11 story emphasized on the pronunciatio n, content, and fl cy. In the end of each meeting, the writer gave assignment to the students. The writer gave a text folktales to them with different title there were two titles in each meeting, she asked them to read the folktales. They had to determine the main idea and suppo rtin g idea from the text, and then they summarize the text with their own words. They m ust han in the assignment in the next meeting. The writer together with the English teacher carried o ut the observation. Both of them observed the teaching learning process by monitoring h e students activities in this cycle. This observation was done to get the data of students progress during th e teaching learning process . According to the English teacher, the responses o f the students in cycle I was bad and d id no t satisfy yet. Some stud ents still confused how to make negative and interrogative form of simple past tense; they also had difficulties in verb 2 forms especially the irregular forms. Beside that, their read ing com prehension and speaking skill was still lo w, they could no t recognize th e main idea and supporting idea from the text, and they lso could not say their idea because o f limited vocabulary and lack of practice. However, in cycle II the writer and the English teacher fou nd that th e students progress was better than in cycle I. The writer will explain th e observation per meeting in detail, the examples in this explanation can be seen in Appendix 5 page 77-79. In the first meeting, th e writer and the English teach er saw that mo st of the students were able to make negative and interrogative forms correctly alth ough they still had few mistakes on it. For exampl “ and They

c. Observing

I did not visit my grandmother last week” “ Did yo ur father go to o ffice yesterday” ? 12 also knew the irregular verbs form, although sometimes they forgot and exchanged each other, bu t their progress was good than before. For example: and sometimes some o f the students said The students reading skill also better, they could reco gnize the main idea an d sup porting idea from the text. In the second meeting, the students showed the progress in speaking skill. They could speak little b it well by doing discussion regularly in every meeting. They could say and share what was on their mi d during th e discussio n, although th ere were some mistakes on the g ammar, for example: student A said It should be Their reading comprehension also improved, because the writer gave assignmen t in the end of meeting to read the folktales that was given in the house and they had to determine the main d ea and sup porting idea in each p aragraph. So, their reading comprehension was trained ; and the result was satisfied. In the last meetin g, the writer and the English teacher saw that th e speaking ability of the students had a good progress, ey d id not have difficulty to find the words again, and they did not n ed much time to search it. Their speaking became little bit fluen t, becau se they ad discussion in every meeting regularly and it gave them more practice and c ance to speak what was on their mind. For example: the student K said it showed that there was a little mistake on it, it should be “ Other student said like this It should be “ Altho ugh the students still made so me “swim, swam, swum” “swim, swum, swam .” “In my op inion, queen should invite bad fairy, so ba d fairy didnt an gry and prin cess did nt curse by fairy.” “I n my opinion, the q ueen should invite the bad fairy, she was not angry and the princess was not cursed by th e fairy.” “why did little ridin g hood not kno w th at she is not her gra ndmother?” why did not the little riding h ood know that sh e was not her grandmo th er? ” “ What is little riding hood bring to her grandmo th er? “ Wha t did the little riding hood bring for her grandmother?” 13 mistakes but it was OK because they showed a good progress than in former meetings. The same thing also happened on the reading omprehension, most of students could find the main idea and supporting id a correctly altho ugh there were few students who co uld not do it well. After analyzing the data and evalu ating the result of the observation in cycle II, the writer quite satisfied with the students progress. The Engli h teacher saw that th e students sh owed their improvement bit b y bit and it gave a good result. Th e stu dents understood and mastered the imple past tense form and pattern. Their readin g compreh ension was good en ough; they could understand what the text talked about and how to find e main idea and supporting idea. Beside that their speaking ability al o showed a progress. Th e writer was success improving their speakin g ab ility by giving discussion in every meeting regularly . It was very helpful fo r th e s ents. Alth ough the result was go od enou gh, there were still any lacks in this cycle. According to th e English teachers o bservation, the writer too focused on speaking, she always gave discussion activities to th e stu dents in every meeting and she forgot with the writing. So, it made the students writing did not sh ow any progress. Based on the reflectio n above, the writer together with the English teacher shared and discussed the lacks and problems at this level, and then found out the better solutions. After having discussion, the writer should give attention to all skills, not only in speaking but also the writing. She would not give too much time for one skill and forget the other. She would give more practices and exercises to the students to improve the r understandin g of simple past ten se by usin g folktales in all skills grammar, ading, writing, and speaking. d . Reflecting 14 3. Cycle III a. Planning The result of cycle II was better th an in cycle I, th e stud ents had a good progress in understanding the simple p ast tense b y u sing folktales. Alth ough it was better, the result was not satisfied yet. So, it w necessary to continue th e nex t cycle to im pro ve the stud ents understan ding of simple p ast tense by using folktale. The third cycle was held to improve students writing skill and to en rich their understanding of simp le past tense especially in ing an d speaking. The writer and the English teacher designed new activities and exercises in teaching learning process. In the first meeting, the writer gave the folktal to the students and then she asked them to summarize the assage with their o wn words. After that she asked them to make several questions from the passage, the questions would b e ex chan ged to other students and they must answer it. It wou ld improve their writing and read ing comprehen sion. In the second meeting, the writer gave the folktale ag n different title, and she still made the students to do the same activity like in the first meeting. After summarizing the passage, the students had to read their su mmary in front of the class, and the other students sho uld ask questi orally to herhim b ased on the folktale. Those activities were done to practic their writing and speaking skills. In th e last meeting, the writer asked the students to the folktale aloud. She divided them into several groups and made th em to discuss th e folktale and to determine the m ain idea an d supportin g idea in each paragraph, and make su mmary from the fo lktale that was given. After that the writer would ask som e students to retell the folktale with their own words. It could make 15 them use the simple past tense bo th written and spoken. In this stage, the writer conducted the teaching learn ng process to get a good result in improving students understanding of si ple past tense by using folktale, the En glish teacher observed the teachin g learn ing process in the back of the class. In the first meeting, the writer gave the fo lktale to e students and then she asked them to summarize the passage with their own s. Then, they had to read aloud the summary in front of the class while e writer checked their pronunciation. After th at she asked them to made five uestio ns from th e passage. Th e questions would be exchanged to oth er students and they must answer it. It wou ld improve their writing skill and th ir understanding in read ing a passage. In the second meeting, the writer gave the folktale with different title to the students. She still m ade the students to d o the same activity like in the first meeting made a summary of the folktale. After su mmarizing the passage, th e students had to read their summary in front of the cla , and th en the other students sho uld ask questio n orally to herhim based on the folktale. In th e last meeting, the writer asked the students to the folktale aloud. After th at she divided th e students into six groups each group consist of 6-7 students to discuss the folktale and determine th ain idea an d sup porting idea in each paragraph, and then summarize it. After that the writer would ask some students to retell the folktale with their own words. It gave them more chance to speak and share their op inion, so they could the simple past tense Acting 16 both written and sp oken. In this stage, the writer an d the English teacher made observation and discussio n together. It saw that the students responses in cycle III were well . They were very enthusiast du rin g the class. The students looked master th e lesson, they can understand wh at did the text talk about, and they d id not have difficulty to make a sentence in simp le past tense both used verb o r to be , they also can retell th e story well and confidently although som etimes they stuck in some words, but it was a good progress for th . The writer will explain the observation per meeting in detail, th e examples in th is explan ation can be seen in Appendix 5 page 80-82. In the first meeting, th e English teacher saw that there was a progress in students writing. They cou ld use in the approp riate place, their writings organization also better than before. It seemed in thi sample: .” On the other hand, they did not know where to put the parts of speech correctl . Ex: Their reading comprehension also good, they could understand what did the passage talk about and cou ld answer some question well. In the second meeting, they showed improvement in writing and speaking. The task to make a summary from the text was success to improve their writin g skill. They could resume a story bit by it. For exam ple: Their speaking also well enough, they could ask so me questions orally , although there were some mistakes on it, for example stud ent U asked It should b e c . Observing to be “ Yesterday, I went to school at 06.30 . I go with my friends and my sister. I went home and watched TV, and then I was sleepy. I slep t a t 01.00-02.00 “ Me and my family together all ho me, me and my family to gether went to Samudra atlantik. ” “Once upon day, live a ant, she is very diligent, she always wo rk all day, and sh e always think fu ture.” “why ant did not allow grassho pper enter her ho me”? 17 “why did no t a nt allow the grasshopper to enter her home”? “I stu died English ”, “I watched Cinta Fitri with my mother”, “I d id my homework”, “think” “About last week on Tuesday, my school would held some competition just for Business and Management fa culty. Mrs. Rini, my English teacher was choose me to followed that competition. Three studen ts from my class were follow “English Debate”. Last Frid ay, me, Desy, a nd Reski cam to school again abou t 0 3.00 pm for la st exercise “English Debate”. In the last meeting, the writer and the En glish teach realized that th e students grammar especially simp le past tense, read ng, writing, and speaking skills were good enou gh. They could understand the forms positive, negative, and interro gative and usage of simple past tense well For example, usually before th e lesson started, the writer always asked the “ what did you do last nigh t?”, and in this meeting they could answer correctly like students N answered th e other said and so o n. Th eir reading comprehensio n is also good, they had no difficulty to determine the main idea and sup porting idea, they also understand what the folktale talked ab In speaking, they did it well eno ugh because of the discussion activity regularly. One problem in speaking was pronunciation, the stud ents just need more practice to make it better. Most o f students could not pronounce word ? I ? correctly; they pronounced it like this t I ? I ? ? I ? e of the students writing The writer was quite satisfied with the result. Although the stud ents score of Post-test 3 did not increase significantly; b their p rogress was pretty good . Based on the result of the observation, the writer and the English k , s or . W riting was the most difficult skill for the students, so the progress was slowest than the other skills. However, they could improve their writing skill bit by bit in this meeting and it was not really bad now. There was on d . Reflecting 18 teacher evaluated the teach ing learning process that has been conducted together. The result showed that the stu dents got a good progress in understand ing simple past tense by u sing folktale. They kn ew the verb 2 forms correctly especially the irregular verbs, their understanding of reading a passage improved too; th ey knew and understand what did th e story talk about so they could retell the story well. Moreover, their writing skill was better alth ough it was not really good and there were some mistakes on it, but they could make th r own stories and activities bit by bit. They understood th e simple past tense well and could use it both written and sp oken. The discussion of the data after implementing the acti consisted of two parts. Those were the result of post interview and the result o f po sttest. For further descriptions as following: After implementing the folktale as a media to improve the stud ents understand ing of simple past tense, the writer interviewed the English teacher. It was conducted on Friday , January 25 th 2010 after finishing cycle 3. From the interview, it was kno wn that there was improvement for th e students in un derstanding simple past tense through folktale. The stud ents skills like reading, writing an d speaking also had progress. The students mastered the verb forms both regular and irregular, th y could make sentences in simple past form p ositive, negative, and interrogative. Moreover they also cou ld apply the simple past tense in speaking and writing.


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