Semantic Analysis of Figurative Expressions Used By David Archuleta in His Twelve Selected Song Lyrics












I, Vinarcy Rauda Zannah, declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. Except where reference is made in the text of this thesis, this thesis contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the main text of the thesis. This thesis has not been submitted in any tertiary education.

Signed :



Name : Vinarcy Rauda Zannah

Title of this thesis : Semantic Analysis of Figurative Expressions Used By David Archuleta in His Twelve Selected Song Lyrics

Qualification : S-1 / Sarjana Sastra Department : English

I am willing that my thesis should be available for reproduction at the discretion on the librarian of the English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara on the understanding that users are made aware of their obligation under law of the Republic Indonesia.

Signed :




Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah SWT, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, for giving the writer guidance, power, patience, and ability to finish this thesis.

The first of all, I would like to thank the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara, Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA, the Head of English Department Drs. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS, and the Secretary Dr. Hj. Nurlela, M. Hum for giving all facilities and opportunities during my academic years and in completing this thesis.

I would also like to express my sincere gratitude and great appreciation to my supervisor, Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA and my co-supervisor, Dr. Hj. Nurlela, M.Hum for their support and beneficial suggestion, and their willingness to share time in correcting this thesis throughout the preparation of this thesis and the period of doing this thesis.

Then let me express to t thanks to all the lecturers of English Department especially to Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M. Hum for giving me a great help and contribution of knowledge to finish this thesis during the academic years at the faculty.


My best and deep appreciation and love are dedicated to my father, alm. Hotmansyah Aki, my step-father Marianto Tarigan, my mom Siti Mariam br Ginting, my brother Benny Aquino Tarigan and my sister in law Yuni, my little sister Tri Hawa Nurjannah br Tarigan and all my big family (Ginting’s family ) especially my grandfather, alm. Djimat Ginting, my grandmother Nasib br Karo, my uncle Andreas Ginting, my aunt Juana br Sinulingga, my little cousin Fajarta Ginting and Erva Nataliana Ginting, Amd for giving support, never ending pray, advices and happiness during my academic years.

Finally, my special thanks are to my beloved Dedy Syahdan Ketaren for a never ending pray, support, and love. You always give me spirit to finish this thesis. And also Bang Am who help me a lot solve to finish all my academic problems. And the most unforgotten thanks to my close friends 3 F; Dian Bania Persada Sembiring and Riski Ananda Pulungan (Kenny) for our friendship and your freak jokes and habits (No 3F No laughs..!! put me down... let me go.. hahhaha ), to my new family (new close friend) Delifah Rita Indah Hutabarat for your kindness ( i will miss u, tompel.. hehhhee), my new little sister Siti Khodijah ( wish u all the best Qribow..hehhehe) and the final thanks are to Evy Frianthy H, Amd, K’ Juniarty S, Amd and Leony D, Amd for giving me spirit, support and facilities to finish this thesis until midnight.

May the grace and love of the Almighty Allah SWT are with us all forever. Amiin. Medan, 2011

Vinarcy Rauda Zannah No. Reg 070705011



A Semantic Analysis of Figurative Expressions Used By David Archuleta in his selected twelve song lyrics merupakan suatu analisis pengklasifikasian makna yang terkandung pada suatu lirik lagu yang didasarkan atas pengklasifikasian melalui Figurative Expression. Bahasan dalam analisis ini mencakup hiperbola, metapora, personifikasi, simile dan irony dalam lagu-lagu David Archuleta yang sudah dipilih. Dari analisis yang dilakukan ditemukan 35 ungkapan figurative yang terdiri dari 12 ungkapan figurative personifikasi (34%), 11 ungkapan figurative metapora (31%), 10 ungkapan figurative hiperbola (29%), 1 ungkapan figurative simile (3%), dan 1 ungkapan irony (3%). Dengan ini, muncul personifikasi sebagai ungkapan yang paling dominant, diikuti oleh metapora, hiperbola, simile dan ironi.








CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of Study ... 1

1.2 Scope of Study... 4

1.3 Formulation of Problem... 5

1.4 Objectives of Study... 5

1.5 Significances of Study... 5

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 2.1 Review of Related Literature... 7

2.2 Meaning... ... 9

2.2.1 Sense and Reference... 11

2.2.2 Denotation... 13

2.2.3 Connotation... 14

2.3 Figurative Expression... 15

2.4 Kind of Figurative Expressions... 16

2.4.1 Hyperbole... 16


2.4.3 Personification... 18

2.4.4 Simile... 19

2.4.5 Irony... 20

2.4.6 Litotes... 21

2.4.7 Metonymy... 21

2.4.8 Synechdoche... 22

2.4.9 Metonymy... 23

2.4.10 Repetition... 24

2.4.11 Paradox... 25


3.2 Method of Data Collection... 26

3.3 Method of Data Analysis... 27

CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS 4.1 The Types of Figurative Expression... 28

4.1.1 Hyperbole... 28

4.1.2 Metaphor... 31

4.1.3 Personification... 35

4.1.4 Simile... 38

4.1.5 Irony... 38



5.1 Conclusions ……… 40

5.2. Suggestions ………. 41




A Semantic Analysis of Figurative Expressions Used By David Archuleta in his selected twelve song lyrics merupakan suatu analisis pengklasifikasian makna yang terkandung pada suatu lirik lagu yang didasarkan atas pengklasifikasian melalui Figurative Expression. Bahasan dalam analisis ini mencakup hiperbola, metapora, personifikasi, simile dan irony dalam lagu-lagu David Archuleta yang sudah dipilih. Dari analisis yang dilakukan ditemukan 35 ungkapan figurative yang terdiri dari 12 ungkapan figurative personifikasi (34%), 11 ungkapan figurative metapora (31%), 10 ungkapan figurative hiperbola (29%), 1 ungkapan figurative simile (3%), dan 1 ungkapan irony (3%). Dengan ini, muncul personifikasi sebagai ungkapan yang paling dominant, diikuti oleh metapora, hiperbola, simile dan ironi.




1.1 Background of Study

Language has a very important role of communication in human life. We use language as a tool to express ideas, feelings and to build relationship with other people. People cannot do their activities well without language. By using language, we can describe our feelings, emotions and thoughts easier than using other elements. We cannot respond or react if we do not understand what other people say, write or signal. Hornby (1972:473) says, “Language is human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, feelings, and desire by means of a system sounds and sound symbols.” People use language to communicate and interact to each other. It is easier to convey information to another people in order to share knowledge. Bolinger (1975:14) says, “Human-language is a system of vocal-auditory communication, interacting with the experiences of its users, employing conventional signs composed of arbitrary patterned sound units and assembled according to set rules.”

All features about language are studied in linguistics. Linguistics, as we know, has four main branches of study: phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics and in this thesis, I focus on semantics. Palmer (1976: 1) says, “Semantics is a technical term used to refer to the study of meaning.” In addition, semantics focuses on the meaning of words, phrases or sentences in the language. The meaning of phrases, sentences depend on the meaning of the words and the structure. System for analyzing language divides linguistics expression into two classes: literal and non-literal


meaning. Literal meaning denotes the speaker mean according to common or dictionary usage, while non-literal meaning (figurative expression) connotes additional layers of meaning. When the people eye or ears receive a message, the mind must interpret the data to convert it into meaning. This set of memories will give prominence to the most common or literal meanings, but also suggest reasons for attributing different meaning, e.g., the reader understand that author intended it to mean something different, as can be seen the examples of literal meaning below:

Some examples of literal meaning are: - You are with him now

- I will not go very far

Both of the examples express the literal meaning as the real meaning according to dictionary usage.

In addition, look at some examples of non-literal meaning (figurative expression) bellow:

- And the words got me choking - Your eyes do not lie

Both of the examples are figurative expression, they express additional layer of meanings. In the first sentence, “and the words got me choking” implies that the speaker did not know what he have to say to you anymore. Moreover, the second sentence, “your eyes don’t lie”, in this sentence represented human being ability.


Every sentence that contains figurative expression could make the reader or hearer confused and try to imagine what the real meaning of it. Richard Taylor (1981:165) cites “Figurative languages surprises the reader because the statements or ideas expressed do not make sense on the surface level, and since literal meaning is denied, an act of required before the intended meaning becomes clear.”

It is important to understand figurative expression meaning because it is one of the most difficult subject t be studied. So in this analysis I try to reveal the non-literal meaning as my object because I think it is worthy for the reader who are interested in the meaning especially figurative expression.

There are some kinds of literary works, which use the figurative expression. Some of them are novel, song lyrics and poetry. All of them use it to beautify their sentences and give the magnificent words to interest the reader or hearer.

Song is the most common thing in people daily life because song can give various impacts to the hearer. In a song, we can find lyrics, which complete and beautify the song and makes the hearer more interested in hearing it

In this thesis, I am interested in analyzing the figurative expressions found in song lyrics. Because the composer communicate to the society by expressing his ideas and feelings through the songs. The ideas and feelings become difficult to understand because the composer has adopted figurative expression to beautify his lyrics. Therefore,this thesis will discuss figurative expression that found in song lyrics and


try to classify and describe them by using Semantics theory, Conceptual Methapor by George Lakoff &Mark Johnson.

The lyrics of song thatI analyze are David archuleta songs. I chose these songs because there are so many figurative expressions that can be found in the lyrics. Moreover, these lyrics have magnificent words and the poetic aspects. Besides, he is a top singer in the world. There are many teenagers who know his song lyrics. David Archuleta was born December 28, 1990. He is a 2007, at sixteen years old, he became one of the youngest contestants on th percent of over 97 million votes.

1.2 Scope of the Study

The scope of analysis focused on semantic components, i.e. figurative expressions: hyperbole, metaphor, personification, simile and irony that I used to analyze the songs lyrics. I chose 12 songs of David Archuleta’s songs as object of analysis. Title of the songs: A little too not over you, You Can, Angels, Barriers,

Running, To be with you, Your eyes don’t lie, My hand, Crush, Desperate, Don’t let go, Touch my hand.


1.3 Formulation of Problems

Two problems emerged in the study are:

a. What types of figurative expressions are used in song lyrics of David Archuleta?

b. Which type of figurative expression is the most dominant in the song lyrics of David Archuleta?

1.4 Objectives of the Study

The objectives within this analysis are based on the problems, they are: a. To find out figurative expressions used in song lyrics of David Archuleta. b. To find out the dominant types of figurative expression used in the song


1.5 Significances of the Study

A study on figurative expression is very interesting and challenging because it is one of aspects of the language used. In this case, the research finding will useful for:


1. The English teacher; the analysis on the figurative expressions will add the variation of teaching the meaning through the David Archuleta’s songs lyrics and giving examples.

2. The students; it would provide better and clearer understanding on the types of figurative expressions in the songs lyrics and, it will be very useful for student who is interested in studying pragmatics and semantics in enriching their knowledge (increasing their language proficiency).



2.1 Review of Related Literature

In completing this thesis, I used some theories which are relevant to support the idea of the analysis.

Geoffrey Leech (1974:9) explains that semantics as the study of meaning is central to the study of communication, and as communication becomes more and more pressing. Semantics is also as the center of study human mind-thought process, cognition, conceptualization-all these intricately bound up with the ay in which we classify and convey our experience of the world through language.

Webster Dictionary (1984:245) explains figurative speech is an expression that substitutes variation in point of view which one thing or notion is referred to as if I were different in some way (as identity, degree, shape) from what it actually is or seems to be so related that expression successfully implies an intended meaning or effect either slightly or greatly different from what is literally said (as “the apple of my eye”).

Gorys Keraft (1984:113) explains gaya bahasa dapat dibatasi sebagai cara mengungkapkan pikiran melalui bahasa secara khas yang memperlihatkan jiwa dan kepribadian penulis”.


George Lakoff & Mark Johnson (1979: 4) explains conceptual metaphor is the way to identify in detail what the metaphor are that structure how we perceive, how we think, and how we do”.

In addition to ANALYSIS OF FIGURATIVE EXPRESSION IN EARNEST HEMINGWAY’S THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA.” He concludes that simile is the most dominant (39%) figurative expression used in that novel. Followed by personification (31%), metaphor (11%), synecdoche (10%), hyperbole (6%) and oxymoron (2%). There is no irony used in this novel. I use this thesis as my reference because I found the slight similarities of what he had analyzed to what I want to do in my analysis.

In Fajar Ebenezer’s thesis (2008) “THE ANALYSIS OF FIGURATIVE EXPRESSIONS IN THE HOLY BIBLE: HEBREW, he concludes that metaphor is the most dominant (40,8%) figurative expression used in the Bible. Followed by hyperbole (18,36%), irony (14,3%), simile (10,2%), personification (10,2%) and synecdoche (6,1%). I also use this thesis as reference to analyzing my thesis.

And in Kusmala Sari Dewi’s thesis (2009) “AN ANALYSIS OF FIGURATIVE MEANING IN THE TIME MAGAZINE’S ADVERTISEMENTS”, she concludes that hyperbole is the most dominant (40%)figurative expression in the magazine. And followed by personification (30%), simile (20%), metaphore (5%) and metonymy (5%).


Table of Figurative Expression of the three references.

No Name Personi Fication

Meta phor

Hyper Bole

Simile Synec Doche

Irony Meto nymy

Oxy moron 01. Saiful S 31% 11% 6% 39% 10% - - 2% 02. Fajar 10,2% 40,8% 18,36% 10,2% 6,1% 14,3% - - 03. Kusmala 30% 5% 40% 20% - - 5% -

Based on the table above, we can see that in Saiful thesis, simile is the dominant (39%) figurative expression used in that novel. In Fajar thesis, metaphor is the most dominant (40,8%) figurative expression used in the Bible and in Kusmala thesis, hyperbole is the most dominant (40%)figurative expression in the magazine.

2.2 Meaning

Meaning of words absolutely plays a role in communication since without meaning there will be no good desired interaction.

There are some definitions, which are given by semanticists about what meaning is, they are:

1. Leech (1969:5) says, “The aim of semantics is to explain and describe meaning in


2. Lyons (1977:2) says that, “The meaning can be distinguished by the technique

of substituting other words in the same context and enquiry whether the resulting sentences are equivalent.”

Meaning is described as the message that is intended or expressed or signified;

and the idea that is intended. The term meaning is simple derived from the word

mean. It is a fact that the verb to mean and the noun meaning have many

distinguishable meanings. In every day English, we used the word mean in a number different ways:

a. She does not mean (believe) what he said b. Those clouds mean (are a the sign of) rain c. Lucky strike means (indicates) fine tobacco d. I mean (intend) to help if I can

e. That is so means (cruel) to me

f. That was no mean (insignificant) accomplishment g. Procrastinate means “to put this thing of”

h. In saying that, she meant that we should leave.

The word mean in (a) to (f) has their “equivalence” in another word, while in the same word (g) or (h) does not. The last two sentences, in fact, exemplify two importantly different short of meaning, i.e. Linguistic meaning and speaker meaning. In (g) procrastinate has a linguistic meaning of to put things off while in (h) meant refers to speaker intention or what message the speaker intends to say in her word.


Speaker is meaning can be said as what the speaker means in producing utterance. In some form of language, generally, linguistics meaning of an expression is simply the meaning of that expression we can see it below:

a. The white Christmas b. White collar job

From the examples above, it can be seen that the word white more than one linguistic-meaning. In the first sentence, the word white means ‘so many snows’. Then, in the second sentence means ‘employee in office’.

2.2.1 Sense and Reference

Words and phrases normally both have sense and reference. In order to have a better understanding of a word and references, there should be a distinction between its sense and reference.

a. Sense

According to Free a German philosopher and mathematician, the sense of a world is the additional meaning attached to the world.

Other linguist who contributed the meaning of sense and reference in his book is Lyons (1977:197) who says “Sense is the term used by a number of philosophers for

what others would describe simply as their meaning or perhaps more narrowly as their cognitive or descriptive meaning.”


b. Reference

According to Palmer (1976:30), “Reference deals with the relationship

between the linguistics elements, words, sentences, etc, and the nonlinguistic world of experience. Sense related to the complex system of relationship that holds between the linguistic elements themselves (mostly the words); it is concerned only with intra linguistic relations.” Based on Palmer’s idea we can say that the reference of a word

‘chair’ is the object designated by the word, which can be pictured as an upside down number four.

According to Lyons (1977:177), “To say that a sentence contains a referring expression is to say that it contains and expression which on some occasions of the utterance of may be used to refer.” Reference can be said as a link of signified by words. The signifier is a word in the language and the signified is the object in the world that is stand for, refers to, or denotes. It is an obvious fact that reference is the center of symbol and object. Through reference, the language being mentioned is associated to the world.

At the present there are two major theories or references, they are the Description theory and the Historical Chain theory. In Description theory, an expression refers to its referent because it describes the referent. For instance, the phrase the first person to set foot on the moon refers to Neil Armstrong since the description fits him. The Historical Chain theory says that an expression refers to its referent by a certain historical relation between the words uttered and some initial dubbing of the object with the name. For example, when a speaker uses the Charles


de Gaulle it refers to the person christened by that name, provided there is a chain of

uses linking the current speaker’s reference with the original christening.

The examples of sense and reference can be seen in the phrases below: ‘The man who is my father’ and ‘the man who married my mother.’ Both expressions have the same reference; they both refer to ‘my mother’s husband.’ Nevertheless, the senses of those phrases are different. The first phrase refers to ‘the person who is my (biological) father,’ while the second one refers to ‘The person who is not necessarily my father.’

In short, a word / phrase might be has more than one sense. When some one is speaking about the meaning of word, he / she usually speaks about one of its sense, which is usually believed as the primary senses. By this, we can say that in order to understand a phrase, it must have sense. A phrase would still be understandable even though it has no reference, but without sense, we would be unable to understand it. We can see it in this sentence: ‘The present king of the United States has two daughters.’ The meaning of this sentence is understandable, even though there is no king the United States.

2.2.2 Denotation

The denotation is the true meaning of meaning contained in the word. Alternatively, simply the meaning interpreted as meaning actual denotation. Real meaning in question is the basic meaning of words contained in the dictionary.


For example;

a. Anton buys black sheep yesterday afternoon.

The "black sheep" in the sentence has the meaning of an animal (goat) that it is black. Meaning "black sheep" in the sentence is called the meaning of denotation.

2.2.3 Connotation

The meaning of connotation can be interpreted as meaning not actually on the word or group of words. Therefore, the meaning of connotation often referred to as the meaning of allusion. Furthermore, the meaning of connotation can translated as meaning given to the word or group of words as a comparison for what intended to be clear and interesting.

For example;

a. Anton became a scapegoat in the case.

The word "scapegoat" in the sentence shall not be interpreted as an animal (goat) that it is black. Because, if so interpreted, the meaning of whole sentences are not logical or cannot be understood. The meaning of the word "scapegoat" in the sentence is a suspect in a case that was not done. Meaning "black sheep" in the sentence this is called the meaning of connotation.


2.3 Definition of Figurative Expression

There are two important different kinds of meaning in semantics, such as speaker meaning and linguistics meaning. Speaker meaning is what a speaker means in producing an utterance either literally or non-literally. We mean exactly base on the dictionary usage when we are speaking literally. We are speaking non-literally when we mean something different from what our words mean.

When the sentences has hidden meaning, non- literally meaning or figurative meaning exist beside it. Non-literal meaning would be more difficult to understand without knowing the context, the situation or atmosphere of sentence being expresses. David Crystal (1999:116) explains figurative of speech is an expressive use of language where words are used in a non-literal way to suggest illuminating comparison and resemblances.

Figurative expression is the opposite of literal language. In literal language, we mean exactly and completely, we do not in figurative language. In our everyday speech and writing, we are constantly using figurative expression to add vividness or clarity to our idea. Some of them have becomes so commonplace that we do not realized that literal meaning of the words is different form our meaning, and that we are making a demand on the imagination of listener or reader to complete our meaning.


Figurative expression is form of expression other those normally used. They serve to intensify meaning. They make their point indirectly by stating things vividly in terms of something else. They are not literally meant or interpreted. They enhance idea by making them more graphic and appealing like all comparison, and contrast, figure of speech especially useful in translating the unknown into terms of known. There are two purposes of figurative expressions; its referential purpose and its pragmatic purpose. Its referential purpose is to describe a mental process or state, a concept, a person, an object, a quality or an action more comprehensively and concisely than in literal language. Its pragmatic purpose is to appeal to senses, interest, to clarify, to please, to delight, and to surprise.

2.4 Kinds of Figurative Expression

There are many kinds of figurative expression. In this thesis, I explain four types of them. There are hyperbole, metaphor, personification, simile, and irony.

2.4.1 Hyperbole

Hyperbole (pronounced

περβολή 'exaggeration') is the use of


Hyperbole is a figure of speech, which is an exaggeration. Persons often use expressions such as "I nearly died laughing," "I was hopping mad," and "I tried a thousand times." Such statements are not literally true, but people make them to sound impressive or to emphasize something, such as a feeling, effort, or reaction.

2.4.2 Metaphor

Metaphor' comes from the Greek word metaphoric, meaning 'to transfer'. Metaphor is a rhetorical trope where a comparison is made between two seemingly unrelated subjects. Typically, a first object is described as being a second object. In this way, the first object can be economically described because implicit and explicit attributes from the second object can be used to fill in the description of the first. More simply, this means using one thing to describe another thing (a 'rhetorical trope', by the way, means 'using words where their meaning is changed', also known as a 'figure of speech').

Lakoff & Johnson (1979:3) says, metaphor is for most people a device of the poetic imagination and the rhetorical flourish, a matter of extraordinary rather than ordinary language. The essence of metaphor is understanding and experiencing one kind of thing in terms of another”.


1. A figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable.


Metaphors used to help us understand the unknown, because we use what we know in comparison with something we do not know to get a better understanding of the unknown.

For example:

Our love’s burning down.

In this sentence, love compared with burning down. Burning down means fire.

Love is not same with fire. So , in sentence our love’s burning down, love is

equated with waste that can be burn or something else like that.

2.4.3 Personification

The word personification derives from Latin words; ‘persona’ means person,

actor, or mask used I the theatre and ‘fix’ means to make .Therefore, personification is

a kind of figurative expressions in which an animate object given a human quality.

According to Webster Dictionary (1971:123), “personification is a kind of figurative expression that personifying an object as an attribution of personal qualities (as a form characters) representation of a thing or abstraction as a person or by human form...”

For example: Sad eyes never lie

In this sentence, we can see that sad eyes as a condition, which lie like human being. As we know, sad eyes are not a mouth that it has the ability to say something as


human. The possible interpretation for this expression is the conditions being cannot deceit people who see the sad eyes, everybody absolutely will know that the condition of it is being sad.

2.4.4 Simile

A simile is a

employing the words "like,” "as,” or "than" and allow them to remain distinct in spite of their similarities.


a. Tom is running like Ferrari

We can find the simile in the expression above by word like. This expression compares two things, he and Ferrari. The ability of Tom in running compared with Ferrari. The word Tom is indicates male (human being). Ferrari is a fast car that can reach 300 km/hour speed. Therefore, the sentence means that Tom can run fast.

b. Tina swims like a fish

The ability of Tom in swimming compared with a fish. Fish an animal that lives in the water, breaths through gills and uses fins a tail for swimming. Therefore, the expression above means that Tina can swim well.


2.4.5 Irony

Irony from the Ancient Greek eirōneía, meaning dissimulation or feigned

ignorance is a

sharp incongruity or discordance that goes beyond the simple and evident intention of words or actions.

Ironic statements (verbal irony) often convey a meaning exactly opposite from their literal meaning. In ironic situations (situational irony), actions often have an effect exactly opposite from what is intended.

The discordance of verbal irony created as a means of communication (as in art or rhetoric). Descriptions or depictions of situational ironies whether in fiction or in non-fiction, serves a communicative function of sharpening or highlighting certain discordant features of reality.


Bandung city is very beautiful with the garbage.

It is irony because this statement is contrary to fact. It is impossible if a city look beautiful with garbage in everywhere. It means that the city is not beautiful.


2.4.6 Litotes

Litotes is a form of cultural context. In speech, it may also depend on intonation and emphasis; for example, the phrase "not bad" can be said in such a way as to mean anything from "mediocre" to "excellent."


1. Welcome to my ugly palace

The expression above can considered as irony because the real meaning and condition of palace is opposite with ugly. Palace is a luxury place, where the king lives with luxurious.

2.4.7 Metonymy

Metonymy is a figure of speech consisting of the use of the name of one thing for that of another of which it is an attribute or with which it is associated.

Here are two senses for metonymy:

1. Metonymy is, broadly defined, a trope in which one entity is used to stand for another associated entity.


2. Metonymy is, more specifically, a replacive relationship that is the basis for a number o



The pen is mightier than the sword.

Pen and sword represent publishing and military force, respectively.

• The following examples illustrate the

Nixon bombed Hanoi.

Nixon stands for the armed forces that Nixon controlled.

A Mercedes rear-ended me.

The word me stands for the car that the speaker was driving.

2.4.8 Synecdoche

A synecdoche is a figure of speech in which the one of the following (or its reverse) is expressed:

• A part stands for a whole • An individual stands for a class


• A material stands for a thing. Examples

• The rustler bragged he'd absconded with five hundred head of longhorns.

Both "head" and "longhorns" are parts of cattle that represent them as wholes

• Listen, you've got to come take a look at my new set of wheels.

One refers to a vehicle in terms of some of its parts, "wheels"

• "He shall think differently," the musketeer threatened, "when he feels the point of my steel."

A sword, the species, is represented by referring to its genus, "steel"

2.4.9 Oxymoron

An oxymoron is a

Oxymoron appear in a variety of contexts, including inadvertent errors such as ground

pilot and literary oxymoron crafted to reveal

The most common form of oxymoron involves an

of two words. For example, the following line from contains two oxymorons:


Other oxymorons of this kind examples are;

Open secret (supposedly a secret but it has leaked) • Vintage Modern

• Jumbo Shrimp (Shrimp and jumbo have two different meanings)

Less often seen are noun

silence whistles" from


Oxymorons are not always a pair of words; they can also be devised in the sentences or phrases.

2.4.10 Repetition

Repetition is the simple repeating of a word, within a sentence or a poetical line, with no particular placement of the words, in order to emphasize. This is such a



Inside the ocean I see fish. Inside the waves I hear a splash. Inside the water I felt a fish. It seems so big, as big as a whale. It has to be, But then I see,

It's a tuna fish.

2.4.11 Paradox

A paradox is a seemingly tru

used for an apparent

true sentences which put together seem incompatible as both being true .

Typically however, quoted paradoxical statements do not imply a real contradiction and the puzzling results can be rectified by demonstrating that one or

more of th

cannot all be true together.

The word paradox is often used interchangeably with and other artistic uses of paradoxes imply no contradiction and may be used to

describe situations that ar

that are merely surprising.




3.1 Source of Data

The object of this thesis is 12 songs of David Archuleta’s songs. I chose those because it quite familiar to everyone. This analysis will help the reader to understand deeply about what types of figurative expressions used by David Archuleta and which is the most dominant.

3.2 Method of Data Collection

There are twelve songs lyric chosen as the sample of the data analysis by using semantics theory.

The steps done in collecting the data are:

1. I collect several albums of David Archuleta, and then I select some songs as the samples of the analysis.

2. I choose lyrics, which have figurative expression. 3. I classify them into each type of figurative expression.


3.3 Method of Data Analysis

The steps taken in analyzing the data is:

1. Analyzing the selected twelve songs lyrics, having figurative expressions. 2. Classifying them into each type of figurative expression and then described them

by using conceptual metaphor.

3. Concluding the result of analysis into percentage of each figurative expression found in those twelve songs lyrics.

4. Finally determining the most dominant type of figurative expressions.

In addition, the research method of study is the library research by reading and studying some books which are concerned with problems and to collect the theories. Some are also found from the website to complete the collected theories.




4.1 The Types of Figurative Expression

The data to be conclused were taken from David Archuleta’s songs. I have given codes ‘A, B, C, up to L’ to each songs. The lines of lyrics or the expression are ascended by ordinal number 1, 2, 3 and so on. Both of codes go together to display certain cases that can be found in certain line of songs lyrics. For instance, the code “A1” means that cases is found in data “A,” line “1”

And below, the list of figurative expression that found in data and the analysis.

I. Hyperbole

1. (B16) It’s our last final goodnight.

This sentence is hyperbole. We can see that the words last and final combined. Actually, the author could have chosen one of them, last or final, because both have the same meaning. So, the last and final usage is excessive.


This sentence is hyperbole. We can see it from the words tonight and ending. As we know, tonight is impossible not going to end, because the morning will come to replace the night and so on. So the sentence, which states tonight would never end, is hyperbole, because it is an impossible.

3. (D26) she breathes to my bones.

This is hyperbole. See the word breathes and bones. It is impossible if a person breathes or exhaled breath until into the bones. This is excessive. Because however a person breathes, exhale, it is impossible can be felt until the bones.

4. (E1, 2) Words keep falling out of my pocket.

This sentence is hyperbole. We can see it from the words and the pocket. We know that the words usually come from the mouth not of the pocket. So the sentence words keep falling out of my pocket, it is too exaggerated and impossible.

5. (F6, 7) so here I am, staring at the moon tonight. Wondering how you look in this light.

This sentence is hyperbole. We can see it from the word moon and you. This means that when the moonlight hit you, you look so beautiful. Or it could also mean the face as beautiful as the moon.


It is impossible, because the moon could not make you become beautiful because if someone is beautiful, in somehow and wherever she will stay beautiful.

And if it meant your face as beautiful as the moon, it is redundant, because when viewed from near, the moon was not smooth (not pretty). So, it is impossible, because in general, does not have smooth face, does not look pretty.

6. (I22) Do you catch a breath.

This is hyperbole. The word breath is an abstract, cannot be seen, touched or captured. So, it is impossible if someone could catch breath. It is too exaggerated.

7. (K24,25) But together, one day we’ll both change the weather.

See the words change the weather. As we know that, we could not change the weather. We as humans can only predict what weather will occur, but cannot change the weather. So it is clear that the sentence but together, one day we

will both change the weather was hyperbole because it contains redundant


8. (L5) In a sea of people.

This is a hyperbole. As we know that, sea has a major element of water, not people. If the main element is the humans, it is called a community. So it is impossible if there is a sea of people. So this sentence is hyperbole.

9. (L19) I see the sparkle of a million flashlights.

This sentence is also a hyperbole, because it is impossible we can calculate exactly how much of that flashlight. We can only conclude or predict it. So it is too exaggerated.

10. (L20) Wonder wall of stars

This sentence is hyperbole. We know that, wall is usually used as a room divider or home. In this sentence as if, the wall is used as a delimiter of stars in the sky. This is an exaggerated and impossible.

II. Metaphor


This is a metaphor. See the words love and burning down. Burning down means fire. Love is not same with fire. So , in sentence our love’s burning

down, love is equated with waste that can be burn or something else like that.

2. (C31) Only you can take me sailing in your deepest eyes.

This sentence is also a metaphor. The word sailing and eyes are different. Usually, people sailing on the seas or lakes and the eye are something that used to see. But in this sentence, the writer makes it as if the eyes are a deep sea or lake, so you can sail in it

3. (C32) Bring me to my knees and make me cry.

The words knees and cry are two words that have different meanings. Knees are the part of the human body, while the cry is a verb. In the sentence bring

me to my knees and make me cry, it means that, in general people always want

to hide her tears or face when crying. Do not want other people to know that you are crying. So the knees in this sentence as if it was a hiding place or

shelter to cover the face when we cry. We have always leaned towards the

knee to cover our faces.

4. (D7) That salvation lets their wings unfold.

This is a metaphor. The words Salvation compared with wings. Salvation and


while the wings are a noun that can be seen and touched. In this sentence,

Salvation is equated as a bird that has wings.

5. (D10) And I feel that love is dead.

The sentence above is a metaphor, because the word love is compared to the

dead. Usually love is a beautiful and fun thing for some people. And death is

something that most feared of each person and is identical with sadness. But in this sentence, love is a scary thing that seems to bring death and sorrow for a person.

6. (E14) But this journey, it was worth the fight.

This sentence is also a metaphor. See the words journey and fight. Journey can be interpreted with life, because it has a long journey. Fight could be interpreted with obstacles, because they need to fight to overcome all these obstacles. So, in this sentence as if the journey was a life, where live it requires sacrifices and struggle.

7. (I11) Why do I keep running from the truth.

Running and truth are two different words. Running is a verb while truth is a

noun that cannot move and usually is a good thing. Usually someone ran because he wanted to pursue something or avoid something that may not be


preferable. But in this sentence, I wanted to run from the truth. Here as if the

truth as a bad thing that could move or chase so it should run from the truth.

8. (J12) To lay their hands on your soul tonight.

The sentence above is a metaphor, because as we all know usually if someone wants to lay hands on other people must in place that can be touched, such as the shoulder. Soul is an abstract noun, which cannot be touched. In this sentence, as if the soul as something that could touch or visible (shoulder) so that someone can put his hand on the soul.

9. (J17) And sleep’s you’re only friend.

This sentence is also a metaphor because the word sleep compared with friend who has a different meaning. Sleep is usually done by some people to overcome the problem. Friend usually people who understand us, can help us in overcoming the existing problems. Same with this sentence, in this sentence, sleep is as (friend) that can help someone in solving the problem at least solve the problem temporarily.


This sentence is categorized as a metaphor sentence, because in this sentence, love is equated like an object or item that can be hidden by someone.

11. (K10) Try to feel your heart beat through the door.

Same as No. 10, this sentence is also a metaphor, because in the sentence we can see that the heart beats is equated like a loudspeaker having a loud noise that can be heard through the door.

III. Personification

1. (A3) What we had has come and gone.

This sentence is categorized as personification because the words come and

gone here impressed that what we had has really can come and gone. It means

that what has here is equated like a man who can come and go.

2. (B2) And the words got me choking.

This sentence is categorized as personification. See the words and choking.

Words are a noun. While choking is a verb. In this sentence, words are equated


3. (B41) And the road’s trying to block

This sentence is categorized as personification. We can see that, in the sentence the road equated like a man who can block or hinder things.

4. (B43) ‘Cause the world’s trying to stop.

This sentence is also categorized as personification. The same as above sentence,

the world is equated as human who can stop all activity, or something else.

5. (D9) Thoughts running trough my head.

This is a personification. Thoughts are an abstract. Cannot be seen or touched. It is impossible if thoughts are running. Only living creatures that have legs can run. So, in this sentence, thoughts are equated as living creatures that have legs and can run.

6. (D22) And my pain walks down a one way street.

This is also personification. Same with the sentence number 5, the pain is a feeling that can only be felt by someone while the walks are an activity that can be done by the living creatures that have legs. So, in this sentence, as if pain is equated with living creatures that have legs and can walk.


7. (D25) And as the feeling grows.

This sentence is categorized as personification. We all know that only living creatures can grow. So in this sentence, the feeling as if it equated with living creatures that can grow and develop.

8. (E24) Head keeps telling me, this can’t be worth all of this.

This sentence is categorized as personification. Head have some part, one of them is mouth. Usually, human use his mouth to speak or telling something. So in this sentence head is equated as humans mouth that can be speak or telling something to someone.

9. (G19) Your eyes don’t lie.

This sentence is also categorized as personification. We know that, the function of the eye is to see. While lie usually is something that comes out of someone's mouth. So in the sentence eyes are equated like the human mouth that could tells the truth or a lie.

10.(I19) Where this thing could go?

This is also personification. We know that, only living things that can come and

go. In the sentence thing equated like a man who could go anywhere.


This sentence is personification. We know that the fears can only felt. In this sentence fears as if equated with man, mother, friend or anyone who can remind you to do a thing.

12.(J6) Another dream has come undone.

This sentence is also personification. Dream is something that we feel or happens when we sleep. Dream is not a living thing that could come. In the sentence, we can see clearly that the dream seemed to act like a man who could come anytime.

IV. Simile

1. (B42) and you feel like you are nowhere.

This sentence is simile because simile is usually indicated by like and as. And in this sentence we have found there are words like that showing comparison (compare).

V. Irony


This sentence is an irony. Here we can see that the meaning is contrary to actual conditions. Someone said he could not go home, it means that he did not find his way home. But in reality, he finds his way back.

4.2 The Result of Analysis

The following is the result of the analysis of figurative expressions found in David Archuleta’s songs lyrics. Through this table, we know how many cases each type of figurative expressions has based on their rank from the most dominant type to less one.

No Type Number of Cases Percentage 01. Personification 12 34% 02. Metaphor 11 31% 03. Hyperbole 10 29% 04. Simile 1 3% 05. Irony 1 3%

TOTAL 35 100%

Based on the table, we can see that in personification is the dominant (34%) figurative expression, followed by metaphor (31%), hyperbole (29%), simile (3%) and irony (3%).




5.1 Conclusions

The songs are not only to enjoy as an art (music), but they also give the information through the song lyrics. The composer expresses the feeling or ideas through its song. We can also find figurative expression in the songs lyrics like in poem or in daily conversation. The figurative expression makes the songs is more interesting and attractive. The songs of David Archuleta’s lyrics also involve the figurative expression. It is not easy to be able to interpret well, someone is also demanded to have information and more experience to understand base on the author context.

After analysis the figurative expression in David Archuleta’s selected songs lyrics, finally I make some conclusion as the following:

1. There are two cases of figurative expressions in David Archuleta’s selected songs lyrics. They are 12 cases of personification, 11 cases of metaphor, 10 cases of hyperbole, 1 case of simile, 1 case of irony.

2. The most type of figurative expression I David Archuleta’s selected songs lyrics is personification which represents 34% of whole cases, followed by metaphor 31%, hyperbole 29%, simile 3% and irony 3%.


5.2 Suggestions

I think that the figurative expression is interesting subjects to study and analyze.

In addition, I think this is the best suggestion for the readers; especially English Literature Department is to analyze the subject more deeply on the other objects. Figurative expressions are possible found in other objects such as novel, poems, etc. In analyzing the figurative expressions, a writer should and pay attention to the context of the object, learn context to get the proper messages of our interpretation.



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Hornby, AS. et al. 1995. Oxford Advance Learner’s of Current English 3rd

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1. It never crossed my mind at all 2. It is what I tell myself

3. What we had has come and gone 4. You are better off with someone else 5. It is for the best, I know it is

6. However, I see you 7. Sometimes I try to hide 8.What I feel inside

9. In addition, I turn around 10. You are with him now 11. Just cannot figure it out

12. Tell me why you are so hard to forget 13. Do not remind me, I am not over it

14. Tell me why I cannot seem to face the truth I15. I am just a little too not over you

16. Not over you

17. Memories, supposed to fade 18. What is wrong with my heart? 19. Shake it off, let it go

20. Didn't think it'd be this hard 21. Should be strong, movin' on 22. But I see you


23. Sometimes I try to hide 24. What I feel inside 25. And I turn around 26.You're with him now 27. I just can't figure it out

28. Maybe I regret everything I said 29. No way to take it all back, yeah. 30. Now I'm on my own

31. How I let you go, I'll never understand. 32. I'll never understand


1.Well I don't know how to say this right 2. And the words got me choking

3. I keep hitting this wall 4. It's never gonna fall 5. And we're still broken

6. This mountain we've been trying to climb 7. It's never ending

8. Just can't do nothing, gotta do something 9. Cause if we don't open up our eyes 10.We're just pretending

11. Well there's a time for giving up 12. Didn't wanna have to say it


13. All we're doing is building walls 14. And now there's too many barriers 15. Here we are lying here

16. It's our last final goodnight 17. Just because it feels so good 18. No use pretending we're alright

19. Too many locks (locks), too many cries (cries) 20. Too many tears (tears), too many lies (lies) 21. Too many barriers (barriers)

22. Oh, just too many barriers

23. Now we've been draggin' this whole thing out 24. But I can't wait any longer

25. Our love's burnin' down

26. Creepin' in the doubt, we're not gettin' any stronger 27. I hear you say that we're doin' okay

28. But, baby, I don't think so

29. Just can't do nothin'; gotta do somethin' 30. 'Cause if I don't get into my car

31. I won't go very far

32. Well, there's a time for givin' up 33. Didn't wanna have to say it 34. All we're doin' is building walls 35. Now there's too many barriers 36. That we keep running into


38. I know I'm gonna keep wishin' I was with you 39. But we just gotta stop

40. In a hurry to get somewhere

41. And the road's tryin' to block ya, block ya (too many barriers) 42. And you feel like you're nowhere

43. 'Cause the world's tryin' to stop ya, stop ya (too many barriers)


1. Take me where I've never been 2. Help me on my feet again 3. Show me that good things come 4. To those who wait

5. Tell me I'm not on my own 6. Tell me I won't be alone

7. Tell me what I'm feeling isn't some mistake

8. 'Cause if anyone can make me fall in love, you can 9. Save me from myself, you can

10. And it's you and no one else 11. If I could wish upon tomorrow 12. Tonight would never end 13. If you asked me, I would follow 14. But for now I'll just pretend

15. 'Cause if anyone can make me fall in love, you can 16. Baby, when you look at me

17. Tell me what do you see? 18. Are these the eyes of someone


19. You could love?

20. 'Cause everything that brought me here 21. Well, not it all seems so clear

22. Baby, you're the one that I've been dreaming of 23. If anyone can make me fall in love, you can 24. Save me from myself, you can

25. And it's you and no one else 26. If I could wish upon tomorrow 27. Tonight would never end

28. 2If you asked me I would follow 29. But for now I'll just pretend

30. 'Cause if anyone can make me fall in love

31. Only you can take me sailing in your deepest eyes 32. Bring me to my knees and make me cry

33. And no one's ever done this

34. Everything was just a lie and I know, yes, I know 35. This is where it all begins

36. So tell me it will never end 37. I can't fool myself

38. It's you and no one else


1. I sit and wait

2. Does an angel contemplate my fate? 3. And do they know


4. The places where we go 5. When we're grey and old ? 6. Cos I've been told

7. That salvation lets their wings unfold 8. So when I'm lying in my bed

9. Thoughts running through my head 10. And I feel that love is dead

11. I'm loving angels instead

12. And through it all she offers me protection 13. A lot of love and affection

14.Whether I'm right or wrong 15. And down the waterfall 16.Wherever it may take me 17.I know that life won't break me 18. When I come to call

19.She won't forsake me 20.I'm loving angels instead 21. When I'm feeling weak

22. And my pain walks down a one way street 23. I look above

24. And I know I'll always be blessed with love 25. And as the feeling grows

26. She breathes to my bones 27. And when love is dead



1. Words keep

2. Fallin' out of my pocket 3. Running late

4. Missed the train 5. Everything is dropping

6. Holding on, to my heart, in a rush I 7.Almost forgot it

8. I must admit it, I'm tired 9. But I'm coming to you 10. Don't know how far I've got 11. But I don't care, I'm not gonna 12. Stop runnin'

13. 1'Cause without you 14. I've got nothin'

15. I know you're somewhere runnin' straight to me 16. Don't stop runnin'

17. Don't stop 18. Keep on runnin' 19. Don't stop 20. Let's keep 21. Giving out 22. Breaking down 23. I'm falling


25. Holding on to my heart, feel the rush 26. I'm ready to run forever

27. I'm holding it together 28. 'Cause I'm coming to you

29. I don't know how far I've got but I don't care 30. I got my good shoes

31. I got my winning, girl, I'm focused 32. And I'm 'bout to navigate straight to you 33. And nothing's gonna stop me, girl 34. To keep me from comin'

35. 'Cause I got to have every part of you forever


1. I've been alone so many nights now 2. And I've been waiting for the stars to fall 3. I keep holding out for what I don't know 4. To be with you

5. Just to be with you

6. So here I am, staring at the moon tonight 7. Wondering how you look in this light

8. Maybe you're somewhere thinking about me, too 9. To be with you... there's nothing I wouldn't do 10. And I can't imagine two worlds spinning apart, 11. Come together eventually


13. I'll be at the end of my restless road 14. But this journey, it was worth the fight 15. To be with you

16. Just to be holding you for the very first time, 17. Never letting go

18. What I wouldn't give to feel that way 19. Oh, to be with you

22. And when you're standing here in front of me 23. That's when I know that God does exist

24. 'Cause he will have answered every single prayer 25. To be with you


1. I saw you yesterday, 2. It's been a while 3. You tried but failed

4. At holdin' back your smile right then 5. It's not over yet, I knew, for you 6. I couldn't sleep

7. I thought of nothin' else 8. I needed help

9. Everyone was tellin' me

10. You were movin' on with someone else 11. But what we had was so special


13. I had to see it for myself 14. I can see it in your eyes

15. You feel the same about us as I

16. There is no way the truth can be disguised 17. You're still in love with me

18. You were never really out of love with me 19. Your eyes don't lie

20. I know I hurt ya,

21. I know you are hurtin' still (mmm, yeah) 22. But I'll make it up to you

23. Yeah, baby, I will

24. 'Cause what we had was so special 25. You know we can't give it up

26. Now that I'ma lookin' at you I can see 27. I can see it in your eyes (your eyes) 28. You feel the same about us as I

29. There is no way (there is no way) the truth can be disguised 30. And they never will, girl

31. Oh, now that I know

32. We were apart but your heart never let go 33. So thank you for showin' me with one look 34. What used to be, and still is, a possibility 35. I can see it in your eyes



1. Accidentally, on purpose

2. I dropped my watch behind the tire

3. Threw my alarm clock inside the fireplace 4. Yeah, and I put the parental control on, 5. On the news and the weather channel

6. I'm outside in my robe I'm looking for you, oh 7. If everything'd stop

8. I'd listen for your heart 9. To lead me right to you, yeah 10. I tried every way I can

11. But it's harder to hold on to your hands than the hands of time 12. I need a hand, girl, I'm trying to hold on

13. Losing strength in these hands of mine 14. I need you here

15. I'm trying to hold on

16. Standing here, open hands and I 17. Know I can't do this alone 18. Hold on, oh hold on

19. Baby hold on (to my hands)

20. Hold on to my hands (don't let go of my hands) 21. Don't let go

22. I don't think this is working

23. Squeezing so hard my hands are hurting 24. Ought to let go in the first place


25. And I put the phone on the front lawn 26. Everything that shows time is gone 27. I'm outside in this cold

28. Still looking for you 29. If everything'd stop 30. I'd listen for your heart 31. To lead me right to you, yeah 32. I tried every way I can


1. I hung up the phone tonight

2. Something happened for the first time 3. Deep inside

4. It was a rush 5. What a rush 6. the possibility

7. That you would ever feel the same way 8. About me

9. It's just too much 10. Just too much

11. Why do I keep running from the truth 12. All I ever think about is you

13. You got me hypnotized 14. So mesmerized


16. Do you ever think 17. When you're all alone 18. All that we could be? 19. Where this thing could go? 20. Am I crazy or falling in love? 21. Is it really just another crush? 22. Do you catch a breath

23. When I look at you? 24. Are you holding back 25. Like the way I do?

26. 'Cause I'm trying, trying to walk away 27. But I know this crush ain't going away 28. Going away

29. Has it ever crossed your mind 30. When we're hanging,

31. Spending time, girl, are we just friends 32. Is there more Is there more

33. See it's a chance we've gotta take 34. 'Cause I believe that we can make this 35. Into something that'll last

36. Last forever 37. Forever



1. Desperate.. Desperate.. 2. You're reachin' out,

3. And no one hears your cry. 4. You're freakin' out again

5. 'Cause all your fears remind you. 6. Another dream has come undone. 7. You feel so small and lost

8. Like you're the only one. 9. You wanna scream, 10. 'cause you're desperate.

11. You want somebody, just anybody 12. To lay their hands on your soul tonight. 13. You want a reason to keep believin'

14. That some day you're gonna see the light... 15. You're in the dark;

16. There's no one left to call. 17. And sleep's you're only friend, 18. But even sleep can't hide you 19. From all those tears and all the pain

20. And all the days you wasted pushin' them away. 21. It's your life; it's time you face it.

22. You know the things have gotta change. 23. You can't go back, you find a way. 24. And day by day, you start to come alive.



1. I know that look in your eyes, 2. I don't wanna say goodnight. 3. Do anything to change your mind, 4. Try to make you see the light. 5. You turn your back,

6. And still I say anything to make you stay. 7. Try to hide your love away.

8. I'm standin' here, you're givin' me nothing. 9. Try to feel your heart beat through the door... 10. Hold on, hold on, is what I'm doing.

11. So strong, so strong, what I'm feeling. 12. It's too much, too much.

13. Oh, don't let go.

14. There's somethin' that you're going through, 15. Wish that I could fix for you.

16. You don't have to be alone, 17. I don't wanna let you go.

18. I'm standin' here, you're givin' me nothing. 19. Try to hear your heart break through the door. 20. Call it love, call it what you want to.

21. It's the only thing that matters anymore. 22. Some days are cold,


24. Change the weather. 25. And it gets better.


1. Saw you from the distance, 2. Saw you from the stage,

3. Something 'bout the look in your eyes, 4. Something 'bout your beautiful face, 5. In a sea of people,

6. There was only you,

7. I never knew what this song was about, 8. But suddenly now I do,

9. Trying to reach out to you, 10. Touch my hand,

11. Reach out as far as you can, 12. Only me, only you, and the band, 13. Trying to reach out to you, 14. Touch my hand,

15. Can't let the music stop, 16. Can't let this feeling end, 17. Cause if I do it'll all be over, 18. I'll never see you again,

19. I see the sparkle of a million flashlights, 20. A wonder wall of stars,


22. Is the one right where you are, 23. Trying to reach out to you, 24. Touch my hand,

25. Reach out as far as you can, 26. Only me, only you, and the band,


25. And I put the phone on the front lawn 26. Everything that shows time is gone 27. I'm outside in this cold

28. Still looking for you 29. If everything'd stop 30. I'd listen for your heart 31. To lead me right to you, yeah 32. I tried every way I can


1. I hung up the phone tonight

2. Something happened for the first time 3. Deep inside

4. It was a rush 5. What a rush 6. the possibility

7. That you would ever feel the same way 8. About me

9. It's just too much 10. Just too much

11. Why do I keep running from the truth 12. All I ever think about is you

13. You got me hypnotized 14. So mesmerized


16. Do you ever think 17. When you're all alone 18. All that we could be? 19. Where this thing could go? 20. Am I crazy or falling in love? 21. Is it really just another crush? 22. Do you catch a breath

23. When I look at you? 24. Are you holding back 25. Like the way I do?

26. 'Cause I'm trying, trying to walk away 27. But I know this crush ain't going away 28. Going away

29. Has it ever crossed your mind 30. When we're hanging,

31. Spending time, girl, are we just friends 32. Is there more Is there more

33. See it's a chance we've gotta take 34. 'Cause I believe that we can make this 35. Into something that'll last

36. Last forever 37. Forever



1. Desperate.. Desperate.. 2. You're reachin' out,

3. And no one hears your cry. 4. You're freakin' out again

5. 'Cause all your fears remind you. 6. Another dream has come undone. 7. You feel so small and lost

8. Like you're the only one. 9. You wanna scream, 10. 'cause you're desperate.

11. You want somebody, just anybody 12. To lay their hands on your soul tonight. 13. You want a reason to keep believin'

14. That some day you're gonna see the light... 15. You're in the dark;

16. There's no one left to call. 17. And sleep's you're only friend, 18. But even sleep can't hide you 19. From all those tears and all the pain

20. And all the days you wasted pushin' them away. 21. It's your life; it's time you face it.

22. You know the things have gotta change. 23. You can't go back, you find a way. 24. And day by day, you start to come alive.



1. I know that look in your eyes, 2. I don't wanna say goodnight. 3. Do anything to change your mind, 4. Try to make you see the light. 5. You turn your back,

6. And still I say anything to make you stay. 7. Try to hide your love away.

8. I'm standin' here, you're givin' me nothing. 9. Try to feel your heart beat through the door... 10. Hold on, hold on, is what I'm doing.

11. So strong, so strong, what I'm feeling. 12. It's too much, too much.

13. Oh, don't let go.

14. There's somethin' that you're going through, 15. Wish that I could fix for you.

16. You don't have to be alone, 17. I don't wanna let you go.

18. I'm standin' here, you're givin' me nothing. 19. Try to hear your heart break through the door. 20. Call it love, call it what you want to.

21. It's the only thing that matters anymore. 22. Some days are cold,


24. Change the weather. 25. And it gets better.


1. Saw you from the distance, 2. Saw you from the stage,

3. Something 'bout the look in your eyes, 4. Something 'bout your beautiful face, 5. In a sea of people,

6. There was only you,

7. I never knew what this song was about, 8. But suddenly now I do,

9. Trying to reach out to you, 10. Touch my hand,

11. Reach out as far as you can, 12. Only me, only you, and the band, 13. Trying to reach out to you, 14. Touch my hand,

15. Can't let the music stop, 16. Can't let this feeling end, 17. Cause if I do it'll all be over, 18. I'll never see you again,

19. I see the sparkle of a million flashlights, 20. A wonder wall of stars,


22. Is the one right where you are, 23. Trying to reach out to you, 24. Touch my hand,

25. Reach out as far as you can, 26. Only me, only you, and the band,