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C opyright © http:www.banksoal.sebarin.com , Banksoal UN, SNMPTN, UM-UGM, USM-ITB, cPNS, STAN, dll Anda diperkenankan untuk mencopy dan menyebarluaskan baik dalam bentuk Softcopy maupun Hardcopy selama menyertakan catatan kaki ini. B The process of burning biogas C The effect of burning dung on the soil D Biogas as a solution to many problems E The disadvantages of using dung as fuel 3. The disadvantages of traditional fuels used in developing countries is the they …………. A Reduce people’s energy B Are difficult to extract C Make the soil D Do not meet people needs E Cause damage to the environment 4. The main factor causing the lack of adequate sanitation is …. A The domestic use of biogas B The great number far animals C The pollution of water sources D The badly-managed waste disposal E The increase-carrying insects 5. Why is the digested slurry of the fermented organis matter considered valuable ? A. It improves the quality of the soil for agriculture B. It increases yhe export from developing countries C. It is considered a relatively cheap fertilizer D. It can be used as fuel for cooking Text II Thera re many different causes of car accidents in the United States. Sometimes accidents are caused bay bad weather. Ice or snow can make roads very dangerous. Accidents also can result from problems with the car. Even a small problem like a flat tire can be serous. Bad roads are another cause of accidents. Some accidenta are caused by drinking to much alcohol. In fact, this is one of the most important causes of accidens. 6. What is the paragraph about ? A Problem with car engines ht tp : w w w .b an ks oa

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ar in .c om C opyright © http:www.banksoal.sebarin.com , Banksoal UN, SNMPTN, UM-UGM, USM-ITB, cPNS, STAN, dll Anda diperkenankan untuk mencopy dan menyebarluaskan baik dalam bentuk Softcopy maupun Hardcopy selama menyertakan catatan kaki ini. B Results of car accidents C The frequency of car accidents D Weather conditions in the US E Car accidents and their causes 7. Car accidents in the US are caused by the following, exept ……… A Drunken drivers B Bad roads C Unskilled drivers D Icy roads E A flat tire 8. Different interpretations on the same event by various newspapers ….. readers confused and angry. A To make B They make C Make D It makes E Makes Text III The field of medicine has not traditionally distinguished betwwn someone who is merely not ill and someone who is in excellent health and paying attention to body’s special needs. Both types have__9__been called ‘well’. In recent years,__10__, some health practitioners__11__to apply the terms well and wellness only to those people who are actively striving to maintain and to improve their health. People who are well are concerned with nutrition and exercise, and they make a point of__12__their body’s condition – for example, through__13__breast self- examinations or blood pressure check-ups. Most important, perhaps, people who are well take active__14__for all matters pertaining to their health. Even people who have a physical disease or handicap may be ‘well’. In this new sense if they make an__15__to maintain the best possible health they can in the face of their physical limitations. ‘Wellness’ may perhaps best __16__not ht tp : w w w .b an ks oa

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ar in .c om C opyright © http:www.banksoal.sebarin.com , Banksoal UN, SNMPTN, UM-UGM, USM-ITB,