A Binary opposition in the film music within


Arranged by:

Sri Rahayu











A Thesis

Submitted to the Faculty of Adab and Humanities

as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement’s for

Strata One Degree (S1)













FILM MUSIC WITHIN”. A Thesis: English Letters Department, Faculty of Adab

and Humanities, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta, 2011. The research concerns on the literary study. In this research, the writer

focuses on the analysis of the binary opposition in film Music Within. This film

shows two objects: the society as the superior and Richard and Art as the inferior which oppose each other.

The writer uses qualitative descriptive method. She analyzes the movie by watching the movie and the founding the object that opposes. For this analysis the writer uses postcolonial theory especially in Edward Said theory of orientalism.

The goal of study is to find two objects that oppose in the film music

within and to analyze the event that shows the opposing. The society as the normal and superior meanwhile Richard and Art as an abnormal physically as the inferior. In this film the society as the normal regards their self as more perfect than others. So Richard and Art as the abnormal people physically get discrimination from the normal society and they become the inferior. Although they feel like other people but the society treat them unfairly.






A Thesis

Submitted to the Faculty of Adab and Humanities

as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Strata One Degree (S1)



Approved By:


INAYATUL CHUSNA, M. Hum NIP: 197801262003122001








iii Name : Sri Rahayu

Nim : 106026001025


The thesis has been defended before the Faculty Letters and Humanities Examination Committee on August 16, 2011. It has been accepted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of strata one.

Jakarta, August 16, 2011

The Examination Committee

Signature Date

1. Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M. Pd (Chair Person) _________ ______

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2. Elve Oktafiyani, M. Hum (Secretary) _________ ______

19781003 200112 2 002

3. Inayatul Chusna, M.Hum (Advisor) _________ ______

19780126 200312 2 001

4. Drs. H. Abd Hamid, M. Ed (Examiner 1) _________ ______

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5. Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M. Pd (Examiner II) _________ ______




I hereby declare that this submission is my original work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extend has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgements has been made in the text.

Jakarta, June 2011



In the name of Allah SWT, the most Gracious, the most Merciful. All praises be to Allah, who has bestowed upon the writer in completing this thesis. All praises belong to Him, the greater of living things from being nothing to existence. Peace and salutation be upon to the greatest prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, companions, and adherents realize that surely owes much many people materially, morally, scientifically, and spiritually.

This paper is presented to English Letters Department Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta as partial requirements for the degree of strata one (S1).

Second, the writer would like to express her gratitude to her beloved mom and dad; Hj. Khudsiah and H. Wasidjan for all the love, attentions and contributions that she needs until the end of her study in this university. The writer also would like to thank to her sisters and brother; Ardiyan Sari, AMD and her husband Rohimudin, Siti Fatimah, SE and her special friend Dono Arumaji, SE, Arif Rahman, my nephew Bianca Azka Zhafira, and special her friend Zainal Arivin thank you so much for support and always motivating and giving moral encouragement to finish her study.

In writing this thesis, the writer wants to say many thanks to her advisor, Inayatul Chusna M.Hum as her advisor, who has been sincerely and resentfully guiding the writing to accomplish her thesis.



The writer absolutely realizes that this thesis would not finish without the help from some people around her materially, morally, scientifically, and spiritually. Therefore, she would like to express her sincere gratitude to those who have given a valuable advice and guidance to finish this thesis.

She would like to say her trustworthy gratitude to the following noble persons:

1. Dr. Abd. Wahid Hasyim, M.Ag, the Dean of the Faculty of Adab and

Humanities, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University.

2. Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M.Pd, the Head of English Department, and

Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum, the Secretary of English Letters Department.

3. All lecturers, who have taught and educated the writer during her

study at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University.

4. All her beloved friends in English Letters Department, Syarif

Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, Iis, Lulu, Ikhel, Hani,

Mpok, Tika, Elin, Kiki Ma‟Cik, Tazki, Ega, Aqin, Putri, Izma, K rika,

Ozi, Toge, Akbar, Ocid, and Adnan for giving spirit and motivations, she will never forget of what we have done together during in our beloved university. Hopefully her friendship will be forever after.

5. All her beloved friend in dormitory, Rista, Lely, K Orien, Rida, Dede,

Indri, Ibu Euis, Eni, Ira, Lia, Nita, Devi, and Vie-Vie for giving spirit and motivation.



this thesis. Finally, she hopes this thesis is able to be a reference of some literary interpretations.

Jakarta, 2011









CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Focus of the Study ... 4

C. Research Question ... 4

D. Significance of the Study ... 4

E. Methodology of the Research ... 5

1. Objective of the Research 2. Method of the Research ... 5

3. Data Analysis ... 5

4. Research Instrument ... 6

5. Unit of Analysis ... 6

F. Place and Time of the Study ... 6


B. Binary Opposition C. Orientalism of Edward Said ... 10



1. Richard Character ... 18

2. Art Character ... 19

B. Data Analysis ... 20

1. Richard and Art ... 20

3. Binary Opposition ... 26


B. Suggestion ... 31




A. Background of the Study

Postcolonialism is one of theory that enriches literary studies which gives new color in analyzing literature. As we know, post-colonialism comes from the root word "post" colonial "isms", literally means understanding about the theory that entered after the colonial era. Basic semantic of the term 'postcolonial' seems only related to national cultures after the collapse of imperial power. In previous works, the term postcolonial is also used to distinguish the period before and after independence (colonial and postcolonial). For example, in reconstructing the histories of national literature or presenting comparative studies between the stages in these histories. In general, though the term 'colonial' has been used to refer to the pre-independence and as a term to describe the national works, such as 'modern Canadian writing' or a contemporary West Indian literature, the term

is also used to refer to the period after independence.1

Postcolonial, etymologically derived from the word 'post' and colonial rule, while the colonial word itself comes from the root word

Colonial, roman languages, which meant „farm‟ or „settlement‟2 and referred


Nyoman Kutha Ratna, Postkolonialisme Indonesia Relevansi Sastra (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2008) p. 105.


Nyoman Khuta Ratna, S.U, Teori, Metode, dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2008) p. 205.


to Roman who settled in other lands but still retained their citizenship. Accordingly, the Oxford English Dictionary describes it as,

“A settlement in a new country . . . a body of people who settle in a new

locality, forming a community subject to or connected with their parent state; the community so formed, consisting of the original settlers and their descendants and successors, as long as the connection with the

parent state in kept up.”3

So, etymologically colonial can not be contained from colonial occupation, domination, occupation and other exploitation connotations. Negative connotations arising after colonial unbalanced interaction between

the indigenous population is dominated by migrants as a ruler.4

Alternative assessment has been developed primarily by intellectuals from postcolonial countries. Like in India, Gayatri Spivak, Leela Gandhi, Ania Loomba, Homi Bhaba, etc. Palestine and it is considered to provide a basis for rational criticism of colonialism through the work of Orientalism, Edward Said. From Africa, Frantz Fanon. Edward Said, Spivak, Frantz Fanon, Bhaba and widely regarded as founding father of this new study. But just take one prominent writer like Edward Said to analyze the film

Music Within that was published in 2007.

Postcolonial Studies, will not forget the colonial aspects of binary opposition, the "occupiers" and "colonized". These two terms, intentionally put in quotes, because its implementation is very wide. In a study of


Ania Loomba, colonialism/postcolonialism (London: new fetter lane, 1998) p. 1.




colonialism are always linked with "occupiers" and "colonized" or marginalized minorities. Postcolonial is not just speaking about the west and east but also discussing the existence of a binary opposition between women

and men, blacks and whites, normal and abnormal. Here, the film music

within that the writer will analyze is the binary opposition between people who are physically normal and abnormal.

Music Within movie is raised from a real story, which depicts the life of a young man named Richard Pimentel, a brilliant young man in conveying something (speech) who wish to pursue his study to the university but he has difficulty in financial. Richard is the main character who has the desire to go to Porland University.

He got a great appreciation for race speech, which the race could be a stepping stone for him to get into the university. Due to his success he was given the opportunity to meet Dr. Padrow. Dr. Padrow is one of the faculty selectors for new students. But when he tried to make a speech in front of Dr. Padrow, his ambition made him rejected because he could not answer why he likes to make a speech.

Dr. Padrow thinks that if Richard was not ready and he gave advice to Richard for looking for other activity. Richard followed the advice of Dr. Padrow, he followed the military duty of government to serve in Vietnam.

During the war, Richard lost his hearing, he permanently lost his left ear hearing. Richard felt frustrated by what they experienced. When he enrolled as a student, he was rejected because he was deaf. With feelings of


fury he told administration officials that he could go to school, he could pass

and he could get work. Finally he was desperate to go to college, but it didn‟t

change people's views on abnormal person.

It seems so clear that there are differences in the treatment of a normal and to a disabled people. It makes Richard finally found the core of his life. And the treatment of people of his friend Art Honeyman (a genius because of this he became paralyzed) made him get up to fight for human rights as social beings.

After seeing this film, the writer interested to choose it as a thesis

analysis. Because in this film shows us “binary opposition” between normal

and abnormal in physically, where the abnormal one that become marginal minority. The writer will feature elements associated with the focus being researched.

B. Focus of the Study

As mentioned in the background of the study, this research will focus on displaying binary opposition between superior and inferior. It is because of limited research in terms of time, effort, and costs, and to make this research more directed and focused.

C. Research Questions

In the study the writer attempts to propose the study into one question as stated below:

How are Richard and Art as the inferior persons opposed to the normal people as the superiors shown in the film Music Within?



D. Significance of the Study

The writer hopes that this research can expand the reader's views about the meaning of "colonialism". In social life, there are some people who treat disabled group unnaturally. Besides that, the writer wants the readers to know the origin and the beginning of democracy to the disabled people, especially in America.

E. Methodology of the Research 1. Objective of the Study

The objective of the research is to give understanding that as human beings who live socially, we should not underestimate the people who have a deficiency. It also gives a motivation to disabled people that they can not be underestimated to make their dream come true as described in this study.

2. Method of the Research

The method used in this research is a qualitative method. In this study,

the writer describes the data which are collected from the script of Music

Within – movie as well as by watching the movie carefully that refers to a binary opposition of the characters, without applying them statistically. 3. Data Analysis Technique

In this study, the writer uses the descriptive analysis technique. In this analysis, she uses the concepts of Edward W. Said concerning


4. Research Instrument

The instrument of research is the writer herself as the subject to obtain data by watching the movie Music Within repeatedly and reading its scripts to select data that are important are support this research. Than, The

writer analyses the data from sociological – views by using intrinsic

element of the study such as choosing characters of the film, opposing one

character to another in achieving the objective of the study – some

dialogues are also used to support the analysis. 5. Unit of Analysis

The unit analysis in this study is a film of Music Within produced in

2007, by starring Ron Livingston, Melissa George and Michael Sheen.

F. Time and Place of the study

This research was conducted on the ninth semester 2010 in the Department of English Language and Literature of Adab and Humanities Faculty, States Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, as well as in the other libraries and places that support this study.





A. Postcolonial Theory

Postcolonial discourse was first introduced in literature field of study. There are two important models in post-colonial literature (Postcolonial literature), which is a model of "national" and model of "black writing." National model focuses on the relationship between state and ex-colonialist. While the black model focuses the writing on the works of the African Diaspora of the Black Atlantic. This model was later expanded to include other forms of writing, such as Australian Aboriginal writing or writings from India, because this model more bases itself on ethnicity rather than


The literary and postcolonial theory has two main keys, namely the domination-subordination and hybridity creolization. These issues appear at first to the surface related to military control and economic backwardness. Domination and subordination is a relationship that not only occurs between countries or ethnic, but also within a country or within a particular ethnic,

even in gender power relations. As reviewed by Gayatri Spivak "Can

Subaltern Speak?", stating that subaltern cannot speak, that women in the colonial context have a conceptual language to speak because there is no ear

of colonial and indigenous men to listen.6


Leela Gandhi, Teori Poskolonial: Upaya Meruntuhkan Hegemoni Barat (Yogyakarta:Qalam, 2001) p. vi-vii.


Akhyar Yusuf Lubis, Dekonstruksi Epistemologi Modern (Jakarta: Pustaka Indonesia Satu, 2006) p. 204.


The equation of postmodernism with post colonialism lies with its position as the theory of critical because as a theory, both clearly intended to reject the binary oppositions and thus the dichotomy of Western and Eastern, non-indigenous and indigenous, narrative and narration of a small, developed countries and developing countries, historical reflection and parodies, documentary texts and inter-textual, and so forth. Conversely, as the era of post colonialism. according to Said's experience over the past two and a half centuries, colonization is more universally considered to be global and therefore have a direct impact, both for the region that was colonized and the colonizers themselves.

Postcolonial clearly is one section of postmodernism. That is, in the theory of post colonialism and thus triggered by the use of a number of concepts existed in postmodernism. Therefore, the basic meaning of 'post' in post colonialism similar to 'post' in postmodernism is equally meaningful post. The difference, in the modernity postmodernism seems retained but given a new meaning, a meaning that has been deconstructed, in post colonialism then colonial forms with a variety of abandoned due to be removed.

The vision of postcolonial not linked with practical social politic problems. In the analysis, especially works of literature, not necessarily associated with the intention of the author. Greatness, as well as literary failure is not caused by the oriental elements, but how these elements do appear in estisis. Postcolonial is a discourse analysis that can be used, on one



hand to trace the hidden aspects or deliberately hidden, so as to know how power works. On the other hand, unload disciplines, institutions, and the underlying ideology. In this context, the role of language, literature, and culture in general can play a role in the third cause symptoms contained discourse as intended by colonial groups.

Power is not formed structurally, but flows through the community as a capillary, not because of power control everything, but comes from everywhere conformed to the characteristics of the colonial countries that restrict freedom of thought for the people under their control, as well as all forms of knowledge. Then stagnation occured and even a declination in all aspects of life.

Postcolonial theory is such an accumulation of theory and criticism that is used to reassess the cultural aspects; namely history, politics, economics, literature, even the government archives, as well as its relationship with cultural heritage it left behind. In this context it is said that

postcolonial theory is a theory to deconstruct colonial narrative.7

Postcolonial discourse analysis can be used, on one hand to trace the hidden aspects that are known institution and its underlying ideology. There are four reasons why literary works are considered appropriate for analysis through postcolonial theory:

1. As a cultural phenomenon of literature showing a communication system

between the sender and receiver.


Prof. Dr. Nyoman Khuta Ratna, S.U. Teori, Metode, dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra. (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. 2008). p. 205.


2. Literature masterpiece featuring kind of problematic social life itself.

3. Literary works are not bound by space and time.

4. Depicted symbolically so that the real purpose is not visible.8

Based on the above reasons, we can conclude that postcolonial theory is a theory that studies the conditions of the situation afterwards, especially regarding the state of 18th century until 19th century. This theory gives attention to the indigenous culture which is the culture of the oppressed from the power of colonialism; this theory is also related to the representation of race, ethnicity and nation-state formation. For that, postcolonial studies aimed at, first raised the history of science, technology and Western medicine, like science in the Islamic perspective, Indian, Chinese and indigenous knowledge and knowledge of other cultures through the study of empirical and historical. Second, develop a contemporary discourse about the nature, style and scope of science, technology and non-Western medicine. Third, develop science policies that recognize and appreciate the scientific practices, technologies and

treatment of indigenous or native.9

B. Binary Opposition

In critical theory a binary opposition is a pair of related term or concept that are opposite in meaning. Binary opposition is the system by which, in language and thought, two theoretical opposites are strictly define


. p. 212.




and set off against one another.10 It is the contrast between two mutually

exclusive terms, such as on and off, up and down, lift and right. Binary opposition is an important concept of structuralism, which sees such

distinctions as fundamental to all language and thought.11 In structuralism, a

binary opposition is seen as a fundamental organizer of human philosophy, cultural, and language. In the community of philosophers and scholars, most

believe that, as Derida put it, “useless a distinction can be made rigorous and precise it isn‟t really a distinction.12

Binary opposition originated in Saussurean structuralist theory. According to Ferdinand de Saussure, the binary opposition is the means by which the units of language have value or

meaning; each unit defined against what it is not.13

The critique of binary opposition is an important part of third wave feminism, post colonialism, post anarchism, and critic race theory, which argue that the perceived binary opposition between man and woman, civilized and savage, and Caucasian and non-Caucasian have perpetuated and

legitimized Western power structures favoring “civilized” white men. In the

last fifteen years it has become almost routine for any good social and or

historical analysis to address the variable of gender, class, sexuality race.14


Smith, G 1996, Binary Opposition And Sexual Power In Paradise Lost, The Midwest Quartery, vol.27. No. 4. p. 383.


Baldick, C 2004. The Concise Oxford Dictionary Of Literary Term. Viewed 8 March 2011. http;//www.highbeam.com/doc/1056-binaryopposition.html.


Jacques derida (1991) Afterword: Toward An Ethic Of Discussion, published in English translation of limited Inc., pp.123-4, 126


Forgarty, S 2005, The Literary Encyclopedia, Viewed 6 March 2011. http://www.litencyc.com/php/stopics.php?pec=true&UID=122


Hanson, k 2008, ‘The Dead Sea Scroll And The Language Of Binary Opposition A


C. Orientalism of Edward Said

One of the famous figures of postcolonial theory is Edward W. Said, born in Palestine who later developed a career in the United States. In accordance with a history of his life, moved from one country to another, the theme of his works too, especially Orientalism, described about separation,

marginality, hybridists, and other stranger characteristics.15

"It is the spirit of opposition, not accommodation, which is holding me. For romance, interests, challenges found in the intellectual life of defiance against the status quo at a time when the struggle for the interests of the marginalized and the poor seem unfairly weighed. My background in Palestinian politics reinforce this. In the Western world and the Arab rift becoming more and more days with separate groups who are not wealthy haves. And among the intellectual environment of power that produces

ignorance truly shocking," said Edward W. Said.16

The statement above, leads us to an idea that he was a man who is always nervous at the injustice against humanity in any hemisphere. He opposed not only injustice committed by his opponent, but also by his friend. Said is not only destroying the "injustice" from a distance, but also from close range. He does not use stones and bullets but by the sharpness of the pen. Critics of color in the West apply Said's approach to raise the issue of marginalized groups. The representation of marginalized groups by the dominant discourse is seen as the practice of domination that uses language as

a tool of power.17


Leela Gandhi (2001), loc. cit. p.215.


Edward W.Said, Peran Intelektual (terj.) (Jakarta: yayasan Obor Indonesia,1998) p. ii.


Muhidin M Dahlan (penyunting), Postkolonialisme: sikap kita terhadap imperialism. (Yogyakarta: jendela Grafika, 2001) p. 27.



In relation to post colonialism, Said refused the linearity of history; by contrast, intellectual Orient must build a new historical consciousness of the oppressed group. Postcolonial theory covers the entire national literature has ever experienced since the beginning of colonialization imperial power until now including, Africa, Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, Caribbean, India, Malta, New Zealand, Malaysia, Pakistan, Singapore, South Pacific Islands, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia.

Orientalism is to explore the history of unequal relations between the Middle Eastern world and the "East" on one side with imperialism Europe

and America on the other. Edward Said's book Orientalism has produced

anxiety and fear as well as enlightenment in various scientific disciplines such as cultural studies, area studies and in particular gave birth to a scientific

study known as the academic environment of colonial discourse analysis.18

Edward Said's idea is very knowledgeable, he discusses the various local

cultural contexts, so often referred to as "traveling theory". Edward Said has

acknowledged Thought brings tremendous influence for the analysis of colonialism and colonial thinking. He has pioneered a new field for research academic environment. Orientalism is generally regarded as the catalyst and reference point for post colonialism and represents the first phase of

postcolonial theory.19

Edward Said prefers to call the East as the silent others. Through a critique of science by using the perspective of "the other", then the


Akhyar Yusuf Lubis (2006), op. cit. p. 215.



colonial studies are also constructing new forms of knowledge better with honor and respect the other side (the other). Orientalism by Edward Said is term that can be defined by three different ways. First, Orientalism as a mode of thinking or paradigm based on epistemology and ontology that clearly distinguish between the East with the West; Second, Orientalism can also be understood as an academic degree to describe a series of institutions, disciplines and activities that are generally found in Western universities who care study Eastern society and culture; Third, Orientalism as an official institution that is intrinsically concerned with the East.

Said ideological unloading behind the binary opposition of West / East are constructed by the discourse of nation-Eastern country that produced by a European. According to Said, a variety of knowledge about the "East" was coined to project for each trend in Europe is not desirable: the primitive East is used as a mirror image contrast to raise Europe as a pioneer of civilization. Furthermore myths and stereotypes about Eastern Europe used as a means of justification for colonization, master, tame and control the presence of the other. By displaying marginal groups negatively reinforce the dominant

discourse of power, or provide justification for its domination.20

Said further suggests the meaning of Orientalism in three overlapping areas, namely the First, Orientalism creates a long bitter history of relations between Europe and Asia-Africa. Second, creating areas of science was beginning since 19th century as a specialist in oriental languages and culture.


Melani Budianta. “Teori Sastra Sesudah strukturalisme: dari Study Teks ke Study Wacana Budaya”. Teori dan Kritik Sastra, (2002) Mei 27-30, 2002, p. 50.



Third, colonialism created stereotypes and ideology of "the Orient" which is associated with "The Other" or the other of "The Occident" (the Self). Thus, Edward Said argued the need for understanding of very complex philosophical problems in interpreting other cultures.

Said opinion above, clearly influenced by Foucault in which the construction of Orientalist discourse is more a construction than a dialogue between two cultures which are equal by assuming that the dialogue is more emphasized rationality and achievement of an agreement that puts the side dialogue on an equal position from the position of hegemonic and repressive. In his book Orientalism, Said shows how the imagination of East and West about how power and knowledge-hook intertwined in the writings of the Orientalists. Said related discourse theory, power relations and knowledge to

society and the political struggle in everyday life. Both the “East” and "West" is the result of the construction of an idea or ideas associated with a social-cultural reality.

Said states that all knowledge is a form of expression, "will to

power". This means that we cannot possibly talk about an absolute truth or objective knowledge. According to Said, if natural scientists use to observe the nature of objectivity its will be good. But if the objectivity of scientists used a sociologist or the humanities in the face of human social behavior, it will result in imposition of meaning, the term or definition to the object and this will trap it in the objectivity of scientists. This can be seen from the view in Said Essay‟s, The World, the Text and the Critic (1983), Said conduct a


research and revealed text relevance to the context or "worldliness" of the text. The notion of objectivity is actually an objective interpretation of the text or ignores the relationship between the texts to the context. While in subsequent works such as Culture and Imperealism as well as on the cover of the book is a reissue of Orientalism in 1995, Said argued that the presence of incredible consciousness revolution in the consciousness of women, minorities and marginal groups influence directly on the idea of "mainstream" in the whole world . Study the appearance of Orientalism was so attracted all the people who care about cultural studies, theoretical and scientific.

D. Character and characterization in the film

In every story-whether it‟s in a literary, fairy tale or movie-there‟s a

representation of human being as the agent who plays in the story; it‟s called

as a character. A character usually refers to human, animal or thing that has function to play its rule in a story. And every character has variety values to make a story seems real, understandable, and worth caring about; the values

could be moral, emotional, intellectual, or appearance value.21 To give

impressive values toward character is called as characterization. Characterization in film is different with characterization in literary works because film is visual story telling so that the characterization of character in film more complicated and more detailed than in literary.


Rosenhaim, JR, Edward W, What Happen in Literature (Chicago: the Universitty of Chicago Press, 1960), p. 79.



Characterization of character in a film can be given in some ways; such as characterization through appearance, dialogue, through external and internal action, and through reaction of other characters. And even setting has contribution as the characterization of character in a film; it can be a

determiner of character and reaction of character.22

Characterization in film has a great deal to do with casting since the minutes viewers usually see most actor on the screen, they make certain assumption about tem because of their facial features, dress, physical build,

and mannerisms and they way they move; it‟s called as characterization through appearance. And the next characterization in film is through dialogue; characters in film naturally reveal a great deal about themselves by what they say and they say it, in other words, the values of character could be interpreted through their word choice when they talk to other characters. Even

appearance is an important measure of a character‟s personality, but the

reflections of appearance are often misleading. So, another aspect that could

be considered is their action in facing some situation; it‟s kind of

characterization through external action. The reactions of other character are also influence viewers in interpreting the characterization of certain character.


Joseph M. Boggs and Dennis W. Petrie, The art of watching film (California: Mayfield Publishing Company, 1999), p. 50.



A. Description of Character

In every story, whether in literary, fairy tale or movie, there‟s a

representation of human being as the agent who plays in the story; it‟s called

as a character. A character usually refers to human, animal or thing that has function to play its role in a story. And every character has variety values to make a story seems real, understandable, and worth caring about; the values

could be moral, emotional, intellectual, or appearance value.23

Before the writer analyzes the binary opposition in this film, she will describe the character who supports the presence of binary opposition. The first character is Richard. Richard is the main character in this movie. In the beginning, this story tells that Richard is normal in physical until he became a soldier in Vietnam. He lost his hearing in the war that stop him to enter the university and was rejected by the administrator as a normal one. Basically,

Richard‟s body looks normal but he was deaf that made him different in

society. He looks different in society because he cannot understand what

people say. That‟s why he learns how to speak with others by reading their lips. Besides Richard, there is Art, Richard‟s friend when he was in university. Eventhough Art has difficulty in speaking, Richard can hear Art‟s

voice clearly. Art always helps Richard in communication and in everything. Art is abnormal in physical, he gets cerebral palsy that affects his motoric


Rosenhaim, JR, (1960), loc. cit.



skills. He uses a wheelchair to go anywhere. Richard and Art study in the same university.

1. Richard Character

When Richard was a child, he was known as a hard-working kid. After he came back from school he helped his father slaughtering chicken to restaurants which located around Chinese store. He never complained

and always followed his father‟s order.

Other proved showing that Richard was a hard worker. When he was graduated from high school, he wanted to enter university but he could not because he did not have enough money. Finally, Richard worked at the restaurant as a chef to earn money. At that time Richard read a leaflet announcing a speech Contest College to win Porland scholarship. With the help of his friend Bembi, Richard got nice clothes to participate the contest. And finally Richard won the contest and got the opportunity to enter Porland University.

Richard: things didn’t happen as quickly as I expected. A few years after high school, I got a job working in the kitchen of a go-go bar to earn money for college. I still had my dream, but were a few


Mr. Ben Padrow: Mr. Pimentel, I’m Ben Padrow with the University. I’m chairman of the Speech Department

Richard: Hi, Dr. Padrow, I know who you are.

Mr. Ben Padrow: well, congratulations. I’m impressed, nice suit

Richard: oh, thank you very much.

Mr. Ben Padrow: where do you go to school?

Richard: actually, sir, I’m not in school right now. I’m a little

strapped financially. But I’d love to come to state.

Mr. Bean Padrow: well, we have scholarship and financial aid.

We’d love to help. Come and see me


Richard was also good in articulation; since Richard was sitting in junior high school he often won the speech competition. It began when he

joined Mr. Park‟s lesson, at that time Mr. Park explained that most people

died without discovering their own genius, without expressing the uniqueness that made them special. Then, Richard took the opportunity to show his talents to his friends. Richard raised his hand and came forward and told the class his experience when working with his father. Mr. Park impressed by the courage and love for what he told. That event changed

Richard‟s life until he grew up.

Richard was ambitious too, what he wanted was that he would get with his own way. When Richard signed up for college and was rejected because he was deaf. Richard did not stop there when he denied to the administration, he said that he could go to college, graduate and get a job. By learning to read lips, Richard started his days on campus and what he said was proved. He finally graduated from the college and he could work because of his ambition.

2. Art Character

Actually, in this film, Art character was not too dominant but he had several characters that supported him in this film analysis, such as the unyielding. Art was a strong willing person, for instance, it was shown when he wanted to buy water can from a water machine. Because of his

hand couldn‟t move he tried hard to put the coin to the water machine. Another example was shown when Richard was going through a crisis of confidence, Art helped him to make decision. This was one of



for everything he asked. When Richard wrote a motivation book about

how to treat the physical defect, he asked Art‟s opinion about his book.

Richard: come on, man. Say something. Art: why did you want me to read this?

Richard: ‘cause I don’t thing I know what I’m doing, Art. But I never would’ve written that if I hadn’t met you. Now, you’re the smartest

guy that I know, and if you don’t thing that any good, I’m just gonna

tear it up.

B. Data Analysis

In data analysis, the writer will describe some events that are experienced by Richard and Art which make them feel different from other people in general. As a result of their abnormalities in terms of physical, they are treated differently. In the data analysis, it can be seen the existence of binary opposition between the normal and the abnormal in physical.

1. Richard and Art

The writer has explained that Richard and Art are not normal in physical. In here the writer will describe the behavior of the society in viewing Richard and Art as the disabled person who cause them to be treated differently from the normal, and how Richard and Art were seen from their disability.

Richard and Art have weaknesses in physical, Richard is deaf and Art is deformed. Because of their abnormality, they receive different treatment from other normal people. Thus, Richard and Art become the inferior

group. The group created by the superior in whom considered as the

inferior is not the same group as them. In this case, they consider themselves more perfect in physical terms than the inferior group.


Richard and Art are regarded as inferior who receive unfair treatment from the superior group. Unfair treatment is due to physical differences among them. Below are the examples of their experiences they get from normal people.

First, Richard has unfair treatment from the society especially from someone who considers himself as normal one. He is an administrator, a normal person who treats Richard unfairly. The administrator rejects

Richard‟s recommendation paper by harassing face. The administrator‟s attitude towards Richard who is supposed to serve well candidates of student is very impolite just because Richard is deaf. It caused different treatment between the physically normal and abnormal.

Administration: I can’t authorize government funds to send you to

college. Richard: why?

Administration: you’re deaf

Richard: I’m what? It’s a deaf joke.

Administration: you’re worse than deaf, you’re confused. You can

hear only vowels. No consonants. Richard: yeah

Administration: well, if you can only hear vowels, you’ve got two

choices, learn to read lips or move to Hawaii.

Richard: I don’t wanna go to Hawaii, I want go to college.

Administration: listen, even if you graduate, they won’t be able to

place you

Richard: why? ‘Cause I’m deaf? Helen Keller was deaf and blind. She

had a job.



Second, the normal students who are in the cafeteria do not care about the two persons who need help. For example, Art needs help to open a can of water but no one of them help him. Just because Art is disabled person, so they are unwilling to help.

Third example, when there are two girls standing in the park, unintentionally Art hit them by his wheelchair, but they are immediately angry to him with a grumpy look they walk away with a bad word. These kinds of treatment show that they are classified and do not accept the presence of the disabled.

Women: hey, watch it! Richard: oh, sorry.

Women: can’t you go forward in that thing?

Art: yeah, sure, if you blow me. Richard: (laugh)

Women: what? What’s so funny? Richard: what’d she say?

Art: oh, she just wants to blow me. Women: what did that spaz say?


A further example, when Richard and Art go to a pancake restaurant,

the restaurant‟s manager forces them to get out from the restaurant because he thinks they will disturb other customers. He does some ways to Art and Richard in order to get them out from his restaurant. Finally the manager calls the police officer to take them away from that restaurant.

Waitress: I think you two needs to leave. You’re making the

other customers very uncomfortable. Richard: oh

Art: why?

Waittress: hey, we can refuse to serve whoever we want here.

Richard: you gotta be kidding me. It’s my friend’s birthday. All

he want is pancakes.

Art: I…I think she needs some hot man love.

Richard: maybe. I’ll ask her, but I don’t think she’s your type,


Waitress: okay, don’t you dare. You are the ugliest, most disgusting thing I have ever seen. I thought people like you died at birth. How do you expect people to eat around you? Normal

people shouldn’t even have to look at you.

Art: listen lady I’m sorry if I’m doing your job for you

Richard: he says he’s very sorry for turning your customers’


In addition, the owner of pancake restaurant only receives less abnormal people in physical, it can be seen that he provides none special equipment for the disabled in the restaurant. He only provides a ladder to be used by normal people.



Finally, Richard and Art also receive different treatment from the society when they have skating. The people who stand around the ice-skating area are looking at them with cynical face. They seem do not

accept Richard and Art‟s presence and judged then that they will ruin the view.

The examples described above are the attitudes of people who do not accept the different sides of them. Richard and Art who represent the inferior group that is physically imperfect. The people do not really

concern about Richard and Art‟s disability and considered them as

minority and as inferior group. This assumption is created by those who

claim themselves as superior as and more perfect than Richard and Art. Meanwhile, as for Richard and Art, they do not consider themselves as inferior and lower group. Richard and Art feel they are equal as others, that is why they deserve to have equal rights.

It can be concluded from the explanation above that there are two contradictory things or opposition. They are Richard and Art who


represent the side of as the inferior group and the society who represent as the superior group. Where the superior side feel themselves have more in everything compare to the inferior side. For that reasons, the superior group treat their opponent unfairly.

2. Binary Opposition

Said reveals the ideological behind the binary opposition of West / East are constructed by the discourse of nation-Eastern country that produced by a European. According to Said, a variety of knowledge about the "East" is coined to project for each trend in Europe is not desirable: the primitive East is used as a mirror which gives contrast image to raise Europe as a pioneer of civilization. Furthermore myths and stereotypes about Eastern Europe used as a mean of justification for colonization, master, tame and control the presence of the other. By displaying marginalized groups negatively reinforce the dominant discourse of power,

or provide justification for its domination.24

As already known, Postcolonial theory discusses the events after colonial. Where the opposition is viewed two opposites, commonly referred to as binary opposition. The writer took one of the figures from the Postcolonial theories; it was Edward Said, who known as a famous figure of Postcolonial theories. Edward Said, in his famous book of Orientalism explains the existence of a binary opposition between East and


Melani Budianta. “Teori Sastra Sesudah strukturalisme: dari Study Teks ke Study Wacana Budaya”. Teori dan Kritik Sastra, (2002) Mei 27-30, 2002, p. 50.



West, in which the West was described more dominant than the East. However, here the writer will not discuss the opposing between the West and East, but emphasizing the Normal and Abnormal in physical.

In the previous explanations, the writer raises two opposites, between Richard and Art as inferior group who are not normal in physical and some people also the society who are normal as superior group. It can be seen from how the normal treat the abnormal people especially in physical. The discrimination occurs in it, in which the inferior group receives unfair treatment from the normal group or the superior. For that reason, binary opposition has occurred between them.

This binary opposition makes two groups in opposition to another. In this film, the opposition is a group of normal and abnormal in physical. Richard and Art are two people who represent the abnormal sides. There is a group that is discriminated by other groups. Another group, called the normal group in this case is society in general. This group feels that they have more in everything so that they discriminate other group.

This binary opposition shows two things that contradict each other such as the superior and the inferior. The superior feels more than inferior and gives negative value for them. The value that they build on themselves could determine whether a person physically belonged to an inferior or superior. The negative value they built shows their attitude and behavior which differ in terms of socializing.


While the inferior do not perceived themselves like that. They perform daily activities just like other society in general. However, the attention they received is not in positive terms but in terms of negative.

The normal groups who feel themselves more than the abnormal, have seen themselves to have advantages and look perfect comparing to abnormal group like Richard and Art. Meanwhile Richard and Art do not see themselves as the inferior persons.

Richard and Art as inferior do not simply receive equal treatment from them. Richard and Art refuse to put themselves as lower class. They "struggle" of the assessment so far. Richard who has the articulate character, is able to say to the world that he should not be differentiated in terms of anything. Richard makes a program about how to treat people who normally do not like him physically. With his ambitious character, he always wants the best for his group. As a result of his hard working, he succeeds in doing his program and was approved by the President.

Whereas Art has an unyielding character that always motivates

Richard to do anything with passion. Art always raises Richard‟s

enthusiasm to be optimistic. Richard and Art who have the media such as the attitude, education and professionalism are able to eliminate the discrimination between normal and abnormal differentiation.

Finally, it can be concluded that the binary opposition occurred is not too significant, because Richard and Art do not want others to underestimate them. With their ability, they could be equalized in the eyes of society at large.





A. Conclusion

After analyzing the movie of Music Within, the writer has a problem

concerning the issues of a binary opposition. The existence of two opposing groups or conflicts, described by Richard and Art as inferior and the society in general as superior. The writer uses Edward Said theory that discusses about West and East. Edward Said describes West and East in his orientalism

theory that illustrates a binary opposition – system. In this way, the writer

compares the superior group and the inferior group.

Music Within is the film that shows the binary opposition, the superior and the inferior. The society or who are described themselves as the superior treat others the disabled people unfairly. The superior groups who feel perfect do not accept the presence of other people who are not perfect in physical. I this film, Richard and Art are considered as inferior who "struggle" is working hard for getting human rights and equallty. By doing his effort, they make the disabled program proposal directed to the government and approved by the President even it becomes a common law right. Although the law is excited, however, the superior do not accept it. At the end of this film shows that the bar owner does not agree with the law anymore.

B. Suggestion

Therefore in this thesis, the writer suggests for those who are interested in analyzing or comprehending a binary opposition analysis, they should enlarge their knowledge about the concept of post colonialism, a binary opposition and so on.


The writer also hopes that this study will be useful for the writer herself

and other readers for future improvement of analyzing the literary – works,

such as using criticism discourse, tracing the hidden aspect and the ideology of literature.

Finally, the writer hopes that this study can be a mean of communication between the writer and the reader.





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