Created by SharpDevelop. User: Excited Date: 2162016 Time: 7:11 PM To change this template use Tools | Options | Coding | Edit Standard Headers. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace enkrip { summary Description of MainForm. summary public partial class MainForm : Form { public MainForm { The InitializeComponent call is required for Windows Forms designer support. InitializeComponent ; TODO : Add constructor code after the InitializeComponent call. } void Button3Click object sender, EventArgs e { Universitas Sumatera Utara } void Button1Click object sender, EventArgs e { } void ExitToolStripMenuItemClick object sender, EventArgs e { Application. Exit ; } void EnkripToolStripMenuItemClick object sender, EventArgs e { enkrip pindah = new enkrip ; this. Hide ; pindah. ShowDialog ; } void DekripToolStripMenuItemClick object sender, EventArgs e { dekrip pindah = new dekrip ; this. Hide ; pindah. ShowDialog ; } void AboutToolStripMenuItemClick object sender, EventArgs e { about pindah = new about ; this. Hide ; pindah. ShowDialog ; } void HomeToolStripMenuItemClick object sender, EventArgs e { MainForm pindah = new MainForm ; this. Hide ; pindah. ShowDialog ; } Universitas Sumatera Utara } }


Created by SharpDevelop. User: Excited Date: 2172016 Time: 7:32 PM To change this template use Tools | Options | Coding | Edit Standard Headers. using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; using org.jivesoftware.util; namespace enkrip { summary Description of enkrip. summary public partial class enkrip : Form { public enkrip { The InitializeComponent call is required for Windows Forms designer support. InitializeComponent ; TODO : Add constructor code after the InitializeComponent call. } void ExitToolStripMenuItemClick object sender, EventArgs e { Universitas Sumatera Utara Application. Exit ; } void HomeToolStripMenuItemClick object sender, EventArgs e { MainForm pindah = new MainForm ; this. Hide ; pindah. ShowDialog ; } void DekripToolStripMenuItemClick object sender, EventArgs e { dekrip pindah = new dekrip ; this. Hide ; pindah. ShowDialog ; } void AboutToolStripMenuItemClick object sender, EventArgs e { about pindah = new about ; this. Hide ; pindah. ShowDialog ; } void EnkripToolStripMenuItemClick object sender, EventArgs e { enkrip pindah = new enkrip ; this. Hide ; pindah. ShowDialog ; } void Button1Click object sender, EventArgs e { try { OpenFileDialog open = new OpenFileDialog ; open.Filter = Image Files .bmp|.bmp ; if open. ShowDialog == DialogResult.OK { Bitmap bit = new Bitmap open.FileName; if bit.Height = 600 bit.Width = 600 Universitas Sumatera Utara { pictureBox1.Image = bit; } else MessageBox. Show Image Pixel must be 300x300 px , Warning ; } } catch Exception { throw new ApplicationException Failed loading image ; } } void Button2Click object sender, EventArgs e { Blowfish algo = new Blowfish textBox1.Text; Bitmap image = new Bitmap pictureBox1.Image; int isi = ; int xi = image.Width; int yi = image.Height; string redasli= ; string greenasli= ; string blueasli= ; for int i = ; i yi; i++ { for int j = ; j xi; j++ { redasli = redasli + char image. GetPixel j,i.R; greenasli = greenasli + char image. GetPixel j,i.G; blueasli = blueasli + char image. GetPixel j,i.B; } } string redenkrip = algo. encryptString redasli; string greenenkrip = algo. encryptString greenasli; string blueenkrip = algo. encryptString blueasli; int ukurenkrip = int Math. Ceiling double Math. Sqrt redenkrip.Length; Bitmap imagehasil = new Bitmap ukurenkrip,ukurenkrip; double redf,greenf,bluef; Universitas Sumatera Utara for int i = ; i ukurenkrip; i++ { for int j = ; j ukurenkrip; j++ { if isiredenkrip.Length- 1 break ; redf = double redenkrip[isi]; greenf = double greenenkrip[isi]; bluef = double blueenkrip[isi]; imagehasil. SetPixel j,i,Color. FromArgb 255 , int redf, int greenf, i nt bluef; redf= ;greenf= ;bluef= ;isi++; } } pictureBox2.Image = imagehasil; richTextBox1.Text = redasli.Length.ToString; richTextBox2.Text = greenasli.Length.ToString; richTextBox3.Text = blueasli.Length.ToString; richTextBox4.Text = redenkrip.Length.ToString; richTextBox5.Text = greenenkrip.Length.ToString; richTextBox6.Text = ukurenkrip.ToString; MessageBox. Show siap ; } void Button3Click object sender, EventArgs e { if pictureBox2.Image =null { SaveFileDialog simpan = new SaveFileDialog ; simpan.Filter = Image Files | .bmp ; simpan.FileName = .bmp ; if simpan. ShowDialog == DialogResult.OK { pictureBox2.Image. Save simpan.FileName, System.Drawing.Imagin g.ImageFormat.Bmp; Universitas Sumatera Utara MessageBox. Show Citra hasil telah disimpan , simpan , MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information; } } else { MessageBox. Show Citra hasill belum ada ; } } } }