Object of the Study

1. The Description of George’s Characteristics

George was born in a higher social class family. His father is a town doctor. Meanwhile, his uncle manage a farmland. Here are the characteristics of George manifested in drama Our Town.

a. An archettypal American boy.

George is an archetypal all-American boy. He is a local baseball star and the president of his senior class in high school. His passion for playing baseball made George somewhat disregard other responsibilities, such as helping housework or build intensive relationships with others .Here are a few examples of other peoples response to George’s behavior. DR. GIBBS:Well, George, while I was in my office today I heard a funny sound . . . and what do you think it was? It was your mother chopping wood. ......... I suppose she just got tired of asking you. She just gave up and decided it was easier to do it herself. And you eat her meals, and put on the clothes she keeps nice for you, and you run off and play baseball.... Wilder, 1957:36 From Mr. Gibbs’s response, it seems that George often does not help his mother because he is always playing baseball. George focus on baseball can also be seen from Emily feeling that shared to George. Emily felt George is more concerned with playing baseball than paying attention to their relationship. Here is an excerpt of Emily sharing against George. EMILY: Well, up to a year ago I used to like you a lot. And I used to watch you as you did everything . . . because wed been friends so long . . . and then you began spending all your time at baseball . . Wilder, 1957:62. Both Mr.Gibbs and Emily response showed that the character of George as an American teenager, attached to the baseball as one part of identity formation. George still could not be responsible as an adult as expected by his parents and Emily. He often prioritizes his interest, playing baseball.

b. Inconsistent and impulsive

George is illustrated as an individual who is inconsistent and impulsive. In the act I and act II, his impulsive behavior reflectedon the fast- changing response according to his mood. For example, when he ignored the responsibility of helping her mother cut firewood, because he wanted to play baseball; also when he wanted to cancel his plans to study because he was in love with Emily. His impulsive behaviour causing George inconsistent and easily distracted from his personal commitment. These characteristics also influence him when he facing crisis in the process of his personality development. Detailed discussions on this matter will be presented in the analysis of the development of George’s personality.

c. Openmindedness and self improvement

From several dialogues in the script, it can be concluded that George was not the individual who is stubborn. He was willing to accept criticism from others. Here are some examples of dialogue between George and Emily. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI