





Reading is one of the important skills that the students have to master. Students must improve their ability in reading comprehension, so they can get information from the text, but many students have difficulties in comprehending the reading text because of lack of vocabulary, uninteresting media, the difficulties in comprehending written text, and uninteresting material.

The aim of this research were to find out whether there is a significant difference of students reading comprehension ability in narrative text between before and after being taught through serial pictures and to find if there is an increase of students’ reading comprehension ability in narrative text after being taught

through serial pictures. The sample of this research was X4 class of the tenth grade

of SMA Negeri 8 Bandar Lampung in the year 2012/2013.

The research applied one group pre-test post-test design with the instrument was reading test. The result of the learning reading using serial pictures showed that there is a significant difference on students’ reading comprehension ability in narrative text since (p < 0.05, p = 0.00). The average of post-test score (79.77) was higher than the pre-test (66.97), and it has gain 12.8. It means that there is an increase of students’ reading comprehension ability in narrative text after being taught through serial pictures.








(A Script)












A Script

Submitted in a Partial Fulfillment of

The Requirements for S-1 Degree


The Language and Arts Department of

Teacher Training and Education Faculty





Students’ Name : Dwi Fitriyaningsih

Students’ Number : 0913042098

Department : Language and Arts Education

Program : S1 English Education

Faculty : Teacher Training and Education

APPROVED BY Advisory Committee

Advisor 1 Co-Advisor

Prof. Dr. Cucu Sutarsyah, M.A. Dra. Editha Gloria Simanjuntak

NIP 19570406 198603 1 001 NIP 19480123 197703 2 003

The Chairperson of

Language and Arts Education Department

Dr. Muhammad Fuad, M.Hum. NIP 19590722 198603 1 003



1. Examination Committee

Chairperson : Prof. Dr. Cucu Sutarsyah, M.A. ...

Examiner : Prof. Dr. Patuan Raja, M.Pd. ...

Secretary : Dra. Editha Gloria Simanjuntak ...

2. The Dean of Tacher Training and Education Faculty

Dr. H. Bujang Rahman, M.Si. NIP 19600315 198503 1 003



The writer’s name is Dwi Fitriyaningsih. She was born in Rama Oetama on March 15th 1990. She is the second child of Bapak I Made Subawa, S.Pd. and Ibu


She started her study at TK Kartini Rama Gunawan in 1994 and continued her study at SD Negeri 1 Rama Gunawan in 1996. After graduating from Elementary school in 2002, she went to SMP Negeri 1 Seputih Raman and graduated in 2005. She finished her High School at SMA Negeri 1 Kota Gajah in 2008.

In 2009 she was accepted as the students of Lampung University at English Education Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty. In 2012, she carried on Teaching Practice Program (PPL) at SMA PIRI Jatiagung, South Lampung for three months. And she did her research at SMA Negeri 8 Bandar Lampung.



We should be concerned about the future,

because we will spend the rest of our lives there.



This script is dedicated to:

My dearest parents I Made Subawa, S.Pd. and Matoyah My beloved brother Putu Mei Diantara, A.Md.

My greatest mate I Made Desta Arwan My almamater



Abstract ... i

Approval ... ii

Curriculum Vitae ... iv

Dedication ... v

Motto ... vi

Acknowledgements ... vii

Contents ... ix

List of the Tables ... xi

List of the Appendices ... xii

I. Introduction 1.1 Background ... 1

1.2 Research problems ... 6

1.3 Objectives ... 7

1.4 Uses ... 7

1.5 Scope ... 7

1.6 Definition of Terms ... 8

II. Frame of Theories 2.1 Reading and Reading Comprehension ... 9

2.2 Teaching Reading Comprehension ... 11

2.3 The Serial Picture as a Media in Teaching Reading ... 13

2.4 Text Forms ... 16

2.5 Teaching Reading through Serial Pictures ... 18

2.6 Procedure of Teaching Reading Through Serial Pictures ... 19

2.7 Advantages and Disadvantages ... 21

2.8 Theoretical Assumption ... 22

2.9 Hypotesis ... 24

III. Method 3.1 Research Design ... 25

3.2 Population and Sample ... 26

3.3 Research Procedure ... 27

3.4 Research Instrument ... 29

3.5 Technique of Collecting Data ... 33



3.7 Result of the Try Out ... 35

3.8 Data Analysis ... 38

3.9 Homogenity Test ... 38

3.10 Data Treatment ... 39

3.11 Hypotesis Testing ... 41

IV. Result and Discussion 4.1 Result of the Research ... 43

4.2 Result of Pre-Test ... 44

4.3 Result of Post-Test ... 45

4.4 The Difference of Students’ Reading Comprehension Ability ... 47

4.5 The Increase of Five Reading Aspects ... 50

4.6 Discussion of the Findings ... 53

V. Conclusion and Suggestion 5.1 Conclusion ... 60

5.2 Suggestion ... 61

References ... 62 Appendices



This chapter gives a brief description of the beginning of the whole content of the research. Including the background, formulation of the problems, the objectives, the uses, scope, and definitions of related terms.

1.1 Background

English is one of widely spoken language in the whole world, that is the reason today English becomes an international language. As the international language English takes important part in every sector in the world, economics, social, politics, education, business, etc. Because English is very needed in every single thing in our part of life. It is necessary for our goverment to decide to make English as one of subject in the school.

English should be mastered by the student from junior high school level, but many of them get difficulties when they try to reach the knowledge from a book,

internet, article and soon. One of the ways that should be done by the student to get the knowledge is reading. As defined by Simanjuntak (1988:15), reading is an active process of interacting with print and monitoring comprehension to establish the meaning. It means that the readers should be in active process to interact,


monitor, and comprehend the text in order the readers can establish the meaning of the text and they can find the explicit and implicit information stated there.

Smith (1982:15) cites that comprehension in reading as a matter of “making sense” of text, of relating written language to what the reader know already and to the reader want to know. Comprehension can be regarded as a condition where certainly exist. Beside a pleasure activity that can increase the reader’s

knowledge about the information from the text, in language class reading also can consolidate and extend the reader’s knowledge and skill in language. It is

supported by Suparman (2005:1), there are two major reasons for reading (1) reading for pleasure; (2) reading for information (in order to find out something or in order to do something with the information readers get). Therefore, reading a foreign language needs reading comprehension.

Considering those statements above, the researcher notices that when the readers are reading a text, comprehension becomes the most important thing in reading activity. Comprehension will make the reader be able to determine the essence of the sentence or text and receive the main purpose of reading process. It is

necessary for the readers because by comprehension the readers can get the aim of reading text, beside that, by comprehending the text the students will find the gist of the text such as an important message or information from the text, as defined by Djuharie (2008) reading comprehension is understanding of written text meaning to get the information which is needed from the text as efficiently as possible.


In reality, although the students have learnt English subject from elementary, they still have a big problem in comprehending the English text when they are in senior high school. The students are lazy to read a text because they think that it will take a long time and of course they will find many difficult words.

The other reason is caused by the student’s incapability to understand what the writer’s intend of the text. The students get big difficulties when they have to find the message of the text. It was proved by the researcher when she practised teaching at SMA PIRI Jatiagung from July 9th until September 21st 2012.

However, the English teacher admited the student using dictionary to look for the difficult word and they were allowed to work in pairs with their friends so they could get the point of the text and it is also proved with the experiences of the researcher as a private teacher for senior high school students. Not only because of lack of vocabulary, but also the students got confusion to identify the specific information of the text.

When the students find the difficulties in reading, the teacher should be able to solve this problems. According to the researcher, one way that is teaching the student by using media. As stated by Smaldino and Russel (2005), media for learning can help to provide a learning atmosphere in which students actively participate. In other words, media can be used to improve the students’ point of view in reading ability. It is important since the effectiveness of learning happens when students are actively engaged in meaningful tasks, interacting with the content.


The researcher used the serial of pictures as the media in this research, it was caused from the findings of some researches from Purna (2010) found that the use of pictures as the teaching media can improve learners’ speaking skill, while Amaliah (2009) found that the use of picture can promote learners’ writing skill. From those reaearches, the researcher investigated whether there is a significant difference of students’ narrative text reading comprehension ability between before and after being taught using serial pictures and whether it can increase the students’ reading comprehension ability after being taught through serial pictures.

Narrative text is a text which tells a story or an account of a sequence of events, usually in chronological events. The purpose of this text is to entertain the reader about the story. Although the purpose is to entertain the reader, but it is still the readers who get nothing after reading the text since they get difficulties to understand the text. Using serial pictures can make the learners are easier to understand the text because picture will stimulate students’ mind to think and it can help them to imagine the event of a story and it will make the students easier to grasp the main of story. As stated by Harmer (2001) it is because picture is an appealing media that have the power to enggage students. Picture will help the student to imagine what happen in the text by connecting the words which they know with the picture.

From those cases, the researcher used serial pictures to increase students’ reading comprehension ability in narrative text and the researcher observed the first grade of SMA Negeri 8 Bandar Lampung. The researcher chose narrative text because


narrative text always takes part in every students’ final examination, so it is very important to be identified.

Based on the experience above, the researcher found the problems of the tenth grade students at SMA in their reading comprehension ability. The problems are the lack of vocabulary, uninteresting media, the difficulties in comprehending written text, and uninteresting material.

Firstly, vocabulary becomes an important part in reading, vocabulary is the foundation in learning English. When a student wants to read a text, if he or she knows nothing about English vocabulary, it becomes a wasting activity. It does not mean that to learn English we have to know all of vocabularies in English, but at least as the student should be diligent to increase English vocabulary and master it. The lack of vocabulary can be caused by the students’ low motivation to mastering it.

Secondly, media take a big part in reading activity, most of students feel boring when they have to read a long text moreover they find difficult words in that text, it will make the students get confused. It can be one of the problems that can effect the students’ reading ability. The students can not improve their knowledge by reading because of uninteresting media.

Thirdly, the difficulties in comprehending written text become one of problem in comprehending a text, as stated by Nuttal (1982) defines reading as the

meaningful interpretation of printed or written verbal symbol. It means that reading is a result of the interaction between the perception of graphic symbols


that represent language and the readers’ language skill, cognitive skills, and the knowledge of the world. To comprehend a text the students should understand the text tells about, while they are reading the students also have to find the gist of the text. It will be a big problem if they are not accustomed reading a text or they can not find the essence of that text, it should be improved by a good technique in teaching learning activity or improve the media in order to help the student to increase their reading comprehension.

The last. the material given by the teacher did not attract students’ interest in reading activity in the class. It made the students feel bored so they are not enthusiastic in following the lesson.

Considering the problems above, the researcher in this case tried to find out whether there is a significant difference of students’ reading comprehension ability in narrative text before and after being taught through serial pictures and to see if there is a increase of students’ reading comprehension ability in narrative text after being taught through serial pictures.

1.2 Research Problems

Based on the background of research above, this research was aimed to answer the following research question;

1. Is there any significant difference of students’ reading comprehension ability in narrative text between before and after being taught through serial pictures? 2. Is there any increase of students’ reading comprehension ability in narrative


1.3 Objectives

Based on those research problems, the objective of this research are: 1. To find out whether there is a significant difference of students’ reading

comprehension ability in narrative text between before and after being taught through serial pictures.

2. To find if there is an increase of students’ reading comprehension ability in narrative text after being taught through serial pictures.

1.4 Uses

a. Theoretically, the result of this research is expected to support previous theories on teaching English specially for reading ability and as a reference for the further research.

b. Practically, this result can give information and can be used as a consideration for English teacher to increase students’ narrative text reading comprehension ability.

1.5 Scope

This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 8 Bandar Lampung and the subjects were the first year students. The researcher chose the first level of SMA Negeri 8 Bandar Lampung because the first grade of senior high school have learnt about narrative text, but still in the beginning level, and it would help them to face a difficulties in reading. The researcher chose two from six classes there, one as experimental class and one as try out class. Each class consits it is about thirty six


students. In this research, the researcher focused on the using of serial pictures in teaching narrative text reading comprehension. And the material were based on the senior high school curriculum.

1.6 Definition of Term

To avoid misunderstanding the researcher classified some key terms as follow: a. Reading as the meaningful interpretation of printed or written verbal symbol

(Nuttal, 1982).

b. Reading comprehension is defined as an active cognitive process of interacting with print and monitoring comprehension to establish the meaning

(Simanjuntak, 1988:15).

c. Pictures means a visual representation of someone or something (Harmer, 2007).

d. Narrative text is essentially mode of verbal presentation and involves the linguistic recounting or telling of events Potter, 2008:13).



This chapter explains the concepts that are related to the research. The researcher used a lot of concepts in this research, so the reader could understand the concepts that related to this research. The researcher gave further and deeper explanation below:

2.1 Reading and Reading Comprehension

Before going to the concept of reading comprehension, better for the reader know and understand about the definition of reading. Based on Nuttal (1982), reading is the meaningful interpretation of printed or written verbal symbol. It means that reading is an active process with the result of the interaction between the perception of graphic symbol that represent language and the readers’ language skills.

Reading is an active cognitive process of intracting with printing and monitoring comprehension to establish the meaning. There are two sub-skills of reading, they are macro skills and micro skills. Macro skills of reading comprehension refers to general ideas in the text (e.g., information, gist, argument) while micro skills refers to recognizing and interpreting the linguistic features of the text (e.g., referents, word meanings, discourse indicators).


Dallman (1982), reading is more than knowing what each letter of alphabet stands for, reading involves more than recognition; that comprehension is an essential for reading, without comprehension no reading takes place. Reading is not only when we read the word to word, phrase to phrase, clause to clause, sentence to sentence, or paragraph to paragraph, but also reading is the way we know and can receive the essence of the text.

Grabe (1986) also states that reading is the ability to recognize vocabulary and syntax automatically. Reading is the ability to read at reasonable rapid rate, the ability to grasp the main idea and scan for piece of information and the ability to adjust rate and adapt strategies for careful analytic reading and critical evaluation. The researcher agrees that someone has purpose when he is reading.The purpose of reading passage commonly is to find idea or information from reading passage and to enchance knowledge of the language being read.

Smith (1982:13) states that comprehension may be regarded as relating aspects of the world around human being-including what they read to the knowledge, intentions and expectations already preserved in readers’ head. The readers must be able to relate new things to what already know if the readers comprehend them and relate something new to what they already know is of course learning. Refering to the definition above, it can be said that reading comprehension is the readers’ ability in gaining meaning from the context of the text. Reading and comprehension are one activity to extract the meaning of written materials with full understanding. Comprehension as the process by which the person


when he can comprehend the written language and he can understand what the writer mean.

2.2 Teaching Reading Comprehension

Every reading has a purpose, and everybody does reading because they want to get something from the text they read. Basically, there are two types of classroom reading performance; oral and silent reading. Oral reading is reading activity where students read orally and loudly, it can be the way to check students’ pronunciation but it may make students lose their attention easily while one student is doing oral reading.

Silent reading is also divided into intensive and extensive reading. Intensive reading is a reading activity which is specially designed for teaching and learning where the text is usually chosen by teacher (Harmer, 2001). Extensive reading is intended to get students pay attention to the grammatical forms, discourse markers, semantic meaning, etc so that they can understand literal meaning, implications, rhetorical relationship (Brown, 2001).

According to Nuttal (1982) there are five aspects of reading which the students should understand to comprehend a text well, they are determining main idea, finding specific information, reference, inference, and vocabulary.

1. Main Idea

Main idea is a sentence or generalization that tells the paragraph is about. Main ideas are generally found at the beginning of the paragraph, however they can be anywhere in the paragraph.


2. Specific Information

Specific informations are those facts and ideas that prove or explain the main idea of a paragraph. While all the details in a paragraph to support the main idea. 3. Reference

Reference are words or phrase used either before or after the reference in the reading material. They are used to avoid unnecessary repletion of words or phrases. It means that, such words are used, they are signals to the reader find the meaning elsewhere in the text.

4. Inference

This is ability of knowing the meaning of a word by considering its context. The reader will be able todo this by give him a rough idea of its meaning. To infer or to read between the lines must mean to conclude something that hasn’t actually been stated, but has been arrived directly. It is the logical connection that the reader draw between his obseves or known and what he does not know. 5. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the stock of word which is used by the people or even person. Concerning with those statements indeed vocabulary is fundamental for everyone who wants to speak or to produce utterances for reading.

From those aspects of reading comprehension, the researcher developed the instrument of this research represent those five aspects of reading. The questions in every text consist of those aspects in order the students can comprehend a text well and their ability of each aspect is easier to analyze whethwr it is increase or not.


2.3 The Serial Pictures as a Media in Teaching Reading Comprehension

Smalldino and Russel (2005) states that media as means of communication and source of information. Moreover they stated that the purposes of media is to facilitate communication and learning. Example of media can be book, picture, internet, television, song. It means that media can help the learner to try in getting the knowledge that stimulate the learners’ understanding to comprehend the text In reading activity, the use of media will be very useful since picture will help the student to imagine the mean of a text in order the students can minimize the difficulties that they faced in English foreign language learning. Pictureis an account or illustration of image and it also can represent a condition, a person, a place, or a thing. In simple way, the teacher can help the students to comprehend their reading activity by drawing a picture in the white board to make the student imagine with the story of the text or to stimulate the students’ understanding when the reading process occured.

Considering those benefits above, using of serial pictures as the media in reading comprehension activity can be very potential and useful since there is a

harmonious relationship that is found by the learners between word and picture from the text and it will make them understand complicated text because they can find the mean when they look at to the picture.Picture in a text is not just a picture without any meaning, it contains organized and structural message which is connected with verbal text, as stated by Canning-Wilson (2001) about the effectiveness of visual media in teaching reading that visual media is important in a classroom instruction because it can improve acccuracy and give meaning to the


text or to the delivered message. Student will more understand the text through visual media because visual media especially images can bring out more detailed, well-informed, receptive, awareness to the situation in the text. Pictures are recognized way of a representing a real situation so they can be served as an example of the advantages in using visual aids. In the classroom, picture can help the students to associate with their real life experience. In this case, the serial pictures are chosen to teach the narrative text because it can make the students understand the chronological events in the text. The pictures which are used in a text will give a chance to the readers to understand more and get better

comprehension ability of a narrative text.

The example of serial pictures as a media in teaching learning process of narrative text:

The Gingerbread Man

One day, the woman made a gingerbread man for dinner. She decorated the gingerbread man with eyes made of currants and buttons made of cherries. But when she took out gingerbread man from the oven, he jumped out and ran away.

As soon as he was cooked, the little old woman opened the oven door. The gingerbread man jumped out of the tin and ran out of the open window shouting, 'Don't eat me!'. The little old woman and little old man ran after the gingerbread man. 'Stop! Stop!' they yelled.The gingerbread man did not look back. He ran on saying, 'Run, run as fast as you can! You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!'. Down the lane came to a pig. 'Stop! Stop! I would like to eat you," shouted the pig. The gingerbread man was too fast. He ran on saying "Run, run as fast as you can. You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man.

A little further on he met a cow. 'Stop! Stop! little man,' called the hungry cow, 'I want to eat you.' Again the gingerbread man was too fast. He sped on down the road saying, "Run, run as fast as you can. You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man." It was not long before the gingerbread man came to a horse. 'Stop! Stop!' shouted the horse. 'I want to eat you, little man.' But the gingerbread man did not stop. He said,'Run, run as fast as you can. You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man.' The gingerbread man laughed until he came to a river. 'Oh no! They will catch me. How can I cross the river?'.

A sly fox came out from behind a tree. 'I can help you cross the river,' said the fox. 'Jump on to my tail and I will swim across.' The gingerbread man climbed on the fox's tail. Soon the gingerbread man began to get wet. 'Climb onto my back,' said the fox. So the gingerbread man did. As he swam the fox said, 'You are too heavy, jump onto my nose.' So the gingerbread man did as he was told. No sooner did gingerbread man sit on the fox’s nose, that the sly fox tossed him and gobbled him up.


The serial pictures

Thepictures wereprinted on A4 matte paper.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

10 . 11.

(Adapted from: Kumpulan Dongeng Klasik Dunia)

That is the example of serial pictures and those pictures represent the story of The Gingerbread Man.


2.4 Text Forms

There are twelve kinds of text that learn by the students until in senior high school level. They are: recount, report, discussion, explanation, analitical exposition, hortatory exposition, news item, anecdote, narrative, procedure, description, and review text. In this research the researcher chose narrative text, this text was selected because narrative text always appears in every grade in senior high school, narrative text also used in final examination for senior high school. Beside that, narrative text has fun story that can make the learners attract to read the text, that was why narrative text selected for this research.

According to Potter (2008:13), narrative is essentially mode of verbal presentation and involves the linguistic recounting or telling of events. According

(Fitriani:2011), narrative text is a piece of text which tells a story and in doing so entertains or informs the readers or listener, it tells a chronologically fictional or non-fictional events. A narrative text are folktales; it includes fables, legend, myth, or realistic tales, mysteries, fantasy, science or realistic fiction. The generic structure of narrative text consists of orientation, complication, and resolution. Narrative text has certain characteristics, namely:

1. Social Function/ communicative/ approach/ purpose a. To amuse or entertain the readers.

b. To deal with actual/various experience in different ways. 2. Generic structure/ text structure organization

a. Orientation: (introduction) in which the characters, setting and time of the story are established. Usually answers who? When? Where?


b. Complication or problem: the complication usually involves the main characters (often mirroring the complication in real life).

c. Resolution: there needs to be a resolution of the complication may be resolved for better or worse/happily or unhappily. Sometimes there are a number of complications that have to be resolved. These add and sustain interest and suspense for the reader.

3. Language features

a. Focus on specific or individual participants. b. Use of the material process (action verbs).

c. Use of the behavioral and verbal processes (saying verbs/ speaking verbs). d. Use of relational process and mental process (thinking verbs).

e. Use of past tense.

f. Use of temporal conjunction (time sequence/ chronological order) and temporal circumstances (time conjuction/ adverbial clause).

g. Direct and indirect speech. The example of narrative text:

The Red Hood Orientation

Once upon a time lived a little girl with her mother in a small house on the edge of a forest. She liked wearing a red hood coat, so she called red hood. One day her mother asked her to bring cookies and lemonade for her grandmother. "Remember, don’t stop before you arrive there. And go home before dark," said her mother.


In the road she saw big and ripe strawberries. She plucked and ate it. Then she went on and she looked so beautiful daisies. "Oh, that's wonderful, randma will love this". Red hood picked the daisies and carried it. Not long after that, red hood met two rabbits and then she laughed and chased those rabbits. While chased the rabbit, she confused where she were. Until she realized there was a wolf behind a tree. "Where are you going sweet girl?" said the wolf. "I want to visit my grandmother, but I lost," replied the red hood. "Where is your grandmother’s house?", "In a small cottage in the woods that were painted red", replied her. After that the wolf showed the direction to get there.


As soon he run to find that house. He wanted to precede red hood up there. The wolf arrived there faster than Red hood, he said to grandma that he was red hood so grandmother told him to come in. The wolf jumped in and hap! he immediately swallowed the grandmother. He put a nightgown and nightcap on. He climbed into bed and pretend to be a grandmother. After that Red hood came, she immediately went "Grandma, this cake and lemonade from mother", said the red hood. "thank you", red hood surprised to hear different voice. She asked why grandmother’s ears became a big one, "in order I can hear your voice better", said the wolf. "Why is my grandmother's hand too huge?" "Warmer so I can hug you," replied the wolf. "but why your tooth also bigger?", red hood curious. "In order it could bite you" the wolf jumped up and tried to catch the red hood, but red hood move faster. She run and shouted "help! help!".


Suddenly came a woodcutter to help her with his ax. The wolf died because of the ax. The

woodcutter splited the wolf’s belly and found that grandmother wass still alive because the wolf do not chew it. "Thank you saved us, let's eat cake and lemonade, said grandmother". Mother came because the red hood did not go home yet.

That is the example of narrative text which consists of orientation, complication, and resolution. It can be used as a material in teaching reading comprehension ability in narrative text.

2.5 Teaching Reading Comprehension through Serial Pictures

A picture is an account or description of something that enables one to form a metal picture or impression of it (Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary).

Meanwhile Rivai and Sudjana (1987) in Alwasilah cites a picture as an illustration of image that can be used as a two dimensional visual representation of person, place, or thing. In addition, teachers can also directly draw a picture on a board to help with explanation.

Considering its benefits, the use of serial pictures as the visual media can be very powerful in teaching reading. Firstly, the most important thing is because there is a harmonious relationship between word and picture. Picture in a text is not just a picture without any meaning, it contains organized and structured message which is connected with verbal text (Arizpe and Styles, 2003). Some students may find


some difficulties to comprehend a text verbally, and pictures then play role to provide a source of non-verbal information (Wright, 1989). Furthermore, serial pictures that is made scramble can give a chance to the readers to understand more and get better comprehension of a text since the students have to understand about the text and they can arrange the picture based on the story. Those serial pictures can catch students’ attention so that they can focus on text and reading activities. Moreover, using serial pictures are also useful in creating fun, attractive, and active reading activities.

Serial pictures also can be used in brainstorming activities. Those pictures help students to predict what is coming next in a lesson so that they can prepare their prior knowledge and brain. Moreover, the pictures also help students to recognize meaning which is implied by a text. It is to avoid students misunderstand or misinterpret the text.

2.7 Procedure of Teaching Reading through Serial Pictures

In reading procedures, the researcher used three elements in teaching reading through serial pictures. The researcher tried to make a general procedure of teaching which is adjusted to the English curriculum used in the school, i. e. KTSP, as follow:


In the first element, before being given the reading material the teacher and students are doing some elements as follow:


(e. g.: Good morning class)

2. Constructing the students’ background knowledge that related to the topic with showing the serial pictures as stimulant.

(e. g.: what is this picture?)

3. By doing the constructivism at the beginning , it will be easy for the students to inquire the gist of the text in the text step (while reading).

While reading

The students then do the following steps as the while reading activity:

1. After constructing their background knowledge, the students read the text. In reading process, they will realize whether their prediction and locating the schemata is correct or not.

2. The student are given a narrative text, and they should read it carefully and comprehend it. After they are given scramble picture which has sequence events of the story, they should make those pictures become a serial pictures that suitable with the story of the text.

3. After finishing their activity in arranging the picture, then the teacher give the questions consist of the part of five concepts of reading.

4. Next, the students answer the questions and collect it.

5. For the last section, make learning community with discussing the picture which is given by their teacher. The students make into group work and discuss the picture. They will discuss about the pictures about the correct arrangement of those pictures which is representative of the story and one member of each group will try to tell their classmate about their arrangement picture based on the story.


Post Reading

1. Doing evaluation of the reading comprehension through reading task and discussing the difficulty in the learning process.

2. Making conclusion of the lesson.

3. The teacher gives assessment for the students to make more understand the lesson that have been given in order to keep their interest to the lesson. Such as; the students find out their favorite theme based on the topic which is given by the teacher.

4. The teacher close the meeting.

From the explanation above about the procedure of teaching reading through serial pictures, it can be conclude that using serial pictures is one of media that help the students to improve students’ reading comprehension.

2.6 Advantages and Disadvantages

There are some advantages of reading using serial pictures:

1. Capture the students’ interest and stimulatestudents’ motivation. 2. The students are able to study the materials effectively.

3. Picture helps the students to understand and remember information well. 4. Pictures are relatively cheap. They can be obtained almost anywhere and


5. By using picture, the students can see the object which are being talked and discussed clearly.


The disadvantages:

Like other media in teaching learning, serial pictures has some weaknesses, there are:

1. It is difficult to look for the specific pictures.

2. The students still find difficulty to express something happen in the picture in detail if they have never seen it.

3. It does not contain full information

4. Each person has different perception about the meaning of picture.

Based on those advantages and disadvantages the researcher tried to take the advantages and minimize the occurrence of the disadvantages, so the research could use the serial pictures as a good media.

2.7 Theoretical Assumption

Reading is a part of necessary in language learning where the reader understand a text as communication tool not only orally. Nuttal (1982) states that reading is a result of the interaction between the the perception of graphic symbol that

represent language and readers’ language skills, cognitive skill and the knowledge of the world.

In this process, the readers try to recreate the meaning intended by the writer. Reading is one of the important skills, which is required by students. By reading, the students are able to get a lot of information from the text and narrative text is chosen in this research. The researcher concerned on five aspects of reading ;


main idea, specific information, reference, inference, vocabulary because the research want the students to focuss on comprehending the text.

The researcher used serial pictures because according Alwasilah (1973) mentions that media can help the learning process simpler and make it perfect. The media will allow students to understand better the content of what being taught. Media can also help to shape the learning process as well as interest in the language program and thus provide motivational impulse.

Picture provides for most people critical contacts with the real world since according to Wright (1989), picture can create a context of language and connect the language to the real world. Learning through visual material will be better than learning through explanation and description. It shows it is possible that picture can give good impression on students, and they are better preserved in the minds of the students. Picture also give the meaning of something. The use of picture can stimulate the students’ mind directly when they see the picture, because it is human nature to think about picture. Picture provides a shared experience for students in the class, a common base that leads to a variety of language activities. Furthermore, because everybody likes to look at pictures, the teacher can use it in the classroom to provide a stimulating focus for students’ attention.

However there are criteria of pictures in order to be useful in teaching and learning reading; (1) They should be easy to prepare, so they will not take much time, (2) Easy to organize, (3) Interesting enough to attract students based on their level, (4) Meaningful and authentic, (5) Sufficient amount of language (Wright, 1989).


2.8 Hypotesis

Based on the theoretical assumption above, the researcher formulated the hypotesis as follow:

a. There is a significant difference of students’ reading comprehension ability in narrative text between before and after being taught through serial pictures. b. There is an increase of students’ reading comprehension ability in narrative text



This part discusses the research design and the way collect the data from those sample. The researcher enclosed the data collecting technique, the instrument and also the procedure of the research. The researcher also gave the scoring system and how the data were analyzed.

3.1 Research Design

This research is quantitative research. Hatch and Farhady (1982:22), quantitative was a kind of research in which the data used to tend to use statistic as

measurement in deciding the conclusion.

To invistigate if there is a significant difference of of students’ reading comprehension ability in narrative text between before and after being taught through serial pictures and if there is an increase of students’ reading

comprehension ability in narrative text after being taught through serial pictures. The researcher used One Group Pretest Posttest Design. The writer used pre-test and post-test, the pre-test was used to measure the students’ reading

comprehension ability in narrative text before the students getting the treatment from the researcher through serial pictures. After the students had given the treatment from the researcher, they got post-test and the researcher could find the


students’ improvement by comparing the average score between pre-test and post-test. It was used to find out the progress before and after the treatment using serial pictures. The researcher used one class as the experimental class where the

students were given a pre-test before the treatment and post-test after the treatment. The design of this research is described as follows:

T1 x T2

T1 : Pre-test T2 : Post-test

X : Treatment (Setyadi, 2006:132)

The researcher used One Group Pretest and Posttest Design since the researcher used one group as the experimental class and it was intended to know whether this treatment can increase the students’ reading comprehension ability, the scores of pre-test were compare with the score from post-test. If the average score of the pre-test higher than the average score of the post-test, it means that using serial pictures can not be used to increase students’ reading comprehension ability in narrative text. However, if the average score of the post-test were higher than the average score of the pre-test, it means that using serial pictures could be used to increase students’ reading comprehension ability in narrative text.

3.2 Population and Sample

The population of this research was all tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 8 Bandar Lampung period of 2012/2013. The researcher chose the tenth grade because reading material of the tenth grade were normally complicated.


There are six classes in the tenth grade of SMA N 8 Bandar Lampung which devided in X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6 and consist of 35 up to 38 students in each class.

Those classes have same level, there was no higher and lower class . It was known from the observation and ask to the English teacher there. That was why in

choosing the experimental class the researcher selected randomly by using lottery. The experimental class got pre-test, three treatments, and post-test. And for testing the reliability of the test, the other class was be used as try out class.

3.3 Research Procedure

In conducting the research, the procedures of this research were as follows: 1. Identifying the problem

There are some problems in English teaching learning process which is faced by the students, one of the problem is reading comprehension. The researcher found the problem when practised teaching at SMA PIRI Jatiagung and from the observation to SMA Negeri 8 Bandar Lampung.

2. Determining the population and sample

The population of this research was all tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 8 Bandar Lampung consisting of six classes. Those classes were chosen randomly by using lottery as experimental class and as try out class because those classes have same level, there was not higer or lower clas there. The sample of this research was X4


3. Administering try out to know the quality of the reading test

Try out was given in multiple choice with four options A, B, C, and D. This test was administered in order to measure the level of difficulty (LD) and

descrimination power (DP) as well as find out reliability and validity of the test. 4. Preparing the materials which will be taught

The researcher took the material based on English book of tenth grade student and improve the material to make the student more attractive to learn reading.

5. Administering the pre-test and finding the result

In this research, there was one pre-test that was proper to the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 8 Bandar Lampung. The researcher administered the pre-test in order to find out the sudents’ basic ability before treatment. In this term the researcher asked the student to do multiple choice test which consist of 25 items and the student should choose the correct answer from four options A, B, C, or D. The pre-test take 60 minutes.

6. Giving treatment

There were three times treatments that was conducted in this term. It was require ninety minutes or it was two hours of teaching learning process.

7. Administering the post-test

Post-test was used in order to check the students’ reading comprehension ability after they were taught using serial pictures, to know whether the students’ reading comprehension improve or not. The post-test took 60 minutes which consist of 25 items and divided in four option A, B, C, and D. Those items consist of five aspects of reading.


8. Analyzing the test result

After conducting the pre-test and post-test, the researcher analyzed the data. The data was analyze by using T-test. It was used in order to know whether serial pictures was able to increase sudents’ reading comprehension ability in narrative text.The data were computed through SPSS Program version 17.

3.4 Research Instrument

The instrument of this research was a set of reading comprehension test that was used for try out, pre-test, and post-test. Those tests were in the form of multiple choices. The multiple choices test was used since its marking is rapid, simple, and most importantly reliable , not subjective or influenced by themarker’s judgement (Heaton, 1975).

1. Try Out

Try out was used to know the quality of the test in order to take the data. The try out was conducted in the first meeting. This test was administered to know the quality of the test as the instrument of the research. The class that was used for the try out test was the class which is not selected for the experimental class. The number of the test item were 40 items contain four options of answer (A, B, C, D) and time allocation was 90 minutes.The researcher took the story and the pictures from book story and developed the test based on the syllabus of first grade of senior high school. The test could be said has a good quality if it had good reliability and good validity, and the test was not too easy or difficult. The composition of the test items was presented in table below.


Table 1. Specification of Try Out Test

No Skills of Reading Item Numbers Precentage of Items

1. Determining main idea 1, 6, 9, 14, 17,23, 25, 30, 33, 36


2. Finding Specific Information

2, 8, 10, 18, 24,26, 31 17.5% 3. Inference 3, 11, 19, 20, 27, 32, 34,

35, 37


4. Reference 4, 5, 15, 20, 28, 39 15%

5. Vocabulary 7, 12, 13, 16, 22, 29, 38, 40


The precentage of determining main idea, inference and vocabulary took bigger part than finding specific information and reference, it was caused identifying main ideas is a basic aspects of reading comprehension, identifying the main idea points of a communication is fundamental to successful reading comprehension (Williams, 1988). Meanwhile inference that is categorized from context skill was one of important word attack skill which was needed by the respondents to deal with new or difficult vocabularies (Divinia, 2009), and vocabulary refers to words and their meanings. Research of National Reading Panel (NRP) (2000) has shown that vocabulary knowledge is an important predictor of reading comprehension ability. That was why the determining main idea, inference and vocabulary took big part than finding specific information and reference.

The result of try out showed in Appendix 6 that the lowest score was 20 and the highest score was 87.5 from 35 students. The specification of tabulating correct answer can be seen Appendix 7 and 8 that was used to know the reliability, level of difficulty, and discrimination power of each items.


1. Validity

The test could be said valid if the test measure the object to be measured and it was suitable with the criteria (Hatch and Farhady, 1982:250). To measure whether the test has a good validity, this research used content and construct validity.

A. Content Validity

It is concerned with whether the test is sufficiently representative and comprehensive for the test. Content validity means that the test was good reflection of what has been taught and the knowledge which the teacher wanted the students to know (Sohamy 1985:74). It means that the items of the test should present the material that appropriate with the material in the English curriculum, so the test that can be said have content validity since the test is good

representation of material studied in the classroom.

Furthermore, the researcher compared the instrument to the material with

students’ hand book. The test was based on English curriculum, and the syllabus of first year SMA and represent of the materials that have been taught by the teacher. It means that the test was valid.

B. Construct Validity

Construct validity was concerned with if the test was actually in line with the theory of what it means to know the language (Shohamy, 1985;74). It means that the test items should really test the students or the test items should really measure the students’ ability in reading comprehension. Regarding the construct validity, it measures whether the construction had already referred to the theory, meaning that the test construction had already in line with the objective of the learning


(Hatch and Farhady, 1982: 251). In line with Nuttal (1982) the relation validity of the instrument refers to construct validity in which the question represents to one of aspect in reading skill.

To know the test is true reflection of the theory in reading comprehension, the researcher examines whether the test questions actually reflect the means of reading comprehension. For the construct validity, the reading test which was developed in research through using serial pictures had covered aspects of reading, i.e.: determining main idea, finding specific information, inference, reference, and vocabulary as stated in table of specification. It means that the test was valid.

2. Reliability

Reliability refers to extend to which the test is consistent in its score and gives us an indication of how accurate the test score are (Hatch and Farhady, 1982; 244). To measure the coefficient of the reliability between odd and even group, this research used the Pearson Product Moment formula as follow:

rl =


rl : coefficient of reliability between odd and even number items x : odd number

y : even number

x2 : total square of odd number items y2 : total square of even number items


(Huges, 1991:32)

The formula above had been applied to find the coefficient of the reliability.

rl =

rl =

rl =

rl =

rl = 0.98

The result showed that the test was high in reliability (rl=0.98), since the criteria of reliability are:

0.80 – 1.00 : very high 0.50 – 0.79 : moderate 0.00 – 0.49 : low

(Hatch and Farhady, 1985:247)

3.5 Technique of Collecting Data

In collecting the data, the researcher used pre-test and post-test score. Then, the data were analyzed the result of those activities which could be clarified as follows:

1. Pretest

The pre-test was conducted before treatments, it was used to know how far the students’ reading comprehension ability before treatment was given. The pre-test


which was used by the researcher was an objective test in the form of multiple choices.

The type of the test was multiple choice in which the students were asked to choose one correct answer from four options (A, B, C, D). In this pre-test the students were given 25 items of reading comprehension which consist of five aspects of reading with time allocation was 60 minutes.

Table 2. Specification of Pre-Test

No Aspects Number Precentage

1. Main Idea 1,3,8,11,16,20 24%

2. Specific Information 5,12,17 12% 3. Inference 2,4,6,13,14,18,21,22 32%

4. Reference 9,15,24 12%

5. Vocabulary 7,10,19,23,25 20%

Total 25 100%

2. Post-test

The post-test was conducted after the treatments. It was used to know how the students’ reading comprehension ability after they were given the treatments using serial pictures media. Similar to the pre-test, in the post-test the researcher used of the multiple choices. The questions had similar difficulty with the pre-test, and each item of the test related to the material that the students have learnt. The post-test consist of random picture and the students should arrange them based on the story, 25 items with four options and the scoring system and degree of difficulty of the pre-test similar to the post-test because both items were used to measure the students’ reading comprehension ability in narrative text through serial pictures in treatment.


Table 3. Specification of Post-Test

No Aspects Number Precentage

1. Main Idea 1,7,8,17,19,21 24%

2. Specific Information 2,9,22 12%

3. Inference 3,10,11,13,18,20,23,24 32%

4. Reference 4,15,25 12%

5. Vocabulary 5,6,12,14,16 20%

Total 25 100%

3.6 Scoring System

In scoring the students’ result of the test, the researcher used Arikunto’s formula. The ideal highest score is 100. The scores of pre-test was calculated by using this formula below:

S = x 100 Where:

S = The score of the test

r = The total of the right answer

n = The total items (Arikunto; 1997)

3.7 Result of the Try Out

The reading test was tried out with the purpose was to make the test qualified, valid and reliable. The tests were tried out to the students in class X3 SMA Negeri

8 Bandar Lampung. The total number of students of the class was 36. The result of the try out test is presented as follows:


1. Reading Test Score

The try out test was intended to find a good test for the pre-test and post-test for the experimental class. Five narrative text with eight questions in the form of multiple choices were used as the try out test. After finding that maximum score was 87.5 where only one student gained 87.5, while the minimum score for the try out was 20 score was also only one. The mean score of the test was 60.625 out of 36 students (see Appendix 6).

2. Level of Difficulty

Difficulty level is related to how easy or difficult the item is from point of view of the students who take the test. The level of difficulty is generally expressed as the fraction (or precentage) of the students who answered tthe item correctly (Heaton, 1975:178). To see the level of difficulty, this research used the following formula:

LD =

Where: LD : Level of difficulty

R : the number of students who answer correctly N : the total number of students following the test The criteria are:

<0.30 = difficult 0.30 – 0.70 = average <0.70 = easy

After analyzing the data, the writer got 27 items had average (1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40), 11


items were easy (2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12, 23, 24, 28, 31, 33), 2 items were difficult (22, 35) (see Appendix 9).

4. Discrimination Power

The discrimination power (DP) refers to the extent to which the item discriminates between high and low level students on the test. It tells us whether those students who performed well on the whole test tended to do well or badly on each item in the test (Heaton, 1975:179). A good item according to this criterion is one which good students to do well on and bad students fail.

To know the discrimination power of the test, the researcher used the following formula:

DP =

Where: DP : discrimination power

U : the proportion of upper group students L : the proportion of lower group students N : total number of students

The criteria are: 0.00-0.20 = poor 0.21-0.40 = satisfied 0.41-0.70 = good 0.71-1.00 = excellent

(Negative)= bad items (should be omitted) (Heaton, 1975:182)

After analyzing the data, the writer got 1 items was excellent that is item number 11, 14 items were good (1, 3, 10, 14, 17, 20, 25, 26, 27, 30, 32, 38, 39, 40), 13


items were satisfied (6, 8, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 29, 31, 33, 34, 36), 9 items were poor (2, 4, 5, 9, 12, 23, 24, 28, 35), 2 items were bad items (7, 37).

3.8 Data Analysis

After conducting pre-test and post-test, the researcher analyzed the data. It was used to find whether there is a significant difference of students’ reading comprehension ability in narrative text between before and after being taught through serial pictures and to find if there is an increase of students’ reading comprehension ability in narrative text after being taught through serial pictures. The researcher examined the students’ score using the following steps:

Scoring pre-test and post-test

Finding the result of random test, normality test, and homogenity test. Tabulating the score of students’ reading test results and calculating the score of pre-test and post-test

Drawing conclusion from the tabulated result of the pre-test and post-test that statistically analyzed using Reapeted Measure T- Test computed through Statistical Program for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17.

3.9 Homogeneity Test

The researcher used the results of pre-test and post-test in experimental class. The homogeneity test itself was intended to see the homogenity of the experimental class, whether or not the class were homogeneous. The hypothesis for the homogeinety test was formullated as follows:


H0 : data of the experimental class are not homogeneous

H1 : data of the experimental class are homogeneous

In this case, the criterion for the hypotheses was:

H0is accepted if sig. > α. Here, the level of significance 0.05 was used. The

results of the homogeneity test can be seen in Appendix 11.From the results, can be seen that sig. < α (.00 < 0.05). It proves that H1 is accepted. In other words, the

experimental class were homogeneous.

3. 10 Data Treatment

According to Setiyadi (2006:168 - 169), using t-test for hypothesis testing has three basic assumptions that should be fulfilled, they are:

1. The data is interval ratio

2. The data is taken from random sample in population 3. The data is distributed normally

Those assumptions should be fulfilled by the data to measure the parameter and to know whether the data is come from different population or not. The researcher used these following procedures in the data treatment:

1. Random Test

Random test was used to make sure whether the data was random or not. SPSS version 17 was used by the researcher to calculate it. In this case, the researcher used mean as cit point run test. The hypothesis for the random test was formulated as follows:


Ho : The data is random

H1 : The data is not random

In this research, the criteria was Ho is accepted if Sig. > α. The researcher used the level of significant 0.05.

From the result of random test, see Appendix 12, it can be determined that sig.>α (1.00 > 0.05) in pre-test and sig.>α (0.56 > 0.05) in post-test of experimental class. It proved that H0 was accepted. In other words Ho was accepted and the data

were random.

2. Normality Test

Normality test was used to know whether the test in the experimental class were distributed normally or not. SPSS version 17 was used by the researcher to calculate it. In this case, the researcher used One Sample Kolmogorov Smirnov Test. The hypothesis for the normality test was formulated as follows:

Ho : The test is distributed normally H1 : The test is not distributed normally

In this research, the criteria was Ho is accepted if Sig. > α. The researcher used the level of significant 0.05.

From the result of normality test, see Appendix 13, it can be determined that sig.>α (0.89 > 0.05) in pre-test and sig.>α (0.16 > 0.05) in post-test of

experimental class. It proved that H0 was accepted. In other words, the data were


3.11 Hypotesis Testing

The hypotesis testing was used to prove whether the hypotesis proposed in this research would be accepted or not. The hypotesis analyzed by using Reapeted Measure T-Test through computing with Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 17 for window, it could use to draw the conclusion at significance level of 0.05 (p<0.05).

The formulation are:

SD = Sd = r = df = n - 1


r : Ratio

T1 : Mean score of pre-test

T2 : Mean score of post-test

Sd : Standard error of differences between means

d : Error of differences between mean n : Subjects on sample

SD : Standard Deviation

df : Degree of freedom (Hatch and Farhady, 1982)

The hypotheses are:

Ho : There is no significant difference of students’ reading comprehension ability

in narrative text between before and after being taught through serial pictures H1 : There is a significant difference of students’ reading comprehension ability in

narrative text between before and after being taught through serial pictures

To determine whether the first hypothesis is accepted or rejected, the following criteria acceptance is used:


1. If t-ratio is higher than t-table: H1 is accepted

2. If t-ratio is lower than t-table: H0 is accepted 1. Standard Deviation

SD =

SD =

SD =

SD =

SD =

SD = 8.105

2. Standard Error

Sd =

Sd =

Sd = 1.370

3. t-ratio

r = – r =

r = -9.343

4. Degree of Freedom (t-table) Df = 35 – 1



This chapter is intended to elaborate the conclusion and suggestion, that are presented from the result and discussion on the findings of this study in the

previous chapter. The conclusion and suggestion of the study are hopefully able to contribute positively to the English teaching process and for the further research, particulary in using serial pictures in reading class.

5.1. Conclusions

1. There is a significant difference of the students’ narrative text reading comprehension ability between before and after being taught through serial pictures (Sig. < α, .00 < 0.05).

2. There is an increase of the students’ narrative text reading comprehension ability after being taught through serial pictures. The average score in pretest was 66.97 then increased in the post-test up to 79.77, with gain was 12.8. It can be said that the students’ posttest score was higher than students’ pretest score.


5.2. Suggestions

1. Based on the findings, it is recomended that English teachers use the serial pictures in teaching reading activities in order to increase students’narrative text reading comprehension ability.

2. The text and serial pictures should be used a new story for the students to make them more attractive to read the text and curious with the story, the example are The Red Hood, Rumpelstilskin, The Bremen Town Musicians.

3. The pictures should have rich meaning and they fulfilled the criteria as a good picture for learning process.

4. Further researchers can investigate the use of serial pictures as a media in listening skill, speaking skill, and writing skill.


H0 : data of the experimental class are not homogeneous H1 : data of the experimental class are homogeneous

In this case, the criterion for the hypotheses was:

H0is accepted if sig. > α. Here, the level of significance 0.05 was used. The results of the homogeneity test can be seen in Appendix 11.From the results, can be seen that sig. < α (.00 < 0.05). It proves that H1 is accepted. In other words, the experimental class were homogeneous.

3. 10 Data Treatment

According to Setiyadi (2006:168 - 169), using t-test for hypothesis testing has three basic assumptions that should be fulfilled, they are:

1. The data is interval ratio

2. The data is taken from random sample in population 3. The data is distributed normally

Those assumptions should be fulfilled by the data to measure the parameter and to know whether the data is come from different population or not. The researcher used these following procedures in the data treatment:

1. Random Test

Random test was used to make sure whether the data was random or not. SPSS version 17 was used by the researcher to calculate it. In this case, the researcher used mean as cit point run test. The hypothesis for the random test was formulated as follows:



Ho : The data is random H1 : The data is not random

In this research, the criteria was Ho is accepted if Sig. > α. The researcher used the level of significant 0.05.

From the result of random test, see Appendix 12, it can be determined that sig.>α (1.00 > 0.05) in pre-test and sig.>α (0.56 > 0.05) in post-test of experimental class. It proved that H0 was accepted. In other words Ho was accepted and the data were random.

2. Normality Test

Normality test was used to know whether the test in the experimental class were distributed normally or not. SPSS version 17 was used by the researcher to calculate it. In this case, the researcher used One Sample Kolmogorov Smirnov Test. The hypothesis for the normality test was formulated as follows:

Ho : The test is distributed normally H1 : The test is not distributed normally

In this research, the criteria was Ho is accepted if Sig. > α. The researcher used the level of significant 0.05.

From the result of normality test, see Appendix 13, it can be determined that sig.>α (0.89 > 0.05) in pre-test and sig.>α (0.16 > 0.05) in post-test of

experimental class. It proved that H0 was accepted. In other words, the data were distributed normally.


3.11 Hypotesis Testing

The hypotesis testing was used to prove whether the hypotesis proposed in this research would be accepted or not. The hypotesis analyzed by using Reapeted Measure T-Test through computing with Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 17 for window, it could use to draw the conclusion at significance level of 0.05 (p<0.05).

The formulation are:

SD = Sd = r = df = n - 1


r : Ratio

T1 : Mean score of pre-test T2 : Mean score of post-test

Sd : Standard error of differences between means d : Error of differences between mean

n : Subjects on sample SD : Standard Deviation

df : Degree of freedom (Hatch and Farhady, 1982)

The hypotheses are:

Ho : There is no significant difference of students’ reading comprehension ability in narrative text between before and after being taught through serial pictures H1 : There is a significant difference of students’ reading comprehension ability in

narrative text between before and after being taught through serial pictures

To determine whether the first hypothesis is accepted or rejected, the following criteria acceptance is used:



1. If t-ratio is higher than t-table: H1 is accepted 2. If t-ratio is lower than t-table: H0 is accepted 1. Standard Deviation

SD =

SD =

SD =

SD =

SD =

SD = 8.105

2. Standard Error Sd =

Sd =

Sd = 1.370

3. t-ratio

r = –

r =

r = -9.343

4. Degree of Freedom (t-table) Df = 35 – 1



This chapter is intended to elaborate the conclusion and suggestion, that are presented from the result and discussion on the findings of this study in the

previous chapter. The conclusion and suggestion of the study are hopefully able to contribute positively to the English teaching process and for the further research, particulary in using serial pictures in reading class.

5.1. Conclusions

1. There is a significant difference of the students’ narrative text reading comprehension ability between before and after being taught through serial pictures (Sig. < α, .00 < 0.05).

2. There is an increase of the students’ narrative text reading comprehension ability after being taught through serial pictures. The average score in pretest was 66.97 then increased in the post-test up to 79.77, with gain was 12.8. It can be said that the students’ posttest score was higher than students’ pretest score.



5.2. Suggestions

1. Based on the findings, it is recomended that English teachers use the serial pictures in teaching reading activities in order to increase students’narrative text reading comprehension ability.

2. The text and serial pictures should be used a new story for the students to make them more attractive to read the text and curious with the story, the example are The Red Hood, Rumpelstilskin, The Bremen Town Musicians.

3. The pictures should have rich meaning and they fulfilled the criteria as a good picture for learning process.

4. Further researchers can investigate the use of serial pictures as a media in listening skill, speaking skill, and writing skill.

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