B. Theoretical Framework

The writer applies some theories and approaches in order to answer the formulated problems. In order to analyze the main character in the novel from the psychological perspective, literary criticism by Guerin 7 and Kennedy and Gioia1937-1947, will be proposed. The writer also uses the theory of character and characterization which is proposed by Abrams 23 in order to gain information about the emotional qualities and disposition of the main character through her action and speech. According to Holman and Harmon 82 a main character is the character that plays the most important role in a story, she or he becomes the focus in the story. Stanton 17-18 says every action of the character in the story is a manifestation of that character. The theory of character and characterization by Forster as cited in Pickering 27, Murphy 161 – 173 and Kalish 52-53 will also be applied in order to get deeper understanding of the character in the literary work. Sheila’s aggressive behavior as it appears in the novel One Child will be analyzed, so the theory of aggression will be presented. The theories of aggression, which are used in this study are presented by Berkowitz 4-43, Vanden Bos 30, Bandura 3-13, Fromm 185-189 and Taylor et al 386-397. The theory of aggression will be used in order to analyze the types of aggression performed by the main character. Emotion is related to the aggression of the main character in the novel One Child. To answer the third problem formulated, the theory of emotion proposed by Santrock 332-343 will be used. Theory proposed by Berkowitz 66-343, 21 Montgomery 31-177, Bandura 93, Crosson 106-140, Davidson and Neale 225, Taylor et al 387, Hurlock 222 and Ferrara 31 will also be presented. These theories are used to analyze the factors influencing the main character aggressive behavior and the impact of this behavior. 22


This chapter discusses the methodology used in the study. There are three parts presented in this study. The first part is the object of the study; it describes the work to be studied along with the physical description. The second part is the approach of the study; this part presents the approaches employed in the analysis, the description, and the procedure taken in its application. The third part is the method of the study. This part describes the steps taken in analyzing the work, from reading up to reporting the findings, the library research, the primary and secondary sources and the steps taken in the analysis.

A. Object of the Study

This thesis analyzes the novel titled One Child which was published by Harper Collins in New York in 1980. One Child is the fascinating story of Torey’s experiences while teaching a “special” class. This novel consists of 318 pages divided into 20 chapters. The author is Torey Hayden. The novel One Child is written based on her real life experiences. Torey Hayden is a fine writer and she also became a teacher of children with severe mental handicaps and emotional disorders. Torey Hayden acquired three degrees, she devoted several years to being a teacher’s aide, a teacher, a university instructor and a psychiatric researcher. She has earned many awards for her work, such as Twilight Children,