




Berta Sihombing

Reading is considered as difficult language skill to achieve. Basically, reading involves some aspects of language such as diction, grammar, interpreting of the text. In other words, diction is having amount of vocabulary about text. Grammar is the way of the story constructed to know theme and plot, interpreting of the text understands on the text deeper.

The objectives of the research were to find out how can be text analysis technique be implemented to improve the student’s activities through extensive type exercises in terms of narrative texts, and to find out how can text analysis implemented to improve the research performance through extensive be of exercises in terms of narrative texts.

This research was conducted from the consideration that the problems of the students do not have good knowledge and teaching reading monotonous of the second year students of Junior High School Dirgantara Bandar Lampung. The subject of the research was the students of class VII of Junior High School Dirgantara on 2010/2011 school year.

This classroom action research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of planning, implementing, observing, interpreting, analyzing and reflecting. Indicate of the research success if 80% students were actively involved in the learning process, the teacher got score 80 or more from each aspect of text analysis technique through extensive type exercise ad also 80% students can gain score 60 or more in reading comprehension test.

Research result shows that during cycle 1, more than 40% of the students were active during the teaching learning process. Relating to the teach performance, total score of teach performance was 1043 and the average was 74. This performance is categorized good performance but the indication of students reading comprehension could not achieve the indicator. There were 16 students (46%) who got score 60 or more.


ii In cycle 2, the total number of students actively involved in teaching learning process improved in second cycle. There were 86% students participated in each activity during the teaching learning process. There were 28 students who did well. Next, 1129 score of teacher’s performance and 80, 64, his performance improved to be very good categorize. There were 16 students who got score 60 or more. There were 31 students (88%) who got score 60 or more.

Referring to the finding of research, it indicates that by using text analysis technique through extensive type exercise is applicable to improve the students’ activity, the teacher’s performance in teaching reading and also students’ reading comprehension achievement?



Praise perfectly to Tuhan Yang Maha Esa for gracious mercy and tremendous blessing that enables the researcher to accomplish this research project. Through this research project, I would like to say thanks all who get involved in

accomplishing my study. Therefore, I would like to give my deepest gratitude to them. They are:

1. Prof. Dr. Cucu Sutarsyah, M. A. and Drs. Ramlan Ginting Suka as my advisors. Thanks for your guiding for my script.

2. Drs. Sudirman, M. Pd. thanks for becoming my examiner. Your wise and valuable suggestion has given me new precious knowledge.

3. Bapak Muriyanto as Headmaster of Junior High School Dirgantara at Bandar Lampung.

4. Mrs. Kartina and Mrs. Asliaty and all my friends that cannot be mentioned thank for your support and love to me.

Bandar Lampung, March 2012





Berta Sihombing

Submitted in a Partial Fulfilment of The Requirement for S-1 Degree


The Language and Arts Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty






Berta Sihombing

Advisors: 1. Prof. Dr. Cucu Sutarsyah, M.A. 2. Drs. Ramlan Ginting





Berta is the middle child of ten children of lovely couple, Amir Sihombing and O. Mian Nababan. She was born in North Tapanuli on Desember 20th1966. She went to school at SDN 3 Sipultak in North Tapanuli 1979, then in 1982, She studied at SMPN 2 Sipultak in North Tapanuli, after graduating from Junior High School, she enrolled at Senior High School SMEA Dharma Bakti Siborong-borong in North Tapanuli an she was graduated in 1985, and in 1988 she continued study to PGSMTPN Bandar Lampung, then at 2009 she continued study SI English Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty.



“Don’tyou boast of tomorrow for you don’tknow what will you be



This paper is Dedicated to :

1. My Beloved husband , J. Marpaung and my beloved daughters and son 2. My Beloved parents.

3. My Beloved Brother and Sister 4. My Beloved lecturers at UNILA 5. My Beloved friends.



1. Examination committee

Chairperson : Prof. Dr. Cucu Sutarsyah, M. A. ………

Examiner : Drs. Sudirman, M. Pd. ………

Secretary : Drs. Ramlan Ginting Suka ………

2. The Dean of teacher Training and Education Faculty

Dr. H. Bujang Rahman, M. Si. NIP 19600315 198503 1 003



A. Multiple Choice: “Snow White”

1. A 2. E 3. B 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. B

B. True or False: “Cinderella”

1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. True 6. False 7. False 8. True 9. False 10. True



A.Multiple Choice: “Timun Mas”

1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. A

B.True or False: “Malin Kundang”

1. True 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. True 6. True 7. False 8. True 9. True 10. True




Table 1Students’ Reading Comprehension Score before the Action... 27

Table 2Students’ Observation Sheet in Cycle 1... 32

Table 3Students’ Reading Comprehension Score in Cycle 1... 40

Table 4Students’ ObservationSheet in Cycle 2... 51

Table 5Students’ Reading Comprehension Score in Cycle 2... 55

Table 6Students’ ObservationSheet in Cycle 1 and 2... 59

Table 7 Students’Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text Score at Cycle 1 and 2 ... 63



Appendix Page

Lesson Plan I ... 81

Lesson Plan II... 85

Students’ Activities in Cycle I... 104

Teacher’s Performance in Cycle I... 105

Students’ Activities in Cycle II... 106

Teacher’s Performance in Cycle II... 108

Table of Students’ Score... 109

Students’ Task Cycle I... 110

Students’ Task Cycle II... 115

Students’ Task Cycle I... 120

Students’ Task Cycle II... 125

The Answer Key Cycle I... 150


Research Title : Increasing Student’s Reading Comprehension Mastery Through Discovery Inquiry Method at Grade VII of SMP Dirgantara Kota Bandar Lampung

(Classroom Action Research) Student’s Name : Berta Sihombing

Student’s number : 0913067002

Department : Language and Arts Study Program : English Education

Faculty : Teacher Training and Education

APPROVED BY Advisory Committee

Advisor I Advisor II

Prof. Dr. Cucu Sutarsyah, M. A. Drs. Ramlan Ginting Suka NIP 19570406 1998603 1 002 NIP 19570721 198603 1 003

The Head of

Language and Art Education Department

Drs. Imam Rejana, M. Si. NIP 19480421 197803 1 004



TITLE... i






MOTTO... viii





I. INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Problem... 1

B. Research Question ... 4

C. Objective of the Research... 4

D. Uses of the Research ... 5

E. Scope of the Research ... 5

F. Definition of Term... 5

II. FRAME OF THE THEORIES A. Concept of Reading ... 7

B. Concept of Reading Comprehension... 8

C. Concept of Teaching Reading ... 10

D. Concept of Inquiry Learning ... 12

E. Procedure of Teaching Reading Using Discovery Inquiry ... 14

III. RESEARCH METHOD A. Setting of the Research ... 17

B. General Description of the Research ... 18

C. Research Procedure... 19

D. Indicator of the Research ... 22

E. Instruments of the Research ... 23

F. Data Analysis ... 24


B. Cycles... 27


2. Implementation ... 29

3. Result of the Observation and Interpretation ... 32

4. Analysis and Reflection ... 41

C. Cycles 2... 45

1. Planting ... 46

2. Implementation ... 46

3. Result of the Observation and Interpretation ... 50

4. Analysis and Reflection ... 57

D. Discussion and Finding... 64


B. Suggestion... 80 REFERENCES



A. Background of the Problem

English is one of language that must be learned by students in Indonesia. It can be found in Junior High School and Senior High School as the lesson. Now, English are learned in Elementary School to basic material for the young students. Language lesson consist of reading, listening, speaking, and writing. It can appear some reasons.

First reason, English is difficult to be understood especially in pronunciation; second, the teacher not pleasure” or teacher using a method not effective from time aspect and result learns. So the student is lazy to learn.

In school or university, students are expected to read information which is mostly written English, this is based on the fact that reading dominates the teaching materials in almost English text book. The guideline of School Based Curriculum (KTSP) states that SMP students should be able to use the language ininformational level, that is, expexted knowledge by the language skills (Depdiknas, 2006: 307).

Due to the goal of the curriculum above, students are expected to get information for increasing their knowledge which is mostly written English from reading



activity. Moreover, reading can provide the students with the message and information given in from of written text.

Clark and Silberstein (1987) define reading as an active process off interacting with printing and monitoring comprehension to establish the meaning. It means that reading in active process in which the readers are active in organizing their purpose and using their brain and also their schemata to comprehend the text in order to get the explicit and implicit information stated there. It can be stated the students, besides being good at reading are also ask to be good at comprehending. Reading is not only intended to know the letters stand for but also involved power of full understanding.

From the statement above, the researcher notices that comprehension of the text is the most important things. Comprehension will determine the essence of reading process and it is essential because by comprehension we can get the point of reading text.

In reality most students at junior high school level still have problems in

comprehending the English text. One of the problems is caused by the student’s

inability to recognize what the writer’s intends to say in the text, in other words the students are incapable to understand the writer’s messages through the use of

reference word. It was proved by the researcher when she had teaching practice SMP Dirgantara Bandar Lampung. However, the English teacher in this school

also admitted that the students’ ability to understand the writers’ messages



identification for the specific information in a text, they did not know the function and the use of reference word in the English text.

They were confused to identify the specific information which was hidden by the writer through the use reference word in the English text. For example, in the sentence “the buffalo is killed by the man. He killed it by himself”. Students were confused to know with whom the man killed the buffalo.

Relation to the problem has been mention previously, Simatupang in Rahman (1991:2) says that some researcher in Indonesia indicate that the ability of Indonesian students comprehending the text is insufficient. The problem is also causedby the students’ ability in recognizing what the writer intends to say in the text.

Furthermore, Grellet (1985: 15-16) says that if the reader does not understanding some words in the passage, some of the fact and idea will probably escape him. She also says that if the reader does not understand inter or intra sentential connectors she may also fail to recognize the communicative value of the passage since those words act as signal indicating the function of what follows. This means that a readers have to be aware of the relationship among the elements, then called cohesive devices (Halidayand Hasan, 1975: 28).

Gerllet (1985: 15) also says that students have to recognize the various devices which are used to create textual cohesion, e.g. the use of reference and link words.

Reference word can help students to comprehend how the part of sentence or paragraph can be integrated. Thus the more students recognize reference word in the written materials, the higher their reading comprehension will be.



Eli Herlina (1997) in her research stated that students got progress on their reading comprehension achievement after they were taught by reference word. In other words, teaching words of reference has good effect to student’s reading

comprehension achievement. In relation with this sumarno (1991: 21) found that

if students’ understanding of reference word low then their reading

comprehension also low.

From the explanation above, the researcher assumes that there are so many reasons why students get difficult to comprehend the English text, and reference word is one of alternative to overcome this problem. Reference words help the students to comprehend how the part of sentence or paragraph can be integrated, therefore teaching reference words is important in the teaching learning process, especially in reading comprehension.

Therefore the researcher has chosen SMP Dirgantara Bandar Lampung as the

school to conduct her research because the students’ reading comprehension

discovery inquiry still low, while reading dominates the teaching material in almost English text book.

B. Research Question

Based on the background mentioned above, the writer states the question of this research as follow:

Is there any increase of students’ reading achievement after being taught through discovery inquiry in class VII of SMP Dirgantara?



1. How can the implementation of reading comprehension mastery through

discovery inquiry increase students’ participation during the teaching learning


2. How can the implementations of reading comprehension mastery through

discovery inquiry increase the quality of teacher’s teaching performance?

C. Objective of the Research

1. To improve of reading comprehension mastery through discovery inquiry can improve reading in class VII of SMP Dirgantara

2. To increase of reading comprehension mastery through discovery inquiry

increase students’ participation during the teaching learning process

3. To increase of reading comprehension mastery through discovery inquiry increase the quality ofteacher’s teaching performance

D. Uses of the Research

The uses of this classroom action research are addressed to:

1. Students: (a) improve student’s motivation; (b) can improve student’s reading

comprehension; (c) increase result learns student in English subject 2. Teachers: (a) increase teacher know-how in hand method discovery inquiry (b)

can improve their team work (c) can increase interest to do a research

E. Scope of the Research

In general this research is intended to increase the students’ reading



conducted in the first class of VII SMP Dirgantara Kota Bandar Lampung Academic Year 2011-2012, with one class as subject of the research. The class is VII A which consists of 34 students. The reason why the researcher used this class because it is the best class but their ability of speaking is still low.

The focus of the research is teaching learning within the Discovery Inquiry technique. The researcher conducted research “on going” process by practice

reading about narrative in teaching reading. The research is limited only in particular themes of narrative text taken from the KTSP English curriculum of junior high school.

F. Definition of Term

1. Reading comprehension is ability which depends on the accuracy and speed of grapheme perception, that is, perception of written symbol, control of language and relationship and structure, knowledge of vocabulary items and lexical combination, awareness of redundancy, the ability to use contextual clues and recognition of cultural allusions.

2. Inquiry-based learning is defined as a way of acquiring knowledge through the process of inquiry. In this approach, the learners generate their own question or are posed with a question by the teacher, or by the computer. Regardless of the source of the question, this approach requires a more active role of the learners in answering the given questions or problems through discovery, investigation or experimentation.



A. Concept of Reading

Clark and Silberstien in Simanjuntak (1988) define reading as an active process of interacting with print and monitoring comprehension to establish meaning. It means that when reading a reader not only gets information from text but also manages to produce the point of the author from the text.

Along with those statements, Nuttal in Simanjuntak (1988) defines reading as the meaningful interpretation of printed or written verbal symbols. It means that reading is a result of the interaction between the perception of graphic symbols

that represent language and the readers’ language skills, cognitive skills, and the

knowledge of the world. In this process the reader tries to recreate meanings intended by the writer.

Furthermore, Silberstain in Simanjuntak (1988:15) defines reading as an active cognitive process of interacting with print and monitoring comprehension to establish meaning. Reading is the instantaneous recognition of various written symbols, simultaneous association of these symbols with existing knowledge, and comprehension of the information and ideas communicated. It means that when a reader interacts with print, his prior knowledge combined with and the visual



(written) information results in his comprehending the message. Therefore, reading is actually a conversation of sorts between a writer and a reader.

Mackay in Simanjuntak (1988:15) also defines reading as an active process. The readers form a preliminary expectation about the material, then select the fewest, most productive cues necessary to confirm or reject that expectation. This is a sampling process in which the reader takes advantage of his knowledge of

vocabulary, syntax, discourse and ‘real world’. Therefore, reading involves an interaction between thought and language.

In other side, Mitchell and Grabe in Gunawati (1993:9) stated that reading can be defined as the ability to make sense of written or printed symbols to guide the recovery of information from his or her memory and subsequently use this information to construct a plausible interpretation of the written message. These statements mean that reading is the ability of getting the information from printed material. In order to get and to comprehend the information, the readers’

background knowledge is needed.

From all the theories mentioned above, it can be concluded that reading is an active process of getting meaning or information from printed or written language shared by the writer.

B. Concept of Reading Comprehension

Hornby (1972) in his dictionary defines comprehension as the power of understand fully. This statement means that comprehension determines the essence of reading process, and by reading with comprehension a reader will



recognize the purpose and the important point of the text besides understanding the surface meaning of the text.

In addition to the statement above, comprehension in reading cannot be ignored. As Simanjuntak (1984:4) states that the first point to be made about reading process is reading comprehension; consequently, it can be regarded that comprehension comes first before any other process a reader is going to do.

Furthermore, Dallman (1982) emphasizes that reading with comprehension means constructing meaning from what is being perceived in writing. Referring to the statement, it means that the idea of an author from the text should be well understood by a reader. This involves the reader to activate his or her brain to absorb the idea.

In addition, Heilman, Blair, and Rupley (1981:242) said that reading comprehension is a process of making sense of written ideas through meaningful interpretation and interaction with language. Comprehension is the result of reading. Moreover, they categorize reading comprehension into three levels of comprehension:

1. Literal Comprehension

Literal comprehension is the process of understanding the ideas and information stated in the passage such as: knowing the meaning of the words, recall of details directly stated or paraphrased in own words, understanding grammatical clues, subject, verb, pronouns, conjunction, so forth. Recall of main idea explicitly stated and knowledge of sequence of information presented in passage.



2. Interpretative comprehension

Interpretative comprehension means understanding of ideas and information

not explicitly stated in the passage. For example: to understand the author’s

tone, purpose and attitude, infer factual information, main ideas, comparisons, cause-effects relationship and also summarize the story content.

3. Critical comprehension

Critical comprehension is analyzing, evaluating, and personally reacting to information presented in a passage. For example: personally reacting to information in a passage, indicating meaning to the reader, analyzing the quality of written symbol or information in the terms of standards.

In conclusion, it can be stated that reading comprehension is a process of

absorbing the author’s idea and combining it with schemata to construct or establish new concept in the reader’s mind.

C. Concept of Teaching Reading

Reading skills are often regarded as receptive skills and likened to listening skills. There are similarities, but one important difference is that the reader can take control of input more easily. Woods (2005:62) states that a listening input is often taped with pauses built in or controlled by teacher. When reading, however, a reader determines the speed of the activity by himself so that this becomes one of the positive things to stress to students in the teaching reading. When trying to gauge how difficult a particular text will be for students, teachers need to bear in mind not only the inherent difficulty of the text, but also the nature of the tasks



they plan to set and whether they require students to attempt such tasks before, during or after students have studied the text. Woods (2005:63) classifies the activities in reading class into three as follows:

1. Pre-reading tasks

This task can be in form of vocabulary games, word searches and matching synonyms. These activities can help students to approach a text in a more confident way. Other pre-reading activities that can help readers’relate to the full meaning of a text are ones which activate top-down skills, or schematic knowledge. All of them enable students to familiarize themselves with the content of a text. The activities can be systematic (such as vocabulary exercise) or schematic (such as thinking of the purpose of a text or predicting the content from its title).

2. While-reading tasks

These kinds of task, as Hedge in Woods (2005:63) states, have become more used since the adoption of the idea of reading as an interactive process. These encourage learners to be active as they read. Students can be given activities which require them to do any of the following: follow the order of the ideas in a text; raect to the opinion expressed; understand the information it contains; ask themselves questions; make notes; confirm expectations of prior knowledge or predict the next part of a text from various clues.

3. Post-reading tasks

These tasks follow up the work covered and seek to extend candidates. Such activities are directed writing activities, or role play and group discussion activities.



The activities above are a part of a structured program of learning probably chosen by teachers when teaching reading. All the above kinds of activity can be undertaken on an individual or group basis. Reading is frequently thought as being a solo and quiet activity, but group pre- and post reading activities can motivate the crucial while-reading activities, The tasks of the teachers in class is to go beyond course books and to introduce the students to a challenging element of the target language which can add a new dimension to their learning and which can give them some autonomy

D. Concept of Inquiry Learning

Inquiry has been defined in many different contexts, and it generally refers to the art and science of asking questions that are accessible, can be answered in part or in whole, and ones that lead to meaningful tests and explorations (Hebrank, 2004). The inquiry technique usually involves careful observation and measurement, hypothesizing and interpreting, and theorizing. It requires experimentation, reflection, and recognition of the strengths and weaknesses of its own methods.

In education, while much thought and research have been spent on the role of inquiry in science education, this approach can be applied to many disciplines, including social sciences, humanities, or even arts. Inquiry-based learning is defined as a way of acquiring knowledge through the process of inquiry. In this approach, the learners generate their own question or are posed with a question by the teacher, or by the computer. Regardless of the source of the question, this approach requires a more active role of the learners in answering the given questions or problems through discovery, investigation or experimentation.



The Inquiry based Learning is also a highly recommended approach in the Malaysian school system. This approach has been the focus of our national curricular, both at the primary and secondary school levels, and it is especially applicable in the Science Curriculum. For example, according to the Curriculum Development Centre (1993), the focuses of learning in our science education are towards inquiry approach, the development of scientific thinking and skills, research and problem solving, the application of principles of science, as well as the assimilation of scientific attitude and moral values. This statement clearly indicates the importance of our students to develop their own learning experience through inquiry and problem solving in acquiring the scientific processes. It is hoped that this exposure will assist them to better understand the world.

There are several types of inquiry-based learning approach, such as Structured Inquiry, Guided Inquiry, as well as Open Inquiry (Herron, 1971). In a Structured Inquiry (Level 1), the learner swill conducts an investigation and discovery based on the questions and procedures provided by the teacher. In the Guided Inquiry approach (Level 2), although the learners will investigate based on the questions posed by the teacher, they will determine the discovery procedures. In an Open Inquiry (Level 3), the learners will investigate and explore based on the questions and procedures that they have to construct. These three levels of inquiry as suggested by Herron (1971) rely on the degree of commitment from the learners; the more commitment they put in their learning process indicate a higher level of inquiry learning.



Some prominent researchers of the Guided Inquiry Learning Approach are Schulman and Tamir (1973), as well as Collins and Stevens (1983). Schulman and Tamir (1973) view guided inquiry as a learning process in which the teacher (or WBL) provides the basic elements during the learning process, while the learners make a generalization. The teacher acts as a facilitator who poses questions to stimulate the learners to continue their discovery process. Later, Collins and Stevens (1983) have proposed the Theory of Inquiry Teaching to assist the learners develop their own theories based on the procedures that they have learned.

E. Procedure of Teaching Reading Using Discovery Inquiry

The following are the steps of teaching reading using discovery inquiry: 1. Identify student need

2. Foreword selection towards concept that be studied 3. Ingredient selection or problem that be studied

4. Will determine character that be done each entrant will educate.

5. Identify entrant comprehension will educate towards problem that be delved and found.

6. Prepare to setting class. 7. Prepare facilities that need

8. Give to chance to entrant educates to do quest and invention 9. Analyze self on invention data.

10. Stimulate the happening of dialog interactive deliver entrant educates. 11. Give reinforcement to entrant educates for active in do invention.



12. As the facilitator entrant educates in formulate principles and generalizing on the finding result.

2.7 Advantages and disadvantages of Teaching Reading Using Discovery Inquiry

1. Advantages of Teaching Reading Using Discovery Inquiry

a. Help entrant educates to develop, immediacy, with know-how mastery in course of cognate.

b. Entrant educates to get erudition individually so that understandable in the idea.

c. Can arouse motivation and passion learns entrant educates to learn more active again.

d. Give opportunity to bloom and progress as according to ability and interest each.

e. Brace and belief increase in own self with process finds self, because study focuses in entrant educates with teacher character very limited

2. Disadvantages of Teaching Reading Using Discovery Inquiry

1. Student must have immediacy and way of thinking maturity. Student must dare dab wishful to detect vicinity condition well.

2. Class condition at we are the student total fat in reality, so this method will not achieve that result.

3. Teacher and student that very accustomed to PBM long style, so discovery method and inquiry this will disappoint.



4. There criticism, that process in discovery method and inquiry this is too consider important explanation process, less pay attention attitude development and know-how for student



A. Setting of the Research

In this research, the researcher would use a Classroom Action Research. This research was done at SMP Dirgantara Bandar Lampung. It is based on the problem faced by students and the teacher when they are in class. Based on the problems found, the researcher predicts the cause of the problems and then tries the solution for the problems.

The subject of this research is the first grade students in class VII A of SMP Dirgantara Bandar Lampung, first semester in academic year 2011/2012. Based

on the researcher’s experience in teaching that class for about three months, she

found that most of the students have low ability in reading comprehension. It can be seen from their low average score in reading test which cannot reach the minimum score that is 65. Besides, most of the students seem not actively involved in the learning activity in reading class.

Therefore, in this classroom action research, while the teacher of English at SMP Dirgantara Bandar Lampung acts as a teacher who would apply Discovery inquiry method in teaching reading comprehension. The researcher provides the lesson plan based on the procedures of the technique that is implemented and taught the students based on the lesson plan.



The focus of the research is teaching learning within the Discovery Inquiry technique. The researcher conducted the research “on going” process by

practicing reading about Narrative in teaching reading. The research is limited only in particular themes of narrative text taken from the KTSP English curriculum of junior high school.

The research was done in 2 cycles. It can be done in one cycle or more depends on whether the indicators have already been achieved or not. The first cycle was done based on the problem of the research, the second cycle was done based on the result of the analysis from the first cycle then the next cycle was done based on the result of the analysis from the second cycle and so on.

In the classroom activities, the teachers handed out lesson materials consisting of four reading texts and asked the students work in groups and identified the text then practiced it on text analysis. The material consists of narrative text. Therefore on this sheet, the score was based on the multiple choices.

B. General Description of the Research

Based on the problem identified by the researcher, she examines the cause of the problems and finds the solution. Researcher makes lesson plan based on the

lesson plan and observes students’ activities in teaching and learning process. While the teacher was taught them using discovery inquiry method. After that, the researcher and collaborator discuss the observation result during teaching and learning process and learning result (reading test).



This research would be done by researcher and English teacher. The researcher acts as observer who makes lesson plan, provides reading test, and observes the process in implementing discovery inquiry method. While the teacher acts as the teacher, who, teaches the students using discovery inquiry method, conducts reading test and gives input for better process in the following cycle. The result of reading test and the observation data would be discussed together to decide whether or not the next cycle needs to be done.

C. Research Procedure

In conducting the research, the researcher used the procedure of classroom action research designed by Arikunto. The research procedure in classroom Action research consists of planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting (2006:16). Therefore, the research is designed as follows:

1. Planning

Based on the students’ reading problem in the classroom, the researcher would prepare the lesson plan, select material based on handbook, and give reading text. The material is based on the 2006 English curriculum for SMP. One of text types should be mastered students is report text. Then, researcher also prepares observation sheets and also reading test for the students.

2. Implementing

The researcher implements the material by using Discovery inquiry method in teaching English reading. The teacher teaches the material about how to analyses reading narrative texts. In teaching, the teacher asks the students to read and



complete in formations in form of diagram based on the text. The researcher observes the situation in the class and makes some necessary notes

3. Observing

Observation would be done by the researcher and collaborator during the teaching

and learning process. The teacher and the researcher observe students’ activities

and then the result of the observation is filled in the observation sheet.

4. Reflecting

The researcher and collaborator would discuss about the strengths and the weaknesses of the implementation of discovery inquiry method. Therefore, the researcher and the collaborator can determine what should be improved for next

cycle. If the indicators of the research haven’t been fulfilled in the first cycle, the

researcher together with the teacher would plan the next step to make betterment in the next cycle. On the other hand, if the indicators are already achieved the researcher and the teacher do not need to hold the next cycle.



Next Here is the illustration of the cycles in Classroom Action Research:

(Arikunto, 2006:16) Analysis &



Observation SIKLUS 1

Revised of plan Analysis &



Implementation SIKLUS 2



D. Indicator of the Research

To success of this classroom action research, the researcher would determine the indicator dealing with the learning process and learning product:

1. Learning process

The observation of the process of teaching would be based on the lesson plan and the real process in the classroom. It covers pre-activity, while-activity, and post activity. The indicator would be considered successful if 80% of students actively involved in the learning process during the implementation of discovery inquiry method. It was also decided because according to Arikunto (1993:210), if more than 75 % of the students are actively involved in teaching and learning activities,

it can be categorized as good level. Students’ activities were being reported in observation sheet filled by collaborator.

2. Learning product

The target of the learning product was be determined by the teacher is 65 or more. It is done because 65 is the minimum standard score or KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal) stated by the school for English subject. So, if at least 80% of students’

scores can reach 65 or higher for the reading comprehension test, it means that teaching reading discovery inquiry method can improve students reading comprehension.



E. Instruments of the Research 1. Observation sheet

The observation sheet were be filled out by the researcher and the collaborator during the process of teaching and learning. The observation sheet aims to determine whether or not students are active in class and whether or not the next cycle is needed to be done.

Here the aspects of outline in students’ observation sheet:

No. Activities Sum Percentage

1. Pre-activities

• interested in the opening of the class

• responding to the teacher’s questions about the

topic enthusiastically

2. While-activities

• interested in teacher’s explanation about the topic

• read the text

• follow teacher’s instruction: transfer what they

have been read into diagram provided

3. Post-activities

• answering reading test individually

(Adapted from Haggard (1982) and Ruddel, M.R., & Shearer, B.A. (2002))

2. Reading Test

The tests are in form of multiple-choice items. The test was being administered at the end of every cycle in the learning process. The test consists of 20

questions which contains some type of specification.

No. Numbers Table of Specification

1. 1,2,7,9, Vocabulary

2. 4,5,6,8,10,11,13,14,16,19 Stated information in the text 3. 3,12, 15,17,18, 20 Unstated information in the text



F. Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, the researcher was classify the data into two categories, those are: the data of the learning process and the learning product. The data analysis was done during and after the data was collected from every cycle (1st, 2nd …). If the data the first cycle have been collected, the researcher and

collaborator analyze the data and do reflection based on them. From the analysis and reflection, the researcher knew the weakness and strengths from the first cycle. Besides, both researcher and collaborator knew what should be repaid for the next cycle.

Learning Process

The researcher uses observation sheets to get the data from the learning process.

The teacher will observe students’activities during teaching learning process. The results of the observation sheets will be analyzed after every cycle have been conducted.

In analyzing the data got from observation the students’ learning activities, the

researcher will count the number of students who are actively involved in teaching-learning activities. Then, the researcher will calculate the percentage of students’ activity. For calculating the percentage of the students’ activities, the

following formula is used


%S:percentage of students’ activities

S:number of students’ activities observed

N: number of students in the class %S= S x 100%



In addition, the researcher will make abstraction or description from the data that

have been analyzed.

1. Learning Product

To know the learning product, the researcher uses reading test. There are some steps that are used to analyze the data got from the test:

a. Giving the reading comprehension test to the students b. Giving the scores of the result of the test.

c. Calculating the number and the percentage of the students who get 65 or more.

To know the percentage of students who get ≥65,the following formula will be used:

Number of students who get 65 Total number of students

d. Making abstraction or description from the data have been analyzed. X 100%



This chapter includes conclusion and suggestion as it is related to discussion of findings:

A. Conclusion

Considering the results of data analysis, some conclusions accordingly formulated:

1. Reading text through discovery inquiry can be implemented; it can be seen from the numbers of the students who were active in reading of narrative text improved in their ability by implementing reading text through discovery inquiry Narrative Text. This can be seen from the results of researcher’s

observation sheets. During the cycle 1, more than 40% students were active during the teaching learning process. When doing cross check in the number of students who did extensive reading practice before class, there were 15 students did well. In the cycle 2, total number of students actively involved in teaching learning process improved in the second cycle. There were 86% students participated in each activity during the teaching learning process, even though helped through extensive reading practice before class. There were 28 students who did it. So the increase is 46%.



2. It was also found that the learning product of reading comprehension improved as well. It can be proved that in cycle 1, 16 (46%) students who gained 60 or more. While in cycle 2 there was an increase 31 (88%) who gained 60 or more. So the increase is 42%.

3. Reading text through discovery inquiry can be implemented; it can be seen

from the teacher’s performance in reading class improved when text analysis

technique through extensive type exercise was implemented. Relating to the

teacher’s performance, the total score the teacher performance in cycle 1 was

1043 and the average was 74, 5 his performance was categorized is Good

performance. Next, in cycle 2 for teacher’s performance was 1129 or 80,64,

his performance improved to be very good categorize The data from teacher’s

performance observation in at every cycle proved that the teacher could achieve better score.

B. Suggestions

In line with the conclusions above, the following suggestions were formulated: 1. English teacher of junior high school should consider the implementation of

Text analysis reading text through discovery inquiry exercise in teaching

reading of narrative text to improve students’ reading activities during the

teaching learning process through student’s knowledge about text. In improving students’ activity in teaching learning process, it is suggested for the teachers to help students’ knowledge. Because it is very useful for students



is better for the teacher to take extensive reading before doing the test. By for example using relatively challenge.

2. For the teachers in general and particularly SMP Dirgantara Bandar Lampung that want to improve the learning product, especially students’ reading

comprehension, by implementing text analysis technique, they should be able

to build the students’ knowledge through extensive reading is more serious

lesson. Besides, the teacher should be able to create the interesting materials

and able to give clear explanation, of course, in accordance to students’

capability around text. Since it the students to get what they needed to view the materials of lesson.

3. The teacher should motivate students to be active in the classroom by giving

them the activities that can develop students’ knowledge and promote their

reading activity, by using interesting media and giving explanation about the material properly.



Arikunto, Suharsimi. 1991. Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.

Arikunto, S. and Suhardjono, Supardi. 2006.Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.

Brown, J. D. 1993.Understanding Research in Second Language Learning. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Clark, Mark A, and Silberstein Sandra. 1987.Language Teaching Technique. New York: Prolingua Associates

Dallman, R. I. 1982.Teaching of Reading. New York: CBS College Publishing. Depdiknas, Dirjen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. 2005.Materi Pembelajaran

Terintegrasi Bahasa Inggris-Pembelajaran Text Narrative. Jakarta: Depdiknas.

________. 2006.Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan. Jakarta: Depdiknas. Englert, T. 1987. Summary Text. The Category. New York: CBS College


Eskey, D. 1970.A new Technique for the Teaching of Reading to Advanced Students. TESOL Quarterly.

Grellet, F. 1981.Developing Reading Skills a Practical Guide to Reading Comprehension Exercises. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Mitchell, R. and Grapes, J. 1993. Reading Ability. Rowley Massachusetts: New Bury House Publisher, Inc.

Nuttal, C. 1982.Teaching Reading Skills in Foreign Language. London: Heineman Education Book.

M. Rivers, W. S. and Temperly, M. 1978.Developing Reading Skills. Rowley Massachusetts: New Bury House Publisher, Inc.


Steven, C. 1983.Communication Approach for Language Teaching.New York. Universitas Lampung, 2011.Pedoman Penulisan Karya Ilmiah. Bandar Lampung:



In addition, the researcher will make abstraction or description from the data that

have been analyzed.

1. Learning Product

To know the learning product, the researcher uses reading test. There are some steps that are used to analyze the data got from the test:

a. Giving the reading comprehension test to the students b. Giving the scores of the result of the test.

c. Calculating the number and the percentage of the students who get 65 or more.

To know the percentage of students who get ≥65,the following formula will be used:

Number of students who get 65 Total number of students

d. Making abstraction or description from the data have been analyzed. X 100%



This chapter includes conclusion and suggestion as it is related to discussion of findings:

A. Conclusion

Considering the results of data analysis, some conclusions accordingly formulated:

1. Reading text through discovery inquiry can be implemented; it can be seen from the numbers of the students who were active in reading of narrative text improved in their ability by implementing reading text through discovery inquiry Narrative Text. This can be seen from the results of researcher’s observation sheets. During the cycle 1, more than 40% students were active during the teaching learning process. When doing cross check in the number of students who did extensive reading practice before class, there were 15 students did well. In the cycle 2, total number of students actively involved in teaching learning process improved in the second cycle. There were 86% students participated in each activity during the teaching learning process, even though helped through extensive reading practice before class. There were 28 students who did it. So the increase is 46%.



2. It was also found that the learning product of reading comprehension improved as well. It can be proved that in cycle 1, 16 (46%) students who gained 60 or more. While in cycle 2 there was an increase 31 (88%) who gained 60 or more. So the increase is 42%.

3. Reading text through discovery inquiry can be implemented; it can be seen from the teacher’s performance in reading class improved when text analysis technique through extensive type exercise was implemented. Relating to the teacher’s performance, the total score the teacher performance in cycle 1 was 1043 and the average was 74, 5 his performance was categorized is Good performance. Next, in cycle 2 for teacher’s performance was 1129 or 80,64, his performance improved to be very good categorize The data from teacher’s performance observation in at every cycle proved that the teacher could achieve better score.

B. Suggestions

In line with the conclusions above, the following suggestions were formulated: 1. English teacher of junior high school should consider the implementation of

Text analysis reading text through discovery inquiry exercise in teaching reading of narrative text to improve students’ reading activities during the teaching learning process through student’s knowledge about text. In improving students’ activity in teaching learning process, it is suggested for the teachers to help students’ knowledge. Because it is very useful for students to around topic. Automatically, students can follow reading activity easily, it



is better for the teacher to take extensive reading before doing the test. By for example using relatively challenge.

2. For the teachers in general and particularly SMP Dirgantara Bandar Lampung that want to improve the learning product, especially students’ reading comprehension, by implementing text analysis technique, they should be able to build the students’ knowledge through extensive reading is more serious lesson. Besides, the teacher should be able to create the interesting materials and able to give clear explanation, of course, in accordance to students’ capability around text. Since it the students to get what they needed to view the materials of lesson.

3. The teacher should motivate students to be active in the classroom by giving them the activities that can develop students’ knowledge and promote their reading activity, by using interesting media and giving explanation about the material properly.



Arikunto, Suharsimi. 1991. Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.

Arikunto, S. and Suhardjono, Supardi. 2006.Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.

Brown, J. D. 1993.Understanding Research in Second Language Learning. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Clark, Mark A, and Silberstein Sandra. 1987.Language Teaching Technique. New York: Prolingua Associates

Dallman, R. I. 1982.Teaching of Reading. New York: CBS College Publishing. Depdiknas, Dirjen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. 2005.Materi Pembelajaran

Terintegrasi Bahasa Inggris-Pembelajaran Text Narrative. Jakarta: Depdiknas.

________. 2006.Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan. Jakarta: Depdiknas. Englert, T. 1987. Summary Text. The Category. New York: CBS College


Eskey, D. 1970.A new Technique for the Teaching of Reading to Advanced Students. TESOL Quarterly.

Grellet, F. 1981.Developing Reading Skills a Practical Guide to Reading Comprehension Exercises. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Mitchell, R. and Grapes, J. 1993. Reading Ability. Rowley Massachusetts: New Bury House Publisher, Inc.

Nuttal, C. 1982.Teaching Reading Skills in Foreign Language. London: Heineman Education Book.

M. Rivers, W. S. and Temperly, M. 1978.Developing Reading Skills. Rowley Massachusetts: New Bury House Publisher, Inc.


Steven, C. 1983.Communication Approach for Language Teaching.New York. Universitas Lampung, 2011.Pedoman Penulisan Karya Ilmiah. Bandar Lampung:

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