Improving StudentsÂ’ Writing Ability through STAD (Student Teams Achievement Divisio FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF MUHAMMADIYAH MALANG Division) Method at Second Grade at Mts Urwatul Wutsqo Jombang



This chapter presents research background, research problem, problem limitation, research objective, research significance, and definition of the key terms.

1.1Research Background

English becomes one of the compulsory lessons in junior and senior high schools in Indonesia. Harmer (2004) said that teaching writing is a way to give guidance to the students to write, help the students to gain an idea, and motivate the students to write. Furthermore, the teacher has to give feedback to their writing in terms of the content, grammar, and coherence. Teaching English as a foreign language is not easy because it is not our native language. Hence, the students face difficulties in English writing.

There are many problems that are faced by teachers and students during the teaching learning process. Based on the researcher’s observations at Mts Al Urwatul Wutsqo Jombang, the students’ problems were lack of vocabulary, misspelling, and poor development of ideas in a written form. The other problem experienced by the students was that they felt the writing activity in classroom was boring because the teacher only used lecturing method during the teaching and learning process. As a result, the students lack practice to compose a text. Consequently, this made the writing class uninteresting because the students were



not involved in the learning activities. In addition, the student also felt sleepy in the classroom during the teaching learning process.

This problem also was found by Hertina (2008), who was conducted research at English department in UMM. The research showed that teachers’ problem in teaching writing was the students couldn’t pay attention carefully at the expanding of ideas, the unspecific of topic sentences, and unexposed the critical thinking to develop the ideas. Furthermore, Fitri et al (2013) research at SMPN 29 Padang also found that the students’ problems in writing were content, grammar, and vocabulary. These problems have to be solved because content, grammar, and vocabulary are the main things for composing and producing a good paragraph.

Accordingly, the teachers must be creative to find out the appropriate method in teaching writing. Brown (2000) said that, “A generalized set of classroom specification for accomplishing linguistic objectives“ (p. 16). This means that method as the way to implement the teacher’s plan to help the students improve their writing ability. In addition, method is needed to get the maximum result for students’ writing.

There are many methods that can be used to teach languages skill such as Grammar Translation Method, Direct Method, Audio Lingual Method, Total Physical Responses, Silent Way, and Cooperative Learning (Brown, 2000). Therefore, the teachers can choose one of the methods to be applied for their student and the material that will be discussed in their classes.



One of the methods that can be used in teaching writing is cooperative learning method. This method has several model, namely Jigsaw, Numbered Head Together (NHT), Snowball Throwing, Two Stay Two Stray, Think Pair Share (TPS), Cooperative Script, Team Games Tournament (TGT), Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC), and the last one is (STAD) Student Teams-Achievement Divisions.

In this research, STAD (Student Teams-Achievement Divisions) will be implemented by researcher at Mts Al Urwatul Wutsqo Jombang. Based on Jon and Annette (2013) explain that:

Student Teams-Achievement Divisions, one of a set of instructional techniques developed and researched at Johns Hopkins University collectively known as Student Team Learning, which are based on the idea of having students work in cooperative learning teams to learn academic objectives. (p. 426)

This means that STAD emphasizes team work to complete the teams’ goal. The researcher believes that STAD makes the writing activity is interesting because the entire student is divided into some groups and the students can discuss each other about their writing. In addition, the students become the centre of learning by using this method.

Several researchers have applied STAD method to improve the students’ skill. Willy (2014) found that STAD could improve the students’ speaking ability in speaking class at STKIP PGRI Tulungagung in the academic year of 2013/2014. It was then supported by Anto (2013) who found that the students’ reading competence that were taught by using STAD had improved. Moreover, Sukma (2013) found that using STAD method in teaching reading comprehension



of fifth grade students at SDN Kalinongko in the academic year 2012/2013 proved to be effective.

From the above evidences, it can be concluded that STAD (Student Teams-Achievement Divisions) is an effective method. By using STAD method, the students’ achievement had improved and it made the students to be the center of learning because this method focuses on the students’ activity, not the teachers. In addition, the finding also proved that this method was applicable and effective in teaching speaking and reading skills. As a result, the researcher wants to conduct a research to prove whether STAD (Student Teams-Achievement Divisions) method can improve the students’ writing ability at Mts Al Urwatul Wutsqo Jombang or not.

1.2 Research Problem

Considering the research background, the researcher formulates the research problem as follows: “Does teaching writing using STAD (Student Teams-Achievement Divisions) method improve the students’ writing ability at Mts Al Urwatul Wutsqo Jombang?”

1.3 Research Objectives

Based on the research problem, the purpose of the study is stated as follows: “To reveal whether STAD (Student Teams-Achievement Divisions) method improves the students’ writing ability at Mts Al Urwatul Wutsqo Jombang.”


5 1.4 Problem Limitation

The scope of the study is focused on the use of STAD (Student Teams-Achievement Divisions) in teaching writing. Then, the study is limited to the second graders of Mts Al Urwatul Wutsqo Jombang.

1.5 Research Significance

The result of this research is expected to give some contribution to the teachers, students, and the next researchers. The teachers are expected to use STAD (Student Teams-Achievement Divisions) method as one of the ways to improve the students’ writing ability. Furthermore, the result of the research can be used as additional information to develop the quality of teachers’ teaching learning process. For the students, the students are expected to gain motivation in learning and developing their writing and giving improvement in the students’ achievement. For the next researchers, the result of the research can be used as are reference to conduct the similar topic.

1.6 Definition of Terms

To avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation, the researcher presents some terms used in this study, as follows:

1. STAD (Student Teams-Achievement Divisions) is one of the methods used in Cooperative Learning, for mixed-ability groupings involving team recognition and group responsibility for individual learning, (Aqib, 2013).



2. Writing is non-verbal communication in a written form that exposes feelings and ideas. The use of diction, vocabulary and grammar becomes requirement to make the idea accurate (Harmer, 2004).

3. Mts Al Urwatul Wutsqo Jombang is a name of Islamic junior high school which is located in Jombang. Where, the school has two classes for the second grade, namely 8 A and 8 B.

1.7 Hypothesis

To give tentative answers of the research problem, the hypotheses are formulated as follows:

Ho (Null hypothesis): Teaching writing using STAD (Student Team-Achievement Division) method doesn’t improve students’ writing ability at Mts Al Urwatul Wutsqo Jombang.

Hi (Alternative hypothesis): Teaching writing using STAD (Student Team-Achievement Division) method improves students’ writing ability at Mts Al Urwatul Wutsqo Jombang.


Improving Students’ Writing Ability through STAD (Student

Teams Achievement Divisio



Improving Students’ Writing Ability through STAD (Student

Teams Achievement Division) Method at Second Grade at Mts

Urwatul Wutsqo Jombang



Arieska Satifa






Improving Students’ Writing Ability through STAD (Student

n) Method at Second Grade at Mts Al




Improving Students’ Writing Ability through STAD (Student

Teams Achievement Division) Method at Second Grade at Mts Al

This thesis is submitted to meet one of the requirements to achieve

Sarjana Degree in English Department



Improving Students’ Writing Ability through STAD (Student

Teams Achievement Division) Method at Second Grade at Mts Al

Urwatul Wutsqo Jombang


This thesis is submitted to meet one of the requirements to achieve

Sarjana Degree in English Department


Arieska Satifa






Improving Students’ Writing Ability through STAD (Student

Teams Achievement Division) Method at Second Grade at Mts Al

This thesis is submitted to meet one of the requirements to achieve








“Karena sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan ada kemudahan, sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan ada kemudahan”(Q.S Al-Insyirah: 5-6)

“If we out of the comfortable zone, we surprised how the beauty of life” This thesis is dedicated specially for:

1. My beloved parents who support and lead me to be educated daughter. 2. My grandfather and grandmother, thanks a lot for loving me.

3. My little brother “Adi Saputra” thanks a lot for your caring that makes me become wiser sister.

4. All my friends in English Department 2011 for A class, thanks for becoming my friends and specially thanks to :

a. Babussalam boarding house’s member b. Ismar Dian Arini

c. Saza Rozella Kasih d. Fransiska Liliati e. Luluk Nasefah

You have taught me the meaning of togetherness, value of respect, and the importance of sharing. You are not only as my best friend but as my sibling. You are the best people that I ever had in my life.





Praised be to Allah, the lord of the world, that has given the researcher His love and compassion to finish the last requirement to get Sarjana degree. Peace salutation is upon to the prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his companion, and his followers.

Its pleasure to acknowledge the help and contribution to this writing in different ways during this thesis is processed until it becomes a complete writing which will be presented to the faculty of teacher training and education and the English department to fulfillment the requirements of the degree of Sarjana.

The writer would like to express her greatest love and honor to first advisor. Dr. Hartono M.Pd and second advisor Nurakhfini Septiany, M.A., M.Ed for their valuable help, guidance, corrections, and suggestions until the thesis could be finished. The writer's sincere gratitude also goes to Mts Al urwatul Wutsqo Jombang that allow the writer to conduct the research. The critiques and suggestion are needed to make the thesis better.

Malang, October 2015 The writer




Approval page ... i

Dedication and Motto ... iii

Statement of Work’s originality ... iv

Abstract ... v

Acknowledgement ... vi

Table of Contents ... vii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research Background……….………..…1

1.2 Research Problem………...4

1.3 Research Objective………...4

1.4 Problem Limitation………...5

1.5 Research Significances………...………...5

1.6 Definition of Terms………...………...5

1.7 Hypothesis………6

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Teaching English at Junior High School………...7

2.2 Teaching of Writing Skill at Junior High School………..…...9

2.3 Teaching Method………...……….………11

2.4 Student Team-Achievement Divisions (STAD) as method…………...…...13

CHAPTER III RESEARCH DESIGN 3.1 Research Design ………...17



3.2 Population Research………..…...18

3.3 Research Instrument………19

3.4 Treatment………...……..19

3.5 Data Collection………....21

3.6 Data Analysis……….……….22


1.2 Discussion………..………...27


5.2 Suggestions………..………...31





Ary, Donald et al. 2010. “Introduction to Research in Education (Eight Edition)”. USA. Wadsworth.

Brown, H Douglas. 2000. " Teaching By Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy (Second Edition)“. San Francisco, California. Longman.

Cahyono, Yudi Bambang. 2010. “The Teaching of English Language Skills and English Language Component”. Malang. University State of Malang. Depdiknas.2006


"Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional No. 22 tentang Standar

Isi Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMP dan MTS". Jakarta.

Gumilang, Willy Anugrah. 2014."The use of STAD (Student Teams Achievement Divisions)" to Improve the Students' Speaking ability in Speaking 3 Class-E at STKIP PGRI TULUNGAGUNG in the Academic year 2013-2014. Tulungagung. STKIP PGRI TULUNGAGUNG.

Harmer, Jeremy. 2004.”How to teach writing”. England. Pearson- Longman. Harmer, Jeremy. 2007.”How to Teach English”. England. Pearson- Longman. KurniaAstuti, Hertina. 2008. “The Problems Faced by the Teacher in Teaching

Writing II to the Fourth Semester Students of English Department of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang”. Malang. University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

Larsen, Diane and Freeman. 2000. "Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching (Second Edition)". New York.Oxford University Press.

Lie, Anita. 2003. “Cooperative Learning: Memperaktikan Cooperative Learning di ruang-ruangkelas”. Jakarta. PT. GramediaWidiasarana.

Purnama sari, Fitri "Analysis of Students' Ability and Problems in Writing Recount Texts at Grade VIII of SMPN 29 PADANG". Padang. FBS Universitas Negeri Padang.

Richard. C Jack and Willy A Renandya. 2002. "Methodology language teaching".



Slavin, Robert E. 2005. “Cooperative Learning: Teori, Riset dan Praktik”. Bandung. Nusa Media.

Anto, Jhony 2013. "The Effect of Student Team Achievement Divisions (STAD) and Learning Motivation Toward the Students' Reading Competence of the Eighth Year Student of SMP N 3 UBUD in the academic year 2012/2013 ". Singaraja. Ganesha University of Education. Pederson, Jon E and Annette D Digby. 2013. "Secondary School and Cooperative

learning: theories, models, and strategies". New York. Routledge.

Sukma, Toni. 2013. “The Effectiveness of Using STAD (Student Team Achievement Division) method in teaching Reading Comprehension at the Fifth grade student of SD N Kalinongko in the Academic Year 2012/2013”. Purworejo. Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo.




Praised be to Allah, the lord of the world, that has given the researcher His love and compassion to finish the last requirement to get Sarjana degree. Peace salutation is upon to the prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his companion, and his followers.

Its pleasure to acknowledge the help and contribution to this writing in different ways during this thesis is processed until it becomes a complete writing which will be presented to the faculty of teacher training and education and the English department to fulfillment the requirements of the degree of Sarjana.

The writer would like to express her greatest love and honor to first advisor. Dr. Hartono M.Pd and second advisor Nurakhfini Septiany, M.A., M.Ed for their valuable help, guidance, corrections, and suggestions until the thesis could be finished. The writer's sincere gratitude also goes to Mts Al urwatul

Wutsqo Jombang that allow the writer to conduct the research. The critiques and suggestion are needed to make the thesis better.

Malang, October 2015




Approval page ... i

Dedication and Motto ... iii

Statement of Work’s originality ... iv

Abstract ... v

Acknowledgement ... vi

Table of Contents ... vii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research Background……….………..…1

1.2 Research Problem………...4

1.3 Research Objective………...4

1.4 Problem Limitation………...5

1.5 Research Significances………...………...5

1.6 Definition of Terms………...………...5

1.7 Hypothesis………6

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Teaching English at Junior High School………...7

2.2 Teaching of Writing Skill at Junior High School………..…...9

2.3 Teaching Method………...……….………11

2.4 Student Team-Achievement Divisions (STAD) as method…………...…...13

CHAPTER III RESEARCH DESIGN 3.1Research Design ………...17


3.2Population Research………..…...18

3.3Research Instrument………19


3.5Data Collection………....21

3.6Data Analysis……….……….22








Ary, Donald et al. 2010. “Introduction to Research in Education (Eight Edition)”. USA. Wadsworth.

Brown, H Douglas. 2000. " Teaching By Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy (Second Edition)“. San Francisco, California. Longman.

Cahyono, Yudi Bambang. 2010. “The Teaching of English Language Skills and English Language Component”. Malang. University State of Malang. Depdiknas.2006


"Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional No. 22 tentang Standar

Isi Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMP dan MTS". Jakarta.

Gumilang, Willy Anugrah. 2014."The use of STAD (Student Teams Achievement Divisions)" to Improve the Students' Speaking ability in Speaking 3 Class-E at STKIP PGRI TULUNGAGUNG in the Academic year 2013-2014. Tulungagung. STKIP PGRI TULUNGAGUNG.

Harmer, Jeremy. 2004.”How to teach writing”. England. Pearson- Longman. Harmer, Jeremy. 2007.”How to Teach English”. England. Pearson- Longman. KurniaAstuti, Hertina. 2008. “The Problems Faced by the Teacher in Teaching

Writing II to the Fourth Semester Students of English Department of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang”. Malang. University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

Larsen, Diane and Freeman. 2000. "Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching (Second Edition)". New York.Oxford University Press.

Lie, Anita. 2003. “Cooperative Learning: Memperaktikan Cooperative Learning di ruang-ruangkelas”. Jakarta. PT. GramediaWidiasarana.

Purnama sari, Fitri "Analysis of Students' Ability and Problems in Writing Recount Texts at Grade VIII of SMPN 29 PADANG". Padang. FBS Universitas Negeri Padang.

Richard. C Jack and Willy A Renandya. 2002. "Methodology language teaching". United States. Cambridge University Press.


Slavin, Robert E. 2005. “Cooperative Learning: Teori, Riset dan Praktik”. Bandung. Nusa Media.

Anto, Jhony 2013. "The Effect of Student Team Achievement Divisions (STAD) and Learning Motivation Toward the Students' Reading Competence of the Eighth Year Student of SMP N 3 UBUD in the academic year 2012/2013 ". Singaraja. Ganesha University of Education.

Pederson, Jon E and Annette D Digby. 2013. "Secondary School and Cooperative learning: theories, models, and strategies". New York. Routledge.

Sukma, Toni. 2013. “The Effectiveness of Using STAD (Student Team Achievement Division) method in teaching Reading Comprehension at the Fifth grade student of SD N Kalinongko in the Academic Year 2012/2013”. Purworejo. Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo.

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