











MOTTO AND DEDICATION In the name of Alloh

“………And when you are told, “arise”, then arise; Alloh will raise those who have believed among you and those who were gives knowledge, by

degeress………….” (Al-Mujadalah:11)

Alloh will exalt in degree those of you who believe and those who have been granted knowledge. And Alloh is well acquainted with what you do.

Thanks to each livelihood Thanks to each chance and opportunity

Thanks to each breath in my life

I dedicated this thesis to: My beloved mother ( Ibunda Suyinah ) My beloved father ( Ayahanda Ar i ) My Sister ( Mbak Junar ia ) My little br other and sister (Kar in and Alfin ) My beloved uncle, aunt, older sister and br other My beloved father ( Kyai Luthfi, Bapak Indr a, Bapak dedy, Abah and Mas Far id) My beloved teacher (Mam Diana) My beloved fr iendship ( Tiwol, Eni, Cuyu, Koncr eng, Bayu, Rina, etc) Thank you for your love, suppor t and pr ay. I love you all, ever and after .





Alhamdulillahirrobbil ‘alamin. All praise to Alloh who has given His blessing and affection, so the writer could finish her thesis. Everything is nothing without Alloh guidance. Sholawat and Salam are always given to our Prophet Muhammad SAW.

The writer would like to express her deepest gratitude to Drs. Jarum M.Ed as the first advisor and Khayrudin M.Pd as the second advisor who have guided and given their advice, suggestion and correction during the consultation period.

In addition, the writer would like to thank to these people who given their motivation and idea in this thesis. They are:

1. My beloved parents, Bapak Ari and Ibu Suyinah who always supported and gave advice on finishing this thesis. Thank you for your love and pray.

2. The Head of SMPN 10 Probolinggo and the two class teachers (Mam Emy and Mam Azza) who had gave the opportunity to conduct the research.

3. My Sister ( Mbak Junaria ), My beloved father ( Kyai Luthfi, Bapak Indra, Bapak dedy, Abah and Mas Farid), My beloved teacher (Mam Diana), My beloved friendship ( Tiwol, Eni, Cuyu, Koncreng, Bayu, Rina, Nunun, Lena, Ali )

4. All my roommates, Mbak Cendol, Mbak Bom, Ami, Enje, Atmut, Ritong, Nuyink, Penyok Settong.

5. My friends, Madul, Poobie, Mas Tajudin, Mas Arip, Mas Dondik.

Malang, 22 August, 2013 The Writer









LIST OF TABLE ... viii


1.1 Background of Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of problem ... 4

1.3 Purpose of the Study ... 5

1.4 Significance of the study ... 5

1.5 Scope and Limitation ... 6

1.6 Definition of Key Terms ... 6


2.1 Curriculum ... 8

2.2 Worksheet ... 11

2.2.1 The Role of Worksheet ... 11

2.2.2 The Criteria of Good Worksheet ... 12

2.3 Kinds of Test ... 13

2.4 Classification of Test based on the Answer ... 13

2.5 The Characteristic of a good test ... 15

2.5.1 Validity ... 15 Face Validity ... 16 Content Validity ... 17


vii Empirical validity ... 18

2.5.2 Reliability ... 19

2.5.3 Discrimination Index... 19

2.6 Previous Study ... 20


3.1 Research Design ... 21

3.2 Research Object ... 21

3.3 Research Instrument ... 23

3.3.1 The Researcher ... 23

3.3.2 Worksheet ... 23

3.3.2 Checklist ... 23

3.4 Data Collection ... 24

3.5 Data Analysis ... 24


4.1 Research Findings ... 26

4.2 Discussion ... 31


5.1 Conclusion ... 34

5.2 Suggestion ... 35

5.2.1 For the constructor... 35

5.2.2 For the teacher ... 35

5.2.3 For further researcher ... 35 REFERENCES



Table 3.1 The Table of Content of Worksheet Prestasi ... 22 Table 3.2 The Question items’ appropriate with the material ... 24 Table 4.1 The Result of the checklist by the researcher herself ... 26




Cunningsworth, A. 1995. Choosing your Coursebook. Oxford: The Bath Press. Hartono. 2002. Bagaimana Menulis Thesis?. Malang: UMM Press.

Heaton J.B. 1989. Writing English Language Tests. London and New York. Longman Group New York. (accessed on 10 May, 2013) based-curriculum-ktsp-for-the-teaching-of-english-as-a-foreign-language-at-smpn-102-jakarta/ (accessed on 5 May, 2013)

Khotimah, Khusnul. 2010. Textbook used at SMK Negeri 3 Malang: A content analysis. Thesis, English Department. Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang.

Litz, D. 2005. Textbook Evaluation an ELT Management: A South Korean case study. ( accessed on 12 March, 2013)

Mariani, Titik. 2006. The Validity and Reliability of English Test Items of the sixth Grade Students of Elementary School in Tirtoyudo (A Case Study on SDN Sumber Tangkil 02 and MI. Fathul Ulum). Unpublished Thesis UMM

Muslich, M. 2007. KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) Dasar Pengembangan dan Pemahaman. Jakarta. Bumi Aksara.

Nitko, Anthony J. 1983. Educational Tests and Measurement. New York. Harcount Brace Jannovich, Inc.

Purwanti, Endang. 2002. Evaluasi Pendidikan. Malang:UMM Press

Sax, Gilbert. 1980. Principle of Educational and Psychological Measurement and Evaluation (Second Edition). California: Wadsworth Publishing Company. Ur, P. 1996. A course in Language Teaching, Practice and Theory. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press.


Appendix 1: The worksheet of Chapter II of Reading Skill

Appendix 3: Annual Program (PROTA)

Appendix 4: Semester Program (PROMES) and Syllabus

Appendix 5: Lesson Plan 1

Appendix 6: Lesson Plan 2

Appendix 7: Lesson Plan 3

Appendix 8: Lesson Plan 4

Appendix 9: Lesson Plan 5





This chapter consists of background of the study, statements of the problems, objectives of the study, scope and limitation of study, significance of the study, and definition of the key terms.

1.1 Background of the study

In Indonesia, English is a foreign language and it is a very important language, including for junior high school students. It is taught as one of the compulsory subjects and given a primary status among other foreign languages. So, English is a major subject to learn.

To achieve the aim of teaching English at junior high school, the objectives of the learning English must be shown clearly. English instruction in junior high school covers four skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing. According to Arifin (2004), listening is the first language mode that children acquire. Reading is a process of getting meaning and ideas from the text. Speaking is expression of someone, pronunciation out to speak for the learner of speaking English and complex skill requiring the simultaneous use a number of different rates, consisting of pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. Writing is the act of verbalizing thought, vision and urgent message. All of those skills are very important to learn.



In addition, materials also should be suitable with the learning objective. Therefore, the textbooks being used in Indonesia for EFL context have to be appropriate with the EFL learners’ needs. In English as a Foreign Language (EFL) situation, students rarely have the opportunity to use English outside the classroom, for it seems to be the only place where students receive input, and the English textbook seems to be the main material for both teachers and students to rely (Park, 2004).

Worksheet is needed by the students to study the material and do assignment. Without worksheet, they do not have guideline to study in the school. In fact, worksheet is usually used in many schools. In some schools, textbooks are taken for granted. In the others, they may not be used at all. Teachers prefer to use worksheet than textbook. They use textbook only for supplementary material. Therefore a research on this topic is needed.

Using worksheet has become “culture” in our education. Many subjects taught since elementary level until high level use worksheet. Most of teachers assess students’ development in teaching learning process by using it. Although worksheet is commonly used, teachers have to think twice to do like those in assessment process if they really want their students to have better development in their class.

There is a correlation between textbooks and worksheets. Textbook is the main material, whereas worksheet is the complement of textbook. There are many elements of worksheet: the structure, the vocabulary, the exercise, and the illustration. But the writer here only focuses on the exercises and their relations with the learning objectives. According to Arifin (2004), to arrange the good worksheet, teachers must



consider three aspects, they are National Education Purpose, Local Need and Students Need.

Pusat Perbukuan Depdiknas (the National Institution that handles research) (2005:25-26) proposes the criteria of EFL good textbook is instructional and material. The instructional are based on the standard competencies of the English curriculum. Material of the language micro skills which include listening, speaking, reading and writing are integrated.

Since practice teaching (PPL), the researcher has used worksheet (LKS) as the main material and also as evaluation to assess the students’ ability. Meanwhile, the researcher thinks that worksheet plays an important role to support students’ needs both at school and at home. Then the researcher decides to use worksheet in SMPN 10 Probolinggo where she used to study in. This research is considered new, because some previous research just focuses on content analysis and the criteria of the worksheet. The researcher also has asked to the teachers in the school about this LKS. They said they were skeptical about the appropriateness of the LKS for one semester between the materials and the items or exercises and the learning objectives. And the researcher here is recommended by the classroom teacher to analyze this LKS (with record and check list attached). Finally, the researcher would analyze the LKS focusing on the exercises and the learning objectives. The closer research to this research is conducted by Arifin (2004), which used a descriptive design. The object of this study was the worksheet for the second year students arranged by MGMP team in Trenggalek. The findings showed that the final score of the worksheet was 83 %. It was categorized very good. The quality of vocabulary element was categorized



good by score 71%. It included the vocabularies appropriateness with the level of students, vocabularies repetition and vocabularies usage, correct spelling of words, etc. Meanwhile, the quality of structure element was categorized very good by score 84%. It included levels of difficulties, grammatical errors, logical order of sentences, etc. Moreover, the quality of exercise element was excellent by score 100%. It included exercises to develop students’ understanding, variety different works that students can apply, the exercises which are appropriate with the level of the students, etc. Last was the quality of illustration element which score 80% and was categorized very good. It included the picture clarity, the picture attractiveness, the picture appropriateness with the topics, picture relevance with the instructions and the pictures were colorful.

This research focuses on an analysis of the items of students’ worksheet for ninth graders at SMPN 10 Probolinggo. This study analyzes an English worksheet entitled: PRESTASI. The authors are Tim Prestasi. This worksheet is published by PAP (Prestasi Agung Pratama) in 2012.

1.2 Statement of Problems

The main research problem for this study is divided into several specific problems stated below. This general research question items refined into the following specific question:

“How are the reading questions items’ in chapter II in worksheet PRESTASI appropriate with the material in lesson plan for the ninth graders in the first semester at SMPN 10 Probolinggo?”



a. How is the format of reading question items in PRESTASI in chapter II? b. How is the instruction of reading question items in PRESTASI in chapter II?

1.3. Purpose of the Study

In accordance with the statement of the research problems, this study attempts to analyze how much the students’ worksheet appropriate with the learning objectives, materials and question items.

“To know about the appropriateness between the lesson plan to the materials and question items in chapter II in the worksheet’ PRESTASI”

a. To know about the format of reading question items in chapter II, PRESTASI. b. To know about the instruction of reading question items in chapter II, PRESTASI.

1.4 Significance of the study

The result of the study is expected to be able to give contribution the English teacher, the book publisher and the future researcher, as well.

For the English teacher the result of the study can be taken as consideration in choosing LKS in order to make the students understand more about the materials.

For book publisher, in the future this result of this study is the guidelines for making some improvement.

For researcher, this result of the study will be the source for selecting the best materials.



1.5 Scope and Limitation

The reason why choose this worksheet is because this worksheet has checked the appropriateness before, thus the researcher choose this worksheet to be analyzed.

Reading comprehension is the way how to know and understand the material of reading deeply to gain and obtain the information implicitly and explicitly.

Ninth graders as the last class in Junior High School to finished the National Examination and move to the higher level.

So that, in this research, the researcher wants to analyze the appropriateness of the question items of reading skill in chapter II of the worksheet “PRESTASI” in relation to the learning objectives and material stipulated in the lesson plan and curriculum for the ninth graders in the first semester at SMPN 10 Probolinggo.

Also this worksheet has been checked the appropriateness with curriculum and the relation to the lesson plan. So that the researcher analyzed this worksheet.

1.6 Definition of Key terms

1. Quality is degree of goodness or worth of something (in this case is textbook) ( In this research, the quality is determined by the appropriateness of researcher questions with the worksheet.

2. Test is the number of question that should be answered and or assignment need to be finished that will inform about particular psychology aspect based on the test-takers answers toward the questions or the way and the result of the subjects result on doing the test (Azwar, 2005).



3. English Worksheet is a page (two) of tasks, distributed to each student to do either in class or at home, intended to be written on, and usually taken in by the teacher to be checked. Teacher made test can be seen as a specific kind of worksheet (Ur:1996). In this case, worksheet is conclusion of important point of textbook and exercise.


In addition, materials also should be suitable with the learning objective. Therefore, the textbooks being used in Indonesia for EFL context have to be appropriate with the EFL learners’ needs. In English as a Foreign Language (EFL) situation, students rarely have the opportunity to use English outside the classroom, for it seems to be the only place where students receive input, and the English textbook seems to be the main material for both teachers and students to rely (Park, 2004).

Worksheet is needed by the students to study the material and do assignment. Without worksheet, they do not have guideline to study in the school. In fact, worksheet is usually used in many schools. In some schools, textbooks are taken for granted. In the others, they may not be used at all. Teachers prefer to use worksheet than textbook. They use textbook only for supplementary material. Therefore a research on this topic is needed.

Using worksheet has become “culture” in our education. Many subjects taught since elementary level until high level use worksheet. Most of teachers assess students’ development in teaching learning process by using it. Although worksheet is commonly used, teachers have to think twice to do like those in assessment process if they really want their students to have better development in their class.

There is a correlation between textbooks and worksheets. Textbook is the main material, whereas worksheet is the complement of textbook. There are many elements of worksheet: the structure, the vocabulary, the exercise, and the illustration. But the writer here only focuses on the exercises and their relations with the learning objectives. According to Arifin (2004), to arrange the good worksheet, teachers must


consider three aspects, they are National Education Purpose, Local Need and Students Need.

Pusat Perbukuan Depdiknas (the National Institution that handles research) (2005:25-26) proposes the criteria of EFL good textbook is instructional and material. The instructional are based on the standard competencies of the English curriculum. Material of the language micro skills which include listening, speaking, reading and writing are integrated.

Since practice teaching (PPL), the researcher has used worksheet (LKS) as the main material and also as evaluation to assess the students’ ability. Meanwhile, the researcher thinks that worksheet plays an important role to support students’ needs both at school and at home. Then the researcher decides to use worksheet in SMPN 10 Probolinggo where she used to study in. This research is considered new, because some previous research just focuses on content analysis and the criteria of the worksheet. The researcher also has asked to the teachers in the school about this LKS. They said they were skeptical about the appropriateness of the LKS for one semester between the materials and the items or exercises and the learning objectives. And the researcher here is recommended by the classroom teacher to analyze this LKS (with record and check list attached). Finally, the researcher would analyze the LKS focusing on the exercises and the learning objectives. The closer research to this research is conducted by Arifin (2004), which used a descriptive design. The object of this study was the worksheet for the second year students arranged by MGMP team in Trenggalek. The findings showed that the final score of the worksheet was 83 %. It was categorized very good. The quality of vocabulary element was categorized


good by score 71%. It included the vocabularies appropriateness with the level of students, vocabularies repetition and vocabularies usage, correct spelling of words, etc. Meanwhile, the quality of structure element was categorized very good by score 84%. It included levels of difficulties, grammatical errors, logical order of sentences, etc. Moreover, the quality of exercise element was excellent by score 100%. It included exercises to develop students’ understanding, variety different works that students can apply, the exercises which are appropriate with the level of the students, etc. Last was the quality of illustration element which score 80% and was categorized very good. It included the picture clarity, the picture attractiveness, the picture appropriateness with the topics, picture relevance with the instructions and the pictures were colorful.

This research focuses on an analysis of the items of students’ worksheet for ninth graders at SMPN 10 Probolinggo. This study analyzes an English worksheet entitled: PRESTASI. The authors are Tim Prestasi. This worksheet is published by PAP (Prestasi Agung Pratama) in 2012.

1.2 Statement of Problems

The main research problem for this study is divided into several specific problems stated below. This general research question items refined into the following specific question:

“How are the reading questions items’ in chapter II in worksheet PRESTASI appropriate with the material in lesson plan for the ninth graders in the first semester at SMPN 10 Probolinggo?”


a. How is the format of reading question items in PRESTASI in chapter II? b. How is the instruction of reading question items in PRESTASI in chapter II?

1.3. Purpose of the Study

In accordance with the statement of the research problems, this study attempts to analyze how much the students’ worksheet appropriate with the learning objectives, materials and question items.

“To know about the appropriateness between the lesson plan to the materials and question items in chapter II in the worksheet’ PRESTASI”

a. To know about the format of reading question items in chapter II, PRESTASI. b. To know about the instruction of reading question items in chapter II, PRESTASI.

1.4 Significance of the study

The result of the study is expected to be able to give contribution the English teacher, the book publisher and the future researcher, as well.

For the English teacher the result of the study can be taken as consideration in choosing LKS in order to make the students understand more about the materials.

For book publisher, in the future this result of this study is the guidelines for making some improvement.

For researcher, this result of the study will be the source for selecting the best materials.


1.5 Scope and Limitation

The reason why choose this worksheet is because this worksheet has checked the appropriateness before, thus the researcher choose this worksheet to be analyzed.

Reading comprehension is the way how to know and understand the material of reading deeply to gain and obtain the information implicitly and explicitly.

Ninth graders as the last class in Junior High School to finished the National Examination and move to the higher level.

So that, in this research, the researcher wants to analyze the appropriateness of the question items of reading skill in chapter II of the worksheet “PRESTASI” in relation to the learning objectives and material stipulated in the lesson plan and curriculum for the ninth graders in the first semester at SMPN 10 Probolinggo.

Also this worksheet has been checked the appropriateness with curriculum and the relation to the lesson plan. So that the researcher analyzed this worksheet.

1.6 Definition of Key terms

1. Quality is degree of goodness or worth of something (in this case is textbook) ( In this research, the quality is determined by the appropriateness of researcher questions with the worksheet.

2. Test is the number of question that should be answered and or assignment need to be finished that will inform about particular psychology aspect based on the test-takers answers toward the questions or the way and the result of the subjects result on doing the test (Azwar, 2005).


3. English Worksheet is a page (two) of tasks, distributed to each student to do either in class or at home, intended to be written on, and usually taken in by the teacher to be checked. Teacher made test can be seen as a specific kind of worksheet (Ur:1996). In this case, worksheet is conclusion of important point of textbook and exercise.