Research Design The Data and The Data Source

Chapter III Method of the Study

3.1 Research Design

For this research, researcher applied content analysis method. Krippendorf 2004:18 says that content analysis is a research technique for making replicable and valid inferences from text or other meaningful matter to the context of their use. The reference to text above definition is not intended to restrict content analysis to written material. The phrase “or other meaningful matter” is included in parantheses to indicate that in content analysis works of an images, maps, sounds, signs, symbols, and even numerical records may be included as data they may be considered as texts-provided they speak to someone about phenomena outside of what can be sensed or observed. That means advertisement is one of the phenomenon. The researcher then described the speech functions in male and female language in cosmetic advertisement as documentation. The research is based on document. Bogdan and Biklen 1992:304 states official documents data include memos, minutes from meeting, newsletters, policy documents, books, proposals, codes of ethics, student’s record, statement of policy, new releases and the like. Based on the statement, advertisements are available to be researched. In addition, Bogdan Biklen 1982: 306 also state that a research is descriptive with the natural settings as the direct source of data and the researcher is the key instrument. Sp, the data collection is very much dependent on the researcher. If the data has been recur 59, researcher can decide to stop. The data are collected in the form of words to give more understanding researcher does not reduce the page upon page of narration. The researcher analyzed the data with all of the richness as closely as possible to the form.

3.2 The Data and The Data Source

Universitas Sumatera Utara The source of the study are the texts in advertisement derived from cosmetic advertisement aired in television and from They all male and female cosmetic products. The source of the data observed and recorded, then transcribed into written data. Gay 1976:103 states that a good sample is one that is representatives of the population from which it is selected. Owing the large number of the advertisements and for the efficiency and practically of this study, male and female cosmetic products are advertised on.

3.3 Technique of Data Collection