Intolerant Male vs. Tolerant Female Apathetic Male vs. Sympathetic Female

opposition. Furthermore, their superior attitudes are also used to broaden the analysis. Also due to the fact in this domination, the male character is the one who practices the domination, so that this event straightly gives us a portrait that male character is the superior. Otherwise, the female character becomes the inferior and cannot be considered as the superior at all. In this discussion, relating the characteristics of male and female characters that are consisting binary oppositions to the gender stereotype is necessary to be done because this finding of “male is superior and female is inferior” becomes clearly seen and accessible. It is just like in this subsequent discussion.

1. Textual Fact

It is already known in previous discussion that the binary opposition idea is actually reflected in the characteristics of male and female characters. There are found four binary pairs that are drawn from the characteristics of male and female characters. When these binary pairs of those characteristics are related to gender stereotype, there are several facts found in the text:

a. Male Intolerant vs. Female Tolerant

As already known in the previous analysis, Susan Glaspell characterizes Mr. Henderson as an intolerant person and Mrs. Peters as a tolerant person. In this binary opposition, it is clear that Mr. Henderson possesses the intolerant characteristic that has strong and powerful attribute rather than the characteristic that is owned by Mrs. Peters. This fact automatically makes the readers to regard Mr. Henderson as the superior in this play. Otherwise, based on this fact also, Mrs. Peters is easily regarded as the inferior in this play. Moreover, this image that Mr. Henderson is the superior and Mrs. Peters is the inferior becomes clearer when it is related to the gender stereotype. Referring to the fact in the gender stereotype that women are considered as weak and passive while men are strong, active, and more intelligent, it is easy to judge Mr. Henderson is superior and Mrs. Peters is inferior rather than the opposite thing.

b. Male Apathetic vs. Female Sympathetic

Again, in the previous discussion, it is clear that the characteristics of male and female characters are presented in binary opposition. Here, when Mr. Wright is characterized as an apathetic person, Mrs. Hale is characterized as a sympathetic person. According to the attributes of these two characteristic, it is understandable that apathetic is more independent than sympathetic, so that it is not a complicated thing for the readers to judge that Mr. Wright is the superior and Mrs. Hale is the inferior. When this fact is related to the gender stereotype, it is clearer that Mr. Wright is the superior, the one that does the domination and Mrs. Hale is an inferior person that becomes the dominated person. Mr. Wright’s apathetic is considered as the aspect of superiority because by ignoring the society around will not be a problem for him and shows his power as an independent person. However, Mrs. Hale is the inferior person because her sympathetic is considered as the evidence that she realizes as a human being, she needs others to live her life.