UNDERSTANDING OF PLOT The Analysis Of Plot Pictured In “The Perks Of Being A Wallflower” By Stephen Chobosky



R.S Gwynn 2002:7 says that plot can be defined as a story’s sequence of incidence, arranged in dramatic order. One is tempted to insert the word chronological but doing so will exclude many stories that depart from strict ordering of events. Plot is one of the parts element that built the novel from inside, known as intrinsic element. Plot is not only used in novels but also in drama and some other literary work. There are many theories about the Plot and its kind R.S Gwynn introduces several types of Plots and refers to the theory of Aristotle 384-322 b.c. They are; Unfied Plot, Episodic Plot, Triangle Plot, Quest plot, and Transformation Plot. Unfied plot is realistic story, includes a central character and action, and takes place in a single place, usually during a short span of time, such as an hour, few hours, a day. The second type of plot that a writer can craft is the episodic plot. The story has setting central character, conflict, takes place over a much longer period of time. Often the author of novel itself will use the technique of “Flashback” to provide background details or to tell the story. The third type of plot is triangle plot. Triangle plot is a love story involving three people. The fourth is Quest plot. Quest Plot which is unfied around group of characters on a journey and known as adventure story. The last is Transformation Universitas Sumatera Utara 8 Plot. Transformation Plot, in which a weak or physically unattractive charater changes radically in the course of the story. R.S Gwynn 2002:8 says that there are some techniques that might be used by the writer to develop the plot in novel. They are Flashback and Foreshadowing. The difference of flashback and foreshadowing are: Flashback describes something that happened before the story began. Flashback is just used to increase understanding of current event or character. For instance, if the reader learns that something happened to a character when he or she was younger, it might help to explain why he or she just behaved in a cratin way in the story. Foreshadowing gives clues to something that will happen later in the story. Foreshadowing is used to help the reader predict what might happen, or to encourage the reader to make a guess. It often happens fairly early in a story, and is frequently used at the end of a chapter, or even at the end of one book in a series Types of plot above are part of some sort plot. However, the types that mention above is the kind of plot that is often found in novel. To analyze plot in novel, R.S Gwynn also provide and explain some of the steps that called element of plot. They are ; Exposition, ComplicationRising Action, Conflict, Moment Of Crisis, Climax, and Falling Action. Universitas Sumatera Utara 9

A. Exposition

Exposition is the step where the reader was given essential information in a novel that related to the characters by the author. Usually, in this step author will introduce the main character and another character that play a role in the novel. In “Fiction” book by R.S Gwynn explains that exposition divided into four parts. They are; a. Exposition Who Exposition “Who” is the part where the author introduces the main character and other characters. Introducing and explaining the characters that play in a novel, there are three things that must be mention, they are : b. Exposition What Exposition “What” is the part where the author explains what event makes the main character meet other characters that also an important character in that novel because they might be give an influence to the main character’s life. c. Exposition When Exposition “When” is the part where the author gives information about a statement of time when the main character meet with other characters. Sometimes, in some novels these information not mentioned directly by the author. It was because Universitas Sumatera Utara 10 the author wants the reader make their own prediction about the time, so it becomes interesting. The novel like this may be use One day, Last Month, etc. d. Exposition Where Expositions where is the stage where writer notify explanation where the main character meet with another character and make them know each other

B. Rising Action

Complication is the appearance of some circumstance or event that shakes up the stable situation and begins the rising action of the story. Rising action in a story may be either external and internal, or a combination of the two. A stroke fortune such as illness or accident which affects a character is a typical example of an external rising action, a problem that the character cannot ignore, while an internal rising action might not be immediately apparent, the result of a character’s deep- seated uncertainties, dissatisfactions, and fears.

C. Conflict

Conflict is event when between two characters or more have different personalities or goals.

D. Moment of Crisis

Moment of Crisis is points in the story where a resolution of the complication momentarily seems at hand but quickly disappears. Universitas Sumatera Utara 11

E. Climax

Climax is the greatest tension in a novel. In this part, the reader will give much and special attention to what will happen next to the main character after climax.

F. Falling Action

Falling action is event in the story that tells about what will happen to the main character after climax and how is hisher life after the climax with other character that influence herhis life. This is the part that close to the end of story.

G. Resolution

The final part of a plot is the resolution. The literally refers to the untying of a knot, and we might compare the emotional release of a story’s ending with a piece of cloth that has been twisted tighter and tighter and is then untwisted as the action winds down. The resolution returns the characters to another stable situation. A story’s resolution may be termed either closed or open. A Closed resolution ties up everything neatly and explains all unanswered questions the reader might have. On the other hand, an open resolution leaves us with a few tantalizing questions. Universitas Sumatera Utara 12