest Hemingway’s novel The Old Man and
The Sea.
2. to analyze optimistic symbols used in Ernest Hemingway’s novel The Old
Man and The Sea.
3. to elaborate meaning of the symbols used in Ernest Hemingway’s novel
The Old Man and The Sea.

D. The Scope of Study
This study is only concerned with the novel entitled The Old Man and
The Sea which is used as the Source of data of symbols reflecting optimistic. The
discussion of the study cover :
1. The identification of symbols used in the novel The Old Man and the Sea.
2. The identification of optimistic symbols used in the novel The Old Man
and the Sea.

E. The Significances of Study
Finding of the study are expected to add theoretical and practical
Theoretically, the finding and expected to :
1. Add up horizon to theories of literature.
2. Become reference for further studies.


Practically, the finding and expected to :
1. This literary application can help readers understand Ernest Hemingway’s
novel The Old Man and The Sea and other as well.
2. This thesis may help to understand and analyzing the symbol and the
meaning of each optimistic symbols that contained on Ernest
Hemingway’s novel The Old Man and The Sea.


A. Conclusion
After analyzing the data based on the theories, it is concluded that a
symbol has complex meaning; it has not only


meaning, but also

additional meaning beyond the literal. Sometimes the literal meaning of a symbol
is absurd, so that the symbolic meaning over-rides and cancels out the literal
meaning. A symbol may have more then one meaning. In fact, the most
singnificant symbols do convey an indefinite range of meanings.
The novel is rich in symbolism thet enhances both the plot and the
themes. In Ernest Hemingwa’s novel The Old Man and The sea, Hemingway uses
symbolisms to potray the traits of the main characters in his stories. Hemingway
uses symbols to give the reader a better look and an easir understanding of what
the book is about. The use of symbolisms in his books gives deeper meaning.
In Ernest Hemigway’s masterpiece The Old Man and The Sea, he uses
much symbolisms to assist the readers understanding of the massage he is trying
to portray. The Old Man and The Sea isn’t just a book about an old man and the
sea. There are many hidden meanings do it. Each element represents different
things. The marlin, for example, represent stength, beauty and the last challenge
we all go thoug. The lions in his dreams resemble youth, freedom an also strength.



Considering the above findings the researcher takes a conclusion that
every selected symbols taken from hemingnway’s novel The Old Man and The
Sea has values of optimistic life. The values implied in this novel can be used for
guidence in our life to be a successful men. The values of optimistic life which
Hemingway wants to share is in line with the them of this novel.

B. Suggestion
Referring to the result of the analysis, there are some suggestion as follows :

1. It would be useful for the lecturers of the English Department if they use this
thesis as the examples of moral values especially optimistic symbols when
they are teaching about literature or other related subjects. Hopefully,
students can apply moral values in their life.


It is for students of the English Department to make further study in
analyzing symbolisms. Hopefully, it can help them when reading English
novels which contain various symbols. At last, this analysis can at least be a
comparison for any studies in the same field.



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