Health Program Summary of the 2016 IF Budget by Program

21 equipment and police infrastructure, including police accommodation, has improved the operation as well as the impartiality of the force. However, there remain some infrastructure facilities to be completed and to be commenced before the security institutions are adequate. Six projects were included in the original 2015 budget with a total initial budget of 7.4 million and final budget on ratification of 7.0 million. However, due to the lack of progress, the allocated funds have been diverted to other projects where additional funds exceed the original allocation. The projects where there has been progress in terms of physical works are: 1 Police Compounds - quarters in eight districts of which 6 projects have been completed and 2 others will be complete by the end of 2015 and will required 36,000 to cover retention 2 Police Stations-Esquadras in 11 Districts of which 7 projects have been completed. 3 Other Infrastructure Improvements in six Districts, there are construction of Bairos for PNTL in 5 districts still in implementation phase which have been allocated 1.5 million to be finalised in 2016 and 4 Construction of PNTL Head Quarter in Caicoli, Dili. This project will require approximately 0.8 million for the compensation of settlement of the community, while construction bid documents have been submitted to NPC for procurement process. The two projects for which funding have been deferred are: 1 Border Police Accommodation Facilities and 2 Accommodation, Training Centre, Headquarters and Residence for Maritime Police. Defense F-FDTL aims to build capabilities to ensure that it becomes more flexible and versatile, develops joint military capabilities with other security services and is ready to face unexpected challenges and threats. This new model for the F-FDTL includes 20 Defense Programs and 96 Defense Projects, including several concerning capital investment in equipment and infrastructure that will build and maintain a sustainable F-FDTL. Three of the nine projects funded in 2014 have been completed: Caserna Hera, the Naval Residence and Construction of Service Support, Public Relations and Training Facility. Of the remaining seven, four have commenced and are on-going, namely: 1 Construction of Military Police Office Phase 3, 2 Construction of F-FDTL posts in 4 districts, 3 National Defense Institute and 5 Five F-FDTL Regional Security Posts. In total the Defense program is forecast to require 1.3 million in 2016. 0.193 million will be allocated for the Construction of the Military Police Building, 0.427 million will allocated to FFDTL Post, 0.250 million to FFDTL training and formation centre in Metinaro and 0.422 million for National Institute of Defense.

4.2.13 Social Solidarity Program

This program in the IF portfolio initially comprised the construction of the 12th of November Monument and construction of the Garden of Heroes. Both projects have been completed and the construction of the Nicolau Lobato Monument at the Dili Airport Roundabout was added to