Tips on promoting your new website

Promote Your Website Through Blogs

The argument about the nature of blogs (Are they the new media? Are bloggers the new journalists? Are they the messiah?) is not so interesting anymore, because the bottom line is clear – they are here to stay and they are very strong in the internet playground. If you get bloggers to support you, you have a winning ticket. Here are some points to keep in mind while talking to bloggers:

1. Know exactly what you're trying to say. Don't use your “marketing talk” with them. Be direct and honest, and don't try kiss ass.

2. Write to the right place. The “Contact Us” form is usually meant for people who don't know much about the web. Bloggers would appreciate it if you invest time to locate them. That doesn't mean you should call their cell phone or stalk them, right?

3. Try to understand who is the person you're talking to. Most of the bloggers have a “web personality” with a distinct language and character. Look at their flickr photos, read their twitter feeds, add them as friends on facebook. Not just as a tricky maneuver, but to develop a real acquaintance.

4. No template emails. Each blogger is a different person and should be addressed differently.

5. Go for quality. There are lots of great, small blogs with a loyal crowd of opinion leaders.

6. Stay in touch! Bloggers are people (usually), so be a true friend and show them that you're not only interested promotional power. Don't nag, though. If someone is not answering your emails, you should get the hint.

Promote Your Website through Viral Marketing

Viral marketing, or “guerrilla marketing”, is one of the most interesting things happening on the web today. The title is pretty much self-explanatory. You market something through spreading it like

a virus. Viral marketing is usually done through social web services. It contains some elements of traditional PR, but the majority is unique to this virtual realm. There are two methods for viral marketing, and the best is to perform both at the same time:

1. Use the “internet persona of your product”. No hide and seek, no alter egos. That’s me and that’s what I do. I open profiles, talk to people and answer their questions with the intention of promoting something. This method has some advantages:

• People get to know the real you, not a made up character that doesn't exist. • Honesty is very important. When you're pretending to be an enthusiastic client that can't stop

recommending a certain product, people can usually tell. And they don't like it. • Your presence in many different sites means more links that are pointing to your site. These are organic strong links, handmade links, if you will, that will also do you good with SEO. • There is nothing wrong with promoting yourself when you do it in a way that contributes to the community. If your promotional profile page is well designed and well written, people will be happy to become friends with you.

2. “The Puppets” - Use other people to promote you, without identifying as company workers. The advantages of this are:

• The voice is the voice of real people, not of a brand or company. • When you hire people that actually know how to operate in this world of SN, forums and so

on, they blend in to the texture of the site more easily and thus have better chances to leave a mark on the community. Everyone can spot a newbie that doesn't know the rules, and when on, they blend in to the texture of the site more easily and thus have better chances to leave a mark on the community. Everyone can spot a newbie that doesn't know the rules, and when

• You can also use these minions for other important aspects of guerrilla marketing: read

blogs, add comments, work on a many different SN ,get to know the opinion leaders and more.

3. Marketing research, marketing research, Marketing research. It’s so important that I can’t even stress how much. Marketing research is the base that your legs are standing on. It’s your eyes and your ears. Your medulla oblongata. You should know everything there is to know about your field of operation, otherwise – no one will get to know you.

4. Internet demography – Your place of residence and your father's occupation are irrelevant here. The demography that counts is which SN you're using, which music service you listen to and which glitter-MySpace-template you like. It’s a totally different landscape, and you need to learn it. How? Well,:

• Define your audience. Yes, All of god’s children ARE your audience, but let's be more specific, mmmmk? With time, the users will teach you more than you think about your real target audience, but you need to come up with an initial definition that will help you focus your efforts.

• Why do you want these specific users? It’s an important question. Because they can pay? Because they are opinion leaders? Because your product can change their lives? The answer/s to this question will help you set up your communication strategy with the users.

• Be viral – Ok, it's hard to define exactly what does “viral” mean, but there are some things

that can help you become more like that. Make sure that if a user wants to spread your items, they have the bestest ways to do it (share by email, via SN, by embedding code and such).

• After you completed all of the above, you can try the oldskool thing – your friends. “I’ve got

a friend” is one of the oldest, most efficient marketing tricks. Forward your site to everyone you know, and who knows where it will end up?

Drive Traffic to your website

Pay Per Click (PPC) is an internet advertising model used on search engines, advertising networks and content websites like blogs. It's a very simple procedure - advertisers pay the site owners only when a user actually clicks on an advertisement to visit the website they're promoting. With search engines, advertisers usually bid on keyword phrases relevant to their target market. When a user types a keyword query matching to the advertiser's keyword list or views a webpage with relevant content, the ads appear on some location on the page. Such advertisements are called sponsored links or sponsored ads, and you will bump into them no matter what you do online. These are the “special” links that appear near or above the "natural" results when you search for something on google. You can also find them on blogs, forums and many other virtual landscapes. Content websites usually charge a fixed price for a click rather than use the bidding mechanism common on search engines.

PPC Advertising 101:PPC advertising is an excellent tool to drive traffic into your free website . Since you pay only for actual clicks, you can control your budget and fit it to your needs. Basically, with PPC you attract users who search for the terms that fit your groove. The principle is very easy. Suppose you are a web designer, looking to create Wix sites for potential small businesses in your area of Tallahasee, Florida. That means your target market are fellow Tallahasians who need flash web designers that work with small businesses. So the keywords you would bid on are “flash designers”, “designing business websites”, “Tallahasee web design” and so on.

PPC Advantages:PPC advertising has several advantages on other forms of online advertising. Like:

• You choose your price. You decide exactly how much you're going to spend by limiting your budget. For search engine advertising, you can choose a different price for every keyword you bid on. Clever advertisers find ways to optimize their bids and keep their costs low.

• You decide where&when. With PPC advertising, you can be very specific about where you want your ads to appear, you have total control over your keywords at all times and you can make changes on a daily basis. The keywords work for you, chief.

• You pay only for success. The most amazing thing about PPC is that you pay only when

someone clicks on your ad and visits your site. Each click is an opportunity to convert your visitors into happy customers. Other forms of advertising make you pay even if the visitor never actually makes it to your site. Not cool.

Attract the right people:If you want to bring the right crowd to your site, you shall use a keyword research tool. It will help you choose the best keywords for your target market. Try using google's tool. It's pretty decent. Remember that tons of clicks are not always a good thing. If you use keywords that are as specific as possible to your target market, you will receive more useful clicks and you won't have to pay for users who visited your site for 2 seconds and left.

Discover CTR wisdom:

Create landing pages: A landing page is the mini site that appears when someone clicks on your

ad. Landing pages are meant to “continue the dialogue” with the clicking users and turn them into customers. With Wix, you can easily design any marketing landing page for users who clicked on your PPC ads. Attractive, effective and creative landing pages will optimize the users' clicks and raise the KaChing potential of each visit. You can even create multiple landing pages and keep things more interesting.

Using landing pages is also good for SEO purposes. Insert the proper keywords for your target market, add links to pages that you wish to promote and highlight important terms in the title. This doesn't mean your landing page should look like the “SEO for Beginners” exercise book. Keep the content high, otherwise it just won't work.

If you want the landing page to be highly productive, make sure it speaks the same language as the

ad that leads to it. The design and the content of the landing page should correlate to those of the ad. Users who clicked on your ad did so because it raised their interest, so give them what they're looking for.

Offline Promotion - Because the Real World Still Exists

Viral marketing, search engine optimization, social networking optimization, PPC campaigns... There are many cute ways to drive traffic to your free website on the actual web, but since the internet is not separate from life, there's also plenty that can be done offline to encourage people to visit your website. Straight out of the tombs of the ancient Egyptians, here are a few methods for promoting your site in the real world:

1. Whether we like it or not, the old way of spreading news by talking to as many people as possible is still very relevant. Think about it for a second. How do you know Facebook, google or MySpace? Someone shared their existence with you at the office, at school, over dinner or whatever. Let the world discover your new free website by telling the folks you know about it and ask them to spread the word. Make sure your domain name is easy and catchy, so people will remember it easily.

2. Do you have a business, personal or mobile contact card? Surely, you must add your new website address to it. And don't just write it at the bottom. It should appear in a visible and valuable

Alfred Pennyworth Make Website is Wonderful 123 Wayne St., Gotham City, 10245 Tel: (random meaningless numbers)

3. Add your new website address to your details on the local Yellow Pages guide. Believe it or not, people actually still use that thing. For instance, If your business teaches people how to build websites, a URL on your Yellow Pages ad is a brilliant method of introducing potential clients to your work.

4. If you have envelopes, papers, postcards or any kind of stationary with a layout printed on it, add your website address to the template. Again, you must choose a good location for it. Don't count on people to heavily concentrate on your Christmas cards.

5. If you're doing an offline campaign, make sure you include your website address in it. People are getting used to searching for URL's on posters, street ads, TV commercials and even on radio jingles.

Don't forget that if someone heard about your site offline and chose to give it a try, they need something in return for their effort. Creating a website is not enough. Your design, content and overall web experience should be prime stuff. Wix provides you with all the tools you need to build

a stunning website for free, so use them. It's easy.

Design your MySpace, Your Way


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Free MySpace layouts with Wix. Design or customise MySpace Layouts at

Do you have a bit of time and know how to use a mouse? Then you can re-design your MySpace and prom business, music or art.

But where to start? You’ve come to the right place!

This set of articles and tips is designed to do give you the edge on MySpace. Getting Started: Take our planning challenge and read what the fuss about MySpace is all about. MySpace Layout Design: Thanks to new technology and people like the Founders at Wix, it’s never been easie

designs for MySpace –whether you are looking for a new layout, or simply wanting to add new sections like ani ExtraSpace… you can make it!

Why is it so easy? Because you no longer need to know how to code HTML or Flash or be a professional designe Why is it so easy? Because you no longer need to know how to code HTML or Flash or be a professional designe

the best of designs can get lost on cyber space if they don’t have a marketing effort behind them. So, whether you’re looking to sell more of your product, bringing in more fans, exhibit your art to the world, or s

- it’s all about marketing and promotion.

Getting Started: Web Design & Planning Made Easy

Ready to get started? This section takes you through the reason for MySpace’s success and why you should be on M Yesterday. And then there is our 6 Step planning challenge – plan your MySpace design and save time (and mone

Take the Planning Challenge: 6 Quick Steps – And why it’s worth it!

What’s the Fuss about MySpace

Pimp Your Free MySpace Layouts : Essential Tips for Creating Amazing Layout Designs

Pimp or Die! Our pros share their essential tips to creating amazing layouts. And everyone can do it. It doesn’t m

a beginner or already a pro, if you can use a mouse you can use to design your MySpace layouts, comm and more any way you want it.

Spice up your MySpace with a great looking Flash layout

Go Fast – Edit and Customize ready-made MySpace layouts

Create your own free MySpace layouts

Expand your MySpace with ExtraSpace

Earn Money While You Sleep On MySpace: With Wix TopSpace

How to Grab & Embed MySpace Layout & Widget Code in Seconds

Grow & Promote Your Business with MySpace

This section is filled with tips, tricks and secrets for growing and promoting your business. And we’re sharing the What are you waiting for?

MySpace Marketing 101: 15 Secrets From The Pros

Designing professional business layouts

Design an Effective Banner Ad

Express yourself with MySpace comments

Your Secret Weapon To Powerful Marketing Flyers

Web Writing Made Easy

Promote Your Music With MySpace

We can’t offer you a record label but we can help you get your Music your music seen and heard by more peopl labels, for free! Check out our articles & get on MySpace with Wix.

Tips and Tricks to Present and Promote Your Music On MySpace

6 Easy Steps to Promoting Your Music on MySpace

6 Reasons to Present & Promote Your Music On MySpace

How to Market and Promote Your Art on MySpace

Promoting and marketing your art on MySpace is one of the best ways to help increase your fan base and art sal you how! Here’s the reality. If no-one knows about you or your art, and people have no way of finding and seeing y make the step.

Promote Your Art on MySpace

Promote Yourself, Promote Your MySpace

These days, the sure fire way to promote yourself on MySpace is with a custom MySpace layout. This article show days, the sure fire way to promote yourself on MySpace is with a custom MySpace layout. Out there in the big w there are a lot of people selling custom templates. And that’s cool.

Promote Yourself With A Custom MySpace Layout

How Do You Promote Yourself on MySpace? Answers From The Pros

The Quickest Way To Promote Yourself With MySpace Comments

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