The Equivalence Of Passive Verbs In J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows And Its Translation Into “Harry Potter Dan Relikui Kematian” By Listiana Srisanti




BY :


REG. STUDENT NO : 050705070





First of all, I would like to thank to Allah SWT who has given me all of the blessing, mercy, talent and time, so that I can finish my thesis entitled “The Equivalence of Passive Verbs in J. K. Rowling’s ‘Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows’ and Its Translation Into ‘Harry Potter dan Relikui Kematian’ by Listiana Srisanti”.

I would like to thank to the dean of Faculty of Letters, Prof. Drs. Syaifuddin, M.A. Ph.D, also to Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M.Hum and Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M. Hum as the chairman and secretary of English Department, and to Bang Syamsul for all of opportunities and facilities that are given to me and for all their attentions in all academic affairs.

I would like to express my best and sincere thanks to my supervisor, Drs. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S. and my co-supervisor Dra. Hj. Masdiana Lubis, M.Hum for having shared their valuable ideas, times, guidance and patience.

I would like to thank Rudy Sofyan, S.S. M, Hum as my academic advisor. My gratitude is also expressed to all of my lecturers in English Department who taught me much and contributed the knowledge during the academic years.

My lovely thanks are due to my beloved parents, brother and sister. To all my friends that had been giving me the support and friendship for all this time, thank you for all your kindness.



Skripsi yang berjudul “The Equivalence of Passive Verbs in J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows and Its Translation Into ‘Harry Potter dan Relikui Kematian’ by Listiana Srisanti”, membahas tentang kesamaan arti dalam penerjemahan kata kerja pasif dari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa sumber (SL) ke bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa target (TL). Data yang dianalisis bersumber dari novel berbahasa Inggris “Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows” oleh J. K. Rowling dan terjemahannya “Harry Potter dan Relikui Kematian” oleh Listiana Srisanti.

Teori yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah teori Formal and Dynamic Equivalence oleh Nida (McGuire, 1991 : 26). Nida membagi teori tersebut ke dalam dua bagian, yaitu Formal Equivalence dan Dynamic Equivalence.

Data yang dikumpulkan adalah kata kerja pasif atau passive verbs dalam bahasa Inggris (SL) kemudian dianalisis dengan menentukan kesamaan arti dalam penerjemahannya menjadi Formal Equivalence atau Dynamic Equivalence. Untuk memilih sampel data digunakan metode purposive sampling. Dan untuk menganalisis data digunakan metode deskriptif.

Dari hasil analisis ditemukan total 712 kata kerja pasif atau passive vertbs, terdapat 491 kata yang termasuk dalam Formal Equivalence atau 68, 97%, dan ada 221 kata yang termasuk dalam Dynamic Equivalence atau 31, 03%.



RL : Receptor Language SL : Source Language ST : Source Text TL : Target Language TT : Target Text







CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Analysis……… 1

1.2 Problem of the Analysis………... 4

1.3 Objectives of the Analysis……… 5

1.4 Scope of the Analysis………... 5

1.5 Significances of the Analysis………... 5

1.6 Review of Related Literature……… 6

CHAPTER II A BRIEF VIEW OF TRANSLATION 2.1 Definition of Translation……… 9

2.2 Function of Translation……….. 11

2.3 The Process of Translation………... 12

2.4 The Types of Translation……….... 18

2.5 Equivalence in Translation………... 23


CHAPTER III PASSIVE VERBS IN ENGLISH AND BAHASA INDONESIA 3.1 Passive Verbs in English………. 27 3.1.1 The Use of Passive Verbs……….. 29 3.2. Passive Verbs in Bahasa Indonesia……….... 29


4.1 Research Method………... 31 4.2 Data Collecting Method………. 31 4.3 Data Analysis Procedure………... 32


5.1 Data Findings………... 34

5.2 Formal Equivalence……… 34

5.2.1 Formal Equivalence of Passive Verbs Based on Tense……… 35 5.2.2 Formal Equivalence of Passive Verbs Without

To Be……… 63 5.2.3 Formal Equivalence of Passive Verb With

Auxiliary Verb………... 67 5.2.4 Formal Equivalence of Passive Verbs in


Get Form……... 72 5.3 Dynamic Equivalence………... 73

5.3.1 Dynamic Equivalence of Passive Verbs Based on Tenses……….. 75 5.3.2 Dynamic Equivalence of Passive Verbs Without

To Be………. 91 5.3.3 Dynamic Equivalence of Passive Verbs With

Auxiliary Verb……… 94 5.3.4 Dynamic Equivalence of Passive Verbs in Get

Form……….. 95


6.1 Conclusions………... 97 6.2 Suggestions………... 97



Skripsi yang berjudul “The Equivalence of Passive Verbs in J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows and Its Translation Into ‘Harry Potter dan Relikui Kematian’ by Listiana Srisanti”, membahas tentang kesamaan arti dalam penerjemahan kata kerja pasif dari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa sumber (SL) ke bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa target (TL). Data yang dianalisis bersumber dari novel berbahasa Inggris “Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows” oleh J. K. Rowling dan terjemahannya “Harry Potter dan Relikui Kematian” oleh Listiana Srisanti.

Teori yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah teori Formal and Dynamic Equivalence oleh Nida (McGuire, 1991 : 26). Nida membagi teori tersebut ke dalam dua bagian, yaitu Formal Equivalence dan Dynamic Equivalence.

Data yang dikumpulkan adalah kata kerja pasif atau passive verbs dalam bahasa Inggris (SL) kemudian dianalisis dengan menentukan kesamaan arti dalam penerjemahannya menjadi Formal Equivalence atau Dynamic Equivalence. Untuk memilih sampel data digunakan metode purposive sampling. Dan untuk menganalisis data digunakan metode deskriptif.

Dari hasil analisis ditemukan total 712 kata kerja pasif atau passive vertbs, terdapat 491 kata yang termasuk dalam Formal Equivalence atau 68, 97%, dan ada 221 kata yang termasuk dalam Dynamic Equivalence atau 31, 03%.



1.1. Background of the Analysis.

We live in a big and wide world where all of us separated into some places and countries. These places and countries have different cultures, language and way of life. But with curiousity in every human being, we cannot bear ourselves to find out what people in another part of the world have achieved. We try to find out what happened in the other world, what kind of knowledge that they have found, technology that they have invented, and stories that they have etc.

In order to find out everything that existed in the world outside of ours, we use any kinds of media we have. And every media using different kinds of language based on their cultures and countries. Language is used in the media to tell about anything that happened or as we can say as a device to communicate especially in utterance. Sapir (1949 : 8) stated that, “Language is a purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions and desires by means of voluntary produced symbols.” Human has their own language to tell stories and transfer their knowledge to others but what if the others cannot understand the language that is used. So, as the way to solve this problem, some people begin to learn other language that can give them the ability to do translation. For example, Indonesians nowadays are so interested in learning English and Mandarin so we can communicate and transfer their message by using both languages, whether by utterance or written, and can compete in global world. People who can understand other language do a translation in order to


transfer the message in a text. Crystal (1987:334) stated that, “The term ‘translation’ is the neutral term used for all tasks where the meaning of expression in one language (the ‘source’ language) is turned into the meaning of another (the ‘target’ language), whether the medium is spoken, written, or signed.”

The translation process is a process that can be found in the existence of language, in utterance or written text as articles, journals, newspapers, magazines, novel, etc. Translation helps us in making a connection between nation, transferring the knowledge contained in the SL into the TL and with a good translation we can understand each other to make a better living.

Translators do not only need to know their source language well; they must also have throughout understanding of the field of knowledge covered by the source text, and of any social, cultural, or emotional connotations that need to be specified in the target language if the intended effect is to be conveyed (Crystal 1987:334).

“Translation is the rendering of a text into another language. Applied in literature, the term connotes the art of recomposing of a work in another language without losing its original flavor, or of finding an analogous substitute.” (

When translating there are some rules need to be followed. At least the translator should master the SL and TL because each of them has its own grammatical and structural system. So a translator does not only need to know the Source Language but also should have a wide and deeper knowledge of the Target Language so he can find substitute words in TL that are appropriate with the


grammatical and structural system in TL and also fit with the meaning of words in SL.

Equivalence is equal in worth or value, force, power, effect, import and the like ; alike in significance and value ; of the same import or meaning ( Equivalence in translation cannot be considered as the sameness but considered as equal meaning in translating text in SL into TL. Translation equivalence refers to the equivalent relationships between Target Language (TL) and Source Language (SL).

Nida (McGuire, 1991:26), distinguishes two types of equivalence. They are Formal equivalence which focuses attention on the message itself, in both form and content and Dynamic equivalence is that based on the principle of equivalent effect, i.e. that the relationship between the receiver and message should aim at being the same as that between the original receivers and the SL message.

There are eight parts of speech and verb is one of them as Mukti (2008 : 6) states :

”Tata bahasa Inggris terdiri dari delapan bagian, yang lazim disebut Part of Speech, yang terdiri dari : Noun (Kata Benda), Adjective (Kata Sifat), Pronoun (Kata Ganti), Verb (Kata Kerja), Adverb (Kata Keterangan), Preposition (Kata Depan), Conjunction (Kata Sambung), dan Interjection (Kata Seru).”

English grammar consists of eight parts, usually called Part of Speech. This Part of Speech consists of : Noun, Adjective, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction, and Interjection.

In passive verb sentences, the thing receiving the action is the subject of the sentence and the thing doing the action is optionally included near the end of the sentence (


In the analysis the source of the data is Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows book and its translation Harry Potter dan Relikui Kematian. The data are all passive verbs found in the novel and its translation. Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows is the last book of Harry Potter series by J.K Rowling. These bestseller series have been translated into 65 languages and one of them is into Bahasa Indonesia.

The translation of passive verbs in this novel is varied. It can be seen from the example, Her face flooded with colour was translated into Wajah wanita itu semburat kemerahan. The passive verb flooded is translated into semburat. The next example is, The lane was bordered on the left by wild, low-growing brambles, on the right by a high, neatly manicured hedge and is translated into Jalan kecil itu tumbuh di sebelah kirinya dibatasi semak rendah yang tumbuh liar, di sebelah kanannya oleh pagar tanaman tinggi yang terpangkas rapi.. The passive verb was bordered is translated into dibatasi, as in the dictionary. As the reference for the meaning of the words, the Shadily’s English-Indonesian dictionary is used.

1.2 Problems of the Analysis.

The problems of this analysis will be :

1. What types of passive verbs equivalence found in the novel and its translation?

2. What is the dominant type of passive verbs equivalence found in the novel and its translation


1.3 Objectives of the Analysis.

The objectives of the analysis are :

1. Finding out the types of passive verbs equivalence found in the novel and its translation.

2. Finding out the dominant type of passive verbs equivalence found in the novel and its translation.

1.4 Scope of the Analysis

This analysis will be focused on passive verbs translation found in Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows by JK. Rowling and its translation into Harry Potter dan Relikui Kematian by Listiana Srisanti.

1.5 Significances of the Analysis.

In analyzing this equivalence of passive verbs, there are some significances, which are:

1. The reader will understand how to translate the passive verbs found in the novel.

2. To enrich the study of translation especially about the passive verbs translation.

3. Theoretically giving information about some types of equivalence in translation


1.6 Review of Related Literature.

There are some books and thesis that are reviewed in order to support this analysis.

As Catford (1965 : 20) states, “Translation equivalence may be set up, and translation performed between any pair of languages or dialects – related of unrelated and with any kind of spatial, temporal, social or other relationship between them.”

While Larson (1984 : 3) states that translation consists of transferring the meaning of source text (ST) to target text (TT), and it is done by going from the form of source text to the form of target text by way of semantic structure. It is the meaning which is transferred and it can not be added or changed, only the surface structure or form can be changed.

Nida and Taber (1974: 4&12) state, “Anything that can be said in one language can be said in another, unless the form is an essential element of these message; the best translation does not sound like translation.”

Chalilullah (2007) in his thesis entitled “The Translation of Verbs in Djenar Maesa Ayu Short Stories Collection’s Mereka Bilang Saya Monyet! Into Michael Nieto Garcia’s They Say I’m A Monkey,” analyzed the translation of verbs and verbal shifts using the descriptive method to collect the random sample. He used the simple statistical analysis in percentage by using the Educational Statistic by Butler. He found out out the frequency of shifts from base verb in Bahasa Indonesia to verb in English is 27,37%, the frequency of shifts from base verb in Bahasa Indonesia to other part of speech in English is 2% and the frequency of shifts from base verb in bahasa Indonesia to untranslatable is 2,94%,


the frequency of shifts from derivative verb in Bahasa Indonesia to verb in English is 60,48%, the frequency of shifts from derivative verb in Bahasa Indonesia to other part of speech in English is 2,94% and the frequency of shifts from derivative verb in bahasa Indonesia to untranslatable is 4,27% and the total frequency of shifts from verb to verb is 87,85%, the total frequency of shifts from verb to other part of speech is 4,94% and the total frequency of shifts from verb to untranslatable is 7, 21%.

Rahmadhani (2007) in her thesis entitled “The Equivalence of Prepositional Phrase in The Translation Of J.K Rowling’s Harry Potter And The Order of the Phoenix Into Harry Potter Dan Orde Phoenix by Listiana Srisanti” analyzed the same Formal and Dynamic equivalence of prepositional phrase using the same descriptive method and formula to collect the random sample. She managed to find the dominant type found in the translation product which is Formal equivalence. She found that the percentage of formal equivalence is 91,97% while the percentage for dynamic equivalence is 8,03 %.

Turnip (2001) in her thesis entitled “The Equivalence Of Verbs In The Translation Of Mary Higgins Clarks’ Where Are The Children Into Dimana Anak-Anakku” discussed about the verbs translation and the verbal change of class. She used the method of library review research and quantitative analysis. She found out that there are 1292 verbs using the Simple Past Tense in the novel which consist of : 1168 verbs that translated from verb to verb, 56 verbs that translated from verb to another part of speech (changing the class of word), and 68 verbs that are not translated. She also found out that there were 194 finite verbs using the Simple Present Tense in the novel. They consist of 136 verbs that translated


from verb to verb, 33 verbs that are translated from verb to another part of speech (changing the class of word), 25 verbs that are not translated.




2.1 Definitions of Translation.

There are many theories that define translation. Some experts and theorist had already given some definitions of translation to make us understand the essential meaning of translation. Here are some of the definitions that had been composed by some experts:

Catford (1965 : 20) states in his book A Linguistic Theory that “Translation is the replacement of textual material in one language by equivalent textual material in another language”. It can be said that translation is a way to find the equivalent in another language of one textual material.

Larson (1984: 10) in Meaning-Based Translation states that “Translation consists of studying the lexicon, grammatical structure, communication situation and cultural context of the source language, analyzing it in order to determine its meaning, then reconstructing the same meaning using the lexicon and grammatical structure which appropriate in the receptor language and its cultural context”.

The conclusion is that in doing translation there are three steps that are followed namely studying source text, analyzing it, and reconstructing the meaning.

In the Theory and Practice of Translation, Nida and Taber (1974 : 12) states that “Translating consists of reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of


meaning and secondly in terms of style”. From here it can be concluded that in reproducing or transferring the message, there is an equivalent relationship between SL and TL.

In the nineteenth century, some scholars such as Savory (McGuire, 1987: 4), defines translation as an ‘art’; others, such as Jacobsen, define it as a ‘craft’; whilst others, perhaps more sensibly, borrow from the German and describe it as ‘science’.

Newmark (1984: 28) in his book A Textbook of Translation says “Translation is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text”. Here, Newmark said that the message and meaning transferred should be the same with the original author meaning and message”.

According to Lefevere (McGuire, 1987:2), what is generally known as translation involves the rendering of a source language (SL) text into the target language (TL) so as to ensure that (1) the surface meaning of the two will be approximately similar and (2) the structures of the SL will be preserved as closely as possible but not so closely that the TL structures will be seriously distorted.

Levy (1967 : 148) implies that “Translation is a process of communication whose objective is to import the knowledge of the original to the foreign reader.” While Pinhhuck (1977 : 38) defined translations as “a process of finding a TL equivalent for an SL utterance”.

Simatupang (1992: 2) in his book Pengantar Teori Terjemahan states “Menerjemah adalah mengalihkan makna yang terdapat dalam bahasa sumber ke dalam bahasa sasaran dan mewujudkannya kembali di dalam bahasa sasaran


dengan bentuk-bentuk sewajar mungkin menurut aturan-aturan yang berlaku dalam bahasa sasaran”. Translation tries to transfer the meaning in SL to TL in the form that best fit with the rules of TL.

As the conclusion of translation based on those definitions above, it can be said that translation is a process of transferring the original message of the original author into another language by using the exact meaning of words or the equivalent one. It is not an easy task to do a translation because every language has their own ways and words to say some terms that might be different with another language.

2.2 Function of Translation.

As a way to communicate, translation has a function as the way to share information, stories, experiences and most of all knowledge.

Nida (1981 : 2) states that “Translation means communication because it has three essential elements to form a process of communication. The three essential elements are source, message, and receptor, and these elements must be found in all communication activities”. From the quotation above, translation is a way to communicate involving two different languages.

Levy (Venutti, 2000: 148) clearly explains about the function of translation. He states “…Translation is a process of communication: the objective translating is to impart the knowledge of the original to the foreign reader.”

Duff (1989: 5) states “As a process of communication, translation functions as the medium ‘across the linguistic and cultural barriers’ in conveying the messages written in the foreign languages”. Translation functions as the bridge


that crossing the barrier of different language for delivering the message from SL to TL. As stated before, that this function of translation is so important in helping people who want to learn some knowledge from a text in different language that they can not understand by changing the text into a language that is understandable for people that use different language. Translation functions as the medium across linguistic and culture barriers in conveying the message from a foreign language into a receptor language.

2.3 The Process of Translation.

Nida and Taber (1974: 33) introduce three stages in the process of translation. This process begins by analyzing ST into grammatical and semantic structure of the TL, transferring the meaning and at last by reconstructing the grammatical and semantic structure into the appropriate TL forms in order to create an equivalent TT.

However, the process of translation based on Nida and Taber’s theory is too simple and general than the real process. The process of translation is actually more complicated, difficult and unique. Larson (1984 : 476 – 490) in his book Meaning-Based Translation A Guide to Cross-Language Equivalence divides the process of translation into eight different steps, they are :

1. Preparation

There are two kinds of preparation. First, there is the preparation which the translator should have before beginning the translation task, and secondly, there is the preparation which he undertakes as he begins work on a specific translation


project. The first kind of preparation should have include training in writing, in linguistics and in translation principles.

During the reading and re-reading of the text, the translator will want to makes notes. For example, he will note the key terms, and the sections which seem obscure and will need further research. There may be cultural barriers which immediately strike him as potential problems. He will want to study more in detail or deeply on these. As he researches, he should make notes for later use he should. When he feels acquainted with the text he is ready to begin the analysis.

2. Analysis

As the translator reads through the text, he should note down any lexical items which seem to be the key words. These will be words which are crucial to an understanding of the text. One of the first steps in the analysis should be a careful study of these key words, in order to find a good lexical equivalent in the receptor language. Often it will be necessary to consult dictionaries and encyclopedias for more information. The components of meaning which are crucial and need to be transferred should be identified.

How detailed the analysis will be vary with the difficulty of the text. The more difficult the text, the more need there will be for a careful re-writing into semantic structure before any transfer begins. The translator should not become burdened by making extensive semantic displays. It is a tool to help in his analysis. Some find it most helpful to simply re-write the text in a near semantic presentation.


3. Transfer

Transfer is a process of going from the semantic structure analysis to the initial draft of the translation. The transfer takes place in the mind of the translator. The semantic analysis will have eliminated most of the skewing between the deep and surface structure of the source text. After this is done the translator is faced with transferring this meaning into the second language, and introducing the appropriate receptor language skewing.

In carrying out this process, he will find a lexical equivalent for concepts of the source language and culture. The translator will decide whether or not the figurative and rhetorical devices of the source language will be transferred or if some adjustments will need to be made, he will consider what grammatical forms to use to communicate the correct meaning. Without an adequate study on the translation principles the transfer process can be very difficult and the result is unsatisfied.

4. Initial draft

The translator begins making his initial draft after moving back and forth from the source to the receptor text. He may need to go back for more background reading or check again the dictionary. In this process, the translator should work at paragraph level. He must be sure of what the paragraph communicates, then he composes the draft naturally, without looking at the SL or even the semantic rewrite. He should just let it flow naturally and express the meaning clearly.

However, there are number of things which the translator should keep in mind as he does the initial draft. He should know who will use the translation, and their level of education. He should know about the author’s purpose, the topic of


the paragraph, and semantic structure analysis. If the number things are combinated, the initial draft will be accurate and natural.

5. Reworking the initial draft

The reworking of an initial draft should not be undertaken until a larger section is completed. It is best if the draft has been left untouched for a week or two. In this way the translator comes with a fresh look at it and is able to be more objective in his evaluation and reworking of it. The reworking of the initial draft includes checking for naturalness and for accuracy.

The first thing that the translator will do is to read through the manuscript of this larger unit which he is checking. In doing this, the translator should be looking for:

 Wrong grammatical forms or obscure constructions  Places that seem too wordy

 Wrong order, awkward phrasing

 Places where the connections do not seem right and it does not flow easily

 Collocation clashes  Questionable meaning  Style

The second thing the translator will need to do is to check for accuracy of meaning. He can only do this by a careful comparison with the source text and the semantic analysis. Some trouble he may find are: something omitted, something added, a different meaning, or a zero meaning, that is, the form used just doesn’t communicate any meaning at all. When checking for meaning, he will look not


only at the meaning of the words, but also of the sentences and especially the relations between the sentences and the paragraphs and larger units.

The third thing the translator will need to check is whether or not the theme comes through clearly. He should have a look at the draft for a while and evaluate this. This may be one of the things that will be more easily evaluated. After the translator himself has done the drafting, he will have it tested.

6. Testing the translation

This step is needed to know whether the translation product had done by the translator perfectly transferred or not. There are three main reasons in doing testing translation. They are accurate, clear and natural.

In order to make the translation as accurate, clear and natural as possible, the translation must involve at least four persons. They are translator, consultant, tester, and reviewer. The translator will do self-checks by making a comprehension testing. He asks people to read the translation whether they understand or not. He also does the naturalness checking by comparing his translation with the TT. The consultant helps the translation in accuracies and correcting use of translation principles. He can train the translator in how to do other kinds of testing. He also encourages the translator throughout the project. A consultant can often help with difficult exegetical questions. The tester tests the translation with people whether the ST familiar or not. The reviewer reads through the translation and makes comments concerning clarity and naturalness


7. Polishing

After doing all those steps above, the translator needs to polish the translation he had done. He needs to know whether he makes an adequate translation or not.

8. Preparing the Manuscript for the Publisher

In this last step, the translator checks the translation by having it tested over and over again until he is sure that there is no missing information from the ST.

Nababan (in Jurnal Linguistik Bahasa) explains 4 scales in testing a translation product. They are:

1. The content of the source sentence is accurately conveyed into the target sentence. The translated sentence is clear to the evaluator and no re-writing is needed.

2. The content of the source sentence is accurately conveyed to the source sentence. The translated sentence can be clearly understood by the evaluator, but some rewriting and some change in word order are needed. 3. The content of the source sentence is not accurately conveyed to the target

sentence. There are some problems with the choice of lexical items and with the relationship between phrase, clause and sentence elements.

4. The source sentence is not translated at all into the target sentence, i.e. it is omitted or deleted.


2.4 The Types of Translation.

Nida (Venuti, 2000: 127) states that differences in translation can generally be accounted for by three basic factors in translating: (1) the nature of the message, (2) the purpose or purposes of the author and, by proxy, of the translator, and (3) the type of audience.

Catford (1965: 21-26) divides some broad types or categories of translation in terms of the extent, levels and ranks of translation.

1. In Terms of the Extent.

The extent type relates to full and partial translation. Catford (1965: 21) states “In full translation, the entire text is submitted to the translation process that is every part of the SL text is replaced by RL text material”. It means that all of the text is translated. In partial translation, some parts of the SL text are left untranslated: they are simply transferred to and incorporated in the RL text. It means that not all of the text is translated. There are two reasons why some parts of SL text can not be translated. The first one is because there are no words in SL that can be found or translated accurately in TL. As can be seen from this example : the word “terasi” in Indonesian cannot be translated into English because the word “terasi” is nowhere can be found in English. The second reason will be because there are some vocabularies in SL that have no equivalence in translation in TL For example : the word “computer” is translated into “komputer” in Indonesian. In this example, there is a loan translation i.e. the using of SL’s element in TL by changing the phonological and morphological structure because Indonesian has no translation equivalence with that word.


2. In the Term of the Levels

Catford (1965: 22) states “The levels type relates to total and restricted translation of language that involved in translation”. This distinction relates to the levels of language involved in translation. . Total translation means what the most is usually meant by ‘translation’; that is, translation in which all levels of the ST are replaced by the TT material. Strictly speaking, ‘total’ translation is a misleading term, since though total replacement is involved it is not replacement by equivalents at all levels. Total Translation may best defined as : replacement of ST grammar and lexis by equivalent TT grammar and lexis with consequential replacement of SL phonology/graphology by (non-equivalent) TT phonology/graphology. By restricted translation we mean: replacement of ST material by equivalent TT material at only one level. That is translation performed only at the phonological or at the graphological level, or at one of the two levels. 3. In Terms of the Rank.

The rank type relates to the rank of translation in grammatical hierarchy at which translation equivalence is established. Here, Catford (1965: 25) divides this type into three distinctions. They are free translation, word-for-word translation and literal translation. First, free translation is always “unbounded – equivalences shunt up and down the rank scale, but tend to be at the higher ranks – sometimes between target units than the sentence”. It reproduces the matter without the manner, or the content without the form of the original. It is usually a paraphrase much longer than the original. It is also called as intralingual translation. Second, word-for-word translation generally means what its say. In this type the words of the SL text are rendered one by one into the RL without making allowance for


grammatical or lexical difference between them. This type is usually used in case of translating poems. Third, literal translation lies between these extremes; it may start, as it were, from a word-for-word translation, but make changes in conformity with RL grammar; this may make it a group-group or clause-clause translation. This type is usually used if the structure of SL is different with the structure of RL. Below is the example of the three distinctions (English – Indonesian).

SL text : I am going nowhere.

TL text : 1. Aku sedang pergi tidak kemana-mana (Word-for-word translation) 2. Aku takkan pergi ke manapun (Literal translation)

3. Aku akan tetap di sini (Free translation)

Another theory based on Larson (1984 : 15) states that there are two main kinds of translations.

1. Form-based translations.

Form-based translations attempt to follow the form of the source language and are known as literal translations. If the two languages are related, the literal translation can often be understood, since the general grammatical form may be similar. However, the literal choice of lexical items makes the translation sound foreign.

2. Meaning-based translation.

Meaning-based translation makes every effort to communicate the meaning of the source language text in the natural forms of the receptor language. Such translations are called idiomatic translations.


Idiomatic translation uses the natural form of the receptor language, both in the grammatical constructions and in the choice of lexical items. A truly idiomatic translation does not sound like a translation. It sounds like it is written originally in the receptor language. The translator’s goal should be to reproduce in the receptor language a text which communicates the same message as the source language but use the natural grammatical and lexical choices of the receptor language, his goal is an idiomatic translation.

Newmark (1995:45), distinguishes several kinds of translation. They are: 1. Word-for-word translation

This is often demonstrated as interlinear translation, with the TT immediately below the ST words. The ST word-order is preserved and the words translated singly by their most common meanings, out of context. Cultural words are translated literally. The main use of word-for-word translation is either to understand the mechanics of the source language or to construe a difficult text as a pre-translation process.

2. Literal translation

The ST grammatical constructions are converted to their nearest TT equivalents but the lexical words are again translated singly, out of context. As a pre-translation process, this indicates the problems to be solved.

3. Faithful translation

A faithful translation attempts to reproduce the precise contextual meaning of the original within the constraints of the TT grammatical structures. It ‘transfers’ cultural words and preserves the degree of grammatical and lexical


‘abnormality’ (deviation from ST norms) in the translation. It attempts to be completely faithful to the intention and the text-realization of the ST writer.

4. Semantic translation

Semantic translation differs from ‘faithful translation’ only as far as it must take more account of the aesthetic value of the ST, compromising on ‘meaning’ where appropriate so that no assonance, word-play or repetition jars in the finished version. Further, it may translate less important cultural words by culturally neutral third or functional terms but not by cultural equivalents and it may make other small concessions to the readership.

5. Adaptation

This is the ‘freest’ form of translation. It is used mainly for plays (comedies) and poetry; the themes, characters, plots are usually preserved, the ST cultures converted to the TT culture and the text rewritten.

6. Free translation

Free translation reproduces the matter without the manner, or the content without the form of the original. Usually it is a paraphrase much longer than the original, a so-called ‘intralingual translation’, often prolix and pretentious, and not translation at all.

7. Idiomatic translation

Idiomatic translation reproduces the ‘message’ of the original but tends to distort nuances of meaning by preferring colloquialisms and idioms where these do not exist in the original.


8. Communicative translation

Communicative translation attempts to render the exact contextual meaning of the original in such a way that both content and language are readily acceptable and comprehensible to the readership.

2.5 Equivalence in Translation.

When translating some words in SL into TL, sometimes translator finds it difficult to find the words in TL that have the same meaning with the words in SL. This happen because not every word in one language can be translated into another. As the way to solve it, translator must modify his translation by using another word in TL that equivalence with the words in SL so the reader of the translation in TL can understand more what the original author want to tell. Translator has to have deep knowledge about both language, SL and TL, in order to find the equivalence words. It is important thing to do to make sure the message from original author in SL can be delivered and transferred correctly in the translation using TL.

Nida (Venuti, 2000:133) states that it is not easy to produce a completely natural translation, especially if the original writing is good literature, precisely because truly good writing intimately reflects and effectively exploits the total idiomatic capacities and special genius of the language in which the writing is done. A translator must therefore not only contend with the special difficulties resulting from such an effective exploitation of the total resources of the source language, but also seek to produce something relatively equivalent in the receptor language.


Nida (Venuti, 2000 : 134) explains about two types of equivalence in translation, which are :

a. Formal Equivalence.

Formal equivalence translation basically source-oriented; that is, it is designed to reveal as much as possible of the form and content of the original message. In doing so, a formal equivalence attempts to reproduce several formal elements, including: (1) grammatical units, (2) consistency in word usage, and (3) meanings in terms of the source context. Nida also calls this type of translation a ‘gloss translation’, which aims to allow the reader to understand as much as the ST context as possible. The translator attempts to reproduce as literally and meaningfully as possible the form and content of the original. A gloss translation of this type is designed to permit the reader to identify himself as fully as possible with a person in the source-language context, and to understands as much s he can of the costumes, manner of thought, and means of expression.

Nida (Mcguire, 1991 : 26) states that Formal Equivalence focuses attention on the message itself, in both form and content. In such a translation one is concern with such correspondences as poetry to poetry, sentence to sentence, and concept to concept.

b. Dynamic Equivalence.

A Dynamic Equivalence translation may be described as one concerning which a bilingual and bicultural person can just justifiably say, “That is just the way we would say it”. In Dynamic Equivalence translation the focus of attention is directed, not so much toward the source message, as


toward the receptor response. One way of defining a Dynamic Equivalence translation is to describe it as “the closest natural equivalent to the source-language message.” This type of definition contains three essential items: (1) equivalent, which points toward the source-language message, (2) natural, which points toward the receptor language, and (3) closest, which binds the two orientations together on the basis of the highest degree of approximation.

2.6 Untranslatability.

Untranslatability is a property of a text or of any utterance, in one language, for which no equivalent text or utterance can be found in another language. Contrary to popular belief, words are not either translatable or untranslatable. They are only words, and these words are more or less hard translate depending on their nature and the translator’s skills. Quite often, a text or utterance that is considered to be “untranslatable” is actually a lacuna, or lexical gap, that is to say that there is no one-to-one equivalence between the word, expression or turn of phrase in the source language and another word, expression or turn of phrase in the target language. A translator, however, can resort to a number of translation procedures to compensate. (

Catford distinguishes two types of untranslatability, which he terms (1) linguistics and (2) cultural (McGuire, 1991:32).

1. On the linguistics level, untranslatability occurs when there is no lexical or syntactical substitute in the TT for an ST item.


It is called as linguistic untranslatability, because of the failure to find a TT equivalent is due entirely to differences between the ST and the TT. 2. Cultural untranslatability occurred due to the absence in the ST culture of




3.1 Passive Verbs in English.

In English, the subject in sentences with a passive verb does not do anything, instead something happens to it. The form of English passive verbs always contain part of the auxiliary be (is, am, are, was, etc) and a past participle or verb 3.

Ex : The man is taken into custody.

It can be seen that the auxiliary be of is and the past participle of take are becoming the part of the passive sentences.

However, passive verbs phrases can also be formed with the auxiliary verb get, called the get-passive.

Ex : It’s all about the man who got left behind in his old days.

It is already said that the form of passive verbs always consist of two parts which are auxiliary be (is, am, are, was, etc) and past participle or verb 3. So, the changing of the passive verbs form are based on the tenses because the auxiliary be will be changed if the tenses in the passive voice is changed.

Here are some examples of passive verbs form based on the tenses. 1. Simple Present Tense.

Jonathan is taught by Kate. 2. Present Continuous Tense.

Jonathan is being taught by Kate. 3. Present Perfect Tense.


Jonathan has been taught by Kate. 4. Simple Past Tense.

Jonathan was taught by Kate. 5. Past Continuous Tense.

Jonathan was being taught by Kate. 6. Past Perfect Tense.

Jonathan had been taught by Kate. 7. Simple Future Tense.

Jonathan will be taught by Kate.

Most of passive voice verbs are easy to identify. However, sometimes words look like passive verbs, but are actually predicative adjectives describing a state or quality. For example :

We are delighted with the result. I ought to be excited.

These participial adjectives function as subject predicatives. They are usually gradable and can be modified by very (Biber, 2002 : 167).

Passive verbs can occur as either short or long passives. In short passives (also called agentless passive) the agent is not specified, ex ; Turbofan and turboprop engine are then discussed in turn. Long passives contain a by-phrase which, in typical cases, specifies the agent of the action, ex ; The proposal was approved by the Project Coordinating team (Biber, 2002 : 166).

However, in English there are also some verbs that can’t be changed into passive verbs. Gaudart in Toward Better English Grammar (1996 : 78) states that


there are some verbs cannot be passives. Here are some common ones : happen, occur, become, exist, go, arrive, fall, die.

3.1.1 The Use of Passive Verbs.

Passive verbs are often used in writing, whether in writing business letter or documents, academic prose or paper, and in constructing article or news etc, rather than in conversation. In this kind of writing the human actor/agent/subject is not important. So, the passive voice is useful : it reduces the importance of the agent noun phrase by putting it in a by-phrase or not mentioning at all. The main focus of the sentence is the passive verb, not the subject. In writing news, the using of passive verbs in passive voice is to make the agent less prominent (Biber, 2002 : 168). It is because often the main focus of the news is not the subject but the event or action that involves a person or institution.

3.2 Passive Verbs in Bahasa Indonesia.

Alwi and friends (2003 : 130) state that “Verba aktif transitif yang berprefiks meng-, baik dalam kombinasinya dengan prefiks lain maupun tidak, dapat diubah menjadi bentuk pasif dengan mengganti prefiks meng- dengan prefiks di-.”

In Bahasa Indonesia, active verbs with prefiks meng- can be changed into passive form by changing the prefiks meng- into prefiks di-.

Examples :

1. Tuti memakai baju baru malam ini. Tuti is wearing a new dress tonight. 2. Baju baru dipakai oleh Tuti malam ini.


Alwi and friends (2003 : 130) also state that “Verba yang berprefiks ter- pada umumnya erat berkaitan dengan verba yang berprefiks di-. Pembentukan dengan ter- juga produktif karena pada umumnya verba transitif yang berprefiks meng- bisa diubah menjadi verba dengan ter-.

Usually, active verb with prefiks meng- can also be changed into passive form by changing prefiks meng- with prefiks ter-.

Examples :

membawa dibawa terbawa 1. Ayah membawa koran itu ke kantor tadi pagi.

Father brought that newspaper to his office this morning. 2. Koran itu dibawa oleh ayah ke kantor tadi pagi.

That newspaper was brought by father to his office this morning. 3. Koran itu terbawa oleh ayah ke kantor tadi pagi.

That newspaper was brought by father to his office this morning.

Ada tiga jenis kata kerja pasif. Kata kerja pasif diri pertama, kedua dan ketiga. Kata kerja pasif diri pertama ialah kata kerja pasif yang berimbuhan ku-. Contohnya: kuangkat, kuatasi, kuberikan, kupercepat, kupelajari, dan kupersilakan. Kata kerja pasif diri kedua ialah yang berimbuhan ka-. Contohnya: kauangkat, kauatasi, kauberikan, kaupercepat, kaupelajari, dan kaupersilakan. Kata kerja pasif diri ketiga ialah yang berimbuhan di-. Contohnya: diangkat, diatasi, diberikan, dipercepat, dipelajari, dan dipersilakan. (

There are three types of passive verbs in Bahasa Indonesia, they are first, second, and third pronoun passive verb. First pronoun passive verb is using prefiks ku-. Second pronoun passive verb is using prefiks ka-. And the third pronoun passive verbs is using prefiks di-.




4.1 Research Method.

In this analysis the library research method is used. As quoted from Nawawi (1993:30) “Penelitian kepustakaan dilakukan dengan cara menghimpun data dari berbagai literature baik di perpustakaan maupun tempat-tempat lain”. Library research is done by collecting the data from any kinds of source in the library or any other places.

All the information about passive verbs from linguistic books, internet, dictionary and any other source is used.

4.2 Data Collecting Method.

The source of the data is the novel Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and its translation. The original novel consists of 36 chapters and 607 pages while its translation also consists of 36 chapters and 999 pages. In collecting the data written method is used. The data are sentences that contain passive verbs in the novel and its translation. All the data that can be collected are 712 data of passive verbs. Purposive sampling method is used in taking the sample for the data analysis of passive verbs.

Arikunto in his book Prosedur Penelitian (2006 : 139) states that “sample bertujuan atau purposive sample dilakukan dengan cara mengambil subjek bukan didasarkan atas strata, random atau daerah tetapi didasarkan atas adanya tujuan tertentu. Teknik ini biasanya dilakukan karena beberapa pertimbangan, misalnya alasan keterbatasan waktu, tenaga, dan dana sehingga tidak dapat mengambil sample yang besar dan jauh”.


Purposive sampling is done by taking subject not based on strata, random or regional but based on several purposes and reasons as the limited of time, effort and budget for taking the bigger, wider and more sample.

4.3 Data Analysis Method.

In the analysis, a descriptive method is used. As quoted from Nawawi (1993:63): “Metode deskriptif dapat diartikan sebagai prosedur pemecahan masalah yang diselidiki dengan menggambarkan / melukiskan keadaan subyek / obyek penelitian (seseorang, lembaga, masyarakat, dll) pada saat sekarang berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang tampak atau sebagaimana adanya”.

Descriptive method is a way in solving a problem by describing the facts of subject/object of the research as the way they are.

Followings are the procedure used in analyzing. They are:

1. Reading the original novel Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling.

2. Reading the translation product of the original novel done by Listiana Srisanti

3. The next step is identifying the passive verbs data in ST, underline it and then find out the translation in the translation product.

4. After all the data have been collected, then classifying and analysing the data and its translation.

5. Calculating the data to find the most dominant equivalence by using Butler’s Educational Statistic (1985) in percentage :

Passive verbs equivalence = n x 100% (analyzed in percentage)

∑ n


∑ n = total number of passive verbs translated 6. And the last step is making conclusion and suggestion.





5.1 Data Findings.

The data of passive verbs are collected from the novel Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows and its translation Harry Potter dan Relikui Kematian. The total of passive verbs data that found is 712. From all the data there are 4 types of passive verb that can be found in the ST.

Types of Passive Verb SUM

Passive verbs based on tenses 502 Passive verbs without to be 149 Passive verbs with auxiliary verb 56

Passive verbs with get form 5 712

5.2 Formal Equivalence.

The translation of passive verbs below are exactly like the one in the dictionary. Here I use the English – Indonesian dictionary by Shadily. Because formal equivalence attempts to retain the language forms of the original as much as possible in the translation.


5.2.1 Formal Equivalence of Passive Verbs Based on Tenses.

1. ST : The lane was bordered on the left by wild, low-growing brambles, on the right by a high, neatly manicured hedge. (Page 9)

TT : Jalan kecil itu tumbuh di sebelah kirinya dibatasi semak rendah yang tumbuh liar, di sebelah kanannya oleh pagar tanaman tinggi yang terpangkas rapi. (Page 11)

Passive verb was bordered is translated into dibatasi.

2. ST : As their eyes grew accustomed to the lack of light, they were drawn upward to the strangest feature of the scene. (Page 10)

TT : Setelah mata mereka menyesuaikan diri dengan keadaan cahaya, pandangan mata mereka tertarik ke atas, ke pemandangan yang paling aneh. (Page 13)

Passive verb were drawn is translated into tertarik.

3. ST : Apparently fearful that they themselves would be scorched by the ferocity of the gaze. (Page 11)

TT : Rupanya takut mereka akan terbakar oleh kegarangan pandangan itu. (Page 14)

Passive verb be scorched is translated into terbakar.

4. ST : “The Order is eschewing any of transport that is regulated by the Ministry.” (Page 13)

TT : “Orde menghindari segala bentuk transportasi yang diatur oleh Kementrian.” (Page 18)


5. ST : “I have been careless, and so have been thwarted by luck and chance.” (Page 13)

TT :“Selama ini aku ceroboh, jadi, aku digagalkan oleh keberuntungan dan kesempatan.” (Page 18)

Passive verb have been thwarted is translated into digagalkan.

6. ST : His school and Quidditch robes, cauldron, parchment, quills, and most of his textbook were piled in a corner. (Page 20)

TT : Jubah sekolah dan jubah Quidditchnya, kuali, perkamen, pena-bulu, dan sebagian besar buku pelajarannya ditumpuk di sudut. (Page 30)

Passive verb were piled is translated into ditumpuk.

7. ST : Dumbledore’s triumph, and its consequences for the wizarding world, are considered a turning point in magical history. (Page 24)

TT : Kemenangan Dumbledore dan konsekuensinya untuk dunia sihir, dianggap titik balik dalam sejarah sihir. (Page 36)

Passive verb are considered is translated into dianggap.

8. ST : Her nine-hundred page book was completed a mere four weeks after Dumbledore’s mysterious death in June. (Page 26)

TT : Bukunya yang setebal sembilan ratus halaman diselesaikannya hanya empat minggu setelah kematian misterius Dumbledore bulan Juni lalu. (Page 40)

Passive verb was completed is translated into diselesaikannya.

9. ST : ”You are being offered serious protection, the best there is.” (Page 33) TT : “Kalian ditawari perlindungan serius, yang paling baik di antara yang


Passive verb being offered is translated into ditawari.

10. ST : “We think the Ministry has been infiltrated.” (Page 34) TT : “Kami berpendapat Kementrian telah disusupi.” (Page 53) Passive verb been infiltrated is translated into disusupi.

11. ST : Aunt Petunia, whose face had been buried in her handkerchief, looked around at the sound. (Page 40)

TT : Bibi Petunia yang wajahnya terbenam dalam saputangannya, menoleh mendengar suara itu. (Page 63)

Passive verb been buried is translated into terbenam.

12. ST : Long ago, when he had been left alone while the Dursley went out to enjoy themselves, the hours of solitude had been a rare treat. (Page 42) TT : Dulu, kalau dia ditinggalkan sendirian selama keluarga Dursley

bersenang-senang, saat-saat sendirian seperti ini adalah saat-saat menyenangkan yang jarang terjadi. (Page 66)

Passive verb been left is translated into ditinggalkan.

13. ST : “Yeah thirteen of us against one bloke who’s not allowed to magic; we’ve got no chance,” said Fred. (Page 47)

TT : “Yeah, kami bertiga belas lawan satu cowok yang tak diizinkan menggunakan sihir; kami tak punya kesempatan,” kata Fred. (Page 73) Passive verb is not allowed is translated into tak diizinkan.

14. ST : Hermione had already been helped up on to a great, black Thestral by Kingsley. (Page 50)

TT : Hermione sudah dibantu Kingsley naik ke punggung Thestral besar hitam. (Page 79)


Passive verb been helped is translated into dibantu.

15. ST : And then, out of nowhere, out of nothing, they were surrounded. (Page 51)

TT : Dan kemudian, mendadak saja, mereka sudah dikepung. (Page 81) Passive verb were surrounded is translated into dikepung.

16. ST : One of his fellows slowed up to save him, but they and the airborne wall were swallowed by darkness as Hagrid leaned low over the handlebars and sped up. (Page 53)

TT : Salah satu temannya melambatkan terbangnya untuk menyelamatkannya, namun mereka dan tembok melayang itu ditelan kegelapan ketika Hagrid membungkuk di atas pegangan motor dan mempercepat lajunya. (Page 83) Passive verb were swallowed is translated into ditelan.

17. ST : His missing tooth had been regrown. (Page 58)

TT : Giginya yang tanggal sudah ditumbuhkan kembali. (Page 92) Passive verb been regrown is translated into ditumbuhkan kembali. 18. ST : “Death Eaters, loads of them – we were chased – “ (Page 59) TT : “Pelahap Maut, banyak sekali – kami diburu –“ (Page 93) Passive verb were chased is translated into diburu.

19. ST : “Hagrid said you were ambushed.” (Page 60) TT : “Hagrid mengatakan kalian disergap.” (Page 94) Passive verb were ambushed is translated into disergap. 20. ST : “We’ve been betrayed.” (Page 63)

TT : “Kita telah dikhianati.” (Page 99)


21. ST : “We must decide ‘ow you will be disguised, ‘Arry,” said Fleur, once everyone had pudding. (Page 80)

TT : “Kita harus memutuskan bagaimana kau harus disamarkan, ‘Arry,” kata Fleur, setelah semua memakan puding mereka. (Page 128)

Passive verb be disguised is translated into disamarkan. 22. ST : “That was decided months ago.” (Page 84)

TT : “Itu sudah diputuskan berbulan-bulan lalu.” (Page 134) Passive verb was decided is translated into diputuskan.

23. ST : The yard had been swept. (Page 92) TT : Halaman telah disapu. (Page 148) Passive verb been swept is translated into disapu. 24. ST : The nearby garden had been pruned. (Page 92) TT : Kebun di sebelahnya telah dipangkas. (Page 148) Passive verb been pruned is translated into dipangkas.

25. ST : Ron’s splutter was interrupted by the opening of a door on the first floor landing. (Page 98)

TT : Jawaban gugup Ron terpotong oleh terbukanya pintu di bordes pertama. (Page 159)

Passive verb was interrupted is translated into terpotong.

26. ST : “That law was created to stop wizards passing on Dark artifacts,” said Hermione. (Page 105)

TT : “Undang-Undang itu dibuat untuk mencegah penyihir mewariskan barang-barang Ilmu Hitam,” tukas Hermione. (Page 170)


27. ST : Outside in the garden, over the dinner tables, the three objects Srimgeour had given them were passed from hand to hand. (Page 111)

TT : Di luar di kebun, di sekeliling meja makan, ketiga benda yang diberikan Scrimgeour kepada mereka diedarkan dari tangan ke tangan. (Page 181) Passive verb were passed is translated into diedarkan.

28. ST : Hagrid, who was invited to the wedding the following day, but was too far too bulky to sleep in the overstretched Burrow, left to set up a tent for himself in a neighbouring field. (Page 111)

TT : Hagrid, yang diundang ke pernikahan hari berikutnya, tetapi terlalu besar sosoknya untuk tidur di dalam the Burrow yang sudah penuh sesak, pergi untuk mendirikan tenda baginya sendiri di padang terbuka tak jauh dari situ. (Page 181)

Passive verb was invited is translated into diundang.

29. ST : The supporting poles were entwined with white and gold flowers. (Page 115)

TT : Tiang-tiang penyangga dililit bunga-bunga putih dan keemasan. (Page 188)

Passive verb were entwined is translated into dililit.

30. ST : By the time they had reached the other side of the marquee, most of the tables were occupied. (Page 122)

TT : Saat mereka tiba di sisi lain tenda, sebagian besar meja sudah terisi. (Page 200)

Passive verb were occupied is translated into terisi.


TT : “Squibs biasanya dikirim ke sekolah-sekolah Muggle.” (Page 211) Passive verb were shipped is translated into dikirim.

32. ST : “They were encouraged to integrate into the Muggle community.” (Page 130)

TT : “Mereka didorong untuk berintegrasi ke dalam komunitas Muggle.” (Page 211)

Passive verb were encouraged is translated into didorong. 33. ST : A cry that was echoed on all sides. (Page 134)

TT : Seruan yang digemakan di segala jurusan. (Page 219) Passive verb was echoed is translated into digemakan.

34. ST : “Well, as long as it doesn’t get them into trouble, though they might’ve been arrested already.” (Page 137)

TT : “Yah, asal tidak membuat mereka dalam bahaya, meskipun mereka mungkin malah sudah ditangkap.” (Page 224)

Passive verb been arrested is translated into ditangkap.

35. ST : “Don’t you think they might wonder what’s happened if they wake up and find themselves in a place that looks like it’s just been bombed?” (Page 139)

TT : “Tidakkah kau berpikir mereka mungkin bertanya-tanya apa yang telah terjadi jika mereka terbangun dan ternyata berada di tempat yang kelihatannya baru saja dibom?” (Page 228)


36. ST : Once the café was restored to its previous condition, they heaved the Death Eaters back into their booth and propped them up facing each other. (Page 140)

TT : Setelah kafe dikembalikan ke keadaannya semula, mereka mengangkat kedua Pelahap Maut ke meja mereka dan mendudukkannya berhadapan. (Page 228)

Passive verb was restored is translated into dikembalikan.

37. ST : Checking every few yards that they were not being observed. (Page 141) TT : Mengecek setiap beberapa meter bahwa mereka tidak diawasi. (Page


Passive verb being observed is translated into diawasi.

38. ST : Evidently Sirius’s room had been searched too. (Page 148) TT : Kentara sekali kamar Sirius juga sudah digeledah. (Page 242) Passive verb been searched is translated into digeledah.

39. ST : Had it simply been lost in the sixteen years that had elapsed since it had been written? (Page 151)

TT : Apakah memang hilang dalam rentang waktu enam belas tahun sejak surat itu ditulis? (Page 246)

Passive verb been written is translated into ditulis.

40. ST : The Black family crest was painstakingly painted over the bed, along with its motto, Toujurs Pur. (Page 155)

TT : Lambang keluarga Black dengan cermat dilukis di atas tempat tidur, bersama motonya, Toujurs Pur, Selalu Berdarah-Murni. (Page 252)


41. ST : “Kreacher was told to come home, so Kreacher came home.” (Page 161) TT : “Kreacher disuruh pulang, maka Kreacher pulang.” (Page 263)

Passive verb was told is translated into disuruh.

42. ST : “Wizarding wills are examined by the Ministry, remember?” (Page 166) TT : “Surat wasiat para penyihir diperiksa oleh Kementrian, ingat?” (Page


Passive verb are examined is translated into diperiksa.

43. ST : “He has been replaced by Pius Thicknese, who is under the Imperius Curse.” (Page 171)

TT : “Dia digantikan oleh Pius Thicknese, yang di bawah Kutukan Imperius.” (Page 278)

Passive verb been replaced is translated into digantikan.

44. ST : “Muggle-borns are being rounded up as we speak.” (Page 172)

TT : “Para kelahiran-Muggle sedang ditangkapi sementara kita bicara ini.” (Page 280)

Passive verb being rounded up is translated into ditangkapi. 45. ST : “That was announced yesterday.” (Page 173) TT : “Itu diumumkan kemarin.” (Page 281)

Passive verb was announced is translated into diumumkan.

46. ST : The tiny number of people who henceforth knew of Ariana’s existence could be counted upon to keep the secret. (Page 179)

TT : Sejumlah kecil orang yang sampai sejauh itu mengetahui keberadaan Ariana bisa diandalkan untuk menjaga rahasia ini. (Page 292)


47. ST : “Severus Snape, long-standing Potions master at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, was today appointed Headmaster in the most important of several staffing changes at the ancient school.” (Page 186) TT : “Severus Snape, yang sudah lama menjabat sebagai guru Ramuan di

Sekolah Sihir Hogwarts, hari ini diangkat sebagai kepala sekolah, dalam perubahan paling penting beberapa staf di sekolah yang sudah lama berdiri ini.” (Page 302)

Passive verb was appointed is translated into ditunjuk.

48. ST : They had tailed Ministry workers on their way in, eavesdropped on their conversations and learned by careful observations which of them could be relied upon to appear, alone, at the same time everyday. (Page 190)

TT : Mereka telah membuntuti pegawai-pegawai Kementrian yang akan masuk, mencuri dengar percakapan mereka dan tahu, dari pengamatan yang teliti, siapa di antara mereka yang bisa diandalkan untuk muncul, sendirian, pada saat yang sama setiap hari. (Page 308)

Passive verb be relied is translated into diandalkan.

49. ST : After the usual brief spell of darkness and near suffocation, Harry found himself in the tiny allaeyway where the first phrase of their plan was scheduled to take place. (Page 194)

TT : Setelah sesaat dalam kegelapan dan mengalami sesak napas yang biasa, Harry mendapati dirinya berada di jalan kecil, tempat pertama rencana mereka dijadwalkan akan dilaksanakan. (Page 316)


50. ST : “But if my wife were accused of being a Mudblood,” said Yaxley. (Page 200)

TT : “Tapi kalau istriku dituduh Darah- Lumpur,” kata Yaxley. (Page 325) Passive verb were accused is translated into dituduh.

51. ST : The desk was covered with a flouncy, flowered cloth. (Page 206) TT : Meja tulisnya tertutup taplak berjumbai bermotif bunga. (Page 334) Passive verb was covered is translated into tertutup.

52. ST : But before Harry could finish the lift had stopped again: the doors opened and Mr. Weasley walked inside, talking to an elderly witch whose blonde hair was teased so high it resembled an anthill. (Page 209)

TT : Tetapi sebelum Harry bisa menyelesaikan kalimatnya, lift telah berhenti lagi. Pintunya terbuka dan Mr. Weasley masuk , berbicara kepada seorang penyihir wanita tua yang rambut pirangnya disasak tinggi sekali sampai menyerupai sarang semut. (Page 339)

Passive verb was teased is translated into disasak.

53. ST : Harry opened his eyes and was dazzled by gold and green. (Page 221) TT : Harry membuka mata dan disilaukan oleh warna emas dan hijau. (Page


Passive verb was dazzled is translated into disilaukan.

54. ST : The surrounding silence was broken by odd rustling and what sounded like crackings of twigs. (Page 228)

TT : Kesunyian di sekeliling mereka dipecahkan oleh keresek aneh dan sepertinya bunyi ranting patah. (Page 369)


55. ST : Harry thought that they were caused by animals rather than people. (Page 228)

TT : Harry menduga bunyi itu disebabkan oleh binatang, bukan manusia. (Page 369)

Passive verb were caused is translated into disebabkan.

56. ST : The man at whom he was pointing was suspended upside down in mid-air, though there were no ropes holding him. (Page 230)

TT : Laki-laki yang diacungi tongkatnya tergantung terbalik di udara, meskipun tak ada tali yang menggantungnya. (Page 372)

Passive verb was suspended is translated into tergantung. 57. ST : “It was, many years ago, stolen from me!” (Page 230)

TT : “Sudah lama, sudah bertahun-tahun yang lalu, dicuri dariku!” (Page 372)

Passive verb was stolen is translated into dicuri.

58. ST : The argument about the Dementors was forgotten in laughter that night. (Page 236)

TT : Pertengkaran tentang Dementor dilupakan dalam tawa malam itu. (Page 382)

Passive verb was forgotten is translated into dilupakan.

59. ST : “The original was forged centuries ago by goblins and had certain properties only goblin-made armour possesses. (Page 245)

TT : “Pedang orisinalnya ditempa berabad-abad lalu oleh para goblin dan memiliki sifat-sifat tertentu yang hanya dipunyai oleh senjata buatan-goblin. (Page 397)


Passive verb was forged is translated into ditempa.

60. ST : She was impeded by her own Shield Charm. (Page 254)

TT : Hermione terhalang oleh Mantra Pelindung-nya sendiri. (Page 411) Passive verb was impeded is translated into terhalang.

61. ST : Ginny had been banned from going into Hogsmeade. (Page 257) TT : Ginny telah dilarang ke Hogsmeade. (Page 418)

Passive verb been banned is translated into dilarang.

62. ST : A wide flat marsh, where the tent was flooded with chill water. (Page 258)

TT : Di tepi rawa luas, tempat tenda mereka dibanjiri air dingin. (Page 419) Passive verb was flooded is translated into dibanjiri.

63. ST : “You and your parents aren’t mentioned,” Hermione said. (Page 261) TT : “Kau dan orangtuamu tidak disebut,” Hermione berkata. (Page 424) Passive verb are mentioned is translated into disebut.

64. ST : And all round these neatly lettered words scribbles had been added by other witches and wizards who had come to see the place where the Boy Who Lived had escaped. (Page 272)

TT : Dan di sekitar kata-kata yang tertulis rapi ini, tulisan-tulisan lain telah ditambahkan oleh para penyihir yang dating untuk melihat tempat Anak Laki-Laki yang Bertahan Hidup telah berhasil lolos. (Page 441)

Passive verb been added is translated into ditambahkan.

65. ST : Harry was half tempted to place his hands on stout Bathilda’s backside to ensure that she did not topple over backwards on top of him, which seemed only to likely. (Page 272)


TT : Harry setengah tergoda untuk menempelkan tangannya ke punggung Bathilda yang ringkih untuk memastikan dia tidak terjungkal menjatuhinya, yang kelihatannya mungkin sekali terjadi. (Page 449)

Passive verb was tempted is translated into tergoda.

66. ST : As though the best part of his magical power had been torn from him. (Page 286)

TT : Seolah bagian terbaik kemampuan sihirnya telah dicabik darinya. (Page 466)

Passive verb been torn is translated into dicabik.

67. ST : It had clearly never been opened before. (Page 288) TT : Nyata buku itu belum pernah dibuka. (Page 469) Passive verb been opened is translated into dibuka.

68. ST : At sixteen years old, even Durmstrang felt it could no longer turn a blind eye to the twisted experiments of Gellert Grindelwald and he was expelled. (Page 290)

TT : Ketika dia berusia enam belas tahun, Durmstrang pun tak bisa lagi menutup mata terhadap eksperimen-eksperimen miring Gellert Grindelwald dan dia dikeluarkan. (Page 473)

Passive verb was expelled is translated into dikeluarkan.

69. ST : “They say ‘For the Greater Good’ was even carved over the entrance to Nurmengard.” (Page 294)

TT : “Mereka mengatakan ‘Untuk Kebaikan yang Lebih Besar’ bahkan diukir di atas pintu masuk Nurmengard.” (Page 479)


70. ST : They spent most of the day inside the tent, huddled for warmth round the useful bright blue flames that Hermione was so adept at producing, and which could be carried around in a jar. (Page 297)

TT : Mereka melewatkan hampir sepanjang hari di dalam tenda, meringkuk berdekatan agar hangat, dikelilingi beberapa nyala api biru terang yang Hermione sekarang sangat terampil membuatnya, dan bisa dibawa dalam botol. (Page 485)

Passive verb be carried is translated into dibawa.

71. ST : Or had the sword been put into the pool after they had arrived, precisely because they were here? (Page 299)

TT : Atau apakah pedang itu sengaja diletakkan di dalam kolam setelah mereka tiba, justru karena mereka berada di sini? (Page 489)

Passive verb been put is translated into diletakkan.

72. ST : His eyes were wide, and the Riddle-Harry and the Riddle-Hermione were reflected in them, their hair swirling like flames, their eyes shining red, their voices lifted in an evil duet. (Page 307)

TT : Matanya terbelalak, dan si Riddle-Harry dan Riddle-Hermione dipantulkan dalam matanya, rambut mereka berkibar seperti nyala api, mata mereka berkilat merah, suara mereka melengking dalam duet jahat. (Page 501)

Passive verb were reflected is translated into dipantulkan.

73. ST : Harry took aim at it with the wand Ron had given him the previous night, which Hermione had since condescended to examine, and had decided was made of blackthorn. (Page 318)


TT : Harry mengarahkan bidikan kepadanya dengan tongkat sihir yang diberikan Ron kepadanya semalam. Hermione telah bersedia merendahkan diri memeriksanya, dan menyatakan tongkat sihir itu terbuat dari kayu blackthorn. (Page 520)

Passive verb was made is translated into terbuat.

74. ST : “Only they can’t do it every night, they have to keep changing locations in case they’re raided, and you need a password to tune in…. trouble is, I missed the last one….” (Page 319)

TT : Hanya saja mereka tak bisa siaran setiap malam, mereka harus berpindah-pindah tempat untuk berjaga-jaga, siapa tahu dirazia, dan kau perlu kata sandi untuk mendengarkannya… masalahnya adalah, aku tak mendengarkan siaran terakhir, maka aku tak tahu kata sandinya…” (Page 321)

Passive verb are raided is translated into dirazia.

75. ST : Three hand-painted signs had been tacked to a broken-down gate. (Page 323)

TT : Tiga papan tanda bertulisan tangan dipaku ke gerbang rusak. (Page 528) Passive verb been tacked is translated into dipaku.

76. ST : She then rapped three times on the thick, black door, which was studded with iron nails and bore a knocker shaped like an eagle. (Page 323)

TT : Hermione kemudian mengetuk tiga kali pintu depan tebal hitam, yang ditatahi paku besi dan pengetuk pintunya berbentuk rajawali. (Page 529) Passive verb was studded is translated into ditatahi.


77. ST : “The Elder Wand is the Hallow that is most easily traced, because of the way in which it passes from hand to hand.” (Page 334)

TT : “Tongkat Sihir Elder adalah Hallow yang paling mudah ditelusuri, karena caranya berpindah tangan.” (Page 546)

Passive verb is traced is translated into ditelusuri.

78. ST : “The bloody trail of the Elder Wand is splattered across the pages of wizarding history.” (Page 334)

TT : “Jejak berdarah Tongkat Sihir Elder terpercik dimana-mana di halaman-halaman sejarah sihir. (Page 546)

Passive verb is splattered is translated into terpercik.

79. ST : “Harry and I were raised by Muggles,” Hermione reminded him, “we were taught different superstitions.” (Page 336)

TT : “Harry dan aku dibesarkan oleh Muggle,” Hermione mengingatkannya, “kami diajari takhayul yang lain.” (Page 549)

Passive verb were raised is translated into dibesarkan.

80. ST : The bed had a cold, unfriendly look, as though it had not been slept in for weeks. (Page 339)

TT : Tempat tidurnya memberi kesan dingin dan tidak ramah, seolah sudah tidak ditiduri selama berminggu-minggu. (Page 553)

Passive verb been slept is translated into ditiduri.

81. ST : For the wand was the Hallow that could not be hidden. (Page 350)

TT : Karena tongkat sihir itu adalah Hallow yang tak bisa disembunyikan. (Page 571)


82. ST : “Meanwhile, in Gaddley, a Muggle family of five has been found dead in their home.” (Page 356)

TT : “Sementara itu, di Gaddley, sebuah keluarga Muggle yang terdiri atas lima orang telah ditemukan meninggal dalam rumah mereka.” (Page 581) Passive verb been found is translated into ditemukan.

83. ST : “Many lives could be saved.” (Page 357)

TT : “Banyak nyawa bisa diselamatkan.” (Page 381) Passive verb be saved is translated into diselamatkan.

84. ST : “There is no doubt at all in my mind that his death would be proclaimed as widely as possible by the Death Eaters if it had happened.” (Page 357) TT : “Tak ada keraguan sama sekali dalam pikiranku bahwa kematiannya

akan diproklamasikan seluas mungkin oleh Pelahap Maut kalau itu sampai terjadi.” (Page 583)

Passive verb be proclaimed is translated into diproklamasikan.

85. ST : Fenrir Greyback, the werewolf who was permitted to wear Death Eater robes in return for his hired savagery. (Page 362)

TT : Fenrir Greyback, manusia serigala yang diizinkan memakai jubah Pelahap Maut sebagai imbalan atas jasa kekejamannya yang disewa. (Page 591)

Passive verb was permitted is translated into diizinkan.

86. ST : Harry was thrown, face down, on to the ground. (Page 363) TT : Harry dilempar, tengkurap, ke tanah. (Page 591)

Passive verb was thrown is translated into dilempar.


TT : “Beberapa anggota Orde sudah berhasil terlacak dengan cara itu.” (Page 593)

Passive verb been tracked is translated into terlacak.

88. ST : Harry and the others were kicked up broad stone steps, into a hallway lined with portraits. (Page 370)

TT : Harry dan yang lain ditendang menaiki undakan batu lebar, memasuki ruang depan yang di dindingnya berderet lukisan. (Page 603)

Passive verb were kicked is translated into ditendang.

89. ST : He felt as though he had been slapped awake again. (Page 387) TT : Dia merasa seakan telah ditampar dibangunkan lagi. (Page 633) Passive verb been slapped is translated into ditampar.

90. ST : Hermione was wrapped in a borrowed dressing gown, pale and unsteady on her feet. (Page 388)

TT : Hermione terbungkus dalam gaun rumah pinjaman, pucat dan masih terhuyung. (Page 634)

Passive verb was wrapped is translated into terbungkus.

91. ST : “Hermione looks as though she’s been tortured and Ron’s just refused to tell me anything.” (Page 391)

TT : “Hermione kelihatannya habis disiksa, dan Ron sama sekali menolak memberitahuku apa pun – “ (Page 640)

Passive verb been tortured is translated into disiksa.

92. ST : “’Thief, you have been warned, beware –‘ yeah, I know, I remember,” said Harry. (Page 394)


TT : “’Pencuri kau telah diperingatkan, bukan harta yang kau dapat –‘ yeah, aku tahu, aku ingat,” kata Harry. (Page 644)

Passive verb been warned is translated into diperingatkan. 93. ST : “They’ve been treated brutally in the past.” (Page 409)

TT : “Mereka diperlakukan dengan brutal di masa lalu.” (Page 669) Passive verb been treated is translated into diperlakukan.

94. ST : His fault that the whole Weasley family had been driven into hiding, that Bill, Fred, George and Mr.Weasley could no longer work. (Page 412) TT : Kesalahannya jugalah bahwa seluruh keluarga Weasley terpaksa harus

bersembunyi, bahwa Bill, Fred, George, dan Mr. Weasley tak bisa lagi bekerja. (Page 674)

Passive verb been driven is translated into terpaksa. 95. ST : “But if it was bought –“ (Page 418)

TT : “Tapi kalau barang itu sudah dibeli –“ (Page 683) Passive verb was bought is translated into dibeli.

96. ST : Travers was one of the Death Eaters who had been summoned to Xenophilius’s house. (Page 425)

TT : Travers adalah salah satu Pelahap Maut yang dipanggil ke rumah Xenophilius. (Page 695)

Passive verb been summoned is translated into dipanggil.

97. ST : “I heard that the inhabitants of Malfoy Manor were confined to the house, after the … ah ….escape.” (Page 425)

TT : “Kudengar penghuni Malfoy Manor dikurung dalam rumah, setelah… ah….ada pelarian.” (Page 695)


The frequency of Dynamic Equivalence in Passive Verbs Found in the Novel

Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Dynamic Equivalence

8 10 4 0 2 7 5 8 6 6 7

Chapter 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22



2 8 1 7 4 8 1 4 1 7 10

Chapter 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33



8 7 5 8 2 9 6 5 14 13 13

Chapter 34 35 36 Total



1 2 12 221

Passive verbs equivalence = 221 x 100% 712




6.1 Conclusions.

Translating is not an easy task. It is quite difficult and complicated, but the key in making a good translation is not only knowing about the grammar and vocabularies of both ST and TT but also having a wide knowledge of both the culture from ST and TT in order to make an understandable translation. Reading the ST over and over also helpful in understanding the message and transfer the message as the way it is in TT.

After analyzing the data both found in ST and TT, there are some conclusions that can be drawn. First, types of equivalence based on Nida’s theory can be found in the translation of passive verbs in TT. There are 712 cases where 491 cases belong to Formal Equivalence and 221 cases belong to Dynamic Equivalence. The dominant type is Formal Equivalence with the percentage 68, 97 % and the percentage for Dynamic Equivalence is 31, 03 %. Second, the passive verbs in ST sometimes translated into infinitive, adverb, adjective or active verbs due to the effort in making the translation appropriate and suitable with the culture of TT and to make it understandable for the reader of TT.

6.2 Suggestions.

By analyzing the translation of passive verbs there are a lot of things that can be learnt. It is interesting to see how to make a good and understandable translation. It is suggested to people who want to take translation as their subject


for thesis to learn more about the equivalence and discussing not only passive verbs but also any other part of speech like adverb, adjective, or noun. Hopefully, this thesis can help people to understand the types of Equivalence and attract more to discuss about it.



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