A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in
Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Magister Humaniora

Registration Number: 8116111001



ADIB JASNI KHARISMA. Registration number: 8116111001, Metaphors in
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Novel. A Thesis. English Applied
Linguistics Study Program. Postgraduate School. State University of Medan.

The objectives of this study are to find out the types of metaphors in the Harry
Potter and the Deadly Hollows Novel, to analyze how metaphors are delivered in
the Harry Potter and the Deadly Hollows novel, and to find out the reason of the
use of metaphors in the Harry Potter and the Deadly Hollows novel. The data are
collected by using recording technique. There are 36 chapters in the Harry Potter
and the Deadly Hollows novel that represented the researcher’s intention. The
data are analyzed by using Miles and Huberman’s theory that consist of four
steps, they are data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion. There
are a hundred sixty metaphors found, consist of a hundred five creative metaphors
and fifty five conventional metaphors. These metaphor types make Harry Potter
novel more impressive and beautiful to read and could give the different tone and
the atmosphere, therefore, the reader was helped to get more accurate insight, both
physical and emotional into a character or a situation.



ADIB JASNI KHARISMA. NIM: 8116111001, Metaphors in Harry Potter
and the Deathly Hollows Novel. Tesis. Program Studi Linguistik Terapan
Bahasa Inggris. Sekolah Pascasarjana. Universitas Negeri Medan. 2016.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis – jenis metafora, untuk
menganalisa bagaimana metafora disampaikan, dan untuk mengetahui alasan dari
penggunaan metafora tersebut didalam novel Harry Potter and the Deathly
Hollows. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan teknik pencatatan. Ada 36 bab
dalam novel Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows yang mewakili intensi dari
peneliti. Data dianalisa dengan menggunakan teori miles dan Huberman yang
terdiri dari 4 langkah, yaitu: pengumpulan data, penyusutan data, display data, dan
kesimpulan. Ada seratus enam puluh metapfora yang ditemukan, terdiri dari
seratus lima buah metafora kreatif dan lima puluh lima metafora konvensional.
Jenis – jenis metafora tersebut membuat novel ini menjadi lebih indah dan
mengesankan untuk dibaca dan dapat memberikan gaya serta suasana berbeda
sehingga pembaca merasa terbantu untuk memperoleh gambaran yang lebih
akurat, baik secara fisik ataupun emosi kedalam karakter dan lingkungannya.


All praises belong to Allah, who has commanded us to spread peace to all
man kind and also who gave health, chance and capability to the writer to finish
the thesis. May peace and blessing of Allah be upon Prophet Muhammad SAW
who introduced us good behaviours.
Foremost, the writer would like to express his sincere gratitude to his
advisors, Dr.Didik Santoso, M.Pd. and Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd for the
continuous support and guidance to finish the thesis for their patience, motivation,
enthusiasm, and immense knowledge given to the writer. Moreover, the writer
would like to express his thanks to the examiners, Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning,
M.Pd, Dr. Siti Aisyah Ginting, M.Pd and Dr. Eddy Setia, M.Ed., TESP for their
suggestions, comments and questions for the thesis improvement. Their guidance
helped him all the time of research and writing of this thesis. Besides his advisors
and examiners, she would like to thank to all lecturers of English Applied
Linguistics Program for their encouragement and insights.
Sincere are expressed to his parents, Drs. H. Nizar Idris M.A and Dra. Hj.
Jasmita Jasmin, M.Pd and his wife Delimaya Sari Lubis, Am.Keb., S.ST for their

support, love and care. His special thanks are also expressed to all of his brothers
Alfin, Muhith and Auliya for their support and love. His special thanks also go to
his Parents – in law, sisters and brothers-in law, her nieces and nephews, and for
the people who has supported in completing this thesis. his million thanks to his
best friends tanjung, mizi, mamet, yun, riki, and ibel for their warmness, kindness
and support. Last, but not the least, his special thanks to all of his friends


especially of English Applied Linguistics Program for their support and
Finally, the writer hopes that the readers will give any comments, respons, and
corrections for the mistakes of this thesis. The writer realizes that this thesis is still
far from being perfect. May this thesis be useful and may it be one of the
references for the next research an enhance our knowledge. May Allah SWT bless
us forever. Amin ya Rabbal 'alamin

Medan, June 25th, 2016

The Writer



ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................


ABSTRAK ......................................................................................................


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................


TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................................


LIST OF TABLES .........................................................................................


LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................


LIST OF APPENDICES ...............................................................................


CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION .................................................................


1.1.The Background of the Study ............................................................


1.2.The Problem of the Study ..................................................................


1.3.The Objective of the Study ................................................................


1.4.The Scope of the Study ......................................................................


1.5.The Significance of the Study ............................................................




2.1. Metaphor ............................................................................................


2.2. Type of Metaphor ..............................................................................


2.3. The Process of Metaphor ...................................................................


2.4. Reason of Using Metaphor ................................................................


2.5. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Novel ....................................



2.6. The Author .........................................................................................


2.7. Relevant Studies.................................................................................


2.8. Conceptual Framework ......................................................................


CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .....................................


3.1. Research Design.................................................................................


3.2. Unit of Analysis .................................................................................


3.3. Data and Data Source.........................................................................


3.4. Technique of Collecting the Data ......................................................


3.5. Technique of Analyzing the Data ......................................................


3.6. Trustworthiness ..................................................................................









DISCUSSION ............ ....................................................................................


4.1. Data Analysis .....................................................................................


4.1.1. Types of Metaphor in the Novel ............................................


4.1.2. The Process of Metaphor in the Novel ..................................


4.1.3. The Reason of Using Metaphor .............................................


4.2. Findings
4.3. Discussion

. ......................................................................................





CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................


5.1. Conclusions . ......................................................................................








Table 1. Chapter’s Title of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Novel ........................................................................................... 39
Table 2. Total Number of the Types of Metaphor .......................................... 45



Figure 1. Flowchart of Conceptual Framework ............................................. 31
Figure 2. Components of Data Analysis ....................................................... 34



Appendix 1. Type of Metaphor .................................................................... 77
Appendix 2. The Process of Metaphor.......................................................... 85
Appendix 3. The Reason of Using Metaphor ................................................. 110



1.1 Background of the Study
Metaphor is widely used not only in the literary works but also in
everyday conversation. People find it difficult to understand the language and they
have to construe the effective and communicative meaning of the language to
make it work within their interaction. The fact that difficulty in understanding and
recognizing metaphor in many different forms of literary works especially in this
study, novel, form non-natives has encouraged to do the study in making better
understanding of the topic to bear some clear understanding about metaphor and
to see the application of metaphors has been the choice for many writers of
literature in creating their works.
Actually for native speaker this kind of language in just as easy as the
everyday language to understand but for non-natives it bears ambiguity of
meaning due to the different cultural and background knowledge they have. For
example, objects in a language community may have different application to
another language. The ambiguity can lead to an obstructed communication among
them. They may don’t know the equivalence of an object in their language or they
may apply their equivalence to the other languages. Meanwhile, as language is
tightened to cultural, it has different application to other languages though not all
As a linguistic device, metaphor can be found in any human language. In
other words, figurative language can’t be separated from human life. For example

in the sentence your mouth is your tiger, there is a shift of meaning component of
the referent tiger such as a wild and dangerous animal, endanger others’ life to
the referent of mouth. Through the shifting of meaning components of referent
tiger to referent of mouth, the sentence your mouth is your tiger can be understood
that human beings’ mouth can be as wild and dangerous as a tiger which can
endanger others’ life if they don’t keep their words.
Literary works use many more various kind of metaphor. This usage can
forces the readers to wrongly understand the meaning of the idea conveyed in the
works or they may don’t get the communicative meaning of the works, When they
get wrong in understanding and incommunicative meaning of the work, they will
fail to get the feeling and the message to the works. The frequent use of metaphor
or tendency to use metaphors in the novel also forced the study to see the line
between metaphors and novel, to find out what are the exact purposes in applying
those languages very frequently in the novel besides conveying the sequence of
experiences through relation of words in the text of the novel. And also, the
conveying information to make a writing to be fascinated and sold as the goal of a
writing and also to gain advantages in financial form, is seen as a fundamental
aspects as how to make it interesting and more comprehensible.
In “Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows” novel, metaphor can be found in
the most of its chapter. Some of them use another thing of figurative symbol
which has similar characteristics as the reference.


For example:
The lane was bordered on the left by wild, low-growing brambles on the
right by a high neatly manicured hedge. The men’s long cloaks flapped
around their ankles as they marched (Page 7)
The metaphor on the text above is “the men’s long cloaks flapped”. Flap is
an activity which using wing to do it, it’s usually do by animal especially bird. In
that utterance the researcher defines the cloak is just like an animal which could
flap. Actually, cloak is an object that can’t move by itself and it doesn’t have
wings to flap.
Somewhere in the dark garden beyond the hedge, a fountain was playing.
Gravel crackled beneath their feet as Snape and Yaxley sped toward the
front door…. (Page 8)
The metaphor in the above text is a fountain was playing. Play, run, sit are
some activity that human or animal do. Fountain is a thing on the middle of pool
which send up water into the air. In this utterance the writer defines the fountain
as a human being which could play because of the water spray.
The fact that literary works especially the novel “Harry Potter and the
Deadly Hallows” is a novel that applied many metaphors in doing some purposes
of using metaphors in the novel has encouraged to see the characteristics of
metaphor in each type of metaphors that applies and draw the most dominant and
to make explanation about the implication of the most dominant. There must be
something conveyed or added up the content through the metaphors except the
information of experiences. It doesn’t intend to make the novel were various in its
language or to make it more difficult to understand.


Besides, metaphors are an interesting phenomenon to be studied and
analyzed because the learners should think twice to construe the intended meaning
conveyed through metaphors. Firstly done when reading a text is applying literal
interpretation, and the second is construing the metaphorical meaning. If the first
doesn’t work to the text then it has to understand the second interpretation. The
first interpretation is grasping the explicit meaning through the meanings of the
constituents of the text, meanwhile the other one is deriving the intended meaning
that always helped by the understanding the contexts of the text. This has been an
attraction for the study of metaphors as the sufficient knowledge is not prepared.
The present knowledge actually is not said to have been enough but the further
study will fix the better understanding of the concept of the metaphor.
In addition, this study has been a fascination in regard that metaphors are
also about human passion or a complex moral problem or the origin of the
physical universe that does command our direct attention when the speaker utters
the metaphors. It is studied to seek whether metaphors entirely construe with
human passion and moral problem that are communicated mostly in the work of
literary but not limited to everyday language. It means that metaphors help to
understand abstract concepts by presenting or colligating them with more concrete
words as people will be more understandable with real or concrete concepts to
understand a certain kind of scientific images or equivalences.
Others reasons for this study is that metaphors as the basic unit, or work of
art or of poetry as it is frequently used in literary works and whether it is a central
tool of scientific explanation or as an essential element of theological discourse


since metaphors is used in language of religious books such as Al Qur’an and
Holy Bible. In this case, metaphors enable writers to triggers images with readers
that relay their meaning more intensely and efficiently than relying on strictly
concrete or normal language. Then metaphor is a constant factor in all language
use and not limited to the field only. Metaphors therefore, operate at all levels of
language; from mundane to the literary, and everywhere in between.
Metaphors excite this study because of their small parts but give
significant implications for general explanatory of the text. In conclusion,
metaphors are very interesting that many researchers of many different fields did
research metaphors to see how they affect the readers’ attention to read the works
and according to Aristotle, it is a kind of ‘geniuses and it should be studied. Based
on the explanations above, I am interested in doing this study.

1.2 Problem of Study
Based on the background of the study that has been mentioned previously,
there are three questions that will be responded in this research:
1. What types of metaphors are found in the novel of “Harry Potter and the
Deadly Hallows”?
2. How are the metaphors described in the novel of Harry Potter and the
Deadly Hallows?
3. Why are the metaphors described in the way they are?


1.3 The Objective of the Study
Based on the problems formulated above, the specific objectives of the
study can be stated as follow:
1. To find out the types of metaphors based on McCann in the novel of
“Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows”
2. To analyze how metaphors are delivered in the novel of “Harry Potter
and the Deadly Hallows”
3. To find out the reason of the use of metaphors in the novel of “Harry
Potter and the Deadly Hallows”

1.4 The Scope of the Study
The scope of the study is focused on types of metaphors found in the novel
of “Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows”. Further, the analysis of the study
intends to analyze how the metaphors are delivered. This research is a
(qualitative) bibliographical study. The researcher also tries to identify the
author’s intentions of the metaphor in the novel of “Harry Potter and the Deadly

1.5 The Significance of the Study
Metaphor in “Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows” is effectively and
creatively used to attract people's attention in reading novel. The significance of
this research can serve as valuable information, which has theoretical as well as


practical, values for viewers, English language teachers, students, headmasters,
researchers, and other novel readers.
1. Theoretically
a. It can help the readers to identify the forms of utterances, and the
kinds of metaphor in “Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows” novel
to make an easier way to understand the meaning of metaphor. By
using the metaphorical theories, it is easier for the readers to
identify the author's intentions of the metaphor used in “Harry
Potter and the Deadly Hallows” novel.
b. Learners/ students provide valuable information in enhancing
students' learning English achievement especially in semantics
2. Practically
The significances of this research in practice are:
a. The Readers can use the findings of this research to give a new
point of view of interpreting metaphor expressions in reading novel
that is commonly implicit.
b. The authentic materials can be used in the teaching of metaphors



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